What's Next For Clermont Florida? (6 Big Changes)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @vanessag6900
    @vanessag6900 12 дней назад +1

    Good videos as always. Could you cover Mascotte and what is there currently in terms of supermarket, hospital, etc... ? Thank you.

  • @TheHouseyApple
    @TheHouseyApple Месяц назад

    Another good video ,

  • @nyciron
    @nyciron Месяц назад

    Looking forward to the changes and at the same time don’t want to commercialize downtown. Like the mom and pop shops and restaurants

    • @OrlandowithMario
      @OrlandowithMario  29 дней назад

      Same, think it would lose its luster if it went too much in that direction.
      I get the stability of the commercial tenants, but we still need a Corelli’s lol

  • @henryi9738
    @henryi9738 Месяц назад +1

    Clermont is changing big time ! thank you. 😃👍

  • @javiertorres7460
    @javiertorres7460 10 дней назад

    Yeah ready for high texas bad traffic you don't want what's coming

  • @KlyeMatt
    @KlyeMatt Месяц назад

    Clermont’s traffic is only getting worse with the constant influx of new apartment developments, making commutes a nightmare. The area feels overcrowded, with infrastructure struggling to keep up. It’s not the first choice for many; people often move here because Orlando’s prices have pushed them out, not because they truly want to be in Clermont. There’s no jobs in Clermont beside low paying retail. Schools are below average.

  • @petabread91
    @petabread91 29 дней назад

    Hi Romario. Do you think home prices will ever come down in Clermont? My fiance and I have been trying to move there for years now but the home prices are insane. You got a new 450k home with only 1600 sqft.

    • @OrlandowithMario
      @OrlandowithMario  28 дней назад +2

      Hey! Never say never, so it is a possibility, but then begs the question…to what extent?
      I’d guess you’re not looking for a 3-5% pullback, but something more significant say 10-20% to make a meaningful difference for you. For that to happen, we’d have to double our inventory again.
      Median home price is up year over year in both Clermont zips, with a slight drop of units sold. The chance for a pullback is there, but in my opinion not one that grants you a meaningful dip in price.
      I’ve seen most folks either waiting till they can get what they want, whether that means saving up an extra year or so, or if they don’t have the luxury of time to, helping them make the most out of what they can buy in a current market that’s most favorable to buyers.
      Hope that made some sense, cheers!