Palpatine Reveals Why Anakin Skywaker REALLY Lost To Obi-Wan Kenobi | Star Wars Explained

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • The iconic duel on Mustafar is perhaps the most scrutinized event in the Skywalker saga. The transformation of Anakin into a formidable entity of the dark side was a crucial element of this duel. His newfound power, derived from succumbing to the dark side, was of such magnitude that even Darth Sidious, the newly established reigning emperor, was taken aback by Obi-Wan's victory. It defied his expectations, as he had never anticipated Vader being outmatched by Kenobi. This unexpected outcome prompted Sidious to reflect deeply on the reasons behind Anakin's defeat, as documented in the "Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader." These reflections offer profound insights into the duel's dynamics, continuing to fuel discussions even in contemporary times. In today’s video, we will briefly delve into some of the reasons why Anakin lost the duel before exploring Sidious's own interesting interpretation of this legendary duel.
    To understand the outcome of the Mustafar duel, we must consider various factors. At first glance, it would appear that Kenobi should have almost certainly lost the duel. In the eyes of many, including Yoda, Anakin was the superior fighter and should have emerged victorious. But Anakin's overconfidence became his Achilles' heel, effectively blinding him to the broader context of their duel. Sidious anticipated that Vader, with his formidable strength and mastery of the Force, would have overwhelmed Kenobi's defenses, allowing for a final fatal blow. This expectation was not without precedent; even Count Dooku, revered as one of the most skilled duelists of his time or perhaps of all time, struggled against the overwhelming might of Skywalker. The novelization of "Revenge of the Sith" reveals that Dooku, despite his ability to alter the direction of Skywalker's attacks using Makashi, found himself draining his Force reserves at an alarming rate. The raw power that Anakin wielded was simply unprecedented.
    But Kenobi did not suffer the same fate as Dooku. Of course, the high ground was the decisive factor that ultimately led to Anakin, or Vaders defeat. In a pivotal moment, Kenobi positioned himself on a bank of black sand near the lava, his stance not only a warning but also a tactical challenge. Kenobi's actions were deliberate; he even presented Anakin with the opportunity to opt for a less aggressive approach, which Anakin, blinded by his desire to dominate failed to recognize.
    This miscalculation on Anakin's part led to the decisive moment of the duel. He sought to overpower Kenobi using a move reminiscent of the one that Kenobi himself had used to defeat Darth Maul. Believing himself to be the superior duellist, Anakin perhaps believed that if Kenobi could defeat Maul in this manner, then surely, he could do the same. Of course, though, this did not go as Anakin had planned.
    This though was not because the high ground in of itself is invincible. Here on earth, the high ground has long been recognised as important, but this is more to do with large military battles. In San Tzu's, the art of war, military leaders are advised to take the higher ground and allow the enemy to attack from a lower position. However, this is not really the case during a sword or lightsaber duel as it doesn’t really give you increased range like it would in an actual full-fledged battle. In fact some fencers I’ve spoken to have said that sometimes it can actually be a disadvantage. Of course, the Jedi fight better than any swordsman here on Earth. Their reflexes are better, they can jump much higher and they have mastery over the force. Despite this though, a fundamental truth still remains. The high ground is by no means a conclusive advantage.
    Furthermore, Kenobi dispatched two of his greatest rivals, Darth Maul and General Grievous from the low ground. The high HGround was only really an advantage because of the specific skills of Obi-Wan. Kenobi had spent many years contemplating on the reasons why Maul had been defeated all those years ago on Naboo. In fact, after the events of the Phantom Menace, Kenobi had switched his lightsaber style to form 3, the most defensive lightsaber form. This form served him exceptionally well, earning him high praise from Mace Windu, who lauded him not just as a master but as the greatest exponent of Soresu in the Jedi Order's history. This mastery of defense was starkly contrasted by Anakin's preference for Djem So, an aggressive form focused on offense. The interplay of these two styles was akin to a dance, with each combatant's moves complementing and countering the other's, leading to a tense and balanced struggle.
    The duel's outcome was also influenced by more than mere combat styles. The relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin played a pivotal role. Obi-Wan, Anakin's former master, had an intimate understanding of his apprentice's techniques and mindset.

Комментарии • 14

  • @aightm8
    @aightm8 7 месяцев назад +9

    Two Expert+ Beat Saber players

    • @GXT_ROGUE
      @GXT_ROGUE 7 месяцев назад +2


  • @arionofotherworld
    @arionofotherworld 7 месяцев назад +5

    Anakin was lost in the heat of battle, rather than using his rage as a focus for himself in the fight, as a trained Sith would, he let it overwhelm him and made a bad choice in combat. Vader would never make such mistakes.

    • @bradleymarchand560
      @bradleymarchand560 7 месяцев назад

      You literally just reiterated what he said but a lot of text. Anakin was being arrogant

  • @chrisvanzwienen945
    @chrisvanzwienen945 7 месяцев назад +9

    Practicality his huge ego fed into his loss. If only he saw his own ego

    • @aronmakan
      @aronmakan 7 месяцев назад +7

      Higher than the High Ground.

  • @DarthZion2024
    @DarthZion2024 7 месяцев назад +3

    Arrogance is a weakness of the Sith that’s the reason maul lost he was playing with his food rather then finish it same with palpatine he was so fixated on his hatred that it left him exposed and open for Anakin to throw him to
    His doom

  • @EvilJ069
    @EvilJ069 7 месяцев назад +6

    Anakin should have just used the Force to fling lava at Kenobi

  • @AncestorEmpire1
    @AncestorEmpire1 7 месяцев назад +6

    To make a NBA basketball comparison:
    Obi Wan Kenobi was akin to Michael Jordon, he had the talent and put in the hard work.
    Anakin was akin to Corey Benjamin, he had the talent but had massive levels of hubris.
    There’s a story of Corey calling out Jordan when he was still retired. It didn’t end well for Corey.

  • @Dante38783
    @Dante38783 5 дней назад

    Great video 😊👍

  • @zcorpalpha2462
    @zcorpalpha2462 7 месяцев назад +5

    High Ground

  • @reyesflores1351
    @reyesflores1351 7 месяцев назад +2

    Anakin lost to get his suit lol

  • @fangslore9988
    @fangslore9988 7 месяцев назад +1

    actually it was his arrogance and overestimation of Obi-wan that earned him that L, Obi-wan knew Anakin would always try to be the one with the advantage and so by declaring "its over Anakin, i have the high ground" he goaded Anakin onto trying to be the superior in all things, he was like a rabid dog chasing a bone.