Hey Thanks for the feedback I had no clue. Tested on PC and Phone But didn't even think about headphones. Ill figure it out for the next one. Appreciate ya.
I thought those would be common sense. I'm older and I am seeing gains in just 2-3 months. Taking creatine as well. Just make sure you are eating a bunch of protein as well.
@@Totalfitness1134 in the 1930s people wasn't as sick with selfimage as we are today I'm 55 5.9 230 at 8% body fat still juicing hard and don't care if they kill me which in time they will but that's the way hardheaded bodybuilders choose to go
@EdLavarreda OK. We all choose our path. I'm not knocking ya for that by any means. But the last thing I would tell a newbie or intermediate lifters is that it takes "4". That comes way later and is riskier, and they need a good base first.
If I take your statement for face value, then I could sit on the couch, eat as many cheetos as possible, and get bigger muscles at the same time. No exercise, is that what you're saying??
I love this video. No BS, no secret 'hacks', just straightforward advice that works.
@A.P.Garland thanks man I appreciate it. I just wanna get people results.
FYI audio is mostly coming from left ear.
It's all right.
Hey Thanks for the feedback I had no clue. Tested on PC and Phone But didn't even think about headphones. Ill figure it out for the next one. Appreciate ya.
Excellent video bro 🙌
Appreciate it man. Hope it helped!
my left side of the body is going to get so damn jacked
You must be single hahaha.
Dude I just listened to that on headphones. I see now. haha
I thought those would be common sense. I'm older and I am seeing gains in just 2-3 months. Taking creatine as well. Just make sure you are eating a bunch of protein as well.
You should use lexis to single channel your audio so it should come only in one ear
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah ill have to do something. Tested on PC and Phone but headphones is the problem. Ill get it sorted
I think is big 4 stimulus nutrition rest and grams of steroids and that's the truth
@EdLavarreda Steroids were invented in 1930. What did they do before that?
@@Totalfitness1134 in the 1930s people wasn't as sick with selfimage as we are today I'm 55 5.9 230 at 8% body fat still juicing hard and don't care if they kill me which in time they will but that's the way hardheaded bodybuilders choose to go
@EdLavarreda OK. We all choose our path. I'm not knocking ya for that by any means. But the last thing I would tell a newbie or intermediate lifters is that it takes "4". That comes way later and is riskier, and they need a good base first.
I dunno why I got recommended this but god damn I can't even listen to it. Fix your audio. At the very least just make it mono.
Hey Thanks for the feedback. Tested on PC and Phone But didn't even think about headphones. Ill figure it out for the next one. Appreciate ya.
U want to get bigger build muscle eat more that's it not rocket science
If I take your statement for face value, then I could sit on the couch, eat as many cheetos as possible, and get bigger muscles at the same time. No exercise, is that what you're saying??
@@Totalfitness1134 of course working out but the food gets u bigger not the exercises
@trapps75 idk. I thought I said that in the video.