  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @tofersiefken
    @tofersiefken 2 года назад +242

    It's a sign of a well-written narrative when I re-watch this movie countless times on reaction channels, knowing all the plot twists and big reveals, and still cry my eyes out every time. Yes, your reaction was "normal". You are a compassionate human being, in touch with your emotions and not afraid to let them show. If you didn't cry uncontrollably by the end, then THAT would not be normal.

    • @ILuvMusic394
      @ILuvMusic394 Год назад +8

      Same here, haha. I have been watching all the reactions to Coco and bawling every single time. No other movie has ever done this to me before. Coco truly is a masterpiece.

    • @unvoicedapollo3318
      @unvoicedapollo3318 Год назад +1

      So true

    • @tenorediawesome
      @tenorediawesome Год назад

      Me too! I'm starting to think I'm a glutton for punishment the way I'm been absorbing these reactions and crying with them.

    • @ju2545
      @ju2545 Год назад +1

      I didn’t cry at all during this movie but a lot of reactors on YT have

  • @j.j..jurado1429
    @j.j..jurado1429 2 года назад +35

    Fun fact about Dante the dog: this Mexican breed is called Xoloitzcuintle. It is said that these dogs will guide you to the afterlife, if you treated them well in life.

  • @sebastianluque16
    @sebastianluque16 2 года назад +174

    The day that we buried my father, i went alone to watch this movie.
    We loved cinema.
    In the darkness, with a anonimous multitude, i cried from beginning at the end.
    It was my way to say seeya.
    Sorry if i wrote wrong some word, spanish is my native language.
    Greetings from Argentina 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼

    • @dcasasola
      @dcasasola 2 года назад +14

      I know exactly what you mean. My dad passed away in January 2018 and we went to see this a few days before his funeral. I was crying so hard by the end.

    • @sebastianluque16
      @sebastianluque16 2 года назад +6

      @@dcasasola thanks for sharing 💙
      That day, i was dry, tearless. I needed to be alone to be able to cry.
      Without my family. And i found a perfect place 🙂
      Sorry for my English 🙋🏻‍♂️

    • @AlexSpearsBridges
      @AlexSpearsBridges 2 года назад +8

      Yo perdí a mi abuelita hace 8 años y aún cuando veo esta película, aunque sea en las reacciones, sigo llorando. Lo único que me hace seguir adelante es saber y creer que en algún momento nos volveremos a ver. Y si veo esta película junto con las canciones; “Amor Eterno” de Juan Gabriel y “Como me haces falta” de Ana Bárbara, termino siendo más lágrimas que persona. Pero siento que si en algún momento dejo de derramar una lagrima por ella, la habré olvidado. Un saludo y un abrazo 🫂 hasta Argentina 🇦🇷.

    • @sebastianluque16
      @sebastianluque16 2 года назад +3

      @@AlexSpearsBridges saludos, coterráneo 🙋🏻‍♂️ lo siento por tu pérdida 💙
      Ya escucharé esas canciones, no me las acuerdo. Me pasa lo mismo con esta película y con la canción de los Calamaro, "Este minuto". Ya todos sabíamos cómo iba a terminar la historia de mi papá, llevaba dos años enfermo, y con esa canción intentaba vivir el día a día, cosa de poder poner los pies en esos momentos y disfrutarlos con él. Creo que lo hicimos bastante bien.
      Gracias por compartir, qué estés bien 🙂🤙🏼

    • @Latnman101
      @Latnman101 2 года назад +1

      Muy bien dicho.

  • @nephtys369
    @nephtys369 2 года назад +74

    I was supposed to watch this in theater with my grandma. She was so excited that a movie with our culture was being made. She died before we could. It’s a hard watch for me, but kinda cleansing. I’m glad you appreciated it.

    • @smallla1514
      @smallla1514 2 года назад +5

      Omg ❤️🥹

    • @raynel1993
      @raynel1993 Год назад +7

      Your comment made me tear up... I'm sorry for your loss, RJ

    • @ResidentEddy
      @ResidentEddy Год назад +4

      Don’t you worry, I am pretty sure she watched it with you too. 🥲

    • @mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072
      @mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 Год назад +1

      Like there wasn’t any before?

    • @luis_g_77
      @luis_g_77 7 месяцев назад

      I probably would have brought her photo to the theater with me. Sorry for your loss!❤

  • @davidmoore1264
    @davidmoore1264 2 года назад +59

    I am a 56 year old biker. I cry in this movie all the time. Your reactions to this movie is my favorite from all the other creators. Good Job young lady!

  • @iggystompbarnyard
    @iggystompbarnyard 2 года назад +70

    Coco wrecked me. I cried so hard at the end for a grown adult male. Makes me think of my family and how I want to protect family's culture and keep it alive! Best wishes from Canada.

    • @AlexSpearsBridges
      @AlexSpearsBridges 2 года назад +7

      I’m sorry for your loss, Mexicans we see death as it is, part of life. It hurts, but we know someday we’ll be back together. In Dia de Muertos, we commemorate life, bc they’re alive inside of us.

  • @paulieluppino1856
    @paulieluppino1856 2 года назад +248

    For those who never tried, chorizo is one of the best meals anyone can have..... Chorizo with fried eggs and some chips, that's mana from the gods.....

    • @joshuaciresoli2927
      @joshuaciresoli2927 2 года назад +20

      Huevos Rancheros

    • @bigrobfromthev
      @bigrobfromthev 2 года назад +7

      I usually put cut up pieces of ham and Tortilla inside when I make it

    • @thebrhinocerous
      @thebrhinocerous 2 года назад +13

      Agreed...just don't choke on it.

    • @bigrobfromthev
      @bigrobfromthev 2 года назад +2

      @@thebrhinocerous That would not be a fun way to go

    • @dingdong1223
      @dingdong1223 2 года назад +12

      chorizo con huevo, frijoles con chorizo, papa con chorizo… some of the best breakfasts

  • @jocelyngipson7882
    @jocelyngipson7882 2 года назад +15

    Girl I’ve seen this movie countless times and I’ve cried everytime

  • @nowthatisawesome5431
    @nowthatisawesome5431 2 года назад +50

    I have family with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. It’s very normal for them to forget names or even who people are. One of my aunts doesn’t recognize her daughters anymore. Staring off into space and not responding also occurs. So when I saw Mama Coco show all those symptoms throughout the movie, it was very emotional for me and really hit home 😢.
    Music is very therapeutic and can often jog memories in patients with these conditions, so when she started to react to the song and sing along, it was very realistic.....and also made me lose it! 😭🥺😭
    Bottom line, if you didn’t cry at this movie, then there’s something wrong with you.

  • @manxdarcqpaw744
    @manxdarcqpaw744 2 года назад +54

    I cried nearly every time I've seen this. The emotions are palpable.

  • @gregsteele806
    @gregsteele806 2 года назад +13

    I love that Hector gets back everything Ernesto stole from him. He even gets his guitar back. In the final scene, he takes the spirit version of it as Miguel is playing. That broke me up when I noticed it the first time.

  • @MikeFelix1805
    @MikeFelix1805 2 года назад +13

    I really have to give credit to the production team for doing a proper research of this festivity as a Mexican, i never get tired of watching this movie.

  • @tofersiefken
    @tofersiefken 2 года назад +49

    This is my all-time favorite animated movie! Great Grandma Coco reminds me so much of my paternal grandmother. I had a deep connection with her the same way that Miguel has a connection with Coco. During my high-school years I moved in with her to become her care-taker as she was dying of cancer. It was only for a few months prior to her passing but those months were precious. You know I will be crying my eyes out watching with you.

  • @cmoeller3
    @cmoeller3 2 года назад +4

    My mom Is from Mexico..I fondly remember my maternal grandmother so well!! So this movie came right after she passed away.. so it holds a VERY SPECIAL place in my heart!!

  • @salvadormendoza8535
    @salvadormendoza8535 2 года назад +23

    My mom is 65 years old and she loved this movie. She said that the first half is exactly how the celebration is done in Poza Rica Veracruz. Disney really did a good job.
    By the way, i keep joking her with "Did you see mom? Pedro Infante was a bad person" then she says "He was not Pedro Infante" then i say "Mom, he could fly with his guitar, HE WAS PEDRO INFANTE" then both of us laughs a lot. Amazing movie

  • @deeanna8448
    @deeanna8448 2 года назад +7

    I ugly cried in the theater watching this. It's so damn beautiful.

  • @jowbloe3673
    @jowbloe3673 2 года назад +4

    I think this is the best Pixar movie, and one of the most emotional movies ever made.

  • @OrangePony75
    @OrangePony75 2 года назад +11

    9:49 Dante could see “ghost” Miguel and go with him to the Land of the Dead for its breed is xoloizcuintle, which since ancient aztecs was believed to be your guide to the afterlife if you treated them well in life. They’re still a very appreciated breed here in Mexico, and this is why Dante is a very suited name, for Dante Alighieri‘s novel on the afterlife.
    My favorite Easter egg: as finally Hector can cross over the bridge is the first time you see him wearing any shoes, as now he’s accepted into the family’s legacy of shoemakers.

  • @rhinoman1984
    @rhinoman1984 Год назад +1

    Bless your heart girl, you were crying so much I thought you were going pass out from dehydration.

  • @MrMindchild
    @MrMindchild 2 года назад +8

    As a musician’s kid, I don’t trust people who don’t cry during this movie.

  • @omeshsingh8091
    @omeshsingh8091 2 года назад +7

    This movie reminds me of my grandmother who we lost when I was 8 years old. I love it so much.
    And I actually imported the US Blu-ray so that I can watch it in Spanish with English subs.

  • @PopCultureGeekery
    @PopCultureGeekery 2 года назад +8

    awww, you have such a good heart! You want to talk about crying? I'm Hispanic so I could relate to EVERYTHING in this movie. I was fortunate to grow up with both my grandmothers. My maternal grandmother had passed away before this movie released but my paternal grandmother is still living so we took her to see this and when Miguel sang the song to Coco at the end and I looked over at my grandmother and she is just smiling while I'm over here crying my eyes out! I'll never forget that.

  • @Murillo43
    @Murillo43 Год назад +1

    This movie is a roller coaster of emotions 😂 we´ve all lost a loved one, family member, wife or husband, a friend... thats why this movie broke the hearts of many of us... we believe that... whether you are mexican or not, believe in God or not. .. there is a life after death, where we´ll go one day to wait for those we left alive, here in Mexico, we believe that they come to visit us on November 1 or 2, to be with us those days and then return to the afterlife to wait until next year, and of course... family is the most important thing 😊👍🏼 greetings from Monterrey Nuevo León Mexico!!! 🙋🏻

  • @reybelvelazquez
    @reybelvelazquez 2 года назад +3

    Day of the Dead is now an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO), a gift from Mexico to the world. We are committed to spreading it and taking care of it for future generations.

  • @jaydee8094
    @jaydee8094 2 года назад +14

    This came out a year after my grandma passed away, i remembered watching it and balling my eyes out, i was really close to my grandparents, this movie helped release emotions i hadn't gotten through with. Great film, purposely made to hit those, "emotional strings" lol no matter how many times I see this movie or see people reacting to it my throat always knots up and my eyes get hella teary.

  • @positivenegativeten
    @positivenegativeten 2 года назад +4

    I think my experience watching coco for the first was one of the most painful.. i watched coco a few months after it came out without knowing what's it about. My dad died the same year it was released so it wasnt a year after his death when i saw this movie. My dad wasnt a musician but he influenced us with music and he would also sing to us when we were little girls, and he used to have special songs for us. I have to drink a glass of water after the movie

  • @MarijnvdSterre
    @MarijnvdSterre 2 года назад +16

    Great reaction!
    1. 22:48 what sounded inspirational in the beginning, has such a different impact here.
    2. We could actually see earlier that Ernesto wasn't his familie, since the flower pedal didn't react when he started to give his blessing like it did when Imelda gave her blessing. A small detail you are almost certain to miss the first time watching.
    And yes: 25:35 Dante starts to look like your hair 😉

  • @lucero1986
    @lucero1986 2 года назад +11

    Cuando se anunció esta película no esperaba tanto, pero la verdad me sorprendió y más el impacto que generó en la gente que no es de mi país Mexico. Que genial que te gustó.

  • @19nzinga
    @19nzinga 2 года назад +3

    That was so cute when you called your cat your kid. 🥰🥰

  • @deadbynightupbylunch
    @deadbynightupbylunch 2 года назад +4

    I have seen this movie many times but that moment when Coco finally sees her Papa in the afterlife and they embrace always makes me cry 😭😭

  • @Codametal
    @Codametal 2 года назад +10

    I only have one thing to say. That's Pixar.
    Wonderful reaction, Blue! Can't wait till the next one!

    • @brycealthoff8092
      @brycealthoff8092 2 года назад +1

      I’ve heard that the more colorful and playful the cover art is, the harder it’s going to rip out your heart.

    • @Codametal
      @Codametal 2 года назад

      @@brycealthoff8092 Ha ha! Good one!

  • @wizzydoesdallas3408
    @wizzydoesdallas3408 Год назад +2

    Coco and Soul are the most emotional animated movies.

  • @sfdudeca
    @sfdudeca Год назад +1

    I’ve seen this wonderful film multiple times, and my reaction is very much the same: Very emotional, moving, and yes, I always cry. The film authentically tugs at the viewer with its gorgeous visuals and sincere story. I treasure this beautiful film very much. It certainly is a 10 out of 10 film. Love it!

  • @alyshaharper8730
    @alyshaharper8730 Год назад +2

    For those who didn't get the chorizo joke, chorizo is sausage. They made fun of him because they believed he choked on some sausage.
    And yes, it is 100% normal to cry watching this movie.

  • @TheBigJD100
    @TheBigJD100 2 года назад +4

    Saw this in the theater with my best friend....and when the movie ended....we both were sniffling at the end....when the credits ended....he tells me: "man...I think someone cut some strong onions in here. I need to leave. *Sniff*....ready to go?"
    This movie had everything: music, laughter, heartfelt moments, morals, is a perfect family movie. Still makes me cry every time I see it. Have to watch it every Dio De Los Muertos.
    Love your reaction!!

  • @lincelink
    @lincelink Год назад +2

    34:07 yes, its normal. I cried in the cinema, I cried in my home the 4 times I rewatched it and I am crying right now hahaha

  • @PhilandSofia
    @PhilandSofia Год назад +1

    This is the exact reaction I want from reaction channels, not over analyzing and just experiencing the movie, soo good that you actually enjoyed the plot twist. Thank you and you’re beautiful.

  • @samuelvincent557
    @samuelvincent557 2 года назад +4

    Every time. This movie wrecks me every single time. One of my best friends' Mother died of Alzheimers. And the pain of seeing her drift away and the anguish that her family had to deal with is horrible. I was with her, the first time her Mother forgot who her daughter was, and asked who she was. Coco, looks so similar to her Mother I can't help but think of her, everytime.
    I loved your reaction to this. It is a well wrought tale and hits all the heartstrings. Thank you.
    P.S. The most incredible part of this movie is that, at the end, when you see Coco's picture up on the Afrenda, you only feel sad for a moment. Then you realize she will be with her Mama and Papa, for a very long time, and she will remember them. One of the only times Disney makes you happy about a good parent's death.

  • @Seviour86
    @Seviour86 2 года назад +5

    This film gets me every time 😢 Great reaction! Love it! 😊

  • @MisterEyeJones
    @MisterEyeJones 2 года назад +2

    It's always a pleasure to share a few tears of emotion
    when seeing reactions to this beautiful movie. 😂😂😂

  • @tofersiefken
    @tofersiefken 2 года назад +12

    Seeing artist Frida Kahlo in this movie reminds me that Salma Hayek made a bio-pic in 2002 called "Frida" that you may want to react to. Not only was Frida a prolific and influential artist, but she was also married to Diego Rivera, a revered Mexican muralist. Frida Kahlo is someone that I think you would find fascinating.

  • @dcasasola
    @dcasasola 2 года назад +3

    I have seen this movie several times and it doesn't matter if it's the entire movie or someone reacting to it, I cry every time without fail.

  • @KCcanvas
    @KCcanvas Год назад +1

    Yes its normal....I cried so hard at the end because it's heartwarming

  • @vijay99401
    @vijay99401 2 года назад +4

    I watched this in theatre and there wasn't a single soul with dry eyes.

  • @wolfwing1
    @wolfwing1 2 года назад +3

    I love how you called so many things by accident, "I was worried he wasn't likable." or, "He won't want to send him back."

  • @sergiol.aponte13
    @sergiol.aponte13 2 года назад +5

    Is ok to cry, Trixy. It shows your heart. It is a beautiful movie. I loved Dante :-)

  • @stephenochosiete9869
    @stephenochosiete9869 2 года назад +2

    Loved your reaction! You didn’t miss a moment❤

  • @adelmocazares1228
    @adelmocazares1228 2 года назад +1

    this is the best reaction ive seen. loved seeing you go emotional. i live in mexico and to be honest i havent watch it completly.

  • @ravenregards
    @ravenregards 2 года назад +3

    When Miguel was playing the guitar trying to get CoCo to remember, I started crying uncontrollably. I thought of my parents, my grandparents and the great grandparents I knew especially one of my great-grandmothers who died when I was 28. I know when I watch it again the same thing will happen.

  • @TheScottSlater
    @TheScottSlater 2 года назад +2

    You're a treasure. And yes, I cry every time I watch this movie.

  • @ThatsRedonculouS
    @ThatsRedonculouS 2 года назад +7

    I watched this in theatres when it came out. I was crying so bad I couldnt drive my car home, had to make my boyfriend drive while I sat in the passenger seat and kept crying lol.

  • @Fanfrit1
    @Fanfrit1 2 года назад +1

    Dante is a Xoloitzcuintle, a race of dog that was very important in the aztec culture in the ancient México, they said that if you were good with dogs and animals, a xoloitzcuintle will help you cross the river in the Mictlán, the aztec after life.

  • @maximoventura9327
    @maximoventura9327 11 месяцев назад +1

    The secret is that is a real thing on Mexico.

  • @hectorlanzo8295
    @hectorlanzo8295 8 месяцев назад

    I'm really glad that you enjoyed Coco... as a member of the Latino & Hispanic culture that I'am 🤗!!!

  • @karlwhite2733
    @karlwhite2733 2 года назад +8

    I cry every time I watch it.

    • @karlwhite2733
      @karlwhite2733 2 года назад +1

      Same with Luca, Encanto, Moana

  • @graceespiritu5400
    @graceespiritu5400 Год назад

    Never fails to make me shed oceans of tears every time...every time.....😭

  • @RobertoGARCIA-nf1or
    @RobertoGARCIA-nf1or 2 года назад +7


    • @Latnman101
      @Latnman101 2 года назад +2

      Estoy de acuerdo.

    • @dossier1
      @dossier1 2 года назад

      obviamente no es real, porque los modismos latinos nonse entiende en inglés... ella averiguo momentos donde deberia emocionarse de otras reacciones. Perdón por arruinar la ilusión mexicana 😂

    • @celiasuarez8382
      @celiasuarez8382 Год назад

      User! Supe que estarias aquí. !!!

  • @RoninUK-e3u
    @RoninUK-e3u 2 года назад +1

    "Up" probably takes the record for reducing people to tears early on in a movie.

  • @TheRscorp
    @TheRscorp 2 года назад +3

    Lol you're good. I've watched people almost pass out from bawling so hard haha

  • @williamburnham3659
    @williamburnham3659 2 года назад +2

    As a 57 year old, I can say there is no problem in crying whilst watching this film
    Another great film for you to cry at is Paddington 2 ( both Paddington films are great, the second one the better of the two)

  • @bbenjaminnjamess
    @bbenjaminnjamess 2 года назад +7

    Such a great movie! Unfortunately the lady who was the inspiration for Coco (unconfirmed, but the resemblance is uncanny) just passed away recently at 109 years old!

    • @Latnman101
      @Latnman101 2 года назад

      It was awful how the media chased her everywhere she went.

  • @toukie
    @toukie 2 года назад +6

    Trixy, I lost it when I watched that movie. I watched it only because I was curious but dang it, I was almost dehydrated by the time I was done with it. I'm glad to see i'm not the only person who cries at the drop of a hat like that

    • @AlexSpearsBridges
      @AlexSpearsBridges 2 года назад

      You should’ve seen movie theaters in Mexico, all the people crying 😭.

  • @ramonalfaro3252
    @ramonalfaro3252 2 года назад +3

    This is basically a version of my life story. it kills me every time.

  • @SagaciousSilence
    @SagaciousSilence 2 года назад +1

    The last 15 minutes of Coco makes me bawl like a baby.

  • @glstka5710
    @glstka5710 2 года назад

    2:06 awww cute kitty cat, I LOVE kitties.

  • @good4u88us
    @good4u88us Год назад

    This is my favorite movie. I watch Coco review videos all the time because I want to see peoples reaction to it. This movie is very special. I watched it through once the first time and immediately watched it a second time. It’s my all-time favorite movie I absolutely love it.

  • @ILuvMusic394
    @ILuvMusic394 Год назад +2

    I simply loved watching ur reaction to this movie. It feels so genuine. Don’t worry, i don’t think there has been anyone who has gone through Coco without crying. I have watched this movie numerous times and cried my eyes out every single time. Such is the impact of Coco.

    @LEOSANGREAL1662 2 года назад

    33:57 "día de los muertos". My goodness, i love the way you said it. 😍 You said perfectly. Hearing you speaking spanish

    @ÁVILACHÁVEZ22 4 месяца назад

    I can't stop looking at that beautiful face, her beauty hypnotizes me, greetings from México 🇲🇽

  • @Tortugadelamuerta
    @Tortugadelamuerta 8 месяцев назад

    As a Mexican American musician this movie hit so close to home 😢when they showed them putting cocos photo on the offrenda i died this movie came out right before i lost my own grandmother so it has been something different and i watch it every dia de los muertos when my family celebrates it

  • @BlackieNuff
    @BlackieNuff 2 года назад +7

    This is one of Trixy's best reactions - the excited screams, the tears, all of it - I loved every emotive minute!
    This is why I watch reaction videos. 😀
    Hugs for Trixy (during those sad and happy-sad parts, lol).

  • @A-TOP-11
    @A-TOP-11 2 года назад +1

    I really love this movie. Damn this movie for making me cry at the end lol

  • @Castlecoke
    @Castlecoke 2 года назад

    Yes. It's normal to cry to this movie. Being reminded of our family who we love. Who we lost. The beauty of our culture. I cried too. Bc of my lost heritage and having. But, bc it also reminded me of my abuilta. 🥺

  • @joshramos5813
    @joshramos5813 2 года назад

    Omg this movie...coco looks just like my grandma I can't handle it tears every time

  • @jleongc8332
    @jleongc8332 Год назад +1

    Me encantó tu reacción... ojalá veas la película de Apocalipto....

  • @Aviz-
    @Aviz- 2 года назад +2

    First time i stumbled onto your channel, and i must say (even though i've seen this movie plenty of times and also seen people react to it) your reaction was so genuine and heartfelt (not miscrediting the other reactors). I can't imagine somone not relating to this since we all have our stories to be told. Hopefully someday you can visit us in México and witness one of our special traditions which is Dia de Muertos (The movie Coco based on). You are very welcomed here and hope you have a great day.

  • @xisle555
    @xisle555 2 года назад +1

    This movie was a direct attack on your tear ducts. Perfectly normal. And now, Encanto. Just... stay hydrated.

  • @ccj9373
    @ccj9373 2 года назад +1

    Great reaction! you are a treasure

  • @kane7475
    @kane7475 2 года назад

    I love your hair it looks beautiful on you Trixie

  • @alitomrprodigyproductor7541
    @alitomrprodigyproductor7541 6 месяцев назад

    recuerdo que estabamos en una reunion de amigos y amigas , y no tuvieron mejor idea que ver esta pelicula, termonamos todos llorando y recordando a nuestros familiares muertos, recurdo su gran abrazo cuando recordaba a mi padre , esta pelicula cuentan que fue hecha para explicar a los niños lo que es la muerte, su significado, lo que implica,etc, una pelicula muy fuerte.

  • @cafesmitty
    @cafesmitty 2 года назад

    Love this movie and you are so fashionable. Love it!

  • @kill_rozainofficial4966
    @kill_rozainofficial4966 Год назад

    When i went to watch this movie in a theatre, everyone was crying so much in the end and i had to hold on to my tears and it was one of the hardest things I've done in my life.

  • @davidsalinas1628
    @davidsalinas1628 2 года назад

    Great reaction. Love your look😍I did tear up a lot.

  • @SkwithOv
    @SkwithOv 2 года назад

    i definitely cried
    i ALSO cry when watching some reactions of this movie

  • @entertainmentlife430
    @entertainmentlife430 2 года назад

    This movie is very beautiful. It puts you in an emotional spin. I love it

  • @neilrocks84roblox19
    @neilrocks84roblox19 2 года назад

    I literally cried towards the end when Dante was singing a sweet song.

  • @erikasilvana_silvanashows
    @erikasilvana_silvanashows Год назад

    I love your reaction to this beautiful movie, greetings from México city

  • @mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072
    @mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 Год назад +1

    1:27 uhh yes I do.

  • @sairus3239
    @sairus3239 Год назад +1

    A lot of people missing that, but Dante is able to follow Miguel because to distract him, Miguel threw a food from someone's altar. So technically it was Dante, who desecrated it. And because of that Dante was cursed too.

  • @omarvalerio_s1170
    @omarvalerio_s1170 2 года назад

    Que bonita reacción, saludos desde Pátzcuaro, Michoacán

  • @Jorge-MX
    @Jorge-MX 2 года назад

    Thanks for the reaction ...x)

  • @mitchelbravo4702
    @mitchelbravo4702 Год назад

    As the song says, I'll surely remember you. You are very beautiful!

  • @Jackferrett6781
    @Jackferrett6781 2 года назад +2

    I've never actually cried watching something fictional. But I have come close several times. This movie was one of those times

  • @brabbelbeest
    @brabbelbeest 2 года назад

    Awesome reaction Trixy!

  • @aloneandannoyed
    @aloneandannoyed 2 года назад

    as soon as you mentioned the dub VS sub anime thing - you became a favourite.💚

  • @jorgedavidzepeda2670
    @jorgedavidzepeda2670 Год назад

    I am mexican and the way Disney and Pixar did such a great research about my culture and so well represented in an animated film make me so proud! This is one of the best animated films of the studio

  • @aloO255
    @aloO255 2 года назад

    Beautiful reaction. I cry with you jajaja

  • @luis_g_77
    @luis_g_77 7 месяцев назад

    I think you are an honorary Mexican! You seem to really connect with our culture 🎉🎉

  • @wilgarcia1
    @wilgarcia1 2 года назад


  • @user-cs4fg1rm5k
    @user-cs4fg1rm5k 2 года назад +1

    As great as this film is English it's even better in Spanish. This is an Oscar worthy film in both languages. The misconception about Dia De Los Muertos is that it is about death. It isn't, it's about life. The Native cultures have a different view of death in someone's life cycle. Also, the dog is hairless, thought to have spiritual and healing properties.