Hello! Curious about the size of the glass tube? expolygon.hu/exploded/astoria.pdf expolygon.hu/webshop/termek/18-015-vizszintjelzo-uveg-700726 11x170 mm
@@coffeeserviceszeged Thank you very much, I was precisely looking for the size. I'm repairing this machine (Astoria argenta) and your video is really useful. Greetings from Mexico
very nice
like new! any tips on replacing the glass for water level?
Hi, how did you restore the chrome parts? (For example in minute 2:19)
It was not damaged, it needed cleaning
I need help. what is the glass model for the water level?
Segítségre van szükségem. mi az üveg modell a vízszinthez?
Hello! Curious about the size of the glass tube? expolygon.hu/exploded/astoria.pdf expolygon.hu/webshop/termek/18-015-vizszintjelzo-uveg-700726 11x170 mm
@@coffeeserviceszeged Thank you very much, I was precisely looking for the size. I'm repairing this machine (Astoria argenta) and your video is really useful.
Greetings from Mexico
@@erickvillafuertealvarado4133 I'm glad I could help! Good job! From Hungary.
Hello! Varhato meg masik ilyen gep felujitasa?
Nem lehet tudni. Elég ritka, és már nehéz beszerezi, jó áron. De bármi megtörténhet.