Israeli Air Force - Heyl Ha'Avir

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2009
  • In three hours on the morning of June 5, 1967, the first day of the Six Day War, the Israeli Air Force executed Operation Focus, crippling the opposing Arab air forces and attaining air supremacy for the remainder of the war. In a surprise attack, the IAF destroyed most of the Egyptian Air Force while its planes were still on the ground. By the end of the day, with surrounding Arab countries also drawn into the fighting, the IAF had mauled the Syrian and Jordanian air forces as well, striking as far as Iraq. After six days of fighting Israel claimed a total of 452 Arab aircraft destroyed, of which 49 were aerial victories. The Israeli Air Force lost 46 aircraft, 12 to Arab air forces.
    Following the success of the initial attack waves against the major Egyptian airfields and subsequent air raids, attacks were carried out that afternoon against Israel by the Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi air forces. Subsequent attacks against secondary Egyptian airfields as well as Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi fields wiped out most of those nations' air forces.
    By nightfall, Israel said it destroyed 416 Arab aircraft, while losing 26 of their own in the first two days of the war.
    The numbers of Arab aircraft claimed destroyed by Israel were at first regarded as "greatly exaggerated" by the Western press. However, the fact that the Egyptian, Jordanian, and other Arab air forces made practically no appearance for the remaining days of the conflict proved that the numbers were most likely authentic. Throughout the war, Israeli aircraft continued strafing Arab airfield runways to prevent their return to usability. Meanwhile, Egyptian state-run radio had reported an Egyptian victory, falsely claiming that 70 Israeli planes had been forced down the first day of fighting.

Комментарии • 40

  • @kiki7772001
    @kiki7772001 12 лет назад +3

    May God surround you with mighty warrior angels and show Himself strong on your behalf Israel , I will always love you all and admire that you have survived and even flourished under extreme circumstances. The true believers in Yeshua will always be your friends and supporters forever because we know in our hearts that you are Gods people and represent Him on earth that is why people who are controlled by the enemy satan persecute the Jewish people because they are dear to Gods heart.

  • @micheltangy2725
    @micheltangy2725 9 лет назад +1

    Go Heyl Ha'avir! Your role will be even more important in days to come. The hate of muslims against is not only near your country, but everywhere in the free wor(l)d. Defense is neccessary more than ever. Good luck and good flight!

  • @israelsherratt7967
    @israelsherratt7967 12 лет назад

    Totally agree with you jito!

  • @pedrorafaelp
    @pedrorafaelp 12 лет назад +2

    im not jewish but i admire them a lot specially as pilot.
    id really like that here in south america we had the stregth and the courage to get over the adversity like the israeli people and stop cryng over some bananna dictatorships of 30 years ago.

  • @Tranefine
    @Tranefine 11 лет назад

    Whats the name of this music resp. soundtrack?

  • @Tranefine
    @Tranefine 12 лет назад

    which music is that?

  • @jewmajorj
    @jewmajorj 12 лет назад

    What the name of the song(s)

  • @CrazyRussianPilot


  • @qentrepreneurship9987
    @qentrepreneurship9987 3 года назад


  • @jewmajorj
    @jewmajorj 12 лет назад

    @crazycrackanimal Israel is receiving 20 f-35 units. 1901? I think not. Meanwhile, what is turkey's air force showcasing?

  • @gc1994
    @gc1994 14 лет назад +1

    wings over israel

  • @11esky
    @11esky 13 лет назад

    the best air force in the world :)

  • @Israeli79patriot
    @Israeli79patriot 13 лет назад

    @N0sweer No you can't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @dayfullahas4932
    @dayfullahas4932 6 лет назад

    Engkau hanya berani melawan negara yang tidak berdaya

  • @brettt777
    @brettt777 12 лет назад

    @kiki7772001 <------- What he said.... Amen!

  • @osm200919
    @osm200919 13 лет назад

    صبرا صبرا يا يهود جيش محمد سوف يعود والله مادام الله معنا فلا يهمنا اى سلاح ولو امتلكتم اسلحة العالم كله

  • @TheFunce
    @TheFunce 12 лет назад

    44 falesins

  • @aviel9475
    @aviel9475 12 лет назад

    i dont thinks sow

  • @jto1916
    @jto1916 12 лет назад +1

    Just a pleassure my friend. Israel has allways been under attack from unfriendly neighbours which harbored Nazi Criminals from 1945 and up to this day. Every
    person in Europe and througout the civililized world ought to remember the horrors
    that the Jewish people have lived through. Unfortunately most people tend to forget
    that. You and your friends are welcome on my channel anytime . Write, and I will
    write back. Regards from Jan.

  • @pedrorafaelp
    @pedrorafaelp 12 лет назад

    @earthhoo when they are sober hhahahhaha