This Is How Our Society Is ACTIVELY Rejecting God

  • Опубликовано: 16 ноя 2023
  • In this video, Martyn Iles explains how our culture has suppressed the reality of God’s existence through naturalistic secularism and is now serving the false god of identity through woke paganism.
    Martyn Iles is an Australian lawyer, commentator, and preacher living in the US. He is the Chief Ministry Officer at Answers in Genesis, a large Christian apologetics and education ministry known for its famous Ark Encounter and Creation Museum attractions in Northern Kentucky, which are visited by 1.5 million people each year. From 2018-2023, Martyn was the managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby, one of Australia’s largest political movements.
    Learn more about Martyn Iles:
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Комментарии • 397

  • @hollyl4425
    @hollyl4425 7 месяцев назад +97

    They won't point to God because they don't want to bend a knee to Him. That was me, but then I realized I needed Him to hold my mind together. The truth shall set you free!

    • @tracygeddes5867
      @tracygeddes5867 7 месяцев назад +2

      Mindless submission to a vengeful god is not what the original writers should have meant, love as displayed on the cross is above all and takes us all, all no exceptions, into the loving embrace, Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, he wanted to unlock the heavy heart so that we would no longer live in judgment of one another and instead walk in unconditional love to all, or have we forgotten and are intent on judging , if we do then we judge ourselves, rigid adherence to a man made gospel is far from the heart of god, be sure you are not just bending the knee to the hopes and aspirations of a fallen man!

    • @darrenmckenzie4474
      @darrenmckenzie4474 7 месяцев назад

      So many gods, you don't believe the other 999 I just go one god further.
      The bible is clearly manmade and maintained by con men like this guy.
      I would rather live my life in reality than a comforting lie.

    • @tracygeddes5867
      @tracygeddes5867 7 месяцев назад

      @@darrenmckenzie4474 that’s right Darren , live your authentic self, walk in love and kindness to your fellow man and you will be closer to having a peaceful life than trying to please others,a way to truly find yourself is to seek someone you see as unlovable and open your heart to them, don’t be a mug, just walk in kindness and don’t worry about what others say.

    • @gowdsake7103
      @gowdsake7103 7 месяцев назад

      Wow how sick you must be with how the Bible views women

    • @MarianMurphy-rz8ej
      @MarianMurphy-rz8ej 5 месяцев назад +2

      The thing is, they will always have an authority above them. If they won’t submit to Truth and a wise and benevolent Creator they will be ruled by tyrants and the worst of all deities the devil who is not the author of anything excellent, admirable, worthy or noble. Only abuse, suffering, pain of every kind and sadness that is exponential and has nothing beautiful attached to it. That’s all he gets credit for in my eyes. The majority are on his side it seems. And it’s odd. They will always have an authority above them and for some reason they are a glutton for punishment.
      Isn’t it better to have a boss that is a servant leader, not a micro manager breathing down your neck, making your life hell, putting pressure on you, giving you deadlines that are unreachable, changing the goalposts at the last minute, being unhappy with your work, telling you to start again even though you put your all in to a particular project, constantly nitpicking, criticising you, bullying you, laughing at you, mocking you, embarrassing you? Like isn’t it better to have a boss thats really cool and makes your life and your life’s work a great joy? That you wake in the morning and you look forward to your day? You’re not dreading it. You’re not thinking you have to be in a workplace where your colleagues treat you like dirt, your boss tramples on you, to line his own pocket..
      They chose the deity who always finds a way to ruin your day, and wipe the smile from your face. The god that gives them high blood pressure at 40, and puts them on tablets because his agents always set out to provoke, or anger you?
      They’d rather serve that egregious crocodile of a deity - the devil - than Our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus who is made in His image and Ultimate Wisdom who promises to take away their pain, sadness, ill health and sickness for eternity..
      People are becoming mad. There are people out here in the world today that are pretending to have serious disabilities to participate in a lie and do the will of their god the devil 🤯 Why would anyone in a million years want to do that? That they love sin so much they’re willing to fake having a degenerative condition or severe disability to do his bidding. And the agents of the devil they use these examples in order to paint a narrative of the Creator and foist an identity upon Him that does not represent Him - to say if God exists why does xyz happen in this world? Why is a person born with a particular condition? That is not of the Creator - it is a product of sin one way or another - whether a curse on such people for rejecting Truth or an outright ugly and evil lie from the pit of hell..

  • @pj_ytmt-123
    @pj_ytmt-123 7 месяцев назад +40

    YES. Young children are impressionable creatures and if we do not put God's word into their minds, the devil will gladly fill the vacuum.

    • @pj_ytmt-123
      @pj_ytmt-123 7 месяцев назад


    • @margaretclarke3643
      @margaretclarke3643 7 месяцев назад +2

      So true! Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, even Politicians should be fully involved.

    • @glenliesegang233
      @glenliesegang233 7 месяцев назад

      Once you reject that evil and sin exist, anything is permitted. Why is anyone surprised that a garden where weeds are not considered detrimental, does not produce as one weeded, does?

    • @pj_ytmt-123
      @pj_ytmt-123 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@glenliesegang233 Well, weeds are still viewed negatively except by the servants of satan and those they have seduced.

    • @pj_ytmt-123
      @pj_ytmt-123 7 месяцев назад

      @@glenliesegang233 Hmm, actually the devil's minions do recognize that weeds are bad, that's why they work hard to spread it!

  • @theverylovelychannel4498
    @theverylovelychannel4498 7 месяцев назад +27

    His commentary on 'pride' and 'self-worship' from 16:00 is profound.

  • @bolandsystems9707
    @bolandsystems9707 7 месяцев назад +134

    If no-one speaks out, everyone simply follows the norm.
    Thank you Martyn for speaking out in such a clear and decisive manner.
    1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    [14] The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

    • @michaelart4878
      @michaelart4878 7 месяцев назад +1

      The Jordan, Euphrates, Bow and EL-bow are all rivers 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-men' 🌿

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 7 месяцев назад

      lol, religion is a joke mate, dress it up however you want it's stupid stories.

    • @MarianMurphy-rz8ej
      @MarianMurphy-rz8ej 5 месяцев назад

      It’s so strange to me. This culture of peeping Tomfoolery is normal and they understand it? It’s like a different language to me. The lawlessness and gaslighting. I mean I feel like I have a social condition around these people. They might as well speak Zwahili! No integrity is normal to them? Like an inability to speak Truth is normal to them. Living like a Venn diagram but no one acknowledges it is normal? I mean I’m sorry there isn’t even one worldly soap opera, or tv show that is showing what human families have really degenerated into. They mostly promote and extol semi healthy human relationships. I mean issues here and there but boundaries and natural vision certainly. No third eyes allowed. Yet to see a series where everyone is invading everyone else. There would be no narrative arc in the story if everyone just knew what everyone else was going to do or say. No more Law and Order SVU because case is closed within 1 minute of the show beginning. No one thinks it’s odd that their lives do not in the smallest way resemble some of their favourite characters in any number of tv shows. They don’t stop and think ‘Friends is my fav tv show (for example). These people don’t seem to be predatory or violate each other in the unseen spiritual realm however. Ross and Rachel really seem to be in love and understand boundaries. The characters don’t see through walls and what the other characters experience on a given day is fresh news when they share it with the others. They’re not living in darkness, they’re not living like a Venn diagram. I relate to Rachel or Monica etc. but I’m walking around like a dinosaur a little bit. That’s weird..🤔’

    • @MarianMurphy-rz8ej
      @MarianMurphy-rz8ej 5 месяцев назад

      @@HarryNicNicholasorganised religion only. What Jesus taught is the Truth. Take Socrates argument from opposites. If the darkness is then the light is too. You can’t deny the darkness of this place. It’s the sign of Jonah Jesus warned about..

    • @bolandsystems9707
      @bolandsystems9707 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@HarryNicNicholasI agree when it comes to what man has turned religion into.
      Man wants te be in control, in every aspect of life, including God, thus... religion (where we make the rules through what we call: organisation).
      I can asure you, as a complete pragmatist (mathematicion), I will not hold onto a fake religion.
      When I "met" Jesus (God is Spirit - Joh.4:24), He revealed himself to my spirit, not my mind.or understanding.
      I can understand the penalty payment on the cross, even belief the historical fact, but that will benefit me NOTHING. Even the devil (who was on-site) KNOWS these facts, with zero benefit.
      God reveals Himself to us in our spirit.
      He is Love.
      I was "exposed" to this love in my spirit and could not resist Him.
      My whole existance cried out to be part of this Love.
      I simply cried out (in my heart): "pls take control of my life, I trust you. I want this love in my life"
      Everything changed from that day on.
      Not only my behaviour (naturally), but also my insight in his Word.
      I experienced the release from evil spirits, seeing a 15-year old (caught up in evil spirit activities) naturally smile again, jumping up & down, hugging me all the time in thankfullness, being released from bondage, simply by me commanding that spirit to leave him in Jesus' name, which is the name above all names!
      The world uses His Name to powerfully swear (strangely, no other name is used)
      His children uses it to set men free.
      I myself have experienced panic attacks due to financial worries, but instantly recognised it was an attack.
      I asked my wife to command him to leave me in Jesus' name.
      A complete release an calmness filled me.
      I asked myself: "can it realy be so simple?" (no pills, no psychiatrist???)
      We recieved this authority on who's behalf we may stand against the devil [evil spirit])
      All these things happen without a church organisation and in reality.
      If what you see in religion does not comply to what is written, it is not of God.
      Jesus reacted to satan's 3x temptations with: "it is written"
      Even when satan misused the written word in his 2nd temptation, He did not deviate.
      The Word is the truth.
      Pls do not measure God by man's standards!!!
      If you truely seek Him,
      He WILL reveal himself!!!

  • @fburky
    @fburky 7 месяцев назад +84

    The sad thing about psychiatry even more becoming the big thing is all they have to really offer struggling people are new medications. And these medications are small amounts of what we'd call street drugs, like ecstasy and magic mushrooms. They're also using small amounts of ketamine, an anesthesia that has hallucinogenic side effects. My husband's nephew just became a psychiatrist, and they're all optimistic that these "new medications " will finally be what helps people. So sad, people need Jesus!!

    • @robmarshall956
      @robmarshall956 7 месяцев назад

      Indeed you cannot substitute chemicals for the need to be born again for we are dead in sin and need salvation !! From what ? From a Holy And Just God, we need rescuing and whilst a shrink maybe able to help you determine some truth they will overwhelmingly point you everywhere else except to Jesus Christ for help, I experienced this drug/shrink walk from 8-43 and my friends there is no other substitute, look talk to a shrink if you are worried about matters and some medication may be necessary but don’t substitute that worldly help for your eternal need to be born again from above this is not something shrinkage of chemicals of any form can replace 🙏✝️

    • @pauleywogg59
      @pauleywogg59 7 месяцев назад +14

      yes my wife has a nephew who is a pharmacists here in Canada. Professions like psychiatry and pharmacy or anything in the medical field are heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical giants. Whatever they say is considered gospel truth by health professionals. It is seldom if ever questioned. And behind what the pharmaceutical companies are promoting is nothing more than a love of money and power and influence. Yes our drug companies have done some good over the last 100 years. But they have also done immense harm. The harmful aspect of their agenda is unfortunately becoming their "main agenda". Remember we have to reduce the worlds population to "safe the planet". At least that is the lie that is promoted. Such absolute nonsense and such evil. You are 110% accurate when you say Jesus Christ is the answer to all of this world's turmoil and suffering. God holds open His hand with such immense benefits to offer us. For FREE. But the vast majority would rather choose the toxic substitutes to Jesus Christ. Rebellion rather then submission to God.Very very sad.

    • @robmarshall956
      @robmarshall956 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@pauleywogg59 amen to all that ✝️

    • @riverdonoghue9992
      @riverdonoghue9992 7 месяцев назад +6

      My mother was misdiagnosed with bi polar disorder. She was given ect and put on lithium that turned her into a complete zombie. We didn't know about the lithium. Mum lost 2 babies shortly after they were born and my father was a complete psychopath. When I tried to raise these issues and suggested she was suffering from cptsd I was told by her shrink that she didn't need me to tell her how to do her job and that she was the expert not me. The lithium eventually caused kidney failure and killed her.

    • @christinemclatchie
      @christinemclatchie 7 месяцев назад

      Oh I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your dear Mother! These supposed professionals (a lot of them) are so arrogant, and us speaking up dents their pride so badly.
      I understand the situation, as after consulting with many psychiatrists and psychologists, and after different diagnoses, it turned out I also had cptsd. It should have been obvious I would’ve thought, as now I know what I was presenting with.
      I was put on anti psychotic medication (along with other meds) and I did not have psychosis or anything near it; and later down the track, Drs could no longer prescribe it because it made patients suicidal. There are no words for the incompetence, nor the willingness of big pharm* to dish out whatever they want to, in order to keep us sick…for the love of 💰
      God bless you and comfort you as only He knows how 🙏

  • @kerrog22
    @kerrog22 7 месяцев назад +53

    Martyn we miss you so much in Australia." The truth of it " was such a great series and your revelations were so profound.

    • @MartynIlesYT
      @MartynIlesYT  7 месяцев назад +10

      Thank you for your kind comment! Martyn Iles will be back in Australia Feb-Mar for and we plan to have regular weekly content published to Martyn's channel - Moderator

    • @barbaradoughty8152
      @barbaradoughty8152 7 месяцев назад

      Why where is he?.

    • @christinacutlass1694
      @christinacutlass1694 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@barbaradoughty8152he was touring the US…

    • @margaretclarke3643
      @margaretclarke3643 7 месяцев назад +4

      I agree 💯 percent; 'The Truth If It' had a great impact because it was very focused.

  • @NicBathurst
    @NicBathurst 7 месяцев назад +55

    Thankyou Martin for so clearly explaining the times we are living in!

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 7 месяцев назад

      yes it must be great to have all the nonsense you have to swallow to get into heaven be confirmed - pity it's all codswallop and there is no reward cos there is no afterlife.

    • @anniefawcett9936
      @anniefawcett9936 6 месяцев назад

      @@HarryNicNicholas what do you think happens when we die?

    • @kristintipps6735
      @kristintipps6735 2 месяца назад

      @@HarryNicNicholas For the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the Power of God.
      Join us ❤️

  • @SunblushStarfish
    @SunblushStarfish 7 месяцев назад +66

    Wonderful, Martyn! Such great points and absolute truth. Thank you for this talk.

  • @joyobrien4749
    @joyobrien4749 7 месяцев назад +82

    Always good to hear your Biblical teachings.....I am never left with confusion. God has blessed you with much wisdom and knowledge

    • @bobbieolsen7264
      @bobbieolsen7264 7 месяцев назад

      ⁠Sounds like you have a bee in your bonnet, the scripture asks: how shall they hear without a Preacher, this Great Commission to Go and preach, teach and baptize is the work that God laid out for those who love Him, now is seems your trying to Teach something that you think is important, something you think is God breathed, So preach on, enlighten us to the exact nature of what your trying to baptize us with that God has chosen you to accomplish… please, speak on.

    • @awatchman-um7vy
      @awatchman-um7vy 7 месяцев назад

      @@SallyIronic ,....You are deceived, and do not understand the Bibles gospel, nor the Bibles Christianity. Repent!

    • @tomgunn8004
      @tomgunn8004 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@SallyIronic Nobody is asserting that God only reveals himself to ''ONE GUY'' .This guy is only one of many who has been blessed. Don't be such a know-it-all!

    • @nickbenfell4327
      @nickbenfell4327 7 месяцев назад

      No he hasn't.

    • @shadowbannedforspeakingtru1436
      @shadowbannedforspeakingtru1436 7 месяцев назад

      This man nor ken ham are Christians. They are deceivers, wolves in sheeps clothing.

  • @Ammyai
    @Ammyai 7 месяцев назад +8

    The world needs more men like Martyn and Ken Ham!

  • @RLynx76221
    @RLynx76221 7 месяцев назад +61

    Hey Martyn, praying for you from Montana🙏🏼 Hope your doing well💕 always love your teachings you are a true blessing. Thank you for being such a warrior and example to this lost and dying world.

    • @patriciagraham222
      @patriciagraham222 7 месяцев назад +8

      Absolutely correct!

    • @lydianel4641
      @lydianel4641 7 месяцев назад +4

      Praying for you from Montana SA....Logos Babtist. Thanx for Wordbased, Christ centered message.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 7 месяцев назад

      i'm praying for him too cos he sounds slightly backward.

    • @jeffouellette9946
      @jeffouellette9946 2 месяца назад

      ​@@HarryNicNicholasI've watched four videos and not heard him say one thing wrong.

    • @kristintipps6735
      @kristintipps6735 2 месяца назад

      @@HarryNicNicholas You too can be Saved! Keep searching out the Truth. You will be changed and comforted.

  • @kaylenehousego8929
    @kaylenehousego8929 7 месяцев назад +12

    Appreciation and blessings to you Martyn….from Sydney Australia.

  • @pembridgehouse
    @pembridgehouse 7 месяцев назад +22

    Well said Martyn. From Romans 1 we go to Romans 6 where we find we can enter into an "Exchanged Life". That word again. When it is no longer I that live but God who lives in me.

    • @jeffouellette9946
      @jeffouellette9946 2 месяца назад

      Problem is most christians reject the work of the holy spirit.

    • @pembridgehouse
      @pembridgehouse 2 месяца назад

      @@jeffouellette9946 Thanks for stopping by jeff.

  • @BeckyTheBabe
    @BeckyTheBabe 7 месяцев назад +8

    The pastor at a church I went to preached that the books Of Genesis and Revelation were alagory. His wife told me she doesn’t even believe there is hell. I don’t go to that church anymore.

  • @carrythefireministriesuk
    @carrythefireministriesuk 7 месяцев назад +8

    Excellent! The answers are still in Genesis!! Praise God! 🔥

  • @garrygraham7901
    @garrygraham7901 7 месяцев назад +29

    Good onya, Martyn. Great words and a powerful message. Love what you are doing at AiG, mate. GBU.

  • @carolhaslam9454
    @carolhaslam9454 7 месяцев назад +20

    Thanks Martyn always blessed by your teaching. Hope to get to your Aussie event next year, hopefully Canberra but at a pinch I could manage Sydney. Remember the crowd you had in Canberra for Babylon. I too was brought to my senses by Ken’s teaching when I started homeschooling my three youngest children in the mid 90’s God used Ken’s teaching to give me the firm foundation for my faith and I will be forever grateful 🙏❤️🙏

  • @thundergrace
    @thundergrace 7 месяцев назад +12

    Thanks for your faithful preaching!

  • @LisaMeredithShahNoble
    @LisaMeredithShahNoble 7 месяцев назад +7

    Amen. Only ONE Truth. God's Truth.

  • @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559
    @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 7 месяцев назад +20

    You're good, he's good,
    I never regret watching a Martin Iles video.

    • @tonyabrown7796
      @tonyabrown7796 7 месяцев назад +1

      I sometimes wonder if I've already listened to one so I'll start it just to check. Then I decide to listen to it all over again anyway.

    • @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559
      @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 7 месяцев назад

      @@tonyabrown7796 😁

  • @Everlastingquotes7
    @Everlastingquotes7 7 месяцев назад +6

    Amen and Amen - May the God of Daniel, Joseph, Nehemiah, Ruth, Hannah, Elizabeth and all the prophets and Apostles remind and empower us daily- we are here today for such a time as this ! 🙏🏾 ❤

  • @marybrooks8147
    @marybrooks8147 7 месяцев назад +3

    It is so good to hear truth spoken in this world, and that is God's truth. Thank you!

  • @user-ww5hh3sq9m
    @user-ww5hh3sq9m 6 месяцев назад +3

    We miss you in Australia Martyn but God wanted you on a bigger stage to reach more people. His plan is always bigger and better than we can ever envisage. God bless you mate.

  • @pauleywogg59
    @pauleywogg59 7 месяцев назад +3

    Great teaching and so very very true. Thank you brother. Very thankful for AIG and praying they will always stay under the authority of God's word and the headship of Jesus Christ. We desperately need those who have the courage, faith and desire to obey God no matter what the consequences. If the majority of todays churches took the road AIG has, our western nations would be in a very different place. But unfortunately the majority of the churches serve themselves or the world, or the flesh rather than God.

    • @richardgregory3684
      @richardgregory3684 7 месяцев назад +1

      _If the majority of todays churches took the road AIG has, our western nations would be in a very different place_
      Yeah....the Middle Ages!

  • @blackukulele
    @blackukulele 7 месяцев назад +5

    For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation in all who believe, to the Jew first and to the Greek. For the righteousness of God is revealed by it from faith to faith, just as it is written, the justified shall live by faith.

  • @michelecrouse5284
    @michelecrouse5284 7 месяцев назад +4

    refreshing to see Australia still have Christians believing from genesis to Revolution observe His will and His laws His appointed times.
    Shalom from South Africa.

  • @strongarm1129
    @strongarm1129 7 месяцев назад +8

    Can't wait for you to visit Perth Australia again. Do a big Shout out! Benjamin Nickels!

  • @L.Fontein7
    @L.Fontein7 7 месяцев назад +2

    Wonderful news about Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Her story and her cause have always tugged at my heartstrings and I was saddened years ago upon discovering she was an atheist (although with evil she's seen and personally experienced it wasn't surprising). Praise God for her conversion; may she walk closely with, and find peace and rest in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • @jackiemaxwell1545
    @jackiemaxwell1545 7 месяцев назад +5

    Hi Martyn always blest to hear your ministry, we have missed you in Perth Western Australia. Big thankyou to Ken Hams Genesis, which has survived the test of time and much needed truths on Creation. May God bless your comings and goings and may his hand always be mightily upon you and may you be a blessing to Genesis and all those around you.

  • @broniakaniowski9367
    @broniakaniowski9367 7 месяцев назад +4

    Oh good to see and hear from you again...Australia misses you very much.....Truly God has given you this Wonderfull gift....Bless you.....Your talk reminds me of when God created Lucifer (He) was full of ( PRIDE ) his fall was (and I quote)) ''''''I WILL NOT SERVE''''''' AND the rest are following him. TO WHERE ?????? hell .....if they don't repent. God Bless you.

  • @cindyricksgers6478
    @cindyricksgers6478 7 месяцев назад +4

    what astounds me is the one and only amazing God opened my eyes to the truth, I don't believe a lie. Profound!

  • @sharmibhalla6092
    @sharmibhalla6092 7 месяцев назад +3

    From Kenya. I just came to know that you are now residing in America! I was watching your programs regularly and then lost touch. What a big big loss for Australia! Hope one day they will realise and regret it. I just love your teachings, messsges and sermons. Thank you.

    • @Shofargirl1
      @Shofargirl1 7 месяцев назад

      Yes, great message.⚘🌿

  • @ildikosowinski5708
    @ildikosowinski5708 7 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you !

  • @mailie6403
    @mailie6403 7 месяцев назад +4

    Martyn you are missed in Australia. I am so glad I have found your channel.

  • @truthandlife4101
    @truthandlife4101 7 месяцев назад +7

    Martyn such a good teaching with bringing us back to Genesis, I have listened to the Ark
    on you tube that they built to show people and you tube serious Answers in Genesis.
    It is great to hear you teach on this. We as believers have a tough job sharing the truth.
    I pray for the lost and tell all of those people with anxiety it is because you do not know Jesus , our lite must shine. Genesis is a great chapter thank you for videos it strengthens
    me with more knowledge to share the truth.

  • @Eliz119
    @Eliz119 7 месяцев назад +6

    "For the earnest expectation, waits with groanings, for the coming of the Sons of GOD" Romans 8:19-22

  • @RebbleRally
    @RebbleRally 7 месяцев назад +5

    I was really touched by this Message, thanks Martyn.

  • @marycallard5141
    @marycallard5141 7 месяцев назад +4

    So good young man!! We need this!!

  • @61lekker
    @61lekker 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for preaching the Truth

  • @thrudd6610
    @thrudd6610 7 месяцев назад +2

    Great to hear from you again Martyn... miss you here in Australia!

  • @user-zm3dg3pu8y
    @user-zm3dg3pu8y 2 месяца назад +1

    Every knee will bow an every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

  • @eleutheroosetfree7777
    @eleutheroosetfree7777 7 месяцев назад +1

    I appreciate this timely message. It’s very difficult to verbalize the absolute confusion of the world culture today. This little short message focuses on the root problem spot on.

  • @michaelcale272
    @michaelcale272 7 месяцев назад +2

    😊 I appreciate your returning me back to reality

  • @s.c.i.7506
    @s.c.i.7506 7 месяцев назад +5

    Very good.

  • @mrskerry8111
    @mrskerry8111 7 месяцев назад +3

    Brilliant message, Martyn.

  • @meridythrock1128
    @meridythrock1128 5 месяцев назад +1

    His Word is a light unto our path… indeed HE is truth; thank you again Martyn…

  • @elainemeyer-hp6ye
    @elainemeyer-hp6ye 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you Martyn

  • @dorinmicu7511
    @dorinmicu7511 7 месяцев назад +2

    Amen! God bless!

  • @karaheinrich4325
    @karaheinrich4325 7 месяцев назад +2

    Fair go Martyn, Dalby is a pretty decent place! 😄 Great talk - thankyou!!

  • @rozaliamajores4798
    @rozaliamajores4798 7 месяцев назад +1

    God bless you brother for teaching the truth without turning to the left or right, from the truth. As Jesus said every eye will see Him even those who blatantly reject Him even now.

  • @unclenote
    @unclenote 7 месяцев назад +3


  • @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559
    @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 7 месяцев назад +15

    I'll leave the gospel here:
    How do you get to hell?
    Very simple: claim that you're innocent.
    How do you get to heaven?
    Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy.
    How to know if you're guilty or not?
    Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible.
    Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police.
    Do not lie.
    Do not steal.
    Do not commit adultery.
    Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word.
    There are six more but let's just leave it at that.
    How many lies have you told in your life?
    Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you?
    Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman.
    How many times a day do you do that?
    Do you use God's name as a cuss word?
    Would you do that with your own mother's name?
    If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty.
    God can justly punish you and send you to hell.
    Ask him for mercy.
    His name is Jesus. It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine.
    The fine is death.
    Ezekiel 18:20 -
    "The soul who sins shall die."
    That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy.
    Option A.
    You die for your own sins.
    Option B.
    Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died on the cross for you.

    **Honest questions are welcome.**

    • @princessbabibear4794
      @princessbabibear4794 7 месяцев назад +4

      Why didn't mention being born again and the transformative work of Jesus Christ that you must receive a new heart and a new nature from God? We get our assurance of salvation from the Lord himself. And Corinthians it says to test yourselves to see you're in the faith.

    • @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559
      @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 7 месяцев назад

      This gospel tract was based on the story of the Rich Young Ruler from Matthew 19.
      There are many ways to write a short gospel tract.
      I didn't even use the word "believe" I just implied it by directing people to ask for mercy, people cannot ask for something from someone they do not believe exists/telling the truth.

    • @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559
      @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 7 месяцев назад

      You're more than welcome to write a gospel tract to based on the opening of John 3, which is the part of the Bible that mentions being born again.

    • @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559
      @yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 7 месяцев назад

      @@princessbabibear4794 ❤️

    • @patriciagraham222
      @patriciagraham222 7 месяцев назад +1

      I am going for option B! No one can be perfect...but we can all be better than we are....and keep trying!

  • @GuyWillson-bu6nz
    @GuyWillson-bu6nz 7 месяцев назад +2

    Good vision Martyn. Put it all on the shelf for man to be able to lay hold of.

  • @rpmgrlca
    @rpmgrlca 7 месяцев назад +5

    It took me 50 years to realise there is no such thing as atheism. We all worship something.

  • @noreengkerekou8136
    @noreengkerekou8136 7 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you, I pray that people will try and understand a search for the truth. Without searching and prayer you can have no relationship with God. And even amongst the human race, how do you really understand a loved one? By spending time with them and developing a relationship😊😊

  • @dwightWSmith73
    @dwightWSmith73 5 месяцев назад

    Preach it Martyn. Good to see younger men like you preaching the truth. As the current preachers like Washer, Baucham, Comfort and MacArthur are getting older, it will be those like you and Costi Hinn who grab the baton and keep running toward the prize.

  • @davidflett8107
    @davidflett8107 7 месяцев назад +2

    You are really helping me. Ravi Racharius was my main man. He still is for me. He was a man as I am , we fail . You've nailed it.

    • @kelrogers8480
      @kelrogers8480 7 месяцев назад +2

      He didn't just "fail". He systematically, habitually and continously abused women, over a long period of time, while masquerading as a man of God. He left his family with the shame and heartache. He destroyed lives. Have you no shame? That's just wicked!

    • @AntAnt-mr7lc
      @AntAnt-mr7lc 7 месяцев назад

      1 corinthians 5:11

  • @israel_connection
    @israel_connection 26 дней назад

    Yes this is a great format keep it up.

  • @rebeccawheatley3450
    @rebeccawheatley3450 7 месяцев назад +4

    Go Dalby! ❤

  • @EnglishwithBathabile
    @EnglishwithBathabile 7 месяцев назад +1

    This is spot on! 🎉

  • @sarajillianshepherd3858
    @sarajillianshepherd3858 7 месяцев назад +1

    Brilliant Martin, love your work. Blessing to you always love 🇦🇺 🙏💕😄🙏💕

  • @carolmiller1622
    @carolmiller1622 7 месяцев назад

    Love your teaching
    God bless
    Carol from New Zealand

  • @Gr82bsaved417
    @Gr82bsaved417 7 месяцев назад +1

    God is the greatest scientist, His creation is evidence of it. I tried to find fulfillment in self help books, psychology, it wasn't there. I found it in God's word and Jesus my Saviour.

  • @thecrew777
    @thecrew777 7 месяцев назад +3

    So glad Martyn Iles has joined AIG. I remember watching him in Australia and thinking to myself "now, there's a brave soul". Well, now we need him. Thank You God.

  • @rochellecaffee1417
    @rochellecaffee1417 5 месяцев назад

    Dear Martyn Iles, i enjoy hearing you, share what is on your heart, because you seem to really CARE about what is on the hearts of your audience. But i write to leave you this message, in case you didn’t “get the memo”….but my focus is only on 3 things: America, America, America….the church there, the gov’t, or lack of, there, and e few family members, there. That was my announcement-decision, a couple of years ago, because i had all kinds of responsibilities being put on my shoulders, by OTHER PEOPLE, that, for many years, i was not aware of, or ever asked to agree with, give my permission for, or ever thought of as MY own. I do hope that Australia will consider listening to, the honest expressions of your heart, though. God bless. Rochelle D. Caffee (BTW, i don’t “run” any of these “interests” that i have…they are JUST my “interests”.)

  • @brendaduncan4347
    @brendaduncan4347 5 месяцев назад

    This is so excellent. Thank you.

  • @divergentone777
    @divergentone777 7 месяцев назад +1

    AMEN! My church observes The Lord's Holy Sabbath Day, because it was given from the beginning - Genesis 2:1-3

  • @LittleBritchesAB75
    @LittleBritchesAB75 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you Martyn.

  • @benjaminsymon
    @benjaminsymon 7 месяцев назад +1

    bless you 😃

  • @debrakelly4505
    @debrakelly4505 Месяц назад

    This guy is brilliant! What a great addition to Answers in Genesis

  • @peterguyot9724
    @peterguyot9724 7 месяцев назад +3

    Adam and Eve celebrated their independence day with a fall. In order to reach out and take the fruit they had dethroned God and enthroned self. Its only through faith in Christ that God can take a heart of stone (dead in sin) and replace it with one made of flesh that will walk in the commandments of God. The tyranny of self rule in the heart is idolatry at its core. Worshipping the creature instead of the Creator who is to be praised, amen. The opposite of love is not hate, but selfishness. Sin takes takes takes but love gives to another. Self is dethroned when God takes up residence in our body through the Holy Spirit.

  • @krystalriverflow
    @krystalriverflow 7 месяцев назад +1

    I live near Pakenham ... Pa... ken... ham.... in a small town named Gembrook....and see the beauty in all things

  • @TimGraceAndFaith
    @TimGraceAndFaith 7 месяцев назад +1

    Nice one Martyn!

  • @stevehowland8493
    @stevehowland8493 6 месяцев назад

    Good on you Martyn...Thankyou. 😃

  • @lynnes5561
    @lynnes5561 7 месяцев назад

    Loved this!!!

  • @brooksidejanna
    @brooksidejanna 7 месяцев назад

    A blessed explanation of Blueprints from Genesis & God's spoken Word in Romans 1. Thank you! So agree - Answers in Genesis. Jlym

  • @mikeswilp6001
    @mikeswilp6001 7 месяцев назад


  • @juliannethompson4432
    @juliannethompson4432 6 месяцев назад

    Martyn, God has chosen you to be the voice of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and a type of Daniel’s ministry in our neo pagan culture. To call the Church back to its true biblical foundation 👏🏻👏🏻

  • @CrunchieLongboarding
    @CrunchieLongboarding 7 месяцев назад

    This is so good

  • @lynandrews4160
    @lynandrews4160 2 месяца назад

    Hi Martyn, thanks again. I have often wondered how to understand the Peace Jesus talks about. I now realise He could mean that to follow His way, God's way, cuts through the complexity which culture throws up all the time. Lyn

  • @chrisharris4047
    @chrisharris4047 7 месяцев назад +1

    great points Martyn

  • @seijacharles4004
    @seijacharles4004 7 месяцев назад +3

    God has his "7000" , who don't bow down to Baal, that He had during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel, and He has them now. And today, we also hear the words of Elijah:... "choose you this day whom you shall serve"...smashing the idol of false security to pieces.

  • @riverdonoghue9992
    @riverdonoghue9992 7 месяцев назад +3

    No wonder we have such an epidemic of mental health problems in the west especially suicide among young men. The obsession with the self disconnects us from everything.

  • @Shofargirl1
    @Shofargirl1 7 месяцев назад

    GOD is.....and always will be.❤

  • @danallison4138
    @danallison4138 6 месяцев назад

    Rare to find this message preached with this kind of urgency. I don't care for most Bible teachers but this guy is thinking right.

  • @Jimmy-ws4hu
    @Jimmy-ws4hu 3 месяца назад

    Humans tend to run from what they fear and fear what they do not understand.... understanding comes through the Word that takes away fear giving strength to stand

  • @Gidadarling
    @Gidadarling 7 месяцев назад

    Aaaaaaamen Martyn! Preach it bro.

  • @MariaGomez-yr1zw
    @MariaGomez-yr1zw 7 месяцев назад

    Martin, I would be interested in knowing what your opinion is about what took place in Israel on October 7th. I don't seem to find where you have addressed this catastrophic event. Please include a link here to direct me to the article or message where you spoke about it. Thank you.

  • @riverdonoghue9992
    @riverdonoghue9992 7 месяцев назад

    Even in the Churches now especially Anglicanism we see this theology of God loves you just as you are. God loves us unconditionally. There seems to be a constant drive to reinvent God and to redfine scripture in secular terms and replace age old beliefs with post modernism.

  • @christinefarrall9391
    @christinefarrall9391 7 месяцев назад

    What version are you reading from?

  • @geoffdein2894
    @geoffdein2894 7 месяцев назад

    Christians of all persuasions pronounce ABED…NEGO. As Abendigo. I can understand my fellow Australians because of our town Bendigo. Americans seem to have trouble with NEW…CLEAR, instead of NEW..CLELA. President Bush was a classic. Martyn, your presentations are excellent and I steer my fellow church members and my children towards your presentations

  • @DerKirchenhocker
    @DerKirchenhocker 6 месяцев назад +1

    Even Christians are prone to giving God a mere lip service yet don’t walk in obedience.

    • @us3rG
      @us3rG 6 месяцев назад +1

      Those are not Christians
      Good men are few

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 6 месяцев назад

    ok, another presentation, on taking Genesis, literally....thank you...

  • @gerhardcombrinck7026
    @gerhardcombrinck7026 7 месяцев назад +2

    Good talk. Like your work. I'm not suffering from unbelief in the authority of Scripture. So, let me say, making provision for the existence of a pre-Adamic race does not deny that Adam was the first man (human). Also, understanding "day" to be a 24 hour period denies that the sun (which facilitates 24 hour days) was created on the 4th day, as per Genesis. "Day", in Hebrew, can mean an undefined period of time. I don't see why this understanding should be seen to contradict the Bible.

  • @gbwhatswotb2068
    @gbwhatswotb2068 7 месяцев назад

    There is a world of difference between” changed the truth the truth into
    a lie “andexchanged truth for a lie’.
    And much rests on it

  • @user-iu4ql8uw6t
    @user-iu4ql8uw6t 4 месяца назад

    I just went to living in Babylon last night it was so good I am really impressed 👍🏻😁

    • @per-arnemoa103
      @per-arnemoa103 3 месяца назад

      No wonder you hide your real name.

  • @eugenelombard960
    @eugenelombard960 7 месяцев назад +1

    I am amazed that people who reject God as our Creator, are trying their best to levitate themselves to that position.

    • @jesussaves7843
      @jesussaves7843 5 месяцев назад

      They don’t want to acknowledge any authority over them so that they can keep in sin and also like satan they want to worship the them/selves

    @LIKEFUNK 7 месяцев назад

    My favourite passage is.....when Jesus was allegedly being tested/tempted by the liar in the wilderness, the liar used two passages and stated 'it is written'....what a shock he got when it was 'said in person as the reply to him, begone! ...did you notice he couldn't refer to written text as his excuse any more the instant it was instead proclaimed to him .....begone! -it wen't silent instantly!!

  • @aaronskirrow7721
    @aaronskirrow7721 7 месяцев назад

    "But if ye believe not his (Moses') writings, how shall ye believe my (Jesus') words?" John 5:47 Jesus said if you reject God's truth in the Torah, you can't believe Jesus' words. Genesis is the foundation which reveals the gospel. Many like Jesus' teachings on love and sacrifice, but reject Him as the only Son of God. They have a "Jesus consciousness", but they reject Jesus Himself. Those who love and receive Jesus will also love the entire word of God. Great teaching by Martin Iles! I will share this with my church!

  • @katherineking3174
    @katherineking3174 7 месяцев назад

    Made in His image!!! The enemy hates that, and wants to destroy that image!!!