Slow Cooked Breast of Lamb
- Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
- Best of British Blackwell is all about ensuring that no part of nay animal that we eat is left to waste. The breast of the lamb is probably the cheapest cut, but if you cook it right, it can be the best part of the animal. Go to your local butcher and ask them for a lovely piece of lamb breast and give it a go yourself! You really wont regret it.
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I love the short, simple, to-the-point cooking vids.
@@gnoelalexmay Thank you.
My partner bought this today and I've never cooked this cut of lamb, so thankyou because I've been pulling my hair out googling the best ways to cook it with many suggesting using about 20 different herbs, oils , wines etc and for about 6 hours cooking time, I have many herbs and oils but just so happened to have none others were stating to use lol you've saved my day and hours of prep and cooking! 🤘
I am glad I could help. Cooked correctly, this piece of meat really doesnt need all of those herbs and spices. They mask the sweetness of the meat. Best of luck with your cook and do let me know how it turns out!
Thank you, I’ve avoided this cut in the past because of the fat, I’m really impressed with the slow roasting, thanks again best wishes.
Very happy to be able to help. Slow roasting is the very best way to cook this lovely cut of meat. You wont regret it.
Best recipe and explanation I have seen for cooking this under rated cut, thank you!
Thanks for that lovely comment. I really appreciate it.
Follow this recipe and it came out beautifully
One of my favourite cuts of meat £2.50 where I live but I have to bone and tie it myself or the price goes up a couple of quid but as an ex butcher it is no big deal. I stick mine in the slow cooker for 3 to 4 hours
Great simple method for cooking delicious roast lamb, my family loved it, thanks!
Thanks for the feedback. I am glad you liked it! Nice one.
Got one of these in asda a few days ago, first time cooking it so thanks for this video!
Thank you for taking the time to comment. I hope it turned out well!
Looking forward to giving this a try for my Christmas dinner tomorrow. I've not bought this cut of lamb before. I bought it as I didn't fancy spending £26 for 2kg leg of lamb,
Best of luck with it. Just give it enough time.
Thankyou so much, I have always wanted to know how to make this and never knew how. Thanks!!
You are very welcome.
Good morning. I must say I’d never heard of breast of lamb, I saw one in my local supermarket and thought I’d give it a try. I’m going to try your method and freeze a few slices for other meals. Thank you for sharing 😊
Best of luck with it. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed, but do let me know how you get on.
Excellent, nice & easy to follow, thank you wasn’t sure how to cook mine 👍
You’re welcome 😊
Excellent video thanks. Didn’t know this was a slow cook cut. I’ll be using your method for Sunday lunch today!
Yes. A slow cook helps to render out some of the fat which can sometimes be tough and chewy. Good luck with it and let me know how your cook goes.
Lovely! What is the greaseproof paper for? I like to make my gravy using the meat juices in the bottom of the tin.
The breast of lamb is very fatty and you dont get too many actual meat juices from it. You do get a lot of fat and this can burn the oven dish. I like to use the greaseproof to protect the dish.
Looks awesome.
Hi I’m trying this with a much larger joint of 1k, shouldn’t cooking time be longer? And is it still 150c temp. Thanks
Cooking time will be longer. But don’t raise the temperature as the meat will toughen up.
How much longer? @@BestofBritishBlackwell
@@Tinafromhaslemere it’s hard to say without knowing a precise weight
800g joint@@BestofBritishBlackwell
@@Tinafromhaslemere I’d give that about 3 hours.
I'm doing this tomorrow 😊
Yay! The only straight forward recipe for this I could find. Thankyou.
Giving this a lash today. Thanks for such a helpful guide
I never thought of using grease proof paper ,I always use tin foil ,and it always stick to the meat,I have to get some next time I'm in the shops ? Nice video thanks for the tip,that roast looks lovely ,next time you make another one invite me please. .LOL thanks
Malcolm James Thank you for comment. Best of luck with the cook!
What, not use the fat? Make gravy with it. What gravy did you use?
I have to be honest, I am not a huge fan of using meat fat in gravy. I find it becomes too greasy. I made the gravy using beef stock.
2024 just bought a bit looking for a recipe nicely and simply explained cost a tenner now though sheesh
@@g3ges3 Absolutely agree with the sesh. Please let me know how you get on with it and how you liked it.
Hi would it matter if I put the lamb breast in the slow cooker instead of the oven?
The internal meat would still be nice, but the outside would not get crispy and the fat may not render as nicely. I have never tried to be honest.
your local butcher shop = tesco express on the courner.
Supermarket meat is crap. Don’t buy it.
First time I will be cooking lamb. This is simple. Cheers.
Is the temp in degrees C or F?
Apologies. I’m in the UK and the temp is in centigrade.
I've no greaseproof paper shall I roast as is will it matter ?
Sure it will be fine.
Bloody lovely thankyou. Tasted so yummy ….
I have one of these but with bones, is it easy to take the bones out.
Hi. I will be honest and say I do not know. Whenever I buy these, they have been de-boned and rolled by my Butcher, so I have never had to do this. But I found this video and that might help youвидео.html
@@BestofBritishBlackwell awesome thanks, it was a freebie from my butcher and I didn't think about it having bones at the time.
When you say 150 is that fan oven? I'm thinking of doing this in a conventional oven so I leave the fan oven free for roast potatoes.
@@Flip5ide 150 was based on a fan oven. A conventional oven will work just as well Just adjust the temperature accordingly. Lovely freebie!
@@BestofBritishBlackwell so mine is de ribbed and is 472 grams, how long would you roast it for, sorry lol
MrFlipside666 Id give it a couple of hours.
Lamb cooked to perfection - thanks.
Hope you enjoy
Cut the string off, unroll it , put salt on each side roast it high heat pouring fat off half way until its crispy on the outside , eat with fresh crusty bread like a caveman, absolutely gorgeous, it's what bacon is to lamb
Will give that a go.
Do I need to use sower temperature on a fan oven?
David Wilkinson not at all. These temperatures are based on a fan assisted oven.
Thank you, great video!
Thanks for commenting. I am glad you enjoyed it.
I have a 1K piece to cook tomorrow. Would you recommend similar cooking times and temps ? First time with a rolled breast, I usually do shoulder and cover that tightly in tin foil
I would recommend a similar cook to this. The only suggestion I would make that differs to the method in my video is perhaps sealing the joint in a pan before roasting. I have tried that since making this video and it definitely help retain more moisture. Good luck with it and do let me know how you get on.
@@BestofBritishBlackwell Will do, thanks for the reply
Thanks :)
Brilliant video, but don't waste the fatty oil use it for gravy 👍
@@wayne3449 The fat from lamb doesn’t make the best gravy. But I do use it to roast potatoes in.
@BestofBritishBlackwell nice, thanks for sharing the tips!
Bought one today after seeing your vid, not had it for years, just wondering if a trivet would make a difference?
Michael, thanks for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. You could indeed use a mesh trivet or roasting rack. However, if you are referring to a trivet of veg (as I think you might be), it does work, but the veg is not good for much after as the joint is cooked at such a high temperature to start with (to get the crispy skin). Also, the meat expells a lot of fat and moisture and that can destroy the veg in the trivet. But, hey, cooking is about experimenting and I would be really interested to know how it goes. So do let me know! Best of luck!
Best of British Blackwell Yes, it was a mesh trivet I had in mind, with creamy mash and French beans, for sure I’ll follow your method and let you know how it comes out, cooking it Saturday.
I think that is going to work a treat then. It will crisp up nicely all of the way round. The mash and beans sounds lovely too. I have a facebook page you can upload pictures to. Id love it if you did. Its here
Thank you, I've one in the freezer that I didn't want to turn into a stew.
Liam Roberts Shadow Banned Thanks for commenting. I hope it turns out well. Do let me know how your cook goes.
@@BestofBritishBlackwell I will, it should be a nice piece as it was bought from Bodnant, (welsh foods), unfortunately they have ceased trading.
Thanks for the advice, looks great... it;s going in the oven now!
Good luck.
@@BestofBritishBlackwell absolutely delicious thanks
Pigs are often 4-6 months old at slaughter weight whereas lambs are 6months+. The extra fat in pork belly is due to the difference in species and diet not age
Leg of lamb Rost
Cooking this for Christmas. At 150, will my roasties roast as well, and can I add them to the same dish so the lamb fat coats them?
You could, but personally, I would drain off some of the lamb fat half way through the cook and then roast the potatoes in that separately. That way, you can control the length of cook on both items and season them individually. Hope it all works out well!
Glad i saw this i opened it and pan fried it yesterday and it was chewy and terrible... next time
sometimes there s not much meat inside or v little. lambs watch their diet :)
Nice need to make proper good y.orkies tho...They look like they cup each of flour,eggs and milk mix well and pour into a for 30 mins befoe pouring into very hot tins with hot oil so the mixture bubbles on contact..180 degrees centigrade for twenty minutes without opening the door..maybe turn upside down in tin once they look ready ,just to make sure the bottom is golden..😉😉😉
Thanks for watching. I have quite a few videos on here where I make Yorkshire puddings and they all seem to turn out quite well. If you watch my roast beef and Yorkshire pudding recipe video, you will see how I make mine and how they come out of the oven.
The green beans are not required
They were...because I wanted them.