Ex-homeless people, what was your worst night like?

  • Опубликовано: 14 июн 2024
  • Subscribe to ReallySparked!: ‪@ReallySparked‬
    We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by us!
    Our Work Process:
    1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
    2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
    3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
    4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
    5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

Комментарии • 63

  • @thedigitalautist
    @thedigitalautist 5 дней назад +63

    You've really hit your stride, new, green-face narrator. I wasn't sure I liked your narration style at first, because it was so different from yellow-face's. But you sound more confident in your delivery now, and the difference in y'all's narration styles now feels like more of a feature than a bug. You're doing great!

  • @rapmetaldemon09
    @rapmetaldemon09 5 дней назад +19

    You know what's sad? The first people to say, "support our troops" are usually the same people who turn their nose up at homeless people. A great deal of the homeless population are veterans

  • @sunnyandthechlo
    @sunnyandthechlo 5 дней назад +12

    Had a friend who was homeless. She stayed in a shelter until they told her she would have to leave to make room for others. ‘Luckily’ the couple working there let her stay with them. She did all she could to cook for them and keep their place spotless but then the reality hit. They tried to force her to sell herself on the streets to pay them back. Thankfully she managed to escape before anything could happen and she’s doing really well now.

  • @DrgnLdyLizzie2001
    @DrgnLdyLizzie2001 5 дней назад +10

    One of my managers at my last job was living in his car in the parking lot of the store. I can't remember how long, but the dude charged EVERYTHING he owned (phone, a small fan, tablet and a couple spare batteries for it all) while he was on shift. I offered to let him come to my place for a shower and do his laundry, if he was cool hanging with my kids and eating a home cooked dinner. He only took me up on it a couple times, and I was sad when he got fired. I don't have his number anymore, but I just hope he's doing ok, wherever he is.

  • @UnderSparked
    @UnderSparked  6 дней назад +44

    Guys no I didn't upload the wrong video, that was a glitch. Here's the right one :D

    • @GreenlandballNP
      @GreenlandballNP 6 дней назад +4


    • @Codm22712
      @Codm22712 6 дней назад +4


    • @GreenlandballNP
      @GreenlandballNP 6 дней назад +2

      @Codm22712 wdym bruh? this guy is literally using aggressive to people who are only existing to be noticed and offending random people and making them haters, he said he would face reveal at 100k and he lied about it so people would sub to him

    • @Codm22712
      @Codm22712 5 дней назад +1

      @@GreenlandballNP I said bruh 1 cuz it was kinda funny 2 cuz ppl gotta be a little patient

    • @Fade_NB
      @Fade_NB 5 дней назад +4

      @@GreenlandballNPcalm down bruh

  • @alisonbailey2636
    @alisonbailey2636 5 дней назад +12

    Someone once said that everyone is one lifetime event from being homeless.

    • @groinBlaster31
      @groinBlaster31 5 дней назад +3

      Probably more like a few, for most people. The right people (who would support you and let you crash on a couch at least) dying, plus losing the ability to support yourself. Some people don't have the first one, granted.

    • @ADHDpancakesurprise
      @ADHDpancakesurprise 5 дней назад +2

      Pretty much all of us are 6 very bad months away from homelessness. None of us are 6 very good months away from being a billionaire, though.

  • @TheFirstPrimeSoul
    @TheFirstPrimeSoul 5 дней назад +6

    Yellow face: UnderSparked
    Green face: OverSparked
    Blue(fan) face: MiddleSparked

  • @johnpearce9891
    @johnpearce9891 6 дней назад +10

    I couldn't afford to help this couple out at one point but as Iam a a bush crafter I showed them how to set up a stealth camp and some ways to stay warm naturally and with as lil money as possible ie using clay pots and tea candles from the dollar store. We should no doubt increase some of the shelters and programs I don't think it would hurt to add some basic survival skill sets

  • @runzoni
    @runzoni 3 дня назад +1

    Sending good vibes to all who contributed stories. Houseless folks are adult orphans. All anyone needs is a little bit of help and a lot of love.💚💚💚

  • @wiaf8937
    @wiaf8937 5 дней назад +7

    thanks for the stories. constructive criticism: since i have severe adhd i keep watching and reading the text. there's a couple of misswording/spelling in every video i've seen so far.
    thanks for the videos again. :)

  • @lyichee
    @lyichee 5 дней назад +2

    this narrator should become a voice actor ngl

  • @easternwoyer3876
    @easternwoyer3876 5 дней назад +2

    Im pretty sure the prof in story 9 was trying to relieve op the stress of school

  • @JomanJorito
    @JomanJorito 5 дней назад +2

    Okay... asich as I love the original guy (and hope he doesn't get replaced). I kinda like this guy well enough... but please don't replace the other guy (it's kinda nice to hear a new voice every now and then)

  • @romecottrell6444
    @romecottrell6444 10 часов назад +1

    Yeah ! Being homeless and having to live on the streets is a unfortunate situation 😕. I never been in this situation 😔 💔 , but I try to help out people by donating to food pantries and Good Will Stores when I can . You folks are in my prayers and thoughts 🙏 ❤😊 . God bless us all today and tomorrow 🙏.

  • @AshtrayBanditReal
    @AshtrayBanditReal 3 дня назад +1

    I’m not usually the type to open up about things, but I actually have a really good story here and hey maybe it’ll help somebody. I first became homeless at the age of 18. I had been thrown out by my mom. She smashed my phone and followed me up the street in her car, so basically I had to run thru a hiking trail and sprint to my friends house. Mind you when this happened, I had nothing but a pair of boxing shorts on. No shirt. No shoes. Hell not even socks. At some point my mom realized that I had the capabilities to take care of myself, at least to some extent. Definitely better than most people my age would have I think, which I am eternally, grateful for. I don’t mean to sound cocky saying that, but it quite literally is all that got me through it sometimes. What can I say? I’m a stubborn prick haha. Anyway, after a certain point, I got fed up with the stuff going on at home and I realized I needed to get out. I was tired of feeling like the world was constantly caving in on me and like I was never good enough. I was tired of being treated like a failure of a child for being different inside. This time it was my choice to leave but I had no way to get to the city and none of my documents. I had to wait until she left the house one day, steal the documents, and set up what was essentially me getting smuggled out by some friends and my old karate teacher. (I know this was a fking movie i swear to god). I ended up staying with some friends for a while in the city, but in the craziest real life plot twist ever, the girl I had just had a breakup with ended up moving in the room right across from us. I was having some sexuality issues at the time and couldn’t be in a relationship with her because I wanted to understand my love preferences and hadn’t really had a chance growing up because of my environment and family. Long story short, she told the staff of the apartment I was there and got me kicked out. Kinda crazy but she knew my situation too. She then proceeded to throw at me every kind of abuse accusation you could possibly think of, all of which were not true obv and luckily she hadn’t put too much thought into it so it never went anywhere. At this point I was on the street. I had been in and out of the house a couple times, but it never seemed to last. After one or two weeks, me and my mom would inevitably have a falling out. She would find something to be upset with me for, tell me to leave, and then refuse to take me back to the city. I think the hardest part about being homeless is the lack of any kind of safety. I almost never slept at night time. It’s genuinely really scary, knowing that anybody could’ve come up and tried to rob me, and that would be a lucky break. It became impossible to sleep at night, because of the constant fear that I would wake up with a knife in my side, or to someone taking advantage of me, or with somebody shooting me up with some kind of drug to test out. A couple times people tried to run up on me, you will never appreciate having a spiked choker with you until the car tries to pull up on you and you wrap it around your fist knowing fully well you might have to punch some holes with it. I don’t think I look intimidating to be honest, but I guess I played it off well enough because I didn’t have to fight thank god. one time where this dude was walking to work, and he started walking in my direction a couple feet away from me, which jolted me awake as you do and I instantly clutched my knife and started gasping and backing away. Dude was like “hey man youre good, youre good im just walkin”. Felt so bad lol. Probably scared the shit out of him for a sec. In hindsight, I’m sure he understood. He seemed nice. I still think about that a lot. I was really scared that I would just wake up to some douche bag kids playing some screwed up prank on me. I didn’t wanna wake up to my stuff on fire, or someone taking advantage of me, or someone pouring chemicals or acid on my face just for kicks. These kind of things happen, because the reality is when a homeless person dies, they are instantly assumed to be just another bum who od’d. Luckily, I’m a pretty fit and in shape man and I have five or six years of mma (muay thai, jiu jitsu and other grappling, kung fu, etc. oh the great power of being a little hoodrat who grew up with rage against the machine and UFC) so I was protected. Another thing that people don’t really talk about, is the fact that people look at you as if you’re less than human out there. No one thinks about the fact that you could just be an unfortunate soul who happened to land on harsh circumstances. I was a kid who had to run away for my safety, choosing homelessness, as the better of two bad situations, but people looked at me like I was some kind of cockroach. I was a bum who surely must have messed my life up to this point. Suddenly my body scars and ticks became a lot more insecure. I didn’t want people to see them, and think they were from drugs. Often times when I tried to talk to people it wouldn’t even be to ask for money or anything, I never panhandled, but I would genuinely feel so lost and disassociated from others and from conversation, that I would just try to talk to people to feel sane. Luckily, I ended up all right but a lot of people go crazy out there. People don’t talk about the fact that it literally mentally degrades you. if you don’t find something to work towards, the complacency will drive you insane. I never got into drugs (weed sometimes and occasional psychedelics but only with friends in safe spots usually), but people look at homeless drug addicts with so much distain, but they don’t realize how unbearable it is trying to sleep outside and be comfortable and warm. Some of them don’t even want to do drugs, but it’s their only way to not freeze to death or to be able to sleep. I realized in the spot I was in so many people were only focused on their own survival. Maybe it doesn’t make any sense but I think what kept me alive and happy was trying to make sure the other homeless people I came across were okay. And I don’t say that to make myself sound good but it actually helped a lot. And fuck me I guess I just can’t watch somebody freeze or go hungry. a couple times I was able to give people some stuff and it made me feel pretty good. Once I saw a Mom and her little boy. It had just gotten done pouring out and they were soaked. I had this leather jacket I really liked and she refused to accept it, but I gave it to the kid. I was out with some friends at the time, but I had to separate myself for a second to “check out a store” and after I disappeared from the group I just broke down and started sobbing. I was a kid out there too, but that kid was no more than my little brother‘s age. I was angry. It hurt knowing I wanted to do so much more for them, but I couldn’t. I didn’t have anything else to give them. I had people that I had to stay alive for. I raised my siblings like my own kids and I sure as shit had to make sure I made it back to them. Sadly, in order to do that, I couldn’t give up everything I had. I still think about them too. I hope they’re doing okay. I’m in a better spot now and I am searching for jobs and trying to pull myself out of this. I also started a band with the hope of making noise about these issues and hopefully sparking some change. I really hope this story can help somebody, and if there’s anything to take from this, it would be to please not be so quick to judge the homeless. A lot of them, even the nutty ones, don’t want to be out there. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my words and chill here with me lol. Love your videos by the way!
    They have kept me entertained on lots of long nights (:

  • @grymhunter2849
    @grymhunter2849 5 дней назад +1

    I just got out of homelessness a few months ago. Was homeless for 6 years, I'm only 24 now. Worst part about it wasn't the crackheads or the creeps, it was honestly the weather. We scrounged as best me and my two brothers could for ropes and extra tent stakes so we could batton down for 40-60 mph winds and gallons of rain pounding down on everything. But we live in a part of Louisiana that has lots of tornadoes, so I'd risk my only dry clothing and sickness just to keep an eye on the sky, because if a tornado was heading our way we could only take a few things and maybe run to somewhere that's safe. The weather also caused really dry and hot conditions that led to lots of accidental fires in the tents around us and a few summers my brothers, big guys built for cold weather, got heat exhaustion and finding drinking water was almost impossible. I'm in a solid walled apartment with a roof over my head and I still have panic attacks any time the wind even remotely gets past 20 mph.

  • @GodisGood941
    @GodisGood941 5 дней назад +2

    Damn why is that gameplay so entertaining

  • @gbg6484
    @gbg6484 5 дней назад +3

    I love your videos

  • @s0meth1ngswr0ng9
    @s0meth1ngswr0ng9 5 дней назад +1

    If I could I'd so join this channel as a narrator 😂

  • @HarleyQ604
    @HarleyQ604 5 дней назад +1

    I was homeless for a few years, which included my whole pregnancy as well. And that story about 2 guys injecting a 3rd against his will, yeah, that happens a lot. But what terrifies me is that most of the time, in vancouver, anyways, it's far less often someone you dont know, rather its someone that calls you their friend. Maybe you said something that pissed them off or stole something from the wrong person. Maybe they were paid by someone that doesn't like you or any other stupid reason. But the result is, they "make a shot" ( get the drugs ready and in a needle for you" then they give it to you, which because they knowingly made it WAY strong, overdoses you. Its called hotcapping. Once you have dropped, they simply leave. Cops dont do anything cuz who cares about some junkie doing more than they can handle anyways, right? My friend, her name was Angel, was found dead in her room about 3 months ago. When she was found, her pants were half off, and some guy was running out of her room. Cops just let this guy leave. Another friend was murdered because they wanted to rob him of his drugs. They beat him probably over the head with something, then set him on fire. The people that did it were his friends and even ex-wife. The cops tried to say it was an accident. But the 2 foot puddle of fresh blood in the dirt next to where he was burned, along with the fact that another person who was sleeping in a tent about 15 feet away, says he did not hear the guy even making a noise, let alone the screaming there would have been had he been alive/awake when he got set on fire. All that and more says it was not an accident. And im confident about who it was, because one of them yelled at the other to " stfu until we get our story straight" when me and my bf were asking questions because it seemed strange already. Long story short murder is far more common than most people think, but it's more likely going to be done by someone you know, instead of a stranger.

  • @OpeatorMonkey
    @OpeatorMonkey 5 дней назад +2

    I heard you guys had a discord server but I can't find it, can you tell me what the link is?

  • @kamrynreed2337
    @kamrynreed2337 6 дней назад +2

    I love your vids :)

  • @runzoni
    @runzoni 3 дня назад +1

    Life will improve with sincere effort. ☘️☘️☘️

  • @dripp4451
    @dripp4451 3 дня назад +1

    Try being up for two weeks no food barely any water or sleep on a two week crack binge sleeping in alleyways

  • @melissaharris3890
    @melissaharris3890 5 дней назад +1

    /i took the dean telling him to withdraw was saying 'you are dealling with a lot right now. do you want to add law school to that?

  • @zmilla1974
    @zmilla1974 5 дней назад +1

    It feels kinda wrong pressing Like on a video like this, I do have to keep telling myself that I am doin it for the youtuber, not for the subject of the video. I do feel so awful for all them homeless ppl! When I hear stories like this, when it is kids getting thrown out of their homes cuz not living up to parents expectations, I just wanna scream! I just wanna take all them kids in. But ye, I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with my hubby and our 2 kids, the oldest moved out 7 years ago, but she is 28, the other 2 are only 9 and 12. So, as me n hubby sleep in the livingroom, there really isn't much room. Plus that most of them kids live in the states, and me in NL.. Still, my heart bleeds for them! And still, I do press Like, just for you, narrator! Have an amazing day y'all ❤

  • @jonleibow3604
    @jonleibow3604 5 дней назад +2

    12:30 spelling Wales as "Whales" lmao

    • @jonleibow3604
      @jonleibow3604 5 дней назад

      14:00 and less than two minutes later, "apparent" instead of a parent

    • @jonleibow3604
      @jonleibow3604 5 дней назад

      20:50 "Depending on how money I sold"

  • @TheGalaxyOk
    @TheGalaxyOk 5 дней назад +1

    Hey I love this game

    @KRAPYBARA84 5 дней назад +1

    So sad

  • @RadicalMonarch
    @RadicalMonarch 2 дня назад

    As a Michigander, the way you pronounce Muskegon pained me lol. It’s “Musk-ee-gen”, don’t blame you for mispronouncing it though!

  • @maggpiprime954
    @maggpiprime954 День назад

    Really kept throwing me off that "women" was consistently pronounced "woman."

  • @tvmanofficial766
    @tvmanofficial766 6 дней назад +4

    0 views in 28 seconds bro fell off

  • @regularpaperclip
    @regularpaperclip 5 дней назад +3

    Damn Michigan cities are always pronounced wrong. its not the fault of the narrators theyre just reading the names out how theyre spelled. Its just funny to hear it when im not reading the screen

  • @Codm22712
    @Codm22712 6 дней назад +2


  • @MJyoung35
    @MJyoung35 5 дней назад +2

    Story 57 sounds insanely ungrateful even he says hes not.

    • @capt.kneecaps5237
      @capt.kneecaps5237 4 дня назад

      dunno man, having church goers help you in the hopes you join their ranks and make them look good to their community feels just slimy, not that different to someone filming you while they give you stuff

    • @MJyoung35
      @MJyoung35 3 дня назад

      @@capt.kneecaps5237 nothing slimy about wanting someone to join your organization. It would be slimy if they ONLY helped ppl that joined them. Which wasnt the case.
      And I dont know if you've ever been part of any kind of outreach program but of course you want to look good for the neighborhood. Why wouldnt you want to look good lol? Thats such a dumb point. Its way different than putting a camera in someone's face for social media

  • @AryFia13
    @AryFia13 6 дней назад +2

    dang im early today

  • @mr_peasant
    @mr_peasant 6 дней назад +3

    e chain