This has to be the best, most thought out, perfect review of this device. I say device as it's more than a phone, as you said. I'm so tired of tech people complaining about the cameras. I love your take on it - dont complain about what it's missing, enjoy what it does. Ive enjoyed my time with it and am looking forward to enjoying the 6...
With these folding phones it will be another year or 2 for a ultra bigger screen ultra camera Right now I just want a dual screen phone for watching youtube on or gaming on it
Everybody is wrong? No, for instance you are not😊 “It is not about the camera hardware but about how you use it” was a perfect description. People review it from the POV of users of conventional smartphones. But a Fold user has a complete different POV and prioritisation. Thank you!
The Fold5 is my first foldable. Whenever someone asks me if they should buy it, my answer is 'it depends'. I have always said that getting a foldable is a 'per use' case. If you think you will actually be using the device for what it is, by all means, go and get it. I'm happy because most of your thoughts on the Fold5 resonate with me as that is what I feel as well. The cover screen that everybody seems to be complaining about - it feels perfectly usable to me. The tall and slim ratio when folded - it feels perfect in my hand with no need to overstretch my palms. And if I need it (and I didn't think I would as much), the main screen is there in all its glory. It is an excellent device. The cameras, while not the best, are still great. And most of all, the software that is running on this thing, is absolutely awesome. No, it isn't perfect, yet. Now, if only they can bring that SRP down a few notches.
For the money spent it is very expensive, not complete. Let's say the truth its only fair spen is needed in the phone not ten years ago! Thanks, Samsung
@@techwithbenefits I’m glad it made you laugh some. I love your way of explaining things in videos. You do things differently than most RUclipsrs. Great inputs.
Tbh when I'm buying a phone, cameras is the last thing I look at cuz I don't take much photos or videos at all. So if I were to get the fold, I won't really complain about the cameras
Although I understand your logic, paying $1,800+ for one singular phone, it BETTER have one of the best cameras in the market regardless if its why people are buying it for that reason or not. You're not gonna spend 80k on a car and it doesn't have heated seats. Thats standard in 2024.
When I had the Fold , I loved using the inner screen as a view finder when taking pictures. I took some of the best photos with it. I can't wait to see what the Fold 6 has in store for us.
The Fold 5 is unique for the benefits of the preview screen when using the back camera for picture or video. Kids and adults love seeing themselves on the preview screen. Also, there have been situations where I want to take a video or picture in a unique situation. I was in a cramped situation under my sink doing repairs, this weekend, and I needed to share a picture of what I was working on. I was able to use the preview screen AND the high quality camera to get a usable picture in the dark under the sink - with another phone, I would have to guess while using the back camera or use the preview screen and the lower quality front camera.
Easily the best review video on RUclips! Honestly, I'm so bored of my iPhone PM 15 and this video is convincing me to pick up a Z Fold 5. As I'm able to pick one up for 1/3 of the price in the UK (£600). Plus, you've got DEX as well as all the used case scenarios that you mentioned.
Wow, you've totally nailed the use and purpose of the Fold series. I think too many times it gets compared to the S Ultra line, but it's clearly used differently. Well done 👏🏾
For me, the biggest thing not being talked about with the Fold5 is the durability. I have gone caseless for more than six months, and after countless falls and bumps, it's flawless with the exception of a small nick on the hinge and a tiny scratch on the front screen. Iterative design, while frustrating, can often lead to better QC.
100 % agree with the cover screen not being too narrow! In fact I think its perfect and was one of the dealbreakers when I was buying a new phone. It is so handy and easy to use even with one hand, which kinda is the whole point
As someone who had a flip for not even a year because i accidentally dropped it then went on backmarket and eventually got a s22 this review is making me want a fold purely because of the types of things you mention inclhding the multitask mode because the amout of times i want to watch something while also reply to something and not being able to, sucks. Im definitely going to have a look into getting a fold 5 as much as i love my s22, i kind of want those extra aspects i loved my flip and i know id love the fold too
Great video man! Just subbed. I totally agree with you about the form factor. People nowadays forget that smartphones used to be small, pocket convenient, and one-hand use. For people with small and medium hand, "normal" size phone today are really big, it’s quite difficult and may cause wrist sore when operate with one hand. I truly think Samsung nailed the utility and screen size for thier customer. There are rumors about the fold Ultra or special edition coming, it would be disappointing if they ditch the current narrow outer display for something bigger like other folding phones on the market. Which people is asking for... i wouldn't mightbif there is a bigger version but please please don't put this unique form out of commission. They have already done it in the past, big phones sale more so no need for the small one. What do you think?
Fold 6 is IP48 so not "dust" proof but it's supposed to be a smaller hinge (reduced weight) and hopefully that will help with your laying flat issue. 🤷♂️
I had a Fold 3 and loved using it However I had the screen protector lifting in the crease and eventually killing the internal screen Fortunately it was Samsung fixed the screen as it was under warranty. 6 to 8 months later the screen protector again started lifting in the crease Paid for Samsung to replace the internal screen protector. Then again 8 or so months later the screen protector started lifting in the crease. Paid Samsung to replace it again as I didn't want the screen damaged and have to pay for a repayment screen That was it for me having to pay yearly and send the phone to have it replaced, so l sold it. The screen may survive opening the closing but paying and sending the phone in for screen protector replacement so it doesn't kill the internal screen killed folding phones for me. I would prefer the fold form factor but I don't think the durability of the internal screen is good enough to use without a screen protector.
I’ve had the z fold 3 since launch. Looking to upgrade to the 6. I have replaced my screen protector once. I order from Amazon and put one on and it works perfectly. I am on my second replacement due to the phone not opening all the way but I think that’s from when I went to the beach. Overall, I love the phone but I really want the 6 because I want a lighter phone. It’s a gram lesser than the iPhone 13 Pro Max (which my wife has). Can’t wait for the upgrade.
Paying yearly for screen-protector is not a bad idea…. Think of it like maintenance your car yearly such as oil change or new tires. Protect your device will prolong the usage of the hardware, it’s a Win-Win situation, don’t you think?
Finally, somebody who is actually honest and dont complain about everything single thing. People nit pick too much. And most people don't know how to take care of their stuff, including phones. It's all about the user.
Ordered a Fold 5 because I wanted a solution to display my photography on the spot while being able to do minor editing and on the spot printing. I don't need to bring a laptop or tablet when I can just take out a Fold and get the job done. I don't need to buy extra hardware or software so in reality I'm saving money by not needing these extra tools when my foldable phone can get the job done. Of course I still have a desktop, but on the go? Fold is practical.
This is a super review. The important thing is about everyday use in many different situations. It is difficult to explain to People that hasn't had a Z Fold. My wife and I do t use pc anymore. The ZFold 4 and 5 does everything and has almost no issues.
@techwithbenefits iPhone is technically a video camera if I need it haha and just bought the pixel 8 pro to see the camera quality I need to sell some items really but they are all so good
And you it normal to use two flagship devices worth of 3000 € to be able make someteing on bigger screen, and that use another phone when camera is needed?
I love this review. Just ordered a Z fold 5, im currently using an S23 Ultra. I think reviewers are expecting the same experience as using a slab phone as a fold. For me the cover screen is for social media, quick replies etc its not the complete phone. Granted it could be wider but I don't think I'll have that big of an issue with it..
I had my z fold 4 for 15 months before it completely died out of nowhere (never dropped, not a scratch on it) and even though I miss it tremendously (I started reading much more because of it) I’m so scared of spending again so much money on a phone that might not last even 2 years. And it doesn’t help that Samsung couldn’t even tell me what the problem is, all they did was tell me it would cost U$980 to replace (according to them) “the entire inner section”.
I was curious about your comment on sand from the beach. I've gotten small amounts of sand into the hinge of the Fold 5, and it seems like the sand is ground-down by the hinge until you no longer hear any noise. I'm wondering if that sand could still build up to the point where it affects the hinge, even though I don't hear it anymore? Has anybody had bad experiences with sand in their Fold 5?
Not bothered about the weight. The cameras from the s24u would be nice but they aren't a deal breaker. The deal breakers for me are that; one, the front screen is too narrow, and; two, the S pen isn't built-in...
Yep! My entire channel was built on the S23 Ultra! Watch this video hereвидео.html The mic was a Hollyland Lark M2 USB C It's very convenient!
I actually have a fold 4 for over a year now and its in perfect condition. After 3 months my screen protector got some water in it and i had to remove it to prefent the protector from ripping the screen. I decided to leave it without a screen protector as closing and opening it felt alot less rough and its nicer to use. Now over a year my phone unlike those of my friends is in perfect condition (all of my friends had their screen protector kill their screen). I agree with your statement its an expensive phone so treat it a little nicer and take care of your stuff and it WILL last you.
I dont have inner screen protector on my fold either. Screens in perfect condition aswell. Phones over 2 years old and still going strong. Only issue I have is around 2 year mark when I got the not folding flat issue. No big deal. Its not an overly noticeable issue. Anyone else reading. Dont be affraid to remove the inner protector. If its peeling, take it off.
Hello, love the review. I have a question for you or anybody using the Z Fold 5. Can you access Goggle Assistant or Gemini by talking to the phone when the screen is locked? I have a brand new Redmagic 9 Pro that can´t do that, however my old trusty OnePlus 6 performs that task like a champ. Thanks in advance!
After a year of use, how is the health of the screen? Has anyone had any problems? I wonder if this device could be one of those people who use the same device for 3 or 4 years without having any kind of problem.
I have been using a Fold 3 and I am in love with it. Samsung has done a fantastic job of getting the software to take full advantage of the hardware. AS you said the use cases are many. What would be wonderful would be a foldable tab. Its a very niche market but the use cases will be amazing!!! Nice video!!!
Been using mine for 11+ months, not switching to the Fold 6 because i don't think the upgrades are worth the money. Hopefully the Fold 7 will have bigger battery & matte inner display.
The two things that keep my from using my folds (had the 3,4 and now 5) full time are the skinny outer screen and the mediocre csmeras. I end up going back and forth between a fold and S device ( have S22,s23 and 24 ultras as well) because of those 2 items. Since samsung has chosen to ignore customer demands and left the outer screen as is (1mm bigger) and stuck with the same cameras for the 3rd year i think im passing on the fold 6. Besides in years past we had no real other options but now there most certainly is.
Have you had hands on with the fold 6 yet? I had a look at the fold and flip from Samsung the other day at work and I'm shocked they still haven't improved the cameras yet. I also found the new folds design was nice but it's much harder to open. It does feel more durable but harder to use
Over the past few years, we've bbeen seeing the move to phone replacing EVERYTHING. Camera use is becoming the big big one. Flips and folds are still a gimmick to me personally, but I'd be lying if I said I didnt want one.
Well I have to say that you have an opinion on the front screen. I had the fold 3 and I still wish the screen was bigger in the front. And I do want cameras as good as the ultra at least. Hopefully Samsung does something that wasn’t leaked on the fold 6 because I’m looking to buy
The Fold 3 screen is definitely quite narrow, Samsung made the cover screen wider on the fold 4 and 5 due to them reducing the size of bezels and the hinge!
Great video! Love your videos. I'm on my Fold 5 now and its the first fold I got and am gonna trade in for the 6. Last week it started restarting randomly and had green lines. Perfect condition otherwise. Went to Samsung and UBreakIFix and it's nothing hardware based, it's most likely the motherboard, which is crazy. Technically covered under warranty, but I'll hold out another week or 2 with this issue and trade it in for 1000+. Was gonna upgrade anyway cause I love this phone...but this just exacerbates it 😂
But not available everywhere. If they had to scale the production to a global level they would have to change their aggressive hardware approach to meet demand and price
I was using regular sumsang phones but the moment i tried a fold ..thts when i knew im never gonna use anything esle thn a fold phone its even making me not use my laptop or tv anymore im jus watching movies on my phone in bed 😂 but bottom line is the fold is the way to go
Hello! I have the s22 ultra and I already want to change. I always wanted a foldable and I don't know whether to go for the fold 6 or the fold 5. In Peru Samsung is selling the 500GB fold 5 for 1450 USD. The price of the new fold has not yet been released but there will be a big difference. What do you recommend me? I have seen that there are not many differences that are worth the price difference
Depending on the price. If the old Z Fold5 is only less than $250 cheaper than the new Z Fold6, then go for the new Z Fold6. If it's more than $250 cheaper, then go for the older Z Fold5. They're basically the same phones. It's just that the Z Fold5 doesn't have the newer chipset and design, and it only gives you 4 years of OS updates. Anything else is the same. Also, i don't think most people use their phones for more than 4 years.
Honestly, I agree with most of your points, I didn't buy my fold 5 to game on or to consume content only. The inner screen is a godsend for use cases like remote desktop connections, ssh, and just general IT tasks. Heck, i can even do light development on it with VSCode in a web browser. All of the above use cases are just a pain on any other phone in my experience.
Why Fold is not for me 1. Inferior camera 2. No built in s pen 3. Crease 4. Less battery 5. Aspect ratio ( need rectangular) 5. Size 6. Price 7. Durability
Samsung should sell a foldable screen that could be connected to there Phones. Building an ecosystem instead creating lot of products wish aim all for the same customer who will buy only one of this products.
@@mrkring1526 Oppo and no the target audience of the fold series do care + the ones that don't simply won't buy the fold out of principal something I'm sure you aren't familiar with
I don't think I agree with the statement about it not solving any problems. It certainly solves the problem of needing to carry extra devices around by combining two into one
@@techwithbenefits it does solve this problem, but the majority of phone customers don't experience this problem / don't even have a need to carry multiple devices around.
@@ayviuonmore people experience it than you think. That's why the larger phone models are usually the bettrr sellers such as iPhone pro max. People want a larger screen to look at. The fold combined the convenience of a small phone with a tablet. It is expensive if you don't get any type of discounts on it
Old man shouting on the clouds. Fold 6 os the dame pathetic phone. You going to defend it as well? Oneplus open and pixel making donuts on thr samsung grave. Keep fanboing.
@@techwithbenefits that was my first and last time. Don't worry. Keep jerking on Samsung. Subscription for AI is good, right? Fold 6 is groundbreaking, right? Once again the increased price is perfect. We have greedy Sammy because of people like you, I hope you enjoy making everyone's life worse. Cya, now remove my comment and move forward
There's no perfect folding phone yet. One Plus Open and almost every Chinese folding phone with its high failure rates and non existent customer support in most of the countries. And Google charging premium prices for phones using processors that should belong to a mid range phone.
This has to be the best, most thought out, perfect review of this device. I say device as it's more than a phone, as you said. I'm so tired of tech people complaining about the cameras. I love your take on it - dont complain about what it's missing, enjoy what it does. Ive enjoyed my time with it and am looking forward to enjoying the 6...
Thank you 🙏
With these folding phones it will be another year or 2 for a ultra bigger screen ultra camera
Right now I just want a dual screen phone for watching youtube on or gaming on it
Everybody is wrong? No, for instance you are not😊 “It is not about the camera hardware but about how you use it” was a perfect description. People review it from the POV of users of conventional smartphones. But a Fold user has a complete different POV and prioritisation. Thank you!
Absolutely!! People that use the Fold recognise it!
The Fold5 is my first foldable. Whenever someone asks me if they should buy it, my answer is 'it depends'. I have always said that getting a foldable is a 'per use' case. If you think you will actually be using the device for what it is, by all means, go and get it. I'm happy because most of your thoughts on the Fold5 resonate with me as that is what I feel as well. The cover screen that everybody seems to be complaining about - it feels perfectly usable to me. The tall and slim ratio when folded - it feels perfect in my hand with no need to overstretch my palms. And if I need it (and I didn't think I would as much), the main screen is there in all its glory. It is an excellent device. The cameras, while not the best, are still great. And most of all, the software that is running on this thing, is absolutely awesome. No, it isn't perfect, yet. Now, if only they can bring that SRP down a few notches.
The only thing my fold 5 is missing is the s pen!
So buy one.
For the money spent it is very expensive, not complete. Let's say the truth its only fair spen is needed in the phone not ten years ago! Thanks, Samsung
@@PollyDollyBabe I have the pen in the cover.
Thankfully there was a promotion ongoing when I bought my Fold5. They threw in the Samsung cover with S-pen for free!
Who would’ve thought Steve Jobs would talk so positively about a Samsung device. Awesome video.
😅😅😅🤣🤣 this is funny for more than just the comment. Thank you!
@@techwithbenefits I’m glad it made you laugh some. I love your way of explaining things in videos. You do things differently than most RUclipsrs. Great inputs.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY FOLD 5.....I dont think I will upgrade to the 6 considering how fun and reliable this phone has been
How's the crease after 1 year of using it
Still good
Tbh when I'm buying a phone, cameras is the last thing I look at cuz I don't take much photos or videos at all. So if I were to get the fold, I won't really complain about the cameras
Although I understand your logic, paying $1,800+ for one singular phone, it BETTER have one of the best cameras in the market regardless if its why people are buying it for that reason or not. You're not gonna spend 80k on a car and it doesn't have heated seats. Thats standard in 2024.
@nicolaskidd1507 that logic is flawed because car manufacturers have been trying to place things like the heated seats behind a subscription.
When I had the Fold , I loved using the inner screen as a view finder when taking pictures. I took some of the best photos with it. I can't wait to see what the Fold 6 has in store for us.
The Fold 5 is unique for the benefits of the preview screen when using the back camera for picture or video. Kids and adults love seeing themselves on the preview screen. Also, there have been situations where I want to take a video or picture in a unique situation. I was in a cramped situation under my sink doing repairs, this weekend, and I needed to share a picture of what I was working on. I was able to use the preview screen AND the high quality camera to get a usable picture in the dark under the sink - with another phone, I would have to guess while using the back camera or use the preview screen and the lower quality front camera.
Easily the best review video on RUclips! Honestly, I'm so bored of my iPhone PM 15 and this video is convincing me to pick up a Z Fold 5. As I'm able to pick one up for 1/3 of the price in the UK (£600). Plus, you've got DEX as well as all the used case scenarios that you mentioned.
Wow, you've totally nailed the use and purpose of the Fold series. I think too many times it gets compared to the S Ultra line, but it's clearly used differently. Well done 👏🏾
This gave me a great idea for a video! Thank you!
At 3:42 can u please tell me for youtube how u got 2 column video preview on the front screen.
I hv been dying to do that on my ZF5 and S24 ultra!
It's on my videos tab on my channel page, it's not on the main feed unfortunately
For me, the biggest thing not being talked about with the Fold5 is the durability. I have gone caseless for more than six months, and after countless falls and bumps, it's flawless with the exception of a small nick on the hinge and a tiny scratch on the front screen. Iterative design, while frustrating, can often lead to better QC.
100 % agree with the cover screen not being too narrow! In fact I think its perfect and was one of the dealbreakers when I was buying a new phone. It is so handy and easy to use even with one hand, which kinda is the whole point
Hey man, you said you don't baby your phone... I'm curious, do you use a case for your fold 5 or do you go case free?
As someone who had a flip for not even a year because i accidentally dropped it then went on backmarket and eventually got a s22 this review is making me want a fold purely because of the types of things you mention inclhding the multitask mode because the amout of times i want to watch something while also reply to something and not being able to, sucks. Im definitely going to have a look into getting a fold 5 as much as i love my s22, i kind of want those extra aspects i loved my flip and i know id love the fold too
Great video! I've had the S24 Ultra since launch and will probably switch to the Fold 7 when the time comes.
Wonder what the Fold7 will look like!
…my weekly dip into the world of Android with my boy Daniel
Where else would you go really 😅
@@techwithbenefits shhhh - let's not tell Alex about this eh!! 🙃
Great video man! Just subbed. I totally agree with you about the form factor. People nowadays forget that smartphones used to be small, pocket convenient, and one-hand use.
For people with small and medium hand, "normal" size phone today are really big, it’s quite difficult and may cause wrist sore when operate with one hand.
I truly think Samsung nailed the utility and screen size for thier customer. There are rumors about the fold Ultra or special edition coming, it would be disappointing if they ditch the current narrow outer display for something bigger like other folding phones on the market. Which people is asking for... i wouldn't mightbif there is a bigger version but please please don't put this unique form out of commission.
They have already done it in the past, big phones sale more so no need for the small one.
What do you think?
Fold 6 is IP48 so not "dust" proof but it's supposed to be a smaller hinge (reduced weight) and hopefully that will help with your laying flat issue. 🤷♂️
We'll find out Wednesday!
I had a Fold 3 and loved using it
However I had the screen protector lifting in the crease and eventually killing the internal screen
Fortunately it was Samsung fixed the screen as it was under warranty.
6 to 8 months later the screen protector again started lifting in the crease
Paid for Samsung to replace the internal screen protector.
Then again 8 or so months later the screen protector started lifting in the crease.
Paid Samsung to replace it again as I didn't want the screen damaged and have to pay for a repayment screen
That was it for me having to pay yearly and send the phone to have it replaced, so l sold it.
The screen may survive opening the closing but paying and sending the phone in for screen protector replacement so it doesn't kill the internal screen killed folding phones for me.
I would prefer the fold form factor but I don't think the durability of the internal screen is good enough to use without a screen protector.
I’ve had the z fold 3 since launch. Looking to upgrade to the 6. I have replaced my screen protector once. I order from Amazon and put one on and it works perfectly. I am on my second replacement due to the phone not opening all the way but I think that’s from when I went to the beach. Overall, I love the phone but I really want the 6 because I want a lighter phone. It’s a gram lesser than the iPhone 13 Pro Max (which my wife has). Can’t wait for the upgrade.
Paying yearly for screen-protector is not a bad idea…. Think of it like maintenance your car yearly such as oil change or new tires. Protect your device will prolong the usage of the hardware, it’s a Win-Win situation, don’t you think?
Finally, somebody who is actually honest and dont complain about everything single thing. People nit pick too much. And most people don't know how to take care of their stuff, including phones. It's all about the user.
I really want an everything phone and Samsung really delivers on that
It most certainly does!
Ordered a Fold 5 because I wanted a solution to display my photography on the spot while being able to do minor editing and on the spot printing. I don't need to bring a laptop or tablet when I can just take out a Fold and get the job done. I don't need to buy extra hardware or software so in reality I'm saving money by not needing these extra tools when my foldable phone can get the job done. Of course I still have a desktop, but on the go? Fold is practical.
This is a super review. The important thing is about everyday use in many different situations. It is difficult to explain to People that hasn't had a Z Fold. My wife and I do t use pc anymore. The ZFold 4 and 5 does everything and has almost no issues.
THIS!!! You do not hear this enough and I'm grateful that you put that out there re the ZF5's (or a foldable phone generally) utility @4:05
Zf5 is now my work tablet and s24u work phone. Both overkill but amazing products and way better to use for my job than my iPhone 15 pro
That is my exact set up just without the iPhone 😅
@techwithbenefits iPhone is technically a video camera if I need it haha and just bought the pixel 8 pro to see the camera quality I need to sell some items really but they are all so good
And you it normal to use two flagship devices worth of 3000 € to be able make someteing on bigger screen, and that use another phone when camera is needed?
@@MrPoliarinis yeah I work for myself and need good phones as I do the most of my work on them
I love this review. Just ordered a Z fold 5, im currently using an S23 Ultra. I think reviewers are expecting the same experience as using a slab phone as a fold. For me the cover screen is for social media, quick replies etc its not the complete phone. Granted it could be wider but I don't think I'll have that big of an issue with it..
What abt the battery performance ??
I had my z fold 4 for 15 months before it completely died out of nowhere (never dropped, not a scratch on it) and even though I miss it tremendously (I started reading much more because of it) I’m so scared of spending again so much money on a phone that might not last even 2 years. And it doesn’t help that Samsung couldn’t even tell me what the problem is, all they did was tell me it would cost U$980 to replace (according to them) “the entire inner section”.
Make the cameras as good as the one on Ultra and I'm switching over
Honest question what’s your opinion on switching from iPhone 14 Pro to z fold 5
I am also thinking to switching my iphone 14 pro with fold 5
@techwithbenefits how is your battery life in one day normal usage/full usage
I was curious about your comment on sand from the beach. I've gotten small amounts of sand into the hinge of the Fold 5, and it seems like the sand is ground-down by the hinge until you no longer hear any noise. I'm wondering if that sand could still build up to the point where it affects the hinge, even though I don't hear it anymore? Has anybody had bad experiences with sand in their Fold 5?
It definitely prevents the hinge from opening completely, I've heard it can be cleaned at Samsung centres but haven't tried to have it done
Not bothered about the weight. The cameras from the s24u would be nice but they aren't a deal breaker. The deal breakers for me are that; one, the front screen is too narrow, and; two, the S pen isn't built-in...
I just orderd mine fold 5 on sale, just waiting delivery😊 phantom black with 512gb storage
I can't believe you recorded this with an S23 Ultra - wow. Dan - what was that wireless mic adaptor you had on the bottom of the Fold 5 btw?
Yep! My entire channel was built on the S23 Ultra! Watch this video hereвидео.html
The mic was a Hollyland Lark M2 USB C It's very convenient!
@@techwithbenefits wow you replied! thanks man 🙏🏾
I actually have a fold 4 for over a year now and its in perfect condition.
After 3 months my screen protector got some water in it and i had to remove it to prefent the protector from ripping the screen.
I decided to leave it without a screen protector as closing and opening it felt alot less rough and its nicer to use.
Now over a year my phone unlike those of my friends is in perfect condition (all of my friends had their screen protector kill their screen).
I agree with your statement its an expensive phone so treat it a little nicer and take care of your stuff and it WILL last you.
I dont have inner screen protector on my fold either. Screens in perfect condition aswell. Phones over 2 years old and still going strong. Only issue I have is around 2 year mark when I got the not folding flat issue. No big deal. Its not an overly noticeable issue. Anyone else reading. Dont be affraid to remove the inner protector. If its peeling, take it off.
Hello, love the review. I have a question for you or anybody using the Z Fold 5. Can you access Goggle Assistant or Gemini by talking to the phone when the screen is locked? I have a brand new Redmagic 9 Pro that can´t do that, however my old trusty OnePlus 6 performs that task like a champ. Thanks in advance!
Thank you!
Absolutely you can, it's a toggle in the Google assistant settings to be able to use it from the lock screen
After a year of use, how is the health of the screen? Has anyone had any problems? I wonder if this device could be one of those people who use the same device for 3 or 4 years without having any kind of problem.
I have been using a Fold 3 and I am in love with it. Samsung has done a fantastic job of getting the software to take full advantage of the hardware. AS you said the use cases are many.
What would be wonderful would be a foldable tab. Its a very niche market but the use cases will be amazing!!!
Nice video!!!
Foldable tablet is something I am VERY keen for
Great video man!
Been using mine for 11+ months, not switching to the Fold 6 because i don't think the upgrades are worth the money. Hopefully the Fold 7 will have bigger battery & matte inner display.
The two things that keep my from using my folds (had the 3,4 and now 5) full time are the skinny outer screen and the mediocre csmeras. I end up going back and forth between a fold and S device ( have S22,s23 and 24 ultras as well) because of those 2 items.
Since samsung has chosen to ignore customer demands and left the outer screen as is (1mm bigger) and stuck with the same cameras for the 3rd year i think im passing on the fold 6. Besides in years past we had no real other options but now there most certainly is.
Have you had hands on with the fold 6 yet? I had a look at the fold and flip from Samsung the other day at work and I'm shocked they still haven't improved the cameras yet. I also found the new folds design was nice but it's much harder to open. It does feel more durable but harder to use
Over the past few years, we've bbeen seeing the move to phone replacing EVERYTHING. Camera use is becoming the big big one. Flips and folds are still a gimmick to me personally, but I'd be lying if I said I didnt want one.
You said to sub to your friends channel, where's the link?
Well I have to say that you have an opinion on the front screen. I had the fold 3 and I still wish the screen was bigger in the front. And I do want cameras as good as the ultra at least. Hopefully Samsung does something that wasn’t leaked on the fold 6 because I’m looking to buy
The Fold 3 screen is definitely quite narrow, Samsung made the cover screen wider on the fold 4 and 5 due to them reducing the size of bezels and the hinge!
I almost never use the front display but I have huge hands and the case bump in the folded section helps hold it in one had easily
You have been to Verona at the Arena
Close by to where I live 😊
Battery life??
Fold looking good on budget now
Watching with a stand and Bose headphones is the best to me!
Nice review...
I wish to buy fold 6 after seeing your review.
Thank you for giving me the confidence.
Great video! Love your videos. I'm on my Fold 5 now and its the first fold I got and am gonna trade in for the 6. Last week it started restarting randomly and had green lines. Perfect condition otherwise. Went to Samsung and UBreakIFix and it's nothing hardware based, it's most likely the motherboard, which is crazy. Technically covered under warranty, but I'll hold out another week or 2 with this issue and trade it in for 1000+. Was gonna upgrade anyway cause I love this phone...but this just exacerbates it 😂
Stay tuned on Wednesday to check out some cool stuff 👀
Camera on my zfold5 puts out some better shots than my s24U it's great
I luv the fingerprint sensor!!
I bought one. I got rid of it. Front screen too narrow for me. Each to their own.
*to each their own. 😊
holy crap you use half the screen for the in screen keyboard lol
Great video and i agree with all you said. Foldables may not appeal to everyone but they are perfect for me.
I own the Fold 5 and love it all the way.
Chinese models are thinner,lighter and with more battery better cameras and bigger Samsung needs to up they're game eventually...
But not available everywhere.
If they had to scale the production to a global level they would have to change their aggressive hardware approach to meet demand and price
@@techwithbenefits the have Asia and is probably the half of the world lol
Definition of not global
Its use 8k video on this phone i think so
I was using regular sumsang phones but the moment i tried a fold ..thts when i knew im never gonna use anything esle thn a fold phone its even making me not use my laptop or tv anymore im jus watching movies on my phone in bed 😂 but bottom line is the fold is the way to go
I love my fold
Hello! I have the s22 ultra and I already want to change. I always wanted a foldable and I don't know whether to go for the fold 6 or the fold 5. In Peru Samsung is selling the 500GB fold 5 for 1450 USD. The price of the new fold has not yet been released but there will be a big difference. What do you recommend me? I have seen that there are not many differences that are worth the price difference
Depending on the price. If the old Z Fold5 is only less than $250 cheaper than the new Z Fold6, then go for the new Z Fold6. If it's more than $250 cheaper, then go for the older Z Fold5. They're basically the same phones. It's just that the Z Fold5 doesn't have the newer chipset and design, and it only gives you 4 years of OS updates. Anything else is the same. Also, i don't think most people use their phones for more than 4 years.
6:10 The Galaxy A80 can actually.
Actually it hasn't 4K portrait video mode, so it can't
Ah now thats true, i though it was regular 4k.
Screen covers shrink over time. That's why it won't fold flat.
Sub to Samuel's channel!
Real talk you and that guy from sam mobile tv look the same😮
Haha, yeah, im him alright!
I use a case so I dont have that issue.
Who would pay $1800 for this?
Lots of people it seems
All the people in the comments 😂😂, in thinking about getting mine for around 900
Honestly, I agree with most of your points,
I didn't buy my fold 5 to game on or to consume content only.
The inner screen is a godsend for use cases like remote desktop connections, ssh, and just general IT tasks.
Heck, i can even do light development on it with VSCode in a web browser.
All of the above use cases are just a pain on any other phone in my experience.
Have this phone and it's the best thing ever. I get Hella attention
It's definitely a head turner!
Why Fold is not for me
1. Inferior camera
2. No built in s pen
3. Crease
4. Less battery
5. Aspect ratio ( need rectangular)
5. Size
6. Price
7. Durability
Taking it you use the S24U
Lucky Samsung make other phones too!
Any traditional smartphone can do same and better what this phone can do. Are you on some new drug or what ?
1800€ for shitty camera. This is not acceptable by any means
Samsung should sell a foldable screen that could be connected to there Phones. Building an ecosystem instead creating lot of products wish aim all for the same customer who will buy only one of this products.
Can you provide more context please?
Everybody is wrong about the Z Flop 5 😂😂😂
their hardware just sucks compared to the competition Samsung has been about mediocrity since after the galaxy s10
Who? Non event Chinese brands Noone cares about?
@@mrkring1526 Oppo and no the target audience of the fold series do care + the ones that don't simply won't buy the fold out of principal something I'm sure you aren't familiar with
Nothing's wrong with the phone, the problem is that it tries to solve an issue most people don't have. And it's also extremely expensive.
I don't think I agree with the statement about it not solving any problems. It certainly solves the problem of needing to carry extra devices around by combining two into one
@@techwithbenefits it does solve this problem, but the majority of phone customers don't experience this problem / don't even have a need to carry multiple devices around.
@@ayviuonmore people experience it than you think. That's why the larger phone models are usually the bettrr sellers such as iPhone pro max. People want a larger screen to look at. The fold combined the convenience of a small phone with a tablet. It is expensive if you don't get any type of discounts on it
OnePlus Open
Better cameras
Better hinge
Better software experience
Lower price
And I'm loving it
You mean crease, hinge is worse
Old man shouting on the clouds. Fold 6 os the dame pathetic phone. You going to defend it as well? Oneplus open and pixel making donuts on thr samsung grave. Keep fanboing.
Why are you here
@@techwithbenefits that was my first and last time. Don't worry. Keep jerking on Samsung. Subscription for AI is good, right? Fold 6 is groundbreaking, right? Once again the increased price is perfect. We have greedy Sammy because of people like you, I hope you enjoy making everyone's life worse. Cya, now remove my comment and move forward
There's no perfect folding phone yet. One Plus Open and almost every Chinese folding phone with its high failure rates and non existent customer support in most of the countries. And Google charging premium prices for phones using processors that should belong to a mid range phone.
Nah I want to leave it here so people can see what a fool you are
@@techwithbenefits fold 6 confirmed as disappointed but for fanboys like you it still fine. Fool is you
FLOP FLOP and Fold are losers!!! Way overpriced way too fragile
Way lacking especially the FLOP FLOP CAMERAS
Not paying nearly a grand for 1mm wider and a bit brighter for the fold 6
Any traditional smartphone can do same and better what this phone can do. Are you on some new drug or what ?