I like the fact that the menu doesn't permanently stay. it's a way to use it without getting caught back in the day. For those off you reading now, no, they dont care about Bo3 anymore, so yall got it easy, lmao Edit: holy crap so many spelling errors keyboard
@@thenameisseven.282 every single suggested solution on the internet has not worked for me so I guess I’m just going to accept that this will not work for me until the mod gets updated.
Did you download the hacker or the informer? If you went for the one labeled under windows 10/11 thats the informer and doesnt have it. Donwload the windows 8 version which is hacker and works on 10 and 11 despite not being listed under that section.
Great and super clear video!!! But there's a problem where the game crashes every time I try to inject the DLL... I've tried using other injection programs, fullscreen, etc. Anyone else have this issue and found a solution??
dude the mxt thing doesnt work it says i need a uodate then my computer freaks out so i then have to turn off my pc then back on. Like can you help me like on the Xbox I've been playing zombie since day one but I just got a PC and I don't want to go through all that work again but I'm having difficult doing all this
So i have windows 10 and i want to do this right, do i have to download something else in order to get the process hacker to work or should i find something else? I see your comments about winRAR and maybe thats what im supposed to do, please help 🙏
All mod menu files have been removed from RUclips by RUclips themselves but if you get link the video is still accurate. Email me for link
Why remove them? Can you provide an alternate link?
I need the link in some way
@@skylerarmstead3308 email me
@@tehblootiger90270 email me
@@tehblootiger90270 youtube did
2:21 the "gay nudes" files made me laugh so hard
2:19 *Gay Nudes*
Bro either exposed himself by accident or is the ultimate troller😂😂
my game crashed once i selected the mxt in the process hacker
ty so much, i did not wanna grind for all the stuff i had on console 🙏
Is it working for you ?
@@dankgoku5416its working
Sameee it worked for me i did not wanna grind againn
Great vid! Mainly wanted bo3 on pc for modded zombies, not having to unlock everything is nice
gay nudes file is crazy
To all Getting Access Denied: Run Process Hack as a Administrator FIRST
You've earned a sub!
calm down dont worry hahah i was tripping but you got me this far hahahaha
Thank you, Been trying to get a mod menu and hasn’t worked. Came across this video and now finally got it!
Goated asf.prestige master and full GG. Thank you!!
Does it work on ps4?
@@henceshudder392 lmao did you even watch the video?
I like the fact that the menu doesn't permanently stay. it's a way to use it without getting caught back in the day.
For those off you reading now, no, they dont care about Bo3 anymore, so yall got it easy, lmao
Edit: holy crap so many spelling errors keyboard
did the hack worked for u ?
@akaRealSAGE yeah it did. It's a very easy process
@TheRagingRaider happy to hear it worked mate. I cant see the mxt link in the description, where did you find it?
@@FRZ-tz9lwyou have to email him. He just sends you a link to all of it
yo could you send me the mxt link? bc i doubt the youtuber would answer me
Thanks man this guide really helped all the other ones suck but yours is great
we gonna ignore the folder on the desktop lmfao
Don’t ignore the truth
I was looking for this comment🤣🤣 “gay nudes”
Keeps saying “Access Denied”
Keeps crashing Black Ops 3 every time I try to Inject the DLL.
having same problem have you figured it out ?
Disable firewall and antivirus
bo3 crashes when infecting
for everyone who is having the game closed, I tried to put it in windowed mode before injecting
Thank you bro, very useful
@@ChalkyLlamaaI follow the steps and I get muy liquid divinum
Game just crashes when injecting the DLL. No fix apparently.
Research more before commenting this
@@theplayroom254 well, I found no fix to this problem so far. Offer a solution before commenting this LMAO
@@pootash2019 deadass been lookin for a solution for months having same problem
@@thenameisseven.282 every single suggested solution on the internet has not worked for me so I guess I’m just going to accept that this will not work for me until the mod gets updated.
@@pootash2019been looking for hours, Talked to devs, Can’t find a fix
It's telling me : Unable to inject the DLL into BlackOps3.exe Access is denied, What should i do ?
make sure steam/bo3 isn't running as administrator mode
run the injector as admin
Thankyoufor sharing this buddy its geting me back into zombies.
I keep geting windowd media player required to play but I have it.. you heard of this?
does it work for u ?
@@kpotz4788 yes
@@kpotz4788 excatly as he says it works.
the gay nudes file is epic definitely giving thumbs up
awesome vid. i did NOT want to grind for dark matter on an old ass game
thank you man. this is dope
It doesnt show me an option of lld
It keeps crashing my game what should I do
Hey my system crashed when opening this. does this not work for win 11
worked for me
Could u get me some liquid divinium please@@CodeNameCheese_
Gay nudes file is crazy.
Mean my bro just like that..... TY cuzzi
I am not downloading the zip file. The document that is being downloaded is not working either.
You probably don’t have win Rar google it and download it it’s free and than redownload the file and it should become a zip
@@mr.farenheit you were correct! Thank you!
@@mr.farenheit do you have the link to the winRAR bc there are multiple in the website
@@phx_raz3r877 just download regular win rar so its on yo pc than when you re download the mxt file it should automatically make it a rar file
goat fr. thanks bud.
its not a virus. its considered one due to the fact that it tampers with game files, but virus and dll are two different things
game crashes when i try to inject it
Same , any solution you know im trying to solve lag with mod menu
did you figure out how to fix the crash ?
Have you found a fix
I dont remember which one was the fix but there was a video dont remember the guy so give me a bit of time
Can you unblock all supply drops camos ??
The inject DLL button isnt showing up for me in the miscellaneous section. Anyone know why?
Did you run it as administrator?
Did you download the hacker or the informer? If you went for the one labeled under windows 10/11 thats the informer and doesnt have it. Donwload the windows 8 version which is hacker and works on 10 and 11 despite not being listed under that section.
it says Access Denied when i try to inject it
The mxt winter file isn’t in the description for me. I can’t seem to find it elsewhere either
Black ops three just keeps closing for me it won’t work
worked great for zombies. i just wanted to do it since i wished to pc and didnt want to grind all again
am i the only one that saw the gay nudes folder on his desktop
Bro relax
the MXT file is no longer in the description
when i inject DLL and put the DX11 thing on it, my bo3 just crashes, it doesnt work
for everyone who is having the game closed, I tried to put it in windowed mode before injecting
its not working there comes an error code if i want to inject it
What do I do if when I inject the DLL the game crashes?
I am having the same problem
Does the unlock DLC maps also unlock zombies DLC maps?
It unlocks it but it doesn’t let you play
is this a rat cuz it got a 30 out of 74 score on virustotal
its kinda sus how all these videos just cut when opening bo3..
Did you try it
No im a bit scared@@mr.farenheit
If i get it can it update my combat record and can i play with friends on private matches@@mr.farenheit
@@XicorFN its legit
Yes but you understand its a bit sus right?@@mr.farenheit
glooks bro it actually works
Hey how do you make all 5 gum balls one specific kind?? Like all 5 reign drops??
You can’t do that without a mod
no option to inject dll under miscellaneous tab
Mine keeps crashing before it loads, Would this have anything to do with my old pc specs?
how do i even get the dll inject thingy 😍
Great and super clear video!!! But there's a problem where the game crashes every time I try to inject the DLL... I've tried using other injection programs, fullscreen, etc. Anyone else have this issue and found a solution??
it says operation did not complete succsefully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software
Turn off your antivirus and it shouldn’t be a issue just turn it back on after
the game crach when i restart nothing happened
when i enable the currency for ld i aint gettin anythng?
Wait bro has a folder that says gay nudes wtf
when i inject it the dll it sayd accsess denied help
nudes folder xDDD nice detail
How get the Mxt the file is not there
how did u change the color name and the symbol?
Mr Fahrenheit, do you have any idea if the Diviniums transfer over to xbox if I were to have my accounts linked?
no it doesnt even transfer the cod points kekw
Absolutely God tier
My keyboards f5 won't work?
Work perfectly ! ty (lil scared but its fine)
You good bro
I am not seeing the "Inject DLL" option when trying this out
same did you figure trhis out
is there a way to make the dlc map work for zombies
You sir are the goat
Is it safe? There are some risk installing and working these files?
My Bo3 closes as i Inject so whats the issue?
me too
will this work if you're the hosting a Party with your friends? Or will it crash your game?
dude the mxt thing doesnt work it says i need a uodate then my computer freaks out so i then have to turn off my pc then back on. Like can you help me like on the Xbox I've been playing zombie since day one but I just got a PC and I don't want to go through all that work again but I'm having difficult doing all this
you bought the game on pc thats a you issue if you didnt want to grind again
It says unable to inject DLL into bo3???
Ik late but run as admin
how can i give my split screen guest gobbles also??
My game started crashing constantly after I did this any fix
thank you very much, very clear and simple.
Could i do this for my console account??
does this ban u from other games if they can like see u got this hack
i cant find the mtx mod anywhere
Bro giving people Trojans aint no way
not a trojan
@@3on3.thebestappl3 I virus total checked it is u can too it’s a Trojan
@skytheprotogen even if it aint cant use it can’t download process hacker
Hey can i do this with Xenos64 injector?
Best I have Sean worked to thx ❤
Shit aint working, only crashing your system
How do I pull up the menu
how did you chnage ur name color wont let me with the mxt menu any help??
It was the older version of the menu it’s not on this updated version
@@mr.farenheit for sure thanks
the link does not work
Worked perfectly
when i deinstall the programm, is the ua gone?
The menu yes but your stats no
Is no one gonna comment on the file labeled gay nudes 💀💀😭
Are you supposed to have to inject dll every time you log on cause thats what i have to do
Yes you are supposed to
@@mr.farenheit alright thanks
Does this allow me to still get the super ee done with achievments
I maxed my acc but i am not able to increase my divinium ...i set to max interval and other thing also at mx...please help
Ok so turn your divinium gain to about the middle and let it sit there
@@mr.farenheit yeah did it and it worked.. thankyou brother😄
F5 doesn’t open it
Are there any mod menus on Xbox for bo3
Will this being installed on pc trigger anti cheat on newer cod games?? I don't want to risk my account
can i undo challenges after setting them to complete if i want to do them?
i don't believe so since its steam
So i have windows 10 and i want to do this right, do i have to download something else in order to get the process hacker to work or should i find something else? I see your comments about winRAR and maybe thats what im supposed to do, please help 🙏
Yes you need to have win rar (it’s free)
Thanks a bunch man! Got it working great! Does this work for Infinite Warfare by chance? If not do you know anything that does?
No but if I do ill make a video@@natashacampbell5627