Just started listening to this bible. I wanted to listen to the original bible. I googled it and found the name and well, here i am. So glad this is here for all to hear. The spirit is in me but it helps strengthen my spiritual personal relationship with my great father in heaven.
Accept Jesus as your lord and saviour and be saved in Jesus name amen hallelujah praise the lord ✝️ hallelujah ✝️ hallelujah ✝️ from new Zealand island s 😊❤️🏝️
In order to be saved, you must: Hear the word Believe Confess Jesus Repent and be Baptized for the remission of sins.. This is GOD’s plan of salvation. Any other plan of salvation is made up by man. Jesus said he will save HIS church, the church of Christ, but who’s going to save all these man made denominational churches? Jesus came to UNITE Jew and Gentile into ONE church. Denomination by definition means different divisions or classifications.. Denominational churches do the exact opposite by dividing people into different man made churches and teaching different man made doctrines.. Seems like ol’ Satan came up with a good plan to divide and conquer man… According to the Bible, there is one Saviour, one church and one plan of salvation, so all these different denominations, teaching different doctrines and different plans of salvation are not scriptural .. We all need to get back to the church Christ set up in 33 AD, the church of Christ, and back to just being a christian and leave all the false, man made stuff behind..
@@realrhinox2978To be fair, Jesus did say "think not that I have come to bring peace on earth, I tell you nay, but rather division. I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and a house shall be divided 2 against 3 and 3 against 2"
This has been a very great blessing to me. This is truly an anointed reading of God's Holy Word. Now, as iron sharpens iron, so does a man sharpen the countenance of a friend, Steve Cook read the passage incorrectly in Genesis 27:40 where Isaac blessed Esau. Steve Cook said "And by thy word shalt thou live". Isaac actually said to Esau "And by thy sword shalt thou live", and this was also a prophecy of the warlike nature of Esau's seed. God bless you Steve.
I listen to audio Bible's everyday, and would like to commend whoever is narrating this. EXCELLENT JOB, Sir!👍 A Big Thank You for making this available for our benefit. And - THANK YOU for not talking in a sissy/thespian voice when reading the words of God like so many other narrators do!!! Half the time I can't tell if they're mocking what they're reading in order to make God's word sound ineffective - or if they truly are lacking that much testosterone...
There are a lot of brilliant narrations, you'll need to keep searching, just don't give up. God's word is a real help, instruction and a light to your path, help in times of trouble.
Sounds like you think KJV is the only version. This Bible is actually older than it. If you want any to take you seriously please provide either a time stamp or verse to check and verify.
@@tristank8076 Based upon the actual WRITTEN Geneva Bible. I do not think the kjv is suitable - I am simply opposed to ANYONE changing God's WORD. WOE to whoever recorded this and changed it! WOE!
Thank you..I've been trying to figure out what God's word is... Since everybody knows and everyone is right... I guess that means we are all going by what someone before us has taught... Because everyone is right but the right answers are different... So I guess no one would know what God's word is.. unless God tells you something specific and someone else something specific... I don't know... But the Bible was put together by man... I guess the Quran is the word of God or maybe there are many Gods like in Hindu...Nobody knows is my point because of your location you may have a certain belief system... And if God's word was infallible then why don't we know..why are there so many different versions (sounds like confusion) why are there nonbelievers... Is there heaven and hell and did someone come from there and tell you or anybody you know that it exists.. why don't God just wipe out evil... Since we've been taught God can do anything... I do believe in something very great that we as humans could never understand.. if that were the case then we are bringing something so great down to a level that we could comprehend...making "Him" more like us.. I'm just saying I think the definition that we have put on something so powerful or"God" leaves something to be desired we are off.... If I put a gun to a 3 year olds head and pulled the trigger because I have "free will" what is the probability of God jamming the gun or did I just kill this baby.. because in our world it happens all the time and God has not changed this yet... But I mean it when I say to God be the glory or whatever is "The All" the "Creator"...
If I were to be stuck on an island with only one bible, specifically in english for the rest of my life, and I could only pick between the Kind James Bible or the Geneva Bible; tbh, I'd pick the Geneva Bible. (Granted, I'd need it to be in the roman type, and not the gothic it would've been written in when it was used.)
I fully agree! This is the Bible the Reformers used. The KJV was written as an attack against this, and the Reformer’s study notes which expose the Papacy as being THE AntChrist of the Bible.
Thank You for this :) May God Bless you and others as me that's very Greatful for The Lord Jesus Christ our Savior that we are Created in his image Our Great Blessing to have him our Savior 🙏
@@theremnantsvoice1902 Thank you, I've looked on Amazon and there's so many different Geneva Bibles with KJV notes. I'm looking for the original version where can I find it at. Any information that could help me find it would be appreciated
Could you kindly tell me, please, if the 1599 Bible you are reading from is the same as the 1560 Geneva Bible? Were any changes made in the interim years? Thank you. Your narration is wonderful!
That is because deep in our hearts we are not . We can at sometimes be good but just watch little ones they can be so bad without ever being taught to be that way . Quick to snatch and take things that aren't theirs , slap and bite others , throw fits and can't control themselves. A Russian or Eastern European adoption agency only showed the kids enough love and human touch to keep them alive , some turned out to be psychopaths and murders when they grew up even after being adopted. That's why you need a manual called the Bible.
@@carolynklestinec8589 no you’re wrong, none of us are good. None not one. Read your Bible, even Jesus didn’t want to be called good, he said only one is good, God. You ppl really need to read your Bible.
@@Puddycat00 Genesis Chapter 1;31 . And God saw EVERYTHING that he had made, and , behold , it WAS very good . (Kjv) before ADAM & EVE trespassed against the will of God, they WERE good . They sinned and sin was brought into the world . We are now all born under sin . Because WE ALL are made in man's/ Adam's or Eve's image . We are no longer in God's image because God does not trespass/ sin against another . He is righteous. Check again. In your Bible. You might find it in there . Also Jesus is our salvation because he is WITHOUT SIN . He is our righteousness, if we accept the sacrifice he made for us on the cross . He did not claim outright onto himself because it is by our faith in him that we are saved . Jesus said I Am . ( that is God's name ) that is how he told you that he is good and sinless.
Will you go to Heaven? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and *Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case:* *“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have you life.”* Then Jesus rose from the grave, defeating it. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you. (living waters/ray comfort) God bless you.
A woman in Scripture is a church. If we lust after the wrong church, this is adultery. Rome and its predecessors are the wrong churches, as well as worshiping or exalting ourselves. We should not be grafted into a branch of the wrong or dead vine.
@@heirannexedknockin5083 I mean, that's one way of putting it. Lol. It's usually false gods though, that are painted as women to which people lust after instead of the True God. Like, Israel in the Prophets are accused plenty of times of adultery with false gods, cus they were supposed to be faithful to God and his Covenant, being painted as a marriage between Israel and God.
@@lonelyguyofficial8335 Agreed. Also, we became gods and were kicked out of the Garden. We obeyed the women, who is not who we came to believe to be our female partners, but our woeful and frail side God gave each of us from ourselves. It's a part of all of us that allows us to be beguiled by the serpent we named earlier. This is the part of us that we must subdue and rule to stop temptations to join with evil, or the wrong woman, the whore of Babylon.
The word "spirit" simply means "breath". The world "heaven" simply means "sky". People don't understand the Bible cause they have difficulties understanding these very simple words.
The Geneva bible in 1-Cor 6:9 says buggerers. Yet in the 1611 KJV and later KJV it says effeminate. I wondered as King James was gay did he soften the language.
He was gay he Only got married to a woman for show... He was gay and liked men's leg's He was also a freemason now The First Bible was Geneva 1539 but difficult to obtain
First John 2:4, they ain't gon' like that Matthew 5:10, now we on the right track John 14:15, awh they gon' fight that The Devil coming, but He know we're coming right back!! Lucifer has no power here, God bless every listener!!
@@FollowJesusNotMan yup. People take the commentary which is his opinion as the Word which it isn't. I pray your Faith is strong in this little season.
The KJV is backed by 99% of the Greek NT manuscripts (5200+) compared to the NIV and ESV that are based on the 1818 Greek NT manuscripts backed by < 1%
There are four persons Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able. Able is found a shepherded in himself and is already gathering wealth while he has the freedom to take what he needs and let live the rest. The problem is bigger than I thought.
Ok. Adam and his descendants were blessed with life even though today Christians can't wait to die and go to heaven to be with the Lord and also meet their loved ones again. What surprises me is how the ancient people were able to know the age of these very old guys while I am only 59 years of age and my parents were found by bearing age without a concrete means ti record their kids actual birthday not that it matter after all its just a number. But if there is a blessing in long life, most of us would like to know. After all, death was not in God's creation plans, not until man fell into temptation and the penalty was great. I hate death? I am listening with you to what Geneva's Bible is asking us to meditate on.
The amount of money you're probably making off of ads is interesting I wonder how Jesus would feel about that considering he turned over the money changers tables
I make no money from this. If there are ads on it, Google is making merchandise from it. Jesus said "freely you received, freely give" and I abide by that. In fact, nothing on my channel is monetized. I have no control over what Google does.
Well Jesus himself says to the apostles that the workman is worthy of his reward. So even if he did make a few bucks, I'm all for it. I mean he put the time and effort to put it all together and read it. He deserves payment in my opinion. ❤
Also FYI, Jesus overturned the money chamgers tables because they were basically robbing people who came to offer sacrifice. All the ppl had was Roman currency and the temple wouldnt accept Roman currency, so they set up tables to exchange currency so people could buy an animal for sacrifice, but they were adding a tax to it. So basically they were fleecing the flock. And that pissed Jesus off(rightfully so)!
@@theremnantsvoice1902 My goodness. I realize I didn't make the comment, nor did I even think it in my head, but I am going to apologize for the very rude and judgmental reply left by someone else. I appreciate you taking the time to post all of these videos and reading the scriptures to us. I truly do appreciate it! I am new to the Geneva Bible, as I have always been told that the King James is the only one that should be used, or at the least, others can be used along with the King James, but always make the KJV the priority, however, something in my spirit was telling me otherwise. The Holy Spirit will always guide us to the truth when we are earnestly seeking it. Now that I have found this Bible, I am seeing all kinds of content about King James and who he really was. I am also seeing where certain verses were left out of the KJV, but is in the Geneva Bible. I am glad I found your videos, and once again, thank you so much!
I don't believe Noah was ordered to build an arc of Pine Wood. I forget the name of the wood but there's a way more likely possibility... Surprisingly lighter than pine, and only grows in one place on earth... Somewhere in Africa I believe. Oddly Africa or somewhere near Florida USA. All over the place I know. I study and read a lot. Still I have the mind of man
This is the Geneva bible as used by Shakespeare, Cromwell, and Bunyan. And also the Jamestown settlers in 1607. The only reason the KJV even came into being was because King James I did not like the notes in the Geneva Bible that limited a king's power, so he commissioned a new translation to be made without footnotes. The Geneva bible was very popular due to its commentary notes and the introduction of verse number. So popular that it held back the acceptance and sales of the KJV bible. To solve this, the Geneva bible was eventually outlawed. Shame that.
You got it mixed up, it's just a retelling. Just specifying once again. Read the old testament and you'll see this is a common theme. Some stories are told twice over, sometimes a little different from the last time. READ. don't argue
My Gigi's twins Georgette & Geneva and lake Geneva the water so pure its test above our bottle water purest and Georgie is our fabulous antique roadshow and better homes mag starters all our famous arts she made my portfolio ahhh lala 😹
Preacher man is free to speak now that my frequency is One with the universe it's slow sometimes but learning how to receive by working my body harder than normal by Cole spriits outside and in building using number Lev lines of different people places and during shifts in the matrix
They are the same. The Torah are the first five books of the Bible, they are the foundation for the rest of the Bible. Jesus said. ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’ ” Luke 16:31. " For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me." John 5:36
Where did these sons of God come from to take the daughters of man, which now annoys God yet again. He has sons, as if that is not enough he creates desire in them and then create beautiful daugthters of men to be taken advantage of. Is Jesus not the only son of God?
No, read the book of Enoch and the book of Jude. The sons of God being referred to are the watcher angels that left their proper dwelling place and essentially fornicated with human women. Their offspring are known as the nephilim. The giants. And not only that but they genetically corrupted everything on earth! Plants, animals, people, everything! That's why God flooded the world. They completely corrupted everything that God created to be good... the book of Genesis, if made properly, would be the wildest and most action packed movie you've ever seen! But the craziest part is that it's all true..... I hope this helps. 🙏🏻 Much love ❤️
I can’t express how much of a gift this is to the internet!
This playlist, yea this single video, is a greater service to humanity than 95% of all other found on RUclips
True, what a beautiful video!
Just started listening to this bible. I wanted to listen to the original bible. I googled it and found the name and well, here i am. So glad this is here for all to hear. The spirit is in me but it helps strengthen my spiritual personal relationship with my great father in heaven.
2 Timothy 3:14-16.
Genesis: (0:22)
- 2 (6:01) - 3 (10:04) - 4 (14:34)
- 5 (18:52) - 6 (22:44) - 7 (26:39)
- 8 (30:30) - 9 (34:28) - 10 (38:43)
- 11 (42:42) - 12 (46:58) - 13 (50:21)
- 14 (53:16) - 15 (57:17) - 16 (1:00:39)
- 17 (1:03:34) - 18 (1:08:32) - 19 (1:14:08)
- 20 (1:21:03) - 21 (1:24:26) - 22 (1:29:33)
- 23 (1:33:46) - 24 (1:37:11) - 25 (1:48:50)
- 26 (1:54:06) - 27 (1:59:53) - 28 (2:08:17)
- 29 (2:12:17) - 30 (2:17:50) - 31 (2:24:49)
- 32 (2:33:20) - 33 (2:38:24) - 34 (2:41:37)
- 35 (2:46:14) - 36 (2:50:36) - 37 (2:56:35)
- 38 (3:02:26) - 39 (3:07:18) - 40 (3:10:51)
- 41 (3:14:15) - 42 (3:22:40) - 43 (3:28:18)
- 44 (3:33:42) - 45 (3:38:49) - 46 (3:43:26)
- 47 (3:48:37) - 48 (3:54:16) - 49 (3:58:19)
- 50 (4:03:25)
- 1 (4:07:53) - 2 (4:11:11) - 3 (4:15:13)
- 4 (4:20:25) - 5 (4:26:20) - 6 (4:30:15)
- 7 (4:35:19) - 8 (4:39:54) - 9 (4:46:20)
- 10 (4:52:39) - 11 (4:58:22) - 12 (5:00:27)
- 13 (5:09:32) - 14 (5:13:48) - 15 (
You're a champion. Thank you so much. Wish your comment was pinned.
Thank you!!!!!
Important labor indeed, thank you.
@@jonathanbarnes3061 Salutations.
Accept Jesus as your lord and saviour and be saved in Jesus name amen hallelujah praise the lord ✝️ hallelujah ✝️ hallelujah ✝️ from new Zealand island s 😊❤️🏝️
Jesus Christ (Yahshua)Yeshua is my savior.❤️✝️❤️
In order to be saved, you must:
Hear the word
Confess Jesus
and be Baptized for the remission of sins..
This is GOD’s plan of salvation.
Any other plan of salvation is made up by man.
Jesus said he will save HIS church, the church of Christ, but who’s going to save all these man made denominational churches?
Jesus came to UNITE Jew and Gentile into ONE church.
Denomination by definition means different divisions or classifications..
Denominational churches do the exact opposite by dividing people into different man made churches and teaching different man made doctrines.. Seems like ol’ Satan came up with a good plan to divide and conquer man…
According to the Bible, there is one Saviour, one church and one plan of salvation, so all these different denominations, teaching different doctrines and different plans of salvation are not scriptural ..
We all need to get back to the church Christ set up in 33 AD, the church of Christ, and back to just being a christian and leave all the false, man made stuff behind..
@@realrhinox2978To be fair, Jesus did say "think not that I have come to bring peace on earth, I tell you nay, but rather division. I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and a house shall be divided 2 against 3 and 3 against 2"
I love hearing the Bible daily. 😍
the spirit led me to the truth about the KJV this morning, im eternally greatful
same thing happened to me at work today!
@@paulie__ God blessed us brother.
Same here I just posted that I received the message today,Wow what a feeling.
The truth about what? The KJVs errors? Infallibility?
@@greenergrass4060 everything
Thank you! I am truly blessed. Greetings from the Philippines!
Thank you so much for reading the book ❤❤ you are greatly appreciated
Started listening in 2021 following a message to do so. I finished reading the entire KJV and felt great after.
KJV is the counterfeit Bible
You mean the Geneva?
Sounds like KJV to me. It’s even different than the 1775 Bible.
This has been a very great blessing to me. This is truly an anointed reading of God's Holy Word. Now, as iron sharpens iron, so does a man sharpen the countenance of a friend, Steve Cook read the passage incorrectly in Genesis 27:40 where Isaac blessed Esau. Steve Cook said "And by thy word shalt thou live". Isaac actually said to Esau "And by thy sword shalt thou live", and this was also a prophecy of the warlike nature of Esau's seed. God bless you Steve.
This reading is very good. Thank you.
This a blessing thank you... The playlist Spot on!
I listen to audio Bible's everyday, and would like to commend whoever is narrating this.
A Big Thank You for making this available for our benefit.
And - THANK YOU for not talking in a sissy/thespian voice when reading the words of God like so many other narrators do!!!
Half the time I can't tell if they're mocking what they're reading in order to make God's word sound ineffective - or if they truly are lacking that much testosterone...
If you listened at the beginning, he said his name is Steve Cook 😉
There are a lot of brilliant narrations, you'll need to keep searching, just don't give up. God's word is a real help, instruction and a light to your path, help in times of trouble.
Thank you for sharing this
Please turn captions on.
I’d love to read while I listen
I attempted to do so but it said they were unavailable for this video. Sorry about that.
@@theremnantsvoice1902 awe that’s ok. Thank you for trying. And thank you for sharing these videos, they’re such a blessing. ❤. 🤗
Thank u so much
Shalom y’all
Shalom my brother
Thanks for this! 💪🏻👍🏻
Thank you very much.God bless.
thank you!
@bud ekins from an educated guess yes but let's just keep YHWH for safety
gracias mil!!! por compartir esta joya! Dios recompense su esfuerzo!
What a blessing for us.
This video hath helped me pass bread this day 🧐
I CANNOT believe how much you have changed GODS WORD! Woe!
Sounds like you think KJV is the only version. This Bible is actually older than it. If you want any to take you seriously please provide either a time stamp or verse to check and verify.
@@tristank8076 Based upon the actual WRITTEN Geneva Bible. I do not think the kjv is suitable - I am simply opposed to ANYONE changing God's WORD. WOE to whoever recorded this and changed it! WOE!
@@kimm1780 okay. And WOE TO YOU for not giving the example. Your claiming a lot but not actually pointing to what was changed versus written.
@@kimm1780regardless how many change gods words, the truth still stands. Theres always truth behind the lies & theres always truth to everything
Thank you..I've been trying to figure out what God's word is... Since everybody knows and everyone is right... I guess that means we are all going by what someone before us has taught... Because everyone is right but the right answers are different... So I guess no one would know what God's word is.. unless God tells you something specific and someone else something specific... I don't know... But the Bible was put together by man... I guess the Quran is the word of God or maybe there are many Gods like in Hindu...Nobody knows is my point because of your location you may have a certain belief system... And if God's word was infallible then why don't we know..why are there so many different versions (sounds like confusion) why are there nonbelievers... Is there heaven and hell and did someone come from there and tell you or anybody you know that it exists.. why don't God just wipe out evil... Since we've been taught God can do anything... I do believe in something very great that we as humans could never understand.. if that were the case then we are bringing something so great down to a level that we could comprehend...making "Him" more like us.. I'm just saying I think the definition that we have put on something so powerful or"God" leaves something to be desired we are off.... If I put a gun to a 3 year olds head and pulled the trigger because I have "free will" what is the probability of God jamming the gun or did I just kill this baby.. because in our world it happens all the time and God has not changed this yet... But I mean it when I say to God be the glory or whatever is "The All" the "Creator"...
Thank you.
Love this!
Thank you!
Been looking for this.
May the divine mother and divine father bless you!
Downloaded! Thank you!
I didn’t even know people still read this Bible! ❤️
Me too. The 1599 Tolle Lege translation is fantastic!
Been looking for a Amplified Bible for a while now.
I think I’ll go with this one instead.
Thanks so very much.
The words seem very today for a book written in1599 !
The reader is using a modern way of speaking. The book is written in Olde English, or Elizabeth English
This is a later edition. The Geneva was published in 1560, right after Elizabeth I became queen of England.
Thank you!!!❤
Please tell us how to stay connected to your website for these readings
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Bravo ⚜️⚜️⚜️👏
If I were to be stuck on an island with only one bible, specifically in english for the rest of my life, and I could only pick between the Kind James Bible or the Geneva Bible; tbh, I'd pick the Geneva Bible. (Granted, I'd need it to be in the roman type, and not the gothic it would've been written in when it was used.)
I fully agree! This is the Bible the Reformers used. The KJV was written as an attack against this, and the Reformer’s study notes which expose the Papacy as being THE AntChrist of the Bible.
Wow yes
-1 (0:22)- 2 (6:01) - 3 (10:04) - 4 (14:34) - 5 (18:52) - 6 (22:44) - 7 (26:39)- 8 (30:30) - 9 (34:28) - 10 (38:43)- 11 (42:42) - 12 (46:58) - 13 (50:21)- 14 (53:16) - 15 (57:17) - 16 (1:00:39)
Thank You for this :) May God Bless you and others as me that's very Greatful for The Lord Jesus Christ our Savior that we are Created in his image Our Great Blessing to have him our Savior 🙏
Where can i find the other Books in the Geneva Bible to listen to ?
They are all on this channel in the playlist I created. God bless.
@@theremnantsvoice1902 Thank you, I've looked on Amazon and there's so many different Geneva Bibles with KJV notes. I'm looking for the original version where can I find it at. Any information that could help me find it would be appreciated
Well ur doing a good job
Could you kindly tell me, please, if the 1599 Bible you are reading from is the same as the 1560 Geneva Bible? Were any changes made in the interim years? Thank you. Your narration is wonderful!
It would be nice to see the captions (each verse as was displayed in the first genevua prynt).
is this recording available to purchase in CD form please?
Thank you for reading this. Could you please read the New Testament in the Geneva Bible?
Wow! The entire byble in less than 8 hours.!
This is only the first 2 books of the Bible.
why does it repeat twice on the video
Praise yahuah ❤
Everything created by Eloheim was good, except for humans. Eloheim never said humans were good.
CREATOR created gods and demons............ aLIEns==jinns=demons ...... satan is jinn....all world is under evil....
That is because deep in our hearts we are not . We can at sometimes be good but just watch little ones they can be so bad without ever being taught to be that way . Quick to snatch and take things that aren't theirs , slap and bite others , throw fits and can't control themselves. A Russian or Eastern European adoption agency only showed the kids enough love and human touch to keep them alive , some turned out to be psychopaths and murders when they grew up even after being adopted. That's why you need a manual called the Bible.
@@simulationx291 don’t be mean . It’s true but u didn’t have to be mean.
@@carolynklestinec8589 no you’re wrong, none of us are good. None not one. Read your Bible, even Jesus didn’t want to be called good, he said only one is good, God. You ppl really need to read your Bible.
@@Puddycat00 Genesis Chapter 1;31 . And God saw EVERYTHING that he had made, and , behold , it WAS very good . (Kjv) before ADAM & EVE trespassed against the will of God, they WERE good . They sinned and sin was brought into the world . We are now all born under sin . Because WE ALL are made in man's/ Adam's or Eve's image . We are no longer in God's image because God does not trespass/ sin against another . He is righteous. Check again. In your Bible. You might find it in there . Also Jesus is our salvation because he is WITHOUT SIN . He is our righteousness, if we accept the sacrifice he made for us on the cross . He did not claim outright onto himself because it is by our faith in him that we are saved . Jesus said I Am . ( that is God's name ) that is how he told you that he is good and sinless.
Thank you. Where is part 2?
Will you go to Heaven?
Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain?
Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish.
Sinners broke God’s Law and *Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case:*
*“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have you life.”*
Then Jesus rose from the grave, defeating it. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you. (living waters/ray comfort)
God bless you.
A woman in Scripture is a church. If we lust after the wrong church, this is adultery. Rome and its predecessors are the wrong churches, as well as worshiping or exalting ourselves. We should not be grafted into a branch of the wrong or dead vine.
I mean, that's one way of putting it. Lol. It's usually false gods though, that are painted as women to which people lust after instead of the True God. Like, Israel in the Prophets are accused plenty of times of adultery with false gods, cus they were supposed to be faithful to God and his Covenant, being painted as a marriage between Israel and God.
@@lonelyguyofficial8335 Agreed. Also, we became gods and were kicked out of the Garden. We obeyed the women, who is not who we came to believe to be our female partners, but our woeful and frail side God gave each of us from ourselves. It's a part of all of us that allows us to be beguiled by the serpent we named earlier. This is the part of us that we must subdue and rule to stop temptations to join with evil, or the wrong woman, the whore of Babylon.
Even if I put in the watch later it does not show up 😊
The word "spirit" simply means "breath". The world "heaven" simply means "sky". People don't understand the Bible cause they have difficulties understanding these very simple words.
And the word ark actually means chest. It's a Latin word . Ya people don't do research. There's lots to learn.
@bud ekins it means so much more than these know-ledge
The Geneva bible in 1-Cor 6:9 says buggerers. Yet in the 1611 KJV and later KJV it says effeminate. I wondered as King James was gay did he soften the language.
He was gay he Only got married to a woman for show... He was gay and liked men's leg's He was also a freemason now The First Bible was Geneva 1539 but difficult to obtain
Am I the only one who sees the irony of this reading being constantly interrupted by Utube adverts?!
You have to subscribe to youtube if you want ad free. It’s a little unreasonable to expect youtube to provide their service for free.
First John 2:4, they ain't gon' like that
Matthew 5:10, now we on the right track
John 14:15, awh they gon' fight that
The Devil coming, but He know we're coming right back!!
Lucifer has no power here, God bless every listener!!
GENESIS creation
01 00:00 01
02 06:04 02
03 10:06 03
04 14:34 04
05 18:53 05
EXODUS escape
Santo Santo Santo
Very cool I just wish people knew of this instead of Scofield bible
Scofield added false doctrines to his reference bible. Scofield bible is used a lot by Baptists.
@@FollowJesusNotMan yup. People take the commentary which is his opinion as the Word which it isn't. I pray your Faith is strong in this little season.
@@tristank8076thank you! I pray you as well!
I’m a bit confused’ why the incest?
That is super old
The KJV is backed by 99% of the Greek NT manuscripts (5200+) compared to the NIV and ESV that are based on the 1818 Greek NT manuscripts backed by < 1%
Needed to hear Genesis 1-4 maybe listen more later
@@sharhashahneelahuda180 agreed. Hearing someone's voice can get someone right awake. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and yours always.
Pray to stay awake before you listen
Wow I was just thinking about this earlier when ever I try to read the bible I was falling asleep.
Satan sending a spirit of slumber to prevent you from reading the word and growing off it
There are four persons Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able. Able is found a shepherded in himself and is already gathering wealth while he has the freedom to take what he needs and let live the rest. The problem is bigger than I thought.
Ok. Adam and his descendants were blessed with life even though today Christians can't wait to die and go to heaven to be with the Lord and also meet their loved ones again. What surprises me is how the ancient people were able to know the age of these very old guys while I am only 59 years of age and my parents were found by bearing age without a concrete means ti record their kids actual birthday not that it matter after all its just a number. But if there is a blessing in long life, most of us would like to know. After all, death was not in God's creation plans, not until man fell into temptation and the penalty was great. I hate death? I am listening with you to what Geneva's Bible is asking us to meditate on.
The amount of money you're probably making off of ads is interesting I wonder how Jesus would feel about that considering he turned over the money changers tables
I make no money from this. If there are ads on it, Google is making merchandise from it. Jesus said "freely you received, freely give" and I abide by that. In fact, nothing on my channel is monetized. I have no control over what Google does.
I think god wouldn’t worry about it and for you what about you judging
Well Jesus himself says to the apostles that the workman is worthy of his reward. So even if he did make a few bucks, I'm all for it. I mean he put the time and effort to put it all together and read it. He deserves payment in my opinion. ❤
Also FYI, Jesus overturned the money chamgers tables because they were basically robbing people who came to offer sacrifice. All the ppl had was Roman currency and the temple wouldnt accept Roman currency, so they set up tables to exchange currency so people could buy an animal for sacrifice, but they were adding a tax to it. So basically they were fleecing the flock. And that pissed Jesus off(rightfully so)!
@@theremnantsvoice1902 My goodness. I realize I didn't make the comment, nor did I even think it in my head, but I am going to apologize for the very rude and judgmental reply left by someone else. I appreciate you taking the time to post all of these videos and reading the scriptures to us. I truly do appreciate it! I am new to the Geneva Bible, as I have always been told that the King James is the only one that should be used, or at the least, others can be used along with the King James, but always make the KJV the priority, however, something in my spirit was telling me otherwise. The Holy Spirit will always guide us to the truth when we are earnestly seeking it. Now that I have found this Bible, I am seeing all kinds of content about King James and who he really was. I am also seeing where certain verses were left out of the KJV, but is in the Geneva Bible.
I am glad I found your videos, and once again, thank you so much!
I don't believe Noah was ordered to build an arc of Pine Wood.
I forget the name of the wood but there's a way more likely possibility...
Surprisingly lighter than pine, and only grows in one place on earth... Somewhere in Africa I believe. Oddly Africa or somewhere near Florida USA.
All over the place I know.
I study and read a lot. Still I have the mind of man
florida... gopher wood...
Gopher. And you are correct. This version has been changed SOOOO much. Woe!
@@glnset-apart Absolutely!
So the wage of sin is death? I am listening!
Is revelation in this??
No that is new testament. The Torah is the old testament
Note to self: come back to 58:41
Yeah it's kinda trippy isn't it?
Can yous upload this to @rumble please . Much better platform then this horrible platform!
I never heard of it. I like RUclips best. Yes I pay for RUclips but no commercials ever.
It said God told Noah to use pinetrees for the ark, not Gopherwood. Interesting.
I’m deaf I need captions! 😭😭
Watching now on Sabbath Saturday to hear YHWH Elohiym
So is this the real version?
Yes the oldest and most accurate
@@Puddycat00 thank you babi
What about the 1560 Geneva?
...this was written by man and translated my man as a means to maintain power and achieve the goal of widening ones grasp.
John 17:3 Jesus says there is only one true God that sent him 😮
This is the Geneva bible as used by Shakespeare, Cromwell, and Bunyan. And also the Jamestown settlers in 1607. The only reason the KJV even came into being was because King James I did not like the notes in the Geneva Bible that limited a king's power, so he commissioned a new translation to be made without footnotes. The Geneva bible was very popular due to its commentary notes and the introduction of verse number. So popular that it held back the acceptance and sales of the KJV bible. To solve this, the Geneva bible was eventually outlawed. Shame that.
They never talk about how god created the woman twice. So why is the first woman so irrelevant?
You got it mixed up, it's just a retelling. Just specifying once again. Read the old testament and you'll see this is a common theme. Some stories are told twice over, sometimes a little different from the last time. READ. don't argue
Thank you ! I was definitely confused especially after hearing the Lilith stores. I will definitely re read
Apparently the first is Lilith, mother of demons. The first vampire, maker of Dracula
@@CypherDabin no, Lilith is actually a nephilim that came as a result of the Genesis 6 conspiracy. She's likely the encidna from Greek mythology.
My Gigi's twins Georgette & Geneva and lake Geneva the water so pure its test above our bottle water purest and Georgie is our fabulous antique roadshow and better homes mag starters all our famous arts she made my portfolio ahhh lala 😹
In 1599 they didnt sound like this, we wouldnt probably know what they were saying , totally different english accent
Internet not gift curse it's the tree Of knowledge of good and evil
Preacher man is free to speak now that my frequency is One with the universe it's slow sometimes but learning how to receive by working my body harder than normal by Cole spriits outside and in building using number Lev lines of different people places and during shifts in the matrix
Where is that in the bible?
Garcia Jessica Clark Mary Brown Matthew
That’s the Holy word of God bible not the Torah
They are one and the same.
They are the same. The Torah are the first five books of the Bible, they are the foundation for the rest of the Bible. Jesus said. ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’ ” Luke 16:31. " For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me." John 5:36
Where did these sons of God come from to take the daughters of man, which now annoys God yet again. He has sons, as if that is not enough he creates desire in them and then create beautiful daugthters of men to be taken advantage of. Is Jesus not the only son of God?
No, read the book of Enoch and the book of Jude. The sons of God being referred to are the watcher angels that left their proper dwelling place and essentially fornicated with human women. Their offspring are known as the nephilim. The giants. And not only that but they genetically corrupted everything on earth! Plants, animals, people, everything! That's why God flooded the world. They completely corrupted everything that God created to be good... the book of Genesis, if made properly, would be the wildest and most action packed movie you've ever seen! But the craziest part is that it's all true..... I hope this helps. 🙏🏻 Much love ❤️