@@Othmane589 Omg!! Your right. Damn. Ruined it for me. I hate the edits where they are talking or arguing and their drinks are empty then full.. stupid!
@Christian Verbon he's on all the drag race channels, I see his comments everywhere lol. Cool that they used his comments for the show tho but damn.. That dig at Jinx 😂🤣🤣
Miss.Phoenixx all in good fun, dear. I couldn’t help it. 😂😂😂 we met and actually she was really cool about it. That read, much like season 6 girls leaving All Stars, just came naturally to me. 😏
@@kimmerso1 I was of the understanding that she was difficult to work with. I'd guess she's toning it down for professional relationship reasons rather than PR reasons. That's just as much speculation on my part, admittedly.
@@Triairius I have watched William since back in 2012 or something around that. And if I remember correctly, she was sued too, and had to remove certain parts of the videos or the videos completely. So I guess you aren't that far off with your speculation.
“that man is having a good time” is by far the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life lmaodhskdh and the fact that it flew right over Milan’s head 😂
Mike Coby, I think you were right the first time. She said Mole People. The guy is white as a sheet...she is saying his skin had never seen the sun, just like a mole.
I just realised that Willam was WAY too skinny for awhile there.. Especially when she was on Drag Race.. Tbh, she looks so much more beautiful with a little more weight. Her cheeks aren't as hollow anymore and she just looks so soft and feminine now.. Out of drag she's still such a fit, sexy boy, without looking too waify.. If that makes sense lol.
Willam admitted at one point or another to having weight issues as a child (she was a big girl), I think on her podcast with Alaska(?). She got her shit together after a hot minute, but even for drag race, she said she slimmed down further.
heckin tasty Yes, Willam has said that she was an overweight child and that she took adderal(sp?) during drag race. I had never noticed how much her weight fluctuated though.. This montage just made it really apparent.. But I think she looks so much more attractive, as a boy or girl, now that she's not so super skinny.. ya know? lol
Misfit from toy island. Probably.. But she has also gained weight over the years and become more muscular. She's talked about being at her thinnest on Drag Race due to taking lots of Adderall and how she gained the weight back after the show, as well as just having issues with her weight in general.. It's not exactly a secret that Willam's weight yoyos up and down. But, imo, she looks good with more meat on her bones..
Who the fuck cares about her weight? Like seriously. Even when people think they are giving a compliment... It's still basically saying you looked worse before. Some peoples' metabolism just slows down with age too. There are lots of factors.
In love with his sense of humor. Is really pre cancel hyper sensitive society like nowadays. He isnt affraid to say certain things because he knows its humour.
It bothers me that people can monetize a video showing their dumb fans how to look like unironic trash so yes Willam send her back to the yard from whence she came
@@filipsundqvist94 Oh, she posted a reply video about bullying and got her fans stirred up (this was a few years ago, when she was at her peak.) Willam still featured her in another Beatdown episode though :)
“CUZ YOUR WEARING SEQUINS DURING THE DAY!” 😂 Gets me every time!! There are some many good ones, like; “If it’s blonde, they want it long.. and in their fists!” Or the more dark ones like; “I can make fun of fat guys but not fat ladies.. cuz they kill themselves” I love Willam so much 🖤
8:57 - I'm pretty impressed that Willam was able to make her hair and makeup look like a "Downtown New York Hooker" snapchat filter. Something about it wiggles and vibrates abnormally on my screen. I'd assume it's just an optical illusion, but it's more likely that my eyes just can't focus on hoeing this far beyond mortal ken. Willam managed to find The Colour Out of Space in the dollar-store makeup aisle.
"That man is having a good time, but then I realised I said...that man." ICONIC.
She was so savage
Epic! 😂
I guess he doesnt know who Janelle monae is
Jesus Hadeet you missed the point.
Seriously he’s so quick with his comebacks and has a dry whit I love it
I admire his sharp tongue, but Bianca's got to be faster than him.
I've heard better
PhsycoEarthling 234567890 good for you fuckoff then 😂
@@PhsycoEarthling Lmao you Good ?
I live for Latrice's laugh. It's literally just a scream and a cackle and I love it. "Is that a one man job?" " AAAAAAAGH! AHAHA!"
Saltatia *Tonguepop* loved it too till I realized it was edited... she laughs at her mugshot
I wish they included the rest of that quote:
"Is that a one man job? Cuz it looks like you've got a lot of "lady" down there."
@@Othmane589 Omg!! Your right. Damn. Ruined it for me. I hate the edits where they are talking or arguing and their drinks are empty then full.. stupid!
I'd like to watch Bianca and Willam do a hate show together
But Bianca needs three writer's and a handler.
@@misfitfromtoyisland.9940 three writer's what? Or did you mean writers as in more than one? Anyway, I disagree
@@misfitfromtoyisland.9940 Yeah and you need a grammar check
@@eloisagarcia3300 I agree with you.
@@taniamejia5359 It would be a shade-athon, lol
"Well those two might not coincide, sweetheart."
"Go inside what?"
Jesus Christ
Linkin ooooooh nurse!
"into your mind" 😂😂😂
ElectroFantasy21 it’ll be a short walk
I CANT 💀💀💀
Chad: "it's not bad".
Willam: "it's not good".
That's called sincerity.
I know I would spend a day with this bitch, shes not pretty and shes not nice... oh wait that's it lmao
@@xxkarlosxxxxxx7233 I'd love to have her as a coach, but not as a judge. Truth hurts when you're being judged.
@@xxkarlosxxxxxx7233 It is good to see someone being inspired with Milk's read in Rupaul's Drag Race.
“God did that to you? Sorry” is my new favourite quote
Welshy you’re cute 😍😛
God made you super sexy.
Welshy lol
This needs to go on a t-shirt. 😂😂😂
What the gays needed but did not deserve
Hi, you're cute
Ryan Stewart Willam’s been around for a while?
Oh, there's some gays out there that deserve her.
What do I have 2do 2deserve u... lol 😉
Not only the gays, I needed her too!
“If you’re old enough to ask your mother for highlights you’re old enough to ask for braces...Alvin Simon OVERBIIITE”😂😂😂😂
I don't get the joke, but I thought it was funny
Sam Walker think Alvin and the Chipmunks.
I was screeching when she said this 🤣🤣🤣
I feel personally attacked
@@NeoNxMizz Bitch i died on the fucking spot!😂
I loooove when Willam reads people with that ditzy, airy voice. Sounds so dry but smart and biting at the same time. Sooooo funny!
And I love that when some1 is reading him, he acts too cool and idgaf attitude... like say whatever u want I dont care... agh queen
She reminds me of a funny Britney Spears.
Courtney - ''you know what I wanna do''?
Willam - ''contour your adams apple''?
Me - D.E.A.D
That took me out.
Courtney: 👁️👄🫦👁️💧
Jiggly: you look familiar
William: *you must own a tv*
FairyBlossom & Friends ASMR I SCREAMED
@@eternallaurum she meant that jiggly must have seen her on tv (because willam has been on several tv shows)
"your tone seems very pointed right now" is iconic.
Is the carpet comfortable?
Or better yet those knees use to rug burns.
Could someone please explain that one to me?
@@PauliEvansBlack617 on knees so much knees red from carpet burns.Just saying.
@@PauliEvansBlack617 she says she likes being on the floor ... u know the rest
@@xxkarlosxxxxxx7233 oh ooooh .... thank you haha I was quite confused
5:38 Omg u look really pretty.
Willam: i know i have a mirror inside
Lol literally best line ever
Adrian Arizmendi do you know what video that’s from?
@@Dlapointe from Happily ever after: the twins Season 1 episode 5
You're a Saint!
@@Benji77C subscribe please?
Well she wouldn't be doing her job if she wasn't looking pretty
Latrice reacting to Willam's reads is everything to me 😂😂
I love how Latrice’s laugh is so gentle and delicate
"If it's blonde, they want it long... and in their fists." 😂😂
"Octavia Spencer have been hitting the pipe" BAHAHAHA I Lost it 😂😂
Nathan Eli The Prince they think you work Thereeee girl
I can’t with Willam casually strolling past Jiggly saying ‘Nurse!’ 😂Gets me Everytime!!
"Unless you live in Reno and eat CIGARETTES" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I mean... a cultural phenomenon
A cultural reset if you will 😂
Very few drag queens from Drag Race will ever top Willam...and I do mean that figuratively, definitely not literally.
Well and also literally: "they're all bottoms"
Christian Verbon 😏
Who wants to top Willem? 😅
@Christian Verbon he's on all the drag race channels, I see his comments everywhere lol. Cool that they used his comments for the show tho but damn.. That dig at Jinx 😂🤣🤣
Miss.Phoenixx all in good fun, dear. I couldn’t help it. 😂😂😂 we met and actually she was really cool about it. That read, much like season 6 girls leaving All Stars, just came naturally to me. 😏
This is the finished look... “well look who’s ready for a night at home”. I am dying....🤣
Just hearing Willam’s disembodied voice saying “bar queen” like the basilisk hiding in the pipes of Hogwarts cracks me up every time. 😂
"we don't care what people say about u Willam" ," well, u two have always been stupid". That is the best sneaky read in this.
I wish you had included her as a guest judge on Dragula where she just says "Quit drag" to one of the contestants. Lol
Nick Wheeler Haha I remember that, but can’t remember who
@@lisamac1986 It was Felony Dodger. She was the first one eliminated in season 2
@@nickwheeler5396 it was actually intended for Biqtch Puddin but they edited it to their convinience
@@jamescarstairs3384where’d you hear that from?
Willam is the epitome of “you can’t tell me shit” lmao I love it
Manager : *yells at me
Me:... your tone seems very pointed right now....
"Damn, Octavia Spencer been hittin' the pipe" one of my favorites from Willam I'm in tears😂😂😂
"You know what I wanna do?"
"Contour your Adam's apple?" I LITERALLY SCREAMED
Damn, she's mellow now by comparison lol
She has to be, everyone gets so offended by everything now.
@@kimmerso1 I was of the understanding that she was difficult to work with. I'd guess she's toning it down for professional relationship reasons rather than PR reasons. That's just as much speculation on my part, admittedly.
@@Triairius I have watched William since back in 2012 or something around that. And if I remember correctly, she was sued too, and had to remove certain parts of the videos or the videos completely. So I guess you aren't that far off with your speculation.
“that man is having a good time” is by far the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life lmaodhskdh and the fact that it flew right over Milan’s head 😂
- stop here
- get bangs
- stay inside
"Don't show me your tools of destruction, I don't need to know what made that mess!!" 😭😭😭😂😂😂
Is the carpet comfortable?
- Such and underrated read.
you know what i wanna do?
- *countour your adams apple?*
i need a new wig
(edit): wow 1k likes, thanks guys! pewdiepie im coming for your gig
You know what i wanna Do? Contour your chin ........Teacher
I'm Miles' quivering nostril as he tries not to laugh
@@matrasman he is like "damn, this bitch"
I lmao on that one too... she does have a big Apple lol...
Where can I find this video?
Courtney “I don’t care what people say about you Willam, I think your kind and generous and giving”
Willam “You guys have always been real stupid” 🤣🤣🤣
“Latrice is the costume Bigfoot puts on when it wants to go to the grocery store”
“The one can spell a little bit”
"coz you're wearing SEQUINS DURING THE DAY!!!!!"😂😂😂 im dead!!!!
Can you imagine how EPIC her reads would be if she's back on All Stars? LOVE
I thought she said awww queen
Literally my favourite line from the entire series of drag race. So. Damn. Funny.
5:52 What kind of mole people?! Lmao!!!
Mike Coby i think she says moon people actually 😂
crazzi-j north omg you’re right and it just made me laugh even harder. Moon people ? 🤣🤣
Mike Coby, I think you were right the first time. She said Mole People. The guy is white as a sheet...she is saying his skin had never seen the sun, just like a mole.
"This is bad"
"This is not bad"
"This is not good"
I almost swallowed my tea. This video is iconic af. Love Willam
Latrice's scream laugh is everything!
Seeing all these clips together, i realize how special Willam is.
Willam will ALWAYS be the Queen of reading. her mind!
The “oh don’t tie it” is such a legit reaction I live
LOL at the woman with vibrating mascara. Willam rules.
You can say what you want, but Willam is an icon. A force to be reckoned with.
"i know i have a mirror inside" hahahahahhahahahaaha
I almost forgot how *not* politically correct Willam was 😂
“but your siblings are probably like neurosurgeons”… I liiiiiivveee! 🤣🤣🙄
My favorite part about Willam is how when someone tries to drag him, he DOESN'T GAF
Just say Phi Phi's name 😂
I just realised that Willam was WAY too skinny for awhile there.. Especially when she was on Drag Race.. Tbh, she looks so much more beautiful with a little more weight. Her cheeks aren't as hollow anymore and she just looks so soft and feminine now.. Out of drag she's still such a fit, sexy boy, without looking too waify.. If that makes sense lol.
Willam admitted at one point or another to having weight issues as a child (she was a big girl), I think on her podcast with Alaska(?). She got her shit together after a hot minute, but even for drag race, she said she slimmed down further.
heckin tasty Yes, Willam has said that she was an overweight child and that she took adderal(sp?) during drag race.
I had never noticed how much her weight fluctuated though.. This montage just made it really apparent.. But I think she looks so much more attractive, as a boy or girl, now that she's not so super skinny.. ya know? lol
Girlllllll she got fillers. Lol she didn't gain any weight. Lol
Misfit from toy island. Probably.. But she has also gained weight over the years and become more muscular.
She's talked about being at her thinnest on Drag Race due to taking lots of Adderall and how she gained the weight back after the show, as well as just having issues with her weight in general.. It's not exactly a secret that Willam's weight yoyos up and down. But, imo, she looks good with more meat on her bones..
Who the fuck cares about her weight? Like seriously. Even when people think they are giving a compliment... It's still basically saying you looked worse before. Some peoples' metabolism just slows down with age too. There are lots of factors.
This needs to be in the Library of Congress
And I need to slide in your Instagram DMs because damn... you're a fineapple
"Shes been working from home since i was born"
*"She should've swallowed"*
"You must have a television" is the most iconic shit I have ever heard.
‘They’re cute, they have boobs, they are blonde and the one can spell a little bit.’
"Don't tie it, don't tie i-----ugh"
I could watch a 24 hours version of Willam reading people lol
People don't wear sequins during the day 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
1:54 was the biggest backhand compliment ever🤣
“Daamn Octavia Spencer been hittin the pipe” IM DEAD
William will never not be my favorite queen ❤️❤️❤️
“Tip of the schlong, slip of the tongue” loool
i just adore how gentle willams reads are
Honestly my fave queen from drag race ever. Willam is hilarious
She's so calm and untouchable
Latrice’s laugh is so funny😂😂😂
I live for Latrice's laugh
I know all of these by heart lmao i love him so much
In love with his sense of humor. Is really pre cancel hyper sensitive society like nowadays. He isnt affraid to say certain things because he knows its humour.
Willam reading Grav3yardgirl was always my favorite Beatdown. #teamwillam
I still watch it at least once a week. The BEST.
It bothers me that people can monetize a video showing their dumb fans how to look like unironic trash so yes Willam send her back to the yard from whence she came
I love how Willam went from roasting Gregory to being friends with Gigi
From roasting Miles to give a makeover to Miles...
willam is the only person keeping me alive
That video of him dragging pre transition gigi gorgeous 😭😂
"Don't show me your tools of destruction."
I love that line lmao
“Wow, you look really pretty.” “I know I have a mirror inside.” 😂🤣😂🤣
Latrices eye makeup is freaking amazing.
Thanks for taking me back to Season 1 Beatdown, I'd forgotten just how much of it I would quote everyday!
"God that condom feels blousey
He’s got such quick wit. I love it.
"I want her to play with matches."
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol
Love Willam but haven’t seen one good wig yet 😂😂😂😂
Little Flower 08:50
@@santiagoflores7215 yasss love that wig, and also the one at 7:42
I love the straight one with bangs!
Um, the rainbow?
Little Flower I liked them rainbow one hahah
I see you included the (first) beat down of Graveyard Girl which caused a mini-shitstorm. Classic.
What do you mean? What happened?
@@filipsundqvist94 Oh, she posted a reply video about bullying and got her fans stirred up (this was a few years ago, when she was at her peak.) Willam still featured her in another Beatdown episode though :)
It's all in gud fun... graveyard girl makeup was awful though... if Willam says its bad... girl its bad
@@xxkarlosxxxxxx7233 william is highkey a bitch tho. And she alsi blends in with the crowd of ither basic drag queens.
@@bee3778 u probably blend into the crowd of basic drag queens oh sry that's how u normally look "God did that to you¿ oh sry" (William 100)
“Contour your adam’s apple” I flipped
I just love how unimpressed Willam always is.
“CUZ YOUR WEARING SEQUINS DURING THE DAY!” 😂 Gets me every time!! There are some many good ones, like; “If it’s blonde, they want it long.. and in their fists!” Or the more dark ones like; “I can make fun of fat guys but not fat ladies.. cuz they kill themselves”
I love Willam so much 🖤
“He would have been really cute if he didn’t talk or have a face”
“Damn, Octavia Spencer had been hitting a pipe” LMAO.
I didn’t want this video to end😭😭
she's my favourite of all time
Alvin, Simon, overbite gets me everytime 😂
I'm dead. I just cant with her 😂
I love how he thought bunny had in contacts lmao
Why do I always scream of laughter at "Oooh Nurse!"
8:57 - I'm pretty impressed that Willam was able to make her hair and makeup look like a "Downtown New York Hooker" snapchat filter.
Something about it wiggles and vibrates abnormally on my screen. I'd assume it's just an optical illusion, but it's more likely that my eyes just can't focus on hoeing this far beyond mortal ken. Willam managed to find The Colour Out of Space in the dollar-store makeup aisle.
“NAMBLA makeover” ... so amazing and so fucking nuts.
"When did Cate Blanchett and Gargamel have a baby?"
I. Fucking. Died!