if anyone's struggling with this for AutoCAD Mac, go into your computer settings, select mission control, and make sure that button 3 isn't being used for any system actions (for example, when i held down the scroll wheel, it showed the desktop)
neither method worked. AutoCAD just likes to mess around and suddenly act broken with things like this for no reason. I just open it and suddenly things are different while i never changed anything...
PLEASE, how to you change the sensitivity of the PAN function?
if anyone's struggling with this for AutoCAD Mac, go into your computer settings, select mission control, and make sure that button 3 isn't being used for any system actions (for example, when i held down the scroll wheel, it showed the desktop)
Can't able to found mission control in settings
how about the trackpad pan not working?
neither method worked. AutoCAD just likes to mess around and suddenly act broken with things like this for no reason. I just open it and suddenly things are different while i never changed anything...
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda, me sirvió, muy útil 😉
It could also be that your scroll wheel clicker is not working - that was my problem
Que buena herrmano, pues si era la rueda de raton hahaha, me tarde como 20 min hasta que mire tu mensaje
The second method works for me!
You're welcome!
Thank you
Did not work
Neither method is working in Autocad Electrical
It worked, thanks
None of that worked