Thinking to MOVE to BRISBANE | 7 Reasons WHY YOU SHOULD not

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 62

  • @cjarmourimfromthetoughdead5487
    @cjarmourimfromthetoughdead5487 2 года назад +4

    I’ve been born and bred in Brisbane and absolutely love it when even a aircon doesn’t work when it’s 36 at 2 in the morning and the midday becomes 42c in the shade and the tropical humidity gets so much you can barely breathe and your clothes stick to you and the ice on the beer taps have melted and outback when it’s 60c daytime 55 midnight you can’t sleep and your shoes melt and can literally cook a steak and eggs on the footpath

    • @phoebexxlouise
      @phoebexxlouise 2 года назад +1

      Yeah this video was pure propaganda made by a real estate man who has a financial investment in influx of residents

  • @arthurwatts1680
    @arthurwatts1680 2 года назад +2

    Affordable ? Compared to Sydney and Melbourne, sure, but with interest rates putting the squeeze on borrowers, I'm guessing that home ownership in Brissie isn't quite the party some might be hoping for. Rents are crazy but that seems to be the case almost everywhere in Oz.

  • @fropati1040
    @fropati1040 Год назад +2

    You just convinced me to move to Brisbane 😅

  • @RolandjHearn
    @RolandjHearn 3 года назад +13

    Very clever. I saw the title and I was ready for a fight with some obnoxious southerner wanting to make some outlandish claim as to why their city is better - great job, you made me smile.

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад +2

      Thank you Roland🙂 lovely city to live in, we are very lucky aren't we

  • @hermesliteratus882
    @hermesliteratus882 3 года назад +5

    Been living here since 2013, loving every minute of it.

    • @annamaymusic3278
      @annamaymusic3278 3 года назад +1

      Can you please tell me What part of Brisbane that has a lot of hotels or resorts to work with?Your answer is truly appreciated🥰🥰❤❤

    • @hermesliteratus882
      @hermesliteratus882 3 года назад +2

      @@annamaymusic3278 IMO, following names would be on the list, Milton, Fortitude Valley, City, New Farm, Spring Hill, Bowen Hills.

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад +1

      Tangalooma island, 1 hr by ferry from brisbane.

  • @oli-the-turd-8349
    @oli-the-turd-8349 2 года назад +2

    let me tell you the weather is so freaking unpredictable i live here and it raining in the morning then from 10 until about 8:30 at night it was sunny then it started pouring. we have had school canceled for two days before because of a cyclone coming over. also half of these make no sense spending more money for university enjoying traffic jams cheaper homes aren’t good.

  • @user-tn3zs5jv8z
    @user-tn3zs5jv8z 3 года назад +2

    Aaahhh.....Brisbane seems the place that I'd loved to live......

  • @Fantabbydozy2608
    @Fantabbydozy2608 3 года назад +8

    Ooooooosh I love this city. I can’t wait to move there ❤️❤️❤️

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад

      where do you live now?

    • @Fantabbydozy2608
      @Fantabbydozy2608 3 года назад

      @@ZOSHLIFE I live in New South Wales now. Originally from the U.K.

  • @jimgoodman6916
    @jimgoodman6916 3 года назад +5

    Brisbane is the best place to live!

  • @lachlanjetta3464
    @lachlanjetta3464 3 года назад +2

    Hello. I intend on moving to Brisbane in a few months and would appreciate some guidance. I was going to visit for a holiday in august, but lockdown stopped me so I don’t get to visit before I move there.
    I am moving with a friend. 2 bedroom, 1 or 2 bathrooms and 1 car garage. Budget about $400 per week for rent. Do you think I should target the middle of the city or is an area like chermside or Indooroopilly better value? Thanks very much

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад

      Depending on where you work, both suburbs have each characteristics. Indooroopilly is in the western suburb and Chermside is north. They both have Westfield shopping centres. Rental price in both suburbs are quite different too.

    • @Jo.Dixon013
      @Jo.Dixon013 2 года назад

      I know both areas pretty well. Both have good state and private schools. Chermside has more transport tho. I find it’s hard to get trains from Indroopilly

    • @phoebexxlouise
      @phoebexxlouise 2 года назад

      Yeah I live near Chermside and I pay $430 a week for 2 bed 2 bath 1car

  • @KSHVlogs1
    @KSHVlogs1 2 года назад +1

    Well compiled

  • @eduhartono5606
    @eduhartono5606 3 года назад +4

    Love Brisbane! Wish I could go there again😍

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад

      maybe after covid finishes?

  • @meltedjax3619
    @meltedjax3619 4 месяца назад

    Moving in September from ireland 😂 itll be some change going from rain to heat like this

  • @zoltanhorvath7454
    @zoltanhorvath7454 3 года назад +2

    Traffic and property prices are not true! I drive the M1 twice daily between Upper Mount Gravatt and Yatala! I see the huge traffic jam between Brisbane and Gold Coast! Today was around 20 km long que on the M1 towards Gold Coast!
    Also the property prices approaching fast the 1 million mark 10-15km from the City! Of course if a cashed up southerner moves here then might be ok for them but not an average worker.
    The life is NOT that great here mate as you suggest and thell the truth to the people!
    By the way! I am going to leave behind Brisbane next year! Brisbane is NOT the most affordable City! No! It's Perth, WA!
    Cheers 😉

  • @KhalsaRaajForSikhs
    @KhalsaRaajForSikhs 3 года назад +2

    See you Brisbane soon.

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад

      yes, would be great :)

  • @vladsh4134
    @vladsh4134 3 года назад +1

    If i had to visit Brisbane, i'll be aware of prices and things, sounds a cool place to hang in .

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад

      next you're in Brisbane, i'll take you around bro

  • @johnrowley5833
    @johnrowley5833 3 года назад +2

    On the other hand, if you do move to Brisbane and you are someone who doesn’t like outdoor activities, only indoors, then simply... stay inside, don’t come out!😁👍

  • @aapkaapna5703
    @aapkaapna5703 3 года назад +2

    love it

  • @fullsendit292
    @fullsendit292 3 года назад +1

    The rent part is true i was looking to move here but rent is crazy expensive! I dont have money to buy house yet

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад

      Save some for a deposit, get a good finance broker that can advise your serviceability. In this day and age, it is possible, just need to meet with the right channel

    • @fullsendit292
      @fullsendit292 3 года назад

      @@ZOSHLIFE thankyou! I have recently discovered logan and ipswich have cheaper rent then brisbane but have heard logan is abit dodgy do youbhave any experience with that area?

  • @kamiradrodro
    @kamiradrodro 3 года назад +1

    Miss Brissy, can't wait to go back 😄

    @IZABELARAILEANU 3 года назад +3

    Brisbane sound nice!

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад +1

      next time you're here i'll be your guide

      @IZABELARAILEANU 3 года назад

      @@ZOSHLIFE absolutely! Thank you!🙏

  • @mbaklondobel6897
    @mbaklondobel6897 3 года назад +1

    thanks for sharing bro

  • @telmoitutelly_1111
    @telmoitutelly_1111 3 года назад +1

    Never been to Brisbane.. I'd love too btw

    • @muggy138
      @muggy138 3 года назад

      I love Brisbane

  • @deepakdave7778
    @deepakdave7778 3 года назад +1

    ❤ Love from India...

  • @kurumusic
    @kurumusic 3 года назад +1

    So, you mean Brisbane is the BEST!!!

  • @insacram8890
    @insacram8890 2 года назад

    If you like traffic? Who would like traffic the reasons suck

  • @andrechaltsev2467
    @andrechaltsev2467 3 года назад +1

    Problems with the basic logic in this video. The fact that you have lots of outdoor activities does not mean there is no indoor spaces to do something. Or if you like renting you can rent in Brisbane forever despite affordable property prices.

      @ZOSHLIFE  3 года назад +1

      Very true!

    • @SpaceCakeNJelly
      @SpaceCakeNJelly 2 года назад

      I guess you don't understand sarcasm, do you?

  • @ruriestory9744
    @ruriestory9744 3 года назад +1

    Nice 👍

  • @meee6836
    @meee6836 3 года назад +1

    This guy is so full of it he is slopping over the sides. I have been a Brisbane-ite since 1977 and most of what he said is pure fantasy.

  • @banianwas3481
    @banianwas3481 3 года назад

    Si kecil lahap banget

  • @jumananombe2503
    @jumananombe2503 2 года назад


  • @jeeeenaha
    @jeeeenaha 2 года назад