section 27 Limitation Act, 1963 Estinguishment of right of property || Lecture in Hindi & English ||

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 132

  • @rekhasingh6496
    @rekhasingh6496 6 месяцев назад +2

    OMG I am your fan sir 😊 you are amazing. Only by the help of your video I am able to clear my limitations bare act successfully 🙏

  • @preetivyas6635
    @preetivyas6635 Год назад +1

    Too much helpful your teaching to us🎉😊

  • @unnatiagarkar9471
    @unnatiagarkar9471 Год назад +1

    You have tought the subject really nicely sir. It is helping the understand the concept and also to recollect even without getting stuck in the legal words. Thank you again...

  • @kamleshbarot989
    @kamleshbarot989 Год назад

    Absolutely Amazing Heartly and Rights Saying Word's, Good luck for future life Opportunity and Benefits in all fields. LimitationsAct1963 Article (65) & (27)12yrs, Actual Possession Applicable A Suit for Possession.

  • @rajveersinghchauhan9848
    @rajveersinghchauhan9848 3 года назад

    Nice vedio 👌....kya zabardast samjhatein Hain aap ekdam desi language main

  • @susmitamaitra2733
    @susmitamaitra2733 Год назад

    Very helpful video..I have watched all the videos relating to Limitation Act.. Well explained👌

  • @ayushsainik7016
    @ayushsainik7016 4 года назад

    Sir you exactly explain what reqiures for student not useless things and really conceptual ... Best videos on law i have ever seen .. and they are helpful for me ..

  • @aryanyadav10
    @aryanyadav10 3 года назад

    I watched all your videos of LIMITATION ACT ....and even of SRA ...the way you explained everything is impeccable ....i would share this video as much as I can with my fellow friends who are preparing for judiciary

  • @shalushekhawat5104
    @shalushekhawat5104 2 года назад

    You explain with lucidity. Extremely helpful videos

  • @avinashkumarverma3485
    @avinashkumarverma3485 Год назад +1

    Your understanding and the way u teach us is excellent

    • @LegalPathshala
      @LegalPathshala  Год назад

      Thanks alot god bless you always
      Do share with others also 🙏

  • @victormike3149
    @victormike3149 10 месяцев назад +1

    Best video hai bhai. Thanks .

  • @karansincharge
    @karansincharge Год назад

    Thank you sir. You’ve put my mind at ease. God bless you ❤

  • @mansiagrawal1444
    @mansiagrawal1444 4 года назад

    your videos are too helpful for us...Thank you so much for such a detailed explanation. Your way of teaching is amazing and we can easily understand the whole section without any doubt.

  • @sonasharma4413
    @sonasharma4413 4 года назад

    your vidoes are good and explained detail very deeply
    Bhut bhut shukriya sir 🙏

  • @Anymi5
    @Anymi5 4 года назад +1

    Your videos are amazing...!!
    U explained each detail very deeply...!!
    Thank you so so much!!!

  • @rskarve
    @rskarve Месяц назад +1

    The Best.

  • @devendrathakur6017
    @devendrathakur6017 3 года назад +1

    Thanks sir phli bar limitations smjh Aaya

  • @anupriya4003
    @anupriya4003 5 месяцев назад +1

    Very good🎉

  • @saimasaima2534
    @saimasaima2534 4 года назад

    Thankyou so mach sir easy samjh aya aapki awaz bahut achchi h 👍

  • @nehayadav4846
    @nehayadav4846 3 года назад

    sir ur way of teaching is very well. pls make more videos on cpc as soon as possible.

  • @CyrusJain
    @CyrusJain Год назад

    bohot vadya video ha bhai

  • @K_A_Mod
    @K_A_Mod 2 года назад

    Love ur videos 👍

  • @hemantkumar-gc3nf
    @hemantkumar-gc3nf 2 года назад

    Every section explains is very well

  • @salism0b
    @salism0b 2 года назад

    Sir excellent videos

  • @kartikjain4853
    @kartikjain4853 3 года назад

    Owsm Sir👌🏼

  • @abhishek5117
    @abhishek5117 4 года назад

    Plz add Case...rajender prasad vs. Santa singh ...nice explain...

  • @habibaman3373
    @habibaman3373 2 года назад

    excellent job.. ❤❤❤

  • @marutibagadi3822
    @marutibagadi3822 4 года назад +1

    Very good video sir information in s.27

  • @kamleshbarot989
    @kamleshbarot989 Год назад

    Civil court or Revenue court laws direction apply or not? Which is best for Adverse Possession Article (65) and (27) Extinguished of right to Property.

  • @ProPakistani-r4t
    @ProPakistani-r4t 4 года назад +1

    Every section explained very well

  • @zalaabhijeetsinh4101
    @zalaabhijeetsinh4101 4 года назад +1

    Good information sir.. Ye pagdi system pe jo shop 30 years se Ho usme bhi yahi judgment harega please answer digit sirji..

  • @rishidixit4511
    @rishidixit4511 3 года назад

    Guru 🔥🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @aradhanajena5796
    @aradhanajena5796 4 года назад

    Nice explanation ..

  • @KamalK0302
    @KamalK0302 5 месяцев назад

    Sir property me movable bhi include hogi, ? Anny example with judgement?

  • @lawyerparijat
    @lawyerparijat 4 года назад

    Nice. Thank you 😊

  • @luvish7247
    @luvish7247 4 года назад +2

    Really a great teacher with excellent skills to explain the technicalities of the provision

    • @LegalPathshala
      @LegalPathshala  4 года назад

      Thanks alot
      Do share with others also
      U can join us for online classes of judiciary contact 8950476640

  • @madanrauthan868
    @madanrauthan868 4 года назад

    Nice lecture be regular

  • @redcriminal7904
    @redcriminal7904 2 года назад

    Nice example

  • @purushottammahajan136
    @purushottammahajan136 2 года назад

    Thanks 😊

  • @nightingale4071
    @nightingale4071 4 года назад +1

    Nice video sir

  • @sumanbhaiprajapati4664
    @sumanbhaiprajapati4664 3 года назад

    Whether possession taken is also

  • @aartisharma4631
    @aartisharma4631 4 года назад +3

    Substantial aspect is given in section 25,26,27 it is not exclusively section -27

  • @adv.ashwinipande9413
    @adv.ashwinipande9413 6 месяцев назад

    Sir sec 27 of limitation act kya ye ancentral property ko apply karta hai kya

  • @varshatripathi2449
    @varshatripathi2449 4 года назад

    well explained plz mention book for limitation

  • @rahulprasad3964
    @rahulprasad3964 4 года назад +1

    what if mr A is not in physical control, possession and mr B has acquired the property for more than 20 years .But mr A has the title and he is paying land revenue of property acquired by mr B.

  • @shivaniNimade09
    @shivaniNimade09 4 года назад

    Well explained 😊

  • @omniloquent2842
    @omniloquent2842 2 года назад

    Sir, what might be intent to provide ownership to such person who is in adverse possession?? What rationale behind s.27 of limitations act

  • @shradhanjalimohanty2865
    @shradhanjalimohanty2865 Год назад

    Sir the time for proving of adverse possession is 12 yrs or 20 yrs ?? In sec. 25 it says about 25 but in this video you've said 12. Which one is correct ??

  • @rahulprasad3964
    @rahulprasad3964 4 года назад +1

    what if mr A is paying land revenue of the land which mr B is claming of adverse possession.

  • @lawschool55
    @lawschool55 4 года назад

    Very very good sir ji

  • @user-fc9ft2ok7t
    @user-fc9ft2ok7t 4 года назад

    adverse possession prf krne k lye adhr crd or rsn crd yh ho skta hai kiya

  • @rajeshsoni2076
    @rajeshsoni2076 3 года назад

    Sir agar samne government property he or usme kisine possession liya hua he to time period kitna hota he or kya right phir us person ka ho jata hain govt property pe??

  • @mahaktiwari1648
    @mahaktiwari1648 Год назад

    Sir agar kisi ko nahi pata ho by any reason ki koi uski property ki posession le kar betha ha tab? Uska right bhi jaayega?

  • @chandnikhan8949
    @chandnikhan8949 4 года назад

    Thank-you so much sir

  • @sumanbhaiprajapati4664
    @sumanbhaiprajapati4664 3 года назад

    What is the status of co owner of the property. Can it will apply also to co owner of the property.

  • @shavanakhan9778
    @shavanakhan9778 2 года назад

    Sir if A had no knowledge that the property is his which is in possession of B in that case sec 27 apply?

  • @bharatjangra3057
    @bharatjangra3057 2 года назад

    Bhai ki property par bhi lagu ha kya ya

  • @shubhamverma6301
    @shubhamverma6301 2 года назад

    Sir,I want to purchase a plot in which present seller bought land from a mother ,her major son and a minor son about 12 years ago . Mother sold property as nomni of minor son without permission of court . Now age of minor child is 23 years . What may be issue in future in buying this property?. If any issue arises then share of minor son will be disputed or whole part of plot including share of mother, major son will be disputed?

  • @saurabhrohilla487
    @saurabhrohilla487 3 года назад

    As per the illustration you have stated for the understanding, can't it be called as a permissive possession! As it is a well known fact that consent for possession, either express or implied, be called as permissive possession i.e. a possession that is in the knowledge of the owner or the person having title that is completely opposite to the adverse possession. But under this provision the person having possession must be in adverse possession to make this principle applicable to the issue.
    Help me to understand it and correct me if I'm wrong, somewhere.

  • @harparkashsingh7660
    @harparkashsingh7660 3 года назад

    Wahehuru g

  • @geetikatewari6668
    @geetikatewari6668 4 года назад +1

    Sir please sec 29 par bhi lecture bna dijiye..

  • @mukeshkashnia7306
    @mukeshkashnia7306 4 года назад +1

    I want to know that can I file a suite against government as I have been in possession of their land more than 12 years is section 27 of limitation act applicable against government

    • @LegalPathshala
      @LegalPathshala  4 года назад +1

      30 years against government

    • @mukeshkashnia7306
      @mukeshkashnia7306 4 года назад

      @@LegalPathshala 30 years from the building constructed by them or from the land they acquired from my grand father...

  • @sapnabilkhu7325
    @sapnabilkhu7325 4 года назад +1

    So sweet 😍😇

    • @LegalPathshala
      @LegalPathshala  4 года назад

      Thanks alot
      Do share with others also 🙏

  • @Shivamgupta-hq1lf
    @Shivamgupta-hq1lf 3 года назад

    Kya b property bech sakta hai

  • @sumanbhaiprajapati4664
    @sumanbhaiprajapati4664 3 года назад

    Property possessed by a person is also one of the owner of the said property. What is remedy in the matter

  • @saritadevi-mo2kc
    @saritadevi-mo2kc 3 года назад

    Sir I have a question
    Section 27 applies to suit only
    Sec 27 does not extinguishthe right in execution proceeding

  • @dinkermishra1847
    @dinkermishra1847 4 года назад +1

    Sir, what is adverse dispossession ??

  • @parthkopariha280
    @parthkopariha280 3 года назад

    can a person file a declaration suit on the basis of easement? doesn't it says that easement can only be used as a shield and not as a sword?

  • @saichiranjeevpradhan9679
    @saichiranjeevpradhan9679 Год назад

    So clear

  • @mk15118
    @mk15118 4 года назад +1

    Sir agar koi govt land DDA land par last 35 years se kabza karke baitha ho to kya vo land uski ho gayi aur use declare kaise karva sakte hai

    • @LegalPathshala
      @LegalPathshala  4 года назад

      Suit file kr k

    • @mk15118
      @mk15118 4 года назад

      @@LegalPathshala to DDA use hata nhi sakti kya vha se Delhi me

    • @mk15118
      @mk15118 4 года назад

      @@LegalPathshala sir agar DDA ne use encroachment karrar diya ho par karyevahi nhi ki ho 35 years se aur zameen Delhi me ho

  • @ramchandrapatil5368
    @ramchandrapatil5368 3 года назад

    Sir i want this decision is wrong what owner can do adverse possession denied

  • @gajanandsharma8942
    @gajanandsharma8942 4 года назад

    My father expired in 1983 we remained in possession pacefully till day without mutation of agriculture land of father in 2007 my sister's open mutation by collussion their name with us Can we claim of reverse possession

  • @musharrafkhan3192
    @musharrafkhan3192 3 года назад

    bhai aap kafi simplest way main samjhtey ho aap is limitation act ki schedule or kara de because within month my BALLB 9th sem exam shall begin

  • @swtys9550
    @swtys9550 4 года назад

    Sir sec 27 m agar B usko kabja time pura hone k baad lotana chahe to nhi lota skta kya .......??

  • @JMIC
    @JMIC 2 года назад

    What is the exceptions of section 27 Of limitation act

  • @anjalikaur8053
    @anjalikaur8053 4 года назад +1

    Sir, In this section can we pursue negligence or reckless of that person who not instituted suit for possession of his property???

    • @LegalPathshala
      @LegalPathshala  4 года назад +2

      Yes but it depends upon the facts and circumstances of the case and very from case to case

  • @prakashrathod4877
    @prakashrathod4877 3 года назад

    Sir, if I am a tenant for more than 12 years, can I take that property under adverse possession?

  • @mayankmehta6401
    @mayankmehta6401 4 года назад +1

    Wow great Sir. Your all videos are gud. Sir kya aap coaching class conduct krte ho.

  • @hasmukhdalvadi4875
    @hasmukhdalvadi4875 4 года назад

    sar. limitasan ma dastavej citing kapt thi thay gayo hoi ane malik bhar gam rehto hoi tene 13 varse khabar pade 7/12 kathavta ke hu khatedar mati gyo su pasi tene Bhathai dokiument janva mate revniu ma R t i thi leta ane janta 4 Vars lage se to tema ava kapat karel hoi tema koi limitesan hoi te jaru janav so

  • @vivekkushwaha5397
    @vivekkushwaha5397 9 месяцев назад

    Bhaiya mere father ki job ek jagah h waha quarter bhi mila hai above 20 years ho gaya hai hamen yaha rehte huye hamara voter id or makan no. bhi h kya hum court me appeal kar sakte hai limitation act 1963 29 property wala.

  • @marutibagadi3822
    @marutibagadi3822 4 года назад +1

    Thank you sir

  • @zabasarohi8907
    @zabasarohi8907 4 года назад

    Thanks ...sir ....

  • @samikhyamishra8289
    @samikhyamishra8289 4 года назад +1

    Thank u

    • @LegalPathshala
      @LegalPathshala  4 года назад

      Thanks alot
      Do share with your friends also
      You can also join us for online classes of judiciary contact 8950476640

  • @Anymi5
    @Anymi5 4 года назад +1

    Sir plz make a video on sec 30 pls!

    • @Anymi5
      @Anymi5 4 года назад

      @@LegalPathshala ohk

  • @amreetrath2410
    @amreetrath2410 3 года назад

    what is the difference between s 27 and s25

  • @mussavvirkhan3912
    @mussavvirkhan3912 2 года назад


  • @sandeeprao8267
    @sandeeprao8267 3 года назад

    Vakeel hone se kaam nhi chalna... paper b hone chaiye kabze k

  • @marutibagadi3822
    @marutibagadi3822 4 года назад +1

    Please sir another subject video made in this type sir

  • @rajivsaikia8836
    @rajivsaikia8836 4 года назад

    Joi ho adverse possession

  • @tiwari7296
    @tiwari7296 Год назад

    Sir 12 year or 20 year m confuse ho rh hu thoda section 25 m 20 year h or 27 m 12 year?

  • @samritisingh1030
    @samritisingh1030 4 года назад

    12years or 20 years?

  • @jazzkhurana951
    @jazzkhurana951 3 года назад

    How about section 28-32 of Limitation Act ?

  • @advsukhisidhu1321
    @advsukhisidhu1321 4 года назад

    Sir sec 25 me to easement right ke liye 20 year jruri hai but sec 27 me 12 year kise sir 27 smj nhi aa rha plz reply me

  • @ramchandrapatil5368
    @ramchandrapatil5368 3 года назад +1

    अच्छा है मगर अवैध कब्जा बिना मोबदला बिना कागजात है तक्रार की हे और असली मालीक ने उसी जमीन कर्ज लिये हैं टैक्स भरते है

  • @karamsingh4279
    @karamsingh4279 4 года назад +1

    Sec 30 and 31 please upload

  • @familylawdisputediscriptio5356
    @familylawdisputediscriptio5356 4 года назад

    Guyz where is the telegram link ?

  • @swtys9550
    @swtys9550 4 года назад

    Sir Esme bhi Agar B property dena chahe to wo kyu nhi le skta

  • @OnkarSingh-mt1qe
    @OnkarSingh-mt1qe 3 года назад

    Kaya jahi Kanoon faimali land par lagu hota hai brothers & chacha ke sath possissen shirf ek bahi ke pass hai

  • @bausbeje
    @bausbeje 4 года назад +2

    "Dislike krdo koi issue nhi hai" 😂😂😂

  • @noreenshoukat9993
    @noreenshoukat9993 4 года назад
