THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE FUCKING MOBA CONTENT. Gameplay review is so sparse with its actually helpful information and content creators just make it because it's easy. This is actually helpful theoretical information about how to think about the game. Keep up the good work, easiest subscribe in a long time.
Best Deadlock character guide out there and it's not even close. The fact you not only explain what to do, but also WHY we do it is huge. Knowing the mindset to have while playing this character is so important
Wowww, the "who's the beatdown" analogy is so fitting! As someone who's a bit too much into the Legacy format of MTG, I understand exactly what you mean. This alone made me subscribe :D
Great video! One thing I’d like to add is I’ve been experimenting with Echo Shard, and it’s been working really well for me. A refresh on my 3 actually does provide that 100 to 0 burst damage with a small lead, so it opens up the weapon slots that were normally used to boost your gun damage for the kill (you can buy your kinetic dash, warp stone, pristine emblem, etc.). I’m not sure how viable this actually is, but it’s been working for me, so I thought I’d share
Great advice. I’m a low MMR scrub that is starting to get better with pocket. The hardest part is the team fight timing. Getting into a fight, doing as much damage as possible, and then getting out feels great if your team cleans up. But if the fight stays 50/50 it sucks just chilling for 10 seconds waiting for cooldowns before you can do anything useful again, especially if you missed getting a high impact ult off and only hit 1 hero with it or something.
Good shit, this is pretty much how I play Pocket to a tee. Win lane, help your team win their lanes, constantly shove and gank everywhere all at once with your insane mobility during the midgame to get a huge lead and be unkillable in all teamfights. No other hero comes close in terms of agency to solo win a game as Pocket. Not just through the player damage and teamfighting but in terms of how much damn shit you can achieve on the map all the time. Some personal tips of mine: - IMO you shouldn't go barrage lvl 1 unconditionally, going satchel first for certain matchups can be the difference between winning and losing lane (ex. Bebop and Yamato) - My preferred mobility items are.. all of them pretty much. The combo of warp stone, majestic leap, kinetic dash, enduring speed on this hero simply can be too overwhelming for some teams to keep up with you. I don't usually go Phantom strike though since it's too expensive for its limited use, I feel. - ethereal shift is a must buy at some point during the game. The strongest offense is a good.. 3.5 second invulnerability. Pocket's most limiting factors are his squishiness and his cooldowns. The fact that this item lets you stall for your cooldowns WHILE being immune to damage from doing so is honestly amazing. Try getting this when bigger teamfights start happening and when you have superior cooldown already to really make good use out of it. pocket is the best active abuser in the game period. - for a more consistent laning phase, try to put two points in all 1, 2, and 3 before you hit that max barrage upgrade. barrage is honestly not the easiest to get all 4 hits off of for full effectiveness, so having a consistent damage boost on your cloak and satchel will make laning and farming feel a LOT better to hit that powerspike. - if you hold melee right after shooting out of satchel, you come out of the satchel charging almost immediately. there's so many more..
Great tips, i havent finished the video yet(so dunno if its mentioned) but in regards to the melee out of satchel tip, one of my favorites is to use satchel to instant reload. Finish the clip and while starting reload enter satchel and then LMB on target to explode and shot and then clip is reloaded. Love it for taking camps/objectives outside of like duelling situations(when applicable)
@@TheTCMyes the satchel reload cancel is soooo good. Helps clear neutral camps super quick bc of the AOE and not having to stand there twirling you shotgun😂
@@TheTCM Yep, that's also core to your rotation, you pretty much always want to reload right before you hop in satchel if you can since there's pretty much no downside. To really fuck up your lane opponent, try combining both the reload with the heavy melee out of the satchel. If you manage to both dodge their burst and get your heavy off, you can almost guarantee the trade is won or you straight up kill them.
3:48 it’s fun to warp stone in one direction and then cloak in another. Just make sure both directions are like actually viable to run to (and if only they’d fix the cloak getting stuck on certain terrain but going over others…… sigh)
For resist shredding, crippling headshot feels like a must buy for pocket. Gives spirit and bullet lifesteal, and the 24 spirit resist reduction is such a big deal late game. It’s so incredible, please buy it lmao
I think Pocket's spirit scaling is kind of underrated. If you land your ult on someone, and the target don't have debuff remover/reducer, the ultimate technically has a 7+ spirit power ratio. The more you increase the base duration the more you're scaling both the base damage and the ratio but the ratio will eventually outpace the base damage. For example: With 25 Spirit Power, affliction (at max rank) will do ~1070 damage over 18 seconds. With improved duration, it would do ~1250 and with superior duration it would do ~1421. Comparatively, with 75 spirit power the affliction would instead do ~1430 without any duration items. 50 Spirit Power could simply come from Diviners Kevlar alone, but you could get pretty close with improved spirit. His other abilites don't have the best - 1 has a total ratio of 1.5, 2 has a 1.11 ratio, 3 has a .655 ratio but with the ult you have a total of spirit power ratio of ~10 if you land everything. For context a Lash, who regularly builds a lot of spirit power, has a total ratio of ~3.75 (if you use ground slam at ~15 meters, hard to math), Yamato has a ~3.0 ratio (assuming you use and hit every spell twice), etc. but obviously one of the advantages their highish ratios give them is burst damage on short CDs. None of this is considering the fact he often builds items that have their own scaling like mystic shot, silence glyph, etc. Boundless Spirit is too expensive for Pocket but it's undeniable you could melt teams with it.
From one pocket player to another, the 140% damage on a maxed 1 is nothing compared to the +7 damage on your gun when you max 2 first. Try it, gun pocket is uber strong. That +7 damage is per bullet. It's a 240% gun buff. It also feels better to get that 5 point in cloak first because it's flat damage and doesn't scale as well.
I am having a lot of fun using mystic reverb on his ult.because it is really funny to have people die to your ult after they have already fled the engagement.
I was about to leave till I saw him kissing the frog….
THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE FUCKING MOBA CONTENT. Gameplay review is so sparse with its actually helpful information and content creators just make it because it's easy. This is actually helpful theoretical information about how to think about the game. Keep up the good work, easiest subscribe in a long time.
sat down with my lunch to watch this and as the first bite entered my mouth that image at 0:30 popped up
rock and stone
@@Chimeychimes FOR KARL!
Best Deadlock character guide out there and it's not even close. The fact you not only explain what to do, but also WHY we do it is huge. Knowing the mindset to have while playing this character is so important
the slideshow format is refreshingly simple and concise, and the pictures cracked me up. great video
no ones going to believe me how vid with 50 views made me total menace as pocket
Wowww, the "who's the beatdown" analogy is so fitting! As someone who's a bit too much into the Legacy format of MTG, I understand exactly what you mean. This alone made me subscribe :D
Great video! One thing I’d like to add is I’ve been experimenting with Echo Shard, and it’s been working really well for me. A refresh on my 3 actually does provide that 100 to 0 burst damage with a small lead, so it opens up the weapon slots that were normally used to boost your gun damage for the kill (you can buy your kinetic dash, warp stone, pristine emblem, etc.). I’m not sure how viable this actually is, but it’s been working for me, so I thought I’d share
Very excited to cook with that sauce, I'm definitely going to be toying around with Echo Shard in my games.
Great advice. I’m a low MMR scrub that is starting to get better with pocket. The hardest part is the team fight timing. Getting into a fight, doing as much damage as possible, and then getting out feels great if your team cleans up. But if the fight stays 50/50 it sucks just chilling for 10 seconds waiting for cooldowns before you can do anything useful again, especially if you missed getting a high impact ult off and only hit 1 hero with it or something.
Absolutely amazing content. Nothing more to say but thanks for the work you've put into this and the item video!
Good shit, this is pretty much how I play Pocket to a tee. Win lane, help your team win their lanes, constantly shove and gank everywhere all at once with your insane mobility during the midgame to get a huge lead and be unkillable in all teamfights.
No other hero comes close in terms of agency to solo win a game as Pocket. Not just through the player damage and teamfighting but in terms of how much damn shit you can achieve on the map all the time.
Some personal tips of mine:
- IMO you shouldn't go barrage lvl 1 unconditionally, going satchel first for certain matchups can be the difference between winning and losing lane (ex. Bebop and Yamato)
- My preferred mobility items are.. all of them pretty much. The combo of warp stone, majestic leap, kinetic dash, enduring speed on this hero simply can be too overwhelming for some teams to keep up with you. I don't usually go Phantom strike though since it's too expensive for its limited use, I feel.
- ethereal shift is a must buy at some point during the game. The strongest offense is a good.. 3.5 second invulnerability. Pocket's most limiting factors are his squishiness and his cooldowns. The fact that this item lets you stall for your cooldowns WHILE being immune to damage from doing so is honestly amazing. Try getting this when bigger teamfights start happening and when you have superior cooldown already to really make good use out of it. pocket is the best active abuser in the game period.
- for a more consistent laning phase, try to put two points in all 1, 2, and 3 before you hit that max barrage upgrade. barrage is honestly not the easiest to get all 4 hits off of for full effectiveness, so having a consistent damage boost on your cloak and satchel will make laning and farming feel a LOT better to hit that powerspike.
- if you hold melee right after shooting out of satchel, you come out of the satchel charging almost immediately.
there's so many more..
Great tips, i havent finished the video yet(so dunno if its mentioned) but in regards to the melee out of satchel tip, one of my favorites is to use satchel to instant reload. Finish the clip and while starting reload enter satchel and then LMB on target to explode and shot and then clip is reloaded. Love it for taking camps/objectives outside of like duelling situations(when applicable)
@@TheTCMyes the satchel reload cancel is soooo good. Helps clear neutral camps super quick bc of the AOE and not having to stand there twirling you shotgun😂
@@TheTCM Yep, that's also core to your rotation, you pretty much always want to reload right before you hop in satchel if you can since there's pretty much no downside.
To really fuck up your lane opponent, try combining both the reload with the heavy melee out of the satchel. If you manage to both dodge their burst and get your heavy off, you can almost guarantee the trade is won or you straight up kill them.
what a great video. seriously raised my game IQ. gonna put all this info to work when i play next.
Great guide. I'm still learning pocket but I have been loving this build.
0 context or acknowledgement of the atrocity bestowed upon me is such a gigachad move
my guy dissapeared for four years after korone posting, and then returnes with goates power point presentations
This is exactly the video I was looking for. No bullshit and clear explanations. Thanks 🙏🏻
Pocket just got a massive boost with these new items in the shop
3:48 it’s fun to warp stone in one direction and then cloak in another. Just make sure both directions are like actually viable to run to (and if only they’d fix the cloak getting stuck on certain terrain but going over others…… sigh)
Great video! My next thought is identifying the enemy heroes who give him the most trouble, and if they can be itemized around.
Dude this was awesome! Really love theory videos like this bc it really helps moba-noobs like me understand more macro gameplay decisions
For resist shredding, crippling headshot feels like a must buy for pocket. Gives spirit and bullet lifesteal, and the 24 spirit resist reduction is such a big deal late game. It’s so incredible, please buy it lmao
Please do more of these!
“How to play pocket.” Swap with your teammate that is laned against wraith.
Thank you for sharing this build in game, I tried it before finding the video haha :)
I ONLY play pocket and suck at it.And this is the guide I'm looking for.
Same.. love the character but suck at playing him
Actually good presentation
Your next video should just be a compilation of pocket kissing frogs
I think Pocket's spirit scaling is kind of underrated. If you land your ult on someone, and the target don't have debuff remover/reducer, the ultimate technically has a 7+ spirit power ratio. The more you increase the base duration the more you're scaling both the base damage and the ratio but the ratio will eventually outpace the base damage.
For example:
With 25 Spirit Power, affliction (at max rank) will do ~1070 damage over 18 seconds. With improved duration, it would do ~1250 and with superior duration it would do ~1421.
Comparatively, with 75 spirit power the affliction would instead do ~1430 without any duration items. 50 Spirit Power could simply come from Diviners Kevlar alone, but you could get pretty close with improved spirit.
His other abilites don't have the best - 1 has a total ratio of 1.5, 2 has a 1.11 ratio, 3 has a .655 ratio but with the ult you have a total of spirit power ratio of ~10 if you land everything.
For context a Lash, who regularly builds a lot of spirit power, has a total ratio of ~3.75 (if you use ground slam at ~15 meters, hard to math), Yamato has a ~3.0 ratio (assuming you use and hit every spell twice), etc. but obviously one of the advantages their highish ratios give them is burst damage on short CDs.
None of this is considering the fact he often builds items that have their own scaling like mystic shot, silence glyph, etc. Boundless Spirit is too expensive for Pocket but it's undeniable you could melt teams with it.
From one pocket player to another, the 140% damage on a maxed 1 is nothing compared to the +7 damage on your gun when you max 2 first. Try it, gun pocket is uber strong. That +7 damage is per bullet. It's a 240% gun buff. It also feels better to get that 5 point in cloak first because it's flat damage and doesn't scale as well.
This is really interesting, I will definitely try it out , thx !!
Ah I see, it's Lash with frogs.
This is the best guide I’ve ever seen. Any chance you will make this style guide for other hero’s?
actual banger video!
please make this a series and Kelvin next! AKA play him too
Yeah amazing video, you got a sub from me!
I am having a lot of fun using mystic reverb on his ult.because it is really funny to have people die to your ult after they have already fled the engagement.
Have gotten double kills just from dumping my nukes plus ult on people and walking away
They just patched this yesterday.
@@rivetace lameee
jojo thumbnail reached its audience
the images are the best
Cant find your build, is it public?
"Crackhead pocket"
just a warning, escalating exposure doesn't work on the ultimate! torment pulse brings up the combo really well though
good vid
I skipped 30 seconds and I didn't regret
Great vid! Incredible stuff here, all broken down in a really succinct manner. Also btw, a heads up that Pocket uses they/them pronouns!
quick heads up, pocket actually uses they/them pronouns
Thanks for letting me know, had no idea. Better re-record the script for the next video.
@@Chimeychimes hell yeah and pog
also dw, its only mentioned in their bio and i dont think i've encountered another player use they/them lol
@@Lactosecow Yeah it's pretty rare to see lol. But it's nice when people do make the effort, it's some nice representation. Makes me feel seen :p
This is good to know as a pocket main who hasn’t read their bio yet!
Don't care didnt ask
Pocket is the only hero who’s description uses they/them pronouns…they’re nonbinary!