Pt2 Investigative Series - Cheryl McKenzie Intuition, ORBS, Premonitions, Aberrations,& Sons Passing

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2020
  • Hello brothers & sisters....Every so often I happen to run across someone who wishes to share very personal life stories or experiences with me. Most of the time these discussions are private & confidential but almost all of them are recorded as long as the person sharing them grants permission. The conversations are recorded so that I can refer back to them for my own personal research. It can be hard to explain at times but when your intent is deep into certain topics/interests that really consume you, you will often run across the information in a multitude of ways.
    Some of those ways are:
    1) Reading ancient/sacred/older texts
    2) Reading white papers
    3) Listening/Watching others research/testimony on platforms like this
    4) Randomly flipping to a page in a multitude of books you've purchased/downloaded
    5) Skimming the table of contents in books
    6) Using keywords to search through books
    7) Utilizing the comment sections & then digging deeper with the information contained in those comments.
    8) Endlessly searching archives dot 0 r g
    & then there is something like what happened when I met Cheryl McKenzie...
    9) Meeting people online & speaking with them through email &/or voice/video chat & then logging that information by either recording it and/or note taking.
    It is like putting the pieces of a puzzle together but only that puzzle can either be 250 pieces or 2000 pieces. There is no rhyme or reason to any of this but the most important thing is to always remember that if you want it badly enough then more often than not you will start to see the bigger picture.
    I can't stress enough that the definitive answers are almost never there but by taking your time & using critical thinking skills in conjunction with your intuition/inner knowing patterns begin to emerge. Vast research will start to narrow down the possibilities of what the answer(s) should be.
    Some of my digging into the topics listed below has lead me to cross paths with a wonderful soul by the name of Cheryl McKenzie:
    1) The Orb phenomenon
    A) Round balls of light that often show themselves in photographs or with the naked eye consisting in a wide variety colors or single color.
    B) Can sometimes be tricksters.
    C) Face(s) are often seen inside them
    2) Reincarnation
    3) Apparitions
    A) Commonly referred to as ghosts (aka soul/spirit of a deceased person, a spirit appearing after death).
    B) Resemble either an entity of some kind or human form
    C) An entity or entities form is often in or around mist.
    4) Elementals
    A) Mostly seen out in nature
    B) Fae, elf's, & gnomes are the more popular ones noticed
    C) Often are tricksters
    5) Intuition
    6) Out of Body Experiences
    7) Lucid Dreaming
    8) Premonitions
    Back in Feb. of 2019 I had run across Cheryl's YT page through another channel's comment section. At the time Cheryl had a video titled "What the Hell Is This? From the thumbnail I assumed it was an orb & after watching those suspicions were confirmed. I left a brief comment saying it was more than likely a trickster ORB/UFO. Months had passed by & after revisiting her page again I had noticed a video titled "The Dark Side of Death & Losing My Son!". Prior to watching the video I had remembered the ORB sighting she had filmed and immediately left a comment & then went on to watch the video. After leaving another comment Cheryl & I started communicating through e-mail & then Zoom. In these discussions I learned more detail about her painful journey after losing her son.
    During Cheryl's mourning she had experienced a wide variety of experiences which she & I both believe to be Logan as well as other family members reaching out in what is known as after death experience/communication (ADE).
    In this series we have 3 videos already completed, some of which are still being edited. A 4th conservation is in the works and more than likely a few more after that These videos will be released in this order:
    1) Cheryl's testimony from her YT page "The Dark Side of Death & Losing My Son!" (Part 1)
    2) Our first conversation we go into the detail of what happened to Logan & Shelby as well as Cheryl's experiences afterwards. We also go into her past & how she has had premonitions about other major events in her life. (1 Conversation but 2 separate videos, labeled as Part 2 & 3).
    3) In the second conversation we will go over the picture evidence with a variety of different filters and I will present some of my findings. (Part 4)
    4) The third conversation will be an even deeper dive into further video and photographic evidence provided to me by Cheryl. When zooming in on certain sections of evidence in conjunction with the use of filters a lot can start to appear, which to the naked eye isn't as easy to spot. There is A LOT going on & is well worth watching.
    Please go visit Cheryl's channel:
    / @cherylmckenzie3124
    Please sub+bell my 2 backup channels. Links in channel profile & description box below

Комментарии • 13

  • @ForeverConsciousResearch
    @ForeverConsciousResearch  3 года назад +2

    *I've recently created 2 backup channels just in case something should ever happen here. As of right now I do not plan to use them unless necessary but the most important thing is having the ability to live stream from a mobile device which unfortunately does require 1k subscribers...So if you don't mind, please subscribe & hit the bell for both channel links below:*
    *--Forever Conscious Research Channel 2*
    *--Forever Conscious Research Channel 3*

  • @ammulhare1644
    @ammulhare1644 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you Cheryl & Mark for a stimulating discussion. Great work being done on this channel :)

  • @sheilablake4858
    @sheilablake4858 3 года назад +6

    Firstly, my deepest condolences on the loss of these 2 young lives. As a mother, I cannot comprehend your grief. As for the things you have seen throughout your life, I can relate. I have always seen what I called spirits (dead people) sometimes it would be family members, but mostly, it would be strangers. I’m so grateful that my mother believed me as a child, as a lot of children are not listened to. As I grew up, I realised my mum was sympathetic because although she had never seen anything, she could feel when a presence was there & it scared her too. My eldest sister who is 12 years older than I am, can also feel them & has seen 1 or 2 throughout her life, but I have seen dozens. When my mum was very poorly in hospital 9 years ago now, I had a dream about her death & I woke up sobbing with a wet pillowcase. Everything happened 2 weeks later exactly the same as my dream, the conversations family members were having, every tiny detail. But at the time (prior to her death) I also had another visit from a little girl who came holding a basket. She appeared in shadow form with her head bowed & long hair hanging slightly over her face. Although she was in shadow I knew she was brunette & I knew she symbolised death too. These 2 experiences, although heartbreaking at the time, gave me some time to prepare myself for what I knew was coming. My mums death was the hardest thing I had gone through. I had lost other family members as a child, but I was brought up with just me & my mum. We were incredibly close & she was only 59 while I was 29. She was my best friend, we lived just a minute apart & saw each other daily. She was everything to me. When she was dying, she fought through the fog of her death to tell us that her mum was there, she was waiting for her. This brought us all comfort knowing she was going to be met & it was the last coherent thing she said to us. I have never been scared of death since being a child. When the family members had passed, I had asked to see their bodies, I was only 8,10&12 years old at the time & it’s not something our family usually did, but I needed to. That brought me closure. When my mum passed my brother, sister & I all went to see her I had sat with her for days. The doctors told me I should get some sleep, likely nothing would happen & my sister took over. I had been asleep an hour when I got the call she had died. I honestly don’t think she could leave her body while I was with her, our bond was so close & she would never leave me. She had a different relationship with my sister & brother, she was a young mother to them, and an older mother to me. Recently I moved into a new house. I knew straight away something negative was here. I live in the U.K. & there’s not as many paranormal societies as there are in the USA but I found a group who said they would help me. They couldn’t get rid of it & it’s caused a lot of disturbances through my house. Things being thrown, stuff turning on/off nightmares for my children & even my husband who was sceptical to begin with started seeing shadows running fast across rooms, walls those kinds of things. It’s still here & I try my best to keep it away with prayers, burning sage & putting down salt, but 1 night I knew it was in my bedroom with me. I grabbed my phone & although it was dark, I filmed the room & I caught it on tape. The only reason I know was because my teen daughter downloaded an app to brighten & slow down the video (I’m a technophobe!) & clear as day you can hear it woosh past me & it’s a big black shadow. This one scares me because it’s messed with electrical equipment & I’m fearful for the safety of my children. I’m pleased I caught it on video because it makes me feel less crazy, even though I know I’m not lol, it feels like some justice having it as proof. Sorry for the long message, I just wanted to convey a small amount of what has happened to me during my lifetime & tell you I understand. I’m not asking anyone to believe me, I don’t need your approval & I don’t mean to cause anyone any upset over my comment. These have been just some of my experiences I have had throughout my life & I would hope others would be respectful enough to accept my beliefs that I’ve openly discussed here, so no hate messages please. We’re all adults with our own beliefs in this world. My thoughts & prayers are with you Cheryl 🙏🏻 I’m so sorry for the loss of your son & I hope you have the comfort of knowing that you will be reunited one day. Much love 💕

    • @cherylmckenzie3124
      @cherylmckenzie3124 3 года назад +3

      Thank you for the message I believe I a hundred percent I would love to hear more I have had so many things happen over my years as well but when I told others I always got the deer in headlights and silence most of the time until it happen with one of them there with me. I have similar stories down to living in a house with a spirit of the builder of my home he built house and lived there til 2002 then he died in it which I didn't find out that part til 5 years after moving in and 5 years of me and my kids thinking we were crazy

    • @ammulhare1644
      @ammulhare1644 8 месяцев назад

      I enjoyed reading your comment Shiela. Thanks & best wishes to you!

  • @nightsky8007
    @nightsky8007 3 года назад +3

    So moved by these two videos. Thank you Forever conscious for providing this platform and to Cheryl for your incredible courage to endure what you have, and willingness to share.
    I wish we could hear more about each other's experiences, there is something so deeply healing in knowing that we are not alone.
    These are human stories, our own. Not the manufactured view of the world through controlled media.
    I got alot from the conversations on things like seeing faces, orbs, contact with loved ones after they pass, seeing spirits, mirrors, all talked about like they are normal. I know they are normal on one level, but something in me still needs reassurance. I put effort into trying not to see things and pretending I couldn't sense spirits. I don't remember there being conversations like this at the time, as I'm sure it would have helped. Such is the way with the internet, it makes sharing like this possible.
    Cheryl I wish you peace and fulfilment in your journey, I'm sure you will touch the hearts of many.
    forever conscious I also liked the things you wrote during the video and in the description under the video.

  • @opticalman6417
    @opticalman6417 Год назад +4

    no one loses anyone
    this is the mind buying in to an illusion

  • @beelarehman5992
    @beelarehman5992 2 года назад +2

    I had the premonition too. Three years before my sister died i dreamt i was stood by her grave and i was saying my heart is broken. Needless to say my heart is still broken. My mum had the smoke manifesting in her bedroom. She knew it was her mum, my sister and my cousin who had died the year before. Also when my dad was in the hospital my mum got a call from my sisters phone and she had been gone two years by then. My sisters phone had been disconnected two years!
    My sincere condolences Cheryl. I was gripped listening to this. I agree this is a hell realm. ❤

    • @cherylmckenzie3124
      @cherylmckenzie3124 Год назад

      Thank you premonition are still strange to me but I have had about 5 that were significant over the years

  • @markadrianryda-cosmicryda
    @markadrianryda-cosmicryda Год назад

    You do realise the concept of a soul contract is ridiculous. What did you sign it with? Spiritual support 🖋️ you’re bringing a worldly concept into the spirit realm

  • @antoniotomahawk3383
    @antoniotomahawk3383 Год назад

    What are these orbs
    Good or bad

  • @ufo.detective
    @ufo.detective 3 года назад

    @👉🌔Forever Conscious Research Channel
    Hi FC,
    I hope those icons don't interfere with me linking a reply to your name - I
    hope you get it. I've subscribed to your channel & will check out your suggestions. I will
    also leave a comment there, in case you don't get this one.Also, you should know what is coming ...:
    Apart from the TON of footage that has been gifted to me in this past year, I
    have ‘the Backlog’ to consider, and it is ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS. Therefore, I
    will be broadcasting footage on UFO Detective for this next 5-10 years, at
    least - then, I can die, lol. It’s Time that’s lacking, not Footage. Do know
    that a ‘wee selection of some footage’ will be coming soon, in a week or 2, or
    maybe even my ‘Haphazard Mix’, lol, sooner. It’s called ‘UFO Mini-Selection,
    July-Aug 2020 ~ the Haphazard Mix ~ ‘Gone & Back & Gone Again’ 😊