The Untold Story of the 1995 LDS Women's Conference

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 133

  • @kathrynjackson5580
    @kathrynjackson5580 Год назад +50

    WOW. Had the women actually been able to keep their voices and speak for diversity, that could have revolutionized the way the next generation of women saw themselves in the Church. I wish I could have seen their vision come to fruition...

    • @Loralanthalas
      @Loralanthalas Год назад +1

      They didn't want to. 100% their choice. They knew it was wrong.

    • @cynthiastrech6760
      @cynthiastrech6760 Год назад +6

      Had they chosen to go ahead with their theme. It would have been over-ridden. There was no true choice.

    • @chlyri
      @chlyri Год назад

      ​@@Loralanthalasno, they didn't. they were just told.

  • @pennamealias
    @pennamealias Год назад +112

    Love that the women were trying to embrace differences...and the men were like, uh NO

  • @phoenixrising5338
    @phoenixrising5338 Год назад +19

    I notice that none of these leaders ever resigned in protest, ever spoke out publicly, or ever stopped parroting the party line. They never encouraged us to think for ourselves, to throw off restrictive, rigid roles, and they never created an environment in the Relief Society where those with non-traditional families or non-traditional perspectives or lives felt loved and welcome. What hypocrites. I've spent my life in the church speaking up and saying these things are wrong and must change. I've been a whistle-blower my entire live and paid dearly for it. These leaders, and every one like them, threw me and every woman like me under the bus. Now we and our children are leaving, and all the church can do is whine about how fickle we are. Who is worse? The male regime who doesn't want to give up its power and perqs? Or the women who prop them up and step on other women to do it? Today we have women in these positions who are lawyers. But they're still urging women to stay home and be subservient and obedient to men. Not one of them has been an advocate for abused women and children, expanded roles, non-traditional families, or independent women. So repellent.

    • @erstwhile3793
      @erstwhile3793 Год назад +6

      Very well said. Thank you. It's the robotic nature of these womens' ineffectual, response to the wrongness that is most creepy about this piece of modern Mormon history. I do not condemn the women themselves. They're acting as their conditioning prepared them to act. But I feel it's incredibly important to call out and describe the behavior. It should not remain unnamed and invisible.

    • @cynthiastrech6760
      @cynthiastrech6760 Год назад +1

      Aileen Clyde did encourage me to throw off rigid roles and embrace a non-traditional perspective! She made me feel loved and welcome as the breadwinner of my family. She was active in civic organizations for women’s rights. She told me she thought the church would progress in a logical direction. What we think we can see now, cannot be compared to what was 28 years ago for us. She was a progressive woman of her generation. She made a difference for our sakes.

  • @mr_ekshun
    @mr_ekshun Год назад +23

    I put off finding a therapist in the Salt Lake area for over a year during the peak of my faith crisis (emphasis on the crisis lol) because I was sooo worried that I'd happen to be paired with a Mormon therapist. To be fair, I was able to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they would _try_ to keep their religion from influencing their practice, but even in the _best_ case scenario where the Mormon therapist is absolutely super chill and outright supportive of my free choice... I'd still feel ridiculously uncomfortable and doubtful of their intentions.
    I know how deeply the double-think can run, and it's impossible to know how much of their professional side is affected by the Mormon side even in a person who does their best to separate them for the sake of their clients. I'd feel like all the frustrations and anger I have towards the Church wouldn't be able to be expressed openly and I'd be keeping it suppressed or at least dampened, and that wouldn't be helpful to me at all: it's part of why I'm there!
    But eventually I just threw caution to the wind and sought out a therapist. I considered asking the clinic if I could meet with somebody who was non- or ex-mormon, which tbh is a fair and reasonable request (just like asking for a therapist of a specific gender), but the thought of being so blunt about it was too much for me and I just needed to get scheduled with somebody, anybody.
    Turns out, my therapist is exmormon as well and it's been _incredibly_ helpful!

    • @jackiekrieger4921
      @jackiekrieger4921 Год назад +3

      If you look for a therapist on Psychology Today, you can "filter" for everything you need in a therapist. You can filter by religion, insurance, language and many other things!

    • @keile513
      @keile513 Год назад +4

      That turned out perfect, huh? Good for you! I myself, am extremely guarded. People from my ward basically stalk these sights, looking for APOSTATES.😂
      So I make a comment, then I’m afraid someone will see it or read it, and I’m in Oregon!
      One cannot take it lightly- the struggle to find an ex or non Mormon therapist, in Utah.
      That’s just fact!

  • @macrograms
    @macrograms Год назад +66

    mormon therapist is an oxymoron, is it not? Help, but hold the gaslighting, please.

  • @mizotter
    @mizotter Год назад +39

    Woohoo! The sources illustrate the truth of your claims brilliantly! Well done!

  • @Geoplanetjane
    @Geoplanetjane Год назад +51

    It was the proclamation on the family and the relief society lessons that came along with it plus horrible homophobic talk among the women are what broke my shelf for good. I had taken myself out before word of Proposition 8 came around. When word of that came around, I was in Silicon Valley on business and was truly horrified by the yard signs and obviously groups of mormon kids out campaigning on behalf of Prop. 8, plus a crazed Westboro Church cadre with a bullhorn loudly proclaiming on the street in downtown Palo Alto. The whole scene was horrifying.

    • @nylaann6276
      @nylaann6276 Год назад +6

      In 2000 my southern Ca. TBM parents had the yard sign no on 22 on their front yard. At that time I was a 40 year old closet gay woman of 4 teenage children. It broke my heart

  • @annapatterson549
    @annapatterson549 Год назад +27

    my mom sent me to a mormon therapist. I was never able to talk about dealing with my sexuality, relationships, or being forced into religion like I soo so desperately needed to. I stopped going because other than that there was nothing to talk about in our sessions...

      @LAMEN_THE_BLAND Год назад +1

      I’m so sorry!! Finding a good therapist is so tough, having an LDS therapist helped me when I was a teen because I already struggled to explain stuff to me peers, and having to explain it to my therapist would’ve been too much. I could never fully explain religious trauma or other stuff but that helps me tons.

  • @jodibuckmister7402
    @jodibuckmister7402 Год назад +1

    Thank you for continuing to speak truth to power!

  • @bekadavisstudios
    @bekadavisstudios Год назад +6

    Growing up Mormon I often felt like women were just given roles for the sake of staying busy. I rarely felt like anything we did was actually important, but given to us to make us feel included, like letting a kid hold the flashlight for their parent while they fix the car in broad daylight. All the church needs its women for is to bear and raise more tithe-paying members.

  • @freshdread
    @freshdread Год назад +5

    I was married at the time the proclamation was released to the world. My husband had mental health issues that weren’t understood well and couldn’t support us.
    Having grown up in a very patriarchal family along with being born in the church I felt worthless that I was having to work because my husband couldn’t provide for us and we wound up divorcing with two small children.
    Imagine if the proclamation had said that parents should do what works best for them and work things out however they need to. That love and support for children should focus on meeting their needs and not on strict gender roles?
    I know I wouldn’t have felt worthless because I could’ve finished my degree and worked full time while my husband stayed home. He wouldn’t have felt worthless because his health issues made completing his education difficult.
    We did eventually get back together and are both out of the church. My husband discovered he was on the spectrum and received therapy and help. But the patriarchy of the church destroyed our little family. We’re all doing better now without the church

    • @petrahinkley5489
      @petrahinkley5489 Год назад +1

      That is an amazing story! I was so glad to read that you got back together with your husband. You both are making your relationship work on your own terms and that is how it should be. No church should mess with that.

  • @AaronNickolas7
    @AaronNickolas7 Год назад +5

    All I have to say is: leave your cult at home if you’re going to be a doctor or a therapist! It is extremely unprofessional to mix the two.

  • @LoganKM76
    @LoganKM76 Год назад +5

    Wow! Amazing find. Thanks for the deep dive

  • @jy285
    @jy285 Год назад +1

    Great stuff, Carah!

  • @bewitched3912
    @bewitched3912 Год назад

    Yes!! Thank you Kara 💕

  • @elicrosland246
    @elicrosland246 Год назад +2

    It’s crazy to think how different the church could be now if that original conference took place

  • @Maryfs1
    @Maryfs1 Год назад +3

    Poor Tammy. All those mental gymnastics must take a lot of effort 😂

  • @Ripskin16
    @Ripskin16 Год назад +2

    Why would god consult with women about important things. Thats men's work and the perfectly imperfect man at the top who couldnt possibly be scared of things he doesnt understand. Women just need to pump out babies.
    Even never believing the nonsense, too many bad things ingrained in my mind and childhood trauma's kept "me" locked away. Was so happy to finally resign even having been inactive for 18 years.

  • @xxcapxr3611
    @xxcapxr3611 Год назад +4

    4:22 she says visuals when it says (unintelligible)

  • @brotherinchrist72
    @brotherinchrist72 Год назад +3

    As we research the deeper inner workings of Mormonism, we find it parallels in many ways, to Islam. They both believe in having many wives in heaven, and focused on all this physical lusts and pleasures of sex, making many spirit babies (confused how you would make spirit babies if you and your wives all have eternal, glorified, physical bodies...), to populate your own world.
    Sounds like something right out of a Barbie movie...

  • @lupesays319
    @lupesays319 Год назад +2

    I saw the movie twice already and I made sure to take my daughters to see it. One of my favorite quotes of the movie is from Ruth Handler to Barbie: “I can’t in good conscience let you take that leap without letting you know what it all means.” That is so true! I had no idea what it all meant or what I was getting myself into at 11 years of age. Of course, I wanted to be baptized with them and I had friends at church. Had the church been transparent in their history and things like this video we just saw, I bet we would have thought twice. With all this said, I will be transparent with my daughters because I want them to have the full picture of what all of this really is. Also, as a future therapist myself, comments like this therapist make me cringe. Go see the Barbie movie! You will cry…well, at least I did! 😊

  • @tenny810
    @tenny810 Год назад +2

    Instead of saying cloth over their eyes, I would say, veils over their heads😢

  • @Katherine-ep3ms
    @Katherine-ep3ms Год назад +1

    Literally it cracks me up the big todo over a movie based off of dolls 🤦‍♀️ I haven’t seen it but a whole lot of Christian women sure are up in arms. I was not going to see it but now I have to.

  • @TacShooter
    @TacShooter Год назад +1

    Ex-Mo Debbie Gibson. Shake your love, I just can't shake your love.

  • @taylor3342
    @taylor3342 Год назад +1

    Hell yessss Carah

  • @bensweiss
    @bensweiss Год назад +6

    If Patriarchy is a problem, what is she doing about it?

    • @rodandousa3963
      @rodandousa3963 Год назад

      Hey, it is not a problem. It is just stupid.
      Mormonism is not a problem. Just extremely delusional.

  • @Antifa_Gini
    @Antifa_Gini 6 месяцев назад

  • @darrylkirky
    @darrylkirky Год назад +2

    We australians ex mormons love you.

  • @jaybravo2199
    @jaybravo2199 Год назад +3

    To that end, all woman leaders will always report to a man and will require priesthood representation in everything they do. However, a priesthood leader will never report to a woman.

  • @mosheedy9862
    @mosheedy9862 Год назад +2

    You are grandwoman.❤

  • @kokconsulting2
    @kokconsulting2 3 месяца назад

    Doesn't say are perfect. It talks about being made perfect in Christ. No problem with your view, just with twisting words and meanings

  • @shilohhuntsman1857
    @shilohhuntsman1857 4 месяца назад

    seems naive to expect anyone even a prophet to be perfect, If a prophet, the leader of the church, is directed to go a certain way in the church, doesn't mean that he has to let everyone know, just because the ladies didn't know, doesn't mean that their efforts were not positive, but may contradict church direction. Think of a business, the leader of the company doesn't have to consult other supervisors, if the leader goes a different direction with his business, the supervisors must follow, even though they were doing positive for company. the LDS church definitely is a Patriarchy I have never heard it wasn't, that is one of the basis of the church.

  • @caseyjude5472
    @caseyjude5472 Год назад

    Receipts! 💥

  • @jessicawild8753
    @jessicawild8753 Год назад

    Will you please please please do a video about the temple dedication, hosanna white handkerchief shit that you have to be an endowed member to go to? I’ve always wanted to watch you reenact that laughing my ass off.

    • @egriffiths8993
      @egriffiths8993 Год назад

      Dedications are open to members including children who are not endowed. I went to one with the 5sec wave of handy which was underwhelming. You really havnt missed anything at all.

  • @joanlantis4497
    @joanlantis4497 6 месяцев назад

    after many years of studying Mormonism, I have come to believe that the Mormon heaven will be a kingdom like the biblical ones. it will be full of polygamist and concubinage relationships, maybe even incestual relationships like in the bible. women will have few rights. why else are SA cases in the church dismissed so easily? Why are women so discounted at every turn? Thoughts?

  • @nicolerubydell
    @nicolerubydell Год назад

    Man I would say I’m surprised but I’m sadly not. 😢🙄

  • @thekolobsociety
    @thekolobsociety Год назад

    Carah, are you approaching critiquing the Church from the perspective of an atheist or a theist?

  • @denz4133
    @denz4133 Год назад


  • @anjelikag
    @anjelikag Год назад

    Blind sided… cloth over their eyes. You mean the veil?💀

  • @jessicawild8753
    @jessicawild8753 Год назад

    And… Would you do some kind of video on Sherry Dew…..And how hard it must’ve been for her😂🙄 as the first single general authority… And did she ever come out of the closet?

  • @darlenemartim9972
    @darlenemartim9972 Год назад

    Sounds like you don’t believe in this church? Why do you spend so much time talking about it? Find a church that fits what you want. Do you understand that you are creating people to doubt their faith?

  • @samk833
    @samk833 Год назад

    When we are baptised, we also receive the Holy Ghost after that. The HG knows everything, we need to humble ourselves and ask the HG about things we don’t understand and know, not relying on influencers. Even teaching we don’t understand from leaders, the HG will help us understand if we seek.

  • @sounddaddy1963
    @sounddaddy1963 Год назад

    Can you speak just a little slower. Thanks.

  • @danawinsor1380
    @danawinsor1380 Год назад

    Are you planning on continuing to speak in the media or in public? If so, you need to look into voice and speech coaching. Your manner of speaking is difficult to understand in part because of how fast you are speaking. Also, it would be really smart to write out what you're going to say ahead of time, or at least prepare an outline, so that the subject matter is understandable. Perhaps it would help to take time to present an introduction for people who have no knowledge of the LDS church. The purpose of this comment is to be helpful.

  • @marcyarrowchis678
    @marcyarrowchis678 Год назад +1

    The church is slowly going woke 👎🏼

    • @brianwaller7383
      @brianwaller7383 Год назад +1

      Well just like many other examples they will finally go broke eventually then

    • @marcyarrowchis678
      @marcyarrowchis678 Год назад

      @@brianwaller7383 🙏🏼

    • @grantbeck9228
      @grantbeck9228 Год назад +2

      its the church of jesus christ. You don't Jesus would be woke? Jesus wouldn't be mindful of prejudice and injustice among his children? What Jesus are you worshipping?

    • @marcyarrowchis678
      @marcyarrowchis678 Год назад +1

      @@grantbeck9228 Jesus loves the person, rejects the sin……no one gets a pass 😉 nice attempt at rewriting history 🤡

    • @grantbeck9228
      @grantbeck9228 Год назад +1

      @@marcyarrowchis678 what sin is “woke”? What are you even talking about? Have you read the New Testament?

  • @IshadaKatzteilov
    @IshadaKatzteilov Год назад

    Can't do anymore videos done from people sitting in cars. What the hell is that about, anyway? You don't have a desk, a chair and a room?

    • @CarahBurrell
      @CarahBurrell  Год назад +3

      I have a studio that’s farther away and I did this in the parking lot of Smith’s before getting groceries to fill the fridge in the house I live in with 5 children/people that is paid for by the content I produce. It’s a connivence thing to get the content out.

    • @petrahinkley5489
      @petrahinkley5489 Год назад +1

      ​@@CarahBurrellI'm glad you found a quiet place to do this post. It was very interesting and you did a great job. I'm just a recent defector of the church. Mormon stories gave me some insights into who Joseph Smith really was. Once I realized the BoM was fake I was done with all of it.
      Keep up the great work you do! I really enjoy your podcasts.

  • @amyk6453
    @amyk6453 Год назад +1

    Men are meant to lead with love. Also given that they are the patriarchs, they also have the priesthood power which women don't posess. Again different not BETTER. Doesn't mean that men are more. They just have different roles. Why do you say that doesn't mean it's balanced. I would never want to be a man or a dad. I am thankful I'm a woman and my role is primarily care taker, nurturer. I love that and embrace it.

  • @blainefarnsworth5569
    @blainefarnsworth5569 Год назад +2

    If you ex mormans would trust in the Holy Bible as your road map to heaven It might have the Relif Societies answers: see Galations 3:28 Men and women (are equal, the same,) in Christ Jesus. Mormons electing and deciding their own Prophetss huh! The Holy Bible in Acts 2:17 says: In the last days young women and men will Prophesy.( Nothing about Mormon elected Prophets?) Just a suggestion: Trust in Jesus and the Holy Bible for direction. Thanks for your reading and consideration.ex Mormon Blaine F.

    • @pcwinstead
      @pcwinstead Год назад +1

      Why should I trust the Bible?

    • @mommyofkittens4809
      @mommyofkittens4809 Год назад

      I’m an ex Mormon and I was a christian for a time. The thing is I read the entire Bible several times. Once you learn how to think for yourself you don’t stop.

    • @badmiddens
      @badmiddens Год назад

      or, maybe don't trade one silly mythology for another silly mythology and try some critical thinking.

    • @TheRastacabbage
      @TheRastacabbage Год назад

      Anyone can have the gift of prophesy. That doesn't make someone a prophet. That's not the scriptural definition of a prophet or the prophets role

    • @TheRastacabbage
      @TheRastacabbage Год назад

      Everyone is equal before the lord. No male or female, no black or white, no bond or free. Has nothing to do with leadership in the church. If it did, Jesus would've called 6 men & 6 women.

  • @davea6314
    @davea6314 Год назад

    If you are ever looking for an excellent plastic surgeon for a septoplasty and rinoplasty I highly recommend Dr. Jay Dutton at the Midwest Sinus Center in Downers Grove Illinois. He did a septoplasty and removed cysts in my sinuses with excellent results.

  • @Chanokh
    @Chanokh Год назад

    What is the name to go to heaven?
    A. Jesus (invented at 1632 AD)
    B. Yeshua (Aramaic: Isaiah 36)
    - Aramaic came from Aram son of Shem.
    C. Yahusha 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤀𐤕(ancient Hebrew)
    Name was kept by Adam, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Eber etc...

    • @rodandousa3963
      @rodandousa3963 Год назад +3

      Name to go to heaven?
      The year is 2023 and you writing this nonsense? We are seconds away from information, use it.

    • @Chanokh
      @Chanokh Год назад

      The moshiach said he will restore the pure language.

    • @VulcanLogic
      @VulcanLogic Год назад

      If Adonai hadn't confounded our language at Babel, this wouldn't be a problem. Don't blame me, that's his fault.

    • @Chanokh
      @Chanokh Год назад

      It's the angels fault.

    • @lindak3030
      @lindak3030 Год назад

      What nonsense are you on about? This is just BS for children who can't think for themselves.

  • @5zazen
    @5zazen Год назад

    Guys perspective: Women are just as bad if not worse on sexism. How do i know? Mom is a feminist, wife is pushy, and i work with nurses. Women dont want equality. They want to be in charge. Not all women are like this. However if a woman acts like she wants to do anything for me i dont trust her. Women lie. Consequently while im not gay i resent most women as its never enough. I earn. I clean house. Its never enough. This video has more to do with women wanting power. Consequently its very easy to deal with it. Ignore women.

    • @jeannerogers7085
      @jeannerogers7085 Год назад +3

      How nostalgic a statement, very like those I heard 50 years ago, from other fossils like yourself.

    • @chlyri
      @chlyri Год назад +5

      feminism is equality, dipstick. women as a whole just want to be treated with the same consideration as any man.

    • @Mint-kj9kw
      @Mint-kj9kw 11 месяцев назад +1

      Says the Redpill loser...
      Take your misogynistic views elsewhere

  • @PeterBond-e4q
    @PeterBond-e4q Год назад

    your chest looks amazing

  • @toxicfem69
    @toxicfem69 Год назад

    when i explain the proclaimation on the family to others i shorthand it is "mormonism's 14 words"

  • @Contraddiction
    @Contraddiction Год назад +42

    I was living in a single parent household about 9, maybe 10 years old when this thing showed up on the wall in our hallway. At that point my mom had been divorced twice. I had siblings at my dad's house who were not yet legally my siblings but lived with my dad and their mom. This was what caused the first crack that would eventually become a chasm. I might have stayed a TBM if the Relief Society message was on the wall instead of that monstrosity.

  • @Mon-Alisa
    @Mon-Alisa Год назад +63

    Amazing, thank you for sharing this! I feel so frustrated for those women. Another point to make regarding the patriarchy being the true order of heaven- if Heavenly Mother isn’t a member of the Godhead, and all three members of the Godhead are male……. How is that not patriarchy?

    • @Loralanthalas
      @Loralanthalas Год назад +1

      God, Jesus, and Ghoat is all one thing for mormons. That's one of the corners for belief. It's all MAN but just one guy.
      The"female" is so 'sacred' we don't talk about her. She's too busy having kids in the back.

  • @dharmabird1
    @dharmabird1 Год назад +17

    Thank you for this video. I always love when you upload

  • @KP-hz6zr
    @KP-hz6zr Год назад +4

    Could you do some videos or look into if Mormonism teaches its members to be codependent? I find that the more I look into codependency it sounds a lot like the church. I would love to hear your thoughts! Keep up the good work!!!

  • @CplAnguadaEarth
    @CplAnguadaEarth Год назад +9

    Thank you! This feels like a very vital and different video. And the good sources too!

  • @Shaktipaj
    @Shaktipaj Год назад +3

    It is disappointing that they backed down because "we had been heard"
    Really??!!?? They call this 'being heard' ??!!??

  • @chrewtransformation
    @chrewtransformation Год назад +6

    Wow. Just wow

  • @PrincessOPD_Utah
    @PrincessOPD_Utah 11 месяцев назад +1

    I heart Nuancehoe!!!.. and hit like 👍 for this video, yall!!!!

  • @scottevensen2615
    @scottevensen2615 Год назад +2

    Great video! Thanks for sharing. It figures that the patriarchy would shut down the women. Again 😐

  • @exmormonsongbook
    @exmormonsongbook Год назад +2

    I had no idea about this interview! thank you!

  • @bl3343
    @bl3343 Год назад +2

    Well, now I have to see the Barbie movie!

  • @amberinthemist7912
    @amberinthemist7912 Год назад +2

    Wow, just complete denial of reality.

  • @bethan.gruffydd
    @bethan.gruffydd Год назад

    ...surely, Tammy meant to say "not" and not "nor" (was a typo on her part....?) .... but regardless, yeah, very important to get this info out about 1995 conf. Infuriating but unsurprising

  • @rodneyhirsch2340
    @rodneyhirsch2340 2 месяца назад

    Nope you’re a liar.

  • @PrincessJamiG
    @PrincessJamiG Год назад +1

    Great sources!

  • @LopsidedLiahona
    @LopsidedLiahona 11 месяцев назад


  • @ChowderTIO
    @ChowderTIO Год назад

    What happened to the daily RUclips videos?

    • @CarahBurrell
      @CarahBurrell  Год назад

      My kids needed me.

    • @ChowderTIO
      @ChowderTIO Год назад +3

      @@CarahBurrell “The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.”

  • @keile513
    @keile513 Год назад

    Just getting better and better Carah. Always be you. We love you.
    Edit: OMG how do I save this gem???
    This is shocking!! Maddening.😡☹️

  • @cynthiastrech6760
    @cynthiastrech6760 Год назад

    Dear Aileen Clyde, my mentor. The entire presidency, the hope of a new generation. The room, the moment and my grief when I heard that proclamation.

  • @ChowderTIO
    @ChowderTIO Год назад +6

    I think some gender roles help to foster a great marriage. For instance, I love making enough in my profession that my amazing wife can do what she wants with her time. We are all going to the Barbie movie next week, but it looks like a pretty funny movie. 🍿 🎥

    • @tomoates8568
      @tomoates8568 Год назад +1

      It is, I was laughing all the way through! Y'all will enjoy it I think

    • @mr_ekshun
      @mr_ekshun Год назад +7

      Sure, and if a couple chooses to reverse those gender roles in their relationship, or ditch them altogether, that's also great. The issue is when somebody external to the relationship is imposing _their_ ideas of what makes a healthy relationship upon the couple. The people who can make that decision better than anybody else are the couple themselves, whatever they choose. And the roles of each partner can and probably will change throughout the relationship. It shouldn't be externally imposed, or rigidly defined without room for change.

    • @Loralanthalas
      @Loralanthalas Год назад

      I like making more money then my husband, because then he can go buy what he wants. Fucking lie. No asshole is like "SpEnD all my MoNeY while I'm aT WoRk!".
      You don't even bother to come up with common sense when making up what you believe.

  • @MarleneKerr-p6x
    @MarleneKerr-p6x Год назад

    There is no such thing as Mormonism your podcasts are full of slander against the church of jesus christ of latterday saints if people want to look for the good they can find it on latterday saint podcasts