💗The Sims 4 Runaway Teen Pregnancy 💗 #4 New Home New Me
- Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
- Sarabi officially moves into her tiny home and starts nesting! We spend some time with Joyce and our friends! This was just soooo cute! If you liked this episode, comment #nesting
What do yall think of all that happened and the new stuff we've added to the series? I want to hear you in the comments!
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I see a lot of people commenting that their games are freezing just like mine. I had my last exception examined and found that I 4 broken mods. Maybe you have the same. Take these mods out
Preschool mod by KawaiiStacie stacie
XML injector- update to version 4
Baby in crib mod Liko
I forgot I even had the preschool mod installed it's been so long since my sims has a toddler 😭 thanks Dee!! ❤️
I don’t see anything wrong with her getting the money she does. She’s a talented artist making masterpieces.. and in RL paintings can sell for millions so $9k is fine. Plus you have future plans you mentioned so she should start a savings account after the baby is born and she pays her hospital bills back.
Sorry if this is weird, but your really pretty.
@@StrawberryxMoon thank you doll 💖
This is exactly what I was thinking.
I am not gonna lie her and her neighbour should be best friends she came through with the bathroom and shower
Maybe Sarabi should open up a bank account with the SNS mod and put aside funds for the baby's future and also their house. Sokka has the faithful treat so maybe he won't do Sarabi dirty and he's also a caregiver maybe if he spends time with the baby it'll give him the push he needs to stand up to his parents
I keep commenting but Joyce should be the baby's god mother .
Yessss great idea
Big Brain 🙂
I agree!!!
Yass I think so 2
I still can’t get over how cute the house is 🤗
she should run a restaurant or a sip & paint type thing as a business in the future
Sarabi's baby shower look is too cute!! 🥺💕
Clothing price range idea:
Everyday could be 20+ simoleons (depending if you get a brand name). Cold weather can be 50-100 simoleons (got to spend good money on a coat). Hot weather 20 simoleons. Party you could have fun and do 20-30 simoleons.
Idea if she ever gets too much money from her paintings: put it in a separate bank account and don't touch it. It can only be used for the 'baby college fund' or if you decide to have Sarabi go to university.
She should keep the money girl she earned it lol Love this part. Sokka heard about Khalil and others sliding in the DM now he’s trying to act right 😂 Can’t wait for the baby shower
Deeee you finally got Joyce out from sitting in front of the T.V lol
This house? This house is giving me LIFEEE periodt. Also, I think Auntie Joyce should throw her a baby shower 🥳 Thx for the long video, ILY Dee 💗
I’m sitting here binge watching this playlist so I will be up to date with the new series and I am impatiently waiting how the one baby girl ends up twins now😭😭🤣🤣🤣
I’m getting my dose of vitamin Dee!💊🙌🏼
I like Kahlil, if things do not work out with Sokka I think down the line she should give Kahlil a chance & date around ofc
Other ppl: she is a good mom she gave the baby the room
Me: f these kids 🤣🤣🤣
Periodt sis😂😂
Y’all don’t know how fast I clicked
You really need to get her and her baby daddy back together because he was jealous that sarabi was taking to another guy IN HIS FACE really feel😅🤣
this here !!!
I'm loving this series Dee! I feel like you should make her baby a little tomboy because girl clothes cost more IRL(look it up) and I just think it would be super adorable since you haven't had many children as tomboys in your LP"S... just a thought
For real! The pink tax starts before they're even born.
@@jayrae316 why are we being punished for being women I swear.
Yayyyyyy I’ve been waiting for this all day!!!🤗
Me too!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Me too!!!
So mad you got me invested in all your Sims like they are real people and I don't have my own Sims to worry about.
For the clothesline, you need the space for the interaction. The bush was too close. I had the same issue. There's two interactions you need to make sure you have space for: putting up and taking down. Especially when you use aroundthesims alternative clotheslines.
The feet when Dee went to pick out the outfit had me wheezing😂😂
There's nothing wrong with Sarabi having that much money for 1 painting I think she should keep it! and we love your hour-long vids keep it up!
Deeeeeee I was starting to stressss waiting for this episode baby I meannnn I was counting down the hourssss babe😂🤧✨💕
Girl same
lol same
“You see us talking to another boy and now you wanna talk to us about cleaning routines? Interesting!” 😂👏🏻
baby girl names -Shiloh, Savannah, Serenity, Summer, Sloane, Sienna, and Sage.
she should give her a swahili name bcuz sarabi is swahili
omgggggg she upgraded soo much from being outside to owning a house i love this series
I personally don’t think she’s making too fast. It’s just the higher your painting skill, the higher you’ll likely to get paid. Plus, when the bills hit the money is gone anyway. 😂😂 I really do hope they work out though. That’d be nice to see. Can’t wait for the baby shower!
Anyone else cracked up during the baby shower outfit pick?! I need that every episode, that was hilarious "we just not going to look at her feet, that is what we not going to do" hahahaha crying!!
The house kind of reminds me of the rooms from that’s so raven and icarly
the painting was from breaking bad, not super bad lol. Love this LP Dee
Dee talking about her feet had me dead 😂
The house is absolutely adorable! You give me so much inspiration to play with different textures and objects. I think on sundays when she goes to the flea market should be her hustle while she’s in school & the baby can stay with aunty Joyce or her dad can sneak over. A good friend of mine had a Halloween themed baby shower & it was so cute! Plus not a lot of people do it🥰
These hour long videos are everything🥰❤️
I'm fighting this Benadryl to watch this neeeowww 😂
Ngl me to
I could cry ! Congrats 🤍👏 so proud of her grinding! And that little boy was being bad and they thought it was funny 😂😂😂
i love her house and hope it in the series for a while love yah dee
Definitely love the little house. Love love love the colors ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤
Thank you so much for your videos Dee...they help me to keep going with nursing school and life itself. I love all your LPs 💕💕💕
I randomly stumbled over your content yesterday and i'm hooked! Love this series, love how chill and nice this is and it inspires me so much to play Sims myself! Thank you for what you do!
“Girl stop all that cussing “ 😂😂
I would def be here for a Halloween themed baby shower! I've never seen that done before! Loving the series! I'm ready to see how Sarabi and Sokka* relationship play out!
But why is this my dream house for my 20s LOL
Omg, I cant get over the cuteness in this video
Been waiting all day😭😭Yesss Dee❤️❤️
i absolutely love the house, it really complements the whole LP.
Joyce has done the most. Sokka who? Forget him, girl, and get with that ginger vixen 💅
Yass I think she is using the money wisely and the money that she gets makes sense because she’s a Talented artist
This part was sooooo good! I think sis is just fine making the money she gets from her paintings. I love this series 🤎
Finally I've been checking all evening for this, this my soap opera and my chill time 🙌🏾, I need a episode everyday 😊💞💞
Sarabi's like, I may not cook well, but I make a KILLER grilled cheese! 🤣
YAY! I’ve been waiting for this all day!!! PERIODT DEE!!!
I had never heard of you until a couple days ago but I’m glad RUclips put you in my preferences ! I absolutely love your content 💖
ahh I'm in love with this LP! also her house is soo cute! very much invested 😭💞
Episode 4
Omg ... I love it, how you build her a house,so which mean you will have the baby n the legasei continue ... Yay 🤩😃😃🤩👏👏🎉🎉
Omg right when I finished my homework. God bless dee 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
I would love to see Joyce and sarabi go to the mall to do nails or shop for the baby 🍼💗
DEE I love the house! It looks exactly how I think a teen would decorate their house
A Halloween themed baby shower would be dope 😍
Ian never clicked so dam fast 💨 and dee uu are amazing to be posting every day!❤️
Edit: I also think uu should throw a ceremony for Joyce to be the official godmother and if uu don’t know how to say my name it’s pronounced(Ma-May)
I'm so glad you used my idea of having sokka come over!!
Auntie Joice Joyce is everything shes always there and supports and looks out You should giver her house a little makeover or maybe a bigger tv something to show shes appreciated by everyone 🥺🥺
I missed my daily nap waiting for this episode. I was so excited!💕
yes ma’ammm!! i was just catching up on this seriesss!
Yall just dont understand how fast i clicked and how LOUD i screamed🤣🤣
I have been waiting ALL DAY! I literally been refreshing my screen every 5 minutes.
I swear that Joyce is like the mom that Sarabi needed 🥺🥺
Yesssss. Sis. This game is like my favorite show right now 😂. I be looking forward to it
Dee dont you dare feel bad about that money that baby girl earned. IRL it would be the same. They are paying for her talent. Love this series. Thanks so much!!
I think...I might be addicted to your let’s plays 😭
Dee pretty please stop taking her money from her. She earned it fair and square. Also, can you please get Joyce the comedian job and Lena a makeover she deserves one. I agree a savings account for Sarabi and the baby is a great idea in case her and ole dude don't work out. Can you please give Khalil a chance if they don't cause he been trying this whole time to get with her. Tysm for the LP I love it 💓☺️
And its great that sokka came to her house. Am so excited just like you DeeDee ican not wait for the next part. Chile 😊😘
Look at Sokka Traits! They’re definitely soul mates and should work everything out! I love this LP so muchhh! ❤️
Cant wait for baby shower and house so cute ☺️💕
I love her house so much!
GIRL I been refreshin all nightttt lets go
I'm a lil late, but as always u come and slay with these hour vids, we live for it 😁
Dee, let's not forget baby girl is amazing at painting and she deserves all the coins she is making boo lol 🥰😍
Aww thanks for the like Dee
Honestly in real life paintings can be EXPENSIVE. people will pay thousands of dollars for the simplest looking painting. you just have to come across the right audience.
Dee I love the Back to back videos
I just finished watching rags to riches and I’m loving this lp
I'm rooting for Khalil and Sarabi lol
Dee when I had a lot of mods in game when it would rain my game would get really glitchy, so it could be the heavy rain mixed with your last exceptions 😘 Lovee this LP
You should get a bed bench for the end of the bed for sokka to sleep and visitors to sit
I loveeee this house and series so much 💛!!
If anyone has told you yet Dee make sure you have the home studio trait for the house cause her painting still will move up quickly plus she will continue to make master pieces
its not like she is cheating the money she is just talented so I think she should keep getting what ever she can make off of her talent its btw its not like its a full on rag to riches so it shouldn't matter if she has money or not plus she can always put money aside for the baby to go to college or for her to have her own studio/ art gallery and she can save up for a dream home eventually
Hi Dee can’t wait to watchhh✨
There were so many good outfits for her and you didn't like any of them. Also that Cas voice was so cute it reminded me of Alvin and the chipmunks
So proud of Sarabi yass✨🙏🏾❤️❤️
Bruh i wish i could build like you bc ngl that house was popping DEE!!
I love how cute the house is wish my apartment looked like that I love the idea of a Halloween baby shower her dress can be a costume and she can take lots of pictures of her baby bump say she found the dryer at the thrift sale and this way she had a few dollars to go towards her Halloween baby shower costume
AHHH! i love love love getting these video notifications 😭💖
DEE u should also have her do the paintings were you can take pics of what your POV like when I say POV I mean like she can paint what her house looks like. Like the inside not just outside but I think it was called the figure or realism painting I don’t remember but ye those male a lot of money if there’s cute stuff and ur apt is def cute
I think that maybe you can create a little bump out so that if and when Sokka chooses to visit he has somewhere to sleep
I know this is Sims but I get happy when artists makes a big/huge sell. 💛☺️
Me too sis!!!
Yay it's yay it's finally all RUclips I'm so happy
At the flea market you could haggle with the sims that’s selling stuff.
yasss shawdyyy ! i was waitinggg 🥳 !