🔱Tablet I: The History of Thoth, the Atlantean ~ The Emerald Tablets

  • Опубликовано: 11 окт 2024
  • ➳Intro: 0:01
    ➳Preface: 2:01
    ➳Tablet I: 14:01
    ➳My Thoughts: 27:05
    ➳Text listed in top comment below
    I am not a licensed physician. Anything expressed in this video is my personal opinion and should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. Please use your discernment and personal judgment when watching spiritual information on RUclips.

Комментарии • 285

  • @laurataylor3159
    @laurataylor3159 2 года назад +73

    Oh yes, I also was very drawn to "those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak"🧞‍♀️. How this truly resonated. I know I'm very silent when it comes to my spiritual beliefs unless I'm with someone who vibes . And we all know as we are evolving this becomes more of a journey that tends to be more peaceful with ourselves or by ourselves.

    • @SparklyPsychic
      @SparklyPsychic 2 года назад +9

      I recently saw a video talking about Buddha and how everytime someone asked him "is there a god" he would stay silent... if you know, you know

    • @RosequartzDivination
      @RosequartzDivination 2 года назад +5

      For me these words also resonated but a bit differently. More in a sence that it is hard to explain it with words. It just is somehow.

  • @soulmanna1111
    @soulmanna1111  2 года назад +49

    Tablet I text below timestamps
    ➳Intro: 0:01
    ➳Preface: 2:01
    ➳Tablet I: 14:01
    ➳My Thoughts: 27:05
    ➳Tablet I Text
    I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
    keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
    living from generation to generation,
    being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
    set down for the guidance of
    those that are to come after,
    these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.
    In the great city of KEOR on the island of UNDAL,
    in a time far past, I began this incarnation.
    Not as the little men of the present age did
    the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die,
    but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew
    their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life
    flows eternally onward.
    A hundred times ten
    have I descended the dark way that led into light,
    and as many times have I ascended from the
    darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.
    Now for a time I descend,
    and the men of KHEM (Khem is alchemy in ancient Egypt)
    shall know me no more.
    But in a time yet unborn will I rise again,
    mighty and potent, requiring an accounting
    of those left behind me.
    Then beware, O men of KHEM,
    if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching,
    for I shall cast ye down from your high estate
    into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came.
    Betray not my secrets
    to the men of the North
    or the men of the South
    lest my curse fall upon ye.
    Remember and heed my words,
    for surely will I return again
    and require of thee that which ye guard.
    Aye, even from beyond time and
    from beyond death will I return,
    rewarding or punishing
    as ye have requited your trust.
    Great were my people in the ancient days,
    great beyond the conception of the
    little people now around me;
    knowing the wisdom of old,
    seeking far within the heart of infinity
    knowledge that belonged to Earth's youth.
    Wise were we with the wisdom
    of the Children of Light who dwelt among us.
    Strong were we with the power drawn
    from the eternal fire.
    And of all these, greatest among the
    children of men was my father, THOTME,
    keeper of the great temple,
    link between the Children of Light
    who dwelt within the temple and the
    races of men who inhabited the ten islands.
    Mouthpiece, after the Three,
    of the Dweller of UNAL,
    speaking to the Kings
    with the voice that must be obeyed.
    Grew I there from a child into manhood,
    being taught by my father the elder mysteries,
    until in time there grew within the fire of wisdom,
    until it burst into a consuming flame.
    Naught desired I but the attainment of wisdom.
    Until on a great day the command came from the
    Dweller of the Temple that I be brought before him.
    Few there were among the children of men
    who had looked upon that mighty face and lived,
    for not as the sons of men are the
    Children of Light when they are not incarnate
    in a physical body.
    Chosen was I from the sons of men,
    taught by the Dweller so that his
    purposes might be fulfilled,
    purposes yet unborn in the womb of time.
    Long ages I dwelt in the Temple,
    learning ever and yet ever more wisdom,
    until I, too, approached the light emitted
    from the great fire.
    Taught me he, the path to Amenti,
    the underworld where the great king sits
    upon his throne of might.
    Deep I bowed in homage before the Lords of Life
    and the Lords of Death,
    receiving as my gift the Key of Life.
    Free was I of the Halls of Amenti,
    bound not by death to the circle of life.
    Far to the stars I journeyed until
    space and time became as naught.
    Then having drunk deep of the cup of wisdom,
    I looked into the hearts of men and there found I
    greater mysteries and was glad.
    For only in the Search for Truth could my Soul
    be stilled and the flame within be quenched.
    Down through the ages I lived,
    seeing those around me taste of the cup
    of death and return again in the light of life.
    Gradually from the Kingdoms of Atlantis passed waves
    of consciousness that had been one with me,
    only to be replaced by spawn of a lower star.
    In obedience to the law,
    the word of the Master grew into flower.
    Downward into the darkness turned the
    thoughts of the Atlanteans,
    Until at last in this wrath arose from his AGWANTI,
    the Dweller, (this word has no English equivalent;
    it means a state of detachment)
    speaking The Word, calling the power.
    Deep in Earth's heart, the sons of Amenti heard,
    and hearing, directing the changing of the flower of fire
    that burns eternally, changing and shifting, using the LOGOS,
    until that great fire changed its direction.
    Over the world then broke the great waters,
    drowning and sinking,
    changing Earth's balance
    until only the Temple of Light was left
    standing on the great mountain on UNDAL
    still rising out of the water;
    some there were who were living,
    saved from the rush of the fountains.
    Called to me then the Master, saying:
    Gather ye together my people.
    Take them by the arts ye have learned of far across the waters,
    until ye reach the land of the hairy barbarians,
    dwelling in caves of the desert.
    Follow there the plan that ye know of.
    Gathered I then my people and
    entered the great ship of the Master.
    Upward we rose into the morning.
    Dark beneath us lay the Temple.
    Suddenly over it rose the waters.
    Vanished from Earth,
    until the time appointed,
    was the great Temple.
    Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning,
    until beneath us lay the land of the children of KHEM.
    Raging, they came with cudgels and spears,
    lifted in anger seeking to slay and utterly destroy the Sons of Atlantis.
    Then raised I my staff and directed a ray of vibration,
    striking them still in their tracks as fragments
    of stone of the mountain.
    Then spoke I to them in words calm and peaceful,
    telling them of the might of Atlantis,
    saying we were children of the Sun and its messengers.
    Cowed I them by my display of magic-science,
    until at my feet they groveled, when I released them.
    Long dwelt we in the land of KHEM,
    long and yet long again.
    Until obeying the commands of the Master,
    who while sleeping yet lives eternally,
    I sent from me the Sons of Atlantis,
    sent them in many directions,
    that from the womb of time wisdom
    might rise again in her children.
    Long time dwelt I in the land of KHEM,
    doing great works by the wisdom within me.
    Upward grew into the light of knowledge
    the children of KHEM,
    watered by the rains of my wisdom.
    Blasted I then a path to Amenti so
    that I might retain my powers,
    living from age to age a Sun of Atlantis,
    keeping the wisdom, preserving the records.
    Great grew the sons of KHEM,
    conquering the people around them,
    growing slowly upwards in Soul force.
    Now for a time I go from among them into
    the dark halls of Amenti,
    deep in the halls of the Earth,
    before the Lords of the powers,
    face to face once again with the Dweller.
    Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway
    leading down to Amenti.
    Few there would be with courage to dare it,
    few pass the portal to dark Amenti.
    Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid,
    using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity).
    Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber;
    from it carved I a circular passage
    reaching almost to the great summit.
    There in the apex, set I the crystal,
    sending the ray into the "Time-Space,"
    drawing the force from out of the ether,
    concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti.
    Other chambers I built and left vacant to all seeming,
    yet hidden within them are the keys to Amenti.
    He who in courage would dare the dark realms,
    let him be purified first by long fasting.
    Lie in the sarcophagus of stone in my chamber.
    Then reveal I to him the great mysteries.
    Soon shall he follow to where I shall meet him,
    even in the darkness of Earth shall I meet him, I,
    Thoth, Lord of Wisdom, meet him and hold him
    and dwell with him always.
    Builded I the Great Pyramid,
    patterned after the pyramid of Earth force,
    burning eternally so that it, too,
    might remain through the ages.
    In it, I builded my knowledge of "Magic-Science"
    so that I might be here when again I return from Amenti,
    Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti,
    my Soul roaming free will incarnate,
    dwell among men in this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.)
    Emissary on Earth am I of the Dweller,
    fulfilling his commands so many might be lifted.
    Now return I to the halls of Amenti,
    leaving behind me some of my wisdom.
    Preserve ye and keep ye the command of the Dweller:
    Lift ever upwards your eyes toward the light.
    Surely in time, ye are one with the Master,
    surely by right ye are one with the Master,
    surely by right yet are one with the ALL.
    Now, I depart from ye.
    Know my commandments,
    keep them and be them,
    and I will be with you,
    helping and guiding you into the Light.
    Now before me opens the portal.
    Go I down in the darkness of night.
    I am not a licensed physician. Anything expressed in this video is my personal opinion and should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. Please use your discernment and personal judgment when watching spiritual information on RUclips. This is just information and in no way should be used in place of your personal judgment.

    • @katwomantxstyle
      @katwomantxstyle 2 года назад +4

      Thank You for including this along with the video, VERY HELPFUL! 🤩

    • @dilekaktan4543
      @dilekaktan4543 2 года назад +1

      I'd like to know what is the source of the translation of these tablets?? Because there are wrong translations that is serving and working for the dark side but they made it sound like light side. I'd like to know who translated these and the source of these translations.

    • @stephen3677
      @stephen3677 2 года назад

      Thank you. I wonder if these are the same tablets, I was shown in a vision. Paleo writing was
      definately written on them😎

    • @soulmanna1111
      @soulmanna1111  2 года назад +2

      @@dilekaktan4543 They were translated by Doreal, you can do a google search for more information :)

  • @SadhviJenn
    @SadhviJenn Год назад +1

    Many months later, I’m finally ready to listen to this

  • @empressbutterfly
    @empressbutterfly 2 года назад +1

    Don't know why but the last moments I began to cry but I don't remember what exactly was said...I need to listen a second time...thank you

  • @Kef444
    @Kef444 2 года назад +5

    Thank you so much for posting this. So last week I received the Emerald Tablet Activation card and the Halls of Amenti card in the Gateway of Light Activation Oracle deck. Both cards came to me at the same exact time. So I began researching the emerald tablets & how they related to manifesting and the law of attraction. What you are saying makes perfect sense somehow as if I’ve known this in another lifetime. As soon as I received these cards I knew they were an important part of my life work and purpose. And then I came across your video this morning, and there’s so many synchronicities!!

  • @cyntheknitter9927
    @cyntheknitter9927 2 года назад +1

    Fascinating. Reminds me of Christianity and Egyptian religion mixed together

  • @doublewired
    @doublewired 2 года назад +1

    It describes my life so far.😅👌 On to the next one.

  • @ashleynegron8371
    @ashleynegron8371 Год назад +1

    It reminds me of stories in the Bible too. Wow this was so activating. I felt such a rush and rise of energy! I knew to trust my intuition. This video has been popping up into my mind. Thank you so much for what you do🫂🫂

  • @harmonaywhitewolf5329
    @harmonaywhitewolf5329 2 года назад +3

    I can only imagine the amazing esoteric things that are occurring for you as you read these alchemizing words of Thoth. Many blessings Dee.

  • @Deborah54Simple-yet-Profound
    @Deborah54Simple-yet-Profound Год назад +1

    Oh thankyou so much, I started to study The Hermetic Principles. This is exactly what I feel also, these teachings are of Universal Laws knowing The All as Creator. All is ONE

  • @joelindagordon8046
    @joelindagordon8046 2 года назад +3

    Bless you Beautiful Soul....Love and Light
    For this Moment of Connections........✨✨✨💙✨✨✨

  • @shireenogir5636
    @shireenogir5636 2 года назад +1

    Many thank much blessings 🧚‍♂️😇😇

  • @SpirituallyZiya
    @SpirituallyZiya 2 года назад +22

    You’ve Just Sparked Something Within Me With This 💜

  • @cassandra_shamansharron7183
    @cassandra_shamansharron7183 2 года назад +11

    Yes, it's good that you are reading this, your giving so much of your time to help others, this is A GREAT IDEA.
    Congratulations 🎊

  • @mayrar854
    @mayrar854 2 года назад +3

    Wow major Crown Chakra opening 🥰thank you Dee

  • @paulinedavidson4338
    @paulinedavidson4338 Год назад +1

    Dee, thanks for all you do. I started listening to you on your 1st channel years ago and was blown away by your accuracy. You have mentioned this Emerald tablets twice so am listening to these now. Your voice is so soothing, thank you and hopeyou are having a great festive time.

  • @CosmicHealingGoddess
    @CosmicHealingGoddess 2 года назад +5

    Please continue posting these teachings. This is wonderful. I also enjoy reading other ppl’s thoughts on these teachings.

  • @theenlighteneddaughter
    @theenlighteneddaughter Год назад

    I've read his tablets, and love that you are sharing them with more of the collective. May those with eyes see. And those with ears, let them hear. Brilliant Dee. Always doing God's work. May blessings be upon you. XOXO

  • @DivineMagickOccult
    @DivineMagickOccult 8 месяцев назад

    Strong energy flowing through me just listening to this, Praise be to Thofh. ❤

  • @carolynlanierroberts265
    @carolynlanierroberts265 Год назад

    It is WONDERFUL that you are bringing these forward in this Unprecedented NOW, Beautiful Soul. I respect DEEEPLY Atlantis and Egypt and especially The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and for me I also naturally ground with Lemuria which has Ancient Truths that precede Thoth. I look forward to when these Truths will also be known as the Foundation for their Significance to Our Societys as Well. When this Wisdom partnered with the later civilizations (Atlantis ,Egypt and Other) will Transform Our World. I look forward to listening to all of the rest of these Ancient Texts and Am SO GreatFULL for your Magnificent Heart, Beautiful Soul, Dee❤️😃❤️

  • @eugenialinn1834
    @eugenialinn1834 2 года назад +1

    ❤️ love is the way ❤️ thank you

  • @Sacredcrystalalchemy
    @Sacredcrystalalchemy 2 года назад

    Thank you for taking the time to read the tablets. Do not underestimate the power of these readings. It is meditative. I was transported back to Atlantis. I agree with you that there are many similarities in the Thoth teachings and with the bible and other teachings which are all a piece of the larger puzzle.

  • @lacigreen2477
    @lacigreen2477 2 года назад

    So first I must thank you for being such and amazingly enlightened spiritual healer and teacher… thank you Dee.
    I woke up after fasting (I recently felt drawn to cleanse and detox renew my body and mind). I was led here today. The Tablet 1 even mentioned “fasting”…. This is Something every religion (Jew, Hindi, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist) agree is a way to higher spirituality, oneness and consciousness. It takes you to “source energy”….
    I woke up today with this “euphoric” feeling people talk about when fasting.. I was immediately drawn here!! AWE-Inspiring!! and I had been asking for a sign for my path to higher enlightenment and the direction for me to see my purpose clearly…
    This is my sign …. I’m
    So excited to experience this level of divine wisdom.
    🙏🏽 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @dawnmichelle
    @dawnmichelle Год назад

    So much tingly confirmation just from clicking play! Thank you for guiding me here! ✨️💚✨️

  • @Lyranlight11
    @Lyranlight11 2 года назад +9

    This marks a new beginning in my learning journey. Thanks for reading these in your beautiful voice! 🤍🦋

  • @darlenebradshaw8722
    @darlenebradshaw8722 2 года назад +7

    I had a long hard day with our patients today and need to unwind. I got notice of your reading and your sweet gentle voice reading sent me into total relaxation. Thank you so much for this. I was able to close my eyes and be swept away. Blessed be!! Sending you love and light!! ☀️🌈🌻😇

  • @jeannemitchell5135
    @jeannemitchell5135 2 года назад +3

    I hope you will continue this series. Your reading is soothing and easy to comprehend. It is synchronistic for me to hear this at this time as I plan to read the Popol Vuh in the next month. This is the story of creation for the Maya. I am now living in the Mayan country of Guatemala and the Thoth journey to central America is of particular interest to me. I will be curious to see how the Popol Vuh aligns with the Thoth story of creation.

  • @SparklyPsychic
    @SparklyPsychic 2 года назад +4

    "The connecting link between the material man and the spiritual man is the intellectual man" this quotes resonated with me the most!!! I am starting to understand how to integrate my spiritual knowledge with living in the 3d world and this quote sums it up!

  • @futtsie2512
    @futtsie2512 2 года назад +25

    Omg Dee! This is a sync if there ever was one! I love it!! 💕 This has been on my to do list here in the past year. It’s something that has unlocked ‘lost’ knowledge within my DNA 🔥💚

  • @Aw-ix1cl
    @Aw-ix1cl 2 года назад +11


  • @kristenmarosi8559
    @kristenmarosi8559 Год назад

    Here on the 11/11 portal. I read these once before, upon your suggestion. I am excited to go through these again but with you!!

  • @christineholtzer6656
    @christineholtzer6656 2 года назад +8

    As a child I have been fascinated by Egyptian artifacts we had in our local museum. We had a mummy we went to see all the time. I think my Catholic up bringing I could not try to go deeper if I have wanted to. I found this interesting and cannot wait to hear more. Thank you Dee for sharing.

    • @sunflowerlove6489
      @sunflowerlove6489 2 года назад +3

      i was too at 13 i studied on my own as well i always knew there was more and over the years books have fallen into my lap

  • @taipi-yungjimenez4451
    @taipi-yungjimenez4451 2 года назад +3

    Thank you Dee! I’ve tried to listen to these teachings before but your voice and pace helped me receive them. Love you and always look forward to your readings.

    • @dianep3002
      @dianep3002 2 года назад

      I have tried listening to others too but Dee is so soothing & her voice resonates greatly a true blessing ☺️

  • @loriswinney87
    @loriswinney87 2 года назад

    Thank you very much sister it's like a big puzzle and the more that we understand the more we see that we're all connected in history.

  • @amanda_xo
    @amanda_xo 2 месяца назад

    Oh my goodness! I'm shocked i haven't seen this sooner! Everything comes in time ♡
    My divinity into yours, Dee 💚

  • @empressbutterfly
    @empressbutterfly 2 года назад

    I agree with your assessment that it mirrors the story of Noah and Egypt and the infiltration of the lower vibration also known as the fallen...wonderful..I felt tingling about the lower spine during the second listen

  • @me-zc3mz
    @me-zc3mz 8 месяцев назад

    Goodness, I've seen such a tablet in my dream, and someone said it might have been the emerald tablet, I always see these languages in my meditation ❤thank you for sharing this

  • @suzanalshahed4890
    @suzanalshahed4890 2 года назад

    Thanks for the enlightenment.. we will be waiting for the rest Tablets to follow 💜🕯🙏🏼

  • @Ms3tik33
    @Ms3tik33 2 года назад +4

    it must’ve talked to my soul because I cried like a baby through the whole thing💯❤️

  • @jennyd1621
    @jennyd1621 2 года назад +5

    Omg Dee… the magic and love you give us thank you.. love you all so much ♥️🙏

  • @yolandelaurier1754
    @yolandelaurier1754 2 года назад

    Wow what a beautiful story and with your soft voice, it just hit in my heart, tears in my eyes, oh so many blessings to you. I will continue on listening to this for sure.

  • @Molly-tc9xk
    @Molly-tc9xk 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much Dee 🤗 I am Egyptian ❤❤

  • @lisamichele9941
    @lisamichele9941 2 года назад +5

    The Emerald tablet! Your post was the third time today the Emerald tablet came to me. I've never heard of it before. I did not seek it out each time, so truly it must be something I need to study. Thank you Dee, you've been such a blessing to follow. 🥰

    • @soulmanna1111
      @soulmanna1111  2 года назад +3

      They will find you if you are meant to receive their light :) and it sounds like they have been knocking on your door!! lots of love and light to you siSTAR!!

    • @anitaroeke3398
      @anitaroeke3398 2 года назад

      Soul Manna Hi Dee- the second video on the list on my phone was deleted ???

  • @rachelroth2150
    @rachelroth2150 Год назад

    Thanks for this. I was guided by Hecate to study Hermeticism last night. I started reading into it and I had a dream about it, it wasn't straight forward but there was a statue of Thoth in the dream so here I am. I've been conflicted by my upbringing as a christian, my belief in the teachings of Jesus, and my strong resonance with witchcraft and more recently Hecate. I believe that studying Hermeticism will be beneficial.

  • @HighPriestessOshunñ
    @HighPriestessOshunñ Год назад

    Well first thing I want to say is soon as I look at it I got a headache and then I immediately got sleepy and then I woke up right before ended or not really sleepy but I don’t know it put me in a state of meditation like seriously I was out of here and my head was hurting and my temples was hurting. This was phenomenal I love you so much keep them coming I’ll be here for them all

  • @wambuigitau280
    @wambuigitau280 4 месяца назад

    Those who Know do not speak .,those who talk do not know..Thank you for posting ❤

  • @sennlai
    @sennlai Год назад

    This just popped on my timeline out of nowhere! Absolutely timely. Thank you. ❤️

  • @kphhunt489
    @kphhunt489 2 года назад +2

    The sun is an entity and effortlessly I channel it to everybody who is willing to perceive it and hear it can hear it in your ears can you hear it in your ears I can hear it in my ears 😀

  • @mariagemas8950
    @mariagemas8950 Год назад

    I'm hipnotiized mesmorized by these words i feel i was bound to this knowledge and your voice the merkaba that carries me though it

  • @donnaheffron2346
    @donnaheffron2346 2 года назад +3

    Omg this struck such a chord within me! I was so enthralled by the writings! Thoth to me is a prophet teaching his knowledge to the people! Can't wait for the next one! Blessed be

  • @GenealogyGirl-wh3pd
    @GenealogyGirl-wh3pd Год назад

    Thank you! I felt energy and heat around my left hand as you read through this tablet!

  • @brendag5855
    @brendag5855 2 года назад +1

    Thank you 🙏

  • @jillewing7902
    @jillewing7902 2 года назад +2

    Maybe the lower star reference is speaking of another race from a different star system that was less spiritually evolved, who either seeded our planet or manipulated the DNA of the species already here.

  • @sandiodonovan8953
    @sandiodonovan8953 7 месяцев назад

    Pile #3 I wasn't sure of a particular friendship and my intuition was very strong and telling me let it go and you just verified that for me.. Dee you are such a blessing 🙏🕊️💫💜

  • @ang8904
    @ang8904 Год назад

    O M G! How in the world did I miss this? I’ve been following you for more than 3 years and here as well when you brought this platform to us. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I’ll be reading the tablet along with you again! Please consider reading The Hathor Material by Tom Kenyon. Not many are doing this and I desperately need a mentor to help me along this path!! 🤗 ❤️

  • @Sweetlilyshow
    @Sweetlilyshow 2 года назад

    I have been studying these also and my angels and guides ask me to return to them regularly. ❤️

  • @13052004marily
    @13052004marily 2 года назад

    Just got electrified as if a lightning went down my body from my head down....🙏🏻⚡️🌟💝🙏🏻

  • @francebignolas888lovelight
    @francebignolas888lovelight Год назад

    Eternal gratitude to Dee for Your magical reading of """Tablet I: The History of Thoth, the Atlantean ~ The Emerald Tablets""" Words are not enough to express my gratitude... please keep on reading the Emerald Tablets on this channel ... Love and Light...

  • @SaturnRuled
    @SaturnRuled Год назад

    We are of Love,We are Love, We are of Light,We bring the Light, We are Divine, WE ARE OF THE DIVINE 💕✨🌍😇🙏!Love and Light Family ❤️❤️❤️

  • @triciaruiz3598
    @triciaruiz3598 2 года назад +1

    I agree with you Dee. It seems very much like a cycle predating the Bible. I’m excited to hear the rest. Gratitude

  • @dirtangel1518
    @dirtangel1518 2 года назад +1

    Thank you...

  • @SaturnRuled
    @SaturnRuled Год назад

    YES!! Thank you for doing this Dee!Love and Light!! 💕✨🌍😇♑🙏

  • @lindajam8202
    @lindajam8202 2 года назад +4

    How awesome!

  • @veroniquelemay530
    @veroniquelemay530 Год назад

    This is fantastic! Thank you for bringing the knowledge of the Emerald Tablets to the masses! Beautiful! I really enjoyed this and look forward to the next one! ❤❤❤

  • @caroltremain9269
    @caroltremain9269 Год назад

    So after listening to soul guidence for your spiritual journey on your other channel, you recommended listening to the emerald tablets of thoth. I am sag, ironiclly my son gifted me the thoth tarot deck a year ago for my birthday, so I was intrigued to check out the emerald tablets. I will be reading all of them from now on. thank you for this wisdom I was led to.

  • @puff6404
    @puff6404 2 года назад +1

    Wow… I loved The word usage
    I await the next
    Pertains to current times..🙏❤️🌀🌈

  • @loristasko3237
    @loristasko3237 2 года назад +5

    I have the translation and interpretation by Doreal on my bed stand now, it is opened to page 9. Drunvalo Melchizedek, The founder of the flower of life organization requested this two-column study format for the use by flower of life students. It’s interesting, beyond interesting. 🔮

  • @PillarofLightAngelMessages
    @PillarofLightAngelMessages Год назад

    This resonates with me so much thankyou ,Sistar for reading this ,yourvoice is so peaceful and calming ,I Am definitely interested in this ,feels like a parent reading me the story of my life and existence, I look forward to the rest

  • @selbylarner4440
    @selbylarner4440 2 года назад

    I'm so happy you are doing these, blessings and light to you always angel 🙏🏼💖🌈✨🎇🎆

  • @quantumsoulsjourney888
    @quantumsoulsjourney888 Год назад

    Thank you Dee, the next level has awakened!

  • @latortuenoir
    @latortuenoir 2 года назад

    I've been reading it since 2008 and it does the same to me too... every time I see à d'expérience meaning! 😃 so happy you say the same thing than me

  • @c.v.26
    @c.v.26 2 года назад +3

    I am loving this! You have the perfect voice for this ❤❤❤

  • @avanaintuitive
    @avanaintuitive 2 года назад +4

    I just feel like this is divine timing for me. I am so looking forward to hearing more! Thank you!

  • @CrystallineAlchemist
    @CrystallineAlchemist 2 года назад +1

    ♥️♥️♥️ I read these and listen to them ♥️♥️♥️ they are my adult Bible:) I was raised in the church, these writings and others left out of the Christian Bible are the missing pieces I was always longing for while learning he Bible 🥂 can’t wait

  • @maryspano3480
    @maryspano3480 2 года назад

    i found this very fascinating and strangely soothing!!

  • @lindsaymackay8280
    @lindsaymackay8280 4 месяца назад

    I love that you’re doing these!!! Your voice is beautiful and soothing and easy to retain what you say ❤❤❤❤

  • @OliviaHaize
    @OliviaHaize 2 года назад +1

    Thank you @soulmanna ! Would you please also share the background music?? I also loved the background music for AA Michael read!

  • @hephtregeagle629
    @hephtregeagle629 2 года назад +1

    You. I Am so happy to have found you 🤗🥰

  • @julielea8344
    @julielea8344 2 года назад

    I was raised in a Christian school, I felt it was Biblical immediately. Mattias De Stefano claims to have been in Atlantis & remembers it. He's been in Egypt & other countries doing something too complicated for me to repeat, but he is on YT & absolutely fascinating! He's a young man who remembers since his first memory & the things he explains are mind boggling, the little I've been told from Spirit about time & such, he has explained & expanded on, as well explaining the dimensions, which are different than we understand according to his memory of Atlantis. He claims Atlantis fell into darkness. Much Love

  • @susunmoore4607
    @susunmoore4607 2 года назад +3

    Thank you! I have been wanting to read the Emerald tablets but keep procrastinating. Yes, it does sound like the basis for most religions and I am looking forward to learning more.

    • @LenaCapri1111
      @LenaCapri1111 2 года назад

      Me as well- thank you spirit & thank you Dee- I’m really not a procrastinator (lies ego, yes you are) -you reading this to us is a blessing, this is divine timing or a kick in the butt for me to hear this❤️🙏🏽

  • @alightheart7084
    @alightheart7084 2 года назад

    Dee I love this, your voice with such incredible source of wisdom..

  • @oliveoily4803
    @oliveoily4803 2 года назад

    Good job Dee! Interesting, exited about all this knowledge. Please keep going. I will be waiting.

  • @lesleyM84
    @lesleyM84 Год назад

    Well this is the coolest ever, Dee!! Thank you!! Wowzers🎉🎉🎉🎉

    • @lesleyM84
      @lesleyM84 Год назад

      Ohh those forbidden tabs!! Now released… very exciting🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @ginakilby1777
    @ginakilby1777 Год назад

    Why am I crying through. Out this?? Feel very touched but dont know why yet🙄❤️😛

  • @OliviaHaize
    @OliviaHaize 2 года назад +2

    I can’t thank you enough for this, I’ll be listening minimally “100 times.” This is more than pleasure reading indeed

  • @puff6404
    @puff6404 2 года назад

    The Magi…!!! I Humble bow to your gift ..Thank you .. I listen forward to your reading of Thoth..🙏❤️🌀🌈

  • @TabTubee
    @TabTubee 2 года назад

    Yasssssss!!! I love to hear them with your comforting and loving voice!! You honestly are my very first
    My beautiful soul I can never thank you enough!! I am pi rising so I connect with you so beautifully!! Keep being u the world needs more of you! Unconditional Love and Light!

  • @QueenAshUzumaki13
    @QueenAshUzumaki13 2 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for this !!!

  • @shewhoknows.792
    @shewhoknows.792 2 года назад +3

    I was introduced to Thoth very early in my journey. One school of thought shared with me at that time is that Thoth is Jesus reincarnated. I had several Atlantean past lives so I’m loving this

    • @soulmanna1111
      @soulmanna1111  2 года назад +4

      I can absolutely resonate with that. The energy of Jesus when you call upon him is undeniable. After I shed my Christian beliefs I can still call upon him and actually felt him even more. Lots of love and light to you siSTAR!!! Blessed be always!

    • @AilaaKaldren_ICONICGlobal
      @AilaaKaldren_ICONICGlobal 2 года назад +1

      @@soulmanna1111 Same here, I agree!!!

  • @starsoul_7
    @starsoul_7 2 года назад

    Wow...I just came across these a few months ago. Thank you

  • @debbieolson5348
    @debbieolson5348 Год назад

    Your voice is amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed listening and will relisten . Thank you.

  • @AtlantisMermaid2.0
    @AtlantisMermaid2.0 2 года назад +1

    100% agree with your observations.

  • @ravenjensen11
    @ravenjensen11 2 года назад

    Whoa! My mentor advised me to start listening to the tablets. Sooo Spot on Dee! Thank you beautiful soul ❤️✨🙏🌈 I needed these words of wisdom in this part of my journey. XOXO ❤️

  • @gendecoro
    @gendecoro 2 года назад +2

    I LOVE the Emerald Tablets! Been reading them since 2014. It's also available on ytube for free!

  • @tinamitchell5848
    @tinamitchell5848 2 года назад

    I appreciate learning spiritual wisdam if Thoth.
    Thank You💙💜

  • @WarriorGirl_113
    @WarriorGirl_113 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for sharing this with us all!!! It's my understanding that many scholar's over the decades that have studied them all.. Thoth, Enki, Enlil, & Jesus and believe they are all the same Soul reincarnated three times.

  • @tantrika.exotica
    @tantrika.exotica 2 года назад +1

    Go Girl ✨✨✨

  • @lynwilson4773
    @lynwilson4773 2 года назад +3

    Thank you Dee, for your insight and narrative! Loved this.

  • @stephaniealexander3386
    @stephaniealexander3386 2 года назад

    I love it! I am ready to listen to all the tablets. I am very drawn to learning this lost knowledge. Sending love and light

  • @sunflowerlove6489
    @sunflowerlove6489 2 года назад +1

    This was mind blowing !!!!! Thank u ANdrea !