Funniest part is that Koyao was very little far away from having the kill here. Iirc [k]214U > U > [g]c.H > AA > [g]236H > U > [k]c.H > RS > [k]c.H > [k]236H > SSBA does 10.500 damage, and Charlotta already lacked a BP so that would mean at least 11600 damage AND a midscreen safejump after.
0:37 waffle didnt block one mixup amd my dude lost like 65% hp. Games brutal lol
Exhibit a of "when you're in the corner, just take the damn throw"
Funniest part is that Koyao was very little far away from having the kill here. Iirc [k]214U > U > [g]c.H > AA > [g]236H > U > [k]c.H > RS > [k]c.H > [k]236H > SSBA does 10.500 damage, and Charlotta already lacked a BP so that would mean at least 11600 damage AND a midscreen safejump after.
still wins the round 😩