Thanks for the question. This #30daysSQLquerychallenge is helping a lot. Here is my approach With velocity as (select row_number() over() as rn,value as velocity from auto_repair where indicator='velocity'), level as (select row_number() over() as rn,value as level from auto_repair where indicator='level') select v.velocity, count(case when level='good' then velocity end) as good, count(case when level='wrong' then velocity end) as wrong, count(case when level='regular' then velocity end) as regular from velocity v join level l on v.rn=l.rn group by 1 order by velocity;
Great one as always Thoufik! Here's my approach. Thought I would use string manipulation and NTILE functions for a change ;) ===================================================== declare @partition int set @partition = (select COUNT(*) from auto_repair); with cte as (select NTILE(@partition/2) over(order by (select 1)) grp_num, * from auto_repair), cte2 as (select STRING_AGG(value, '-') value_agg from cte group by grp_num) select SUBSTRING(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg, 1) + 1, 5) as [Velocity], COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'good' then 1 else null end) [good], COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'wrong' then 1 else null end) [wrong], COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'regular' then 1 else null end) [regular] from cte2 group by SUBSTRING(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg, 1) + 1, 5) ======================================================
My approach to solve this (Mysql) with cte as ( select m.value as velocity, n.value as level from (select * from auto_repair where indicator ="level") n inner join (select * from auto_repair where indicator ="velocity") m on n.client = m.client and and n.repair_date = m.repair_date) select velocity, sum(if(level = "good",1,0))as "good", sum(if(level= "wrong",1,0)) as "wrong", sum(if(level= "regular",1,0)) as "wrong" from cte group by velocity order by velocity;
Hi sir, than you for all the hardwork you put in! This is an amazing series. :)) Below is my approach for this problem : with mycte as ( select new_velocity, case when new_velocity = x.value then (lag(x.value,1) over(partition by client, repair_date order by repair_date)) end as new_val from ( select *, case when indicator = 'velocity' then value else NULL end as new_velocity from auto_repair )as x ) select new_velocity as velocity, sum(case when new_val = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when new_val = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when new_val = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular from mycte where new_velocity is not null and new_val is not null group by new_velocity
with cte as ( select client ,repair_date , MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'level' then value END) as level , MAX(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) as velocity from auto_repair group by client ,repair_date ) select velocity , COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'good' then 1 END) as 'Good' , COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'wrong' then 1 END) as 'Wrong', COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'regular' then 1 END) as 'Regular' from cte group by velocity you could have optimized it.
suing MySQL and multiple CTEs with cte as ( select indicator, value, lag(value,1) over(partition by client,auto,repair_date order by repair_date) as vel from auto_repair), cte1 as( select * from cte where vel is not null), cte2 as(select value, vel, count(*) as num from cte1 group by value,vel) select value , max(case when vel = 'good' then num else 0 end) as good, max(case when vel = 'regular' then num else 0 end) as regular, max(case when vel = 'wrong' then num else 0 end) as wrong from cte2 group by value
with cte as ( select value as velocity ,lvl,count(*) as cnt from( select indicator,value,lag(value) over(order by client , auto,repair_date) as lvl from auto_repair )x where indicator ='velocity' group by 1,2 ) select velocity, sum(case when lvl='good' then cnt else 0 end) as good, sum(case when lvl='wrong' then cnt else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when lvl='regular' then cnt else 0 end) as regular from cte group by 1
with outmost as ( with final_cte as ( with cte as ( select concat(client , auto, repair_date) as key, value as val from auto_repair ) select distinct key, first_value(val) over(partition by key) as name, last_value(val) over(partition by key) as val from cte ) select val as velocity, case when name='good' then count(name) end as good, case when name='wrong' then count(name) end as wrong, case when name='regular' then count(name) end as regular from final_cte group by val, name ) select velocity, sum(coalesce(good,0)) as good, sum(coalesce(wrong,0)) as wrong, sum(coalesce(regular,0)) as regular from outmost group by velocity order by velocity
This is another approach for solving the problem with cte as( select sum(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) velocity, max(case when indicator = 'level' then value end) levels, repair_date,client,auto from auto_repair group by repair_date,client,auto) select velocity, case when sum(case when levels ='good' then 1 else 0 end) good, sum(case when levels = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) wrong, sum(case when levels = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) regular from cte group by velocity order by velocity;
Solution for MySQL Workbench :- with cte as( select v.value as velocity, l.value as level, count(1) as value from auto_repair l join auto_repair v on l.client = v.client and = and l.repair_date = v.repair_date where l.indicator = 'level' and v.indicator = 'velocity' group by v.value, l.value order by v.value, l.value ) select velocity, sum(case when level = "good" then value else 0 end) as good, sum(case when level = "wrong" then value else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when level = "regular" then value else 0 end) as regular from cte group by velocity;
Here is my approach using mysql with cte as (SELECT client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value,row_number() over () as rn FROM auto_repair ) ,cte1 as (select client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value, rn,lag(value) over (order by rn) as cnt from cte ) select value as Velocity,sum(case when cnt='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when cnt='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when cnt='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular from cte1 where indicator='velocity' group by value order by Velocity
--Alternative solution without using crosstab with cte as ( select l.value as level,v.value as velocity from auto_repair l join auto_repair v on l.client=v.client and and l.repair_Date=v.repair_date where l.indicator='level' and v.indicator='velocity' ) select velocity, sum(case when level='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when level='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when level='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular from cte group by velocity
Hello sir , In Joins , how to know, when to use 1 condition or when to use 3 conditions? Like here you joined level and Velocity Table by Self join auto=auto, client=client, repair date= repair date. How to figure out this when to use 3 columns for condition 6:50. Please reply 🙏
using Oracle: select listagg(case indicator when 'velocity' then value else null end, '') as velocity, listagg(case indicator when 'level' then value else null end, '') as lev from auto_repair group by client, repair_date ) select * from cte pivot ( count(lev) for lev in ('good' good, 'wrong' wrong, 'regular' regular )) order by velocity;
My solution -MSSQL with cte as( select indicator,value,lag(value) over(partition by client, auto, repair_date order by (select null) ) val from auto_repair) select value, sum(iif(val= 'good',1,0)) good, sum(iif(val = 'wrong', 1,0)) wrong , sum(iif(val = 'regular',1, 0)) regular from cte where val is not null group by value;
with a as(select *,lag(value) over(partition by client,auto,repair_date) as value2 from auto_repair) select value, sum(case when value2 = "good" then 1 end) as good, sum(case when value2 = "regular" then 1 end) as regular, sum(case when value2 = "wrong"then 1 end) as wrong from a where indicator = "velocity" group by 1;
with cte1 as (select level,velocity from auto_repair pivot( max(value) for indicator in (level,velocity) )piv), cte2 as( select velocity, level, count(*) as cn from cte1 group by level,velocity) select velocity, coalesce(good,0) as good, coalesce(wrong,0) as wrong, coalesce(regular,0) as regular from cte2 pivot( max(cn) for cte2.level in (good, wrong,regular) ) piv2
My simple approach- with indicator_cte as ( select l.value as level, v.value as velocity from `im-tesseract-dev.stud.auto_repair` l join `im-tesseract-dev.stud.auto_repair` v on l.client= v.client and and l.repair_date= v.repair_date where l.indicator= 'level' and v.indicator= 'velocity') select velocity, sum(case when level= 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when level= 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when level= 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular from indicator_cte group by 1 order by 1
with cte1 as ( select client, auto, repair_date, min(case when indicator = 'level' then value end) as indi, min(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) as velocity from auto_repair group by client, auto, repair_date ) select velocity, sum(case when indi = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when indi = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when indi = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular from cte1 group by velocity
solved in mysql with cte as (select v.value as velocity, l.value as level from auto_repair l join auto_repair v on l.client=v.client and and l.repair_date=v.repair_date where l.indicator='level' and v.indicator='velocity') select velocity, sum(case when level="good" then 1 else 0 end) as Good, sum(case when level="wrong" then 1 else 0 end) as Wrong, sum(case when level="Regular" then 1 else 0 end) as Regular from cte group by velocity order by velocity
with cte as (select velocity, level, count(1) as val from auto_repair pivot (max(value) for indicator in ([velocity],[level])) p group by velocity,level), cte2 as (select velocity, good, wrong, regular from cte pivot (max(val) for level in ([good],[wrong],[regular]) ) p ) select velocity, coalesce(good,0) as good, coalesce(wrong,0) as wrong, coalesce(regular,0) as regular from cte2
I tried on MY SQL @MY Sql Solution : with cte as (select V.value as velocity, l.value as level from auto_repair l join auto_repair V on l.client=V.client and and l.repair_date=V.repair_date where l.indicator='level' and V.indicator='velocity') select velocity, count(CASE WHEN level = 'good' THEN velocity END) AS good, count(CASE WHEN level = 'wrong' THEN velocity END) AS wrong, count(CASE WHEN level = 'regular' THEN velocity END) AS regular from cte group by velocity order by velocity;
@techTFQ How about this approach? with cte as ( select client, auto, repair_date, max(case when indicator='velocity' then value end) as velocity, max(case when value in ('good','regular','wrong') then value end) as level from auto_repair group by client, auto, repair_date ) select velocity, sum(case when level='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when level='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when level='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular from cte group by velocity order by velocity;
;with cte as ( select *,row_number()over(order by (select null)) as rn from auto_repair),cte2 as ( select *, case when indicator='velocity' then lag(value)over(order by rn ) else null end as vel_val from cte ) select value as velocity, sum(case when vel_val='good' then 1 else 0 end ) as good, sum(case when vel_val='wrong' then 1 else 0 end ) as wrong, sum(case when vel_val='regular' then 1 else 0 end ) as regular from cte2 where vel_val is not null group by value
select velocity ,count(case level when 'good' then 1 end) good ,count(case level when 'wrong' then 1 end) wrong ,count(case level when 'regular' then 1 end) regular from ( select a.value velocity, b.value level from auto_repair a join (select * from auto_repair where indicator like 'level') b on a.client=b.client and and a.repair_date = b.repair_date where a.indicator like 'velocity') t group by velocity
with cte as ( select * from auto_repair pivot(max(value) for indicator in ('level', 'velocity')) as p(client, auto, repair_date, level, velocity) order by client, auto ), cte1 as ( select *, case when level = 'good' then 'good' else null end as good, case when level = 'wrong' then 'wrong' else null end as wrong, case when level = 'regular' then 'regular' else null end as regular from cte ) select velocity, count(good) as good, count(wrong) as wrong, count(regular) as regular from cte1 group by velocity order by velocity;
MySQL Solution - with cte as ( select v.value velocity, l.value level, count(v.value) as cnt from auto_repair v join auto_repair l on v.client = l.client and v.repair_date = l.repair_date and = where v.indicator = 'velocity' and l.indicator = 'level' group by v.value,l.value ) select velocity, sum(case when level = 'good' then cnt else 0 end ) as good, sum(case when level = 'wrong' then cnt else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when level = 'regular' then cnt else 0 end ) as regular from cte group by velocity order by velocity
my logic goes like: with cte as (select client, auto, repair_date, group_concat(value) as value from repair_day_10 r group by client, auto, repair_date), cte_2 as (select *, SUBSTRING_INDEX(value, ',', -1) as num from cte) select num as velocity, sum(case when value like "good%" then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when value like "wrong%" then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when value like "regular%" then 1 else 0 end) as regular from cte_2 group by 1 order by 1;
with cte as ( select t2.value as velocity,t1.value as level from auto_repair t1 join auto_repair t2 on t1.client=t2.client and and t1.repair_date=t2.repair_date where t1.indicator='level' and t2.indicator='velocity') select velocity, sum(case when level='good' Then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when level='wrong' Then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when level='regular' Then 1 else 0 end) as regular from cte group by velocity
select velocity,sum(good)as good,sum(wrong)as wrong,sum(regular)as regular from (select ar.client,,ar.repair_date, max(case when indicator='velocity' then value end) as velocity, sum(case when value='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when value='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when value='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular from auto_repair ar group by client,auto,repair_date)A group by velocity order by velocity;
-- How to create second table from first table(image attached) client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value WITH CTE AS ( select V. value AS VELOCITY, L. value from auto_repair L JOIN auto_repair V ON L.client= V.client AND L. auto= V. auto AND L. repair_date= V.repair_date WHERE L.indicator= "LEVEL" AND V.indicator='velocity'), CTEA AS ( SELECT VELOCITY, value, count(value) AS REPTS FROM CTE group by VELOCITY, value order by VELOCITY, value) SELECT VELOCITY, MAX(CASE WHEN value= "wrong" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS wrong, MAX(CASE WHEN value= "good" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS good, MAX(CASE WHEN value= "regular" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS regular FROM CTEA GROUP BY VELOCITY;
we can avoid doing the join with the help of window function as this can improve the performance, my approach is below -----mysql approach with cte as ( select *, lag(value) over(order by client) as 'level' from auto_repair ), cte_final as ( select value as velocity, sum(case when level = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(case when level = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when level = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular from cte where indicator='velocity' group by 1 order by 1 ) select * from cte_final;
-- SOLUTION1: Using GROUPBY, MAX(), SUM() SELECT velocity , SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'good' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'good' , SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'wrong' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 'wrong' , SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'regular' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 'regular' FROM ( SELECT client, auto, repair_date , MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'level' THEN value END) AS level , MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'velocity' THEN value END) AS velocity FROM auto_repair GROUP BY client, auto, repair_date ) subquery GROUP BY velocity; -- SOLUTION 2: Using INNER JOIN and SUM(CASE WHEN), GROUPBY SELECT v.[value] , SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'good' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'good' , SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'wrong' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'wrong' , SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'regular' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'regular' FROM auto_repair l JOIN auto_repair v ON l.client = v.client AND l.[auto] = v.[auto] AND l.repair_date = v.repair_date WHERE l.indicator = 'level' AND v.indicator = 'velocity' GROUP BY v.[value]; -- SOLUTION 3: Using LEAD(), ROW_NUMBER(), COUNT() SELECT value_lead , COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'good' THEN 1 END) AS 'good' , COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'wrong' THEN 1 END) AS 'wrong' , COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'regular' THEN 1 END) AS 'regular' FROM ( SELECT * , LEAD(value) OVER(PARTITION BY client, auto, repair_date ORDER BY client) AS value_lead , ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY client, auto, repair_date ORDER BY client) AS rn FROM auto_repair ) table_x WHERE rn = 1 GROUP BY value_lead;
Here's my solution WITH VELOCITY AS ( SELECT * FROM auto_repair WHERE INDICATOR = 'velocity'), level as ( SELECT * FROM auto_repair WHERE indicator = 'level' ) SELECT A.VALUE, sum(CASE WHEN B.VALUE = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good, sum(CASE WHEN B.VALUE = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong, sum(case when B.VALUE = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular FROM VELOCITY A JOIN LEVEL B ON A.CLIENT = B.CLIENT AND A.AUTO=B.AUTO AND A.REPAIR_DATE = B.REPAIR_DATE GROUP BY A.VALUE
Hi, in your download file is it a little bit different from your video presentaion, in the your file is the field "Count" listet, and this makes a wrong result. Can u check it please. The results a different as your online presentation. Ty. 😇 -- Solution using PIVOT in Micrososft SQLServer select * from ( select v.value velocity, l.value level,count(1) as count😇 from auto_repair l join auto_repair v on and v.repair_date=l.repair_date and l.client=v.client where l.indicator='level' and v.indicator='velocity' group by v.value,l.value ) bq pivot ( count(level) for level in ([good],[wrong],[regular]) ) pq; velocity count good wrong regular 50 1 0 1 0 70 1 0 1 0 80 1 1 0 1 90 2 1 0 0
You should use SUM(count) in the pivot query pq. It would give the correct result then. I have solved in similar way. It would be good if you change the name of 3 column in base query to something else since COUNT is a pre defined function
hello everyone, here i share my query which is same as thoufiq but only diffrence is in the second argument in the crosstab function, and i don't know why i am not getting same ans as him insted i am getting some erorr. if any one could assist me that would be greatfull. SELECT * FROM crosstab( 'SELECT v.value AS velocity, l.value AS level, COUNT(1) AS cnt FROM auto_repair l JOIN auto_repair v ON v.client = l.client AND = AND l.repair_date = v.repair_date WHERE l.indicator = ''level'' AND v.indicator = ''velocity'' GROUP BY v.value, l.value ORDER BY v.value' , ('good', 'regular', 'wrong') ) AS result(velocity VARCHAR, good BIGINT, regular BIGINT, wrong BIGINT);
with cte as ( select value, row_number() over() as count from auto_repair where indicator = 'velocity'), cte1 as (select value, row_number() over() as count from auto_repair where indicator = 'level') select c.value as velocity, count(case when c1.value = 'good' then c.value end) as 'good', count(case when c1.value = 'wrong' then c.value end) as 'wrong', count(case when c1.value = 'regular' then c.value end) as 'regular' from cte c join cte1 c1 on c.count = c1.count group by c.value order by c.value
-- MY APPROACH: ------------- 1. CREATE VIEW a table including 3 columns: Value; Level; COUNT(level) GROUP BY Value, Level CREATE VIEW cte AS ( SELECT value, lag, COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT *, LAG(value) OVER(PARTITION BY client, repair_date) FROM input_10) WHERE indicator = 'velocity' GROUP BY value, lag) ------------- 2. Use CROSSTAB to PIVOT TABLE SELECT * FROM crosstab ('SELECT * FROM cte', 'SELECT DISTINCT(lag) FROM cte ORDER BY lag') AS RESULT (velocity INT, good INT, regular INT, wrong INT)
This is the Solution for MYSQL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With CTE AS ( Select V.value as Velocity, L.value as Level, count(1) as Count_Value from auto_repair L join auto_repair V on L.client = V.client and = and L.repair_date = V.repair_date where L.indicator = 'level' and V.indicator = 'velocity' group by V.value, L.value order by V.value, L.value) Select Velocity, sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'good' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Good, sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'wrong' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Wrong, sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'regular' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Regular from CTE group by Velocity order by Velocity
Simply too good! Thanks Tofiq for all your effort.
Thanks for the question. This #30daysSQLquerychallenge is helping a lot.
Here is my approach
With velocity as (select row_number() over() as rn,value as velocity from auto_repair
where indicator='velocity'),
level as
(select row_number() over() as rn,value as level from auto_repair
where indicator='level')
select v.velocity,
count(case when level='good' then velocity end) as good,
count(case when level='wrong' then velocity end) as wrong,
count(case when level='regular' then velocity end) as regular
from velocity v
level l
on v.rn=l.rn
group by 1
order by velocity;
Wow so interesting
Why i am addicted to this type of questions ??
i am watching all of sql video one by one and learning new things in every video
Great one as always Thoufik!
Here's my approach. Thought I would use string manipulation and NTILE functions for a change ;)
declare @partition int
set @partition = (select COUNT(*) from auto_repair);
with cte as (select NTILE(@partition/2) over(order by (select 1)) grp_num, *
from auto_repair),
cte2 as (select STRING_AGG(value, '-') value_agg
from cte
group by grp_num)
select SUBSTRING(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg, 1) + 1, 5) as [Velocity],
COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'good' then 1 else null end) [good],
COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'wrong' then 1 else null end) [wrong],
COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'regular' then 1 else null end) [regular]
from cte2
group by SUBSTRING(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg, 1) + 1, 5)
My approach to solve this (Mysql) with cte as (
select m.value as velocity, n.value as level
(select *
from auto_repair
where indicator ="level") n
inner join
(select *
from auto_repair
where indicator ="velocity") m
on n.client = m.client and and n.repair_date = m.repair_date)
select velocity,
sum(if(level = "good",1,0))as "good",
sum(if(level= "wrong",1,0)) as "wrong",
sum(if(level= "regular",1,0)) as "wrong"
from cte
group by velocity
order by velocity;
Hi sir, than you for all the hardwork you put in! This is an amazing series. :)) Below is my approach for this problem :
with mycte as
select new_velocity,
case when new_velocity = x.value then (lag(x.value,1) over(partition by client, repair_date order by repair_date)) end as new_val
select *,
case when indicator = 'velocity' then value else NULL end as new_velocity
from auto_repair
)as x
select new_velocity as velocity,
sum(case when new_val = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when new_val = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when new_val = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from mycte
where new_velocity is not null and new_val is not null
group by new_velocity
this is the correct solution, I done this at the same way
with cte as (
select client ,repair_date , MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'level' then value END) as level ,
MAX(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) as velocity
from auto_repair
group by client ,repair_date
select velocity ,
COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'good' then 1 END) as 'Good' ,
COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'wrong' then 1 END) as 'Wrong',
COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'regular' then 1 END) as 'Regular'
from cte
group by velocity
you could have optimized it.
suing MySQL and multiple CTEs
with cte as (
select indicator, value,
lag(value,1) over(partition by client,auto,repair_date order by repair_date) as vel
from auto_repair),
cte1 as(
select * from cte
where vel is not null),
cte2 as(select value, vel, count(*) as num
from cte1
group by value,vel)
value ,
max(case when vel = 'good' then num else 0 end) as good,
max(case when vel = 'regular' then num else 0 end) as regular,
max(case when vel = 'wrong' then num else 0 end) as wrong
from cte2
group by value
with cte as (
select value as velocity ,lvl,count(*) as cnt from(
select indicator,value,lag(value) over(order by client , auto,repair_date) as lvl from auto_repair
)x where indicator ='velocity'
group by 1,2
select velocity,
sum(case when lvl='good' then cnt else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when lvl='wrong' then cnt else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when lvl='regular' then cnt else 0 end) as regular
from cte
group by 1
Many thanks Thoufiq! Using MSSQL.
with outmost as (
with final_cte as (
with cte as (
select concat(client , auto, repair_date) as key, value as val from auto_repair
select distinct key, first_value(val) over(partition by key) as name, last_value(val) over(partition by key) as val from cte
select val as velocity, case when name='good' then count(name) end as good,
case when name='wrong' then count(name) end as wrong,
case when name='regular' then count(name) end as regular from final_cte
group by val, name
select velocity, sum(coalesce(good,0)) as good, sum(coalesce(wrong,0)) as wrong, sum(coalesce(regular,0)) as regular from outmost
group by velocity
order by velocity
This is another approach for solving the problem
with cte as(
select sum(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) velocity,
max(case when indicator = 'level' then value end) levels, repair_date,client,auto from auto_repair
group by repair_date,client,auto)
select velocity,
case when sum(case when levels ='good' then 1 else 0 end) good,
sum(case when levels = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) wrong,
sum(case when levels = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) regular
from cte group by velocity order by velocity;
Thank you sir, I want to learn this kind of complex query from you. If you are providing any training then I am eager to join sir
Solution for MySQL Workbench :-
with cte as(
select v.value as velocity, l.value as level, count(1) as value
from auto_repair l
join auto_repair v
on l.client = v.client and = and l.repair_date = v.repair_date
where l.indicator = 'level' and v.indicator = 'velocity'
group by v.value, l.value
order by v.value, l.value
select velocity,
sum(case when level = "good" then value else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when level = "wrong" then value else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when level = "regular" then value else 0 end) as regular
from cte
group by velocity;
Nice problem thanks for giving some tricky 😊questions to slove
Here is my approach using mysql
with cte as (SELECT client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value,row_number() over () as rn FROM auto_repair )
,cte1 as (select client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value, rn,lag(value) over (order by rn) as cnt from cte )
select value as Velocity,sum(case when cnt='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when cnt='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when cnt='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from cte1 where indicator='velocity' group by value order by Velocity
--Alternative solution without using crosstab
with cte as (
select l.value as level,v.value as velocity
from auto_repair l
join auto_repair v on l.client=v.client and and l.repair_Date=v.repair_date
where l.indicator='level' and v.indicator='velocity'
select velocity,
sum(case when level='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when level='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when level='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from cte
group by velocity
Thanks a lot , Sir
Hello sir , In Joins , how to know, when to use 1 condition or when to use 3 conditions?
Like here you joined level and Velocity Table by Self join auto=auto, client=client, repair date= repair date. How to figure out this when to use 3 columns for condition 6:50. Please reply 🙏
we have to check how we can make a table row unqiue. If we select only 1 or 2 column it would have made records not unique so we are using 3 columns
Wow thank You!
using Oracle:
listagg(case indicator when 'velocity' then value else null end, '') as velocity,
listagg(case indicator when 'level' then value else null end, '') as lev
from auto_repair
group by client, repair_date
select *
from cte
pivot (
count(lev) for lev in ('good' good, 'wrong' wrong, 'regular' regular ))
order by velocity;
My solution -MSSQL
with cte as(
select indicator,value,lag(value) over(partition by client, auto, repair_date
order by (select null)
) val from auto_repair)
select value,
sum(iif(val= 'good',1,0)) good,
sum(iif(val = 'wrong', 1,0)) wrong ,
sum(iif(val = 'regular',1, 0)) regular
from cte
where val is not null
group by value;
Thank You so much
with a as(select *,lag(value) over(partition by client,auto,repair_date) as value2
from auto_repair)
select value,
sum(case when value2 = "good" then 1 end) as good,
sum(case when value2 = "regular" then 1 end) as regular,
sum(case when value2 = "wrong"then 1 end) as wrong
from a
where indicator = "velocity"
group by 1;
with cte1 as
(select level,velocity from auto_repair
max(value) for indicator in (level,velocity)
cte2 as(
select velocity, level, count(*) as cn from cte1 group by level,velocity)
select velocity, coalesce(good,0) as good, coalesce(wrong,0) as wrong, coalesce(regular,0) as regular from cte2
max(cn) for cte2.level
in (good, wrong,regular)
) piv2
My simple approach-
with indicator_cte as (
select l.value as level, v.value as velocity
from `im-tesseract-dev.stud.auto_repair` l
join `im-tesseract-dev.stud.auto_repair` v
on l.client= v.client and and l.repair_date= v.repair_date
where l.indicator= 'level' and v.indicator= 'velocity')
sum(case when level= 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when level= 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when level= 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from indicator_cte
group by 1
order by 1
with cte1 as
select client, auto, repair_date,
min(case when indicator = 'level' then value end) as indi,
min(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) as velocity
from auto_repair
group by client, auto, repair_date
select velocity,
sum(case when indi = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when indi = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when indi = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from cte1
group by velocity
solved in mysql
with cte as
(select v.value as velocity, l.value as level
from auto_repair l
join auto_repair v
on l.client=v.client and and l.repair_date=v.repair_date
where l.indicator='level' and v.indicator='velocity')
select velocity,
sum(case when level="good" then 1 else 0 end) as Good,
sum(case when level="wrong" then 1 else 0 end) as Wrong,
sum(case when level="Regular" then 1 else 0 end) as Regular
from cte
group by velocity
order by velocity
with cte as
(select velocity, level, count(1) as val from auto_repair pivot
(max(value) for indicator in ([velocity],[level])) p
group by velocity,level),
cte2 as (select velocity, good, wrong, regular
from cte pivot (max(val) for level in ([good],[wrong],[regular]) ) p
select velocity, coalesce(good,0) as good, coalesce(wrong,0) as wrong, coalesce(regular,0) as regular
from cte2
I tried on MY SQL @MY Sql Solution :
with cte as
(select V.value as velocity, l.value as level from auto_repair l
join auto_repair V
on l.client=V.client and and l.repair_date=V.repair_date
where l.indicator='level' and V.indicator='velocity')
select velocity,
count(CASE WHEN level = 'good' THEN velocity END) AS good,
count(CASE WHEN level = 'wrong' THEN velocity END) AS wrong,
count(CASE WHEN level = 'regular' THEN velocity END) AS regular
from cte
group by velocity
order by velocity;
@techTFQ How about this approach?
with cte as (
select client, auto, repair_date,
max(case when indicator='velocity' then value end) as velocity,
max(case when value in ('good','regular','wrong') then value end) as level
from auto_repair
group by client, auto, repair_date
select velocity,
sum(case when level='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when level='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when level='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from cte
group by velocity
order by velocity;
;with cte as (
select *,row_number()over(order by (select null)) as rn
from auto_repair),cte2 as (
select *,
case when indicator='velocity' then lag(value)over(order by rn ) else null end as vel_val
from cte )
select value as velocity,
sum(case when vel_val='good' then 1 else 0 end ) as good,
sum(case when vel_val='wrong' then 1 else 0 end ) as wrong,
sum(case when vel_val='regular' then 1 else 0 end ) as regular
from cte2 where vel_val is not null
group by value
Here it's my approach in MSSQL...
select velocity
,count(case level when 'good' then 1 end) good
,count(case level when 'wrong' then 1 end) wrong
,count(case level when 'regular' then 1 end) regular
from (
select a.value velocity, b.value level
from auto_repair a
(select * from auto_repair
where indicator like 'level') b
on a.client=b.client and and a.repair_date = b.repair_date
where a.indicator like 'velocity') t
group by velocity
with cte as (
select *
from auto_repair
pivot(max(value) for indicator in ('level', 'velocity'))
as p(client, auto, repair_date, level, velocity)
order by client, auto
cte1 as (
select *,
case when level = 'good' then 'good' else null end as good,
case when level = 'wrong' then 'wrong' else null end as wrong,
case when level = 'regular' then 'regular' else null end as regular
from cte
select velocity, count(good) as good, count(wrong) as wrong, count(regular) as regular
from cte1
group by velocity
order by velocity;
MySQL Solution -
with cte as (
select v.value velocity, l.value level, count(v.value) as cnt
from auto_repair v
join auto_repair l
on v.client = l.client and v.repair_date = l.repair_date and =
where v.indicator = 'velocity' and l.indicator = 'level'
group by v.value,l.value
select velocity,
sum(case when level = 'good' then cnt else 0 end ) as good,
sum(case when level = 'wrong' then cnt else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when level = 'regular' then cnt else 0 end ) as regular
from cte
group by velocity
order by velocity
my logic goes like:
with cte as
(select client, auto, repair_date, group_concat(value) as value
from repair_day_10 r
group by client, auto, repair_date),
cte_2 as
(select *, SUBSTRING_INDEX(value, ',', -1) as num
from cte)
select num as velocity,
sum(case when value like "good%" then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when value like "wrong%" then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when value like "regular%" then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from cte_2
group by 1
order by 1;
with cte as
select t2.value as velocity,t1.value as level from auto_repair t1
join auto_repair t2
on t1.client=t2.client and and t1.repair_date=t2.repair_date
where t1.indicator='level' and t2.indicator='velocity')
select velocity,
sum(case when level='good' Then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when level='wrong' Then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when level='regular' Then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from cte
group by velocity
select velocity,sum(good)as good,sum(wrong)as wrong,sum(regular)as regular from
(select ar.client,,ar.repair_date,
max(case when indicator='velocity' then value end) as velocity,
sum(case when value='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when value='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when value='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from auto_repair ar
group by client,auto,repair_date)A
group by velocity
order by velocity;
-- How to create second table from first table(image attached) client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value
select V. value AS VELOCITY, L. value from auto_repair L JOIN auto_repair V ON L.client= V.client AND L. auto= V. auto AND L. repair_date= V.repair_date
WHERE L.indicator= "LEVEL" AND V.indicator='velocity'),
SELECT VELOCITY, value, count(value) AS REPTS
FROM CTE group by VELOCITY, value order by VELOCITY, value)
MAX(CASE WHEN value= "wrong" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS wrong,
MAX(CASE WHEN value= "good" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS good,
MAX(CASE WHEN value= "regular" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS regular
using the T-SQL function looks more better...
we can avoid doing the join with the help of window function as this can improve the performance, my approach is below
-----mysql approach
with cte as (
select *, lag(value) over(order by client) as 'level' from auto_repair
cte_final as (
select value as velocity, sum(case when level = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(case when level = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when level = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
from cte where indicator='velocity' group by 1 order by 1
select * from cte_final;
SELECT velocity
, SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'good' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'good'
, SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'wrong' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 'wrong'
, SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'regular' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 'regular'
SELECT client, auto, repair_date
, MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'level' THEN value END) AS level
, MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'velocity' THEN value END) AS velocity
FROM auto_repair
GROUP BY client, auto, repair_date
) subquery
GROUP BY velocity;
SELECT v.[value]
, SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'good' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'good'
, SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'wrong' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'wrong'
, SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'regular' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'regular'
FROM auto_repair l
JOIN auto_repair v
ON l.client = v.client AND l.[auto] = v.[auto] AND l.repair_date = v.repair_date
WHERE l.indicator = 'level' AND v.indicator = 'velocity'
GROUP BY v.[value];
SELECT value_lead
, COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'good' THEN 1 END) AS 'good'
, COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'wrong' THEN 1 END) AS 'wrong'
, COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'regular' THEN 1 END) AS 'regular'
, LEAD(value) OVER(PARTITION BY client, auto, repair_date ORDER BY client) AS value_lead
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY client, auto, repair_date ORDER BY client) AS rn
FROM auto_repair
) table_x
WHERE rn = 1
GROUP BY value_lead;
Here's my solution
SELECT * FROM auto_repair
WHERE INDICATOR = 'velocity'),
level as (
SELECT * FROM auto_repair
WHERE indicator = 'level'
sum(CASE WHEN B.VALUE = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
sum(CASE WHEN B.VALUE = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
sum(case when B.VALUE = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
Hi, in your download file is it a little bit different from your video presentaion, in the your file is the field "Count" listet, and this makes a wrong result. Can u check it please. The results a different as your online presentation. Ty. 😇
-- Solution using PIVOT in Micrososft SQLServer
select *
select v.value velocity, l.value level,count(1) as count😇
from auto_repair l
join auto_repair v on and v.repair_date=l.repair_date and l.client=v.client
where l.indicator='level'
and v.indicator='velocity'
group by v.value,l.value
) bq
for level in ([good],[wrong],[regular])
) pq;
velocity count good wrong regular
50 1 0 1 0
70 1 0 1 0
80 1 1 0 1
90 2 1 0 0
You should use SUM(count) in the pivot query pq. It would give the correct result then. I have solved in similar way. It would be good if you change the name of 3 column in base query to something else since COUNT is a pre defined function
Yes, Sum is the solution, look in the code of
@saralavasudevan5167, she offer the correct solution of the task #11
hello everyone, here i share my query which is same as thoufiq but only diffrence is in the second argument in the crosstab function, and i don't know why i am not getting same ans as him insted i am getting some erorr. if any one could assist me that would be greatfull.
FROM crosstab(
'SELECT v.value AS velocity, l.value AS level, COUNT(1) AS cnt
FROM auto_repair l
JOIN auto_repair v ON v.client = l.client AND = AND l.repair_date = v.repair_date
WHERE l.indicator = ''level'' AND v.indicator = ''velocity''
GROUP BY v.value, l.value
ORDER BY v.value' ,
('good', 'regular', 'wrong')
) AS result(velocity VARCHAR, good BIGINT, regular BIGINT, wrong BIGINT);
with cte as (
select value,
row_number() over() as count
from auto_repair
where indicator = 'velocity'),
cte1 as (select value,
row_number() over() as count
from auto_repair
where indicator = 'level')
select c.value as velocity,
count(case when c1.value = 'good' then c.value end) as 'good',
count(case when c1.value = 'wrong' then c.value end) as 'wrong',
count(case when c1.value = 'regular' then c.value end) as 'regular'
from cte c
join cte1 c1 on c.count = c1.count
group by c.value
order by c.value
The function 'row_number' must have an OVER clause with ORDER BY.
------------- 1. CREATE VIEW a table including 3 columns: Value; Level; COUNT(level) GROUP BY Value, Level
SELECT value, lag, COUNT(*)
FROM (SELECT *, LAG(value) OVER(PARTITION BY client, repair_date)
FROM input_10)
WHERE indicator = 'velocity'
GROUP BY value, lag)
------------- 2. Use CROSSTAB to PIVOT TABLE
SELECT * FROM crosstab ('SELECT * FROM cte',
AS RESULT (velocity INT, good INT, regular INT, wrong INT)
This is the Solution for MYSQL
With CTE AS (
Select V.value as Velocity, L.value as Level, count(1) as Count_Value
auto_repair L
join auto_repair V
on L.client = V.client and = and L.repair_date = V.repair_date
where L.indicator = 'level' and
V.indicator = 'velocity'
group by V.value, L.value
order by V.value, L.value)
sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'good' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Good,
sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'wrong' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Wrong,
sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'regular' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Regular
from CTE
group by Velocity
order by Velocity