Fusion Island Ranking IMO: 35. Pomcorn 🟥: It doesn't play for long and it sounds bad. 34. Drawmp 🟥: Same as above but slightly better. 33. Yelser 🟥: I love both yelmut and sneyser, but this fusion is awful. It is completely inaudible and the sound is just ok. 32. Dootstall 🟧: Absolute fire sound. If only it were remotely audible. 31. Mimiskus 🟧: As FutureProGamer said, it just sounds like vocal warm-ups. 30. Nubb 🟧: I actually really like this monster. I especially like its video game jump sound effect. It’s just a bit too quiet and doesn't play enough. 29. Cling 🟩: Two of the best transition monsters fused into one. Serves one purpose and one purpose only, and executes it well. 28. Towl 🟩: As FPG said, fire vocals, but doesn't play enough. 27. Entillo 🟩: Not a bad percussionist, but how is this entbrat? 26. Teenskidore 🟩: It’s a decent monster, but extremely underwhelming for TUSKSKI AND DRUMMIDARY. 25. Fwummel 🟦: Straight fire. Sure it is audible, but only barely. 24. Lumaarbb 🟦: This sounds like something straight out if a horror movie and i love it. 23. Qwarrkbop 🟦: It adds a lot to its verse. It kinda sounds like the song Wavetapper. 22. Flumimi 🟦: No real opinion. It has a nice sound. 21. Wynquott 🟦: It sounds so goofy and good at the same time and it gives the island a monstrous feel. 20. TongTing 🟦: Great design, great sound, very creative. 19. Bowsaur 🟦: People say it’s inaudible, just listen with headphones and you can hear it better. Bowsaur is the backbone of the song without a doubt. 18. Bisangler 🟦: Very good sounding monster, probably one of the most beloved fusions by the community. If it played for longer than one verse, it would be in yellow or purple tier. 17. Thumple 🟨: Fantastic monster. This is thumpies’ true potential. It plays for a lot of the song and sounds good. 16. Gnarlarvera 🟨: Idk why this monster gets so much hate. it sounds great and you can hear it, but it suffers from the same fate as bisangler, as it only plays in two verses. I think its sound makes up for its lack of playtime. 15. Ghazque 🟨: Two of my favorite ethereals fused into one. The blend of these two monsters creates a sound that actually sounds like a fusion. Not to mention you can actually hear it. 14. Wangobeak 🟨: Carries the beginning and makes a unique sound. It kind of sounds like bridg-it, and i really like bridg-it. 13/12. Ragparr/Worbwahkk 🟨: These two are interchangeable. I love how ragparr gives the positives of the fusion life while worbwahkk gives the negatives (probably because ragparr’s design is way better than worbwahkk’s) 11. Scumble 🟨: It has such a playful vibe that fits the song perfectly. It also duets nicely with flowdall. 10. T-Stox 🟨: Choosing the top 10 was extremely difficult. T-Stox just so happened to be the worst of these 10, but not by much. It still sounds amazing and lives up to the hype. 9. Flowdall 🟨: The most creative fusion without a doubt. It also goes with the horror movie theme. It sounds fantastic with its duet with scumble and its verse at the end. The cranking sound is also a nice touch. 8. Krilldoo 🟨: Accordion always sounds good in an msm or fan made msm island, and krilldoo does not disappoint. 7. Bowga 🟨: Anything with bowgart is bound to sound good, and this absolutely does. 6. Oaktopot 🟨: Sounds heavenly. Most islands have that one heavenly choir monster and here it is. 5. Pariffa 🟪: Honestly, this is straight fire. The electric guitar alone would have put it in the top 10 already, but the ears also making sound puts pariffa rightfully in the top 5. 4. Roogul 🟪: Floogull and Rootitoot are already amazing on their own, but this is a true masterpiece. It does way more for the song than i thought it would and hard carries quite a bit of it. 3. Zeege 🟪: First of all, zeege kinda looks like crabominable from pokémon. Second of all, it sounds perfect with it being a hi-hat, snare drum, and synth bass at the same time. Two of the best percussion fused into one does not disappoint. 2. Spibble 🟪🟪: It pains me to not put the quibble fusion at 1, but there is a better monster. This organ monster is the best fusion instrumentalist by a long shot. It plays for almost the whole song and sounds amazing. 1. Shabeeb 🟪🟪: The best percussion monster. Better than anything official or fanmade. It has kick, snare, crash, ride, and WHISTLE?! Without the whistle, shabeeb would have still been top 5, but the extremely catchy whistle pushes it over the edge and crowns it #1. The whistle amen break is genuinely the greatest thing ever. Overall ranking: 10/10
The Kayna part of the Kayna and Bowgart Fusion was made to not be as prominent out of spite towards Matthew The Bowgart liking both those monsters I believe
WAIT- fusion island looks sick- what the frick I really like the concept of fusing 2 or more monsters together to make an entire island out of it??? Dude that is cool
It was just a retake of an island by a guy named Strymes- and now they’re running with this fusion concept until they run out of monsters to fuse or something I guess
Bro cooked so hard even the fire itself couldn't beat him BTW I think the Kayna is simply the body in that one bowgart and kayna fusion And Oaktupos is the The Body aswell in the Potbelly And Oaktupos Fusion
"shabeeb is catchy" "bowga doesn't have any kayna in it" "oaktopot doesn't have an oaktopus in it" BRUH I DON'T SEE EITHER REEDLING OR SHELLBEAT IN SHABEEB TF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT 😭😭😭
YOOOOO! He placed Drawmp on the blue tier! This is the moment where we have to "BRRRRRR EEHEEHEEHEEHEE" in celebration! Also, I would reccomend Ethereal Fuse Muse, but I'm pretty sure it's guaranteed to be in the next FF. So let's reccomend Fyooshun Island, as it was what inspired Fusion Island. Another one I'd reccomend is Unfavored Underside, it's pretty good.
do you only review islands with individuals? because idk how to take them apart in bandlab. I really hope when i finally get mine out you can react to the full song! i’m only new to making music. thanks!
@@FutureProGamer90 in the older wave ther was an animation of me saying, hey, if you thought this could be better! Comment a monster you want but no vocals because my voice is garbage
Man why do people disrespect cling so much, he adds way more then some monsters 😭 For my suggestion, maybe Bugsnax Island by Sox’O’Phone? It’s pretty charming imo
Thank you so much for ranking my island! I will try to do better islands in the future (p.s. I used AI for vocalists to make them sound more like monster handlers version. My mother voiced kayna because ai doesn’t have Kaynas voice)
the dandidoo fusion (idk the name) is just an accordion & flute mixed together & we have both of them in MSM & FanMade songs, so wdym "never heard it before"?
OK, so one of my fan made islands is almost finished with four more characters and the full song I’ll tell you when I finish please rate my island when I do!
now rank ethereal-fuse muse also btw. Each fusion weirdo has different likings on fusions. The boy weirdos do not like being fused. While the girl ones like being fused.
1:12 I'm sorry, but I can't help myself but to love this silly little guy. That little grin always gets me, plus his sound is kinda fire IMO
Soooo agreed! It should be higher.
Yes they absolutely should, they're literally my favorite fanmade monster
Its always fanmade saturday or Sunday for me, its just the time zone.
@@AustralianballMSM its the same for me too
Fusion Island Ranking IMO:
35. Pomcorn 🟥: It doesn't play for long and it sounds bad.
34. Drawmp 🟥: Same as above but slightly better.
33. Yelser 🟥: I love both yelmut and sneyser, but this fusion is awful. It is completely inaudible and the sound is just ok.
32. Dootstall 🟧: Absolute fire sound. If only it were remotely audible.
31. Mimiskus 🟧: As FutureProGamer said, it just sounds like vocal warm-ups.
30. Nubb 🟧: I actually really like this monster. I especially like its video game jump sound effect. It’s just a bit too quiet and doesn't play enough.
29. Cling 🟩: Two of the best transition monsters fused into one. Serves one purpose and one purpose only, and executes it well.
28. Towl 🟩: As FPG said, fire vocals, but doesn't play enough.
27. Entillo 🟩: Not a bad percussionist, but how is this entbrat?
26. Teenskidore 🟩: It’s a decent monster, but extremely underwhelming for TUSKSKI AND DRUMMIDARY.
25. Fwummel 🟦: Straight fire. Sure it is audible, but only barely.
24. Lumaarbb 🟦: This sounds like something straight out if a horror movie and i love it.
23. Qwarrkbop 🟦: It adds a lot to its verse. It kinda sounds like the song Wavetapper.
22. Flumimi 🟦: No real opinion. It has a nice sound.
21. Wynquott 🟦: It sounds so goofy and good at the same time and it gives the island a monstrous feel.
20. TongTing 🟦: Great design, great sound, very creative.
19. Bowsaur 🟦: People say it’s inaudible, just listen with headphones and you can hear it better. Bowsaur is the backbone of the song without a doubt.
18. Bisangler 🟦: Very good sounding monster, probably one of the most beloved fusions by the community. If it played for longer than one verse, it would be in yellow or purple tier.
17. Thumple 🟨: Fantastic monster. This is thumpies’ true potential. It plays for a lot of the song and sounds good.
16. Gnarlarvera 🟨: Idk why this monster gets so much hate. it sounds great and you can hear it, but it suffers from the same fate as bisangler, as it only plays in two verses. I think its sound makes up for its lack of playtime.
15. Ghazque 🟨: Two of my favorite ethereals fused into one. The blend of these two monsters creates a sound that actually sounds like a fusion. Not to mention you can actually hear it.
14. Wangobeak 🟨: Carries the beginning and makes a unique sound. It kind of sounds like bridg-it, and i really like bridg-it.
13/12. Ragparr/Worbwahkk 🟨: These two are interchangeable. I love how ragparr gives the positives of the fusion life while worbwahkk gives the negatives (probably because ragparr’s design is way better than worbwahkk’s)
11. Scumble 🟨: It has such a playful vibe that fits the song perfectly. It also duets nicely with flowdall.
10. T-Stox 🟨: Choosing the top 10 was extremely difficult. T-Stox just so happened to be the worst of these 10, but not by much. It still sounds amazing and lives up to the hype.
9. Flowdall 🟨: The most creative fusion without a doubt. It also goes with the horror movie theme. It sounds fantastic with its duet with scumble and its verse at the end. The cranking sound is also a nice touch.
8. Krilldoo 🟨: Accordion always sounds good in an msm or fan made msm island, and krilldoo does not disappoint.
7. Bowga 🟨: Anything with bowgart is bound to sound good, and this absolutely does.
6. Oaktopot 🟨: Sounds heavenly. Most islands have that one heavenly choir monster and here it is.
5. Pariffa 🟪: Honestly, this is straight fire. The electric guitar alone would have put it in the top 10 already, but the ears also making sound puts pariffa rightfully in the top 5.
4. Roogul 🟪: Floogull and Rootitoot are already amazing on their own, but this is a true masterpiece. It does way more for the song than i thought it would and hard carries quite a bit of it.
3. Zeege 🟪: First of all, zeege kinda looks like crabominable from pokémon. Second of all, it sounds perfect with it being a hi-hat, snare drum, and synth bass at the same time. Two of the best percussion fused into one does not disappoint.
2. Spibble 🟪🟪: It pains me to not put the quibble fusion at 1, but there is a better monster. This organ monster is the best fusion instrumentalist by a long shot. It plays for almost the whole song and sounds amazing.
1. Shabeeb 🟪🟪: The best percussion monster. Better than anything official or fanmade. It has kick, snare, crash, ride, and WHISTLE?! Without the whistle, shabeeb would have still been top 5, but the extremely catchy whistle pushes it over the edge and crowns it #1. The whistle amen break is genuinely the greatest thing ever.
Overall ranking: 10/10
B-b-but pomcorn is into variants
i just really don't like its sound
I'd recommend my island Morsella Munro for a Fanmade Friday 😉
Fushion island
15-16-ragparr, worbwahkk
Mine is
Purple.everyone else
Can you tell I like fusion island?
Drawmp on 34 and flowdall on 31? wat
But this is your your opinion
@@JustARobert-e4f yeah I'm not one of those people who put goofy monsters that high
15:09 I’m already in love this monster!
not to pull an "erm, ackshually 🤓" but during ghazques first verse, you can vaguely hear this guy, so he does play more than once.
Can't wait to Bing watch Fanmade weekly friday
The Kayna part of the Kayna and Bowgart Fusion was made to not be as prominent out of spite towards Matthew The Bowgart liking both those monsters I believe
Isnt he just dissappeared from the community tho?
WAIT- fusion island looks sick- what the frick
I really like the concept of fusing 2 or more monsters together to make an entire island out of it??? Dude that is cool
And theres also an Ethereal equivalent already released AND a magical one is in the making at the moment
Abominathereals and Mergicals
Doctor Seuss type first sentence
It was just a retake of an island by a guy named Strymes- and now they’re running with this fusion concept until they run out of monsters to fuse or something I guess
DUDE! I remember when you had like 10,000 subs! It’s really crazy how far you’ve got! Congrats on 72k and I hope you reach 100k soon!
Thanks, man!
Could you do June island my Moopy MSM pls, I’ve been asking for a while now.
Bro cooked so hard even the fire itself couldn't beat him
BTW I think the Kayna is simply the body in that one bowgart and kayna fusion
And Oaktupos is the The Body aswell in the Potbelly And Oaktupos Fusion
Fusion island taking up 3/4 of the video lol. Love to see more fanmade Friday!
I'd recommend you to land down a beat for me
oh boy! cant wait for band island. I've been recommending it for a while
Please do very scary island (I made it!)
Restaurant Ruckus. The monsters might sound odd, but trust me they are AMAZING
"shabeeb is catchy"
"bowga doesn't have any kayna in it"
"oaktopot doesn't have an oaktopus in it"
I see Torrt in it lol
I see both
If you still want him to see captain cowboys whimsical gardens say “YEE HAWW🤠🤠!”
A fan made Friday on an actual Friday???
Yes. It’s a rare moment in history
@@FutureProGamer90This deserves a celebration
Pd: Also is that mah boy Woopwoopwyat?
@@iszybrawl2466 That’s me
Also the Seasonal name is ReaFride(Real Friday).
You need to do restless storm if you haven’t
Finally Fusion island
you want a good one?
try Dustpan Sands (exclaim)
YOOOOO! He placed Drawmp on the blue tier! This is the moment where we have to "BRRRRRR EEHEEHEEHEEHEE" in celebration!
Also, I would reccomend Ethereal Fuse Muse, but I'm pretty sure it's guaranteed to be in the next FF. So let's reccomend Fyooshun Island, as it was what inspired Fusion Island.
Another one I'd reccomend is Unfavored Underside, it's pretty good.
18:01 as a Clamble fan, this hurts 😔
I recommend ethereal spray paint by pinterrobang
i feel happiness
Mmc sad :(
Please, i'm begging you do ethereal heaven next
For your next Fanmade Weekend (yes, that’s what I call it), can you do either Shape, Color, Action, or Sketch Island by Andrew’s World?
Sand island
2-big arm string monster
Cummuity island
Erm buddy I think you spelled Community wrong. In a……… weird way………
@@emeraldgamersoff ikr 💀
do you only review islands with individuals? because idk how to take them apart in bandlab. I really hope when i finally get mine out you can react to the full song! i’m only new to making music. thanks!
I can’t rank full songs, especially if it has a lot of monsters
If Mimic Would Make Percussion I Think It Will Stomp It's Feet
Also In The Next Fanmade Friday Do Steel Island Or Sun Island By Grymm80
That is what it is ment to be
in case you havent done it for the next friday rank ethereal lunchtime
THANKS FOR MY ISLAND! Even with the low ranking. and about Mimic, since there is ment to be no vocals, the person said make him stomp
I didn’t even realize there were no vocals until now
@@FutureProGamer90 in the older wave ther was an animation of me saying, hey, if you thought this could be better! Comment a monster you want but no vocals because my voice is garbage
Could you do my fanmade island called scketch island??
4:27 im inlove with this tiawa pongping fusion what??
6:06 okay a ghazt flasque fusion is just perfect-
6:44 why is fwog and pummel fused a retro game theme???
7:42 no wonder this is your fav it goes hard I need to watch this island
9:48 bro??!?! My quint bois go hard
maybe magical mountain by, well, me? its one of my older islands so be as brutally honest as you want.
Good news, my fanmade island (paper island) is out now!
18:17 Garageband is only available for ios, not everyone has an apple device.
yeah, he should probably think before saying stuff
I dont have ios, I am weird with an android
You should totally rank raw zebras version or voiceover (idk what to call it) of ethereal workshop.
W video, can you rank my island, shadow grave?
7:55 OOoooOoooOoOoOOooOheHeHEheHeHE
Absolutely fire lyrics
I still recommend unfavored underside by Onyx094
2:17 helmet and the position of his body
5:11 thats because it is a Japanese instrument the shakuhachi
Also could you please do yingatropolis by spacie please or pomily island by acat 77
15:10 I think the instrument is an accordion just like bellowfish
I forgot yesterday was a friday my gosh- this video came out of nowhere for me-
8:44 Bro was staring at my soul
Week 2 of asking for Kiikabug's Ethereal Quad Islands :p
Also maybe some of the Foodies Islands would be nice
Now that you’ve done fusion island could you rank raddram’s second project ethereal fuse muse
It's think of me Thursday
Man why do people disrespect cling so much, he adds way more then some monsters 😭
For my suggestion, maybe Bugsnax Island by Sox’O’Phone? It’s pretty charming imo
Yo FPG, for next Fanmade Friday, think you can do Unfavored Underside by Onyx094
Suggestion for a future Friday, what about Natural Dreamscape? It’s one of my favorites. It’s by NunuSevMSM
Friday #2 of asking for Tub Island
I enjoyed this series Very much
Please rank macabre Island Ive been waiting for you tô rank it
Thank you so much for ranking my island! I will try to do better islands in the future (p.s. I used AI for vocalists to make them sound more like monster handlers version. My mother voiced kayna because ai doesn’t have Kaynas voice)
the dandidoo fusion (idk the name) is just an accordion & flute mixed together & we have both of them in MSM & FanMade songs, so wdym "never heard it before"?
I’ve never heard them together like that
@@FutureProGamer90 welp, its fine, also, im so sorry if i come as rude, i just naturaly am like that, so sorry :
Yahaha! Shabeeb supremacy!!!
really glad you ranked fusion island but raddrams they/them
If it looks like a Him, rads callings it a him. If it looks like a Her, rads calling it a her. It doesn’t matter
@ with monsters yeah but radds a. Real person???? It actually matters then?????
How about….Coc island? From Captain Cowboy;)
Day 3
Could you rank Faerie Forest next?
13:37 Amazing placement for an amazing monster! (You could tell I am a big reedling fan lol)
Can you rank my fanmade island feverdream island please?
great ranking!! u should totally do ethereal fuse muse, it’s by the same guy as fusion island and honestly i like it better
could you do my island Cursed Forest (the remastered one that is)
there is a individuals coming, its just gonna take an hour to publish because its like 10 minutes long
Request: ethereal fuse muse
Still waiting for Pentumbra's Mansion Ranking
Fanmade friday: Pentumbra mansion
all of them will be in the best possible tier
4:06 I love it, I can’t explain it but I do
6:12 same with this
7:32 and this (I’m just listing them all 💀)
10:18 ofc this too
14:38 honestly this one isn’t that great
16:05 agreed
what is your opinion on the soundtrack from the the movie IF?
@@Gabegeukzum I like it
OK, so one of my fan made islands is almost finished with four more characters and the full song I’ll tell you when I finish please rate my island when I do!
Could you rank Unfavored Underside?
Have you checked any of plushyplushmsm's islands? Their most popular is macabre island, I'd suggest ranking it if you want
Hi can you rank my poison fromtier?
I think you should rank Ethereal Void
Alrighty-o now with fusion island done, I am now requesting you do shining island by grymm80
I can’t make a fanmade island but I can make a MSM 8 bit game!
Edit:I can make a fanmade island, but I need someone to animate it
Lost isles! It's soooo good! Preety pleeease.... with a cherry on top?
@@theaxisreal it doesn’t exist, I just search it up
@@FutureProGamer90 it's by the monster explorers
The 2nd island and the 3rd island is scary btw
This is the scariest fanmade Friday ever
Seeing Fusion Island in an FF video fills you with determination
Will you ever do magical maddness sorry if I’m spamming now
I already did
Sorry I meant magical ruins
We got fusion island now we need ethereal fuse muse
Will you do humbug island🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
now rank ethereal-fuse muse also btw. Each fusion weirdo has different likings on fusions. The boy weirdos do not like being fused. While the girl ones like being fused.
Can you rank Eversweet by Sublime?
Primeval Rainforest/Aether Island.
Cavernous cove by professor toot
No way the second island got the same rating as gold island 💀
Gold island isn’t that good imo
@@FutureProGamer90 what’s not to love about Bom Bom wow ba dom dom wowow bom bom ba dom Bom Bom
Wait my island got the same as gold, gold is mid but not as bad as mine
@@emeraldgamersoff gold is great why is everyone calling it mid
@@jurassicguineapig6697 I mean, I like it, but its more of a green tier for me
Do the universe island from mantisgirl next please
Can you rank random island
(It's on my channel)
Fanmade Friday: Macabre Island or Mirror macabre island
Can you please do amalgamate chamber or Wyatt’s lab
1-fushion island
2-sand island
3-cummuity island
welp dang it, lol at the same time
Second time asking but can you PLS PLS PLEASY PLEASE rank cog island.
(Sorry if im begging too much.its just soooooo good)
May… Island… Pleade… (It’s interesting)
Okay fine.