this woman jeanie thompson is a crazy gwen stefonie stupet fan pat no attention to her . there are not that many for gwen blake has splint with gwen thanl god.
anderson east has a beautiful voice . you think he is not good looking . you ought to have seen gwen an plastic surgery omg . an all new teeth omg. is all i will say. she was a mess. they could not give her any talent at all . poor gwen stll sounds like a fog horn an sings threw her nose .
Great lyrics. Thank you Anderson East!
I'm so excited to see him in concert next month. I stumbled across his music by accident and fell in love with his music.
AMAZING SINGER 🌟💕🌟🌟💕💕💕🌟🌟🌟💕💕💕💕🌟🌟🌟🌟🐦🌺🌺
Wtf?? just 168 views ... where is the respect for the real music ?
I'm not going to lie, I decided to check out his music because I am a fan of Miranda Lambert 's music
Dang he looks rough... Looks worse than his mug shot when he was arrested for drugs
this woman jeanie thompson is a crazy gwen stefonie stupet fan pat no attention to her . there are not that many for gwen blake has splint with gwen thanl god.
anderson east has a beautiful voice . you think he is not good looking . you ought to have seen gwen an plastic surgery omg . an all new teeth omg. is all i will say. she was a mess. they could not give her any talent at all . poor gwen stll sounds like a fog horn an sings threw her nose .
Jeanie Thompson is a stalker