Bibi was made to lay down, look at how he's looking as if someone is telling him to lay down, we have to remember that there is a camera that follows them everywhere they go, and they are being told what to do, kind of sad if you ask me, what started out Beautiful to watch is now a money maker.
Did Bibi took medicine he cant move. Guess he is not sleepy he just layed down and eyes closed. Thats why there is someone a shadow patting Bibi's feet. Is he trying to awaken Bibi or making him sleep?? This is weird!! Pls take care of Bibi we love him and anxious always to watch his daily vlogs. Maybe dad Quan can give us an update on Bibi's health so that we as viewers will not be worried about Bibi
Lala can't even walk properly due to her huge uncomfortable diaper that makes her life in pain unfortunately she can't express her discomfort and these people ignore her, they should know better than that, but money and fortune are the priority for these kind of humans
@@tinalochabay9888 yes Tina I noticed the hair missing on I think it's on his left forearm. Obviously didn't see it earlier as BiBi had long sleeves on his top.
I have never seen Bibi sleep like he did in this video. He was lying in a strange position with his legs stretched in a odd way too. Did he suddenly become iil or have some type of severe fatigue hitting him suddenly. I hope someone will check him out soon. This was very alarming to watch.
Yes, I have read quite a few comments about this video . I too think there was something very strange about it. BiBi was playing nicely and then decided to have a sleep. Nothing too strange there, maybe the trainer told him to. BUT BiBi was shaking and twitching and trying to keep awake. I have watched him fall asleep since he was small. He never looked like this. This is very worrying, I really hope he hasn't been drugged, he really didn't look like himself. I really don't know what to say about this. I really really hope this isn not the case.
People make comments about how Bibi and lala is treated so bad you all are wasting your time concerned about animals this people don't give A dam in that country where they are cruel to animals they believe in there lies
Me gustan mucho Bibi y Lala pero me da mucha pena verlos trabajar,Bibi se quedó dormido está cansado,y ahora le toca a Lala,no me gusta tal vez deje de verlos no me gusta como los exigen es solo $$
I wonder if they put BiBi in this episode so people will stop asking where is BiBi? then gave him something to make him sleep so LaLa can have this episode to herself.
Bibi se despierta con el aleteo de una mosca, pero hoy lo noté muy cansado y más delgado.Los videos no son correlativos.Bibi tiene en el brazo, la marca perfecta de una correa o vendajes, no sé.Pero el pelo que le falta es por algo que rozaba su mano durante días.
@@charlenedenino545I guess ppl r going to start spreading rumors on Bibi he's not allowed to lay down and sleep jeez I'm not talking about u others in the comments
Wurde er sediert, damit er liegen bleibt oder ist er tatsächlich krank? Und die arme Lala muss weite Strecken auf den Hinterbeinen laufen! Unmenschlich, Tierquälerei!
There is something weird about this video ! Why is Bibi rocking and his legs rocking @3:27 , and what is the reflection in the headboard, and what are they doing whoever it is to Bibi .. That's creepy !!
I saw the reflection...I think it was the cameraman and someone was patting Bibi's feet to get him to Quan does when it's time for Bibi to sleep.
Die kleine Lala mit einer riesigen Guave 🍈 so süß 🥰 und viel von Bibi gelernt. Was ist mit Bibi er liegt so schlapp und müde im Bett ?? Hoffentlich nicht ernsthaft krank ?? 🙏🏼💖💖💖💖💖
@aninagerassimidis Bibi sta benissimo, sta solo rilassandosi, tranquilla 😊io ho lavorato nelle riprese cinematografiche so cosa stanno facendo,loro,gli fanno dei segnali, loro essendo già istruiti, eseguono 😊
Desde que han capado a Bibi, este mono no levanta cabeza. No lo deberían haberlo hecho, lo han destrozado para siempre. Con separarlo de Lala bastaba. Al menos por ahora...
Por qué??bibi está asi que le hicieron a mi niño hermoso parece muy soñolento lo hicieron dormir porqué??,qué pena no nos gusta esto???por favor atender a mi querido bibi.
Vergognoso, Bibibnon viene coperto nemmeno con un plaid. Ha un'espressione triste e sofferente. Inoltre, ha assunto una podizione strana mentre pare riposare. Vogliamo saperecse Bibi sta bene!
Les jouets en plastique..c'est inutile Les pauvres singes pense que c'est de la nourriture...mais pour les gens qui pense qu'ils sont des enfants humains continuer. C'est ainsi
What's happening? Bibi and Lala "play" with completely senseless plastic stuff. They chew on it and poison themselves with the pollutants from the cheap plastic. 3:32 Bibi twitches involuntarily and trembles. Bibi's eyes look empty, lifeless and sad. Never seen before, then he falls asleep. What did they give Bibi??? 7:06 Lala struggles limping on 2 legs and she looks completely "stuffed", what else does she have under her overalls besides the diaper? That's not "cute" at all. Please let Lala walk on all fours. In the "garden" there are remnants of metal mats, plastic bags and this artificial lawn is totally unhygienic. They even let chickens run on it, which defecate everywhere and quite liquid. Quan has now opened a third channel. When will there be enough money to give Lala and Bibi a different life?
Sotto la tuta lala ha un busto rigido per impedirle di camminare a 4 zampe, queste persone torturano le loro vittime, gente cercate di capire, non mettete like, non mandate soldi , non abbonatevi, le scimmie soffrono, questo è un bussiness
@@tansi161 This is original from the info for the new channel, you can look by yourself: " the lovely journeys of the BIBI family that dad QUAN has not had time to post on BIBI's RUclips channel, so dad QUAN wants to create this new channel for that journey, I am very happy that the loving viewers have welcomed and followed the smart monkey BIBI." Here he turns films from bibi's "childhood" into money again.
@@tansi161 Я сейчас ознакомилась с правами,там написано,если кто то пользуется его личным каналом он имеет право пожаловаться,в данном случае это касается и Куана,однако он этого не делает,все видят его каналы,а он не видит? А стало быть,это его каналы,последний канал,он стал Биби по новой с детства выкладывать. Чтобы это значило?
Da li je moguće da je Lala sama otišla u komšijski voćnjak? Popela se na drvo, pojela voćku i krenula kući. Mala je postala enigma!!! A Bibi spava? Zašto niste zajedno? 😊😊😊😊 Lala
İlaç verilirse tabi bayılır babası ona nereye kadar eziyet edicek şikayet edin bibi bunlardan alınmalı sonunda delirmesinden iyidir bibi stres mutsuzluktan kendini ısırıyor farkında değil sevenler bibi iyi durumda değil çünkü yalnız ilgisiz zavallıyı bitirdiler sıra bebekte
There’s another scar or burn on back of her head as well as on top towards the front. I wonder if she got to close to the fire out of curiosity. Really starting to love lil’ LaLa!!🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜
Nel video si intuisce che qualcuno ordina a Bibi di sdraiarsi sulle coperte; poi viene ripreso/filmato di nuovo dal cameramen ed appare con un'espressione molto triste. VORREMO SAPERE COME STA BIBI E PERCHÉ ULTIMAMENTE NON COMPARE NEI VIDEO CHE VENGONO REGISTRATI LA SERA O LA NOTTE!
In all these 2 years...I haven't seen a smaller baby monkey..that she walked so fast and early,because she has tendencies towards acting and her role model is Bibi
Dad, no me gusta nada ver a Bibi asi de dormido y parece que le dan espasmos Bibi cuando se despierta enseguida se levanta y se pone en marcha y en este video es como si hubiera tomado algo para quitarle protagonismo y darselo a la monita. Muy mal!!!!
Todo es un guión intentando promocionar a Lala con la intención de que termine reemplazando a Bibi . Vete a saber que le han dado a Bibi para que esté así. Recordad que los monos vietnamitas en You tube es un negocio floreciente para esta gente, sólo negocio
Я думаю Биби усыпили, чтобы снимать Лалу. Нельзя выдвигать одного в ущерб другому. Поэтому у многих зрителей негативное отношение к Лале, хотя в этом не ее вина😢
@@tansi161This is just a thought. I think they showed BiBi in the beginning of the video so people would stop saying 'Where's BiBi'? Then they put him to sleep and let LaLa have this episode. We know Quan has a sedative, he gave it to BiBi driving through the storm and it put BiBi right out.
In a perfect world they would be with their own in the wild, but this is not a perfect world. They would likely perish now in the wild. No one knows or has proof of how they were acquired. This is now. They seem fed and cared for.
@@minasalvador8729 I am not trying to say anything, i am making a factual statement, these baby animals have a terrible life of pain, illness and suffering, open your eyes
@ It was a video. Do you really think he would have shown the brutal parts? The 2 main ways of training are to tie their hands behind their backs so they can’t use them or force them to carry something while offering food. When Bibi was younger he used to usually walk with his arms down by his sides. LaLa walks with her arms outstretched. You’re defending a man who is using both to make money
Oh la! Qu est ce qu il a bb ange ? Ce n est pas normal qu il soit dans cet état,.il est fatigué 😫 ou il est en manque de force, il fait beaucoup dans cette famille. S il vous plaît Les parents de bb , emmenez le faire une visite à l hôpital. Je déteste le voir comme ça. Et laissez lala quelques jours avec son père pour mieux vous occuper de notre bibi .cela vaudrais mieux pour tout le monde.
Yeni mi fark ediyorsunuz iyi durumda olmadığını stresten devamlı kollarını isiran sevgisizlikten ilgisizlikten delirtecekler hayvanî ben gereken yerleri şikayetimi yaptım bunları şikayet ettim sakinleştirici ilaç vermişler yatakta baygın yatıyor hayvan siz yeni fark ediyorsunuz öyle mi😮😮😮bibiyi mahvettiler😢😢😢😢🤦♀️
@sormainicvole2071 sarebbe meglio, che la smetti di fare falsi allarmismi, nessuno vuole fare del male a Bibi,credo che il signor Quan,ne abbia le scatole piene,dei vostri pensieri da folli 👎
@@prayer00100 I'm sorry, but if you do not see the dislike for Lala (Prefer Bibi) we all love Bibi and we know Bibi loves lala so Stop All the Hate for Lala ❤️❤️❤️🐒🐒🐒
My dear Ica. I'm glad you have noticed this with bibi too.😢 I thought maybe it was just me. He does look very tired, bless his little heart. I love him so much like you 😢🙏🐒♥️♥️
A Bibi empezó a cambiarle la vida cuando apareció la monita...pobre Bibi..😢😢😢...lo desagradecidos que pueden ser lis humanos...21 minutos de video para ver a la monita comiéndose una fruta...Bibi esta cansado, enfermo o le han dado algo para dormir?...he empezado a ver el video porque parecía que vería a Bibi tomando parte o sería la continuación de la comida de patatas que estaban cocinando ...Bibi, pequeño ángel, no le lleves más comida a la monita porque ella pasa de ti y que se hagan cargo Quan y Lan...hoy otro regalo paea ella...y para Bibi?...todo lo suyo va desapareciendo y Quan, cuando lee las muchas críticas, un día dedica 2 vudeos a Bibi, unas caricias y hasta verdad se cree que somos tontos?...Quan, primero, y después la dulce Lan, que con Bibi ya no lo es tanto, han llegado a la fama por Bibi y ahora se pensaban que lis que de verdad queremos a Bibi, muchos lo son solo de boquilla, callarnos al ver como está y lo que se hace con han equivocado...y para muchísimos Bibi ha sido es y será nuestro pequeño ángel y si los que ponen comentarios ofensivos y desagradables contra nuestro peque, si tienen que ser denunciados a RUclips por incumplir las normas establecidas por RUclips, lo haremos...que pongan un canal para Quan, Lan Anh y Lala, y dejen a Bibi con su canal donde ya ha conseguido el hito en este tipo de canales, de más de 900K suscriptores...Bibi te he querudo desde el minuto uno, te quiero y te querré porque eres único e insustituible... ❤❤❤Bibi FOREVER❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏😢😢😢😢😢
Este video no es de bibi protagonista es lala lo mismo aburrido. Es.demas. aunque quieran no compara a bibi pero ustedes le esta quitanto todo a bibi..lo esta queriendo poner en 2 lugar estos videos aburren de lala. Y lan cuando esta con bibi bien ceria bueno cada quien ve su conveniencia Saludos.
Yeah, Jacob, we know they're not actual dolls. Hence Perla said living dolls. Simply meaning they're small, cute and cuddly. You know, huggable like a doll. Jacob you wouldn't understand.
@@PerlapreziosaLovePGHello my dear Perla! Have a nice evening and a good night! Happy weekend my dear friend! God bless you and your family! I love Bibi and Lala,too!❤😘💞🙏🎉
She has the ability of surviving even while she was a baby. No one expects her to survive, so by then her mental development was already advanced as well as adaptability.
Our precious Bibi and baby Lala always look so cute together playing with their toys. Soon they'll be hungry. Leave it be our precious Bibi to find food for the both of them. Love our precious sweethearts.❤❤❤
Also, agree with the other viewers. LaLa needs to go to the vet. Her head is a mess and has been for a long time now the back is getting the same. Something wrong for sure.
Bibi was made to lay down, look at how he's looking as if someone is telling him to lay down, we have to remember that there is a camera that follows them everywhere they go, and they are being told what to do, kind of sad if you ask me, what started out Beautiful to watch is now a money maker.
Ja, es ist ekelhaft, eine Geldfabrik
Did Bibi took medicine he cant move. Guess he is not sleepy he just layed down and eyes closed. Thats why there is someone a shadow patting Bibi's feet. Is he trying to awaken Bibi or making him sleep?? This is weird!! Pls take care of Bibi we love him and anxious always to watch his daily vlogs. Maybe dad Quan can give us an update on Bibi's health so that we as viewers will not be worried about Bibi
Bibi el mono mas hermoso qué hay
I bardzo inteligentny
Querido Bibi está exausto tbm corre o dia todo pobrezinho e é comida é correr atrás da Lala meu pequeno príncipe se cuida é meu tesouro!🙊🐒🙈😱👏👏👏
Lala can't even walk properly due to her huge uncomfortable diaper that makes her life in pain unfortunately she can't express her discomfort and these people ignore her, they should know better than that, but money and fortune are the priority for these kind of humans
Sotto la tuta ha un busto rigido che le impedisce di camminare a 4 zampe
@@antonellaterri3254 Ja genau. Es ist eine Rückenorthese, die die Kleine aufrecht hält. Das sieht man unter der Kleidung. Wie grausam! 😱😡
Sad Bibi looks very sick. They should tell us what's going on
Bibi is not feeling well. Dad must look what's wrong
Bibi is fine he is just being bibi
...again, open your eyes...
dad is prob what’s wrong .. drugged & why is he missing hair from arms is he being tied up ?
@@tinalochabay9888 yes Tina I noticed the hair missing on I think it's on his left forearm. Obviously didn't see it earlier as BiBi had long sleeves on his top.
@@tinalochabay9888 The hair has been missing since they ran all of the tests to check his gallbladder. It's never grown back for some reason.
I have never seen Bibi sleep like he did in this video. He was lying in a strange position with his legs stretched in a odd way too. Did he suddenly become iil or have some type of severe fatigue hitting him suddenly. I hope someone will check him out soon. This was very alarming to watch.
Ele nem responde mais nimguem nos vídeos. Acho que nem lê nenhum. O que importa pra eles são números, não opiniões.
Bibi neden üzgün ,Bibi hareketli ve hiperaktif bir maymun Bibi'yi ilk defa böyle görüyorum yoksa bibi hasta mı ?
Probably drugged
@teresam-u1w Malesef 😢
Bibi dziwnie szybko zasnęła
İlaç sakinleştirici😢😢😢 yazıp durucam bibiye yapmasınlar yeter yeterrr stopppp by kuan stopppp😭😭😭😭😭👎🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️bibiiii❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🤦♀️
No os queréis enterar. Lo han capado, y un animal capado ya no es el mismo. Pierde toda la fuerza.
Tienes el parte médico?...😡😡😡
@@nesrincayman3899Banada öyle geldi. İlaç veriyorlar galiba😢
Voceis nao perceberam que eles querem fazer vidio so de lala por isso nao curto nenhum e o segundo vidio que so mostram bibi no começo
Yes, I have read quite a few comments about this video . I too think there was something very strange about it. BiBi was playing nicely and then decided to have a sleep. Nothing too strange there, maybe the trainer told him to. BUT BiBi was shaking and twitching and trying to keep awake. I have watched him fall asleep since he was small. He never looked like this. This is very worrying, I really hope he hasn't been drugged, he really didn't look like himself. I really don't know what to say about this. I really really hope this isn not the case.
Non era il vero Bibi, era un'altra scimmia.
Será que o Bibi está doente?Estou achando ele um pouco desanimado e triste.
Pourquoi fait-on marcher autant de distances aux petites pattes de Lala, en plus sur deux pattes 😢😢😢
Oh boo hoo😊
@@Susan-u9hHope Quan’s money is worth it😞
Los abusadores esos tienen a todos los animales estresados y cansados.
Il criceto è sparito, il cane è sparito, il gatto è sparito , Bibi è sparito, maledetti abusatori
People make comments about how Bibi and lala is treated so bad you all are wasting your time concerned about animals this people don't give A dam in that country where they are cruel to animals they believe in there lies
Me gustan mucho Bibi y Lala pero me da mucha pena verlos trabajar,Bibi se quedó dormido está cansado,y ahora le toca a Lala,no me gusta tal vez deje de verlos no me gusta como los exigen es solo $$
I wonder if they put BiBi in this episode so people will stop asking where is BiBi? then gave him something to make him sleep so LaLa can have this episode to herself.
İlaçla yani by kuan şeytan şikayet ettim bunları bibi en sonunda deliricek bunların elinde
I 100% agree!!!
Agree 100% !!
@@berndwagener2146 Das glaube ich auch.
Bueno ya empezamos con buena atención observa vamos ver la realidad como son los humano generando plata 🥈
Bibi forever ❤❤❤
Que le pasa mi pequeñito espero esté bien
Bibi se despierta con el aleteo de una mosca, pero hoy lo noté muy cansado y más delgado.Los videos no son correlativos.Bibi tiene en el brazo, la marca perfecta de una correa o vendajes, no sé.Pero el pelo que le falta es por algo que rozaba su mano durante días.
You are write, I have seen those marks on his arm. I had the Sam reaction. I really hope it is not what I think…
Poor little monkeys..
Something is wrong. Bibi doesn't normally ly down. He is to active
He probably got up earlier then Lala and like you said he’s very active so he’s taken a lie down
Çünkü bu zavallı bibiye sakinleştirici verilmiş😢😢😢😢 bibiiiii😢😢😢❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Bibi is tired 😴😴
Quit spreading rumors@@nesrincayman3899
@@charlenedenino545I guess ppl r going to start spreading rumors on Bibi he's not allowed to lay down and sleep jeez I'm not talking about u others in the comments
There is something wrong with Bibi, not normal! What they are doing with him??😢❤
Wurde er sediert, damit er liegen bleibt oder ist er tatsächlich krank? Und die arme Lala muss weite Strecken auf den Hinterbeinen laufen! Unmenschlich, Tierquälerei!
There is something weird about this video ! Why is Bibi rocking and his legs rocking @3:27 , and what is the reflection in the headboard, and what are they doing whoever it is to Bibi .. That's creepy !!
Nothing is going on so Bibi wants to sleep so what, I've been watching since the beginning also but I don't see anything
I think for you all is the best when you see nothing, only for your entertainment and joy.. But sometimes it will be good to open the eyes...😢
I saw the reflection...I think it was the cameraman and someone was patting Bibi's feet to get him to Quan does when it's time for Bibi to sleep.
@@Susan-u9hSusan the Bot😂
A saber que habrán hecho....para dejar a Bibi así
Que tiene Bibi??esta triste? O enfermito?😮
If HE has suddenly turned into a SHE then there is definitely something wrong! 😂😂😂
Die kleine Lala mit einer riesigen Guave 🍈 so süß 🥰 und viel von Bibi gelernt. Was ist mit Bibi er liegt so schlapp und müde im Bett ?? Hoffentlich nicht ernsthaft krank ?? 🙏🏼💖💖💖💖💖
@aninagerassimidis Bibi sta benissimo, sta solo rilassandosi, tranquilla 😊io ho lavorato nelle riprese cinematografiche so cosa stanno facendo,loro,gli fanno dei segnali, loro essendo già istruiti, eseguono 😊
Don't worry, he is ok, just acting. God bless them both
Desde que han capado a Bibi, este mono no levanta cabeza. No lo deberían haberlo hecho, lo han destrozado para siempre. Con separarlo de Lala bastaba. Al menos por ahora...
What,? I dint understand what you are saying.@Jimena25
Combien ils vous payent pour raconter ce genre d'âneries ? @@agnesericcardi6891
Por qué??bibi está asi que le hicieron a mi niño hermoso parece muy soñolento lo hicieron dormir porqué??,qué pena no nos gusta esto???por favor atender a mi querido bibi.
Lovely Bibi ❤❤Lovely Lala ❤❤
The dresser in the bedroom needs a good scrub or paint. You make enough money to buy a new one, also.
Vergognoso, Bibibnon viene coperto nemmeno con un plaid. Ha un'espressione triste e sofferente. Inoltre, ha assunto una podizione strana mentre pare riposare. Vogliamo saperecse Bibi sta bene!
Les jouets en plastique..c'est inutile Les pauvres singes pense que c'est de la nourriture...mais pour les gens qui pense qu'ils sont des enfants humains continuer. C'est ainsi
I think they give Bibi sleeping pill so they can let Lala runs the show ??
😂 no
No, they don't
Nonsense, Quan has already rubbished such outrageous claims!
Lala is still a baby. Don't let her walk long distances because she's afraid her legs will bend like bibi
They don’t care they are forcing her to walk upright by putting something under her clothes so they don’t care it’s all bout $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
@@tinalochabay9888 If that were true, she wouldn't be able to climb a tree and navigate the branches on all fours.
As much as I love watching ms lala walking cutie 😅 make mr bibi to sleep so fast ,I think not so right.
What is not right if Bibi wants to sleep gosh
Lala tesoro bello ❤😊 hai imparato a saccheggiare come tuo fratello Bibi 😊
BIBI COME STA? COSA HA MANGIATO OGGI? Vogliamo vedere anche Bibi mentre mangia, non solo Lala.
Lala is so cuuuute!
Siiii Bibi se durmio muy rapido, por ahi esta muy cansado. Algo no anda bien😢
Yeah, it's your overactive imagination that's not right.
결국 깜찍하고 앙증맞은 라라 구아바를 먹는구나 비비 닮았네 영리하고 똑똑한것이💞💞💞
Bibi tiene ojitos de cansado 😍
Non è Bibi quello
Probably because he is tired, just a thought. 😊
Quan please find out why Bibi fell asleep quickly?
La fatigue???
와~~~😂😂멋진 우리bibi 다 ❤❤❤❤❤사랑스럽고 똑똑한 우리bibi ❤❤❤❤❤❤
What's happening? Bibi and Lala "play" with completely senseless plastic stuff. They chew on it and poison themselves with the pollutants from the cheap plastic. 3:32 Bibi twitches involuntarily and trembles. Bibi's eyes look empty, lifeless and sad. Never seen before, then he falls asleep. What did they give Bibi??? 7:06 Lala struggles limping on 2 legs and she looks completely "stuffed", what else does she have under her overalls besides the diaper? That's not "cute" at all. Please let Lala walk on all fours. In the "garden" there are remnants of metal mats, plastic bags and this artificial lawn is totally unhygienic. They even let chickens run on it, which defecate everywhere and quite liquid. Quan has now opened a third channel. When will there be enough money to give Lala and Bibi a different life?
Куан не открывал третий канал. Это кто-то выкладывает видео.
The video was weird to me.. not a good feeling
Sotto la tuta lala ha un busto rigido per impedirle di camminare a 4 zampe, queste persone torturano le loro vittime, gente cercate di capire, non mettete like, non mandate soldi , non abbonatevi, le scimmie soffrono, questo è un bussiness
@@tansi161 This is original from the info for the new channel, you can look by yourself: " the lovely journeys of the BIBI family that dad QUAN has not had time to post on BIBI's RUclips channel, so dad QUAN wants to create this new channel for that journey, I am very happy that the loving viewers have welcomed and followed the smart monkey BIBI."
Here he turns films from bibi's "childhood" into money again.
@@tansi161 Я сейчас ознакомилась с правами,там написано,если кто то пользуется его личным каналом он имеет право пожаловаться,в данном случае это касается и Куана,однако он этого не делает,все видят его каналы,а он не видит? А стало быть,это его каналы,последний канал,он стал Биби по новой с детства выкладывать. Чтобы это значило?
Da li je moguće da je Lala sama otišla u komšijski voćnjak? Popela se na drvo, pojela voćku i krenula kući. Mala je postala enigma!!!
A Bibi spava? Zašto niste zajedno? 😊😊😊😊
Lala is becoming so intelligent and independent ❤ she also has a good appetite for such a tiny monkey 🐒 love lala and bibi ❤❤
Here comes our little miss Dalton trotting along with the idea of finding some yummy i treat … so pretty…
❤Su muy inteligente y Bibi debe descansar😂❤
❤beautiful bibi ❤lala 💖
Watching lala do it for herself with that cute face ' wen she chats/smiles= it is special moments '❤
요즈음 bibi가 건강이 안좋아진거 아닌가요? 저렇게 쉽게 자는 아이가 아닌것 같은데😮
İlaç verilirse tabi bayılır babası ona nereye kadar eziyet edicek şikayet edin bibi bunlardan alınmalı sonunda delirmesinden iyidir bibi stres mutsuzluktan kendini ısırıyor farkında değil sevenler bibi iyi durumda değil çünkü yalnız ilgisiz zavallıyı bitirdiler sıra bebekte
To nienaturalne
❤❤❤ preciosa BB linda inteligente , te amamos Lalay por supuesto a nuestro principe especial BiB.i l.❤❤❤❤❤.
I am glad that they both know how to play their toys, I love you both Bibi and Lala. ❤❤❤
สงสาร Lala เธอยังเล็กอยู่ไม่น่าเดินไกลขนาดนั้น ที่บ้านน่าจะปลูกฝัรั่งสักต้นเพราะ Bibi Lala ทั้งสองชอบกินนะค่ะ❤❤❤
There’s another scar or burn on back of her head as well as on top towards the front. I wonder if she got to close to the fire out of curiosity. Really starting to love lil’ LaLa!!🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜
BiBi really looked out of it. That twitching didn't look good.
Nel video si intuisce che qualcuno ordina a Bibi di sdraiarsi sulle coperte; poi viene ripreso/filmato di nuovo dal cameramen ed appare con un'espressione molto triste. VORREMO SAPERE COME STA BIBI E PERCHÉ ULTIMAMENTE NON COMPARE NEI VIDEO CHE VENGONO REGISTRATI LA SERA O LA NOTTE!
Çünkü bağlayıp kapatıyorlar kollarında izler var son günlerde sakinleştiricide veriyor bu vicdansızlar😢😢
In all these 2 years...I haven't seen a smaller baby monkey..that she walked so fast and early,because she has tendencies towards acting and her role model is Bibi
Very true
Lala is smart too
Dad, no me gusta nada ver a Bibi asi de dormido y parece que le dan espasmos
Bibi cuando se despierta enseguida se levanta y se pone en marcha y en este video es como si hubiera tomado algo para quitarle protagonismo y darselo a la monita. Muy mal!!!!
Todo es un guión intentando promocionar a Lala con la intención de que termine reemplazando a Bibi . Vete a saber que le han dado a Bibi para que esté así.
Recordad que los monos vietnamitas en You tube es un negocio floreciente para esta gente, sólo negocio
@@rin-b9hгрязно ведут себя хозяева Лалы😢
O🐒bibi esta doente???quero assistir 🐒bibi por favor senhor QUAN obg
Lala doçura, saboreando sua goiabada 😅❤💖
Lala como você é linda e inteligente. Uma verdadeira doçura.🥰😘
Congrats to this channel reached 400k for a longtime🎉
Hello Bibi e lala ❤️ vi amooooo ❤
It appears to me that the reason we are not seeing BiBi as often he needs rest and is not feeling well
He's ready for the wild
Bibi is shivering as he lays on pillow and blanket. His legs are twitching and so is stomach
Too much ketamine makes anyone feel bad. Just ask Matthew Perry. Oh wait you can’t. He died from a ketamine overdose
Ya empieza lala a ser independiente ❤😂😂😂
😂😂😂bella Lala aprendio de Bibi a buscar su alimento❤
Love Bibi que tiene hermoso bebe está cansado o enfermo
Bibi ya no es un bebé; es un mono adolescente.
@ si es uno o Bebe solo tiene 2 años Bibi
Я думаю Биби усыпили, чтобы снимать Лалу. Нельзя выдвигать одного в ущерб другому. Поэтому у многих зрителей негативное отношение к Лале, хотя в этом не ее вина😢
С чего бы это? Его легче увести на улицу или в другую комнату.
@@tansi161 Weil Quan pervers ist. Es geht ihm nur um seine Person und ums Geld.
@@tansi161This is just a thought. I think they showed BiBi in the beginning of the video so people would stop saying 'Where's BiBi'? Then they put him to sleep and let LaLa have this episode. We know Quan has a sedative, he gave it to BiBi driving through the storm and it put BiBi right out.
Das sehe ich genauso!
This is not good. Lala was told to go to neighbor’s yard, and she was crying all the way.
C'est pas des pleurs , c'est ses petits cris ..Bibi s'exprimait pareil à son âge 😊
She isn't crying that's the sound they make when they holler for each other
@@Susan-u9hOr crying for the moms that both were stolen from
once they hit 2 yrs old they become unruly ….
...and usually disappear
Only BiBi Loved 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Вызывают жалость, чтоб помогли материально
Terrible life for these poor animals, they are both injured and look sick
Where’s the injury? They can walk,they can jump and climb. What are you trying to say,huh?
What terrible.They are being fed, bathe dressed appropriately and sleep in a much comfortable bed compared to others.Pls.
In a perfect world they would be with their own in the wild, but this is not a perfect world. They would likely perish now in the wild. No one knows or has proof of how they were acquired. This is now. They seem fed and cared for.
@@minasalvador8729 I am not trying to say anything, i am making a factual statement, these baby animals have a terrible life of pain, illness and suffering, open your eyes
@@minasalvador8729 The statement is fact, it is a terrible life for these animals
OMG, her clothes is so cute and she is so tiny!!!! Why is she walking on twos? Is that something that is natural or taught?
It’s taught and the teaching process is painful and brutal
I seen dad teach bibi to walk and it wasn't brutal. Just like a human baby
@ It was a video. Do you really think he would have shown the brutal parts? The 2 main ways of training are to tie their hands behind their backs so they can’t use them or force them to carry something while offering food. When Bibi was younger he used to usually walk with his arms down by his sides. LaLa walks with her arms outstretched. You’re defending a man who is using both to make money
Kad niko nece da me pinudi, moram sama. 😅😅😅😅😅
Bibi kelihatannya sakit dia memegangi perutnya lalu tidur .Jangan sakit Bibi sehat selalu ya Bi dan.
@wardoysemarang7448 tranquilla Bibi sta recitando, esegue quello che il regista le fa fare 😊
Wow Lala is can find the food by herself so adorable you’re adorable and clever love you too much hugs
Lala es muy hermosa. Todo lo hace con mucho cuidado. Hermosa bebé.
Remember this is scripted so Bibi could just be following the instructions he's given. As is Lala.
Oh la! Qu est ce qu il a bb ange ? Ce n est pas normal qu il soit dans cet état,.il est fatigué 😫 ou il est en manque de force, il fait beaucoup dans cette famille. S il vous plaît Les parents de bb , emmenez le faire une visite à l hôpital.
Je déteste le voir comme ça.
Et laissez lala quelques jours avec son père pour mieux vous occuper de notre bibi .cela vaudrais mieux pour tout le monde.
I agree 👍
Yeni mi fark ediyorsunuz iyi durumda olmadığını stresten devamlı kollarını isiran sevgisizlikten ilgisizlikten delirtecekler hayvanî ben gereken yerleri şikayetimi yaptım bunları şikayet ettim sakinleştirici ilaç vermişler yatakta baygın yatıyor hayvan siz yeni fark ediyorsunuz öyle mi😮😮😮bibiyi mahvettiler😢😢😢😢🤦♀️
@@nesrincayman3899 Lo han arruinado porque lo han capado.
@sormainicvole2071 sarebbe meglio, che la smetti di fare falsi allarmismi, nessuno vuole fare del male a Bibi,credo che il signor Quan,ne abbia le scatole piene,dei vostri pensieri da folli 👎
@ kimi götürdüler??
Lala you are so Precious despite what others think ❤❤❤❤ I ❤ you Lala
I know I don't understand why ppl r so critical of Lala
I love little Lala and I just hate people saying these negative comments about her. She's adorable ❤❤
@@julieboettcher5230what are they saying
@@prayer00100 I'm sorry, but if you do not see the dislike for Lala (Prefer Bibi) we all love Bibi and we know Bibi loves lala so Stop All the Hate for Lala ❤️❤️❤️🐒🐒🐒
@@cindirusch6584 that's right. I feel sad for them. But there abused and wild monkey. Any questions just ask
Bibi looks so tired, sick and exhausted, I'm worried about his condition! I hope he's just tired! Oh my Bibi,I love you so much!❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
My dear Ica. I'm glad you have noticed this with bibi too.😢 I thought maybe it was just me. He does look very tired, bless his little heart. I love him so much like you 😢🙏🐒♥️♥️
@@teresamaynard3774 I know my dear friend,that You love Bibi and Lala so much! I'm so sorry for Bibi!I pray for him to be well 🙏🙏🙏
Me too dear Ica. Poor little one 😢🙏🙏🙏♥️
A Bibi empezó a cambiarle la vida cuando apareció la monita...pobre Bibi..😢😢😢...lo desagradecidos que pueden ser lis humanos...21 minutos de video para ver a la monita comiéndose una fruta...Bibi esta cansado, enfermo o le han dado algo para dormir?...he empezado a ver el video porque parecía que vería a Bibi tomando parte o sería la continuación de la comida de patatas que estaban cocinando ...Bibi, pequeño ángel, no le lleves más comida a la monita porque ella pasa de ti y que se hagan cargo Quan y Lan...hoy otro regalo paea ella...y para Bibi?...todo lo suyo va desapareciendo y Quan, cuando lee las muchas críticas, un día dedica 2 vudeos a Bibi, unas caricias y hasta verdad se cree que somos tontos?...Quan, primero, y después la dulce Lan, que con Bibi ya no lo es tanto, han llegado a la fama por Bibi y ahora se pensaban que lis que de verdad queremos a Bibi, muchos lo son solo de boquilla, callarnos al ver como está y lo que se hace con han equivocado...y para muchísimos Bibi ha sido es y será nuestro pequeño ángel y si los que ponen comentarios ofensivos y desagradables contra nuestro peque, si tienen que ser denunciados a RUclips por incumplir las normas establecidas por RUclips, lo haremos...que pongan un canal para Quan, Lan Anh y Lala, y dejen a Bibi con su canal donde ya ha conseguido el hito en este tipo de canales, de más de 900K suscriptores...Bibi te he querudo desde el minuto uno, te quiero y te querré porque eres único e insustituible... ❤❤❤Bibi FOREVER❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏😢😢😢😢😢
@@carolinafusterserra7669I agree with you! Bibi is unique and irreplaceable,Forever! I love Bibi very much! ❤❤❤
每次封面l都是lala煩不煩 她又不是頻道主角 一直在拍她 雖然我不討厭lala 她蠻可愛的 但我說坦白的 她無法替代bibi 而且這又不是lala頻道 我認為如果再這樣下去 familybibi觀看率會下降
@ 我也是 只是我想說偶爾看一下 結果封面一樣😩
Este video no es de bibi protagonista es lala lo mismo aburrido. Es.demas. aunque quieran no compara a bibi pero ustedes le esta quitanto todo a bibi..lo esta queriendo poner en 2 lugar estos videos aburren de lala. Y lan cuando esta con bibi bien ceria bueno cada quien ve su conveniencia Saludos.
Seul la faim te donne la force et le courage. Petite fille singe ❤
食べる事 行動の仕方
Bibi sta benissimo sta solo recitando 😊
Esa página le pertenece a Bibi a si cómprales juguete también a Bibi y llévalos a comer juntos no a Lala sola
Ah little LaLa has done so much walking she must be tired.😊❤❤XX
She wants her freedom from bibi she’s becoming her own individual
Poor little LaLa struggling to walk upright! 😢
Quanto è bella lala sembra una bambolina❤Insieme a bibino my love formano una bellissima coppia di pupazzetti viventi❤Bibi lala y love you❤
Sweet words dear Perla. ❤Two precious little babies we all love.🫠 A hug.♥️😘🫂
Это не куклы, а живые существа.
Yeah, Jacob, we know they're not actual dolls. Hence Perla said living dolls. Simply meaning they're small, cute and cuddly. You know, huggable like a doll. Jacob you wouldn't understand.
@@teresamaynard3774Ciao cara Teresa 🥰ti auguro una buona notte😘 ❤Un abbraccio 🫂 💕
@@PerlapreziosaLovePGHello my dear Perla! Have a nice evening and a good night! Happy weekend my dear friend! God bless you and your family! I love Bibi and Lala,too!❤😘💞🙏🎉
Trop forte Lala 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Meu amorzinho o que se passa com você adormeceu tão rápido te amo muito beijinhos para todos Portugal. 😢😢🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ой, целует такого макака, не противно?
3:29 Bibi 😍😘 19:05 Lala 😇🥰
She has the ability of surviving even while she was a baby. No one expects her to survive, so by then her mental development was already advanced as well as adaptability.
All re re edited
I just saw both of BiBi's arms. It looks like there are lace marks because they are in the same spot on both sides. I feel so sorry for BiBi.😢
Our precious Bibi and baby Lala always look so cute together playing with their toys. Soon they'll be hungry. Leave it be our precious Bibi to find food for the both of them. Love our precious sweethearts.❤❤❤
Right now Lala is still small but let her grow bigger and then we will see her take control 😂
Also, agree with the other viewers. LaLa needs to go to the vet. Her head is a mess and has been for a long time now the back is getting the same. Something wrong for sure.
Hola muñekita adonde vas lala 😪💖