sir, have you ever seen a woman?

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 979

  • @xarfram
    @xarfram Год назад +2990

    So my school didn't have segregated health classes, they just... _didn't_ talk about this stuff. Videos like these are unironically how I learned how female anatomy, birth control, etc. actually works

    • @goodbher9244
      @goodbher9244 Год назад

      Southern america? They straight up had people who didn't know anything teaching us. 😂 Telling us oral sex can get you pregnant, and that gay people will get aids and die. Super problematic, and this was in the 2000's. 😂

    • @LyricTheMusicFox
      @LyricTheMusicFox Год назад +185

      My school separated it by genitals and then gave the worst discussion ever. I learned more about all of that stuff from one semester of college psych class than elementary school and two years of middle school health class (which also made me hate myself because they were so cishet)

    • @lilylezbean_alien5444
      @lilylezbean_alien5444 Год назад +97

      I’ve never gotten any sex ed classes. Like at all. I learned most things from videos and such. I don’t really think it’s a good thing, even though I’ve heard health class is uncomfortable

    • @shierpa6566
      @shierpa6566 Год назад

      Planned parenthood website has some decent sex ed

    • @fox-fluffl9002
      @fox-fluffl9002 Год назад +58

      ​@@lilylezbean_alien5444 I had a single week in 7th grade where we learned about he basics of anatomy, STDs, and consent, but that was pretty much it. It was mixed genders since they just split the entire class in half, and it was very uncomfortable. Although I was extremely sex repulsed at the time so that might've been just my perspective.
      Being honest I learned more about pregnancy and how both sexes reproductive systems work in my *Livestock Product Class* last semester than I did in school...​

  • @eduardaarrais
    @eduardaarrais Год назад +1180

    The one about going to the doctor hit too close to home.
    At 15 I started going bald alongside other issues, and I wasn't even sexually active at the time but the doctors kept telling me I either a) was pregnant b) had been pregnant and had had an abortion c) had an std. One even got me to do a pregnancy test without me knowing because he continued to insist I was lying when I told him I was a virgin 🙃 took me 7 years to figure out what was wrong with me and boy, did I hear so many ridiculous things. One doctor told me my health issues was due to drugs (got me to make a drug test without me knowing), one told me I just needed to get more sun, one that I was depressed, one that I probably just had an ED and needed a burguer, and every girl all time favorite "you're just making this up it's all in your head".
    Healthcare for women is just so. Hm. It's 2023 and we're still treating women like second class citizen.
    My brother got a headache once and trouble concentrating and he was immediatly sent to get a brain scan because he could have a tumor. Nah, he just had been sleeping 4 hours every night for the past 2 weeks. But I'm bald, in excrutiating pain that never goes away, and I'm making it up? Yeah right.

    • @HAnnB24
      @HAnnB24 Год назад +77

      I hope you have figured out what's up with your body and are getting the help you need now.
      When I was in my late teens (maybe 16/17) I had some issues and changes to my cycle and pain from growing breasts and other stuff like that, so I was taking with my mom to find out if it was normal, or if/when I needed to see the doctor about it - never did. But even her response was just questioning if I was pregnant, it took about 4 or more tries of saying "no," "it's not possible" "I'm not pregnant" etc. before having having to say that I was "still a virgin", to which she still seemed skeptical about. I had been with my then-boyfriend about a year or so and the expectation I guess was that I was sexually active - not the first time: I had gotten sick with strep throat a few months before and while waiting for test results I had to read the 5 page paper my parents found on mono "the kissing disease" since that was the other possible illness it was suspected I had.
      A few years later I had some other stuff going on, and decided to take a pregnancy test or two despite how unlikely a possibility that was before going to see a doctor, it was maybe 2 weeks of issues before I booked the appointment, and I think a week before the appointment itself. Of course it was asked if I could be pregnant and I said no, they still had me do a test anyways, when it came negative the only follow up was to tell me to come back in 2-4 weeks if it was still a problem.

    • @nyandoesthings
      @nyandoesthings Год назад +91

      My abnormal psychology teacher told us a story to demonstrate this, particularly with mental health. He has GAD but it's usually manageable. But, before he was supposed to move (several states, changing jobs, his wife was also about to give birth), he went to his doctor and said, 'hey, i think im going to be struggling with anxiety next month. please prescribe me this specific medication' and the doctor DID IT. This doctor did not diagnose him with GAD, a previous doctor did. This doctor had never even spoke to him about GAD before. And he WASN'T EVEN DEALING WITH THE ANXIETY YET. But when I'm puking my brains out and can't get out of bed its 'oh its just period stuff :)'

    • @gracesblythe
      @gracesblythe Год назад +39

      I relate SO hard. In HS I started having debilitating random agonizing stabbing pains throughout my body, for seconds, minutes, hours, or days at a time. But outside, I looked as healthy as any 15-year-old should!
      Luckily for me, my mom was relentless when it came to doctors. She listened to my descriptions of emotions and physical pain and side effects from experimental treatments, took note of changes in my attitude and behavior, and reported anything I forgot to mention at appointments. She kept a locked note with all the meds I'd taken and was taking and their frequency and amounts. She's a formidable woman - I don't think I would've gotten my diagnosis at all otherwise, and the process still took over 18 months.
      Fast forward to my early-mid 20s. Multiple meds I was on (unrelated to my diagnosed physical disability from HS) caused me to gain 100+ pounds in 3 years. (I was ALWAYS a skinny kid, and this was true into my early 20s.) Since then, it's been hellish to go to doctors, especially if I'm seeing a new provider for the first time. Everything is "lose weight," even about conditions and symptoms that predate my weight gain. I've found providers who have been understanding, knowledgeable, and thorough, but it's been (and still is when it comes to new providers) a battle.
      I don't know where I'm going with this, but I agree and I relate. AFAB, female-presenting people are largely discounted. That dismissal is worse when you factor in appearing "overweight." I don't have to deal with all that AND treatment variations based on my perceived race, but I know that can and often does compound these problems.
      I feel like doctors should just LISTEN to people, do testing, and not be so quick to diagnose. Like, it's okay to need to think it over, get more data, etc. I don't need a diagnosis today by 3pm. Those 18+ months in HS were awful. I was in pain. I was on the WRONG meds after being almost if not entirely immediately diagnosed incorrectly. Some of those meds more or less wiped my memory - I honestly don't know how I passed the first half of my junior year. If doctors had just given me something for pain symptoms as needed and thought before diagnosing me incorrectly, it still would've been hard, but it wouldn't have been AS hard, I feel.

    • @maem7462
      @maem7462 Год назад +41

      The amount of doctors thinking you were lying is insane. I don’t think it’s legal to do a drug test without someone’s consent. Police can’t do a breathilizer test without the persons consent. Idk if it’s different rules for doctors. I have no clue abt doing a pregnancy test without the person’s consent but that feel like it should be illegal. The advice that the doctor gave after thinking of the possibility of an ED was not great advice. Sometimes ppl who have an ED need more help than to be told to eat more. There are mental reasons why they have an ED

    • @eduardaarrais
      @eduardaarrais Год назад +17

      @maem7462 sadly, in my country (not sure about other countries), it is legal for doctors to run tests without your knowledge. I checked with a lawyer because I felt really violated and they told me that doctors can do that if they think you are a risk to yourself or others, and they don't even need to inform your guardians if you're a minor because a) your safety is more important than your parents opinion and b) in case the tests return negative, they don't want to go through the hassle of having given your parents a heart attack for no reason.

  • @Princessbuttercupish
    @Princessbuttercupish Год назад +1426

    Those men thinking that them leaving society is something that would make the rest of us sad is actually hilarious. Like please go.

    • @cynister7384
      @cynister7384 Год назад +55

      Fr, how is it that they keep going their own way but never fucking leave?

    • @gracesblythe
      @gracesblythe Год назад +57

      M3n: "We're gonna leave the society we made and still benefit from because no one else should have as many rights as us!!!!!!"
      Everyone else: "Don't let the door hit you on the way out! Or do, whatever. Bye!!!!"

    • @EdensGateOffical
      @EdensGateOffical Год назад +10

      ​@@gracesblythe did... You just censor the word men?

    • @Wisteriablight4408
      @Wisteriablight4408 Год назад +3

      @@EdensGateOffical yeah, what?

    • @Wisteriablight4408
      @Wisteriablight4408 Год назад +12

      @@gracesblythe also, it’s a certain type of bad men. Not the entire gender

  • @sashaboydcom
    @sashaboydcom Год назад +1553

    Don't you know that real women glow, so shadows just can't appear on them 😆

    • @jeminatamminen
      @jeminatamminen Год назад +120

      today i learned women are twilight vampires

    • @dogandcat3672
      @dogandcat3672 Год назад +48

      Oh that's why people talk about how a women is absolutely just glowing, cause they are

    • @cospaws8810
      @cospaws8810 Год назад +69

      As a trans man I have lost my glow. I am now mostly shadow 😔

    • @dogandcat3672
      @dogandcat3672 Год назад +35

      @@cospaws8810 Hello fellow void being

    • @cospaws8810
      @cospaws8810 Год назад +25

      @@dogandcat3672 That gives me so much euphoria omg ☺️

  • @makbojo960
    @makbojo960 Год назад +679

    I remember when we got separated to learn about our bodys and stuff during 5th grade and we werent aloud to talk about our videos to the other gender. I started talking about it to a guy and he snapped at me “ew don’t tell me, were not suppose to talk about it”

    • @goodbher9244
      @goodbher9244 Год назад +160

      Me and my friend (I'm a guy, and she was a girl) talked about everything they told us, and I corrected a few of their lies because luckily I grew up with older sisters who were pretty honest with me, they were weird about the period stuff, but i was like "it's not weird, half the world deals with it, and it's not any grosser than all the other stuff humans do." The shame women are taught to feel about their natural, normal bodies is so bizarre to me.

      @CANINETHEROPY Год назад +39

      @@goodbher9244 Honestly! I'm not a woman, but I am AFAB and sometimes I talk about my period to my girlfriend (obviously not in excruciating detail), but for some reason it makes her grossed out? Like it's not something she goes through as well? And it's not like I'm describing it in detail or wtv, I just tell her I have to go deal with it or that I'm having cramps. Even our (yes, our) boyfriend is completely fine with it, but just not my GF.

    • @MoonlitBookworm73
      @MoonlitBookworm73 Год назад +11

      At my school, we watched our own videos in 4th (girls watches the girls one, guys watch the guy one) and then in 5th we watched the other gender’s video

    • @makbojo960
      @makbojo960 Год назад +10

      @@MoonlitBookworm73 yea we never had that, although that is a really cool idea, i wish we had that. I never fully understood guy stuff until like 7th grade but thats also because everyone like penis jokes and that stuff. Most of the guys never knew anything about girls tho even now in my high school

    • @makbojo960
      @makbojo960 Год назад +4

      @@goodbher9244 yea it’s bizarre to me even as a woman. Although i still do feel some shame despite knowing i shouldnt really. Anytime i need to use the restroom during school so i can change stuff im always making sure no ones looking at me or can hear me take out a pad yk

  • @Golden_Purp
    @Golden_Purp Год назад +298

    3:01 Can confirn. As a genderfluid person, I check for shadows first thing in the morning to figure out my gender

    • @fadinglights133
      @fadinglights133 Год назад +30

      Omg like a ground hog

    • @HumbleWooper
      @HumbleWooper Год назад +28

      I thought it was like groundhogs, check every few weeks to see if you'll have six more weeks of your current gender or a change might be coming up soon?

  • @k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3
    @k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 Год назад +162

    so glad that we're talking about how cramps aren't even the half of it. my other symptoms are nausea, weakness, shaking, muscle pain and diarrhea. I wish it was just cramps, because then I could just take pain killers and go about my day. but there's nothing that can stop the other symptoms. but hey, at least I don't get particularly emotional on my period. I'm just the same level of depressed and angry as I always am.

    • @grimwolf2273
      @grimwolf2273 Год назад +6

      You get that stuff too?? I thought I was the only one. I started birth control because my periods would make me physically unable to move and I'd get nauseated at everything.

    • @k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3
      @k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 Год назад +2

      @@grimwolf2273 yeah it's severe, I can't believe no one's talking about how symptoms like this exist. I was shocked to find one day I couldn't draw because I was shaking so bad from being on my period. I was having difficulty even gripping the pen at all. and to think I'm supposed to just power through and keep on working... I've heard people talk about throwing up on their period but not to the extent I get it. sometimes I can barely eat all day and throw up violently like at least 3 times. I'm so glad when I get my period in the evening because then I just sleep through the nauseous phase and don't have to throw up.

    • @grimwolf2273
      @grimwolf2273 Год назад +1

      @@k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 Oh my goodness that sounds horrible, I'm so sorry you have to deal with it that way. I've been on the depo-shot for about 6 months now and have seen improvements. Maybe you could look into it as an option to help? Though, I've heard stories of the periods being worse, so definitely look into all the options.

    • @k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3
      @k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 Год назад

      @@grimwolf2273 I'm very hesitant about getting on birth control, all the horror stories about crazy side effects really put me off. like how some people literally just stay in a bad mood for years and don't realise it's their birth control doing it. I do not want to go through the ordeal of finding the one that's right for me.

    • @grimwolf2273
      @grimwolf2273 Год назад +1

      @@k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 I understand where you're coming from, I certainly worried about that when I started. I do experience mood swings more than I did before I started, but that's with any medication you could take that affects hormones and the like, i.e. depression and anxiety medications. My periods are certainly irregular now, going one or two months without one and then having one that lasts 2 weeks or more. Though, it certainly isn't as bad as it was before. Depo shot is an injection you get once every 3 months in either your thigh or shoulder. I certainly recommend to folks when they want to look into options. Look at the pros and cons of different options online. If it's not for you, I wish you the best of luck I'm finding something that works for you. :3

  • @daisyhynes-zf1kq
    @daisyhynes-zf1kq Год назад +87

    I've had severe headaches for 8 years now and when it first started i saw tow different male doctors one of which said it was nothing. When it proceeded i saw the other and he said to take paracetamol and ibuprofen which then became a problem because i was taking them every because i was still in severe pain and since my doctor said to do it it was ok. It was not ok. A year later i started seeing my mums doctor, she was the first doctor that took me seriously. Nothing she did ended up helping but she took steps to get me the help i needed. Roughly the same with mental health practitioners, only one who didn't make it worse was the woman.
    The one good experience I've had with men in the medical field would be my acupuncturist who is a absolute delight.

    • @AZHERRR
      @AZHERRR Год назад +13

      Omg this is so real. My doctor who’s a guy was talking abt how he never believed ppl when they said they had migraines until he got covid and experienced one. Hes given me medication that’s helped me a lot but I js feel bad for the patients he js told to take Tylenol 😭

    • @xanecho
      @xanecho Год назад +1

      Please go to a neurologist if you haven't already, they're the ones who are specialized in migraines/cluster headaches/ other chronic head pain conditions

    • @daisyhynes-zf1kq
      @daisyhynes-zf1kq Год назад +1

      @@xanecho thank you for your concern, I've been to a neurologist and she couldn't help me either but since that post I have found a effective treatment.

    • @xanecho
      @xanecho Год назад

      @@daisyhynes-zf1kq glad you could find something that works for you!

  • @mystupidlife123
    @mystupidlife123 Год назад +58

    I don't think people realize that 4 weeks pregnant means your period is like a day late because pregnancy is counted from the first day of the last normal mental cycle. Technical you could be a week pregnant before even having s3x. Also those who menstruate know you can have a late or missing period for many other reasons. Anecdote: a girl in my friend group said her period was late and all the guys were like **shocked Pikachu face** and the girls were like "stress, sports training or both?"

  • @jerrimenard3092
    @jerrimenard3092 Год назад +37

    I had a guy ask me why no specialist were out there for men's reproductive organs. I let him know about urologist. He was floored. I then showed him how to make an appointment online using his phone. He now has a prescription for midnight medicine and can fully empty his bladder. He's much more pleasant to deal with.

    • @michaelkenner3289
      @michaelkenner3289 Год назад +13

      Yeah, I personally learned Urologists exist from an episode of Grey's anatomy. It's weird that we (society) don't teach boys about the doctors that specialize in their unique health needs.

  • @claratalbot7613
    @claratalbot7613 Год назад +39

    While my health class was segregated we learned everything for both boys & girls which begs the question why we had to get segregated in the first place

    • @momdonttouchthatsock
      @momdonttouchthatsock Год назад +8

      They probably did it so that students wouldn't feel embarrassed about asking questions or something. Idk it's just a guess

    • @claratalbot7613
      @claratalbot7613 Год назад +8

      @@momdonttouchthatsock Maybe. Still makes really no sense since there were embarrassing questions asked at least in my group. I guess maybe they were just concerned about if someone was going to ask something embarrassing in front of like someone's crush or boyfriend/girlfriend. They didn't have the concept of anyone being gay so they didn't think about if someone crush was the same gender as them

  • @msjkramey
    @msjkramey Год назад +20

    Funny how that one post was complaining about their scoliosis in comparison to period pains because women are way more likely to have scoliosis

  • @volteonex1862
    @volteonex1862 Год назад +35

    About pregnancy and periods:
    I went six months without a period
    Never had any sexual activity
    Absolutely no chance of being pregnant
    It was just high testosterone, fixed by birth control, and I’m glad I had a female doctor who could actually explain all of this to me from personal experience.

  • @puan1211
    @puan1211 Год назад +10

    Segregating health class is so weird because yes, you personally will only deal with one side, but you will know and care for people of the opposide sex, whether it is as a partner, friend, or family member you will meet people of the opposite sex and therefor you should know roughly what they are dealing with

  • @stephaniepolanco5373
    @stephaniepolanco5373 Год назад +25

    My experiences with "health class" were 3 different seminars when I was in 4th-5th grade, led by 2 different pad companies (Always hosted 1, and Nosotras 2). Always did it all together but Nosotras was only for the girlies. They only explain what period were and all the amazing products they have to help you. After that in 8th grade my bio class made us do PowerPoint presentation around STD.

    • @k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3
      @k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 Год назад +2

      yeah we had always sponsor our sex ed. they gave out free pads at the end. It's honestly kind of disgusting that they can advertise like that, I don't use their products anymore because I think that was totally unethical, and also because I prefer unscented pads.

    • @stephaniepolanco5373
      @stephaniepolanco5373 Год назад +2

      @@k4nd1incyb3rsp4c3 It's all about getting that brand loyalty from a young age!!! disgusting behavior

  • @alexturnbull1301
    @alexturnbull1301 Год назад +17

    As a man I’d like to say, please, please don’t leave me with them.

  • @trixjoyce
    @trixjoyce Год назад +16

    I have rheumatoid arthritis and that's the worst pain I've ever experienced, BUT my period cramps are still VERY real and I wouldn't say that the pain is even "the same kind". I hate it when people compare each other's pain! Menstrual pain is very real and if you're a cis man you have no idea! Also, can we talk about how GREAT it is to age?! I think my life has only become better the older I get! I've gained so much confidence and wisdom with my age (not saying that younger people can't be that, but for me, those things came with age) and that's a great thing also when finding a life partner. It seems (sometimes) like men want younger women either 1) because they prefer the childish outward appearance which is weird and gross to me or 2) they don't like confident and wise women because they aren't that easy to control...
    I love who I am today as a 30 years old woman! I think all women deserve that feeling :)

  • @pebbleshy
    @pebbleshy Год назад +22

    I'm 36 (cis woman) and my life have only gotten better in the more recent years. I'm more at peace with myself and happier than I have ever been. Probably more to do with alot of other circumstances changing than my age though. I have also always been mostly unbothered with ageing. Didn't really give turning 30 much thought at all. I'll accept the wrinkles that will come as I accept all the joys and sorrows that shape them

    • @MrBooYa-yd5er
      @MrBooYa-yd5er 8 месяцев назад

      Awesome attitude. God bless

  • @GreenTeaDependant
    @GreenTeaDependant Год назад +8

    12:17 i will never forget when I [afab] was rushed to a hospital in the middle of the night barely able to breath, in great pain, after having to convince my parents to take me for like at least an hour. The doctors took so long to get to me and when they did they just told me to go lay down, and gave me an IV with electrolites if I'm not mistaken??? I ended up passing out from the pain, and then I just got sent home. Next time I ened up in the hospital they dismissed me again, only taking an x-ray after my dad insisted. No it is not anxiety, my lungs hurt and I get trouble breathing even when I'm relaxed, I wake up with that often and I had this problem with my lungs since I can remember but no doctor ever has taken it seriously and tried to find the issue yet

  • @mochirira
    @mochirira Год назад +8

    speaking about the “separated health classes” thing, (i graduated high school last year so it’s been a while since i’ve been in elementary)
    i remember learning about female anatomy, ofc since i’m a girl, and i believe we went a little into depth about boys (like basic anatomy and stuff like that)
    even though we learned about boys, i don’t remember hearing about the boys learning about girls (and they’re elementary schoolers, you definitely would have heard them talking about stuff like that)
    edit a few seconds later: though i think it is getting better! my little brother just had his first health class and he seemed to know what periods were when he saw my box of pads just out in my room.

  • @Pazuzu33
    @Pazuzu33 Год назад +34

    Not that it's likely for me to get pregnant in my current circumstances, but I definitely wouldn't notice if I missed a period - PCOS means that in the last 3 years the shortest time between them was a 2 months and my longest was 7 months. That's just how it's always been. (Also, a period after not having one for 7 months is dreadful!)

    • @jamie4123
      @jamie4123 Год назад +5

      No for real! Nobody understands the struggle of just not having a period for months and then it coming back. I tried to track it but they're so irregular and strange that I just stopped. They're always so painful and exhausting when they come around, though.

  • @Golden_Purp
    @Golden_Purp Год назад +5

    That top looks like a grandma's quilt in the best way possible

  • @dakotahs.4185
    @dakotahs.4185 Год назад +7

    In elementary school, we had to learn about male and female puberty. The guys in my class were freaking out heavily. It was genuinely funny to me watching them freaking out exponentially.

  • @AnishaMaithil
    @AnishaMaithil Год назад +8

    The thing u said about doctors not taking women seriously is so true. I have a problem with my nose where basically I can only breathe through one nostril at any given time and I got hit on my nose bridge multiple times as a little kid. Every single doctor that I've told this ( all were men ) said I was overreacting and prescribed me saline spray. I've gone through 20 nasal sprays and I still suffer from this problem and all the ent doctors available around me are men

    • @captaincaspian42
      @captaincaspian42 Год назад +1

      You probably have a deviated septum which is partially blocking one of your inner nostrils. If your nose is slightly crooked at the base or at the tip, you might have a deviated septum.
      Edit: I have a deviated septum and along with an inverted lower jaw, my airways are 70-85% blocked at all times. But apparently if I can still somewhat breathe, it's not medically necessary to get it fixed 🤪

    • @Ineverusemychannel
      @Ineverusemychannel Год назад +1

      If you can, speak to your gp and ask for a referral for a ct scan. The results can be sent back to your gp and they can forward them to an ent as proof of the issue. You likely have a deviated septum but it’s also possible to have chronic sinusitis which could cause inflammation in the sinuses which block respiratory paths, as well. I just had mine corrected after years of being told to take Claritin and now I still have to take Claritin but it actually WORKS. Highly recommend.

    • @Shirumoon
      @Shirumoon Год назад

      @@Ineverusemychannel I have a similar problem and after the CT the doctor wanted to basically cut up half of my face and sew it back on. There's something wrong with my forehand, my sinuses, my jaw etc. It's just way too much in my opinion to get it fixed and the doctor is not even sure if that would alleviate my symptoms. So yeah, a CT is a good idea for a diagnosis but people shouldn't get their hopes up too much if it's been an issue for a while - or be willing to go for very invasive surgeries.

  • @Bananner94
    @Bananner94 Год назад +9

    "I didn't develop early, I didn't really develop at all" girl me too LOL I remember as a teen reading somewhere (probably in some dumb magazine) that breasts can continue to develop up to the age of 18 and I was like "Wow there's hope for me yet!". I'm 28 now, there was no hope for me bahahaha

    • @tatjanaserr4060
      @tatjanaserr4060 Год назад

      me too, babe, me too. my dumb ass was hoping for years
      and my mother saying hers developed so late she said in the middle of her twentys the even got bigger like a second time made it even more sad for me lol

  • @kaypez3441
    @kaypez3441 Год назад +3

    Hey! I was in a segregated health class in 5th grade (male side).
    I can confirm that the boys did NOT learn about female troubles and the two sexes were separated the entire time after (to avoid them talking anout it I can only assume)
    We did learn a little about it in 7th grade but it was only half of a video we were watching about STDs, we mainly focused on the penis and how to put on a condom during those times.

  • @Sylvie_without_surname
    @Sylvie_without_surname Год назад +6

    Hang on, I don't have abs, and I don't see any shadows. I guess my transition is complete lol 🏳️‍⚧️

  • @Itssmisha
    @Itssmisha Год назад +5

    I'm honestly so glad and grateful that the academy I used to go to didn't have segregated health classes because this really made the guys more educated and also they weren't as misogynistic as other dudes are.
    All schools should combine the health classes!

  • @victoriadipasquale1201
    @victoriadipasquale1201 9 дней назад

    Yes! I have BPD and I was just being told by my male psychiatrist that I was just PMSing, and when I told him about SI thoughts I had one week, he panicked, but then I was like I got my period a week later, and he was like “oh my god, don’t scare me like that! You were just PMSing!”
    I hung up, called the office, cancelled my appointments, and told them I was not paying for the appointment I just had because I am not going to have an appointment with a psychiatrist who keeps telling me it’s just my periods.
    He then begged me to come back next week and that he would be better (I’m not freaking kidding) and I was like hell no

  • @drtaverner
    @drtaverner Год назад +4

    Mister no Gynocologists will be damned surprised when he needs to see a urologist to take care of his wang.

  • @arklestudios
    @arklestudios Год назад +1

    For the opening image, the actresses pictured are Ana De Armas, Alexandra Daddario, and Jenna Coleman.

  • @kyraunderwood9477
    @kyraunderwood9477 Год назад +5

    Went to the doctor's for a checkup and told the doctor that I hadn't had my period in 4 months (this was nearly a year ago) and the first thing they did was do a pregnancy test. It came back negative, which is not shocking saying that I identified as an asexual lesbian at the time. The doctor then told me that it was just stress delaying my period. To this day I still have irregular periods! I'll badger my doctor even more this time dw ❤

  • @mooshlovely639
    @mooshlovely639 Год назад +4

    OK like my school did have segregated health classes and we didn't learn female or male anatomy just sex bad

  • @juniper4921
    @juniper4921 Год назад +3

    when i was split health classes, they like didn’t teach us about this stuff and when they did it was so brief and stuff like nobody learned anything from it. it’s just not fair cause i had to learn everything myself and i know a lot of ppl who just wouldn’t learn it themselves and go their whole life not knowing basic anatomy of the opposite sex

  • @Mumther_Flame
    @Mumther_Flame 3 месяца назад +1

    Tbh my school showed us one video in 5th grade (10-11 year olds) (separated the boys and girls ofc) and it was mostly just a basic explanation of what a period is (not birth or why it happens, just what it is) and why it's important to wear deodorant. That's it.
    We had a health class freshman year of highschool, but they just didn't mention anything about sex or reproduction at all. It was just about balancing your diet and exercise and stuff like that. I have no idea how that even counts. Most of the stuff we learned about the human body was in science class.
    Honestly depressing

  • @mushroomkid4510
    @mushroomkid4510 Год назад +4

    in health class we were seperated and the girls learned about themselves and the guys body, but the boys only learned about their own body and watched a movie the day the girls were tought about periods.

  • @radical.raccoon427
    @radical.raccoon427 Год назад +1

    on the doctors issue, my parents went to the same dentists office. my mom got treated like dogshit while my father got treated like a respected person.( it wasn’t my fathers fault whatsoever, or my mothers, or anybody’s but the dentists fault for being a huge asshole.) my mom struggled HUGELY in trying to find a new dentist and for a long time she didn’t.

  • @trikitrikitriki
    @trikitrikitriki Год назад +2

    Cramps are my worst symptom. I have fibromyalgia and my cramps feel like a fibro flare up.

  • @norikadolmy7274
    @norikadolmy7274 Год назад +11

    Source : trust me bro, I have a lot of experience with berginas

  • @sheerave3577
    @sheerave3577 Год назад +2

    Oh yeah. My period makes me sensitive. I hate being touched at all during it and no one gets it, saying I am over reacting so they keep touching me and then I get mad about it. I hate it.

  • @lekiscool
    @lekiscool Год назад +1

    “Oh its just cramps”
    Ok its like having a Charlie-horse for 3 to 7 days.

  • @bayleighc.5843
    @bayleighc.5843 Год назад +1

    Go to a gynecologist. My GP claimed she could do my Pap smear, it was excruciating and she didn’t even get enough cells to do the test. My Pap smear at my gynecologist was completely painless. Go to a specialist.

  • @kirblywirbly
    @kirblywirbly Год назад +1

    I literally had a visible lump under my armpit (that turned out to be a tumour I needed removed and had to see a different dr to be taken seriously) and my gp straight up told me to stop wearing deodorant and wait and see if it goes away like what

    • @captaincaspian42
      @captaincaspian42 Год назад +1

      Did you have the doctor's response recorded in the doctor records? You can hold them accountable. Always ask for their responses to be written in your records.

  • @Moo-2310
    @Moo-2310 Год назад

    I have a regular cycle and it would still take me about 2 weeks to be concerned, probably 3 or 4 to actually go to a doctor or anything.

  • @Eric-md3mp
    @Eric-md3mp 10 месяцев назад

    My school had a segregated health class when I was in I think 4th grade, and the only difference between the two was the order in which they went over the topics.
    It was a long time before I learned just how much better my education on the subject was compared to a lot of my fellow Americans (it was something about teasing that happened before they segregated the classes that had gotten the school to take this approach)

  • @potatolord4232
    @potatolord4232 Год назад +2

    omgg I hate how men think afabs over exaggerate about their periods! I've sprained my wrist before which hurt like absolute hell, and I still would rather sprain my wrist again then have a really bad period week.
    edit: honestly I'd rather sprain my wrist once a week then get my period in general, but that's more for dysphoria reasons haha

  • @theindigollama
    @theindigollama Год назад

    My school just taught us about how plants reproduce. My Mormon cousin was the only one that opted out. They made her copy the dictionary in the library.

  • @Gem-wi4lm
    @Gem-wi4lm Год назад +1

    I have a nice male doctor! They do exist, rarely, but they do. He actually helped me with new things like about gynecology and said how i have a great mom for talking to me about it because women should also have health care for down there. He then helped me get few months worth of birth control so qe don't have to consistently wait each month for more. We can just go and pick it up no appointments required. He says "I dont know why these people dont just make it easier for women to get birth control?". He made the topic about my private very comfortable and when i asked for a woman doctor for a check up he said "I completely understand and when you come for one i will go get a female doctor. I will not pressure you into having a male doctor do it since i understand this is a new thing". He was very kind to me. I always had great male doctors when it came to my physicals.

  • @kalaylaseehafer5195
    @kalaylaseehafer5195 8 месяцев назад

    No beacuse every time I go to the doctors - terrible sleep patterns, weird things with my meds, anxiety, nauesa and headaches that are terrible - it's "drink more water" "get better sleep" "eat healthier" thank you ma'am. you've solved the worlds problems

  • @inabacklistmood3124
    @inabacklistmood3124 Год назад

    This earrings/shirt combo is so cute!

  • @user-uc4vf1ym4z
    @user-uc4vf1ym4z Год назад +1

    12:21 i went to a doktor bc i would have episodes where i was feeling really umwell. His first question? "Do you have your period already?" Not only that, he knows how old i am and by that age, most, nearly all afab ppl have their period already

  • @noxhaus770
    @noxhaus770 Год назад +2

    I (f30) and my husband (m31) recently went to the dentist together for a consultation. We saw the same dentist on the same day.
    My experience was, he was quite frankly an asshole. He said "you should be happy you have no cavities" and I said "oh that's great! I was worried cuz it's been a while since I've been seen" and this professional glared at me and said "well, you shouldn't EXPECT a cavity. At least if you're TRYING to keep your mouth clean." I was really put off but figured dentists are always assholes (I've been through orthodontics, dental surgeries, and dentists that were all male with similar bedside manner).
    Until my husband looked at me in confusion when I complained about this offhand, saying that same dentist was chipper, sweet, and charismatic to the point of being really friendly. He was smiling, and laughing, and they got on so well, we had to triple check if we really saw the same dentist.
    Sometimes I like to pretend the discrimination isn't present in my area and that I'm just spending too much time online, but this experience really scared me and motivated me to seek other women's experiences to horrifying conclusions.
    Ladies, this can be life and death, and it affects ALL of us.

  • @NottJoeyOfficial
    @NottJoeyOfficial Год назад

    I went to a Catholic school, we had like 3 health classes ever, all taught by the computer teacher, and they were segregated. They all boiled down to "Don't have sex outside of marriage" and that's it. That was the extent of my health classes as a kid. I actually learned more from discovering porn than I did from health classes, but that also screwed me up a bit when it came to understanding because porn is never accurate. Thankfully as I became an adult I actually learned things I should have been taught as a kid, but it really goes to show how terrible health classes in the US are. If I didn't go out of my way to learn these things online for myself, I would be like those men who think women could hold their periods or something. That's an insane thought to me.

  • @angelthedemon666
    @angelthedemon666 Год назад +2

    Just wanna point out that not every secually active woman gets told to take a pregnancy test at a drs appointment, like my dr knows im a lesbian, me and my partner are same sex couple so pregnancy never comes into question

  • @sassywasthebestcat
    @sassywasthebestcat Год назад +6

    I’m making pride button/pins! :)

  • @desertrose0027
    @desertrose0027 Год назад +1

    I wish pap smears were as easy as girl talk and a puff of perfume. They can often be uncomfortable, but they're necessary to check for, you know CANCER. Men of a certain age also get prostate exams to check for cancer. Is he going to refuse them? It's also good to make sure that things are in working order when you are trying to get pregnant or already are pregnant. And at least here in the US an OB is the one who has to install certain birth control (like IUDs) if that's what you choose to use. I will never understand why some men think that going to a doctor is a weakness.
    Also what the "4 weeks pregnant" guy is missing is that they start counting you pregnant at the start of your last menstrual period, before the egg is even released. They do this because usually it's hard to determine the exact date of conception. So a woman who is "4 weeks" pregnant is really just 2 ish weeks passed the conception date. Even then, as you said many women have uneven menstrual cycles and so it would take them longer to get suspicious about a missed period. By the time they check with a test they could very well be 6 weeks along, or close to it, which is the cutoff for many of the anti abortion laws here.

  • @TakashiDemonServant
    @TakashiDemonServant Год назад

    My middle school ( at the time it was 13-14 year olds in my middle school )separated girls and boy but my high school (in jrotc) never separated both.

  • @natsinnett9751
    @natsinnett9751 Год назад

    When I'm on my period, I have the worst body dysmorphia. Because my period is so inconsistent, I have no way of being able to affirm that I'm only feeling this way because my hormones are fluctuating until I've already been miserable for several days.:/

  • @Octoberdoomster1
    @Octoberdoomster1 Месяц назад

    I’m aging pretty good, being slight darker and short makes me look younger. I look 25 at 31 by both men and women. I’m loving being able to trick people into thinking I’m younger. I feel younger when my body is feeling it all lol! Aang took my bending away. My poor knees.

  • @ninjakiwigames5418
    @ninjakiwigames5418 Год назад

    14:19 My periods sometimes have really large gaps between them, like once I went over 2 months without a period. Not pregnant, it just happens sometimes.

  • @aneleklaf7744
    @aneleklaf7744 Год назад +2

    Bold of you to assume we got sex education (nearly done with highschool and havent gotten anything from the school)

  • @dewmilk7266
    @dewmilk7266 Год назад +1

    i want to blow their MINDS and show them a picture of Sofía Vergara whos in her 50s

  • @iiiheartlniyah
    @iiiheartlniyah Год назад +4

    I love watching these

  • @ni._.859
    @ni._.859 Год назад +1

    Minsung plushies at the back 👁️👄👁️

  • @DataShawol
    @DataShawol Год назад

    4:04 You cant deny it deftly change her body

  • @barbiebunnybakery1896
    @barbiebunnybakery1896 Год назад

    Not the leebits in the background 🤣😂🤣😂💜💜💜💜💜

  • @thedeadmyths
    @thedeadmyths Год назад +3

    Omg where did you get your earrings

  • @neurotic_werewolf_83
    @neurotic_werewolf_83 Год назад

    We didn't have any sex ed at our school. Aside from one rushed session where the boys got to go play outside while the girls were forced to sit through a cringeworthy short video sponsored by a sanitary towel manufacturer that explained how periods work without actually explaining how periods work. The nearest to sex ed we got was in biology class there were some references to animal reproduction. I learned literally everything I know from the internet as an adult. I managed to glean a few things as a teen, hopelessly out of date, stereotyped things by scouring teen mags, stealing my brothers porn and eurotrash tv show lol x

    • @neurotic_werewolf_83
      @neurotic_werewolf_83 Год назад

      And as for periods themselves...cramps can be as painful as a heart attack from what I have read. But I get aches and sharp pains in my legs, especially my thighs, joints and back pain like no other pain on earth!! And bloating, nausea, diarrhoea, depression, anxiety, extreme fatigue...the list goes on.

  • @DogTeeth14
    @DogTeeth14 Год назад

    in my school it was segregated, as a girl we learned a little about guys not enough to fully understand though but when to guys apparently we weren't brought up at all.

  • @julietfischer5056
    @julietfischer5056 Год назад

    That Pilates book is bad photomanipulation that nobody caught.

  • @-j.i.n.x
    @-j.i.n.x Год назад +1

    “Isle of the lost” more like “Isle of the misogynistic men”
    bad descendants joke, i know…

  • @nerf_or_nothin9551
    @nerf_or_nothin9551 Год назад

    "Yeah i think my arm is broken"
    Dr: "Well are you sexually active? Is it possible that you are pregnant? Maybe lose some weight?"

  • @nyxx5357
    @nyxx5357 Год назад +1

    17:26 In the school district I grew up in, public schools kept segregating boys and girls for sex ed until 7th grade. In the Christian private school I attended as a child, they segregated until 9th grade, and then it was the bare minimum about biology and abstinence-only "education".

    • @nyxx5357
      @nyxx5357 8 месяцев назад

      @overlordfemto7523 Yes, boys and girls ARE different. That's why it's important for kids to learn about both, in an age appropriate way of course.

  • @poolboyatvampiremansion
    @poolboyatvampiremansion Год назад

    The pilates woman is TERRIFYING OMG!!!

  • @M3li_-3
    @M3li_-3 Год назад +3

    I love your hair!!! 😍

  • @chronically.artist8733
    @chronically.artist8733 Год назад

    I like what my school did, at first it was segregated, so at like 10/11 you only learnt about your biology, then after that 12+ it was together

  • @Monochrome_11
    @Monochrome_11 Год назад +4

    ohh it would be "interesting" if Kiwi would do a video about MGTOW
    those bunch are extra baffling to me,
    you are choosing not to enter the club, why are you mad?

  • @karlketamine8172
    @karlketamine8172 5 месяцев назад

    I had very limited sex ed but we were segregated and they didn't teach the male class about periods, I just had a slightly older sister who taught me which helped me when I was in my first month of hrt and figuring out that trans-femine people also have hormonal cycles. Unfortunately it takes some trans-femine people months or even years to figure that out

  • @Roanmonster
    @Roanmonster Год назад

    Wheps Savannah you did get it quite wrong there at @16:47 .
    Eggs are not stored in the fallopian tubes, they are stored (and mature) in the ovaries at the end of the fallopian tubes. The finger-like ends of the tubes pick them up and guide them inside.
    The egg generally does not leave the body with the period either, if it is not fertilized it will disintegrate and is reabsorbed in the body. (Although it can happen sometimes, most eggs never enter the uterus itself)
    Sorry to comment this on a badwomensanatomy video but I felt like I had to mention something :)

  • @BubbleBunnyy
    @BubbleBunnyy Год назад +1

    I once saw this dude who said he had a wife as mgtow it made no sense

  • @meee291
    @meee291 Год назад +1

    Went to a doctor for chronic pain, I have a lot of muscle in my legs so using the BMI scale they determined I was overweight and that was the cause of my problems

  • @MrMinebase
    @MrMinebase Год назад

    Unforturnatly my health class indeed segregate when they teached periods.
    So they didn't teach me that. (and weirdly I also they never gave classes about wet dreams)

  • @user-wi3yx3gy2o
    @user-wi3yx3gy2o Год назад

    They often give pregnancy tests because there are medications they cannot give if you are pregnant and they really do not want to make that mistake.

  • @AutismSharks
    @AutismSharks Год назад

    1:03 jenna coleman on the right !!! she plays clara oswald in doctor who :)

  • @hannahjohnston9609
    @hannahjohnston9609 Год назад

    i've been hospitalized multiple times with severe chronic pain and severe back pain, as well as not being able to eat due to feeling constantly sick. I was IMMEDIATELY told that it was either 1) too many psychiatric medications, to which they suggested WEANING ME OFF MEDS FOR BPD
    2) i was faking the pain to cover up an ongoing eating disorder, for which they suggested an involuntary month long residential inpatient stay even though i was leaving for college in less than a week, which my mom refused to consent to
    3) technically this was my mom but the whole time she kept forcing them to re- test me for diabetes over and over because i have "snack attacks", despite being under/normal weight and being malnourished :/
    to this day i've never gotten help or found out anything other than that my lumbar discs are enlarged, but this doesn't explain why i struggle so much to eat or feel hunger without extreme nausea

  • @foxcub8654
    @foxcub8654 Год назад

    To the doctor one this happened about when i was i think 14 or around there i got sick with a sinus infection (my mom knew instantly because of how often i get sick with it) so had to go to the doctor because of nausea.....the doctor tried to put me on a temporary diet i found out from my mom they were thinking i needed to loose weight....also my school nurse never believed me when i asked to be sent home from dizziness cause i could tell i was sick both examples were female doctors sorry for how long this is hope everyone has a good day

  • @violetsmokes5815
    @violetsmokes5815 Год назад

    Men seem to have no idea of women ages I'm 19 and guys constantly guess around 22 and when I say no THEY GO UP

  • @gothicanimegirl44
    @gothicanimegirl44 Год назад

    The boys got to go outside and get an extra recess while the girls had the period talk. From an elderly nurse who didnt even explain it well enough that i knew it would be blood

  • @sava-smth
    @sava-smth Год назад +1


  • @trashotaku
    @trashotaku Год назад

    20:28 yes of course, because it’s not like the same people who get periods also can have scoliosis, femoral plate, body bruises, depression, anxiety, and bad knees 😑😑😑

  • @Magic-Girl2010
    @Magic-Girl2010 Год назад

    The doctor I see is a male and I went to him with my mother and for some reason I was nervous because I might have autism but when we were talking about it, he like I have it we just react to things differently and we think different, and we get special help. He is also a lovely person who does not judge anyone and when I was struggling with anxiety and depression, and he said with as a joke if you have a murder list a have a few people to add to it and it just made me feel better. I get people only want women doctors for certain reasons and I relate I refuse to have a male phycologist.

  • @LordOfElysium
    @LordOfElysium Год назад +1

    I love seeing your journey to socialism throughout the years, I’m so proud.
    I don’t know what you identify as, but I can tell by the way you talk about things.. either way, welcome to the club!

  • @claratalbot7613
    @claratalbot7613 Год назад

    20:35 Ah yes my permanent nerve damge, arthritis that affects my spine & my ability to walk when it flars up, and social anxiety have all magically vanished thanks to this post because apparently all I'm supposed to have periods some of which have been so painful to the point that I would be on my knees in pain & unable to move for a good 10-15 minutes. To me if someone is in pain my first concern is if they're okay & need help not sit there trying to invalid them & make them feel worse by me trying to one up their pain

  • @RinneAvicula
    @RinneAvicula Год назад

    My mom signed me out of health class sex ed in High School with the excuse that “if you have any questions you can just ask me”
    I spent that class period in the room across the hall, by myself, doing homework or reading.
    Luckily, a few years later I learned what “asexuality” was and figured out why I’d never been subjected to that particular temptation of the flesh.
    The good news is, the sex ed class was integrated!

  • @itsbeenmarie
    @itsbeenmarie Год назад

    16:47 I live in America and we didn’t have health class until year 9/8th grade. Even then it was very biased because I went to a Catholic school.

  • @nicholas4804
    @nicholas4804 Год назад

    No sex education at all at my boys only school back in the 1990s, but we did cover human reproduction in standard 9 biology classes. [Not that everyone took the subject through to matric]

  • @kidulting
    @kidulting Год назад

    Queer leebit is my favourite thing ever

  • @MilkyWayHoney
    @MilkyWayHoney Год назад

    I had to suffer through so many years with a male doctor who caused a lot of issues I’m dealing with now including a serious heart issue because I was born a female (I go by they/them now) and we overreact. I had to go to physio due to him and nearly lost the mobility in one of my legs because of him saying I was over reacting. I am now with a female nurse practitioner and she’s doing amazing

  • @Sly-Moose
    @Sly-Moose Год назад +1

    I didn't get to learn about the male body in health class. I learned through reading and writing fanfiction of all things.

  • @BoredArtoast
    @BoredArtoast Год назад

    Health didn’t cover anything around periods or just that stuff in general… if you have sheltering parents too you just have to learn those things on your own =__=‘