TheLiftingWeeb Most anime singles have their official instrumental version so phase cancellation (the technique name) can be done to extract the acapella.
I have no idea what I just randomly stumbled upon but I love every word of it even though I don't understand Japanese but anything with Redbone slaps so here's to the next 10 repeats!
Obviously, most of the top comments are about "how bad this anime is" and not about "how good this mash-up is"... Let the haters hate, I am here to chill and enjoy a mashup well done !
The best part about all triple q mash ups is that they're extreme shitposts but still actually sound kind of good. What a god
nakinkyo too
The fuck do you mean "kind of good". Triple Q shit slaps
this was a shitpost?
If you wander long enough, eventually you'll find a place to call home :)
Thought you were dead fam
Gods hands
Misaka Mikoto so inspiring, thank you
damn it's been some time
Mikoto never dies, they just go MIA.
Stay woke
Weebs be creepin'
I laugh so hard my teacher kick me out from class XD!!!
Watch out now, We'll go up your rectum.
@@Shayminister nah m8 real gamer play Garfield cart on the hardest difficulty cuz nothing is more harder than a fat cat in a kart .
M E M E 👏 R E V I E W 👏
hit me up when you finally get all the apples in snake
I beat a 2 piece puzzlle
if you are a true gamer you should play spec ops : the line irl
omg this is so amazing, i loved it :D
oh my
apandah here,noice xD
Fk you with your "oh my"s !1!!
apandah AYYY
Did not expect you to be here holy crap
fuk outta here
If romcoms are "Misunderstandings: The Anime" then Gamers!!! is "Failure to Communicate at a Basic Level, Wurds R Hrad: The Anime."
Yes it is, and I love it so.
"Would you like to be my friend ?"
"Sorry I only see you as boyfriend"
Manusia KagakRusuh When it’s Opposite Day.
With a hard *R*
just like actual gamers irl lol
Haven't stopped listening to this everyday for a month straight. Honestly best mashup I've ever heard.
This is probably the only redbone mashup I unironically like lmao
Just subbed to you an hour ago and already a new vid. I'm impressed.
oh, you'll be impressed
Reridged if your impressed by that be ready for some quality rips
My fellas.
Best wishes
That bit where the chiptune mixes with the opening bit of Redbone is a nut in musical form
Parappa the rapper 3 & knuckles
Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry
Vs Marvel Vs Capcom, & Knuckles
Ya damn right knuckles
oh no
Rastafari for life man.
*I want to make the obligatory "I want to give **______** my red-bone" joke, but I don't know anything about Gamers!*
razorsharpboomer just make one about New Game. Their whyfoos are better than this... _thing_
razorsharpboomer hilarious dude, good one!
「 OKAY 」
TheRibbonRed Nah fam Gamers! got the better yfus
razorsharpboomer the girl in the picture is Karen Tendou so there
How do you isolate the voices like that? That's very impressive
TheLiftingWeeb These vocals were likely isolated with a software called Utagoe 3.0. There are tutorials online that will explain the process.
TheLiftingWeeb Most anime singles have their official instrumental version so phase cancellation (the technique name) can be done to extract the acapella.
its called vocal stem and its useful
lol there's no vocal stem for anime songs
How is vocal isolation done for non anime stuff? Like is there a way to do it manually when there is no separate instrumental track available?
Most Redbone mashups were pretty bad. This is an exception. Good stuff mate.
What about the ones from grandayy?
watch in 1.25 speed
Bless you :3
This is so good! i want the first 30 seconds as a ring tone :o
Without any sarcasm or exaggeration. This really made my day.
Thank you TQ
Triple-Q, back at it again making mashups that never fail to amaze me in some way.
Wow, Triple Q! Are you a "gamer" too?! The cake is a lie! XD
You hear about videogames?
This party's cool, but I wish there was a way to find the geeks and gamers in the crowd...
Ice ...Fucking gamers...
Ice Kek my fam dude, how's about we play some of them counter strikes?
at least a decent redbone mashup
I was fresh off starting college when this dropped. It was crazy to remember vividly how long time had flew by
thechinqisin You should check more of his channel he has a shit ton of mash-ups with Kendrick Lamar stuff
A message from the future: (Insert message)
This youtube channel has a 'Tendou'ncy to upload some pretty fire mash ups.
I come back at least once every 3 months to listen to this masterpiece once again
Gamers! Is actually my favorite show of the summer season. This mashup is great as always.
How dare you make this work!
What Redbone would've sound like if Childish Gambino pick his favorite summer anime
Was not expecting this. Glad it happened though.
gamer !
also what do you know, something good to come from this fad
snowlg y-you too...
Geoduck Sauce that guy makes ytps and is one of the editors of some of matpat's videos
The anime's pretty bad... *if you hate fun* that is.
my man!
I was about to be really mad. Then I was really happy. Good job.
I thought it was decent but nothing too special
it was pretty good to me
I feel blessed
this made my day
Top 10 Best Triple-Q's Mashups of 2017!
This is fucking beautiful, never heard of this anime but I’ll check it out
Edit: one week later - one of my fav anime’s now
Godlike as always.
Ironically, we see almost no gaming in Gamers.
well ... there are ... umm ... some ...
... okay I can't argue that ...
Its a story about gamers, not gaming
@le Hoarderz Al-Shekelsteins oi that hits close to home
I keep replaying this song HELP ME! XD
How did you make this even mor chill then it is
Yes! I've been waiting for a gamers opening remix. Thanks a lot..
Keep up the great work Triple-Q
I downloaded this song 4 years ago because I had lost it once, I still have it today, and now Yotube recommends it to me hahahaha
Still coming back to watch this
I unironically love this, especially the intro.
Oh boy here we go!
why do i love this so much
This soothes me with the hurricane outside
The worst thing about this that there is no r34 of it.
endo marru There's some stuff on Pixiv if you can handle moonrunes.
Poolron link me my dude
still waiting for the link, i guess
Poolron bless you dad
just search this on google: Gamers! Sankaku
Holy shit this is good
I keep coming back to this. It's just too good.
Man where do I go to end up here at 1 a clock in the morning
0:05-0:28 gotta make a ringtone out of this
Dude that’s perfect, if I ever decide to keep a phone off of silent, I’m grabbing this
Still come here from time to time to listen
1:28 hits hard
VERY HARD (Yas...😢)
After hearing the original again it reminded me of this masterpiece 😍
👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 another hit
what's up G A M E R S
This makes me happy.
Honestly so happy u got ur channel back bro, cos I wouldn't be able to listen to this whilst smoking bud 🍁
damn, i love your work
God damn it another good one.
I still alive! Stupid old me
Top 10 Chill Music.
I remember listening to this back in 2017, Nostalgia..
this shouldnt fit this well, but again, you broke my expectation, more than 10 times already
I have no idea what I just randomly stumbled upon but I love every word of it even though I don't understand Japanese but anything with Redbone slaps so here's to the next 10 repeats!
you back
You never fail to amaze me.
One of the best animes of this season.
one of the worst tbh
oddly satisfying, and I don't even know the anime
Absolute madman.
Bonus: What Redbone would sound like if it were Riddled with Misunderstandings.
Obviously, most of the top comments are about "how bad this anime is" and not about "how good this mash-up is"...
Let the haters hate, I am here to chill and enjoy a mashup well done !
I hate the fact that I'm addicted to this. Nice mashup
greetings, fellow gamers
Honestly better than I was expecting.
What Redbone would sound like if it was misunderstood.
no se que comentar pero dejaré este comentario en español para que sepan que los que lo lean tienen mi amor
Te aprecio men salu2
The best thing I’ve ever heard since Johnny Johnny yes papa
When you play Namco,Taito and other games like Parodius or Taiko Drum Master...
Finally found it again
thanks qqq
Opening 30 seconds is disgustingly catchy
Pipo pipo pipo pi pi, pipo pipo pi, pi po pi, contigo pipo
what redbone would sound like if childish gambino was a weeaboo
This Anime is one of the best romantic comedy Anime I ever watched. XD Every Epesode I must laugh until it hurts. lol
The Song is very cool.
what anime is it?
@@knuckles1206 Its called Gamers!
I don't know what I am doing here. But it was lit
cool as ice
well played
Tip: This sounds better on decent earphones than it does on my phone's mono speaker.
Hey Q*3 love your stuff. Reckon you could work Lone Digger by Caravan Palace in with something?
deym boi!
a triple-Q hidden gem
Contigo Pipo
>mashup of redbone
>there's no melanin at all
1.25x speed is much better
But the Lofi "coming back home at the bus" is what makes It great so I'll keep with Normal