Auto Repair - SQL Interview Query 10 | SQL Problem Level "HARD"

  • Опубликовано: 15 янв 2025

Комментарии • 59

  • @sujathapullareddy7726
    @sujathapullareddy7726 5 месяцев назад

    Simply too good! Thanks Tofiq for all your effort.

  • @Savenature635
    @Savenature635 10 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks for the question. This #30daysSQLquerychallenge is helping a lot.
    Here is my approach
    With velocity as (select row_number() over() as rn,value as velocity from auto_repair
    where indicator='velocity'),
    level as
    (select row_number() over() as rn,value as level from auto_repair
    where indicator='level')
    select v.velocity,
    count(case when level='good' then velocity end) as good,
    count(case when level='wrong' then velocity end) as wrong,
    count(case when level='regular' then velocity end) as regular
    from velocity v
    level l
    on v.rn=l.rn
    group by 1
    order by velocity;

    • @haleylearn
      @haleylearn 7 месяцев назад

      Wow so interesting

  • @splendidabhi
    @splendidabhi 9 месяцев назад

    Why i am addicted to this type of questions ??
    i am watching all of sql video one by one and learning new things in every video

  • @varunas9784
    @varunas9784 6 месяцев назад

    Great one as always Thoufik!
    Here's my approach. Thought I would use string manipulation and NTILE functions for a change ;)
    declare @partition int
    set @partition = (select COUNT(*) from auto_repair);
    with cte as (select NTILE(@partition/2) over(order by (select 1)) grp_num, *
    from auto_repair),
    cte2 as (select STRING_AGG(value, '-') value_agg
    from cte
    group by grp_num)
    select SUBSTRING(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg, 1) + 1, 5) as [Velocity],
    COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'good' then 1 else null end) [good],
    COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'wrong' then 1 else null end) [wrong],
    COUNT(case when (LEFT(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg,1) - 1)) = 'regular' then 1 else null end) [regular]
    from cte2
    group by SUBSTRING(value_agg, CHARINDEX('-', value_agg, 1) + 1, 5)

  • @ishanshubham8355
    @ishanshubham8355 10 месяцев назад +5

    My approach to solve this (Mysql) with cte as (
    select m.value as velocity, n.value as level
    (select *
    from auto_repair
    where indicator ="level") n
    inner join
    (select *
    from auto_repair
    where indicator ="velocity") m
    on n.client = m.client and and n.repair_date = m.repair_date)
    select velocity,
    sum(if(level = "good",1,0))as "good",
    sum(if(level= "wrong",1,0)) as "wrong",
    sum(if(level= "regular",1,0)) as "wrong"
    from cte
    group by velocity
    order by velocity;

  • @saralavasudevan5167
    @saralavasudevan5167 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hi sir, than you for all the hardwork you put in! This is an amazing series. :)) Below is my approach for this problem :
    with mycte as
    select new_velocity,
    case when new_velocity = x.value then (lag(x.value,1) over(partition by client, repair_date order by repair_date)) end as new_val
    select *,
    case when indicator = 'velocity' then value else NULL end as new_velocity
    from auto_repair
    )as x
    select new_velocity as velocity,
    sum(case when new_val = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when new_val = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when new_val = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from mycte
    where new_velocity is not null and new_val is not null
    group by new_velocity

    • @CebuProvince
      @CebuProvince 10 месяцев назад

      this is the correct solution, I done this at the same way

    • @OmkarPatil-r9r
      @OmkarPatil-r9r 10 месяцев назад

      with cte as (
      select client ,repair_date , MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'level' then value END) as level ,
      MAX(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) as velocity
      from auto_repair
      group by client ,repair_date
      select velocity ,
      COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'good' then 1 END) as 'Good' ,
      COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'wrong' then 1 END) as 'Wrong',
      COUNT(CASE WHEN level = 'regular' then 1 END) as 'Regular'
      from cte
      group by velocity
      you could have optimized it.

  • @apppu1k221
    @apppu1k221 5 месяцев назад +1

    suing MySQL and multiple CTEs
    with cte as (
    select indicator, value,
    lag(value,1) over(partition by client,auto,repair_date order by repair_date) as vel
    from auto_repair),
    cte1 as(
    select * from cte
    where vel is not null),
    cte2 as(select value, vel, count(*) as num
    from cte1
    group by value,vel)
    value ,
    max(case when vel = 'good' then num else 0 end) as good,
    max(case when vel = 'regular' then num else 0 end) as regular,
    max(case when vel = 'wrong' then num else 0 end) as wrong
    from cte2
    group by value

  • @shivinmehta7368
    @shivinmehta7368 8 месяцев назад +1

    with cte as (
    select value as velocity ,lvl,count(*) as cnt from(
    select indicator,value,lag(value) over(order by client , auto,repair_date) as lvl from auto_repair
    )x where indicator ='velocity'
    group by 1,2
    select velocity,
    sum(case when lvl='good' then cnt else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when lvl='wrong' then cnt else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when lvl='regular' then cnt else 0 end) as regular
    from cte
    group by 1

  • @rojas556
    @rojas556 10 месяцев назад

    Many thanks Thoufiq! Using MSSQL.

  • @growtogether1341
    @growtogether1341 2 месяца назад

    with outmost as (
    with final_cte as (
    with cte as (
    select concat(client , auto, repair_date) as key, value as val from auto_repair
    select distinct key, first_value(val) over(partition by key) as name, last_value(val) over(partition by key) as val from cte
    select val as velocity, case when name='good' then count(name) end as good,
    case when name='wrong' then count(name) end as wrong,
    case when name='regular' then count(name) end as regular from final_cte
    group by val, name
    select velocity, sum(coalesce(good,0)) as good, sum(coalesce(wrong,0)) as wrong, sum(coalesce(regular,0)) as regular from outmost
    group by velocity
    order by velocity

  • @VijayKumarGode-t1c
    @VijayKumarGode-t1c 10 месяцев назад

    This is another approach for solving the problem
    with cte as(
    select sum(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) velocity,
    max(case when indicator = 'level' then value end) levels, repair_date,client,auto from auto_repair
    group by repair_date,client,auto)
    select velocity,
    case when sum(case when levels ='good' then 1 else 0 end) good,
    sum(case when levels = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) wrong,
    sum(case when levels = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) regular
    from cte group by velocity order by velocity;

  • @alokkumarsahu3035
    @alokkumarsahu3035 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you sir, I want to learn this kind of complex query from you. If you are providing any training then I am eager to join sir

  • @VaibhavGupta-j4i
    @VaibhavGupta-j4i 10 месяцев назад +1

    Solution for MySQL Workbench :-
    with cte as(
    select v.value as velocity, l.value as level, count(1) as value
    from auto_repair l
    join auto_repair v
    on l.client = v.client and = and l.repair_date = v.repair_date
    where l.indicator = 'level' and v.indicator = 'velocity'
    group by v.value, l.value
    order by v.value, l.value
    select velocity,
    sum(case when level = "good" then value else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when level = "wrong" then value else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when level = "regular" then value else 0 end) as regular
    from cte
    group by velocity;

  • @Ak12345-g
    @Ak12345-g 10 месяцев назад

    Nice problem thanks for giving some tricky 😊questions to slove

  • @Satish_____Sharma
    @Satish_____Sharma 10 месяцев назад +1

    Here is my approach using mysql
    with cte as (SELECT client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value,row_number() over () as rn FROM auto_repair )
    ,cte1 as (select client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value, rn,lag(value) over (order by rn) as cnt from cte )
    select value as Velocity,sum(case when cnt='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when cnt='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when cnt='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from cte1 where indicator='velocity' group by value order by Velocity

  • @Kirankumar-ml1ro
    @Kirankumar-ml1ro 4 месяца назад

    --Alternative solution without using crosstab
    with cte as (
    select l.value as level,v.value as velocity
    from auto_repair l
    join auto_repair v on l.client=v.client and and l.repair_Date=v.repair_date
    where l.indicator='level' and v.indicator='velocity'
    select velocity,
    sum(case when level='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when level='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when level='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from cte
    group by velocity

    @RABBANIBAJISHAIK 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks a lot , Sir

  • @sass520
    @sass520 6 месяцев назад

    Hello sir , In Joins , how to know, when to use 1 condition or when to use 3 conditions?
    Like here you joined level and Velocity Table by Self join auto=auto, client=client, repair date= repair date. How to figure out this when to use 3 columns for condition 6:50. Please reply 🙏

    • @AbhishekSharma-dn5us
      @AbhishekSharma-dn5us 3 месяца назад

      we have to check how we can make a table row unqiue. If we select only 1 or 2 column it would have made records not unique so we are using 3 columns

  • @juanromantorres5063
    @juanromantorres5063 10 месяцев назад

    Wow thank You!

  • @iswillia123
    @iswillia123 9 месяцев назад

    using Oracle:
    listagg(case indicator when 'velocity' then value else null end, '') as velocity,
    listagg(case indicator when 'level' then value else null end, '') as lev
    from auto_repair
    group by client, repair_date
    select *
    from cte
    pivot (
    count(lev) for lev in ('good' good, 'wrong' wrong, 'regular' regular ))
    order by velocity;

  • @Damon-007
    @Damon-007 10 месяцев назад

    My solution -MSSQL
    with cte as(
    select indicator,value,lag(value) over(partition by client, auto, repair_date
    order by (select null)
    ) val from auto_repair)
    select value,
    sum(iif(val= 'good',1,0)) good,
    sum(iif(val = 'wrong', 1,0)) wrong ,
    sum(iif(val = 'regular',1, 0)) regular
    from cte
    where val is not null
    group by value;

  • @MdZeeshan-m9u
    @MdZeeshan-m9u 10 месяцев назад

    Thank You so much

  • @MohitYadav-hz8tb
    @MohitYadav-hz8tb 6 месяцев назад

    with a as(select *,lag(value) over(partition by client,auto,repair_date) as value2
    from auto_repair)
    select value,
    sum(case when value2 = "good" then 1 end) as good,
    sum(case when value2 = "regular" then 1 end) as regular,
    sum(case when value2 = "wrong"then 1 end) as wrong
    from a
    where indicator = "velocity"
    group by 1;

  • @fathimafarahna2633
    @fathimafarahna2633 10 месяцев назад


  • @arvindkr974
    @arvindkr974 3 месяца назад

    with cte1 as
    (select level,velocity from auto_repair
    max(value) for indicator in (level,velocity)
    cte2 as(
    select velocity, level, count(*) as cn from cte1 group by level,velocity)
    select velocity, coalesce(good,0) as good, coalesce(wrong,0) as wrong, coalesce(regular,0) as regular from cte2
    max(cn) for cte2.level
    in (good, wrong,regular)
    ) piv2

  • @krishanukundu4565
    @krishanukundu4565 Месяц назад

    My simple approach-
    with indicator_cte as (
    select l.value as level, v.value as velocity
    from `im-tesseract-dev.stud.auto_repair` l
    join `im-tesseract-dev.stud.auto_repair` v
    on l.client= v.client and and l.repair_date= v.repair_date
    where l.indicator= 'level' and v.indicator= 'velocity')
    sum(case when level= 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when level= 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when level= 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from indicator_cte
    group by 1
    order by 1

  • @radhikamaheshwari4835
    @radhikamaheshwari4835 9 месяцев назад

    with cte1 as
    select client, auto, repair_date,
    min(case when indicator = 'level' then value end) as indi,
    min(case when indicator = 'velocity' then value end) as velocity
    from auto_repair
    group by client, auto, repair_date
    select velocity,
    sum(case when indi = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when indi = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when indi = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from cte1
    group by velocity

  • @ashutoshpratapsingh6872
    @ashutoshpratapsingh6872 10 месяцев назад


  • @sagarsaini5447
    @sagarsaini5447 8 месяцев назад

    solved in mysql
    with cte as
    (select v.value as velocity, l.value as level
    from auto_repair l
    join auto_repair v
    on l.client=v.client and and l.repair_date=v.repair_date
    where l.indicator='level' and v.indicator='velocity')
    select velocity,
    sum(case when level="good" then 1 else 0 end) as Good,
    sum(case when level="wrong" then 1 else 0 end) as Wrong,
    sum(case when level="Regular" then 1 else 0 end) as Regular
    from cte
    group by velocity
    order by velocity

  • @Löwen_av
    @Löwen_av 2 месяца назад

    with cte as
    (select velocity, level, count(1) as val from auto_repair pivot
    (max(value) for indicator in ([velocity],[level])) p
    group by velocity,level),
    cte2 as (select velocity, good, wrong, regular
    from cte pivot (max(val) for level in ([good],[wrong],[regular]) ) p
    select velocity, coalesce(good,0) as good, coalesce(wrong,0) as wrong, coalesce(regular,0) as regular
    from cte2

  • @niteshtiwari-uk7qq
    @niteshtiwari-uk7qq 2 месяца назад

    I tried on MY SQL @MY Sql Solution :
    with cte as
    (select V.value as velocity, l.value as level from auto_repair l
    join auto_repair V
    on l.client=V.client and and l.repair_date=V.repair_date
    where l.indicator='level' and V.indicator='velocity')
    select velocity,
    count(CASE WHEN level = 'good' THEN velocity END) AS good,
    count(CASE WHEN level = 'wrong' THEN velocity END) AS wrong,
    count(CASE WHEN level = 'regular' THEN velocity END) AS regular
    from cte
    group by velocity
    order by velocity;

  • @rockykhanna7518
    @rockykhanna7518 4 месяца назад

    @techTFQ How about this approach?
    with cte as (
    select client, auto, repair_date,
    max(case when indicator='velocity' then value end) as velocity,
    max(case when value in ('good','regular','wrong') then value end) as level
    from auto_repair
    group by client, auto, repair_date
    select velocity,
    sum(case when level='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when level='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when level='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from cte
    group by velocity
    order by velocity;

  • @sahilummat8555
    @sahilummat8555 5 месяцев назад

    ;with cte as (
    select *,row_number()over(order by (select null)) as rn
    from auto_repair),cte2 as (
    select *,
    case when indicator='velocity' then lag(value)over(order by rn ) else null end as vel_val
    from cte )
    select value as velocity,
    sum(case when vel_val='good' then 1 else 0 end ) as good,
    sum(case when vel_val='wrong' then 1 else 0 end ) as wrong,
    sum(case when vel_val='regular' then 1 else 0 end ) as regular
    from cte2 where vel_val is not null
    group by value

  • @KesavanB-j7s
    @KesavanB-j7s 10 месяцев назад

    Here it's my approach in MSSQL...
    SELECT *,

  • @Alexpudow
    @Alexpudow 10 месяцев назад

    select velocity
    ,count(case level when 'good' then 1 end) good
    ,count(case level when 'wrong' then 1 end) wrong
    ,count(case level when 'regular' then 1 end) regular
    from (
    select a.value velocity, b.value level
    from auto_repair a
    (select * from auto_repair
    where indicator like 'level') b
    on a.client=b.client and and a.repair_date = b.repair_date
    where a.indicator like 'velocity') t
    group by velocity

  • @karangupta_DE
    @karangupta_DE 9 месяцев назад

    with cte as (
    select *
    from auto_repair
    pivot(max(value) for indicator in ('level', 'velocity'))
    as p(client, auto, repair_date, level, velocity)
    order by client, auto
    cte1 as (
    select *,
    case when level = 'good' then 'good' else null end as good,
    case when level = 'wrong' then 'wrong' else null end as wrong,
    case when level = 'regular' then 'regular' else null end as regular
    from cte
    select velocity, count(good) as good, count(wrong) as wrong, count(regular) as regular
    from cte1
    group by velocity
    order by velocity;

  • @sapnasaini851
    @sapnasaini851 10 месяцев назад

    MySQL Solution -
    with cte as (
    select v.value velocity, l.value level, count(v.value) as cnt
    from auto_repair v
    join auto_repair l
    on v.client = l.client and v.repair_date = l.repair_date and =
    where v.indicator = 'velocity' and l.indicator = 'level'
    group by v.value,l.value
    select velocity,
    sum(case when level = 'good' then cnt else 0 end ) as good,
    sum(case when level = 'wrong' then cnt else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when level = 'regular' then cnt else 0 end ) as regular
    from cte
    group by velocity
    order by velocity

  • @abhishek_suren
    @abhishek_suren 9 дней назад

    my logic goes like:
    with cte as
    (select client, auto, repair_date, group_concat(value) as value
    from repair_day_10 r
    group by client, auto, repair_date),
    cte_2 as
    (select *, SUBSTRING_INDEX(value, ',', -1) as num
    from cte)
    select num as velocity,
    sum(case when value like "good%" then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when value like "wrong%" then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when value like "regular%" then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from cte_2
    group by 1
    order by 1;

  • @harshkumargupta1348
    @harshkumargupta1348 9 месяцев назад

    with cte as
    select t2.value as velocity,t1.value as level from auto_repair t1
    join auto_repair t2
    on t1.client=t2.client and and t1.repair_date=t2.repair_date
    where t1.indicator='level' and t2.indicator='velocity')
    select velocity,
    sum(case when level='good' Then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when level='wrong' Then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when level='regular' Then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from cte
    group by velocity

  • @sourabhkumar6811
    @sourabhkumar6811 10 месяцев назад

    select velocity,sum(good)as good,sum(wrong)as wrong,sum(regular)as regular from
    (select ar.client,,ar.repair_date,
    max(case when indicator='velocity' then value end) as velocity,
    sum(case when value='good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when value='wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when value='regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from auto_repair ar
    group by client,auto,repair_date)A
    group by velocity
    order by velocity;

  • @naveenvjdandhrudu5141
    @naveenvjdandhrudu5141 9 месяцев назад

    -- How to create second table from first table(image attached) client, auto, repair_date, indicator, value
    select V. value AS VELOCITY, L. value from auto_repair L JOIN auto_repair V ON L.client= V.client AND L. auto= V. auto AND L. repair_date= V.repair_date
    WHERE L.indicator= "LEVEL" AND V.indicator='velocity'),
    CTEA AS (
    SELECT VELOCITY, value, count(value) AS REPTS
    FROM CTE group by VELOCITY, value order by VELOCITY, value)
    MAX(CASE WHEN value= "wrong" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS wrong,
    MAX(CASE WHEN value= "good" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS good,
    MAX(CASE WHEN value= "regular" THEN REPTS ELSE 0 END) AS regular

  • @kevinwtao5321
    @kevinwtao5321 5 месяцев назад

    using the T-SQL function looks more better...

  • @brownwolf05
    @brownwolf05 10 месяцев назад +1

    we can avoid doing the join with the help of window function as this can improve the performance, my approach is below
    -----mysql approach
    with cte as (
    select *, lag(value) over(order by client) as 'level' from auto_repair
    cte_final as (
    select value as velocity, sum(case when level = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(case when level = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when level = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular
    from cte where indicator='velocity' group by 1 order by 1
    select * from cte_final;

  • @haleylearn
    @haleylearn 7 месяцев назад

    -- SOLUTION1: Using GROUPBY, MAX(), SUM()
    SELECT velocity
    , SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'good' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'good'
    , SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'wrong' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 'wrong'
    , SUM(CASE WHEN [level] = 'regular' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 'regular'
    SELECT client, auto, repair_date
    , MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'level' THEN value END) AS level
    , MAX(CASE WHEN indicator = 'velocity' THEN value END) AS velocity
    FROM auto_repair
    GROUP BY client, auto, repair_date
    ) subquery
    GROUP BY velocity;
    SELECT v.[value]
    , SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'good' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'good'
    , SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'wrong' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'wrong'
    , SUM(CASE WHEN l.[value] = 'regular' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'regular'
    FROM auto_repair l
    JOIN auto_repair v
    ON l.client = v.client AND l.[auto] = v.[auto] AND l.repair_date = v.repair_date
    WHERE l.indicator = 'level' AND v.indicator = 'velocity'
    GROUP BY v.[value];
    -- SOLUTION 3: Using LEAD(), ROW_NUMBER(), COUNT()
    SELECT value_lead
    , COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'good' THEN 1 END) AS 'good'
    , COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'wrong' THEN 1 END) AS 'wrong'
    , COUNT(CASE WHEN value = 'regular' THEN 1 END) AS 'regular'
    SELECT *
    , LEAD(value) OVER(PARTITION BY client, auto, repair_date ORDER BY client) AS value_lead
    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY client, auto, repair_date ORDER BY client) AS rn
    FROM auto_repair
    ) table_x
    WHERE rn = 1
    GROUP BY value_lead;

  • @likinponnanna8990
    @likinponnanna8990 5 месяцев назад

    Here's my solution
    SELECT * FROM auto_repair
    WHERE INDICATOR = 'velocity'),
    level as (
    SELECT * FROM auto_repair
    WHERE indicator = 'level'
    sum(CASE WHEN B.VALUE = 'good' then 1 else 0 end) as good,
    sum(CASE WHEN B.VALUE = 'wrong' then 1 else 0 end) as wrong,
    sum(case when B.VALUE = 'regular' then 1 else 0 end) as regular

  • @CebuProvince
    @CebuProvince 10 месяцев назад

    Hi, in your download file is it a little bit different from your video presentaion, in the your file is the field "Count" listet, and this makes a wrong result. Can u check it please. The results a different as your online presentation. Ty. 😇
    -- Solution using PIVOT in Micrososft SQLServer
    select *
    select v.value velocity, l.value level,count(1) as count😇
    from auto_repair l
    join auto_repair v on and v.repair_date=l.repair_date and l.client=v.client
    where l.indicator='level'
    and v.indicator='velocity'
    group by v.value,l.value
    ) bq
    for level in ([good],[wrong],[regular])
    ) pq;
    velocity count good wrong regular
    50 1 0 1 0
    70 1 0 1 0
    80 1 1 0 1
    90 2 1 0 0

    • @kanikamittal7349
      @kanikamittal7349 10 месяцев назад +1

      You should use SUM(count) in the pivot query pq. It would give the correct result then. I have solved in similar way. It would be good if you change the name of 3 column in base query to something else since COUNT is a pre defined function

    • @CebuProvince
      @CebuProvince 10 месяцев назад

      Yes, Sum is the solution, look in the code of
      @saralavasudevan5167, she offer the correct solution of the task #11

  • @rohit_vora
    @rohit_vora 8 месяцев назад

    hello everyone, here i share my query which is same as thoufiq but only diffrence is in the second argument in the crosstab function, and i don't know why i am not getting same ans as him insted i am getting some erorr. if any one could assist me that would be greatfull.
    SELECT *
    FROM crosstab(
    'SELECT v.value AS velocity, l.value AS level, COUNT(1) AS cnt
    FROM auto_repair l
    JOIN auto_repair v ON v.client = l.client AND = AND l.repair_date = v.repair_date
    WHERE l.indicator = ''level'' AND v.indicator = ''velocity''
    GROUP BY v.value, l.value
    ORDER BY v.value' ,
    ('good', 'regular', 'wrong')
    ) AS result(velocity VARCHAR, good BIGINT, regular BIGINT, wrong BIGINT);

  • @kidsRockss
    @kidsRockss 10 месяцев назад

    with cte as (
    select value,
    row_number() over() as count
    from auto_repair
    where indicator = 'velocity'),
    cte1 as (select value,
    row_number() over() as count
    from auto_repair
    where indicator = 'level')
    select c.value as velocity,
    count(case when c1.value = 'good' then c.value end) as 'good',
    count(case when c1.value = 'wrong' then c.value end) as 'wrong',
    count(case when c1.value = 'regular' then c.value end) as 'regular'
    from cte c
    join cte1 c1 on c.count = c1.count
    group by c.value
    order by c.value

    • @CebuProvince
      @CebuProvince 10 месяцев назад

      The function 'row_number' must have an OVER clause with ORDER BY.

  • @camomile4085
    @camomile4085 6 месяцев назад

    ------------- 1. CREATE VIEW a table including 3 columns: Value; Level; COUNT(level) GROUP BY Value, Level
    CREATE VIEW cte AS (
    SELECT value, lag, COUNT(*)
    FROM (SELECT *, LAG(value) OVER(PARTITION BY client, repair_date)
    FROM input_10)
    WHERE indicator = 'velocity'
    GROUP BY value, lag)
    ------------- 2. Use CROSSTAB to PIVOT TABLE
    SELECT * FROM crosstab ('SELECT * FROM cte',
    AS RESULT (velocity INT, good INT, regular INT, wrong INT)

  • @shashwatkandoi5315
    @shashwatkandoi5315 15 дней назад

    This is the Solution for MYSQL
    With CTE AS (
    Select V.value as Velocity, L.value as Level, count(1) as Count_Value
    auto_repair L
    join auto_repair V
    on L.client = V.client and = and L.repair_date = V.repair_date
    where L.indicator = 'level' and
    V.indicator = 'velocity'
    group by V.value, L.value
    order by V.value, L.value)
    sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'good' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Good,
    sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'wrong' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Wrong,
    sum(CAST(CASE WHEN Level = 'regular' THEN Count_Value ELSE 0 END AS Signed)) AS Regular
    from CTE
    group by Velocity
    order by Velocity