@@ignominuosskull Nope. After the episode in the interview Hani told she was most happy to see heechul out of all of them as she didn't had time to see him often due to the schedule.
Nope the fact that they didn't even see each other after that incident proves that there was something between them bt it ended badly!!!!...heechul tried to dance too bt she didn't coop proves that she was the one to ditch and is not even willing to be friends!!!....All that we saw in the episode was just for show sake....Truth is always harsh!!!!
The scope of the arrow is slightly to the upper left of the arrow that's why their aims hit the lower right of the target, HL and HD figured that out so their aims were closer to the bulls eye..... or maybe Hani x Heechul are just so fated together lol ❤
First I feel like if it was anyone other girl then he would have started to flirt in 1 second. But not with Hani. Also did you see how awkward/shy Hani looked after Heechul hit her arrow. You can tell because she pulled her hair back. Also Heechuls dance shows that he is shy and wants to act like nothing happened. Hey Hani×Heechul shippers. You can come out now❤
Well, this is just right. Normally if a guy and a girl are only friends and that kind of moment happened, they would tease each other or cuss. But they act shy omg
Heechul, Universe's Big Star Yes...Hechul not like that if with orher he will came But with hani.....Hani is nice person Hechul also i hope they date and get married
@@fish81099 you do realise he has called hayoung "sister" too and flirted with her on the show? It's his stick, if he isnt interested in the girl he flirts with her on KB, if he is interested he doesn't.
yeh fish boii heechul have like 200 kpop "sisters" its his charm.. And it was revealed many of them hit on heechul off camera but heechul doesn't take his chance
@@markramsey2454 after they host a program together, they become close and Heechul don't flirt with Hayoung anymore Taeyeon is one of his sister, he doesn't flirt with her as well. Heechul is one of those guys play around but actually shy when he meet someone he really like.
yeh fish he flirts with hayoung, check out the 2nd apink knowing brothers episode. Regarding your 2nd part that’s why he’s shy instead of how he was around Hayoung/momo when they are on the show, with those two it’s just like how good friends act, the dynamic between these two has changed a lot recently when you compare it to Hanis first appearance
I swear I watch a lot about their personalities and normally they will joke or fight about it. But WTH!!!!! Hani just smile and heechul just shut the hell up! What going on?
IKR!! Normally they’d be laughing it off loudly or denying it while making weird expressions that convey what they’re feeling but Hani at 0:53 and Heechul at 0:56 just made me pop out of the underground burrow I was living in!! I SHIP THEM SO BAD 😭😂♥️♥️♥️
Hani and Heechul both not complainin' about them being teased is an enough reason for me to believe that they're already dating or that they're going to at least date and then get married.
@@rizawardani4749 Saya sangat bersemangat hanya dengan memikirkannya! Mereka akan menikah hanya punya harapan! Tetapi jika tidak, saya tidak tahu harus berbuat apa lagi
watching this today made me realized that Hani have possibly known already that Heechul is dating Momo that’s why she stopped herself from getting involve or getting tease by heechul
the member's reactions were so awkward lmao, i wouldve expected them to go crazy and tease them about it but they were so chill i really smell something
I think by this time Heechul was already dating Momo and Hani was being respectful. It was indeed kinda weird that they were both quiet while being teased by the other members
I noticed Hani & heechul expression totally difference now. They might admired each other or may be already know each other's feeling! Oh, I really ship them, !!
Hani and Heechul can't be separated. Even their arrows (or whatever you call that on archery) stick together. Maybe the saju of those arrows are also compatible ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Hee Siblings FTW!!!! ♡
I intentionally came here for some hani x heechul spark moment. I ddnt really know momo except being in idol group twice, but ive seen hani heechul for awhile thats why i shipped them,
Sooo... not to sound like a creep or anything but i pay extra attention to Hani and Heechul when they are in a program together and i have to say i agree that they do indeed seem alittle bit awkward.. Especially after the arrow hit the same place, it seems like the members kinda know something and act all surprised the fact that the arrows did hit the same place. Hani avoids eyecontact with him in most of the clips i have seen and tries to act mostly serious towards him. Heechul in my opinion seems more excited and almost has this shine in his eyes, ive also noticed many times the way he looks at her is very...hmm how a person would look at someone if they had some feelings. In my opinion i think these two either have been dating for awhile or they just started. They seem comfortable even though there is this awkward tension.. for my experience ive been in a ''secret'' relationship before and this is how we tended to act. BUT this is just my opinion :c dont kill me
Maybe, just maybe, Hani is Heechul's soulmate. I'm desperate now, I really want Heechul to get married and have kids of his own, and Hani seems to be the right person. I will always support my HeeHee couple!
you are my destiny lalalala... hahhahahahaha there reaction and member's reaction is so doubtful especially LE, Solji and Junghwa at 0:53 and they are too shy, no eye contact and no joke like before i though that they aren't friend anymore.
Cupid was like i'm sick and tired of this ishhh. It's taking wayy tooo long. Let me juist give these stupid soul mates a sign that the need to hurry it up
Heechul x Hani shippers are out of the cave again 😆
alohareina yassss
Yo, we always stay out 😂
Count me in xD
We always do 😅😂😍😍❤❤
Ahahahaha...it's been a while indeed..I never thought I'd see them again...they're even compatible when it comes to marriage 😉😊😁
Hani and Heechul not teasing each other seems strange to me 😂
If they teased each other the others would have escalated it lol
+Chemicalist but if they don't have feelings with each other they wouldn't care lol
@@alara5977 yup.... there is nothing going on between them...or atleast it's ended between them(they didn't even see each other)
Maybe they fought that time,that's why they seem pretty awkward😂
@@ignominuosskull Nope. After the episode in the interview Hani told she was most happy to see heechul out of all of them as she didn't had time to see him often due to the schedule.
Am I the only one find Hani a little bit shy when Heechul's arrow hit hani's:))) Not like her normal
She’s shy/nervous abt it, i noticed she has this habit of doin smtng w/ her hair during those times 🤔
Her smile tho
U r not the only one
@@annellise25 yeah she had that habit
True!..she should have reacted but she didn't..ha ha..even HeeChul..ha ha..he just danced to Honey 😉😊😁
*Even Jtbc is shipping Hani & Heechul* Thumbnail tho😍
true 😍😍
hani heechul mean to be by cupid
1:43 i see a fortnite poster behind the girs
@@vimasl8091 fortnite is official sponsor for knowing bros
Nope the fact that they didn't even see each other after that incident proves that there was something between them bt it ended badly!!!!...heechul tried to dance too bt she didn't coop proves that she was the one to ditch and is not even willing to be friends!!!....All that we saw in the episode was just for show sake....Truth is always harsh!!!!
This comment fermented so bayed 🤣
Momo: NO
A big yeeeeeees I'm patiently waiting ❤
Never gonna happen
Yes ...😭😭 ..
I love these two together the smart, funny, and artsy crackheads who just keep doing them 😂👌
Hyerin's reaction with "igeo bweoyah?" is too funny hahahaha
i'm living for that heechul and hani's arrows yall!! that was cupid's sign idc!
corazon buenaventura me:
corazon buenaventura they're even wearing the same shoes
They're meant to be😭
i’m now back with my heechul x hani agenda
So mean.. 😂😂
Same here...💞💞😍😍
please how many years has it been since I rooted for them lol
agh same lol
How in the world Heechul hits Hani's arrow? ❤
niconiconii - Saju
The scope of the arrow is slightly to the upper left of the arrow that's why their aims hit the lower right of the target, HL and HD figured that out so their aims were closer to the bulls eye..... or maybe Hani x Heechul are just so fated together lol ❤
@@bravestchicken3528 woah pro talk
He unconsciously go where his fate is 😂
@@bravestchicken3528 shhhhhhh let us be 😂😂
50% are watching the ship sail again
50% are watching hyerin 😂😂
This comment is so true to me ..🤣
Soooo accurate
Hahahaha underrated comment you deserve a pin 😂
Their chemistry just can't be ignored. There's lot of tension when they are together.
I am sorry but i still abit sad they can't be together, they seem to be fated but there also seem round way and unable to make it.
If it was any other female guests Heechul would have gone into flirt mode in 0.5 secs.
i notice that too, when he's actually like someone, he didn't flirt, but became awkward
The way he dance after it prove that he is shy too. he usually play around to distract others when he is shy:))
I think he tried to act like nothing happened.
Guys the Hani x Heechul ship already sailed and sunk years ago, time to awake to reality.
@@GoreyKilljoy exactly
와우! 한국어 댓글을 찾으셨군요! 당신은 1주일동안 행운이 따를것입니다!
오케이 일주일
계속 스크롤 내려도 안보이다가 드뎌 찾앗당
와! 대박!
기말 끝났는데....
Jonique Frances Pontilar ikr 😂
Jang hoon doesn't tease them. Only his face has deep meaning 😆 Maybe he know something. We know he is heechul drinking buddy
They use a same shoes.other member kb and girls use white.see detail.heechul hani have a couple shoes
ru he i see jang hoon face 😆😆😆...but thanks to hodong male all run to him
I don't care if it's platonic or not, but they are indeed soulmates.
First I feel like if it was anyone other girl then he would have started to flirt in 1 second. But not with Hani. Also did you see how awkward/shy Hani looked after Heechul hit her arrow. You can tell because she pulled her hair back. Also Heechuls dance shows that he is shy and wants to act like nothing happened. Hey Hani×Heechul shippers. You can come out now❤
Ha ha..been always here...just waiting for something like this to happen 😘😉😊
I've been waiting for this since ages 😭😭😭😭
Well, this is just right. Normally if a guy and a girl are only friends and that kind of moment happened, they would tease each other or cuss. But they act shy omg
waiting for them to just admit it in public
Heechul, Universe's Big Star
Yes...Hechul not like that if with orher he will came
But with hani.....Hani is nice person Hechul also i hope they date and get married
That arrow was meant to be
Heechul and Hani are soul mates 😍😁
Its soooo suspicious how heechul didnt buy the others teasing unlike his actions towards other female guests. Dont mind me tho. 😂😍
it's weird to flirt with your sister you know
@@fish81099 you do realise he has called hayoung "sister" too and flirted with her on the show? It's his stick, if he isnt interested in the girl he flirts with her on KB, if he is interested he doesn't.
yeh fish boii heechul have like 200 kpop "sisters" its his charm.. And it was revealed many of them hit on heechul off camera but heechul doesn't take his chance
@@markramsey2454 after they host a program together, they become close and Heechul don't flirt with Hayoung anymore
Taeyeon is one of his sister, he doesn't flirt with her as well.
Heechul is one of those guys play around but actually shy when he meet someone he really like.
yeh fish he flirts with hayoung, check out the 2nd apink knowing brothers episode. Regarding your 2nd part that’s why he’s shy instead of how he was around Hayoung/momo when they are on the show, with those two it’s just like how good friends act, the dynamic between these two has changed a lot recently when you compare it to Hanis first appearance
I swear I watch a lot about their personalities and normally they will joke or fight about it. But WTH!!!!! Hani just smile and heechul just shut the hell up! What going on?
True... Something weird
tbh they might just be tired of it HAHA
Wha-wait.. i just realize it now 😏 mwoyaa mwoyaa
The answer is their relationship now is not brother-sister relationship anymore. They're dating.
IKR!! Normally they’d be laughing it off loudly or denying it while making weird expressions that convey what they’re feeling but Hani at 0:53 and Heechul at 0:56 just made me pop out of the underground burrow I was living in!!
Just marry already.
Heechul and Hani's "Arrow of Fate" will always be the most legendary and favorite scene in Knowing Bros of every HeeNi shippers.
I miss hani and heechul in screen
the saju reading and now the arrows, this is too much coincidence, i say get married
May I know from what show or episode the saju reading is?
@@ganishia its in another show actually. Just searcg heechul saju and it will show you the videos.
Well.... thats-
I hope they get together. I feel like Hani is the kind of girl who an keep Heechul in place. 😄😄
Is it fate 😂😂😂 why their arrows end up beside each other?
Natural Sapphire they also have same shoes omg
Yes it's 😍they meant to be 😍
plot twist: maybe heechul actually aimed it xD
@@zzzmzzz4466 omg maybe that's true 😂😂😂
@@zzzmzzz4466 that would be REALLY hard even for someone who is really good at archery
i’m back for my heeni agenda! 👀🤍
Still think they fated but somehow they take a round and unable to stay together.
That saju is getting stronger yll
infiresman 👏😂👏
They are meant for each other(heechul and hani).. Sadly their relationship to each other is just like a sibling bit I love them both♥️♥️♥️
Hani and Heechul both not complainin' about them being teased is an enough reason for me to believe that they're already dating or that they're going to at least date and then get married.
Ini kayak song2 couple dulu waktu mereka pacaran,mereka gak komplain ketika ada yg tanya soal hub mereka
@@rizawardani4749 Saya berharap mereka akhirnya seperti mereka juga :>
@@yelenna1428 keren jg tuh soalnya ngship bngt ama mereka,orangnya gokil2 gk kebayang gimana anaknya nanti haha hiperaktif
@@rizawardani4749 Saya sangat bersemangat hanya dengan memikirkannya! Mereka akan menikah hanya punya harapan! Tetapi jika tidak, saya tidak tahu harus berbuat apa lagi
And people wonder why we ship these two, because things like THIS randomly happen. Even for professional archers this would be nigh on impossible
Hani ♥️ Heechul
My HEE couple
@@치킨-c7v Xdxdxd
@@치킨-c7v shut up
@@lightssss shut down
@@lightssss ?사실인데 왜 ㅈㄹ
0:54 looks like members know about somethin 😆
Nanda Aulia Dina exid were about to tease but they stop themselves.
I saw this been happening in other recent shows too 😆
@@paperplanehearts6544 Can you tell me which ones?
I'm just a simple person 👀 I saw hani and heechul I click it immediately 😍😍
I sounds bad but i am back at my hanixheechul agenda after the breakup. i just cannot give up this 2
How can it be that coincidence heechul ? Destiny 😂
Coming back here after the breakup news. Heechul stop with your dating agenda, marry this women ASAP!
I am here after the news of heechul and momo break.up came out..😅
Don't attack me but I always shipped Hani and heechul❣️
My ship is back😎
@@wiwisalim9349 same..😁😁....my forever ship❣️
Wow, Heechul was weird. Not like him. He didn't even say something when others were teasing them 😂
My name is lichoni i am a girl i like rose and Jenny 🤩🤩
Internally, he's like, "why argue when they're all right anyway?" 😂
Is Heechul really good at archery? Does any elf know it? HOW IN THE WORLD IS IT POSSIBLE TO HIT SO CLOSE TO HANI'S TARGET??? My ship is alive
he tried before and he is not bad. But not that good to target every spot he want. So I call this destiny:))
anh nguyen even for professionals this shot would be nigh on impossible so agreed, destiny
watch ehb episode when they shooting errors, i say heechul not too bad but to hit exactly the same spot with hani is fate💙💙💙💙
@@onemoretime1742 even olympic gold medalists would struggle to make that shot
Heechul and Hani will always be my fave kpop idol ship 💘
Hani looking nervous af 😂
The comments on this video in Naver Korea are positive. EVEN KOREAN NETIZEN APPROVE THEM.
Then it's great sign...
So that heenim wouldnt hesitate anymore...!
This is crazy honestly! Is this fate?? Heechul x Hani ship is sailing~~~
@0:43 um hyelin please dont be too obvious. 🤣🤣 Hahahaha she such a tease. 🙈
Heechul's smile before shooting
Hani's glaring eyes
I'm here because I still ship hani and heechul so much 🙁
Me to
Me too😩
its fateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb
ha ha ha
hani x heechul !
i need to witness again exid on isac
I dont know why I think Heechul oppa looks better with Hani than his current gf
Heechul nd momo broke up..
@@letsgomagica1870 momo, u mean..
@@Anna-cv8on yasss... Lol.. Aftr i woke up today.. This z first news i saw.. Thats y its gt all mixed up
한국댓글이 너무 없당 근데 진짜 신기하다 하니랑 김희철 거의 같은자리에 쏜거
Awwwww that’s Cupid’s shipping😍😍❤️❤️
1:01 look at hani, rapid changing from cute dancing to immediately serious
Remember they Saju in show MY Brain-fficial ep9
I just can't stop replying Hani-Heechul moment 😍😆 IM SO SOFTT
Even in archery, Hani and Heechul are together, lol
watching this today made me realized that Hani have possibly known already that Heechul is dating Momo that’s why she stopped herself from getting involve or getting tease by heechul
I'm a fan of this tandem❤ *HEECHUL X HANI* wish that they were really a couple❤
When variety shows making us ship Hani and Heechul but dispatch revealed Momo and Heechul
My ship is sailing😂 HANI and HEENIM❤💙💙💙💙
the member's reactions were so awkward lmao, i wouldve expected them to go crazy and tease them about it but they were so chill
i really smell something
0:45 Hyerin's reaction though 😂😂😂 that made my day
Heeyeon x Heechul 😂😂
I think by this time Heechul was already dating Momo and Hani was being respectful. It was indeed kinda weird that they were both quiet while being teased by the other members
i think so too
You are my destiny (I'm singing)
My love is the big 🌟 in the universe
Hyerin's reaction is so cute
I noticed Hani & heechul expression totally difference now. They might admired each other or may be already know each other's feeling! Oh, I really ship them, !!
THIS plus the recent Brainficial episode with the SAJU, the HanixHeechul shippers are celebrating this year! Lol
Hani and Heechul can't be separated. Even their arrows (or whatever you call that on archery) stick together. Maybe the saju of those arrows are also compatible ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Hee Siblings FTW!!!! ♡
Hani and heechul has a strong chemistry tbh.
I intentionally came here for some hani x heechul spark moment. I ddnt really know momo except being in idol group twice, but ive seen hani heechul for awhile thats why i shipped them,
1:18 Heechul and Hani eye contact
Heechul Hani 👏👏👏
the shippppp is still sailing !!
Here I'm in July of 2020 where i shipped Hani and Heechul in the past but he ended up with Momo 😞
Heechul x Hani is eternal. They gotta be together.
I swear Hyerin’s whole face is just a continuous meme 💀
Momo and heechul are dating, but I still ship heechul and hani. They look like siblings or some close friend !!
Sooo... not to sound like a creep or anything but i pay extra attention to Hani and Heechul when they are in a program together and i have to say i agree that they do indeed seem alittle bit awkward.. Especially after the arrow hit the same place, it seems like the members kinda know something and act all surprised the fact that the arrows did hit the same place. Hani avoids eyecontact with him in most of the clips i have seen and tries to act mostly serious towards him. Heechul in my opinion seems more excited and almost has this shine in his eyes, ive also noticed many times the way he looks at her is very...hmm how a person would look at someone if they had some feelings. In my opinion i think these two either have been dating for awhile or they just started. They seem comfortable even though there is this awkward tension.. for my experience ive been in a ''secret'' relationship before and this is how we tended to act. BUT this is just my opinion :c dont kill me
I know right! He always teases her too and she is so trying to avoid eye contact and keep serious
@Cute Cookie dispatch? I kinda new to all this korean stuff, what is that?
@@ChesterZirawin Dispatch is a news outlet which most of the time, releases dating news of korean celebrities. =)
also i would like to add that Heechul seem to tease the guests less in this episode=)
Maybe, just maybe, Hani is Heechul's soulmate. I'm desperate now, I really want Heechul to get married and have kids of his own, and Hani seems to be the right person. I will always support my HeeHee couple!
1:40에 이수근이 강호동 따라하는거 왜 이렇게 귀엽냐ㅋㅋㄱㅋ
I remember that someone predicted them will end up together😂😂😂
Sorry for my bad english.
if am not wrong wasnt it Compatibility
@@quizeralgaming9040 yes you're right haha sorry
Ah yes,at kim jongmin talk show bout saju and fortune teller
I remembered it too. Then having to watch this!!! Goosbumps!!! 🤗😍
Oh yay finally. I love that the channel knew about their chemistry and shipping fans
Hani and Heechul's arrow can't get closer than that. Lol still shipping them...!!☺ Really like Hyelin's long hair + I missed Solji 😊😊
Hani and Heechul should have a drama together
Hani and Heechul foreverrrrr 😍😍😍😍😍
I noticed Heechul likes to call her "little one" or something similar but he didn't really do that in KB. Something has changed.
Oh that's very deep😂
Yeah, he always calls her "makdong", but he didn't this time 😭😍
Ms Greentea wow noticed something that I didn’t. Good job. 👍🏻🥳🥳 I hope she will call hani “honey” 😂
Cant understand it but i read Hani & Heechul's name on the title😍 forever ship
0:46 혜린누나 표정 머야~~ 저거 표정 너무 얄밉자너.....ㅋㅋ
who’s here after knowing that heechul and momo are dating for months?
Hani and Heechul with their own show!!!!
Make a move now Kim Heechul!!!!!!
Even knowing bros ship them
you are my destiny lalalala... hahhahahahaha there reaction and member's reaction is so doubtful especially LE, Solji and Junghwa at 0:53 and they are too shy, no eye contact and no joke like before i though that they aren't friend anymore.
I think because they thought this is will be serious issue if they tease so much.
Cupid was like i'm sick and tired of this ishhh. It's taking wayy tooo long. Let me juist give these stupid soul mates a sign that the need to hurry it up
LMAO I hope they got the sign!
even the universe wanna just slap them together