  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2,8 тыс.

  • @zineb8494
    @zineb8494 5 лет назад +4655

    *watch Heath third wheeling for 14min straight*

    @M0NSTERG1RL 6 лет назад +5559

    HOLD UP. This trio is golden. GOLDEN!

  • @BrittneyStAubin
    @BrittneyStAubin 6 лет назад +702

    Liza and Mariah together.... I would’ve never imagined them being such a good comedic pairing.

    • Год назад +2

      I thought the same thing but I notice Mariah just repeats stuff alot of the time 😂

  • @camillesmith1109
    @camillesmith1109 5 лет назад +668

    Liza: “Give me a knife”
    Mariah: gives Liza a taco shell

  • @abbieamavi
    @abbieamavi 5 лет назад +861

    *I love Mariah so much, "as you can see, it's very pigmented"* 😂

  • @ellie2071
    @ellie2071 6 лет назад +2293

    Ok why is Mariah and Liza my new favorite friendship

  • @taytaos
    @taytaos 6 лет назад +1757

    Liza is Mrs. STEAL YOUR GIRL

  • @maleahjade815
    @maleahjade815 6 лет назад +1099

    I love how much they’re actually friends. Like not even for David’s vlogs. They’re a perfect friend group I want to be part of lmao

  • @fervillalobos9849
    @fervillalobos9849 6 лет назад +334

    I love Liza’s smile when Heath and Mariah are being silly 😍😭😍😍

  • @andrenesmith9121
    @andrenesmith9121 4 года назад +490

    Who’s here in 2020 when Liza is sponsored by beyond meat

    • @lisatodd2023
      @lisatodd2023 3 года назад +9

      It’s 2021 now lol

    • @simplewombat7442
      @simplewombat7442 3 года назад

      @@lisatodd2023 it wasn’t when they made the comment

    • @lisatodd2023
      @lisatodd2023 3 года назад +1

      @@simplewombat7442 I know, I was just saying I’m here in 2021

  • @angeldelgado7201
    @angeldelgado7201 6 лет назад +5314

    Dude! Liza and Mariah are the same people! I’ve never laughed harder in my life! 😂

    • @serenity808x
      @serenity808x 6 лет назад +23

      Angel Delgado 🙅‍♀️. Liza and Kwisten

    • @kaitlyncipko2864
      @kaitlyncipko2864 6 лет назад +36

      Agreed, Liza and Mariah together are golden

    • @butterflybitch6822
      @butterflybitch6822 6 лет назад +1

      Angel Delgado lmaooo

    • @MT-de6zs
      @MT-de6zs 6 лет назад +3

      No they're 2 different people. Liza is David's ex girlfriend and Mariah is heath's gf. Watch the video dude they're 2 diff people

    • @angeldelgado7201
      @angeldelgado7201 6 лет назад +3

      Muhammad T that’s not what I meant I meant that they are both comically funny and have the same personality

  • @lilypowder1
    @lilypowder1 6 лет назад +416

    When Mariah swatched the taco seasoning on Liza's arm and them the picture of the pig & the mint came up on the screen, I about DIED lmao

  • @dropitlikegomez1384
    @dropitlikegomez1384 6 лет назад +319

    Heath: "Y'all are gonna kill me"
    Liza & Mariah: *laugh*

  • @Arkhamkid21
    @Arkhamkid21 6 лет назад +2661

    Is liza cheating on Kristen with mariah?

  • @haileyfletcher821
    @haileyfletcher821 6 лет назад +686

    i have earbuds in and at 5:01 i actually thought there was a fly in my ear

    • @Personal._sage
      @Personal._sage 5 лет назад +5

      bruhh was just bout to comment dat

    • @sarahfayad2159
      @sarahfayad2159 5 лет назад +7

      Hailey F me too I threw my iPad across the room

  • @AOT-MHA
    @AOT-MHA 6 лет назад +387

    I loooove Liza and Kwisten BUT Liza and Mariah thoooo😂

  • @kc7159
    @kc7159 6 лет назад +2860

    I like how all the girls in the v squad basically eat out of each others mouths like they’ve been best friends since birth

  • @bellabananabeauty
    @bellabananabeauty 6 лет назад +154

    All I want is Mariah and Liza in every video ever

  • @skysky3504
    @skysky3504 5 лет назад +344

    9:00 if anyone wants to know the packet says “I think your pretty”

  • @diamondmorris7700
    @diamondmorris7700 6 лет назад +800

    "It tastes like it wants to be ranch" it really be like that sometimes 😂💀

    • @marelirodriguez9895
      @marelirodriguez9895 4 года назад +8

      When you go to a different fast food place for once😂😂😂

    • @Hypermex15
      @Hypermex15 4 года назад +2


  • @kyliemcgee2398
    @kyliemcgee2398 6 лет назад +925

    Damn Heath is third wheeling

    • @chaunceycali7962
      @chaunceycali7962 6 лет назад +3

      I know he finally got all quiet and weird, lol

    • @favourb5800
      @favourb5800 6 лет назад +1

      Beyond Gaming I know right

    • @toribabii857
      @toribabii857 5 лет назад +1

      You made this comment 9 months ago..there for since you made this comment, you could of had a baby.

  • @jasi.1929
    @jasi.1929 6 лет назад +652

    It was literally Mariah and Liza vs. Heath like the whole time 😂😂

  • @TaylorReilly
    @TaylorReilly 6 лет назад +1610

    "pig mint"

  • @_the_king_milo_308
    @_the_king_milo_308 4 года назад +114

    mariah: " starts to fall back in chair"
    Liza: moma im scared

  • @absoluteunit4355
    @absoluteunit4355 6 лет назад +197

    Liza and Mariah are so funny together omg they should do a collab on Liza’s channel

  • @laa4530
    @laa4530 6 лет назад +422

    I just need a video of the girls of the vlog squad: Liza, kwisten, Mariah, Corinna, Carly and Erin either a vlog of a girls night in or a challenge

    • @feyza8625
      @feyza8625 6 лет назад +1

      Amanda M omg yes

    • @alexalopez7680
      @alexalopez7680 6 лет назад +1


    • @shishira6986
      @shishira6986 6 лет назад +9

      Amanda M and Gabbie Hanna

    • @MB-jj8jw
      @MB-jj8jw 6 лет назад

      And Kelsey kreppel even though Cody doesn’t hang with the blog squad much, she’s dope

    • @normalgirlsza
      @normalgirlsza 6 лет назад +1

      Also Natalie and Trisha!

  • @cosmicfairy1999
    @cosmicfairy1999 6 лет назад +2018

    Heath's life flashed before his eyes when he thought it was the taco bell taco 😂

    • @eddieroof184
      @eddieroof184 6 лет назад +31

      panic! at the roses more like his money flashed before his eyes

    • @motaylor712
      @motaylor712 6 лет назад +30

      That's the life of a vegan XD

    • @sofinedkova2904
      @sofinedkova2904 6 лет назад +1

      panic! at the roses I am your 400 like-Follow me on musically @jakepauljerikateam10

    • @RavenVapes
      @RavenVapes 6 лет назад +5

      You do know that heath is only doing vegan for the money

    • @sofinedkova2904
      @sofinedkova2904 6 лет назад

      Bitter Raven u dumb

  • @dejadavis9097
    @dejadavis9097 6 лет назад +746

    Omg at 2:40 when liza said "who dat" and it was the cabnit door 😂😂😂

  • @livbarlow3389
    @livbarlow3389 5 лет назад +95

    4:20 the sound she makes😂 (nail part)

  • @jayderodriguez5414
    @jayderodriguez5414 6 лет назад +183

    At 2:27 when Liza says “the whole packet?” Idk why but it made me laugh so hard😂

  • @19894angel
    @19894angel 6 лет назад +1050

    Almost like heath and Mariah are Liza’s parents 😂

  • @teagantripp3326
    @teagantripp3326 6 лет назад +2552

    Okay so Liza and Mariah are kinda my favorite together now..😂😂 sowwy kwisten

    • @beeayeembeeeye
      @beeayeembeeeye 6 лет назад +82

      TrapSquad VlogHouse right!
      Liza akways getting along with everybody Mariah Kristen Corinna Trisha Natalie

    • @Natasha_4
      @Natasha_4 6 лет назад +62

      Liza & Mariah together is definitely my favorite

    • @jennifergabriellaa
      @jennifergabriellaa 6 лет назад +2

      YESS LOL

    • @melissaakmomma1833
      @melissaakmomma1833 6 лет назад +29

      They all 3 need to do a video together

    • @cecilyplays
      @cecilyplays 6 лет назад +29

      Mine toooo.... I like how liza and kwisten interact but liza and Mariah have great chemistry and heath being there just makes it funnier....

  • @saskiyahhhv
    @saskiyahhhv 6 лет назад +263

    Hahahaha Mariah and Liza combined is just beautiful chaos 😂😍🙌🏼👌🏼

  • @callme__kc
    @callme__kc 5 лет назад +99

    10:40 “it taste like doo doo”💀

  • @jennarosalie7375
    @jennarosalie7375 5 лет назад +134

    “ I used to be a fatass” I felt that

    • @lauriefoster8618
      @lauriefoster8618 4 года назад

      9:00 if anyone wants to know the packet says “I think your pretty”

  • @danielle7808
    @danielle7808 6 лет назад +40

    you guys really don't understand how much i've missed liza in a video segment that's more than 15 seconds tysm heath ily

  • @ariluvssyouu
    @ariluvssyouu 6 лет назад +149


  • @iLiveLifeYOLO
    @iLiveLifeYOLO 6 лет назад +55

    This trio was everything I needed!!
    Tips from a cheap vegan:
    - ice berg lettuce by itself is cheaper than already shredded and last longer
    - veggies are so much cheaper at farmer markets and even at trader joe’s
    - that sour cream is actually bomb but what I do with it (so it also lasts longer for me) is scoop what I’m using out into a small bowl and put the container back and the reason it wasn’t working is because you didn’t whip it/stir it like you do with non vegan sour cream
    - to melt vegan cheese I usually put a pot top on top and that usually does it (follow your heart and field roast/chao are best vegan cheese in my opinion)
    - red onions are the best to cook vegan meals with
    - also, all that was missing were refried beans those would’ve been a game changer!

    • @Wish520Happy
      @Wish520Happy 6 лет назад

      RIGHT? BUT THIS?!?!!?видео.html

  • @lucideangelis
    @lucideangelis 5 лет назад +65

    i’ve watched this video at lest 15 times not even joking and i still love it

  • @dis.asterrrr
    @dis.asterrrr 6 лет назад +6

    5:12 “Oh cute! Yay!”
    I don’t why but I loved that moment so much

  • @alexam5942
    @alexam5942 6 лет назад +752

    Liza is stealing everyone's girl...

  • @sarahshae1543
    @sarahshae1543 6 лет назад +1005

    These are my favorite kind of videos. Love Mariah love Liza.. yeah you too Heath😆

  • @mattfromwiisports7847
    @mattfromwiisports7847 6 лет назад +118

    Liza is such an awesome 3rd wheel 😂

    • @jensentaylor4081
      @jensentaylor4081 6 лет назад +11

      Bff Emma is Yoda's honestly heath was the third wheel of this trio

  • @ainsley4784
    @ainsley4784 5 лет назад +65

    I just 3rd wheeled today and I feel Heath right now😂

  • @fredericfuruborg9275
    @fredericfuruborg9275 5 лет назад +49

    4:34 Liza is actually swearing but Heath has a family-friendly channel so you couldn't hear it

  • @madisonlara3086
    @madisonlara3086 6 лет назад +293

    “ its supposed to be hot , but it’s not “
    me when I hit puberty

    • @nicoleakinyi2611
      @nicoleakinyi2611 6 лет назад +7

      Madison Lara I didn't expect this comment but it has made my day! 😂😂😂😂

  • @nicolejaniece3312
    @nicolejaniece3312 6 лет назад +70

    I want a video with Liza, Kristen, and Mariah

  • @19894angel
    @19894angel 6 лет назад +2394

    Hide your girlfriends Liza is out

    • @karenmarezz5874
      @karenmarezz5874 6 лет назад +19

      19894angel and single 💔😂

    • @meme9272
      @meme9272 6 лет назад +8

      hide your kids your wife

    • @TheOnlySamyy
      @TheOnlySamyy 6 лет назад +2

      ok truu

    • @cupcake34938
      @cupcake34938 6 лет назад


    • @natalierivera3408
      @natalierivera3408 6 лет назад +2

      Damn straight, idk liza makes everything so sexy. Lol ughhhh that shared bite with anyone else i would have found that disgusting but with Liza i wanted to be the one giving her the bite. Arhhh

  • @imagoose7375
    @imagoose7375 3 года назад +5

    This is literally my comfort video and I’m not sad about it

  • @22maddiej
    @22maddiej 5 лет назад +64

    “i wipe it on my hands, then wipe it on my pants” that’s my life motto

  • @Megoonie17
    @Megoonie17 6 лет назад +91

    2:40 when Liza said “WHO’S THAT?!” At the cupboard 😭😂😂

  • @milezcolomb8890
    @milezcolomb8890 6 лет назад +502

    @6:20 when Liza was tryna smack a fly 😂

  • @sikeyiamiller9274
    @sikeyiamiller9274 6 лет назад +386

    The way Liza said “Heath... you have a girlfriend.” She woulda said “I have a boyfriend” but...
    Too soon (for us fans anyways)

  • @Paintergirl-hv8dh
    @Paintergirl-hv8dh 3 года назад +7

    Lmao the sound that Liza made at 4:25 was VERY satisfying. I replayed it back like 10 times just to listen to her make that sound 😂

  • @makeshiftmaker3946
    @makeshiftmaker3946 4 года назад +17

    Literally like every child when their friend comes over, at home rlly chill and happy, but when a friend comes over, rlly crazy and happy😂

  • @dropitlikegomez1384
    @dropitlikegomez1384 6 лет назад +44

    Liza and Mariah are actual queens. I love stanning two iconic legends! 😂💞✨

  • @devc5004
    @devc5004 6 лет назад +124

    Omgggg the collab I never thought I needed 😩

  • @micah5518
    @micah5518 6 лет назад +81

    Liza is the sibling who's always there to eat

  • @maloriehowle8668
    @maloriehowle8668 5 лет назад +24

    “The door didn’t slam when I tried to slam it and I’m cranky right now and that made me more mad.” MEEEEE

  • @Jan-iu5oo
    @Jan-iu5oo 5 лет назад +26

    Heath: You’re going to kill me!
    Mariah and Liza’s mind: *we can finally be together*

  • @gilbert1258
    @gilbert1258 6 лет назад +981

    Can Mariah and Liza take your channel

  • @kayliedaniella
    @kayliedaniella 6 лет назад +25

    “Out of everything here, the waters my favourite” Mariah cracks me up 😂

  • @lilredhead4203
    @lilredhead4203 6 лет назад +150

    Liza is gonna steal Heath's girl he better watch! She got Kristin from Scotty now Liza needs to collect more!

  • @LoveHealthOK
    @LoveHealthOK 6 лет назад +59

    LOVED IT!!! :)

  • @gypzvamp
    @gypzvamp 5 лет назад +12

    I didn't realize this was the trio I needed in my life 🤣😘

  • @Simran-sr1wc
    @Simran-sr1wc 6 лет назад +55

    I need Mariah Liza and Kwisten in one video 😂

  • @angie-gm1pz
    @angie-gm1pz 6 лет назад +16

    I love that liza just be out here stealin everyones girls

  • @tayjawilson2777
    @tayjawilson2777 6 лет назад +197

    Liza, Maria, and Kristen should make a video together.

  • @swaggermcjagger7120
    @swaggermcjagger7120 4 года назад +10

    heath is like the single dad who wants his kids to be comfortable so he tries to cook

  • @user-fe2fo6ob8n
    @user-fe2fo6ob8n 6 лет назад +3

    12:01 that was A D O R A B L E !!! 😭😂💜💜

  • @melissaq6952
    @melissaq6952 6 лет назад +79

    Liza is seriously the most amazing human on the planet 💕

  • @lilypowder1
    @lilypowder1 6 лет назад +60

    I got SOOO scared when Heath took a bite of the taco and they thought it was the wrong one!!!

  • @LilyIan
    @LilyIan 6 лет назад +287


    • @abiclaire9147
      @abiclaire9147 6 лет назад +1

      dude I wanna film one so bad

    • @lmb804
      @lmb804 6 лет назад +8

      Halowars1234 I'm sorry you feel that way.

    • @wShahos5611
      @wShahos5611 6 лет назад

      WHO wrote that??? Have i been hacked

  • @kellycamburn131
    @kellycamburn131 6 лет назад +1

    I love this crew together. Liza and Mariah are hilarious together!!

  • @emmamac7320
    @emmamac7320 4 года назад +2

    I don’t know why I’ve watched this so many times. The vibes are just so positive

  • @viancacorona1024
    @viancacorona1024 6 лет назад +324

    Omfg is Liza is cheating on Kristen with Mariah ?

    • @FreeDrugz
      @FreeDrugz 6 лет назад +21

      someone call the show Cheaters. we need to get to the bottom of this

    • @jessican6451
      @jessican6451 6 лет назад +2

      Poor Kwisten

    • @ivorybrndn
      @ivorybrndn 6 лет назад +2

      Tea ☕️

    • @mads72791
      @mads72791 6 лет назад +2


  • @ryleeyoung3786
    @ryleeyoung3786 6 лет назад +43

    This is such an unexpected but needed trio of the group ❤

  • @lesliegomezchino
    @lesliegomezchino 6 лет назад +101

    *video ends*

  • @Imthe_annag
    @Imthe_annag 6 лет назад +7

    This was a really good video!

  • @summeranderson8933
    @summeranderson8933 5 лет назад +19

    "who tf is summer" I CRIED

  • @queeniesteenie
    @queeniesteenie 6 лет назад +33

    omfg i need more mariah and liza

  • @LilyIan
    @LilyIan 6 лет назад +226

    11:28 Liza is me whenever I eat anything VEGAN. Yessss vegan is lifeeeee

    • @RavenVapes
      @RavenVapes 6 лет назад +4

      fuck vegan, why do vegans need to say to the whole world there vegan , like serious no one gives a fuck.

    • @juliaortiz6483
      @juliaortiz6483 6 лет назад +3

      Bitter Raven because we just feel the need to let everyone know we're better loll

    • @RavenVapes
      @RavenVapes 6 лет назад +1

      that vegans are better, its more like vegans are a bunch of attention seekers, cant you just eat your vegetables and shut up instead of acting like bunch on spoiled brats.Go drink your almond milk , hopefully you all get arsenic poisoning, Go google that.. your bullshit lifestyle is actually as bad for you as smoking

    • @juliaortiz6483
      @juliaortiz6483 6 лет назад +9

      Bitter Raven ahh i love seeing people get worked up over meaningless shit

    • @juliaortiz6483
      @juliaortiz6483 6 лет назад +1

      Bitter Raven i honestly couldn't care if heath stays vegan, but thank you, this made me laugh

  • @tiamickk
    @tiamickk 6 лет назад +19

    I thought Liza, Zane and Heath were my favs but I'm loving this Mariah, Heath and Liza collab. Mariah and Liza are my favs together I think.

    • @mjt2377
      @mjt2377 6 лет назад +2

      Honestly wish this vid had Zane too though. Best dynamic duos = Zane & Heath and Mariah & Liza

    • @tiamickk
      @tiamickk 6 лет назад

      mjt237 that would've been great.

  • @heyydebbyy1082
    @heyydebbyy1082 5 лет назад +1

    10:39 when liza moved the light - i died

  • @JackiePanda101
    @JackiePanda101 4 года назад

    Idk why but this is probably my favorite video Heath has posted. For some reason I always watch this whenever I have nothing else to watch. And I have nothing to watch quite often.

  • @bthomas5791
    @bthomas5791 6 лет назад +42

    Liza and Mariah has to be THE best duo!!!

  • @Baby_Jem3
    @Baby_Jem3 6 лет назад +1483

    Literally all vegan food is
    “It wants to be...” 😂

    • @eagenthorror
      @eagenthorror 6 лет назад +12

      Jemma Carrillo lol as a vegan that's kinda true. I mean, there's not really much dishes that were originally vegan. Cutting them out would cut out tons of variety, encouraging nobody to go vegan.

    • @jasa4243
      @jasa4243 6 лет назад +26

      Jemma Carrillo literally all non-vegan food is trying so hard not to look like a dead animal, even milk is bleached so it doesn't look like blood and puss

    • @cameron3652
      @cameron3652 6 лет назад +3

      Jasmine a True

    • @cameron3652
      @cameron3652 6 лет назад +16

      Jack Skellington Why anyone with half a brain would still eat meat blind to how it's detrimental to health, the environment, and of course animals themselves is beyond me.

    • @cameron3652
      @cameron3652 6 лет назад +6

      Jack Skellington You can't get Vitamin C and Fiber as well as various other underratted nutrients from meat. Meanwhile, you can get most nutrients in plants and supplements if you want. You didn't say exactly how producing plants for 7.5 billion people would hurt the environment (don't bother it's probably already been debunked) so I'll just say that producing 33M sq km of livestock excluding all the crops made to feed them and how much water it takes in the whole operation is destroying the planet. Think of the gases livestock produce like methane which warms the earth more than Co2. Livestock would never be that high if they weren't being forcibly birthed by you shoving semen down cow's vaginas. When you say one gram of meat has 25 times the nutrients a gram of plants has you must be talking about protein; if not state what your source was. ( kidding I'm literally over it) But I want to point out that you said "nutrients" so you want me to think that meat has more of every nutrient ever than any plant. Wow, meat is the real superfood, move over avocado and quinoa. But for real that is very stupid to say if I'm being honest. And wrong. Anyway protein is in so many vegetables and when you combine your vegetables like you normally do you get complete proteins like the kind in meat. After all the cow you ate gets it's proteins from plants. Hey did you know that? God damn this is long. Let's both not say anthing else because everyone who was in this feed are forced to see us and I definitely didn't want to hear anything from you.

  • @savannahwilliams1538
    @savannahwilliams1538 6 лет назад +144


  • @shinellebaptiste
    @shinellebaptiste 4 года назад +4

    anyone else re-watching in 2020 and need a recreation of this trio immediately???

  • @gabriellal6642
    @gabriellal6642 6 лет назад +63

    4:33 did liza just cuss? If so I am here for it

  • @herchell8385
    @herchell8385 6 лет назад +13

    A trio i never knew i needed 😍

  • @ashp4rker
    @ashp4rker 6 лет назад +4

    I have my drama exam today and it’s currently 3:20am. I can’t sleep but I’ve been binge watching you and David. Thank you for constantly making me smile, I love you!!💗💗

  • @joann9657
    @joann9657 6 лет назад +226


    • @Jessica-nv2ps
      @Jessica-nv2ps 6 лет назад

      Joann why did he spit it

    • @joann9657
      @joann9657 6 лет назад

      Melissa he thought he accidentally ate taco bell lol

  • @Ray-gr7yc
    @Ray-gr7yc 4 года назад +2

    Mariah is SO PURE ! 🥺♥️

  • @amyhall93
    @amyhall93 4 года назад

    Omg Liza and Mariahs friendship is everything. Their personalities and sence of humors are just alike.

  • @kylelewis7090
    @kylelewis7090 6 лет назад +43

    Honestly, Mariah and Liza crushed that improv dance scene. I wouldn't even be mad if it was choreographed haha

    • @kylelewis7090
      @kylelewis7090 6 лет назад

      Oooo I fall apart.. so simple yet hilarious

  • @geoinxx
    @geoinxx 6 лет назад +15

    The editing and sound effects are so good!

  • @MariaFlores-jd3hn
    @MariaFlores-jd3hn 6 лет назад +32

    these edits are always the best 😂😂😂

  • @meetmeinthehallwayoopies2081
    @meetmeinthehallwayoopies2081 6 лет назад +1

    Liza is the friend I've always needed

  • @chubs7469
    @chubs7469 5 лет назад +1

    I watch this video once every two days hehe.. these three are my fav vlogsquad members
    I love heath, Mariah and LIZA BABY ❤️