3.24.3 Master mode will get even worse - vote with your wallet

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • 3.24.3 Master mode will get even worse
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    email (anti bot, remove the blanks): dgiannini @ web.de
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    PC specs:
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    4K 144Hz 32inch main monitor

Комментарии • 409

  • @Camural
    @Camural  3 дня назад +31

    Spectrum thread: robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/4/thread/master-modes-2-0

    • @brockoala2994
      @brockoala2994 3 дня назад +1

      Okay f this shit. F the sound guy and f whoever hired him to be the flight guy. I have been buying their shits every now and then, up to $8k now, but until he's FIRED, or they make flight great again (impossible with him), CIG can politely f off of my wallet. Thanks for bringing this up to our attention.

    • @MikeMaker851
      @MikeMaker851 3 дня назад +3

      I read all the way through that thread. Yikes. I hope Yogi takes a look. Also X4 and John Pritchett! Thats going to be interesting

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 3 дня назад +1

      Just got ALL of my criticism on the spectrum wiped by Nightrider lmaoooooooooo

    • @thelonestranger133
      @thelonestranger133 2 дня назад

      @@twentyeighthunnid I was threatened with severe punishment and suspension!

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 2 дня назад

      @@thelonestranger133 Yes also got threats and a 72h timeout... They're absolutely shameless.

  • @charlie.mike.7659
    @charlie.mike.7659 3 дня назад +87

    current scm speed is about 200m/s, which is about 450 mph. there are ww2 propellor aircraft that could go faster than that lmao

    • @jebidyah
      @jebidyah 3 дня назад +18

      and this is 900 years in the future in the vacuum of space with quantum and hydrogen fueled spacecraft, not a 80 year old propellor plane in atmosphere running on gasoline...

    • @neonsamurai2575
      @neonsamurai2575 3 дня назад +7

      It's still too fast if you compare it to a glider...

    • @g_e_e_k2352
      @g_e_e_k2352 3 дня назад +4

      @@jebidyah nooooooo CR is a starwars nerd who wants ww1,....uhhh spaceflight, w,e tf ww1 spaceflight means, i miss the goal of immersion and realism that SC used to strive for instead of making everythign LOOK cool but play like shit, i miss the OG grit of SC

    • @guidobolke5618
      @guidobolke5618 3 дня назад +10

      Yes how CIG imagines a WW2 fight is actually a WW1 fight.

    • @XeroJin84
      @XeroJin84 3 дня назад +7

      To escape Earth's atmosphere, the rocket needs enough propellants so that the thrust pushing the rocket up is greater than the force of gravity pulling the rocket down. A rocket needs to speed up to at least 17,800 miles per hour-and fly above most of the atmosphere, in a curved path around Earth. - NASA
      So, theoretically speaking, your ships won't be getting out of the atmosphere on some planets if the game tried to use actual physics - which we know they don't.

  • @SteveHarvey272
    @SteveHarvey272 2 дня назад +30

    actually surprised they found a way to make mastermodes even worse

    • @Papa_Sweep
      @Papa_Sweep День назад

      Because I have been around the project for a few years, I totally am not surprised at all.

  • @neonsamurai1348
    @neonsamurai1348 3 дня назад +99

    You know I am at the point now where I regret giving them a single cent of my money. The game had so much potential back several years ago, and they have just squandered it.

    • @19iason19
      @19iason19 3 дня назад +6

      I was so convinced even with all the problems in the first years (very early backer here). I gave a lot of money. With each pledge I made sure that it would be money which I could also throw out the window … nevertheless you pledge and you have hope and expectations.
      But now, even if everything would work they way the tell us, it would be a disappointment! Master modes? Omg. Only five star systems? What a joke, I bought the very first Carrack package because I wanted deep space exploration! Doing trade and loading all container by hand? I want to play a game and not doing real work.
      If I could I would sell my account and would buy a single package with a nice advance starter ship …

    • @mayoluck
      @mayoluck 3 дня назад

      ​@@19iason19100% id love to walk away with a little lose.

    • @theorigonalb.a
      @theorigonalb.a 2 дня назад +5

      look at the office and expos to see where a lot of that money was spent

    • @realdeal485
      @realdeal485 2 дня назад +1

      I regret it as well... Character reset removal was it.. Chris Roberts is a greedy pig

    • @Golyem
      @Golyem 2 дня назад +3

      Given they advertised and misled so much about the flight design over the past 10 years I would hope a class action lawsuit props up once they deny the tsunami of refund requests that are sure to come the moment MM2 is put in, if things are the way Yogi's comments clearly outlined it to be.

  • @N1ghtR1der666
    @N1ghtR1der666 3 дня назад +28

    It clear that some of the devs hate the playerbase at this point

    • @the_babbleboom
      @the_babbleboom 2 дня назад +2

      don't forget that they have secret little categories they put every user into, including "snowflake".

  • @dawid8054
    @dawid8054 3 дня назад +19

    the current flight model is the worst thing CIG has released since I've been playing SC. I miss the pre 3.23 flight model :/

    • @chrisbaldbudgie8623
      @chrisbaldbudgie8623 3 дня назад +3

      Same. There was no good reason to change it.
      I'm happy to see this many people are unhappy with it. If you bring it up on one of the community sites it's just a "skill issue"

  • @KimaniT
    @KimaniT 3 дня назад +34

    i have stopped buying ships, im off playing other games and check back on this project every three months. Thats what everyone should do as they have turned their back to the community that funds them

    • @Dragon-Believer
      @Dragon-Believer 2 дня назад

      Someone else will give them money.

    • @Pixelbendr
      @Pixelbendr 2 дня назад +1

      At least sell your ships on the grey market and get some money back.

    • @KimaniT
      @KimaniT 2 дня назад +1

      @ oh wow didnt even know this was an option!! thanks!! will research how to do this

    • @Pixelbendr
      @Pixelbendr 2 дня назад +1

      @@KimaniT It basically involves Paypal Invoicing and gifting but I'm also doing research on how to do this without getting scammed.

    • @KimaniT
      @KimaniT 2 дня назад

      @ fewer and fewer over time, year after year till eventually they cant keep the lights on

  • @Casey093
    @Casey093 3 дня назад +75

    They will not let it die... they will cling onto it, change it a little, and then blame the years of delays on us. Because WE wanted those changes.

    • @NigelAdams-r1i
      @NigelAdams-r1i 3 дня назад

      Stop playing as many many others have done...it's not the only game in town. It will die if no bodies playing

  • @-NateTheGreat
    @-NateTheGreat 3 дня назад +80

    They want us to pay for a game we don't want to play. Talk about sabotaging their own project.

    • @northernfabricationllc2281
      @northernfabricationllc2281 3 дня назад +3

      Don't play then, it's simple...

    • @atmclick
      @atmclick 3 дня назад +1

      @@northernfabricationllc2281 I think I found the apologist

    • @Frank-costanza
      @Frank-costanza 2 дня назад +8

      Yup, and it's wild that people jump in to defend against criticism. It's in development, the perfect time for critical feedback.

    • @the_babbleboom
      @the_babbleboom 2 дня назад

      @@Frank-costanza yeah, the only guys worse than CIGs leadership are the cultists, just like northern up here.

  • @edbashline
    @edbashline 3 дня назад +75

    Mastermodes snapped me out of a koolaid induced fantasy. I loved this broken mess before it and I was never a sweatlord. Hate the direction, long time concierge, they have lost me.

    • @boxin4403
      @boxin4403 3 дня назад +9

      Same here, the master modes is what completely killed the game for me. I uninstalled and never went back.

    • @19iason19
      @19iason19 3 дня назад +2

      I had problems with master modes. I Play a lot of flight sims and loved the idea of a pseudo physical correct flight model which gives you freedom to test the limits …
      So master modes were a big stress test for my loyalty towards this tech demo.
      What really killed me was indeed the cargo sht. Loading containers by hand? Wtf.

    • @Vasos77
      @Vasos77 2 дня назад +1

      @@19iason19 Well they had to sell the ATLS... I hope the auto loading option will get fixed in the coming patches. If not, then this will be another gameloop for the bin. Isn't it funny though, that they want "realism" when it comes to manually loading or moving things, taking ages to do so, and at the same time they remove realism where it is actually fun to have it?

  • @Lambonights
    @Lambonights 3 дня назад +41

    If the net code cannot be fixed to give us a decent flight model, then it's time to give up on this game being an MMO. Multiplayer is still possible, but the scope has to be reduced to smaller instanced groups. The massive fleet battles Chris wanted are pure fantasy, and there is little chance of this ever being a reality. This sounds bad, but it also brings benefits. Having smaller groups means we could all set up our own groups, so both PvP and PvE folks can get what they want and play the game how they want it to be.

    • @bharatsharma3233
      @bharatsharma3233 2 дня назад

      CIG could instead still go with hitscan weapons like Elite Dangerous. That's what lasers are, really. Instead, we get plasma bolts which are called lasers.

    • @teahousereloaded
      @teahousereloaded 2 дня назад

      Net code works perfectly up to 800m/s after a big fix in 3.19. Everyone asked to reduce speeds to 600-700.

    • @bharatsharma3233
      @bharatsharma3233 2 дня назад

      @@teahousereloaded That's still a better speed than what we get now with SCM.

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 2 дня назад +1

      ​@@teahousereloaded who asked ? I sure didnt, none of the group i played with did.
      They (CIG) did it because .... insert bs reason here.

  • @5h4ndt
    @5h4ndt 3 дня назад +20

    Yogi is a clown. Incompetent and not receptive to feedback. At this point I'd like him to make his changes sooner than later, so everyone can see this disaster for what it is. If we're lucky he'll be moved to another department where he actually has competency or is just let go and someone else can pick up all the pieces he dropped.

    • @catalinasgrace
      @catalinasgrace 2 дня назад +2

      I have to say that I could not agree more with you. I honestly don't think he has any business being in the positions he has been for a long time now... Yet, they won't do anything about it or to him and we all know why...

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 2 дня назад +3

      He is there to stay and do as he wants.
      Why do you think he always has his cant touch me pin on his shirt ? Its a reminder to the CIG Brass, touch me and your company is done.

    • @5h4ndt
      @5h4ndt 2 дня назад

      @@heru_ur6017 I actually don't know. The only thing I know about him is that he's the clown responsible for MM and incapable of listening to feedback. He a troon or something that they are afraid or what is it?

  • @JagHiroshi
    @JagHiroshi 3 дня назад +15

    Last time I counted, there were around 40 pinned CIG threads in Feedback, so when a backer comment gets moved there - it gets buried 🎉

    • @Camural
      @Camural  3 дня назад +5

      @JagHiroshi yes, graveyard.
      CIG knows why they are doing this.

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 3 дня назад +3

      Try finding this thread on spectrum, you cant. It doesnt show in search, doesnt show by sorting , nothing. Without the direct link it might as well not exist.

  • @rastarfahunar8888
    @rastarfahunar8888 3 дня назад +35

    Voting with my wallet too
    I am doing my part!

    • @avon_c6199
      @avon_c6199 3 дня назад

      Easy peasy.
      I was part of the "no cash till pyro" ideology, but now that CIG are showing refusal to change MundaneModes to an acceptable degree, it's all too easy for me personally to expand that idea.
      Besides, I haven't given CIG new warbond money since atleast 2019-ish.

    • @NigelAdams-r1i
      @NigelAdams-r1i 3 дня назад

      Me too...I returned the MK11 Hornet within the month because of their lies and false promises and then lol...they gaslight us...bunch of Twats

    • @19iason19
      @19iason19 3 дня назад

      I have my goal: when its possible to build an own base somewhere on a planet and it‘s stable and doable I will give again money. and only to buy a plot of land. The rest is done in game. That’s it

  • @XeroJin84
    @XeroJin84 3 дня назад +8

    $0 spent in 2024. Told myself if there's any year to prove their worth, it's this year and I won't be spending a cent on them unless they do. Since they completely failed, I'm not spending any more money in CIG again. RIP CIG

  • @norname3219
    @norname3219 3 дня назад +49

    Mastermodes is SHIT!

    • @ozramblue117
      @ozramblue117 3 дня назад +6

      It was a hard uninstall for me soon as it went live.

    • @IdleWorker
      @IdleWorker 3 дня назад

      sure. unfortunately so was the 3.22 fm.

    • @Casey093
      @Casey093 3 дня назад +6

      When the IDEA of something sounds shit, often the thing is shit. But CIG always need 2 years of development time (financed by us) to realize that.

    • @OGShively
      @OGShively 3 дня назад

      This is insulting to butts.

  • @twentyeighthunnid
    @twentyeighthunnid 3 дня назад +13

    If they want to die with Moron Modes welp so be it. RIP Bozzos.

  • @theorigonalb.a
    @theorigonalb.a 2 дня назад +8

    I cancelled my sub to cig, due to both eptu, and live not working for me. The amount of errors makes the game unplayable for me. the hangers are eating my ships, the floor is eating my character, the game is going into black screen, tractors not working, atls not working, can't use my carrak to transport containers from bajini to 18, the ship disappears and I get sent back to bajini and have to claim the ship and rebuy all the lost gear, The elevators on stations only take me to pad 4, I get shoved around by npc's and other players but I can't move them even a little bit. It's like the character has no mass. They turned salvage into the warehouse simulator, where we are forced to play the role of a longshoreman. I will never ever salvage weapons or components from ships again because it took me over an hour just to take them off the claimer, and that was so unenjoyable for me that I refuse to do that again. I most likely will abandon the salvage gameplay outright.

    • @Vasos77
      @Vasos77 2 дня назад

      YES, after MM that's the second most stupid decision currently. They make everything take so much time that I simply avoid it. I hope the auto load/unload option will work.

    • @theorigonalb.a
      @theorigonalb.a 2 дня назад

      @@Vasos77 yes, the time wasting and suckage is over the top and almost insulting.

  • @Casey093
    @Casey093 3 дня назад +16

    I voted with my wallet. Got a nice Hotas setup (VKB Gladiator and STECs), and started to learn how to fly small planes in MSFS2024. That is how the controls in a game like SC should feel.

    • @disky01
      @disky01 3 дня назад +2

      Man, six people would play the game if that were the case. I don't agree with anything CIG is doing but if they made the game that complex it would never maintain a large enough playerbase to support an MMO. It needs to be balanced between complexity and fun. This is not a flight sim.

    • @Lambonights
      @Lambonights 3 дня назад

      I did the same but because I have a less than good internet connection, I went for MSFS 2020 instead, still a fine flight sim! Also, super detailed planes can be had for as little as 10 bucks or even free! A far cry from the silly prices CIG charge for their broken ships!

    • @Casey093
      @Casey093 3 дня назад +1

      @@disky01 Funny how "it is a sim" is brought up whenever you criticize the amount of time wasted while playing. But when you ask for a better flight model and game mechanics, "it's not a sim" is used.

    • @disky01
      @disky01 3 дня назад

      @Casey093 different sectors of the audience.

  • @clausclausen4671
    @clausclausen4671 3 дня назад +25

    Unbelievable ...
    Yes this is CIG, one of the most incompetent game developers

    • @Dracounguis
      @Dracounguis 3 дня назад +1

      I bet they would get a lot more done if Chris Roberts wasn't around demanding this and that.

    • @Golyem
      @Golyem 2 дня назад +1

      @@Dracounguis At this point it seems they just porting the game for the kiddie console market and preparing to sell out to Tencent or some chinese company. The recent rep grind required for everything critical like crafting for upgrades, instanced dungeon access and even the new contested zones reek of the same push-to-cash-store super grind design like Tencent did with Star Trek Online after they bought it.

    • @Dracounguis
      @Dracounguis 2 дня назад +1

      @Golyem oh yeah his wife Sandy mention consoles many years ago and they had a shush her because this was 'for PCs'. I would not be surprised if they sold out or have a Chinese company become a major partner of the company. All it would take is Chris Roberts getting sick and tired of putting up the hassle and deciding he'd rather spend the rest of his life on a warm beach somewhere. 😆

    • @clovernacknime6984
      @clovernacknime6984 2 дня назад

      @@Golyem But the question is, why would anyone pay anything for SC? Judging by all the bugs the codebase is almost certainly a complete mess and they definitely need major work even if it isn't, the setting is the most generic sci-fi wild west theme park imaginable, and the name is all but synonymous with scam outside the inner circle of true believers who won't stick around if Chris won't. The 3D models of ships might be reusable, but it's probably less hassle to just hire artists to make new ones. So what does that leave - a list of gullible people with disposable cash?

  • @luciddaze248
    @luciddaze248 3 дня назад +43

    X4 updating their flight model. That's where I'll be till CIG sort their... stuff.

    • @ZevesG
      @ZevesG 3 дня назад +16

      imagine if x4 gets a bether flight model than star citizen, what shamefull display when an economic simulator outclasses you.

    • @wazzuppoo
      @wazzuppoo 3 дня назад +23

      Its because John Pritchett is working on it for X4

    • @atmclick
      @atmclick 3 дня назад

      So that's where it will be forever

    • @Profane_Pagan
      @Profane_Pagan 3 дня назад

      And Elite Dangerous is bringing system colonization, building planetary bases, settlements and starports in 2025.

    • @OGShively
      @OGShively 3 дня назад +5

      @@ZevesG Hey now, Star Citizen is also supposed to feature economic simulation. Or was, until the devs realized they can't even do that.

  • @dontmindmejustpassingthru
    @dontmindmejustpassingthru 3 дня назад +7

    I hated MM from the moment i first tried it and have not given them a penny since. Not giving them money while i have to deal with this stupidity. Vote with your wallet!

  • @captainsally5380
    @captainsally5380 2 дня назад +9

    A Gripen or a Eurofighter could pull more Gs at faster speed in-atmosphere whilst having better HUDs and weapon controls than some bullshit that Chris spewed that's hundreds of years in the future; without needing NPC crew or blades.

    • @captainsally5380
      @captainsally5380 2 дня назад +1

      "Internal testing with-" You mean the one intern who's on timeout because he almost deleted the database due to his inexperience didn't know how to fly in 2 dimensions, let alone 3? Learn to delta-merge and differentiate between one- and two-circle fighting and maybe you can start using this excuse.

    • @alexanderk.3267
      @alexanderk.3267 2 дня назад

      You got to the heart of the matter

  • @_Anaklysmos_
    @_Anaklysmos_ 3 дня назад +23

    Thanks for making a video about this. We need to unite as a community and start speaking out against Master Modes in masses. We need to flood spectrum.

    • @Camural
      @Camural  3 дня назад +12

      @_Anaklysmos_ Thanks you very much for making the spectrum posting and showing the screenshots :).
      If someone wouldn't have shown me your thread, I would have missed it, since CIG moved it into graveyard.
      Starting to flood Spectrum with Master Mode threads won't work because too many White Knights defend anything CIG does and CIG will move those threads into the graveyard too. Money seems to be the only language Chris understands.

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 3 дня назад

      @@Camural Just red that and found it quite fitting: ''Toxic Positivity''. It truly is because of such white gimps that they seem to be revelling in such confirmation bias. We have to make it clear that objectively dumbing sh*t down shall do precisely that: dumb it down and shoosh the sharper wittier playerbase away.. us non fastfood junt working folks with the THICK WALLETS.

  • @smallhorung
    @smallhorung 3 дня назад +7

    I wish I could get a full refund
    This is not what CIG promised us, not what they talked about in the past
    If their engine and netcode are so bad, don't try to make a space game?

  • @LaPiraguaAsesina
    @LaPiraguaAsesina 3 дня назад +22

    I suggest that the only way to move ships should be by towing them with an ARGO SRV to the battlefield. Once there, they can fire, but without moving, of course. MM 3.0

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 3 дня назад +3

      Turn based of course.

    • @chrisbaldbudgie8623
      @chrisbaldbudgie8623 3 дня назад +2

      Turn based with more RPG elements

    • @19iason19
      @19iason19 3 дня назад +1

      You are playing a very dangerous game, my little padavan. CR may read this and may start to change the game (again) /s

  • @AtlasRandGaming
    @AtlasRandGaming 3 дня назад +5

    Elite Dangerous is on sale guys. Come and fly at 700m/s again! Oh and fully control direction when in warp.

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 2 дня назад +1

      Starting to sound more and more appealing tbh.. This + X4's incoming new flight model... CIG's cooked in 2025 if they don't swallow their pride and pull their heads out their butts....

    • @Papa_Sweep
      @Papa_Sweep День назад

      I never really liked the Flight model of ED but... I mean now SC is not better so, am downloading.

  • @xXE4GLEyEXx
    @xXE4GLEyEXx 3 дня назад +18

    Are we sure Yogi is good as the main dude behind the flight model? :/

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 3 дня назад +7

      HELL NO. Made it clear that he's all about SABOTAGE.

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 3 дня назад +7

      He's a sound guy with no idea what hes doing. Maybe he even still works for frontier behind the scenes. Who knows, hes doing a good job of killing SC tho.

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 3 дня назад

      @@heru_ur6017IIIIII CAN'T STAND IT

    • @evilpilott
      @evilpilott 3 дня назад +5

      Main dude behind flight model left CIG and now works for Ego and X4 so, no LMAO

    • @xXE4GLEyEXx
      @xXE4GLEyEXx 3 дня назад +1

      @@evilpilott just redownloaded x4 lol, I guess good timing.

  • @Foppemoa
    @Foppemoa 3 дня назад +8

    If the ships speed cause lag and desync, I suspect that the gazillion projectiles from gatling guns/laser repeaters that needs to be tracked and calculated is even worse.. Even more so when armor penetration comes into play.

  • @barcidstudios
    @barcidstudios 3 дня назад +11

    Ever since mm released they have been building a game for brand new players, not a game for players who are good in game pilots.

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 3 дня назад +1

      Its a fps shooter , but instead of loading screens you use ships to fly from one arena to the next.

    • @barcidstudios
      @barcidstudios 3 дня назад

      @heru_ur6017 damn that really sounds god awful lol

  • @friendlyspacedragon7250
    @friendlyspacedragon7250 3 дня назад +8

    Master modes just doesn't work. Swapping between the modes feels clunky. For example every other game has a button to fire a missile. Mistake modes needs to switch to a specific mode to fire a missile. And CIG wants to make it worse every iteration.

    • @ThomasD66
      @ThomasD66 3 дня назад +5

      The magical space brake was truly horrible.

  • @RN1441
    @RN1441 3 дня назад +14

    At least we don't have to hear white knights going on and on about Chris having some sort of inspired vision anymore. The fact they don't have a firm or coherent vision for their flight model in year 13 makes it crystal clear that they aren't working towards something, they're flailing in the dark and trying to see what works. Based on how badly their servers run even with server meshing on PTU, I'm thoroughly convinced that master modes is CIG bowing to the reality that their software just isn't good enough to enable the old flight model without massive desynch issues. Latency and desynch are things that can only be made worse by splitting a server into pieces, but due to CIG hiring fresh grads they label 'senior developers' it's something that seems to keep catching them by surprise.

    • @demonicsquid7217
      @demonicsquid7217 3 дня назад +5

      Thing was back in 3.12/13, desync in PvP and even PvE wasn't actually that big a deal. For me, that was the best time I had flying in SC, and I've been here since the very beginning.
      MM itself isn't the problem as it's just an 'interface' to the flight model, the model is the issue. Everything just feels sluggish, the balancing is bizarre, and it won't even replicate the mythical WW2/Korean War in space vibe they want if they carry on like this.

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 3 дня назад

      Tried EPTU today/yesterday? Steady server fps around 30!!!! Hadn't EVER experienced such great performance before! That autocleanup thingy worked wonders!!! They're just donkeys about weighty bollocks like that so-called 'persistence' and this just proved it! Went hooning like a mad loon low and fast and it went amazingly smoothly!!!!

    • @NL0Gwenster
      @NL0Gwenster 3 дня назад +3

      @@twentyeighthunnid Maybe not enough people care to be on the EPTU for server performance to tank. Even CIG always says "We didn't have enough people on x PTU, it worked fine there. But when it went live, many ppl played simultaniously and our solutions didn't work so back to the drawing board " - so i`ll hold my breath until 4.0 live comes out.

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 3 дня назад

      @@NL0Gwenster They're testing em out with a 500-ish players cap. We were obviously plenty considering how fast that chat was going down lol... Yes OC the shard was fresh, but still..

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 3 дня назад

      ​@@twentyeighthunnid 500 cap , but how many actually on it ? I'd wager less than 50.

  • @Wizartar
    @Wizartar 3 дня назад +17

    lag/dsync has nothing to do with flight speeds. CIG's network stack is shit and needs a massive rework. Its SC's biggest issue for me.

    • @CouchCit
      @CouchCit 3 дня назад +5

      It has everything to do with flight speeds, or at least the simulation of it. You're simply not going to properly convey high speed actions in an online game with lackluster netcode and low server pings, the illusion would fall apart

    • @123TheCloop
      @123TheCloop 3 дня назад

      @@CouchCit the biggest issue comes from server tick rates, this is why SM has to work because if they cannot maintain the 30fps tick rate of servers the desync or i should say the gap between positional data changing from 1 second to the next would be to big for there game code to accommodate, this is why even in multiplayer games like PUBG that use to have 15-12hz tick rates you could often be shooting someone behind walls or hitting ghost pixels because of the massive data different between time frame with such low tick rates.
      This is why speeds got reduced by 2/3rds there old speeds, same with missiles and why they got nerfed.

  • @NL0Gwenster
    @NL0Gwenster 3 дня назад +4

    In ED, "super cruise" let you fly freely in any direction at ludicrous speeds, unlike SC’s restricted "single line" high-speed flight. Players could still interdict in ED with a QED-like device by interceping players during super Cruise. With SC's Q-Boost idea being straight-line paths only from any position you want i.e lacking the current predictable A-B routes, how will interdiction work in SC going forward ?

  • @BeardRubEnjoyer
    @BeardRubEnjoyer 3 дня назад +8

    "we just don't players zipping around in speeds where they can't arrest their movement relatively fast." - This is important. They don't want inertia for their flying office buildings, because then players wouldn't be able to stop as fast as they do in Call of Duty.

    • @the_babbleboom
      @the_babbleboom 2 дня назад +1

      and i got a ban for asking when they will remove decoupled. as if that's not where this is headed.

  •  3 дня назад +21

    Again, why exactly do we have to chase developers/mods all over the place to get accurate and timely information? Discord, really?

    • @Velthus
      @Velthus 3 дня назад +1

      It was a conversation pulled out of context for rage bait clicks. Which unfortunately is what this channel has devolved into, and not so much the purely data driven one it used to be. Yogi's posts are in a theory crafting channel talking to the community directly.
      Or would you rather we had 0 communication and keep getting more slop fed to us? Regardless of what people think, MM could have been much worse without the direct feedback of some of these discords before its release to the greater public & the guy still has bosses to answer to, he has to work within the confines of the system THOSE guys want.
      As for why discord? It's a very popular chat medium that most people gaming are on, form very specialized communities in. Spectrum has a lot of issues and is less of a direct form of communication since the chatting isn't happening in real time and you get a lot of people asking a bunch of unrelated questions other than what's currently being discussed (and active moderation keeps the channel focused). Spectrum's moderation works.. differently.

    • @Kyle-sr6jm
      @Kyle-sr6jm 3 дня назад +5

      Deleted. -Nightrider_CIG

    • @Kyle-sr6jm
      @Kyle-sr6jm 3 дня назад +4

      We all know exactly why no real conversation happens on Spectrum, and it has nothing to do with the format.

    •  Час назад

      @@Velthus It's not that much what is being delivered, as where it is being delivered. Discord is not part of CIG's environment, Spectrum is. And there are chats in Spectrum. Wakawhatever shares patch information in Testing Chat of all places (awful method anyway) and the MOTD is also there.
      They have chats and they have a full website. It would be VERY simple to have a devs only distribution channel there, but no, it has to be in some Discord, far away from their own resources. It doesn't make sense.

  • @Cpt_Kakashi
    @Cpt_Kakashi 3 дня назад +18

    The echo chamber of toxic positivity will destroy this game. Can't wait!

  • @Tael71
    @Tael71 3 дня назад +5

    I'm concierge and my wallet has been closed since MM went into the game. I'm even sitting on 6 to be used later LTI tokens for buying other ships through CCU chains but I refuse to give them another penny as long as MM is the way.
    All they are doing right now is just a tweak to MM thats a give me to the PVP crowd. I have to turn off my shields to run, but the ganker can have his guns up and firing at me the whole time. There is no running away.
    This is just MM 2.0 under another name.
    what happened to "Real Physics but fun!", what happened to Space and Atmospheric flight being different? - Oh thats right J Pritchard left for "reasons" and is now taking the better flight model to X4 while CIG regresses even further.

    • @Vasos77
      @Vasos77 2 дня назад

      I totally agree with you. I am in the exact same position.

    • @MadM0nte
      @MadM0nte День назад

      PvPer here, none of us like this. It's boring dogshit. We like the flight model that had depth and required skill because that allowed ups to do our best. MM has actually nuked the PvP community.

  • @williamlewis1805
    @williamlewis1805 3 дня назад +8

    Yogi needs to go

  • @Banzai51
    @Banzai51 3 дня назад +7

    I'm convinced this came about because of problems with their engine.

    • @Camural
      @Camural  3 дня назад +7

      @Banzai51 CIG is using an old obsolete engine, their code is spaghetti and they net code is terrible :).

  • @dragonchild_SC
    @dragonchild_SC 3 дня назад +17

    I miss the old flight model - up to 3.13. Not perfect, but it was fun to fly and play the game. My guess is that CIG has overloaded the engine with eye candy and unnecessary features. And I think they lost all the original devs, so they now have a very hard time getting that think working again - if ever. Well, my wallet is closed - and I am not sure the release of Pyro will be the (financial) salvation CIG hopes for.
    And how could all of that happen? I think Camural already gave us the answer in one of his outros 🙂 (that one film clip where the soldier spoke frankly to his officer about competence)

  • @cptrockstar3292
    @cptrockstar3292 3 дня назад +7

    They are killing there on project. Bravo Chris 👏 👏

  • @Lolle9999
    @Lolle9999 3 дня назад +7

    wow so we are going from ok to shit and now to shit++

  • @BlackoutKollision
    @BlackoutKollision 3 дня назад +8

    Yeah… love the idea of a spacecraft cruising around at the speed of a 737 /s. Meanwhile IRL you need to move at 11km/s to leave earth’s atmosphere.

    • @patrickwenzlik
      @patrickwenzlik 3 дня назад +1

      Sorry to correct you but 11 km/s is gravity field escape velocity. Also called 2nd cosmic velocity. It has nothing to do with exiting the atmosphere itself.

    • @BlackoutKollision
      @BlackoutKollision 3 дня назад +1

      @ feel free to correct me if you see fit, it’s the nature of discourse. I’m still not a fan of moving at an arbitrary 250-300m/s. Where’s the excitement of moving at ludicrous speeds like we used to?

    • @patrickwenzlik
      @patrickwenzlik 3 дня назад +2

      ​@@BlackoutKollision Me neither. I totally support your point. We want to fly space ships, but not propeller planes.

  • @danieldorn6516
    @danieldorn6516 3 дня назад +5

    Everyone, don't worry... SC won't be out until 2028/30 - they still can (and will ;) ) change the flight model 3-4 times over ... :D ;)

    • @polla2256
      @polla2256 3 дня назад

      The investors will make a call by then, I think SC's days are numbered.

    • @Cpt_Zorn
      @Cpt_Zorn 3 дня назад +2

      every time they change it gets worse. slower, dummer, 2 dimensional. just look at the trend and look into the future. where atmo flight model?!

    • @danieldorn6516
      @danieldorn6516 3 дня назад

      @@Cpt_Zorn Maybe. However, since they changed MM (already) tells us that they see/hear the critics about it. So, there is hope that they'll change for the better ... eventually. And, as Camural stated: we are free to vote with our wallets ;)

  • @JJS563
    @JJS563 3 дня назад +6

    Holy shit can these guys not see the writing on the wall? Its such a bad system, scrap it!

  • @recce3922
    @recce3922 2 дня назад +1

    Cargo ship is probably in the safer place for any future updates

  • @TheStumafoo
    @TheStumafoo 3 дня назад +4

    Where can I file for a refund?

  • @aikiwolfie
    @aikiwolfie 2 дня назад +6

    Remember when MasterModes was all about stopping jousting? Then it failed to stop jousting and in fact made it worse. Not it's "oh yeah player can't stop in time at stations".

    • @Camural
      @Camural  2 дня назад +8

      @aikiwolfie Yep, it all doesn't make any sense anymore. I understand that CIG doesn't want to be honest, though:
      -our ancient obsolete engine
      -our spaghetti code
      -our terrible net code
      ... cannot deal with ship combat at normal speeds, so we have to reduce combat speeds even more.

    • @Vasos77
      @Vasos77 2 дня назад

      @@Camural lol yes, that's the reason... players cannot stop in time at stations. LMAO

  • @bharatsharma3233
    @bharatsharma3233 2 дня назад +1

    I have had a feeling since last year (when Mud Modes were first announced) that CIG want to get rid of the old backers. We have already given them our money and they need new money. We are also fairly tired of their behaviour. The new players come playing consoles and simpler games, which look great. Et Voila ... that's what SQ42 demo showcased ... visuals galore! And the UI, HUD, controller changes are all in-line with that.
    I came from Elite Dangerous ... loved the freedom of SC's flight model. And welp, it's somehow going to be worse ... even though it's called "seamless".

  • @Viejoviajero
    @Viejoviajero 3 дня назад +4

    The only real change proposed to the current Master Modes’ ship combat is not really a change of the model at all, but the introduction of engineering tiers, tier 1 to tier 5 etc, which was already known anyways. This engineering will add grind and very likley monetization, p2w.

    • @starbuck5728
      @starbuck5728 3 дня назад

      Crafting bro. It will fix everything. Even your marriage

  • @l3igl3oi73
    @l3igl3oi73 3 дня назад +4

    Or maybe just stop buying into the scam that quite clearly isn't gonna happen

    • @twentyeighthunnid
      @twentyeighthunnid 3 дня назад

      Five stages of grief quite tha b*tch to go through x'DD

  • @tanjastark8184
    @tanjastark8184 3 дня назад +5

    I stopped buying ships
    SC is moving away from what Mr Roberts told us in the past
    It is not a fun game anymore

  • @connarcomstock161
    @connarcomstock161 3 дня назад +3

    There seems to be a lot of confusion internally about a lot of the gameplay.
    Flight, for one, but also the FPS balance is being changed on a nearly per-patch basis because they can't figure out weather they want Halo or Counter Strike.
    The Balance of ship weapons is entirely fluid.
    Ships people paid *good money for* (Corsair, Redeemer, Reclaimer, off the top of my head) getting massive nerfs for no actual logical reason.
    Ballistics just being nerf'd because fuck you.
    Ship armor? How wasn't this part of the base design in 2015? Are you guys fucking serious? It's still not a thing despite ships like the Carrack and Terrapin existing and supposedly having brick armor tanks?
    The state of ships in the game ranges from the Andromeda, which looks like a model from 2015 and isn't even using the current RSI design language (or CIG's, for that matter) to the Polaris, or the entire Origin line just being left to rot.
    Engineering? What even is it? They don't know, fairly obviously, and have had to postpone it now for nearly 2 years.
    What about trade? CIG still has no idea what to do other than the static routes we all know.
    Quantum Drives? No idea. They've been working on Pyro and SM since *at least 2021* and they still have zero clue what they want the experience to be. They're all just locked to size determining performance for now until the team tries to figure out how to unfuck the mess they made making Pyro 10x the size of Stanton for no actual reason.
    They aren't working backwards from the target they want and it shows, and it's become very, very, obvious that *someone* in the org is moving the goalposts and forcing the devs to chase targets rather than work back from them, leading to this indecision about what the game is even supposed to be.
    I honestly do think internally they know MM is a fundamentally stupid design choice, but *someone* says they want it to feel like WWII fighters in space, so *someone* is pressing on them to make it so. These guys all know what the forum post said, I can nearly guarantee they've had that conversation internally, and *someone* overruled them.

  • @ParanoidCarrot
    @ParanoidCarrot 3 дня назад +4

    they are soo full hog want a constant engagement of pvp but only a small part or their community wants that, they are themselfs so speed blind pushing this pvp only narrative that they will loose their playerbase very quickly. because in any mmo game the hierarcy of needs of any mmo game starts with solo play pve content, and slowly moves up from there through the motions to group pve to events and then. on the top the last 20 of the game is pvp and constested zones. if you do not understand what i mean by this and you first thought is "NO THIS IS A PVP GAME" then you are delusional, only way a pure pvp game can exist is that its like cs go and similar titles, shaved down to provide you constant encounters and all players in the playerbase know this and are here for that reason. with game as large and SLOW as star citizen the community is slipt on to niches, of you force people to come out of their niche they will get frustfrated, (just like you pvp simp reading this are right now) but the fact is in order to focus on the growth of the game you need to provide solo players and small groups pve content and small part of new players are interested in pvp so your niche get some new blood.
    but more and more we get new players who get confortable with the game in pve will get bored at some point and switch it up to pvp, organicly, and this will keep both the game and the pve people happy, because the game keeps running, and because of the consistant player numbers pvp people have other pvp people to fight. but it very much looks like cig is very much speed blind and trying to turn this universe game where everything is possible to where everything is just pvp all the time, and sure some of you are happy about this untill you realize that 60% of the player base just leaves.

  • @matthewkaye722
    @matthewkaye722 3 дня назад +3

    So it will be worse. When we already had a perfeft flight mode before mastermodes!

  • @Foba__Bett
    @Foba__Bett 3 дня назад +14

    John Prichett vs audio engineer. I wonder which one actually had some knowledge of flight physics.

  • @Casey093
    @Casey093 3 дня назад +11

    The eternal tinkering with the flight model goes on. They will never get any iteration of the flight model to work, and therefore this game will never get done.

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 3 дня назад +1

      Thats the whole idea. Neverending development is their entire business model.

  • @williamlewis1805
    @williamlewis1805 3 дня назад +4

    I’ve been thinking this from the second I heard it. They are DESTROYING THIS GAME

  • @ThomasD66
    @ThomasD66 3 дня назад +3

    Surely CIG has to understand how terrible this is? They have effectively turned an open world into cut scenes without actually having cut scenes.

  • @nikoulph
    @nikoulph 2 дня назад +3

    Starlancer should be renamed to Snailancer ... :(
    Especially in atmosphere is so terribly slow, I mean it flys 115m/s ... From wikipedia: Cruising Speed: The cruising speed of a Boeing 747 is 250 m/s

  • @kobodera8261
    @kobodera8261 3 дня назад +7

    Looking at Elite Dangerous, the flight speeds are not much more, or even less than SCM... but the FEEL is totally different... but on the other way, they have designed the game around those speeds, and you can tell.
    In previous IAE I went to the expo just about every day to look at ships and hire the ones I wanted... and I usually bought one or a couple of them from the store... this year I didn't even log in...
    Right now not even Pyro is getting me exited enough to start playing again... and Pyro used to be something I dreamed about going to... I did download the open PTU and I went to Pyro gateway in my Corsair... and then I logged off again... I am sad to say this, but the magic is gone... MasterModes killed most of it... but the final straw was the Corsair slaughter... after that any and all my will to play SC is just... vanished... and I have been playing Elite Dangerous instead.

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 3 дня назад +6

      Thats the thing, once you step away for a while and not drink the coolaid all the time. It becomes very clear looking from the outside in that SC as a game has already failed.

    • @Vasos77
      @Vasos77 2 дня назад

      Same here, this year is the first year I didn't care and didn't go to the IAE to see or buy anything. I just got the ATLS from money I have sitting in my account, because they have made trading impossible without it.

  • @realdeal485
    @realdeal485 2 дня назад +3

    Master Modes are to reduce bandwidth usage by CIG.. No other reason shadowed by bullshit.. Took away character reset so u cannot access the game when bugged to save bandwidth.. Elevators dont work on purpose to save bandwidth.. flying takes the most bandwidth at fast speeds.. Chris Roberts greed is why the servers run like shit.. Improper upload per slot to save money..

  • @LethaK
    @LethaK 3 дня назад +3

    Not touching this game again until MM disapear and those responsible are held accountable or in no position to destroy the game again.

  • @piranhax6466
    @piranhax6466 3 дня назад +4

    Mastermodes was terrible and the ship had was better before

  • @Tampa3
    @Tampa3 3 дня назад +5

    I truly believe master modes was created to reduce the sky rocketing server bills. Their beautiful flight model before the MM mess was too costly. Instead of thinking outside the box for a solution they choose to make the player suffer. That’s like shooting yourself in the foot when you’re community funded. Bad move.

  • @WhiteSkyMage
    @WhiteSkyMage 3 дня назад +3

    GG well played CIG.
    This game will DIE if this continues. Their sales are down and they are doubling down in the wrong direction.
    I will not be surprised to hear SC closing its door in 2026 after SQ42 release (if it even does).

  • @YourBoyCocofelon
    @YourBoyCocofelon 3 дня назад +4

    What I want to know is how are they still working out flight mechanics if SQ42 is "feature complete"?

    • @OGShively
      @OGShively 3 дня назад +4

      Because they lie.

    • @YourBoyCocofelon
      @YourBoyCocofelon 3 дня назад +1

      @@OGShively Well, yeah. It was kind of a rhetorical question lol

  • @Sutex0sofar
    @Sutex0sofar 3 дня назад +2

    Haven't played in over three years; can't see that changing anytime soon.

  • @thelonestranger133
    @thelonestranger133 2 дня назад +3

    When I pushed too much on Spectrum. Regarding whether we have any rights at all regarding the ships we bought. I was threatened with severe punishment! Tells you everything you need to know. I wish I had not spent a cent either.

  • @rockheart3645
    @rockheart3645 3 дня назад +2

    have not played much since mm,, and Not played at all since they nerved the corsair.. Not the ship I payed for,, not comming back untill I get what I payed for or ALL my real money back.. Boycot...

  • @heru_ur6017
    @heru_ur6017 2 дня назад +2

    At this point i really am wondering if Yogi might still be working for Frontier ?
    He sure is doing his best in sabotaging SC.
    Sound Artist > Lead Flight designer > The destroyer

  • @jakejewkes6688
    @jakejewkes6688 3 дня назад +3

    See when I see threads like those in spectrum it just makes me go back to CR on stage at citizencon telling everyone that sq42 is in its polishing phase but yet we’re now changing that model again so what have they actually been polishing the last 2 years? They didn’t show off any flight combat for the demo because they probably haven’t even started on it yet for sq42 and it’s prob still 2-3 years away still

    • @heru_ur6017
      @heru_ur6017 3 дня назад

      That whole thing was likely a render, including the fake crashes.
      Watch it again, what CR does on his controller is not whats happening on screen.

    • @19iason19
      @19iason19 3 дня назад

      It’s all a big lie. Has always been… all the promises etc. All said to start the next hype cycle to motivate people to buy more packages … always a next vision even more spectacular than the one from last time.
      This years they did too much visionary bullshitting: a Bengal Carrier departing from an own mega space station??? Come on CR, that’s ridiculous! That’s not even end game. That’s some Anime/Manga-Story escalation when at the end the protagonist who started as a little boy is destroying the solar system with his hyper-mega-ultra powers he got during the story

    • @clovernacknime6984
      @clovernacknime6984 2 дня назад

      @@19iason19 I see a new vision forming: Star Citizen is now Shounen Citizen!
      Now, obviously it's going to take a while to update the graphic engine to handle cell-shading for that authentic anime feel, but perfection is well worth waiting for, no?

    • @19iason19
      @19iason19 2 дня назад

      @@clovernacknime6984 finally, CR has the next excuse to delay the game for another four years! Wonderful, I already love it :)

  • @leinadreign3510
    @leinadreign3510 3 дня назад +4

    Dont know what "Master Modes" are.
    Havent played for a year or so now X D
    But the given changes to "slow down game speed" is stupid.
    I have a friend who already complains a lot about how much of a time sink SC is. With all the high travel times and bugs.
    And the best idea coming from CIG?
    Making it slower!
    Sounds a bitt out of touch with "what gameplay is fun"-sayings.
    Gladly I only bought one Mustang and thats about it.
    Not going top waste more in this ^^

    • @Vasos77
      @Vasos77 2 дня назад

      you lucky guy

  • @hans_____
    @hans_____ 3 дня назад +3

    "Let's do everything exactly wrong!"

  • @johnlester9864
    @johnlester9864 3 дня назад +6

    I think I have enough
    Wasted a few hundred, but that's it

  • @Power5
    @Power5 3 дня назад +3

    The desync is the worst part of playing SC. I was not in support of MM, but it really did not make much difference in my gameplay. I do not PvP and because of that, I never had an issue with switching to combat mode 20km out and fighting, and then switching out to run away after killing the main target.
    I have not used new money in this game since the Corsair concept. And Inferno concept. Those were last 2 purchases. And with how terribly those have both been handled, I will not be purchasing any more ships with new money. Will just be melting those 2 and buying whatever new ship I want and then melting that when it also gets the nerf nuke.

  • @Xeonzs
    @Xeonzs 3 дня назад +9

    I regret ever spending money on the game :(

  • @blacksheepboyz
    @blacksheepboyz 2 дня назад +2

    Do you remember when this was a game that was being developed for us? When did that change?

  • @narosushi
    @narosushi 2 дня назад +1

    U should be paid by the community Camural!

  • @operator9858
    @operator9858 2 дня назад +1

    if i could have one wish for this game its that they fire the flight team and get someone in there that has some kind of clue before its too late...just ridiculous.

  • @DrunkenCitizen
    @DrunkenCitizen 3 дня назад +3

    Lol Flicka is quite dangerous with those boxes. 😂.
    But yeah if this is the way the game is going, dumb down flight model and snail pace speeds ... Well it's not what I got into and fell in love with the game. But maybe it's time for a divorce.

  • @raven9ine
    @raven9ine День назад

    When you covered this back when it was new, I spoke my concerns about operator modes being even worse. And here we go.

  • @Kyle-sr6jm
    @Kyle-sr6jm 3 дня назад +3

    Because the stated reason is not the real reason.
    Whatever they call it, whatever they say, the real reason is that the flight model has to be dumbed down to be console player and console controller friendly.

  • @beguemot_
    @beguemot_ 3 дня назад +1

    It seems like filling the room to make us wait for the development

  • @Gulgrash
    @Gulgrash 3 дня назад +2

    CIG had a game element completed so they panicked and introduced MM. Good for them.

  • @trevtrev1523
    @trevtrev1523 2 дня назад +1

    I stopped supporting when master modes went into the game. I will not support the game or give a fuck what their marketing team pushes till they start listening to the community.

  • @cath6851
    @cath6851 3 дня назад +2

    I don't play SC since a year because of that whole switch for master modes idea...
    Either buy nothing...
    GG cig.

  • @BlakedaBull
    @BlakedaBull 2 дня назад +1

    People would say at least you can go pretty fast in master modes just this clunky unnecessary on and off switch, now no more speed

  • @saleseng
    @saleseng 2 дня назад +1

    I think CIG have genuinely outsmarted themselves this time. So we paid for ships that had a spec of a SCM but also a top speed that we have been enjoying for years. Now they decide that if you want that speed out of your thrusters, it doesn’t matter how much you paid for the ship you’re gonna have to engineer it otherwise you have to rely on quantum boosting to attain the speed And not be able to steer. Of course this makes absolutely no sense. Somebody is on crack over there at CIG. It is clear that CIG has a crisis on their hands, trying to push out 4.0 and trying to future pace or set the table for how they’re gonna raise income in the future. I can see it now, don’t wanna craft your ship? Well for only 25-30 bucks you can skip all that in the pledge store by purchasing a “thruster package” for your ship you already paid us for with said thrusters🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @raven9ine
    @raven9ine День назад +1

    The issue must be far worse. We have even desyncs on foot in bunkers. 😅

    • @Camural
      @Camural  День назад

      @raven9ine yep

  • @Vasos77
    @Vasos77 2 дня назад +1

    I totally agree with you. MM is the wrong path in any way you see it. Won't repeat the thoughts of you guys, it's all right. I have backed the game up to concierge levels and have spent so much time testing as Evocati. I loved the game as a simulation, the flight feeling we had before MM. It made sense, it was fun, there was the reward factor for the new players that learned how to fly their ship. And piracy was not being treated as the favorite child of CIG. After MM I ended up playing much less, I don't spend time testing, since they removed so much fun from the game and for the time being I stopped buying ships or anything else. So unfortunate...

    @GUNNYCANUCK 3 дня назад

    So further from the point of suspension of disbelief. We're getting a "Space Sim" game where the ships fly like WW2 planes and the only thing even closely simulated is going to be the pooping and showering.

  • @Ponial
    @Ponial 3 дня назад

    One good thing that can point out with me for SC, after all upgrades I made to my PC I can now comfortably run Elite dangerous...
    Insert the Thanos "Couldn't live with your failure meme"

  • @LokiTheAsgard420
    @LokiTheAsgard420 3 дня назад

    i was under the impression quantum boosting would be like regular flight but at sub light speeds and not point to point, this is very unfortunate :(

  • @Icarus_789
    @Icarus_789 2 дня назад +2

    CIG worst enemy is itself

  • @Golyem
    @Golyem 2 дня назад +3

    Yogi's comments there prove beyond a doubt that the game is dead on arrival. It confirms that the flight experience is going to be dumbed down to the level of Infinite Warfare and NMS as it will retain the idiotically high accelerations, forced upon very low speed cap and traversing the HUGE game universe they made is now changed to tapping super speed on rail button.
    How can a company be so tone deaf and disconnected?

  • @gregalden1101
    @gregalden1101 3 дня назад +3

    I have been enjoying MSFS2024. You can low-fly a jet. Or a helicopter (or real-life model of experimental JOLY eVTOL , basically a flying-car) and land anywhere get out and walk around, expore for real world animals, with photo challenges. It is what I had hoped SC would have been.

  • @spacecowboy4804
    @spacecowboy4804 2 дня назад +2

    Roll back the flight model. It was fine, CIG broke it.

  • @StoneCoolds
    @StoneCoolds 3 дня назад +3

    From bad, to worse to horrible lol