I wanted to add something: with Mercury trining Jupiter in Gemini, there’s a lot here about making the right decision. Since I drew the daughter of swords as what we need to transform, I feel like maybe I didn’t stress enough that this is a time of decision-making. You might change your mind about something and there can be many options available. It can be a confusing time, but ultimately productive.
As always, there are more than a half dozen things I wish I could respond to and share back about, but always heading out to work after watching... Just know that I always so appreciate and connect with so much you share on here Laurie! 💖
I wanted to add something: with Mercury trining Jupiter in Gemini, there’s a lot here about making the right decision. Since I drew the daughter of swords as what we need to transform, I feel like maybe I didn’t stress enough that this is a time of decision-making. You might change your mind about something and there can be many options available. It can be a confusing time, but ultimately productive.
As always, there are more than a half dozen things I wish I could respond to and share back about, but always heading out to work after watching... Just know that I always so appreciate and connect with so much you share on here Laurie! 💖
Thanks, Sheila! 🌸
I like this take on the Cross of Truth. Thanks for another great reading ❤
Thanks, Krystina! 💕
Understand not underwear sorry
I don’t see your original comment! I would love to read it if you want to post again. I just see your correction. 😊