He's never met any of our moms lol Im pretty sure "shopping for 10,000 hours and only coming home with a Gallon of Milk, a loaf of bread and a bra she saw in the mall on the way to the market" is part of the contract when a woman becomes a mom
This is one of the reasons why I left working at Walmart: the customers I got were some of the most smelliest, angriest, frustrating people I ever worked with 🤢 Now I’m much happier working at Trader Joe’s 😊 OH OH MR. NIGHTMARE, you should do “3 Trader Joe’s Horror Stories” if you can find any!!
I worked in a warehouse back in the early 1980s. One night I was working OT, and had to cross through one particularly dark section to get to some supplies. As I navigated my way in the darkness, I heard a sound I’ll never forget-the cocking of the hammer on a revolver. I ran out of there quickly, and the next morning told my boss. They found some dude living in the recesses of that warehouse. He’d been sacked a week before, but he had set up a little living space behind some boxes and pallet stacks. Surely enough, he was armed with a .38 caliber revolver when they found him.
One time I literally just parked up in front of the Walmart and then seconds later a car sped past me and parked a few spaces down since we were at the back of the parking lot with the car alarm going off and a window shattered and they got out attempting to stop the alarm I guess and I got out of there as fast as possible
hello welcome to the safe zone we have pillows blankets pop water cookies cakes pizza tacos and security guards guard dogs and wired gates that only good people can go to to come in it cost 1like you can also bring whatever you want and there’s free wifi and thx for 1.2k likes (no serial killers psychopath or sociopaths)
I'll bring the whiskey, vodka, mead, some first aid stuff and a few kitchen knives...Hey, it ain't a real safe space without something hard to drink in order to calm our nerves, weapons for defence and the first aid stuff and vodka (disinfectant/anticeptic) for the aftermath of any hypothetical shitstorms that strike.
walmart usually has to call the cops multiple times a day...pretty sure there’s always a cop within 5 mins of the store! i know some busy stores even have cops parked in the parking lot waiting to be called in throughout the day
@@jayvd0317USMC Who tf is native? no one is native xD we all came from different places, most of us from africa, you so ''called'' native americans came from asia, that word is stupid like the american public as george carlin once said.
"My name is Samantha, I'm 20 years old..." was the first sentence of the story. It was a chick, you moron. Weird shit happens to women all the time, especially with creepy guys! 😠
I work at Walmart, and we have a few bobs, Williams, etc. We have a ton of basic names, so it’s not that weird. Plus, they knew terminology we use. The only thing they said differently was lounge. We call it breakroom. A lot of weird stuff happens there though, so I don’t doubt a single story. 😂
Queen Z, I live in Alabama too, and bob isn’t common for young people, but it’s common for old people. I’ve only met one bob under the age of 60, but it is quite a common old person name here. William is as well. 😂
I was a salaried manager in four different Walmart stores. I worked all shifts as they became my turn in the rotation. The most frightening thing I have ever experienced was finding a dead man in the restroom, mid afternoon while his wife waited for me to check on him... The very lowest point in my career with wm. Still haunts me.
My Walmart horror story. A girl went missing in Walmart. Her description was brown hair, green eyes, black sweater and pants with white shoes. It's my description except I have blue eyes. A bunch of people thought I was this missing girl, and tried to take me away from my baby sister. I screamed and cried then was let go when the parents were seen with their daughter. I was terrified. I was also 9 years old.
Weird story I had while working at Wal-Mart: A lady who was a customer was straddling a pallet jack, riding up and down and was shouting sexually explicit language at a male employee. 😳
Work there at night and its simple to overthink shit. Most times I've always been on overnights if I worked at walmart but how empty it can get is pretty insane. Don't do it in a beach town though some people come in late looking at 2 peice bathing suits that shouldn't be. Worst tourist season of my life around wilmington NC
I was a support manager at a Walmart in VA once upon a time for 2 years....that was terrifying in itself. I worked 8pm-7am....the Freaks come out at night no doubt!!!
I worked at Walmart as an overnight stocker for 3 years, I could write a book on the crap that happened. Climbing the L&G fence and getting on the roof, setting the plants on fire, being flashed, breaking the cell phone glass to jack all the phones, someone wrapping fishing twine around the bottom of the clothing racks causing a employee's broken arm, truck driver going in the back and peeing a zig zag line down the wall, dude creeping and watching me when I was an IMS in the back, a kid ran away from home and hid in the paper section for three days complete with food, clothes and a fish (weekend so no dept. Manager). Its never dull... Ever.
This was a lot creepier than what I thought it was going to be. I used to work for Walmart, second shift though so I'd be getting off at 11pm at night. Definitely saw some real characters in there.
I can relate. While I never worked for Walmart, I did work the late shift for some time at Stop & Shop. Even in the bake-shop doing prep & freezer stocking....you saw some real characters. Some were scary, but some were funny. My favorite ones were when I went to punch-out at midnight, I see a loud, bossy lady & what appeared to be her teenage daughter trying to boss the checker around. The checker rolled her eyes, then saw me & stifled a giggle. I looked closer & saw why. The loud mom & daughter.......were in full pastel flannel pajamas, including fuzzy robe & even fuzzier slippers! :o The other funny one actually made me smile more than laugh: A man had what appeared to be his young son in the top of the carriage. I thought it was a bit late for the kiddo to be awake, but none of my beeswax. I hear a little voice ask something about muffins......I look up & its the boy. He didn't even look old enough to put a full sentence together, but he repeated his question....in the most polite, almost movie-like voice "Do you have any Lemon-Poppyseed muffins?" I knew immediately we did, but that they were buried under boxes in the freezer. But who could say no to that face & manners? lol So I unearthed the box, printed up a label, brought them to him. His dad brusquely says "Thanks. Son, you can't eat these now.....they're still frozen!" What did he think, we made them from scratch?? And he hadn't even paid for them yet. LOL Ah, parents. But I am still glad I made the effort.....as that kid won't stay kind long with a dad like that I bet.
Who else doesn’t watch his videos in full screen so that they could read the comments because it feels like we are all together at the movies or something lol
Working in retail not able to have family dinner, or watch some football on thanksgiving makes it like any other Thursday, with the exception that all Hell will break loose with a flood of customers and the audible switch of normal radio to Christmas songs as soon as Black Friday sales start.
Had someone follow me around Walmart one evening as I shopped with my pre-teenage son. At first didn’t notice it because quite often everyone is going the same direction in the grocery aisles but there was something strange about it. I thought I had also seen him in the non grocery aisles before. I decided to seem as if I forgot something across the store and so we left the grocery aisles and yep sure enough he ended up in the same aisle as we did. I was freaked but there was a lot of people in the store so I didn’t overall feel unsafe inside. We finished our shopping and I acted as if nothing was going on. When I got to the register he was at the self checkout a few registers away but he didn’t have anything to buy. He just looked at the candy by the register. I told the cashier about it and told her to please alert the manager and to please watch to see if he followed us out. He didn’t. As I walked out the door he walked back into the store and disappeared although he watched us walk out as he did. Makes me wonder whom else he followed around that night. I will never go to Walmart after dark again without my husband.
Glad nothing bad happened to you. Must be terribly frightening for a woman to go through a situation like that. Makes me wonder about all the other poor people he’s done that too, stay safe
@@billnyethescienceguy3982 - Thanksgiving is a holiday that's the fourth Thursday in November. It celebrates when the pilgrims and Indians shared a meal together in 1622. The Friday immediately after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year, and is called Black Friday. It would be like calling Christmas, "The day before boxing day".
"scary high school stories" :pffshh I'm on summer vacation I wont get scared. "creepy Walmart stories" :I'm good I dont even shop at Walmart! "scary beach stories" :I live in AZ I'm all good! "scary uber stories" I dont take uber's! I dont see my self using one!! me: *gets scared every goddamn time*
That third-story sounds like a paranormal encounter ,especially if it was laughing creepily. evil entities are known to laugh their heads off , not only that but the static on the cameras is also very suspicious .sounds very Supernatural to me.
his stories aren't even that scary. I mean maybe they're scary at first but you get desensitized to them pretty quickly, their more just entertainment, something to chill to, or listen to while im doing other stuff.
One of my weird date ideas is going to Wal-Mart at 3 AM with my boyfriend, checking out the crazies and going out to a 24-hour diner. One of my exes made me write a Quirky Date Checklist for him, so we could check off every date scenario on my list. We broke up, but I still have that list.
I refuse to believe there would only be 3 people on a night shift at a large ass store like Walmart. At Home Depot, on night shift, no less than 20-25 people at all times with TWO managers.
I like to think the first story was just a regular Walmart customer and the horror came from the employee having to assist him. “He kept staring at me like he wanted something so I hid in the back for an hour and when he started to ask me something I screamed I’M ON BREAK and I ran”
I'm going to get back on my sleep schedule. Mr nightmare uploads On second thought Edit Waking up in the morning Almost 400 likes I'ma sleep well tonight
@Annamals animates It was a joke but sure take it seriously and god damn they have conditioned you real well since toddlerhood havnt they....try thinking for yourself in the future....
Story 1: It’s always good to have a sharp eye and a good memory. Story 2: It was not considered cowardice to lock your doors as it was smart. It would’ve been cowardice if you abandoned your family instead you helped them and risked your life to lock that door, that’s called bravery. Story 3: It’s better to be with others than being alone.
Thanksgiving is usually used to describe a home eating event. Black Friday is used to show that it’s a work or shopping spree event. It’s not thanksgiving for everyone.
I'm 17 which means I can legally work at Walmart but after watching Mr. Nightmare, I've learned a lot from him not to work there Edit: 1 year later I'm 18 and working at a safer Walmart however something weird happened today. A customer prolly in his 60s called me cute and asked if I'm single. I said yes and asked if I like guys. I'm a male so I wasn't creeped out but really weird
"No way he could be shopping for 2 hours and not pick up a single thing."
You'e obviously never met my Mom...
He's never met any of our moms lol Im pretty sure "shopping for 10,000 hours and only coming home with a Gallon of Milk, a loaf of bread and a bra she saw in the mall on the way to the market" is part of the contract when a woman becomes a mom
@@zacwoods jskskskskkswk
Lol can relate
Yep 😂
Not just in Walmart either 😅
"accidental eye contact"
this is the most horrifying story I've ever heard
It’s social interaction and I don’t support it
Sarah Riedel u
@@fallguysfortnite4791 v
Sarah Riedel 😂😂😂😂me too
My Walmart Horror story: saw my teacher at a walmart and my mom asked how I was Doing in school.
That’s the worst lol
Instant panic attack.
das tuff
That's happened to me before and I shrugged and walked away
This is one of the reasons why I left working at Walmart: the customers I got were some of the most smelliest, angriest, frustrating people I ever worked with 🤢 Now I’m much happier working at Trader Joe’s 😊 OH OH MR. NIGHTMARE, you should do “3 Trader Joe’s Horror Stories” if you can find any!!
Wouldn’t a Trader Joe’s nightmare story be BLOODY INCONGRUOUS? 😁😸
I worked in a warehouse back in the early 1980s. One night I was working OT, and had to cross through one particularly dark section to get to some supplies. As I navigated my way in the darkness, I heard a sound I’ll never forget-the cocking of the hammer on a revolver. I ran out of there quickly, and the next morning told my boss. They found some dude living in the recesses of that warehouse. He’d been sacked a week before, but he had set up a little living space behind some boxes and pallet stacks. Surely enough, he was armed with a
.38 caliber revolver when they found him.
@Dani Hope yikes man! 🤢
Who person, I don't know what a Trader Joe's is??
What is it honey?
@Harry Brookes. The good thing is that u were ok.
“I work at a Walmart in Alabama”
Well that’s enough scary stories for me bud
Mande Peer S W E E T H O M E A L A B A M A
JBL NeXus Nope, it isn’t most of the time...just a lot of incest. Like....A LOT OF INCEST. Pretty sure everyone there is probably inbred
Mande Peer where is ur boyfriend I mean cousin
Seriously I heard Alabama and my heart dropped and it’s 4:24am
"No way he been shopping for 2h and haven't picked up an item"
ME: you haven't met my grandmother ...
They haven't met me.
Fr!! Like my mom mom takes 2 hours at one little yard sale 😂😂
There are actually times that my mom, brother, and I go to Walmart after my mom gets out of work. We usually go buy school supplies or just chips. 😂😂
They haven't met me either. I can be in the store for hours and only have 1 item while trying to find my next one.
They haven’t met my father
"I work at a Walmart in a small town in Alabama"
Me: this story is already terrifying
I live in Alabama and it is quite disturbing
I know where that town is
They might f their cousin when they get scared even though the f their cousin every time there feeling happy,sad or confused
I worked at a Alabama Walmart...worse 12 years of my life. (Glad it wasn't this Walmart although I do know where it is)
I feel like just going to Walmart is a horror story in itself
All thanks to the customers..
Was thinking the same thing, that the Walmart itself was the horror.
One time I literally just parked up in front of the Walmart and then seconds later a car sped past me and parked a few spaces down since we were at the back of the parking lot with the car alarm going off and a window shattered and they got out attempting to stop the alarm I guess and I got out of there as fast as possible
@@Akotski-ys9rr did they have a Confederate flag on their vehicle?
@@PokeMom13 no but it was a pretty crappy vehicle in the first place but you know ghetto shit
"Clean up on aisle 13"
"But sir, there is no aisle 13..."😱
dun dun DUUUUUN
Common Cents huh
I came to the comment section for safety not a heart attack!!!
ivstr666 that’s not what the request was
My Walmart horror story: they only had 2 of the 20 registers open on a busy day
Logan Bowles and Black Friday 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻♂️
so scary
I really don’t think that joke applies anymore these days with the self-serve registers open.
R0botbutt-er I don’t think all Walmart’s have them but mine do
R0botbutt-er yeah
“It was the thursday before black friday”
Thanksgiving. It was thanksgiving
Omg just as i read that he said that ;0
If this one was the Alabama one nvm but if not. Canadas thanksgiving is in October. But the U.S is November
**x-files music**
No because most places do Black Friday on thanksgiving
Story 1 by Samantha Rose - 0:08
Story 2 by Ganesh Ojha - 6:47
Story 3 by "thespicytomato" - 11:39
hello welcome to the safe zone we have pillows
and security guards
guard dogs
and wired gates that only good people can go to
to come in it cost 1like
you can also bring whatever you want
and there’s free wifi and thx for 1.2k likes (no serial killers psychopath or sociopaths)
Me bringing a glock 22 in
(Mumbling) safe my ass
Am i allowed to bring a gun? A 1911 to be specific?
Have any every breed of dog in the world for free?
Have any every breed of dog in the world for free?
I'll bring the whiskey, vodka, mead, some first aid stuff and a few kitchen knives...Hey, it ain't a real safe space without something hard to drink in order to calm our nerves, weapons for defence and the first aid stuff and vodka (disinfectant/anticeptic) for the aftermath of any hypothetical shitstorms that strike.
Me: okay imma shut my phone off and hea-
Mr.Nightmare: *new video*
me: okay so new plan
Justis Kammerude why is that literally the exact same thing that happened to me
@mingo328 thanks.
Same it's 12:00 am here rip
these replies are aids
Sadly having a shortage of that nowadays
@@athy9207 link?
That’s how you know it’s fake
walmart usually has to call the cops multiple times a day...pretty sure there’s always a cop within 5 mins of the store! i know some busy stores even have cops parked in the parking lot waiting to be called in throughout the day
Story2: "It was the Thursday before Black Friday"
Yeah, most of us call that Thanksgiving.
Not if you're Native American, we don't.
@@jayvd0317USMC Good point!
@@jayvd0317USMC Who tf is native? no one is native xD we all came from different places, most of us from africa, you so ''called'' native americans came from asia, that word is stupid like the american public as george carlin once said.
Key word: most. Just wait until you realize that there’s people who also don’t celebrate Christmas and other holidays.
Hey its Thanksgiving today
My scariest story while working at Walmart:
When a bunch of middle age Karens and Joes scream at you at the customer service desk.
oh, that’s just what they do
moviemagic Not the Karen’s. Were the Entitled Kids with them to?! 🥺🥺😰
"I'd like to talk to your manager"
While they have theyre son kyle with them
“I recognized it to be my CADILLAC”
Subtle flex lol
MLP Shawn love your picture
@@sestoalternativeevo8884 same
@Ella Cunningham true
There was a lot of flexing in that story
"everyone in my neighbourhood had huge driveways"
"sat by the pool"
“The employees name was Bob”
All realism has been lost
@@esstan7720 especially at a Walmart
"My name is Samantha, I'm 20 years old..." was the first sentence of the story. It was a chick, you moron. Weird shit happens to women all the time, especially with creepy guys! 😠
I work at Walmart, and we have a few bobs, Williams, etc. We have a ton of basic names, so it’s not that weird. Plus, they knew terminology we use. The only thing they said differently was lounge. We call it breakroom. A lot of weird stuff happens there though, so I don’t doubt a single story. 😂
I mean it did take place in Alabama, so there’s probably a Bob around every corner lol.😂💯
Queen Z, I live in Alabama too, and bob isn’t common for young people, but it’s common for old people. I’ve only met one bob under the age of 60, but it is quite a common old person name here. William is as well. 😂
I was a salaried manager in four different Walmart stores. I worked all shifts as they became my turn in the rotation. The most frightening thing I have ever experienced was finding a dead man in the restroom, mid afternoon while his wife waited for me to check on him... The very lowest point in my career with wm. Still haunts me.
Wait, how? Did you find some old corpse or a man who just commited su**ide some minutes before?
Oh my gosh that is really sad I wouldn’t of wanted to experience that I’m sorry u saw that
That’s heartbreaking and would definitely scar you!
LOL listening to this while I do my night shift at Walmart. Honestly still surprised people are still liking and comments
Ms UAVs scary
You got some big balls. Full screen too?
No guy accept him sits when the pee
must be scary
Beware of Tom
“My Cadillac” lmaoooo he really did flex
Valeria Helders I was thinking the same thing 😂😂
Me: applies for Walmart
Mr. Nightmare: I’m about to end this man whole career
*spring break comes*
*goes camping with my dad*
I swear this dude is stalking us
Duke Vandy games FACTS
I hope working at Walmart isn’t a career for you
💀 meme
My Walmart horror story. A girl went missing in Walmart. Her description was brown hair, green eyes, black sweater and pants with white shoes. It's my description except I have blue eyes. A bunch of people thought I was this missing girl, and tried to take me away from my baby sister. I screamed and cried then was let go when the parents were seen with their daughter. I was terrified. I was also 9 years old.
Good lord. Do u know if the girl has ever been found?
Glad to see you uploading more frequently, Mr. Nightmare. :)
Edit: Thanks for the likes!
The Brainyquick he also uploads one in 2 or 3 months so yeah
The Brainyquick it’s mostly 2 to 3 weeks actually
Racket Gunner FRRRR 😭 his uploads keep me busy this summer.
I swear when Mr. Nightmare decided to add sound effects in the stories just makes it 10× more creepy
No shit Sherlock
Kyle Fredericks agreed
You must be truly gifted with an amazingly high IQ.
My friends: “So why don’t you like Walmart?”
Me: “haha, let me send you a link”
•Lemon_ Drop• exactly
Haha yes
My answer is wth is a wallmart
•Lemon_ Drop• I have a metal map of Target. Walmart is a WHOLE different story XD
Hahaha Right?
the ads are keeping me alive with these storys 😭😭
“My name is Samantha” dang Samantha you got a deep voice lolol
Your so funny
@@awesomenessiswelcomed they know, they're just being funny
@@awesomenessiswelcomed no shit??
@@JoshCarpio1011 right 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂☠️🤦🏼♀️
Man: Doesn’t pick up anything for 2 hours*
Grandmas: *_You dare oppose me mortal?_*
i do like how he's uploading more frequently :)
[TZ] Strikmeme *everyone liked that* hell yeah man, we all happy bout dis.
[TZ] Strikmeme true
Lol, don't jinx it. Now the next video will be out in November 2019. 😂
Strikmeme Yeah it's tremendous how it's putting more effort in his time to upload
[TZ] Strikmeme hes not. Same as usual
Weird story I had while working at Wal-Mart: A lady who was a customer was straddling a pallet jack, riding up and down and was shouting sexually explicit language at a male employee. 😳
That person from story 2 probably wrote the story on his/her new laptop.
,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
@@greasethebestgamer9191 ,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,
How do you know
This man can make any picture scary literally made a Walmart aisle scary somehow
"literally" ??? Learn basic English, half wit!
lol the aisle definitely looks creepy
Jim A Chill
Work there at night and its simple to overthink shit. Most times I've always been on overnights if I worked at walmart but how empty it can get is pretty insane. Don't do it in a beach town though some people come in late looking at 2 peice bathing suits that shouldn't be. Worst tourist season of my life around wilmington NC
Ao wanna see something cool
mr.nightmare: ah time to get some sleep
fans: *no*
Mr.nightmare: YOU WAIT YOUR 2 WEEKS
Ha gotten
, lmao more like 2 months 😂😒
pulaski shay2100block feels more like 5 years
@@pulaskishayblock haa no cap
I was a support manager at a Walmart in VA once upon a time for 2 years....that was terrifying in itself. I worked 8pm-7am....the Freaks come out at night no doubt!!!
i’m a cashier at walmart so this is going to be interesting
Working there is a real horror story
I worked at Walmart as an overnight stocker for 3 years, I could write a book on the crap that happened. Climbing the L&G fence and getting on the roof, setting the plants on fire, being flashed, breaking the cell phone glass to jack all the phones, someone wrapping fishing twine around the bottom of the clothing racks causing a employee's broken arm, truck driver going in the back and peeing a zig zag line down the wall, dude creeping and watching me when I was an IMS in the back, a kid ran away from home and hid in the paper section for three days complete with food, clothes and a fish (weekend so no dept. Manager). Its never dull... Ever.
Good Luck
A D that’s ducking crazy lol
Welp I have seen this before and.....nvm...!
Wow I got likes....
👇 can I get more? =3
Me:alright, I'm done with horror stories for tonight
Mr.nightmare: but wait, there's more!
It was 4 am when you wrote that lol that's so relatable it hurts
If you stay up an extra hour we'll throw in 3 walmart stories!
I love how your video time gets longer and hope we get a vol 8 to the 10 true scary stories series soon
What's "vol"
He means volume
Hyper Cat volume
@@dumlilrat9422 ohhhh thanks
Mr. Nightmare: 'It was the Thursday before Black Friday"
Literally everyone: "Why? Why did you say that?"
I was like Thanksgiving!!!???? 🤔 😮
Me: going 2 days without nightmares
Mr nightmare: "uploads"
Me: ah shit here we go again
Lmao so true
Stop copying comments not cool buddy
@@Ashxriib could you kindly point out the comment I copied
There was a comment like 15 hours before urs and it said the same thing
The last laptop being taken on Black Friday is already a Horror Story.
As a electronics employee at Walmart this is true
.....wtf XD
I love how everyone's like, "There's no way he walked around for two hours without buying anything." And I'm like...
My dad.
He does that.
loki 🥺
At 2:00am?????
HaHaHaaA I do thaaattt
"How in the world could he still be in the store?"
Maybe he just...didn't leave....
*cough* getting left there *cough*
Or maybe finding something he lost
Walk into a Walmart be like: What weirdo will I see today
Plot twist: You are the weirdo.
Seriously I love histories when the one "sane" person narrating the history ends to be the wacko who causes a mess.
123 likes lol
A Wal-Martian...😱
Walmart: exists
* People learning how to avoid scary encounters after hearing Mr.Nightmare's stories *
Mr. Nightmare: *_I see this as an absolute win!_*
Min Ho Moon but then Mr Nightmare won’t be able to make anymore content
Phoenix Blaze24 well I’m sure he can make some other content
TH4T CH4NN3L not really because if people learn from these people they won’t get into creepy situations like this
Phoenix Blaze24 why not?
Phoenix Blaze24 well shouldn’t they
This was a lot creepier than what I thought it was going to be. I used to work for Walmart, second shift though so I'd be getting off at 11pm at night. Definitely saw some real characters in there.
Be specific pls lol😂
I can relate. While I never worked for Walmart, I did work the late shift for some time at Stop & Shop. Even in the bake-shop doing prep & freezer stocking....you saw some real characters. Some were scary, but some were funny. My favorite ones were when I went to punch-out at midnight, I see a loud, bossy lady & what appeared to be her teenage daughter trying to boss the checker around. The checker rolled her eyes, then saw me & stifled a giggle. I looked closer & saw why. The loud mom & daughter.......were in full pastel flannel pajamas, including fuzzy robe & even fuzzier slippers! :o
The other funny one actually made me smile more than laugh: A man had what appeared to be his young son in the top of the carriage. I thought it was a bit late for the kiddo to be awake, but none of my beeswax. I hear a little voice ask something about muffins......I look up & its the boy. He didn't even look old enough to put a full sentence together, but he repeated his question....in the most polite, almost movie-like voice "Do you have any Lemon-Poppyseed muffins?" I knew immediately we did, but that they were buried under boxes in the freezer. But who could say no to that face & manners? lol So I unearthed the box, printed up a label, brought them to him. His dad brusquely says "Thanks. Son, you can't eat these now.....they're still frozen!" What did he think, we made them from scratch?? And he hadn't even paid for them yet. LOL Ah, parents. But I am still glad I made the effort.....as that kid won't stay kind long with a dad like that I bet.
@@sacoyawilliams2991 Due to youtubes extreme censorship I can't go into details about it. I hate how censored youtube is these days
Me: so can I sleep?
Me nightmare: well yes, but actually no
Me: Time to close up shop and sleep.
Mr. Nightmare: Like hell you will.
overused comment
Nice profile pic
Tyler Nimmo Sharp trash profile pic*
Keep ur opinion to yourself
This video is brought to you by Target , great shopping, anytime, anywhere.
🎯 Target, you're here!!!
Nahhh. They couldn't handle canada and pulled put
Target... At least we’re not Wal Mart.
Damn I was just about to go to bed. Thanks Mr. Nightmare
Chicken ninja3 same😂
Chicken ninja3 same lol
Chicken ninja3 dope. It’s 8:00 here in California
Just got out of the bed damn
I never sleep...
These stories are pretty scary... but they're not as scary as just shopping in a Walmart. Sends shivers down my spine even thinking about it...
I hate Walmart. Fr.
@@whydoyouneedmyname7066I hate it so much
Okay then don’t shop there 😂
@@MrsB95750 Lol, I haven't stepped foot in a Walmart in decades.
Bed: *is tempting me to go to sleep*
Mr. Nightmare: *I'm about to end this man's career.*
Mr.Nightmare: I'm about to give this man sleep paralysis
Who else doesn’t watch his videos in full screen so that they could read the comments because it feels like we are all together at the movies or something lol
martin hernandez FAX
martin hernandez me!
@@jaco6430 me watching a movie with my boyfriend on our first date at the theater
Yo I never watch it in full screen just notice that straight up FAX
“It was the Thursday before Black Friday...”
Thanksgiving: am I a joke to you?
Working in retail not able to have family dinner, or watch some football on thanksgiving makes it like any other Thursday, with the exception that all Hell will break loose with a flood of customers and the audible switch of normal radio to Christmas songs as soon as Black Friday sales start.
Had someone follow me around Walmart one evening as I shopped with my pre-teenage son. At first didn’t notice it because quite often everyone is going the same direction in the grocery aisles but there was something strange about it. I thought I had also seen him in the non grocery aisles before. I decided to seem as if I forgot something across the store and so we left the grocery aisles and yep sure enough he ended up in the same aisle as we did. I was freaked but there was a lot of people in the store so I didn’t overall feel unsafe inside. We finished our shopping and I acted as if nothing was going on. When I got to the register he was at the self checkout a few registers away but he didn’t have anything to buy. He just looked at the candy by the register. I told the cashier about it and told her to please alert the manager and to please watch to see if he followed us out. He didn’t. As I walked out the door he walked back into the store and disappeared although he watched us walk out as he did. Makes me wonder whom else he followed around that night. I will never go to Walmart after dark again without my husband.
Glad nothing bad happened to you. Must be terribly frightening for a woman to go through a situation like that. Makes me wonder about all the other poor people he’s done that too, stay safe
"It was the Thursday before Black Friday"
*Oh, ok, THAT day.*
These kids don't get your comment but I did, most of the age group on youtube seems to be on the receiving end of gifts, not the handing out of things
I’m in Australia, and we don’t do thanksgiving, can someone explain?
@@certifiedredditgenius oh ok
Maybe he is not from america
@@billnyethescienceguy3982 - Thanksgiving is a holiday that's the fourth Thursday in November. It celebrates when the pilgrims and Indians shared a meal together in 1622. The Friday immediately after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year, and is called Black Friday.
It would be like calling Christmas, "The day before boxing day".
It was the Thursday before black Friday..... oh, you mean Thanksgiving
OMG!!! 🤫 sit down 👉🏾💺& staaaaawp it!!! 🤭😆😂😂 "It was the Thursday before Black Friday" ""Oh you mean” Thanksgiving" 🦃😂
Myzz Laydee 😂🤣😂🤣
Thats how corporations want you to see thanksgiving.
And Black Friday is the time where the lights have to be turned off (Note: This is a joke.)
Mr. Memphis Wait, does that make you a Thanksgiving Worshipper?
"scary high school stories" :pffshh I'm on summer vacation I wont get scared.
"creepy Walmart stories" :I'm good I dont even shop at Walmart!
"scary beach stories" :I live in AZ I'm all good!
"scary uber stories" I dont take uber's! I dont see my self using one!!
me: *gets scared every goddamn time*
When you forgot you had *S U M M E R S C H O O O L*
Finn Flix Me too
I live in AZ too
Yeah im in high school and im on summer vacation too
That third-story sounds like a paranormal encounter ,especially if it was laughing creepily. evil entities are known to laugh their heads off , not only that but the static on the cameras is also very suspicious .sounds very Supernatural to me.
"I recognized it to be my Cadillac"
*Looks out window at my grand prix with dented back bumper*
I never felt more flexed on
looks out window to see 03 pickup with no ac
*looks out window at my non existent car*
*looks out the window at my orange rusted tractor*
Looks out the window of the homeless shelter
*Looks out the hole from the cardboard box*
Me: Finally, I can sleep and rest
Mr Nightmare: I’m about to end this mans sleep
I know this comment is overused.
Kevin R I woke up at 6.30 am. There is no sleep for me
Kevin R frr
Kevin R I was about to say that lol
his stories aren't even that scary. I mean maybe they're scary at first but you get desensitized to them pretty quickly, their more just entertainment, something to chill to, or listen to while im doing other stuff.
My walmart horror story: There was no toilet paper left.
I had to walk to another door to grab some more but I was acting like blueface and oohhed and fell
Girl : Look before you leap..
These people taking all the TP are pretty stupid, as this is not the "end of the world".
Holy shit
One of my weird date ideas is going to Wal-Mart at 3 AM with my boyfriend, checking out the crazies and going out to a 24-hour diner. One of my exes made me write a Quirky Date Checklist for him, so we could check off every date scenario on my list. We broke up, but I still have that list.
Me: *seeing a creepy video*
Video: goes to an ad “hey guys I’m at laser hair removal”😂
It helps balance it out lol
Itsme BG the horror
Itsme BG aRe YoU aRmY?!
Perfect timing, love your vids btw
Ghetto gaming 72 likes in 3 mins
@@straightheated4348 e
I don't buy this product unless I need it
Can I drink you profile pic
Mr nightmare like your comment 🤐
About to sleep
**mr nightmare video pops on**
Guess I'll stay up then
ghostcreeper 243 facts
Thx for the reminder guys
I refuse to believe there would only be 3 people on a night shift at a large ass store like Walmart. At Home Depot, on night shift, no less than 20-25 people at all times with TWO managers.
I have a true scary story about Walmart: I worked there for almost 10 years.
The horror!
The things you have to do to get by.
You deserve a Purple Heart. 💜
On a overnight shift?
That's not a scary story it's a Nightmare speaking from EXPERIENCE!!!
Me for 3. They transfered me to Las Vegas right by the airport. Scariest place I've ever worked
My Walmart horror story:
*I have social anxiety*
W o a h
I just gave you 69 likes
I gave 70
My Walmart horror story:
I went to Walmart
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
He put the Jean's bacc
iron golem protecc and attacc
xD Affro
He sees
He copies
But mostly
He uses it
XD LOL 😂😂😂
xD Affro ohhhhhhhhhh
You my man
I like to think the first story was just a regular Walmart customer and the horror came from the employee having to assist him. “He kept staring at me like he wanted something so I hid in the back for an hour and when he started to ask me something I screamed I’M ON BREAK and I ran”
Mr nightmare: I worked in a walmart in Alabama
Me: of course
chrisyoboi 123 😂😂😂
chrisyoboi 123 what’s the joke?
@@TheChosennn u and ur sister
@@TheChosennn Alabama is the joke.. Seen all the recent laws?!
I'm going to get back on my sleep schedule.
Mr nightmare uploads
On second thought
Waking up in the morning
Almost 400 likes
I'ma sleep well tonight
Same brooooo
This ^
Fionn Ternet boom 400 now :) thank me later
@@AyoTravino later: thanks
“My name is Samantha and I’m 20 years old and I work at a Walmart”,
“Welcome to my pawnshop”
Unimenius shitty boy
10:34 That Window Shattering Scared The Living Daylight Out Of Me
Me after my last day of school: ahh, after a long year, I can finally rest
Mr. Nightmare: *no*
U end school in June?
Yeah my school ended yesterday
@@lukasrask5678 it ended in April for me
Christopher Norris I got out may 24th
Brenden Inmon I was out the 24th too
love getting home from work to find out you uploaded !
Work? Pfft sucker
@Annamals animates It was a joke but sure take it seriously and god damn they have conditioned you real well since toddlerhood havnt they....try thinking for yourself in the future....
@Annamals animates woooosh
@Annamals animates r/wooooosh
After midnight, almost a full moon, and Mr. Nightmare has uploaded a video. Perfect scary Friday night.
BlackmoorGirl66 ikr
Call me crazy but I think 'Safety in numbers' Is not something you should ever have to say in a Walmart
My husband has a horror story from Walmart..
*He Worked There*
the end
I can fix that.
Oh my God, I'm getting scared 😂
My husband has the same horror story. He says he’d never go back.
I work there and my position was lost because walmart is cutting hours in the pharmacy. 😩😩 worst 7 years of my life
My husband was literally fired over 10 seconds clocking out for lunch
*me, watching eerie videos at 1:am*
There's no ads on this vid
@@chestertonthejrugssalesmen8170 there are 2 ads
@@abladalab2470 no ads
@@chestertonthejrugssalesmen8170 well i have 2 of them
Abla Dalab I gots 5 ads
7:10 "It was the Thursday before Black Friday"
So.... Thanksgiving?!
Marissa Smith right?!.. I said the same exact thing!! 😂😂😂😂
Everybody don't celebrate or even acknowledge that shit doe y'all.
Genocide of Aboriginals ain't nothing to celebrate.
Well some people don’t celebrate Thanksgiving
Canadians thanksgiving is in October, so just the Americans would think that
@@froggo2437 at my house literally all it is, is eating a big meal with relatives you dont want to talk to-
without the horror stories, Walmart is already a scary place
Oh yeah! The king has uploaded, it's gonna be a gooood Friday night!
I was about to say but its thurs- oh nevermind its 1 am already
@Robert Phillips yea i know
OH HELL YA at night
Sleep? Never heard of it
White Diamond me I’m so moist
Nah this relaxes me enough to MAKE me sleep 💀❤
Lady Devil that’s concerning...
John Pierce yes
"Don't laugh at the people of Walmart or they will invade your home "
Sweet mercy. Ooooooooh, hell no. 😂
This is a more terrifying concept than anything.
This channel makes Chills look kid friendly
"I saw a huge man standing on the other side of the door"
picture: normal-size man
tekbarrier you seem like a dull human being
Well if you're really short an average sized man would look huge.
LaxAttax I am
The huge man is big chyngus
@@TrickyWhale lol
Had to watch as soon as I saw the notification.
Same tbh
Mr.nightmare : no way he could have been here for 2 hours and not picked up a single thing
Plot twist : he's doing the 24h challenge
Hahaha, not funny dumbass
@@Extradub32p lmao someone's mad
Azerk not funny didn’t laugh
@@Extradub32p hahaha, I wasn't trying to be funny donjo
@@mols8100 you were, but it was a bad joke
“I think that guy followed me from Walmart” may be the scariest sentence in the English language.
Mr nightmare be like “my name is samantha”
My door: *shuts after my parents leave*
Me: Well guess I’m all alone now nothing wrong with tha-
Mr Nightmare: Hold my stories
“It was the Thursday before Black Friday” sooo...thanksgiving? Lol
Story 1: It’s always good to have a sharp eye and a good memory.
Story 2: It was not considered cowardice to lock your doors as it was smart. It would’ve been cowardice if you abandoned your family instead you helped them and risked your life to lock that door, that’s called bravery.
Story 3: It’s better to be with others than being alone.
mr.nightmare is that you???
I’m a friend.
Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn. Tell us the lesson that we should learn.
You're comments seem to be showing up often, if only Puglord was smart enough to solve your riddle
@@TheDeadWolf17 wut
Person in the story: it was the Thursday before black Friday...
Me: just say Thanksgiving
It might be Canada our thanksgiving is in October
Or a non American all together
Caden McDonough other countries don’t have Black Friday
Thanksgiving is usually used to describe a home eating event.
Black Friday is used to show that it’s a work or shopping spree event.
It’s not thanksgiving for everyone.
Was gonna say the same.
Alright everyone you get the drill, when Mr. Nightmare uploads a new video, immediately stop what you are doing and watch.
Typical Auto Guy lol mood
I'm 17 which means I can legally work at Walmart but after watching Mr. Nightmare, I've learned a lot from him not to work there
Edit: 1 year later I'm 18 and working at a safer Walmart however something weird happened today. A customer prolly in his 60s called me cute and asked if I'm single. I said yes and asked if I like guys. I'm a male so I wasn't creeped out but really weird