Congratulations on Mirror's well-deserved awards!🏆🍷 Their unwavering commitment to their craft and career, despite the unfair criticisms and challenges they have faced, is truly inspiring. 🥂💪🏻 Each of Mrror's member has poured immense efforts into their careers with integrity and perseverance, and it shows in every performance. As Lokman well said, they thanked those who love and those who dislike them showed the greatness and love of their spirit . They respected both praise and critique with grace, and resilience sets a powerful example for all. 🧘♀️🎀🪄 For Keung To, your success speaks volumes, not just to those who have always believed in you, but also to those who may have doubted.💌💌 Through your exceptional output, you have convincingly demonstrated your worth and silenced any doubts. 📌 Please be proud of this moment and embrace this recognition with joy and confidence.💐🌞 Excellent
Anson Lo跳得從容,舞姿、節奏、體態準繩優美,完全視聽享受❤😊
Anson Lo的Opening表演超吸睛😍好精彩👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
🥳🥳🥳多謝叱咤帶來驚喜的開場表演 #姜濤 舞台live演唱出色精彩、唱歌穩定、跳剔躂舞非常吸睛。連唱三首#我最喜愛的歌曲_好得太過份 #黑月#everysingletime 氣氛熱鬧,即時令人熱血沸騰🤩🤩🤩
最鍾意睇Anson Lo 舞台表演 ❤❤❤
#ansonlo #盧瀚霆
無可否應Anson Lo 跳舞的確係勁同好睇嘅
Anson Lo果兩首歌都唔易唱,但唱得好穩定,跳舞就不用評論,差距太明顯。整個表演安排很好,精彩❤
見到Anson Lo對舞蹈嘅投入,享受自己嘅舞台,不斷對自己嘅身型嘅要求,明知做跳唱係一條比較難行嘅路,就知道佢會越做越好,越嚟越進步。
Anson Lo跳tap dance好型呀!😍 跳唱超好睇👍🏻
Opening表演好正呀🤩第一次見Anson Lo盧瀚霆跳tap dance~第一次跳就咁好睇♥️
姜依家點唱都穩定,加油繼續努力!姜有份表演,超surprised. ❤
Anson Lo每次投入表演嘅表情動作都好charm
呢個開場表演有驚喜。Moon Tang 加鏡仔,有新鮮感!很喜歡Anson Lo跳舞時的表情,睇得出跳舞帶俾佢既快樂,佢又跳得好好睇,令人睇佢都賞心悅目❤
教主Anson Lo跳舞好好睇,真係舞台皇者❤
好欣賞Anson Lo每次表演表情十足,令人好容易投入氣氛
好鍾意睇 Anson Lo 每次都投入表演,勁 enjoy 舞台 💖
最愛Anson Lo盧瀚霆表演🫶🏻♥️👍🏻👍🏻第一次睇Anson Lo踢躂舞!好好睇呀
舞台上的Anson Lo 充滿自信,每次表演都非常精彩,令人目不暇给😍🥰❤
Anson Lo 跳Tap Dance 🕺 實在跳到一種Broadway Musical 🎼 的精髓出來❤果然是跳唱王者又擁有修長fit 爆身形,絕對是跳唱俱佳的歌手👏👏🙏
Anson Lo 演出非常精彩👍👍💯💯
其實Anson Lo唱慢歌都唔錯,平時跳唱快歌又係好睇
姜濤無論跳舞還是唱歌都好正 ❤
呢個開場performance 又新鮮又正
𝐋𝐨𝐋𝐨第一次挑戰tag dance 好ok呀👍🏻👍🏻
雖然佢話超緊張 不過有跳舞底 唔難pick up嘅
well done 👍🏻👍🏻 ❤️
Anson Lo用短短幾分鐘再次證明佢跳舞、唱快歌和慢歌都不停進步。Respect!
睇得出AnsonLo 好enjoy舞台,好有自信,好吸睛❤ 佢真係屬於舞台架👍🏻👍🏻
Anson Lo 跳舞真係好睇
Anson Lo 身型好fit❤❤❤ 唱跳好正🎉
Anson Lo 跳得唔錯👍🏻
Anson Lo跳舞好好睇👍🏻
原來 Anson Lo第一次跳Tap Dance,果然全身都充滿跳舞細胞,一啲都唔覺得佢生手,跳得好自在從容!
教主跳舞好好睇 😊❤
ANSON LO吸引到想睇多D佢的表演。
姜濤真係好 charm, 唱跳一绝!❤❤🎉🎉
Anson Lo跳得好好!好有力量❤
Anson Lo 好正!❤❤❤
Anson Lo跳舞好好睇, enjoy the stage型到爆
Anson Lo 跳舞好精彩,好投入
鍾意睇Anson Lo的表演。
Anson Lo 真係charming ,成個表演非常好睇從容自在有自信,好有superstar 氣場,俾佢吸引住🤩
真係任何類型嘅舞都難唔到教主Anson Lo,今次第一次跳剔躂舞好有型好好睇😍
Anson Lo opening 跳tap dance ,好好睇🩷
Anson Lo 真係新一代舞台王者,不接受反駁 👌🏼🔥
super performance of Anson Lo!
Anson Lo身型高佻,舞姿輕盈, 第一次跳踢躂舞,非常精彩,叻
恭喜Anson Lo, 演出好有自信精彩!
Anson Lo opening 表演好睇, 跳唱揮灑自如👍🏻
Anson Lo的舞蹈很有感染力,帶出opening的歡樂氣氛
Anson Lo 跳唱俱佳,表演好精彩😊
姜濤唱得最穩定,moon 要加油💪
Anson Lo表演好精彩😍
Anson Lo好適合這種Broadway 表演,好好睇😊❤
Anson Lo跳My life 嗰part百看不厭
Anson Lo’s opening performance is fierce🔥 and love his new take on tap dancing😍♥️
Anson Lo 身形好標準又修長,跳起Tap Dance 🎵真的很吸睛,有沒有機會演出歌舞劇呢♥️♥️
Anson Lo跳舞確係好好睇
Anson Lo tap dancing is so charming, dazzling performance 🤩🤩❤️❤️
姜濤唱得好好, 加油💪💪
教主Anson Lo身型高佻,跳起踢躂來,特別好看,舞姿美妙,🤩🤩💯💯👍👍👍👍
anson lo’s performance is wonderful! ❤
姜唱得好好❤ Moon 好cute 臨時學跳舞好叻❤️❤️
Anson Lo跳tap dance好睇好清脆利落
姜濤表演相當出色,好得太過份+Every Single Time 均歌唱穩紥動聽,舞蹈更是有型迷人❤❤❤❤❤
姜濤 好型😍😍😍
舞台上的Anson Lo 全程投入, 充滿自信同光芒四射👍🥰🥰
Anson lo真係跳唱得好好睇,實至名歸
Anson Lo一出場就閃閃發光,好享受表演俾觀眾睇。
Anson Lo 係屬於舞台😍❤️閃閃發光🌟🌟
支持 #姜濤 ❤️❤️
估唔到opening會有教主《My Life》、《深閨》同《致我》,同埋跳tap dance好好睇❤
Anson Lo looked gorgeous
LoLo好型 又好charm ❤❤
Anson Lo 跳舞好精彩❤moon 好可愛😍 開心見到姜神再次同台👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Anson Lo跳得好好
Anson Lo☺️☺️☺️
Anson Lo 盧瀚霆表演超正!❤
享受舞台時,表演者自然會發光同充滿魅力,吸引眼球。Anson Lo 完美演繹什麼是享受舞台!
Anson Lo 舞台表演散發魅力! 好喜歡睇教主live!
Anson Lo跳舞好好睇,唱快歌慢歌都好正👍❤
Congratulations on Mirror's well-deserved awards!🏆🍷 Their unwavering commitment to their craft and career, despite the unfair criticisms and challenges they have faced, is truly inspiring. 🥂💪🏻
Each of Mrror's member has poured immense efforts into their careers with integrity and perseverance, and it shows in every performance.
As Lokman well said, they thanked those who love and those who dislike them showed the greatness and love of their spirit . They respected both praise and critique with grace, and resilience sets a powerful example for all. 🧘♀️🎀🪄
For Keung To, your success speaks volumes, not just to those who have always believed in you, but also to those who may have doubted.💌💌 Through your exceptional output, you have convincingly demonstrated your worth and silenced any doubts. 📌
Please be proud of this moment and embrace this recognition with joy and confidence.💐🌞