Class - 313 // Ketu in the 9th house from Ascendant - Mastery in Scriptures

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @maheshseshadri490
    @maheshseshadri490 Год назад +5

    Thanks Sir my Ketu is placed in the 9 house and I total agree most the qualities which u have mentioned with me. From 2018 I have gone through major Spiritual transformation which every one in my family is surprised as I was not a very religious person. Now I have become very strong follower of Advaita teachings. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @umitburcugoksel7661
    @umitburcugoksel7661 Год назад +5

    I have this position in my ninth house in Bharani. I have been bullied throughout my education life whether from teachers or students. I have always felt closer to people who have been misunderstood, outcasted and not seen by others. I have a keen interest in the human psyche and some connectedness to animistic perception. But I can't fit into any tradition, I don't like the idea of teaching and passing knowledge. I just really love to make people see their potential.

    • @cinzazazaza4894
      @cinzazazaza4894 10 месяцев назад

      Same hire ,i have kethu and sun in the 9house

  • @justmylife777
    @justmylife777 6 месяцев назад +1

    True sir....always mocked....non smoker non alcoholic

  • @jamunav7304
    @jamunav7304 Год назад +1

    Really true

  • @user-uk9jjixgta
    @user-uk9jjixgta Год назад

    Absolutely right sir for ketu 9 house and practically experience of some other life is you said is excellent in depth phenomenal

  • @AdvaiticChrist
    @AdvaiticChrist Год назад +1

    Jesus had this placement with Virgo ♍ ascendant. 💯📿

    • @SijoyJacobVarghese
      @SijoyJacobVarghese Год назад +1

      I am a Virgo ascendant with Ketu in 9th house. Born on Dec 25th 😬😬

    • @AdvaiticChrist
      @AdvaiticChrist Год назад +2

      @@SijoyJacobVarghese 😂💯👏🏾 _Rahu in the 3rd House is said to make people do healings/miracles with their hands._

    • @SijoyJacobVarghese
      @SijoyJacobVarghese Год назад +1

      @@AdvaiticChrist But I feel Jesus Christ is more of a Piscean energy.

    • @AdvaiticChrist
      @AdvaiticChrist Год назад +2

      _People say that He is born of a virgin because Virgo in Sanskrit translates to Kanya; a female who is chaste/undefiled/virgin. And Jesus was a very clever man/saint (saying it in good terms) because people were doing crazy stuff during his time so he reformed the people through clever tactics. His 17 years of disappearance is not written in the Bible but his Ketu in the 9th shows him being fed up with conventional religion of his period. If you read his original teachings; the Gnostic Gospels (not included in the New Testament), they are extremely similar to the Upanishadic thoughts of the Rishis. Moreover Jesus remained in India for 6 years in the Jagannath temple of Puri where he learnt exorcism (Rahu 3rd: Healing with hands) and the vedic philosophy mainly Ādvaita (Ketu 9th: Showing Ātmajñāna; Knowledge of the Self). Mercury (Intellect) is required for Self Knowledge = Jñāna Yoga/Gnosis and Moon (Emotions) is required for Devotional attitude towards God. And Jesus being a Virgo ascendant is ruled by Mercury, so he used his Mercurian ability of deciphering/discrimination between the real (Brahman) and the apparent (Maya). Jesus in the Gnostic Gospels prescribes that going to man made holy places is less important when compared to the practice of Gnosis/Jñāna (Knowledge of the Self). Ketu in the 9th is perfect for a person to become a Yogi._
      _He had his 12th Lord in the 4th house meaning he brought the knowledge of the Upanishads from India (12th house; foreign land) back to his homeland (4th house) and taught them in his style which can be easily known through the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas. Catholic and Orthodox Christianity sees the Gnostic Gospels as being heretical but the fact lies in the similarity between his Gnostic teachings and the Upanishads._
      _A similar case is with the Buddha and his non-dual teachings as taught philosophically later by Nagarjuna._
      _Both Buddha and Christ were born when people were doing crazy things in the name of religion. In India it was the Brahmins being racist towards the Shudras and Buddha for this reason denied the Vedas and gave his interpretation to bring people out of their nonsense._
      _Mercury for this reason is called Budha. Because it is intellect. And both Christ and Buddha used their Mercurian intelligence to tackle the ones misusing the religion of their times._
      _But you are also right because he had his Ketu in Pisces in D9._

  • @cinzazazaza4894
    @cinzazazaza4894 10 месяцев назад

    Wath about when you have the sun and kethu together there ?cozz i have

  • @divyarajthakor509
    @divyarajthakor509 Год назад

    Sir what happens when ketu and Mars are in conjunction in 9th house

  • @DrInduchak
    @DrInduchak Год назад


  • @Torment4moment
    @Torment4moment Год назад

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge Can I use this reading for tropical chart positon ?

  • @devvanandh5371
    @devvanandh5371 Год назад

    Hi guriji am Sagittarius ascendant my ketu is placed in 9th house in magha nakshatra pada 1 with venus how it will be

  • @subhashsanghvi6356
    @subhashsanghvi6356 8 месяцев назад +1

    Ageed sir people with 9th house ketu are always misuderdtood. Their views are altogether different from the ordinary persons. They look clumsy and dull and are often ridiculed in their field