You're not an idiot. : ) I figured it out after about an hour searching online and it was nice to see your video walk me through it. Ableton needs to update and accept MPE devices. It is a total game changer.
Good job and explanation, takes trial and error and doesn't matter what people think if you get it working thats the important part and knowing you helped others.
The production quality of your video was about right for it being your first. The content on the other hand was better than most tutorials. Thank you for making this, it is highly appreciated.
Hey bro, love this video, I bought some roli block, and I want to use it in this way but with sounds not with FX, can you do any tutorial? Btw congratulations for this, the videos is amazing
Wow - looks great! Could you describe how responsive the Roli pad is in Ableton? If we assume your MacBook track pad is 10/10 responsive, how you would compare the responsiveness of the Roli pad in Ableton? Is it laggy? Does it require an uncomfortable amount of pressure? I once bought a Novation Xiosynth specifically because it had an XY pad, but I never got it to work in Ableton!
You're not an idiot. : ) I figured it out after about an hour searching online and it was nice to see your video walk me through it. Ableton needs to update and accept MPE devices. It is a total game changer.
Good job and explanation, takes trial and error and doesn't matter what people think if you get it working thats the important part and knowing you helped others.
The production quality of your video was about right for it being your first. The content on the other hand was better than most tutorials. Thank you for making this, it is highly appreciated.
Rama Bhakta Thank you so much for the comment!
Thank you for taking the time to make this.
Your welcome!
Thanks a bunch, that was really helpful getting my Lightpad Block working as a XY controller.
Man! Thank you!! You helped me a lot!
Thanks for getting right to it!
Thank you for making this video I have now figure out how to map the seablock to BeatMaker 3 xy style thank you😂👍
Hey bro, love this video, I bought some roli block, and I want to use it in this way but with sounds not with FX, can you do any tutorial?
Btw congratulations for this, the videos is amazing
Wow - looks great! Could you describe how responsive the Roli pad is in Ableton? If we assume your MacBook track pad is 10/10 responsive, how you would compare the responsiveness of the Roli pad in Ableton? Is it laggy? Does it require an uncomfortable amount of pressure? I once bought a Novation Xiosynth specifically because it had an XY pad, but I never got it to work in Ableton!
It’s not laggy at all! It’s actually quite responsive as you can see in the video. I do not feel that the amount of pressure needed is uncomfortable.
Thank you!
many thanks
Thanks man
You should make more videos.Thanks
when I press midi it just won't map anything, he won't recognise my block :( when I play midi it does just can't map it what am I doing wrong?