You are serving humanity; I am fond of work. A working man can work at any age. You are the equivalent of my children I want to learn from you Give me the Arduino UNO code. If the pin number AO is more or less then the time and date print is printed on the SD card, I want to make the generator logger.
Hello! There is error in compilation. Why do you write #include "ds3231.h" if file to include have another name?("rtc_ds3231.h") Error text: SimpleDataLogger.ino:2:20: fatal error: ds3231.h: No such file or directory May i use standart library for ds3231 to escape this error? Thank you very much for your reply hello. I have another question. And I like how you explain in detail. So I want to ask you: is it possible to facilitate the library? (reduce their size in memory) may suggest where I can see this topic as well as a detailed and clear your lessons? Thank you very much for your reply
Es un proyecto genial. Me parece ideal para una aplicación práctica que necesito registrar cómo se va agotando la batería de un equipo autónomo. Sería bueno poder añadir un display en el que veamos y podamos ajustar fecha y hora mediante pulsadores, además de poder visualizar las magnitudes que queramos registrar de forma numérica, en mi caso voltaje y temperatura, y que además se pueda desactivar o apagar el display para ahorro de energía. Muchísimas gracias Ya tienes otro suscriptor. Un saludo.
Thank you very much, can we save the package of data " accelerometer raw data" send from Arduino to another Arduino and save it in RPi this should be every 10minut 24 hours?
Do you have a logger that monitors the change in state of a switch. I want to log the cycles and frequency of my water softener. I installed a microswitch the rides on the cam gear that tells the timer control when each part of the cycle is complete. So I want to see how long each part of the cycle runs, and how many times/week the softener cycles.
I am very-very beginner with microcontrollers, but I have checked, there are two alarms can be set on this RTC. I do not understand why you use the delay on Arduino, instead alarms on RTC. RTC is always ticking, it has own battery therefore you can set the Arduino to sleep mode and wake up when RTC send the alarm signal, you make the measurement and the logging, then Arduiono goes back to sleep mode. I am never programmed Arduino, never wrote anything in C, I have no experience, but if you have an accurate clock why don't you use it?! :) Please drop me a reply if you think it can be possible to implement. Thanks!
Thank you for all your videos, you are a great teacher, i would though like if you did the schematics in fritzing, it would help some people i think. Looking forward to your next video
if i want to make data logger for my solar trakcing circuit, so from this tutorial what must i change?i mean that is only the code program that must i change?could you give me an example of the program to get account of the time and the degree of moving from my solar trakcing? thanks :)
You connect the sd module direct to the arduino some people put resistance to this conection there is a diference if l conect the module direct or l use resistance?
Alejandro Castro SD (and nowadays a lot of other nice addons - solid-state gyros, radio chips (NRF family for example) are all 3.3 volt. Arduino mostly uses the Atmel Mega family. These WILL work fine at 3.3 volt, but not reliably with the 16MHz crystal supplied. If you need to interface 5v stuff to 3.3, DON'T use resistors, it may cause frustrating intermittent problems. Instead, either scan Adafruit, Sparkfun etc. for level-shifters. Alternatively, with fet's and resistors, make your own - it's easy! See Once you've cut your teeth on the Atmel Mega's, have a shufty at the Atmel XMega. Bit like an arduino on an extreme overdose of illegal steroids! Cheaper, no crystal required, almost impossible to 'brick', more stuff on-chip for less cash. BUT 3.3volts only. 5v on any pin is an invitation for the Blue Smoke Fairy to visit. Warning! DEFINITELY not for the faint-hearted. I design around an Xmega128A3U at work, and need a beer at the end of most days!!! (Q. Is that a bad thing....?)
l use a arduino uno with an atmeg328p if l understand the SD module can works but its not so realible with resistors. Should l conect direct to the arduino to the 3.3V power source? Somebody told me that the SD card breaks in some time if l conect it without resistance but l have never see in some place a guy that said if the SD Card breaks for that.
Alejandro Castro Well, I have some old SD-modules too (where you need to reduce signal voltage to 3.3V or a 3.3V arduino), but instead of using resistors or a LevelShifter - , I found out I rather order New SD-moduls which have the levelshifter onboard! Got them for less than $1 on aliexpress!
it would be nice if you can set the current time and date over serial...maybe SETT 02092017 11:39 and then the arduino would set the time to 02.09.2017 with hours to 11 and time to 39minute ..just if you have to change the battery
GREAT Tutorial!!! Thanks alot! Cool idea to use the RTC temperature sensor (one modul less). I build it and it worded! So I altered the code to make more samples to give a better average on other analog inputs (voltage and current from ASC712) - but now the code did not save to SD anymore ...........??? Have to work on that - but thanks for this great start-code!!!
can you give us a demonstration on entrance and exit of a person into a room ,time when entered and left to store in a memory card using rtc ds1307 on uno
Thank you that's an awesum project, you just gave a bit of direction for the project i'm planning to do.. I'd like to build an Android Based Data Logger to monitor the Photo - Voltaic Power System : The data logger takes measurements from the PV System, either current or voltage stores them and allows the user to upload the readings to an Android device... Which module/microcontroller would you advice me to use as my controller device?
Hi I tried with mega 2560 and could not get it working both DS3231 & SD card time data logging. Should we use Nano only or mega 2560 also can work? Please advise Regards Siva
hi, I have a project. I decided to use an Arduino Uno. My project will read the water consumption on an analog water meter using a flow sensor. The thing is, could it be possible to send the data reading through nrf24l01?? and stored in a database like ms access?? hope you could give me an advice on how to make my project happen. TYIA ^^
Hi Many thanks for this video. I have a question. I have output 4-20 mA for Load tension device per ton. I mean 4mA mean 0 ton and 8mA mean 50 and 12mA mean 100 and 20mA mean 200 ton. Now i want to save these mA on a graph but the graph show the time and the ton not the mA. can you please tell me how to do it. Thank you in advance
Hi. Sketch is reading the temperature on the Monitor serial. But, it is not saving on the SDcard. Just save the last reading. I'm using Arduino ID version 1.8.2 Can you help me.
Love your projects but have a couple of comments: * Should the Blue SDA connection to A5 not go to A4 and the Yellow SCL to A5 ?? * What is the purpose of the code that looks for serial data into I presume the Serial Monitor ?? It seems to look for CR / LF and ascii.?? * have you considered not using void parse_cmd from the original ds3231.h library examples and instead use the simpler DS3232RTC.h library which seems to supersede ds3231.h and is a lot simpler. Again.... love your work
+Ray Bright Hello Ray, yes you are right about the I2C. Did I mention the opposite in the video? The RTC code reads the Serial monitor for some reason. I have stopped using this library now. I am using the Rodan DS3231 RTC now which is far better. Thanks for the comment!
+Ray Bright I've been basing a standalone (not connected to PC) data logger on your use of NANO but beware that in my case using an LC Studio SD Card that there can be signal level problems which prevent correct data storage. Initially I thought it was a problem requiring connection to Serial Monitor but that was incorrect. Refer to this link where I explain my initial problem & solution including a PDF schematic of a simple solution using diodes. Would like to see you develop your logger further using a TFT screen and external temperature sensors like DS18B20. Regards to all
Excellent its Video-lessons! - Congratulations and thank you! Within its availability, it is possible, by gentleness and kindness make us a demonstration of a clock (RTC) with LED Matrix 8x8 (hh-mm-ss) and, if still possible, make the second roll vertically ; Thank you and if asked too much, I ask you excuses ...
Please! Am not getting the code for my project with the following modules (LCD, potentiometer, DHT22, Arduino uno, SD card and RTC DS3231). Can you drop your email so i can email you the diagram and the code i have that isn't working?
+Daniel Kimbril Do the oposite, first try 3,3 V (in the work case scenario the thing wont work), then if it doesnt work try 5V. Its smarter, becouse 5V can damage your SD card and the module if the module is made to be supplied with 3,3 .
The Cave Pearl Project has been developing underwater dataloggers with this three module approach for years, though we use a 3.3v promini to save power. See: (free pdf download) for all the tricks we use to get more than a year of run time and for instructions for DIY PVC housings that are robust enough for long term deployment. You really can do scientific research with equipment you build yourself!
Hi friend, excellent video, i put the code in the sketch, btu have a some problem. "'DS3231_INTCN' was not declared in this scope" if you can help me about that. tk in advance
Thank you for your clear explanation. Very interesting . During the compilation I have this warning : warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings] It appears twice After looking for on the web, I found that is due to depreciated char conversion method Could you give some advice to troubleshoot this problem please ? Thanks You
can you create a tutorial about how to make arduino switch on off the power (example light) using time parameter? and the time parameter can be edited using android (internet connection). thanks :)
I have one question: Hardware: Arduino Micro MPU6050 SD Card Module What do i whant to store per package / like you do with the temperature: Package = acceleration in x ,y and z as a vactor. So that it looks like that when i store it in a textfile: Nr./..x../...y../..z../................units in m / s² ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 9.81,0,0 2, 9,0,0,8,0 3, 8,3,1,2,2,0 .....etc How fast can i store one of those lines to an SD Modul. In a way that i get the most Datavolum per sec.? ->Or how many time / secound... I hope you can help me out. Thanks.
About the speed of storage, that depends on the SD card. Most SD cards and memory USB stick are 100 mb/s or more. If you want top speed, make sure you get a recent model of SD card. Then, each number that is less than 255 is, I would say 1 bit. 8 bit goes into a byte, 1024 byte into a kb, 1024 kb into a mb. That makes 1024^2*100 numbers per second (approximately I would research the place a number takes if I were you) which makes a limit of 104 857 600 numbers that your SD card can register per second! Good luck to read the results!
DATALOGGER VERİ KAYDEDİCİ CİHAZLAR SOSYAL Datalogger Veri Kaydedici Cihazlar Ürün ve Özellik Bilgisi Bilgisi yazımız ile öğrenecekleriniz, işletmelerinizin kullanabileceği veri toplama cihazlarını seçmeniz konusunda sizlere çok yardımcı olacaktır. Datalogger veri kaydedici Cihazlar hakkında özet bilgilerle başlayacakolursak; Veri kaydedici, zamana (Yt) veya başka bir sinyal voltajına karşı çizilen sinyal voltajlarını ölçmek ve görüntülemek için doğrudan bir kayıt aracıdır. Datalogger Veri Kaydedici Cihazlar Ürün ve Özellik Bilgisi verecek olursak. Veri kaydedici , kullanıcı tarafından durdurulana kadar sürekli akış modunda ölçüm yapar . Ölçüm sırasında, her yeni numune ölçüldüğünde, bunlar doğrudan işlendikleri ve görüntülendikleri bilgisayara taşınır ve istenirse ayrıca diskte saklanır. Bir giriş sinyalindeki değişiklik hemen görülür. Ölçüm süresi, çok uzun ölçümlere izin veren enstrümandaki hafıza miktarı ile sınırlı değildir. DATALOGGER VERİ KAYDEDİCİ CİHAZLAR SOSYAL LİNKLER Osiloskoptan temel farkı, osiloskobun önceden ayarlanmış bir süreyi ölçmesi ve tüm ölçülen değerleri donanımda dahili olarak saklamasıdır. Önceden ayarlanmış tüm değerler ölçüldüğünde, bilgisayara taşınır, işlenir ve orada görüntülenir. Ardından yeni bir ölçüm başlatılır. Dahili belleğin boyutu bu nedenle maksimum ölçüm süresini sınırlar. Ve her zaman sonraki iki ölçüm arasında bir boşluk olacaktır. Datalogger / Veri Kaydedici geçici kayıt cihazının ölçüm yöntemi, onu bir odadaki sıcaklık gibi yavaş değişen sinyalleri ölçmek için ideal bir alet haline getirir. Tüm sürecin ilerlemesi kaydedilirken, her değişiklik anında görülebilir. Veri kaydedicinin başka bir kullanımı, aletin dahili belleğine tamamen sığamayacak kadar uzun olan seri iletişim sinyalleri gibi uzun, tekrar etmeyen sinyalleri kaydetmektir. Ayrıca bilgilendirici yazımız sonrasında datalogger görüntüleme cihazları ürünler kısmına göz atabilirsiniz.
Very nice project! I like you style in presenting quick but effective. Awesome!
ONe of the best channels! You need a patreon, would instant support!
Thank you very much Sebastian! I have no plans for Patreon yet! Thanks!
You are serving humanity; I am fond of work. A working man can work at any age. You are the equivalent of my children I want to learn from you Give me the Arduino UNO code.
If the pin number AO is more or less then the time and date print is printed on the SD card, I want to make the generator logger.
I like it, especially Your English ( its very easy to understand for non native english people like me)
Hello! There is error in compilation.
Why do you write #include "ds3231.h" if file to include have another name?("rtc_ds3231.h")
Error text:
SimpleDataLogger.ino:2:20: fatal error: ds3231.h: No such file or directory
May i use standart library for ds3231 to escape this error?
Thank you very much for your reply
Сергей Ш Have you installed the DS3231 library correctly? I yes, It shall work.
hello. I have another question. And I like how you explain in detail. So I want to ask you:
is it possible to facilitate the library? (reduce their size in memory)
may suggest where I can see this topic as well as a detailed and clear your lessons?
Thank you very much for your reply
I'm building this right now! Efharisto pola!
Es un proyecto genial.
Me parece ideal para una aplicación práctica que necesito registrar cómo se va agotando la batería de un equipo autónomo.
Sería bueno poder añadir un display en el que veamos y podamos ajustar fecha y hora mediante pulsadores, además de poder visualizar las magnitudes que queramos registrar de forma numérica, en mi caso voltaje y temperatura, y que además se pueda desactivar o apagar el display para ahorro de energía.
Muchísimas gracias
Ya tienes otro suscriptor.
Un saludo.
Nice! Thank you very much for subtitle in Portuguese :)
+Everton ap You are welcome!
Great clear tutorial, thank you for yor work.
Very neatly presented.
Nice tutorial again,,
Always stay tune to this channel.
Hi. Can I use this datalogger to catch data from a gyro like the MPU6050? Thx
This is fantastic. Thank you very much :)
You are welcome!
have you addressed the capacity preservation concept of "update" or similar command to log only changed data states in either this or another project?
Excellent project as usual. Will you be considering using some very cheap NRF24L01 modules to build a wireless sensor network?
Can you tell me where is temperature sensor ? I would like to use dh11 in my project but i don't know how implement it
Thank you very much, can we save the package of data " accelerometer raw data" send from Arduino to another Arduino and save it in RPi this should be every 10minut 24 hours?
Great, easy to understand instructions. Off to find my RTC and Nano to get started. I'll need to get a SD card module however. Thanks for posting.
Greetings from Germany! I just discovered your Channel and I like your Videos. And your accent :-)
Thank you very much, my friend! Greetings from Greece!
Excellent! Have you an example with GPS ?
Do you have a logger that monitors the change in state of a switch. I want to log the cycles and frequency of my water softener. I installed a microswitch the rides on the cam gear that tells the timer control when each part of the cycle is complete. So I want to see how long each part of the cycle runs, and how many times/week the softener cycles.
I am very-very beginner with microcontrollers, but I have checked, there are two alarms can be set on this RTC. I do not understand why you use the delay on Arduino, instead alarms on RTC. RTC is always ticking, it has own battery therefore you can set the Arduino to sleep mode and wake up when RTC send the alarm signal, you make the measurement and the logging, then Arduiono goes back to sleep mode. I am never programmed Arduino, never wrote anything in C, I have no experience, but if you have an accurate clock why don't you use it?! :) Please drop me a reply if you think it can be possible to implement. Thanks!
another great and usefull tutorial! thx :-)
Thank you very much!
thx, this is exactly what i wanted to do, i also agree with Sravan Kumar, make a video of that
Thank you for all your videos, you are a great teacher, i would though like if you did the schematics in fritzing, it would help some people i think.
Looking forward to your next video
Poulsen Media™ Yes you are right. We will do that as it helps a lot!
if i want to make data logger for my solar trakcing circuit, so from this tutorial what must i change?i mean that is only the code program that must i change?could you give me an example of the program to get account of the time and the degree of moving from my solar trakcing? thanks :)
thanks for your videos,is there a possibility to display the read data from sd card to lcd 20x4 display?
Id love to know how to do thos with a photo res. I wanna monitor sun light in a spot threwout the day.
Very nice...I like it!!
You connect the sd module direct to the arduino some people put resistance to this conection there is a diference if l conect the module direct or l use resistance?
Alejandro Castro
SD (and nowadays a lot of other nice addons - solid-state gyros, radio chips (NRF family for example) are all 3.3 volt. Arduino mostly uses the Atmel Mega family. These WILL work fine at 3.3 volt, but not reliably with the 16MHz crystal supplied.
If you need to interface 5v stuff to 3.3, DON'T use resistors, it may cause frustrating intermittent problems. Instead, either scan Adafruit, Sparkfun etc. for level-shifters. Alternatively, with fet's and resistors, make your own - it's easy!
Once you've cut your teeth on the Atmel Mega's, have a shufty at the Atmel XMega.
Bit like an arduino on an extreme overdose of illegal steroids!
Cheaper, no crystal required, almost impossible to 'brick', more stuff on-chip for less cash. BUT 3.3volts only. 5v on any pin is an invitation for the Blue Smoke Fairy to visit.
Warning! DEFINITELY not for the faint-hearted. I design around an Xmega128A3U at work, and need a beer at the end of most days!!!
(Q. Is that a bad thing....?)
l use a arduino uno with an atmeg328p if l understand the SD module can works but its not so realible with resistors. Should l conect direct to the arduino to the 3.3V power source?
Somebody told me that the SD card breaks in some time if l conect it without resistance but l have never see in some place a guy that said if the SD Card breaks for that.
Alejandro Castro Well, I have some old SD-modules too (where you need to reduce signal voltage to 3.3V or a 3.3V arduino), but instead of using resistors or a LevelShifter - , I found out I rather order New SD-moduls which have the levelshifter onboard! Got them for less than $1 on aliexpress!
Knut Poschel l have buy that modules with level converter is better that fight with a resistor pack. Now l fighting with the program of that module.
fight with what? The orginalscriped worked for me. Just need to get the right Librarys for DS3231 and SD
it would be nice if you can set the current time and date over serial...maybe SETT 02092017 11:39
and then the arduino would set the time to 02.09.2017 with hours to 11 and time to 39minute ..just if you have to change the battery
how do we define intervals so that it capture data only when data is update? data coming out a potentiometer or imu mpu?
GREAT Tutorial!!!
Thanks alot! Cool idea to use the RTC temperature sensor (one modul less).
I build it and it worded! So I altered the code to make more samples to give a better average on other analog inputs (voltage and current from ASC712) - but now the code did not save to SD anymore ...........??? Have to work on that - but thanks for this great start-code!!!
Could you make another video continuing this topic? Decresing battery consuption..
The code is experiencing errors. Help me !!
Carol Almeida it work ? Me no
Would love to see a follow on video to reduce power consumption, i need 1 year of data at 1Hz on battery with maybe something like solar charge.
can you give us a demonstration on entrance and exit of a person into a room ,time when entered and left to store in a memory card using rtc ds1307 on uno
Sravan Kumar That's a very good idea! We will make a video on that in the future! Thanks!
Can I expect that in this week
Sravan Kumar No unfortunately not this week. I want a guide on this too, it cant be that hard?
Sravan Kumar when can i expect a video on this? really need help on this asap, thank you!!!!
Poli kala efraristo
Can I use the phone charger adapter to supply the arduino ?
Of course you can!
Can you help me to understand and tell me why there is no damage if I use the phone charger adapter as a power supply for the arduino ?
The phone charger will supply 5v to the arduino, which is within the acceptable input range.
Thank you that's an awesum project, you just gave a bit of direction for the project i'm planning to do..
I'd like to build an Android Based Data Logger to monitor the Photo - Voltaic Power System : The data logger takes measurements from the PV System, either current or voltage stores them and allows the user to upload the readings to an Android device...
Which module/microcontroller would you advice me to use as my controller device?
+Nete Thahe If you mean what Arduino board, I would use an Arduino Mega which has a lot of memory!
Thank v.much, i'll look into it.
Hi I tried with mega 2560 and could not get it working both DS3231 & SD card time data logging. Should we use Nano only or mega 2560 also can work? Please advise Regards
Great video!
Is the coding of this project compatible for arduino mega 2560 rev3 ?
hi, what if instead of temperature, i want to measure current?
You need to use a current sensor.
hi, I have a project. I decided to use an Arduino Uno. My project will read the water consumption on an analog water meter using a flow sensor. The thing is, could it be possible to send the data reading through nrf24l01?? and stored in a database like ms access??
hope you could give me an advice on how to make my project happen. TYIA ^^
Many thanks for this video.
I have a question.
I have output 4-20 mA for Load tension device per ton. I mean 4mA mean 0 ton and 8mA mean 50 and 12mA mean 100 and 20mA mean 200 ton.
Now i want to save these mA on a graph but the graph show the time and the ton not the mA. can you please tell me how to do it.
Thank you in advance
Hi. Sketch is reading the temperature on the Monitor serial. But, it is not saving on the SDcard. Just save the last reading. I'm using Arduino ID version 1.8.2
Can you help me.
necesito construir un datalogger que registre datos de voltaje y corriente de las salidas (12 V DC) de una bateria litio
i don't have arduino nano. can i used uno instead? thanks
Love your projects but have a couple of comments:
* Should the Blue SDA connection to A5 not go to A4 and the Yellow SCL to A5 ??
* What is the purpose of the code that looks for serial data into I presume the Serial Monitor ?? It seems to look for CR / LF and ascii.??
* have you considered not using void parse_cmd from the original ds3231.h library examples and instead use the simpler DS3232RTC.h library which seems to supersede ds3231.h and is a lot simpler.
Again.... love your work
+Ray Bright Hello Ray, yes you are right about the I2C. Did I mention the opposite in the video? The RTC code reads the Serial monitor for some reason. I have stopped using this library now. I am using the Rodan DS3231 RTC now which is far better. Thanks for the comment!
+Ray Bright I've been basing a standalone (not connected to PC) data logger on your use of NANO but beware that in my case using an LC Studio SD Card that there can be signal level problems which prevent correct data storage. Initially I thought it was a problem requiring connection to Serial Monitor but that was incorrect.
Refer to this link where I explain my initial problem & solution including a PDF schematic of a simple solution using diodes.
Would like to see you develop your logger further using a TFT screen and external temperature sensors like DS18B20. Regards to all
Excellent its Video-lessons! - Congratulations and thank you!
Within its availability, it is possible, by gentleness and kindness make us a demonstration of a clock (RTC) with LED Matrix 8x8 (hh-mm-ss) and, if still possible, make the second roll vertically ;
Thank you and if asked too much, I ask you excuses ...
Is there any way we can add an LCD (Nokia 5110) to this setup?!
Would it be possible to expand your Weather Station project to display the data on a phone or a PC using a Wireless Transceiver (e.g. NRF24L01).
Brian Tooze Yes we plan to do it in the future.
i face this problem
exit status 1
Compilation error: ds3231.h: No such file or directory
Please! Am not getting the code for my project with the following modules (LCD, potentiometer, DHT22, Arduino uno, SD card and RTC DS3231).
Can you drop your email so i can email you the diagram and the code i have that isn't working?
can you log data from an rfid ??
Sure, why not?
can you make a video on it pleas ?
can you help me in my project I just want to store my Bluetooth Mac in SD card by using arduino
The code has many errors when I run it.
can i use arduino uno becuse i have one,,,thank's.
how get time until millisecond?
my sd card has a 3.3 and 5v rail no VCC how do I connect that
+Daniel Kimbril Try the 5V connection first.
+Daniel Kimbril Do the oposite, first try 3,3 V (in the work case scenario the thing wont work), then if it doesnt work try 5V. Its smarter, becouse 5V can damage your SD card and the module if the module is made to be supplied with 3,3 .
The Cave Pearl Project has been developing underwater dataloggers with this three module approach for years, though we use a 3.3v promini to save power. See: (free pdf download) for all the tricks we use to get more than a year of run time and for instructions for DIY PVC housings that are robust enough for long term deployment. You really can do scientific research with equipment you build yourself!
Hi friend, excellent video, i put the code in the sketch, btu have a some problem. "'DS3231_INTCN' was not declared in this scope" if you can help me about that. tk in advance
Hi Luis, i had the same mistake. Make a change to this libary >>
Thank YOU!! I was about to start crying. This is an awesome project and it works!! (thanks to you FCKoelnBaerchen)
Thank you for your clear explanation. Very interesting .
During the compilation I have this warning : warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
It appears twice
After looking for on the web, I found that is due to depreciated char conversion method
Could you give some advice to troubleshoot this problem please ?
Thanks You
can you create a tutorial about how to make arduino switch on off the power (example light) using time parameter? and the time parameter can be edited using android (internet connection).
thanks :)
The code don’t work
I need to get output relay 4 times, a day, how can I do it,,,,, please, help me
code available for download?
Check the video description for the code!
Hi guys, I am using the arduino leonardo but i don't get the same results, can anyone help plz?
Unfortunately I don't own an Arduino Leonardo so I can't help you, sorry!
Hi. Is it possible to log the data into pen drive instead of SD card?
Record the start and stop time of an machine please 🙏🏻
please explain the code
Sir code is wrong
Great tutorial. Could you do a tutorial on using a dust sensor and connected to a SD data storage please. Many thanks
circuit diagram
I have one question:
Arduino Micro
SD Card Module
What do i whant to store per package / like you do with the temperature:
Package = acceleration in x ,y and z as a vactor.
So that it looks like that when i store it in a textfile:
Nr./..x../...y../..z../................units in m / s²
1, 9.81,0,0
2, 9,0,0,8,0
3, 8,3,1,2,2,0
How fast can i store one of those lines to an SD Modul. In a way that i get the most Datavolum per sec.?
->Or how many time / secound...
I hope you can help me out.
About the speed of storage, that depends on the SD card. Most SD cards and memory USB stick are 100 mb/s or more. If you want top speed, make sure you get a recent model of SD card. Then, each number that is less than 255 is, I would say 1 bit. 8 bit goes into a byte, 1024 byte into a kb, 1024 kb into a mb. That makes 1024^2*100 numbers per second (approximately I would research the place a number takes if I were you) which makes a limit of 104 857 600 numbers that your SD card can register per second! Good luck to read the results!
Change the arduino processor speed to get more life out of the same cells.
That's correct! I haven't tried it yet!
Datalogger Veri Kaydedici Cihazlar Ürün ve Özellik Bilgisi Bilgisi yazımız ile öğrenecekleriniz, işletmelerinizin kullanabileceği veri toplama cihazlarını seçmeniz konusunda sizlere çok yardımcı olacaktır.
Datalogger veri kaydedici Cihazlar hakkında özet bilgilerle başlayacakolursak; Veri kaydedici, zamana (Yt) veya başka bir sinyal voltajına karşı çizilen sinyal voltajlarını ölçmek ve görüntülemek için doğrudan bir kayıt aracıdır.
Datalogger Veri Kaydedici Cihazlar Ürün ve Özellik Bilgisi verecek olursak. Veri kaydedici , kullanıcı tarafından durdurulana kadar sürekli akış modunda ölçüm yapar . Ölçüm sırasında, her yeni numune ölçüldüğünde, bunlar doğrudan işlendikleri ve görüntülendikleri bilgisayara taşınır ve istenirse ayrıca diskte saklanır. Bir giriş sinyalindeki değişiklik hemen görülür. Ölçüm süresi, çok uzun ölçümlere izin veren enstrümandaki hafıza miktarı ile sınırlı değildir.
Osiloskoptan temel farkı, osiloskobun önceden ayarlanmış bir süreyi ölçmesi ve tüm ölçülen değerleri donanımda dahili olarak saklamasıdır. Önceden ayarlanmış tüm değerler ölçüldüğünde, bilgisayara taşınır, işlenir ve orada görüntülenir. Ardından yeni bir ölçüm başlatılır. Dahili belleğin boyutu bu nedenle maksimum ölçüm süresini sınırlar. Ve her zaman sonraki iki ölçüm arasında bir boşluk olacaktır.
Datalogger / Veri Kaydedici geçici kayıt cihazının ölçüm yöntemi, onu bir odadaki sıcaklık gibi yavaş değişen sinyalleri ölçmek için ideal bir alet haline getirir. Tüm sürecin ilerlemesi kaydedilirken, her değişiklik anında görülebilir.
Veri kaydedicinin başka bir kullanımı, aletin dahili belleğine tamamen sığamayacak kadar uzun olan seri iletişim sinyalleri gibi uzun, tekrar etmeyen sinyalleri kaydetmektir. Ayrıca bilgilendirici yazımız sonrasında datalogger görüntüleme cihazları ürünler kısmına göz atabilirsiniz.
Un español haciendo un tuto en ingles y ademas sin substitulos en español xD
Un Griego ;-)