Very underrated putters. Excellent customization with shaft bends, heads, lengths and weights. Coming from a Scotty, I’m impressed(no knock on Scotty but way more customization for the player which is huge imo)
Thanks for reading off the website for the specs, info, and having your own opinion. -But in all seriousness, where are you able to get the custom putter to your desire? For me its, plumbers neck and mallet sized. (most / all other brands have double bends mallets)
I got fitted for this exact model and I’m not confident with how I’m hitting. Maybe it’s the look or something else. I’m not sure yet but I’m hoping I can figure it out real soon.
The weights are actually customizable to consumers, and they also sell a weight kit + tool.
I Shared this with PXG and they said, “meh.”
Very underrated putters. Excellent customization with shaft bends, heads, lengths and weights. Coming from a Scotty, I’m impressed(no knock on Scotty but way more customization for the player which is huge imo)
Thanks for reading off the website for the specs, info, and having your own opinion. -But in all seriousness, where are you able to get the custom putter to your desire? For me its, plumbers neck and mallet sized. (most / all other brands have double bends mallets)
I got fitted for this exact model and I’m not confident with how I’m hitting. Maybe it’s the look or something else. I’m not sure yet but I’m hoping I can figure it out real soon.
Over 400 dollars no thanks
Got mine used on eBay for 160