Dear Dave Castro and Adrian Bozman… | Shut Up & Scribble Ep 11

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @jessm96297
    @jessm96297 Год назад +6

    I’d love to see what Boz’s original programming looked like since Castro said he changed a lot

  • @Fit_Soccer_Dad
    @Fit_Soccer_Dad Год назад +8

    What about a Sprint Triathlon ( 800M swim, 10 mile bike, and 5k run ) thoughts

    • @emmacoughlan702
      @emmacoughlan702 Год назад +1

      I agree hey I’d rather see a triathlon or run swim run instead of a bike event or plain run.

  • @nathanhanks4715
    @nathanhanks4715 Год назад +8

    I don’t see what the big deal is - people act like they are personally being attacked over the “5k”.
    And I personally thought the Games programming was awesome - the fact that everyone thinks every other event has to have a barbell is ridiculous- bozman just held a master class in showing how you can get fit and express fitness in a multitude of ways.
    Isn’t that the definition of CROSS fit?

  • @pbfishing5153
    @pbfishing5153 Год назад +6

    Thank you Taylor for voicing your opinion on the 4.5k. It hurts the reputation and image of CrossFit and bring the integrity of the sport into question. They need to come out with a statement and apology owning their mistake.

  • @Greg_Glassman
    @Greg_Glassman Год назад +11

    I am more shocked that Taylor didn't swear than anything

  • @anderss7277
    @anderss7277 Год назад

    The "5K" run could have been done as the half maraton row back in the days. The first 200 or 400 m is scored as one event and then the total run is scored as a seperate event.

  • @ChaseGr8ness247
    @ChaseGr8ness247 Год назад

    Can we get a scribble episode on the team BROgramming? I thought that was money!!!

  • @victormachadoreis2734
    @victormachadoreis2734 Год назад +2

    The 4.5 k measures taken by athletes point out to a possible official wheeling measurement below 4.5 k. Even the best runners would not be able to follow the ideal wheeled course. So the official distance would be possible lower than 4.5 k.

  • @brianhaida3103
    @brianhaida3103 Год назад +1

    Great convo fellas

  • @RB-mn5ix
    @RB-mn5ix Год назад

    Thanks Guys. Always enjoyable

  • @HaydenGoodalll
    @HaydenGoodalll Год назад +1

    Just to extend a thought on sandbags. I’m a butcher by trade and been doing CrossFit four years, with out trying to get to descriptive, picking up and moving dead shit was always so difficult for me I’m a 63kg/138ish pound dude (brick shit haus). My max squat 125kg/277pound not great but I can clean/run/carry 90kg/200pound bag confidently because or my everyday life experiences. Just thought I’d give an insight for I’d object

  • @victormachadoreis2734
    @victormachadoreis2734 Год назад +2

    Also Helen is a benchmark (though herein taken with a variation) and I bet the running was shorter than 400m.

  • @erica9563
    @erica9563 Год назад +1

    This was great guys

  • @joel-oquendo
    @joel-oquendo Год назад +1

    I think the wheel was set to yards and not meters. Track wheels do that. They probably did 5000 yards

  • @johngeorge9423
    @johngeorge9423 Год назад

    Love the show!! Would love to hear what you think about the age group programming. Starting from QF-Games. Thanks!

  • @craigros5
    @craigros5 Год назад

    When I saw times coming at the end of the '5' K I knew it wasn't 5k

  • @iamrickwagner
    @iamrickwagner Год назад

    Agree with the views on 5k fuck up. As a high cross country coach and CrossFit athlete mismeasuring the 5k is disappointing and so unprofessional I mean come on. I have lost a little respect for Hinshaw, but especially Boz and Dave.

  • @cameronaxenty8828
    @cameronaxenty8828 Год назад

    On the bike your FTP measured as watts/kilo is the thing that matters as much as skill and what you can do on a C2 goes away

  • @Mikehount
    @Mikehount Год назад

    In relation to rebounding the box jumps, didn't one of the age group ladies rupture her achilles doing that earlier in the week? Maybe they didn't want to risk that happening again

  • @beatmasterJAG
    @beatmasterJAG Год назад +4

    I felt like there was a ton of let downs and they way things evolved, like Roman getting hurt, just made things feel anticlimactic to me. I don't know if it was some of the programming or some of the athlete pool this year but things felt lacking the whole week. Maybe it was the Capitol and the Sand Bag events from last year still towering over this year 🤷‍♂️

  • @yagofreire7057
    @yagofreire7057 Год назад +2

    Last year’s programming was way better. Let boz program by himself again.

  • @craigros5
    @craigros5 Год назад +1

    You liked no swimming. ?!? cherry picking much

  • @jeremyeatworld807
    @jeremyeatworld807 Год назад +3

    Yes, worst programmed Games we've seen.