Thank you so much for this! Even though I don’t know your language, this was very helpful. It’s too bad for me that no English speaking person on the planet thinks it’s important to post info about 3D rendering speed on M3 Macs.
Thank you for this video Neo Chan! As a 3D artist, did you try Unreal Engine 5 ? Since Nanite and Lumen are supported by the M3 chips (plus the ray tracing) I guess it should work better now. Maybe you can try it ? Thanks!
尼欧,你能推荐什么在搅拌机工作? 在m2max/32gb和mp3pro/36gb之间进行选择? 谢谢你的评论! Neo, What can you recommend for working in a blender? Choosing between m2 max/32gb and mp3pro/36gb? Thank you so much for your reviews!
Hi ! Thanks for watching If you search for their blender score, M2 Max is 251 scores, M3 Pro is 221 scores. CPU not big different and GPU scores is around the same too. M3 Pro is few hundred bucks cheaper so I believe M3 Pro is the better option.
Hi Neo Chan .. apologies. not writing in your language. but I don't trust too much to google translate xD .. thanks for this review/test .. I saw your. M1 Max m1 ultra tests in 3D apps and yeah specially in gpu M1 Max was at least ''a disappointment . more over .. when u tested. using Blender the ''Mr Elephant scene'' with all materials and lights on working and turning around it was really a bummer .. very very dissapointing very low ''fps''. ( gods, even my friend with an intel i7 MacBook and a 6700 e-gpu had way better results) ! . Now .. with. M2 and M3 seems way better improvements! .. Im glad about that. (. personal opinion .. I can wait a bit more time in render .. but. working in ''live view'' render with low fps. that is a real no no . ). ok. hope your channel will grow .. wish u all the best.
Hi . Thank you ! AMD graphic card isn’t performing well in blender . They just can’t work well together. M3 max with Metal GPU acceleration is far far better now. Live view is very smooth and rendering is fast. Power - efficiency is insane good too.
Thanks Neo ! ...@@neochanyl . yeah and cards are not convenient for blender . true! :). I was just saying that on first m1 chips. gpu's had very bad performance .. even compared in amd e-gpus specifically in. live view render . for rendering they don't worth true. . thanks :)
Thanks Randy ! 😆
好欣賞你一直以3D設計師關注既角度去做測評,希望可以繼續拍落去,支持你!BTW 吾知道Neo你有無測試過Houdini既性能?比較好奇今次頂配同RTX 4090差別系Houdini上面有幾大?
很好的评测,M3 max非常强。毛发渲染太快了,用笔记本的4080渲染测试要6分钟多才能渲染完,太强了
Thank you so much for this! Even though I don’t know your language, this was very helpful. It’s too bad for me that no English speaking person on the planet thinks it’s important to post info about 3D rendering speed on M3 Macs.
Thank you for this video Neo Chan!
As a 3D artist, did you try Unreal Engine 5 ? Since Nanite and Lumen are supported by the M3 chips (plus the ray tracing) I guess it should work better now. Maybe you can try it ? Thanks!
Thanks, would be very interesting to see results with the updated redshift version that it was announced today for M3 max.
想問下用 AutoCAD 的 Factory design utilities 同埋Plant 3D, Mac mini M4 10 core GPU, 16GB OK 頂到 定係24GB 好D?
7:22 -7:30 就標記錯誤,右係M3Max,左係M2Max,接着下一個測試項目,又將右邊標記M2Max,左邊標記M3Max 🤪
Thanks ! 修改咗👌
The Nothing Ear (2) looks so beautiful.
Agree !
求Neo建議,如果淨係focus on 14吋,應該買邊款好?好多RUclipsr 話14吋M3 Max有散熱問題,會過熱降頻,所以晶片再好都冇用。M3 Pro嘅高配同低配表現差唔多,搞到我唔知揀邊款好...
想知用 junkshop 試係咪 CPU heavy 過 GPU?我用 4090 render 有 4 秒幾係用嚟 build BVH (因為 OptiX 關係,CUDA 一樣),換句話講 GPU rendering 太短變咗試 CPU 而唔係 GPU?
出面嘅測試 Classroom 嘅話 M3 Max 要 20 秒但係 4090 只係 7 秒。
10:38 我試 Mr. Elephant (Eevee) 4090 係 4.96 秒
會唔會有呢個可能pc既cpu唔夠 or 4090唔係desktop版?
@@kit00001 CPU 夠但係 OptiX 同 Custom renderer 會做多一層 BVH building,Metal 係 Blender 4.0 呢部份有做優化,所以 4090 未正式開始 run 之前咗多咗重步驟會比 M3 慢。如果唔係用 Junkshop (例如 BMW、classroom 之類),大部份情況係 M3 Max 會比 4090 慢三至四倍。
佢個標題話「比 RTX 4090 快得多」 係會令好多人以為 M3 Max 比 4090 快,實情係所有 benchmark 同純運算能力 M3 Max 只有 4090 嘅 30% 左右,亦即係 3090 左右同介乎於 4070 同 4080 之間,而 4090 同 4090 又係另一個次元嚟。
終於等到你對 M3 Max 嘅評則啦 🥰
M4 Max 有望追平 RTX 5090 Laptop 版,毕竟 Laptop 有功耗墙,若追平芯片设计和应用匹配,最终 效能功耗比 高者胜出
Neo~ 想問下14吋果款M3 Max 夠唔夠用到blender ? 1tb,36gb ram係咪都夠?
我是一個blender新手,若要買m3會推薦入手那個規格的macbook m3 呢
M3 max 在14吋一定會慢過16吋,不過14吋用來跑Blender學習/工作我覺得是夠的,36GB RAM夠用的
😊 謝謝說明
等左你講Mac Book M3 好耐喇~加油🎉
本身因為用開3dsMax,所以一直離唔開PC。但近年見Blender功能越嚟越強勁,現決心轉會。請問MacBook Max統一記憶加到64GB,SSD加到2TB既話化唔化算?主要都係做一D場景簡單既animation。🙏🏻🙏🏻
64GB 記憶體製作簡單場景是可以的,只是如果需要製作室內設計場景可能就需要更多的記憶體,SSD方面按自己需要選擇,對blender性能影響不大
請問可以試下Vray Rendering & Enscape既差別
M3 Max原來已經追到4090 今年有冇打算做M4 Max GPU對比測試?
如果M4連遊戲效能都追到上去 之後唔洗再考慮砌機
嚟緊我會為M4 Pro Max Mini評測,M4 Max都會試下安排👌
@ 期待😚
據說M4 Max已經超越M2 Ultra好癲🤯
想睇埋AI方面效能既速度 如果可以試下SD生成圖片極限😇
可否測試下用Mac行window system?
想知道有沒有測試過 M3 Max 利用 UTM 安裝 Solidworks 跑的速度如何? 想買 M3 max 但擔心買了跑不動...
8:47 實時拖動viewport的速度會不會才是M3 Max最大的升級?比起M2Max和M1Max真的修正了很多!!
希望Neo可以做一支影片橫向比較一下m1 m2 m3 max的實時viewport差異
應該說今次整體上real-time render 和Render都有升級👍
nvidia 應該就會繼續壟斷。nvidia 除咗 ai, 仲有 omniverse 嘅工程領域。
但mac arm 架構真係好慳電, 4090 唔插住電真係頂唔到幾耐
我很喜欢看您的测评,但是这次,对比起往期,感觉有点不严谨,一笔带过了不少和4090对比的内容,并没测试的那么全面。这次影片中,你的惊讶,会误导一些观众,虽然你后边也补充了一句,毛发方面和部分情况仍然没有4090好。我开始也跟着你的惊讶并欣喜,认为已经达到了4090的级别,实际查阅资料并没有。在blender4.0版本的官方性能评价,M3MAX 40GPU,只属于4060左右的档次
Great review. up平时用Houdini做烟火和破碎模拟吗,想知道速度怎么样。不过看Blender模拟已经很厉害了,在渲染方面也跟上来了,下一部真的可以考虑这台移动工作站了
如果 主力 lightroom + photoshop raw file 1憶像素 . , m3 pro +36 ram 夠用不?
Neo 兄,請問如果我現在用得最多最花時間嘅係Lightroom AI Denoise ,與及大量import/export Lightroom 嘅相片File,我應該揀 top spec 嘅 M3 Max 定係 top spec 嘅M2 Ultra? 謝謝指教!
Wait for Mac studio M3 Ultra
尼欧,你能推荐什么在搅拌机工作? 在m2max/32gb和mp3pro/36gb之间进行选择?
Neo, What can you recommend for working in a blender? Choosing between m2 max/32gb and mp3pro/36gb?
Thank you so much for your reviews!
Hi ! Thanks for watching
If you search for their blender score, M2 Max is 251 scores, M3 Pro is 221 scores. CPU not big different and GPU scores is around the same too. M3 Pro is few hundred bucks cheaper so I believe M3 Pro is the better option.
Thanks for the test. Can you add maya and houdini in future as well in the test?
Sure. Will arrange 👌
7-8年前买了二手2013mbp 做graphic design,现在还用,太慢了.10多年机了。哈哈😂Neo说出了设计师需要的重点和review.刚好也在选择m3 max 16in.但是M4来了,不知要不要等m4的mbp。。。
你好,現在買M3 max不划算,還是等M4 max吧
公司機老細比錢就用PC, 壞咗唔心痛夠自由又多software多plugin
自己機就用Apple, 部mac pro 2015年買到而家都未壞
4090 load blender 大場景時經常都要等它載texture去vram一會才開始見到render view
我平日用ai+ps+zbrush, 未來想學Sketchup, 想問下買m3 max會唔會浪費左?定係買pro都可以?謝謝
@@neochanyl謝謝回覆!! 但如Stetchup 用上Vray的話係咪都係要Rendering?
@Chihongtam-yd7lx 係呀, vray 都係Rendering
Nice reviews
Thanks for watching !
Hi Neo,想問一下我本身係blender 新手,16吋M3 Max 1Tb/48gb ram係咪已夠用?還是加多$1500升級至64gb ram比較好?
Depending on your work, but I recommend upgrading to 64 because most giant applications, especially those with 8k, consume a lot
@@jhonafton7335 Thank you very much for your useful comments
勁啊Neo ,順便比較下m1 Max頂配 嗎
想問budget無咁多,但又想新手學blender,M3 pro 推唔推薦?
或者用photoshop 3D
如果學blender要做3D Render,建議上M3 max比較好
您好Neo 可以帮忙测试Twinmotion在这几个平台上的差距吗?
mac 用家, 好奇一問,部 4090 電腦個spec 及 組裝 多少錢?
年半前買,RTX4090 + I9 13900K + 128GB SSD 大約$40K
@@neochanyl 仲有係有幾多GB RAM? 順帶一提雖然部PC唔係今次重點,但你都咁辛苦做測試咯...點解條片唔講埋PC個SPEC出嚟?? 老實講,如果我睇唔到你呢條留言,我會覺得你唔講部PC啲個spec...好鬼殊...甚至係故意遺漏唔講....出古惑之䫶既不良感..可能唔只我一個人咁諗.建議你下次詳盡少少,無謂浪費你心機
所以運用在cinema 4d已經是可以的了 還是neo依舊推薦PC
mac oc唔得啊😦
Rendering of short time is more depend on CPU's limit, not GPU
Hi Neo Chan .. apologies. not writing in your language. but I don't trust too much to google translate xD .. thanks for this review/test .. I saw your. M1 Max m1 ultra tests in 3D apps and yeah specially in gpu M1 Max was at least ''a disappointment . more over .. when u tested. using Blender the ''Mr Elephant scene'' with all materials and lights on working and turning around it was really a bummer .. very very dissapointing very low ''fps''. ( gods, even my friend with an intel i7 MacBook and a 6700 e-gpu had way better results) ! . Now .. with. M2 and M3 seems way better improvements! .. Im glad about that. (. personal opinion .. I can wait a bit more time in render .. but. working in ''live view'' render with low fps. that is a real no no . ). ok. hope your channel will grow .. wish u all the best.
Hi . Thank you !
AMD graphic card isn’t performing well in blender . They just can’t work well together. M3 max with Metal GPU acceleration is far far better now. Live view is very smooth and rendering is fast. Power - efficiency is insane good too.
Thanks Neo ! ...@@neochanyl . yeah and cards are not convenient for blender . true! :). I was just saying that on first m1 chips. gpu's had very bad performance .. even compared in amd e-gpus specifically in. live view render . for rendering they don't worth true. . thanks :)
M3 Max太贵啦……还是学生明年有建模课,买M3 Pro可以用Blender,Maya,C4D这些吗QQ?
建模用M3 Pro是夠的,但做Rendering我覺得還是上max比較好
Mac studio M3 Ultra 值得等待?
M3 Ultra應該也會不錯
Great content ❤️❤️❤️
Спксибо брат! Очень ждал твоего обзора на м3 макс. Ниодин блогер не показал реалтайма в циклах блендер
Thanks for watching !
知道,M3 Max確實好吸引,大家要控制好自己😂
主要 是 台积电 技术强 苹果 M系列处理器台积电代工 未来性能会涨的令人看不懂
Navidia????? lol
Sorry. Auto translate problem. Fixed.
M2 Max 買左先半年就俾M3 Max超前咁多,搞到我日日用到成個怨婦咁
M3 ultra 應該會快到痴線