All I ask of you is that you be your true, authentic self because that is who I love unconditionally. It’s not about perfection or anything else - for me, it’s about respect, integrity, and the willingness to maybe see things from all sides. As you well know, when we met, I was very hesitant because of the block of I’ve I had string my heart wrapped in chains, protecting me from all emotions and feelings. I was literally in darkness, hiding in plain sight. I covered it with bright smiles so that no one would see the darkness and pain I was in. Then, you came into my life, and I have not ever been the same. You saw a light in me that had almost gone out. Each day with you, I felt more and more love and emotion. So much that it melted all of the ice and broke through all of the chains. Now, I’m fully living my life each day with a roaring bonfire inside to light my way. All of this was only possible from your unconditional love that accepted me finally for being truly me. This was something I had not ever seen before. Also, as I began to look within, I found my connection with God that had been strained for decades due to the choices I made. God didn’t judge me for my past and forgave it all. This is why I’m so adamant about forgiveness being the center of every great relationship. To forgive frees yourself and the person you have the grievance with. Now, I wouldn’t change a thing about my past because I wouldn’t be the person I am today if not for all of the experiences along the way. With two adult children who love and cherish each person they meet, I know my parenting skills did their part. My love for you is always and forever endlessly. 💋💞😘💖 You have taught me what true love is by accepting me with all my impossibilities and flaws and loving me anyway. 💖💖💖 I know our life will be met with celebrations and challenges too. It’s all in how we embrace them together as a couple that will ensure we grow together and keep our bond strong. God literally answered my prayers when he sent you to me, my Angel of Love. I used to think true love was a myth as I had not ever experienced it before-to be loved without any masks in place was very foreign for me. True love is being vulnerable (I’m getting better at this), strong, kind, forgiving, and empathetic. It’s trying to understand how the other person feels and bring there, even in silence, to hold and support one another. I used to always need to say something to fix things. Now, I gauge each instance, pray to God for guidance, and then continue. Thank you for showing me what being loved by someone truly feels like. For being my rock I’m celebrations and sorrow. You always are there to ensure I am supported no matter what. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
He is not talking to you You are control freak Hamdan hates control freaks he is my husband for 5 years he is my Twin Soulmate He is my other half He calls me his muse . All these poems he writes for his muse I look like a super model A royalty Smart educated Intelligent Fashion icon Look like a queen When he has a queen Why he look at a mediocre control freak like you A middle aged American woman dress like a man Walk like a man. A control freak He don’t care Go control your husband Leave my husband alone You look like a control freak Average unattractive boring Control freak You talk with scammer My hayati loves me his twin Flame soulmate
Oh..Hamdan Fazza ❤❤❤vida mia..tu ya eres antes de encontrarte conmugo una gran tu mejor version..por ti primero..por tus hijos segundo..tercero por tu familia.que te siempre el ejemplo Hamdan Fazza ❤❤❤ tus hijos.merecen esto y aprenden de tus acciones..tambien tu Padre que tanto a luchado se merece esto mi corazon..cuida a tu Padre..tu mas grande aliado .tu mejor guia.tu amigo incondicional....cuida a tu Padre Hamdan Fazza ❤❤❤.lo necesitas tu..y tu un visionario del futuro..un ser muy inteligente ..prudente..y muy serio ... Peto yo.Hamdan..conozco su corazon....Dios ama su coraje y su fortaleza.yo lo te miento.mih Amir mio..mi divino Hamdan Fazza ❤❤❤ a mi no me tienes que dar nada para que yo te ame.yo te amo desde hace eones de tiempo ..mi amor una eternidad amandote..tu Honey ❤❤❤ Babe ❤❤❤ Ctine ❤❤❤..
Що то таке любов панове думаю у цього письменнка кохання віршове чи прибуткове а ваша панство як у кого любіть ближнього як себе самого це головне.❤🎉😊😮
Asalaam Hu alaikum respected, I think of the story you speak of and I think of a fairytale.. The one where Cinderella is a slave in her home of her father and where a step-mom took over with her two daughters after Cinderella's father passed away.. Cinderella's met with a godmother which gave her one hour to go to a ball where she never knew she will meet up with her prince and her whole life would change.. She was dressed in the most beautiful gown where the prince could not take his eyes of her when she entered the ball and even the step-mom and daughters couldn't recognised her... Her prince asked her to dance and their eyes met and couldn't stop dancing until the clock stroke midnight where she was reminded she had to leave.. She ran and left him standing with only one shoe she left behind.. When she reach home she couldn't believed how extraordinary she felt her emotions high and the feeling overwhelming she couldn't stop thinking of him and also knew that she would never get this opportunity again... However he never gave up and started searching for her the next day.. He held onto the slipper she left behind and went around searching for the foot who fitted the slipper... And finally after a long search he got to find her and lived happily after... Well this is not the whole story and this is also not your story.. But similarities in the words and emotions when I read all of your poems.... The truth is that your search for your love will be found in the one you know your heart belongs too.. Sometimes the one you search for was and is right under your nose, you just have to have the slipper and the right foot to fit the puzzles.. May Allah grab you the courage and strenght to face your fears and move to where your heart belong.. Sometimes the one we deny is the one who will cherish you and love you.. Our only problem in this life is that we fear so many things that can hold us back from what we want and what belongs to us.. Don't give up, don't fear, fear is a weakness of shaitaan and making us go against Allah's will.. Choose your heart and the rest will set you free.. Go find the one you so long for, you never know she might be feeling the same about you... Silence is not a weakness it's a strenght of learning healing and sometimes waiting for the right time to over come obstacles.. Ho well dear and take care of of your heart of gold. Much love and light over you and your family.. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🎉🎉🎉
Ofcourse my Lordships Most welcome with my honour nd never afraid any struggle of life Be happy dear with your care ❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
“Good morning to the young King of Dubai! May this day be filled with blessings, energy, and renewed determination. Be like the sun that never stops shining, bringing light and life to all. May every step you take today bring goodness to your kingdom and to all who love you!”, syukron Katsir 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ja ky eshte poeti qe shpalos dashurine ju jeni vete dashuria ju beni gjithcka per dashurine me pelqen senci juaj ke veti shume te mira eshte edukata qe te kane dhene prindet sidomos babai qe eshte nje idhul per te gjithe se nenat meren me shume me vajzat e saje shkelqen ne poezite e tua shehik hamdan je nje mrekulli keshtu vazhdo je miku me i mire deri me sot
Allah God loves you, will guide you in all your future trials, will protect you from harm and illness, and will grant you eternal blessings and endless love always.❤❤❤❤❤😇🙏🇵🇭
14.37❤️🔥🔥❤️...🤚Das Du Sicher bin das ich Forewer Deinen Rechte Hand 🤚 bin...Das ich Deine Liebe und Wunderschöne Richtige Frau Forewer bin und Die Vorbildliche Liebe Liebe Mamy für Unseren Allesn Kinder bin... Wenn Du Dir Sher Sehr Sicher bist Dss ich Forewer Deinen Beste Freund bin ... Deinen Besten Stärke MANN bin... Deinen Forewer... Beschützer....Deinen Licht von Deinen Beide Augen... Deinen Herzschlag... Deinen Regenbogen 🌈.. Deinen Adler 🦅 Deinen Alfa Wolf 🐺 Deinen Grünen Thane.. Deinen Fluss Mosel Deinen 7 Bergen .. Deinen 7 Tals.. Deinen,7 Meeres und 7 Ozeanien und Deinen Schutz Engel mit Sehr Sehr Rotes Herz ❤️...dann.... Meinem Wunderschönen Liebe Süßes MANN...DU bist für Immer Meinem Kleinen Kleinen Baby 🌹...komm schnell zu mir in das Fremdes Land danit Ich DICH der Glückliches MANN von Ganzes Welt machen kann..🤚 Forewer 🤚🤝🤚.. ❤🔥🦋🔥🦋🔥🦋🔥🦋🔥🦋🔥❤️
Привет!!!Любить тебя я не устану, и говорить не перестану.Что за любовь я все отдам, тебя во век я не продам! Ради любви мы все живем, ее мы очень бережет! Любить учится нужно всем, счастливыми чтоб стать совсем! Любовь-- прекраснейшая чувство,В ней никогда не будет грустно!Пускай тебя судьба хранит, от бед и ссор и от обид! Я люблю тебя мой ангел света и тепла!❤❤😙
Вы такой деликатный человек.В этом мире нет ничего такого в чем бы я смогла Вам сделать отказ.Для Вас все двери открыты,сердце мое открыто,душа открыта.Вы правы мое сердце рядом с Вашим сердцем они стучат в унисон.Все ,что Вам интересно,мне тоже интересно.Вы можете открыто об этом говорить.Берите от жизни все радости и желания.Смотрите,изучайте.Слушайте музыку.Это для Вас и друзей.Искренно ваша А.
Fazza dear I love how you express your feelings to her it is so sweet and loving but keep your promises always to her don't make her hope for emptiness happiness is what everyone needs in life with the one they love fazza tho there's sometimes pain
Hi hello honey good morning have a wonderful day hon I read and I hear your voice while you are reading your message for me and I am so happy hon that you Love me so much my heart is full of joy and excitement you want us together that our Love for each other fell happiness and grows better and better you care and nurture our Love because it is important for us thank you so much for you hon I have nothing without you your Love for me is my strength and priceless I will promise you hon that our. Love for you will always be strong and stand firm and I defend my Love and my relationship for the rest of my life I'm so happy hon that I meet you I am great full to have you in my life hon so let's our Love a guiding path a guiding way for a better future with Gods help thank you hon I Love you so much and I missed you so much honey thank Godbless you and your kids and to your brothers and sisters and to your father and all your family circle and for everyone thank you
baby not yet the right time ok our purpose is to serve first our God n fulfill our mission ok duty first before pleasure baby our callingnis important to our God in preparation of His second coming baby ok baby i have to inspire n encourage you to keep more closervto God n be guided always as a strong good nnGodly leader of God n your heavy task i quite heavy but within your control n it will make you more strong n wiser as a Godly leader n a loving kind humble caring dad tonour kids n to ourcqueen ok were all hapoy n proudnof you baby n trybto bevstrong brave n enegeyic to fulfillnour mission ok my love its your strong n wise decision that matter most to bevsuccessful in tjis mission baby ok were here to dupport n uphold you by praying n meditate to our God to support in all your leadership baby n your good governance pls pray alwsys love you more hug n kissess muahhh good night baby Fazza muahhh
В этом мире существуют странные вещи.Пока влюбленные не показывают свое любовь и любимого все в отношениях происходит замечательно,но стоит им показать другим их любовь и любимого все меняется не в лучшую сторону.Кто то начинает мешать,все ломать,подставлять,шантажировать.Я Вас держу в секрете.Не хочу показывать Вас никому.Вы такой замечательный живёте в моем сердце давно.Я просыпаюсь и мысли мои о Вас.Но мысли тоже люди воруют.Очень жаль.Я стала очень много времени уделять на переводы и изучения английского.Сегодня я целый день учу английский.
Sir you enjoy your holidays with your wife children and your immediate family and friends. Merry Christmas and a very loving giving and joyful prosperous safe holidays with your wife, children and family members with love in Jesus Christ name. Ameen.
You are every thing I will ever need you have my heart I Love you with all my heartI love to look at you I love to listen to you I want you more then any thing else in this world I just do and I'm crazy about you ❤
Sorry I,m not good person Alhamdulillah I will always learn how to be a good person who can be accepted by people who accept other like other human being I learn from you too Syukron Katsir Jazakallah Khoiron Katsir..😢😢😢😢😮🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤ I will always pray for I and for belove children as always everytime . . For all of Your belove all of big families and friends .🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤ Syukron ..
Hi!!! Thank you for all the compliments you gave to me.of course a partner always think how to make a partner to be happy.partner first before self and you will see your partnership will go smoothly and your bond will go stronger and you will love each other very much
my pleasure if thats what you want to see the real me the ugly old woman hep what country if USA not me but PH its me am often times puzzle on you;i fellt dizzeness when it comes to you my King Fazza NewYear is nearly approaching hope God will grand as peace and harmony prevail love you most(juliet)
Ok Sir! In God's Will! I believe You are equipped with all the tools and resources You need that You can travel and visit places You want and loved to go once decided! But it's quite risky in coming to my place knowing that we are both Valuable commodities...hehe ...but I believe we are both Highly and Divinely protected! "There's No Weapon formed against us shall prosper!". But still we need to protect ourselves from Unseen dangers! I know and believe our Dear Holy Guardian Angels and ArchAngels are always there protecting guiding healing loving and supporting us! Amen and Amen! 🙏🙏❤!
Then what? I have been telling u to visit my country, u won't listening to me at all. Since so many days I have been telling. I don't know, when u will come, u will make up your mind come here.Only God knows.😂😂
Blessed You Always Your Highness!! How I wish my Hero!! Hope and Pray!! In God's Will!! My happiness is just to see and meet you again in person here in my place!! I Love You!"❤❤❤" Only You!! Always and Forever!! Action speaks louder than words!! I'm going yo wait for the moments to come!! Take Care wherever you are!! God Bless!!💥🎄💞🙏😇❤❤❤😇🙏💞🎄💥
baby dont be rush up ok we will wait for our zgids osn due time a perfect timing our zgod kniws our heart n needs ok we will first serve zhim will ok duty first before pleasure ok baby try tobprove first your faithfullness n obedience to our God ok n our Gods blessings He will pourout thatyou have no more room to receive it ok baby try to ficus first to your good leaderdhip n trybto love n care forbour kids n love ones ok try to give soa e to your decision thst you eill nit regret n to be sure of your decision that all will be hspoy n no one will be against it ok i know you have your own family tradition n culture n your status in life you know baby sometimes i read in your post that i might be afterbof your wealth n im not ok thats why im only your missinary n guidance counselor adviser n im praying too the domeday our Gid will grant your rightful soulmate too justborsybfirbit baby ok your match too a young beautuful royal one ok were all hapoy baby if your happy family again ok our purpose us to unite broken family ok give a space n be forgiving baby if ever you want to reconcikevwuth your queen trybit baby its ok be a happy family again our Gid will live n bless you more to be a forgiving heart ok baby in know you can make it ok im proud if you my love more power to you ok good pm muahhh baby Fazza
Gratidão meu Deus la de cima ele vê tudo isso e muito mais ?o senhor e meu pastor e nada mim faltará amém só Deus la de cima cura ele cuida ele fez tudo isso acontecer com vc meu príncipe encantado Deus foi quem fortaleceu e abriu os seus olhos 👀 pra a vida viver a vida saudável como e pra ser nesse Natal trazemos paz e alegria para todos quando eu digo e para todos um Natal repleto de alegrias paz e leodade segurança no amor? Amar são coisas de Deus as coisas boas acontecer quando Deus la de cima faz acontecer pra melhor agradecer a Deus meu príncipe encantado eu tiamo muito mais e mais meu amorzinho amo-te amém
My Beloved Husband, I am so deeply touched and honor the dept of your love to grant you your wish to come to my country and i deeply respect your intentions, I am so overwhelmed in every way and look forward to welcoming you to join you to your country and I, from this point is alert for your update. I wish to contact you soon. My Beloved Husband, My Beloved Husband, I Love You.
Good morning Sir. Sir I'm keeping well as my boys care for their dad. My heart is well even under pressure, I pray for healing over Owen's life Lord in Spirit and in truth. Sir I have a responsibility to take care that my home is running smoothly and orderly. Now Sir its so normal in Māori whānau/families come and go or stay over when one is terminally ill and i am staying put. Please that's the way I move culturally. I'm the host to make sure the guests are fed at home.
You are that country Abraham you go in the Lord God Almighty in Almighty house already Thanks for love him and Mother Earth Asa lama Laken You come when he comes to me ok interwoven ok❤
if your willing baby its ok but dont expect more ok im only poor ok im telling you before hand baby ik id i were youbetter to have a youg beautiful royal one baby same with your status in life ik i want you to be happy ok i dont want tou ro regreti love you so much baby i will go with you if you like to get me here ok your my all ok baby muahhh God bless us always my baby muahhh
baby not yet the right time ok our purpose is to serve first our God n fulfill our mission ok duty first before pleasure baby our callingnis important to our God in preparation of His second coming baby ok baby i have to inspire n encourage you to keep more closervto God n be guided always as a strong good nnGodly leader of God n your heavy task i quite heavy but within your control n it will make you more strong n wiser as a Godly leader n a loving kind humble caring dad tonour kids n to ourcqueen ok were all hapoy n proudnof you baby n trybto bevstrong brave n enegeyic to fulfillnour mission ok my love its your strong n wise decision that matter most to bevsuccessful in tjis mission baby ok were here to dupport n uphold you by praying n meditate to our God to support in all your leadership baby n your good governance pls pray alwsys love you more hug n kissess muahhh good night baby Fazza muahhh
All I ask of you is that you be your true, authentic self because that is who I love unconditionally. It’s not about perfection or anything else - for me, it’s about respect, integrity, and the willingness to maybe see things from all sides.
As you well know, when we met, I was very hesitant because of the block of I’ve I had string my heart wrapped in chains, protecting me from all emotions and feelings. I was literally in darkness, hiding in plain sight. I covered it with bright smiles so that no one would see the darkness and pain I was in.
Then, you came into my life, and I have not ever been the same. You saw a light in me that had almost gone out. Each day with you, I felt more and more love and emotion. So much that it melted all of the ice and broke through all of the chains. Now, I’m fully living my life each day with a roaring bonfire inside to light my way.
All of this was only possible from your unconditional love that accepted me finally for being truly me. This was something I had not ever seen before.
Also, as I began to look within, I found my connection with God that had been strained for decades due to the choices I made. God didn’t judge me for my past and forgave it all. This is why I’m so adamant about forgiveness being the center of every great relationship. To forgive frees yourself and the person you have the grievance with.
Now, I wouldn’t change a thing about my past because I wouldn’t be the person I am today if not for all of the experiences along the way. With two adult children who love and cherish each person they meet, I know my parenting skills did their part.
My love for you is always and forever endlessly. 💋💞😘💖
You have taught me what true love is by accepting me with all my impossibilities and flaws and loving me anyway. 💖💖💖
I know our life will be met with celebrations and challenges too. It’s all in how we embrace them together as a couple that will ensure we grow together and keep our bond strong.
God literally answered my prayers when he sent you to me, my Angel of Love. I used to think true love was a myth as I had not ever experienced it before-to be loved without any masks in place was very foreign for me. True love is being vulnerable (I’m getting better at this), strong, kind, forgiving, and empathetic. It’s trying to understand how the other person feels and bring there, even in silence, to hold and support one another. I used to always need to say something to fix things. Now, I gauge each instance, pray to God for guidance, and then continue.
Thank you for showing me what being loved by someone truly feels like. For being my rock I’m celebrations and sorrow. You always are there to ensure I am supported no matter what.
He is not talking to you
You are control freak
Hamdan hates control freaks
he is my husband for 5 years he is my Twin Soulmate
He is my other half
He calls me his muse .
All these poems he writes for his muse
I look like a super model
A royalty
Smart educated
Fashion icon
Look like a queen
When he has a queen
Why he look at a mediocre control freak like you
A middle aged American woman dress like a man
Walk like a man. A control freak
He don’t care
Go control your husband
Leave my husband alone
You look like a control freak
Average unattractive boring
Control freak
You talk with scammer
My hayati loves me his twin Flame soulmate
Oh..Hamdan Fazza ❤❤❤vida mia..tu ya eres antes de encontrarte conmugo una gran tu mejor version..por ti primero..por tus hijos segundo..tercero por tu familia.que te siempre el ejemplo Hamdan Fazza ❤❤❤ tus hijos.merecen esto y aprenden de tus acciones..tambien tu Padre que tanto a luchado se merece esto mi corazon..cuida a tu Padre..tu mas grande aliado .tu mejor guia.tu amigo incondicional....cuida a tu Padre Hamdan Fazza ❤❤❤.lo necesitas tu..y tu un visionario del futuro..un ser muy inteligente ..prudente..y muy serio ...
Peto yo.Hamdan..conozco su corazon....Dios ama su coraje y su fortaleza.yo lo te miento.mih Amir mio..mi divino Hamdan Fazza ❤❤❤ a mi no me tienes que dar nada para que yo te ame.yo te amo desde hace eones de tiempo ..mi amor una eternidad amandote..tu Honey ❤❤❤ Babe ❤❤❤ Ctine ❤❤❤..
Що то таке любов панове думаю у цього письменнка кохання віршове чи прибуткове а ваша панство як у кого любіть ближнього як себе самого це головне.❤🎉😊😮
Stay healthy strong energetic Prince Fazza Bin God bless you and happy day😍✌️🥰👋☺️😇😎
Yes. M. Always by urs side my husband
Thank u so much Darling
Wszystko Hamdanie ci się spełni ,musisz tylko tego pragnąć ,jak. żródlanej wody na pustyni
Hoping you will came to our country waiting for you
Then we can worship all the beautiful and sacred places and collect more good deeds to our life.
❤❤❤También estaré profundamente esperando ese amor
Love poem 🎉❤thank you for your greatest love❤
Asalaam Hu alaikum respected, I think of the story you speak of and I think of a fairytale.. The one where Cinderella is a slave in her home of her father and where a step-mom took over with her two daughters after Cinderella's father passed away.. Cinderella's met with a godmother which gave her one hour to go to a ball where she never knew she will meet up with her prince and her whole life would change.. She was dressed in the most beautiful gown where the prince could not take his eyes of her when she entered the ball and even the step-mom and daughters couldn't recognised her... Her prince asked her to dance and their eyes met and couldn't stop dancing until the clock stroke midnight where she was reminded she had to leave.. She ran and left him standing with only one shoe she left behind.. When she reach home she couldn't believed how extraordinary she felt her emotions high and the feeling overwhelming she couldn't stop thinking of him and also knew that she would never get this opportunity again... However he never gave up and started searching for her the next day.. He held onto the slipper she left behind and went around searching for the foot who fitted the slipper... And finally after a long search he got to find her and lived happily after... Well this is not the whole story and this is also not your story.. But similarities in the words and emotions when I read all of your poems.... The truth is that your search for your love will be found in the one you know your heart belongs too.. Sometimes the one you search for was and is right under your nose, you just have to have the slipper and the right foot to fit the puzzles.. May Allah grab you the courage and strenght to face your fears and move to where your heart belong.. Sometimes the one we deny is the one who will cherish you and love you.. Our only problem in this life is that we fear so many things that can hold us back from what we want and what belongs to us.. Don't give up, don't fear, fear is a weakness of shaitaan and making us go against Allah's will.. Choose your heart and the rest will set you free.. Go find the one you so long for, you never know she might be feeling the same about you... Silence is not a weakness it's a strenght of learning healing and sometimes waiting for the right time to over come obstacles.. Ho well dear and take care of of your heart of gold. Much love and light over you and your family.. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🎉🎉🎉
Salam walekum rahmtullah vah Barkat ho
Yes, I want u to come to our Country. I want to meet u in person face to face, as we have never met personally it is nessasary I think.🥰💕
L love you fazza hamdan so much very much honey ❤🎉🍃💕🌷🌷🌷💋💋💋
I love You so much 🌹🌹🌹
Ofcourse my Lordships Most welcome with my honour nd never afraid any struggle of life
Be happy dear with your care ❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Philip Goldson Airport
Yes my lover 😢😘
“Good morning to the young King of Dubai! May this day be filled with blessings, energy, and renewed determination. Be like the sun that never stops shining, bringing light and life to all. May every step you take today bring goodness to your kingdom and to all who love you!”, syukron Katsir 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ja ky eshte poeti qe shpalos dashurine ju jeni vete dashuria ju beni gjithcka per dashurine me pelqen senci juaj ke veti shume te mira eshte edukata qe te kane dhene prindet sidomos babai qe eshte nje idhul per te gjithe se nenat meren me shume me vajzat e saje shkelqen ne poezite e tua shehik hamdan je nje mrekulli keshtu vazhdo je miku me i mire deri me sot
Allah God loves you, will guide you in all your future trials, will protect you from harm and illness, and will grant you eternal blessings and endless love always.❤❤❤❤❤😇🙏🇵🇭
Yes please
14.37❤️🔥🔥❤️...🤚Das Du Sicher bin das ich Forewer Deinen Rechte Hand 🤚 bin...Das ich Deine Liebe und Wunderschöne Richtige Frau Forewer bin und Die Vorbildliche Liebe Liebe Mamy für Unseren Allesn Kinder bin...
Wenn Du Dir Sher Sehr Sicher bist Dss ich Forewer Deinen Beste Freund bin ... Deinen Besten Stärke MANN bin... Deinen Forewer... Beschützer....Deinen Licht von Deinen Beide Augen... Deinen Herzschlag... Deinen Regenbogen 🌈.. Deinen Adler 🦅 Deinen Alfa Wolf 🐺 Deinen Grünen Thane.. Deinen Fluss Mosel Deinen 7 Bergen
.. Deinen 7 Tals.. Deinen,7 Meeres und 7 Ozeanien und Deinen Schutz Engel mit Sehr Sehr Rotes Herz ❤️...dann.... Meinem Wunderschönen Liebe Süßes MANN...DU bist für Immer Meinem Kleinen Kleinen Baby 🌹...komm schnell zu mir in das Fremdes Land danit Ich DICH der Glückliches MANN von Ganzes Welt machen kann..🤚 Forewer 🤚🤝🤚..
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤pls. Do come and meet me
Yes, and I hope you realize the impact you have had over last 6 1/2 years !!!!! Love you immeasurably!!! Phenomenal !!!❤
I am so pleased that you were able to be strong and regroup yourself because of your intelligence ❤❤
Thank you for replying me and my messages. Thank you for the love. Have a good and blessed day and night and take care. Love you
Love poem 🙏🙏🙏❤🇦🇪❤👑❤
Моц дорогой, так и другие, спасая себя они спасут весь свой Род. ♥♥♾️🌞🌞😍🔥😍💪
Trichy international airport near me
Come to me🙏I adore you❤️🔥💯♾️
The chosen son of the clan 💯
The Commander in Chief 💯
Maktoum 💯
Hello my poetry good morning my everyone my heart 💞🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🙏🌹❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
🌤🌞🤴HamdanTrue 🕊🇦🇪👏👏👏
Привет!!!Любить тебя я не устану, и говорить не перестану.Что за любовь я все отдам, тебя во век я не продам! Ради любви мы все живем, ее мы очень бережет! Любить учится нужно всем, счастливыми чтоб стать совсем! Любовь-- прекраснейшая чувство,В ней никогда не будет грустно!Пускай тебя судьба хранит, от бед и ссор и от обид! Я люблю тебя мой ангел света и тепла!❤❤😙
Вы такой деликатный человек.В этом мире нет ничего такого в чем бы я смогла Вам сделать отказ.Для Вас все двери открыты,сердце мое открыто,душа открыта.Вы правы мое сердце рядом с Вашим сердцем они стучат в унисон.Все ,что Вам интересно,мне тоже интересно.Вы можете открыто об этом говорить.Берите от жизни все радости и желания.Смотрите,изучайте.Слушайте музыку.Это для Вас и друзей.Искренно ваша А.
❤❤love you ❤❤❤
❤ на земле не родился человек чтобы я его испугалась и не родится Может когда я умру тогда будет что-то родиться настоящий мужчина❤
Welcome in To. My. ❤️❤️
I have no money or a way out of hea nice to here from you though. ❤😂
Не тяните резину как вы это любите это не Теремок движение нужны
Lo único que deseo es que alcances ser feliz algún día, y seas uno a solo una mujer
Te quiero mucho🫶🫶🫶🇨🇷❤️🇦🇪😘😘😘
Fazza dear I love how you express your feelings to her it is so sweet and loving but keep your promises always to her don't make her hope for emptiness happiness is what everyone needs in life with the one they love fazza tho there's sometimes pain
Yes make the trip too meet you love your future w8fe maria luisa my love Queen maria luisa❤❤❤❤
Yes yes yes and meet you personally my honey love it's my only dreams hope and pray it will come true my honey love ❤❤❤❤❤
Hi hello honey good morning have a wonderful day hon I read and I hear your voice while you are reading your message for me and I am so happy hon that you Love me so much my heart is full of joy and excitement you want us together that our Love for each other fell happiness and grows better and better you care and nurture our Love because it is important for us thank you so much for you hon I have nothing without you your Love for me is my strength and priceless I will promise you hon that our. Love for you will always be strong and stand firm and I defend my Love and my relationship for the rest of my life I'm so happy hon that I meet you I am great full to have you in my life hon so let's our Love a guiding path a guiding way for a better future with Gods help thank you hon I Love you so much and I missed you so much honey thank Godbless you and your kids and to your brothers and sisters and to your father and all your family circle and for everyone thank you
Sir, why you shouted me? Alright, closed me always at beginning you are but finishing by me.Goodbye,yes tired.
baby not yet the right time ok our purpose is to serve first our God n fulfill our mission ok duty first before pleasure baby our callingnis important to our God in preparation of His second coming baby ok baby i have to inspire n encourage you to keep more closervto God n be guided always as a strong good nnGodly leader of God n your heavy task i quite heavy but within your control n it will
make you more strong n wiser as a Godly leader n
a loving kind humble caring dad tonour kids n to ourcqueen ok were all hapoy n proudnof you baby n trybto bevstrong brave n enegeyic to fulfillnour mission ok my love its your strong n wise decision that matter most to bevsuccessful in tjis mission baby ok were here to dupport n uphold you by praying n meditate to our God to support in all your leadership baby n your good governance pls pray alwsys love you more hug n kissess muahhh good night baby Fazza muahhh
В этом мире существуют странные вещи.Пока влюбленные не показывают свое любовь и любимого все в отношениях происходит замечательно,но стоит им показать другим их любовь и любимого все меняется не в лучшую сторону.Кто то начинает мешать,все ломать,подставлять,шантажировать.Я Вас держу в секрете.Не хочу показывать Вас никому.Вы такой замечательный живёте в моем сердце давно.Я просыпаюсь и мысли мои о Вас.Но мысли тоже люди воруют.Очень жаль.Я стала очень много времени уделять на переводы и изучения английского.Сегодня я целый день учу английский.
Sir you enjoy your holidays with your wife children and your immediate family and friends.
Merry Christmas and a very loving giving and joyful prosperous safe holidays with your wife, children and family members with love in Jesus Christ name. Ameen.
First. Thing so. Hard. To. Believe. This. Poem. Write. One. King. Leave. His. Responsibilities. And.come. to. Meet. Hisfàns. If. This. News. Is. True. Then. Every. One. Wants. To. Meet. And. Look. Nearly. That. Day. Was. Eidday. Happyday. ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
Yes please i will give a new SIM card . We can communicate start not thru social media 😕
Зачем в соцсети на порог через 2 дня завтра послезавтра на пороге У меня они в сказках Венского леса
Arabi anna.. Dont want.. Ok
You are every thing I will ever need you have my heart I Love you with all my heartI love to look at you I love to listen to you I want you more then any thing else in this world I just do and I'm crazy about you ❤
kinghamdan Fazza,i love you,to day i didn't food eat .some difficulty me.Worl wide times you're my Life patner,Amen❤🌹🙏🏽🙏🏽🌹🌹
Sorry I,m not good person Alhamdulillah I will always learn how to be a good person who can be accepted by people who accept other like other human being I learn from you too Syukron Katsir Jazakallah Khoiron Katsir..😢😢😢😢😮🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤ I will always pray for I and for belove children as always everytime . . For all of Your belove all of big families and friends .🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤ Syukron ..
What is a matter
Darling Mwaiting u Daily. ur always Wellcome my Husband
Ok buy a land and make a nice palace we can live together when seasons.
Hi!!! Thank you for all the compliments you gave to me.of course a partner always think how to make a partner to be happy.partner first before self and you will see your partnership will go smoothly and your bond will go stronger and you will love each other very much
You hold my heart ❤ I adore you ❤❤
my pleasure if thats what you want to see the real me the ugly old woman hep what country if USA not me but PH its me am often times puzzle on you;i fellt dizzeness when it comes to you my King Fazza NewYear is nearly approaching hope God will grand as peace and harmony prevail love you most(juliet)
Dear ...YES...I DO...Sweetheart Tiffany 21/12/24
Yes,but you don't like My country...
Love you... May Allah bless you...
Si', lo vorrei
Certo che voglia che venga ! E' passato già troppo tempo ❤❤
Va abbastanza bene ❤ ❤❤
I love you also, honey 🍯 😘
Ok Sir! In God's Will! I believe You are equipped with all the tools and resources You need that You can travel and visit places You want and loved to go once decided! But it's quite risky in coming to my place knowing that we are both Valuable commodities...hehe ...but I believe we are both Highly and Divinely protected! "There's No Weapon formed against us shall prosper!". But still we need to protect ourselves from Unseen dangers! I know and believe our Dear Holy Guardian Angels and ArchAngels are always there protecting guiding healing loving and supporting us! Amen and Amen! 🙏🙏❤!
Then what? I have been telling u to visit my country, u won't listening to me at all. Since so many days I have been telling. I don't know, when u will come, u will make up your mind come here.Only God knows.😂😂
Blessed You Always Your Highness!! How I wish my Hero!! Hope and Pray!! In God's Will!! My happiness is just to see and meet you again in person here in my place!! I Love You!"❤❤❤" Only You!! Always and Forever!! Action speaks louder than words!! I'm going yo wait for the moments to come!! Take Care wherever you are!! God Bless!!💥🎄💞🙏😇❤❤❤😇🙏💞🎄💥
Kinghamdan Fazza,you're My Life partnership after married.You're after husband,my guide,my hert and allowed.God Blessing you're and meAmen🙏🏽🙏🏽🌹❤
baby dont be rush up ok we will wait for our zgids osn due time a perfect timing our zgod kniws our heart n needs ok we will first serve zhim will ok duty first before pleasure ok baby try tobprove first your faithfullness n obedience to our God ok n our Gods blessings He will pourout thatyou have no more room to receive it ok baby try to ficus first to your good leaderdhip n trybto love n care forbour kids n love ones ok try to give soa e to your decision thst you eill nit regret n to be sure of your decision that all will be hspoy n no one will be against it ok i know you have your own family tradition n culture n your status in life you know baby sometimes i read in your post that i might be afterbof your wealth n im not ok thats why im only your missinary n guidance counselor adviser n im praying too the domeday our Gid will grant your rightful soulmate too justborsybfirbit baby ok your match too a young beautuful royal one ok were all hapoy baby if your happy family again ok our purpose us to unite broken family ok give a space n be forgiving baby if ever you want to reconcikevwuth your queen trybit baby its ok be a happy family again our Gid will live n bless you more to be a forgiving heart ok baby in know you can make it ok im proud if you my love more power to you ok good pm muahhh baby Fazza
Gratidão meu Deus la de cima ele vê tudo isso e muito mais ?o senhor e meu pastor e nada mim faltará amém só Deus la de cima cura ele cuida ele fez tudo isso acontecer com vc meu príncipe encantado Deus foi quem fortaleceu e abriu os seus olhos 👀 pra a vida viver a vida saudável como e pra ser nesse Natal trazemos paz e alegria para todos quando eu digo e para todos um Natal repleto de alegrias paz e leodade segurança no amor? Amar são coisas de Deus as coisas boas acontecer quando Deus la de cima faz acontecer pra melhor agradecer a Deus meu príncipe encantado eu tiamo muito mais e mais meu amorzinho amo-te amém
My Beloved Husband, I am so deeply touched and honor the dept of your love to grant you your wish to come to my country and i deeply respect your intentions, I am so overwhelmed in every way and look forward to welcoming you to join you to your country and I, from this point is alert for your update. I wish to contact you soon. My Beloved Husband, My Beloved Husband, I Love You.
When comes india meet 1yr
Good morning Sir. Sir I'm keeping well as my boys care for their dad.
My heart is well even under pressure, I pray for healing over Owen's life Lord in Spirit and in truth.
Sir I have a responsibility to take care that my home is running smoothly and orderly. Now Sir its so normal in Māori whānau/families come and go or stay over when one is terminally ill and i am staying put. Please that's the way I move culturally. I'm the host to make sure the guests are fed at home.
Which country honey??????
You are that country
Abraham you go in the Lord God Almighty in Almighty house already
Thanks for love him and Mother Earth
Asa lama Laken
You come when he comes to me ok interwoven ok❤
Si' amore, lo voglio
No i dont
if your willing baby its ok but dont expect more ok im only poor ok im telling you before hand baby ik id i were youbetter to have a youg beautiful royal one baby same with your status in life ik i want you to be happy ok i dont want tou ro regreti love you so much baby i will go with you if you like to get me here ok your my all ok baby muahhh God bless us always my baby muahhh
Тебе не надоело врать аэропорт рядом с тобой трещит у тебя денег нету Ты хочешь сказать что я поверю в это Займи у своих детей в таком случае
U. HAVE.2 visiting. . & SALALA.BEUTYFLL. &😢,,PECEFIL.
BY. L.V.
baby not yet the right time ok our purpose is to serve first our God n fulfill our mission ok duty first before pleasure baby our callingnis important to our God in preparation of His second coming baby ok baby i have to inspire n encourage you to keep more closervto God n be guided always as a strong good nnGodly leader of God n your heavy task i quite heavy but within your control n it will
make you more strong n wiser as a Godly leader n
a loving kind humble caring dad tonour kids n to ourcqueen ok were all hapoy n proudnof you baby n trybto bevstrong brave n enegeyic to fulfillnour mission ok my love its your strong n wise decision that matter most to bevsuccessful in tjis mission baby ok were here to dupport n uphold you by praying n meditate to our God to support in all your leadership baby n your good governance pls pray alwsys love you more hug n kissess muahhh good night baby Fazza muahhh