Nice "Shining" reference, lol. Clever how they fit the various references into the episodes "Bad Ending" with credits looks like it's from a horror movie where we watch the victim get tortured to death as the credits roll. Here, the "torture" is just Nano being efficient in giving Rentaro one really long and deep kiss. BGM in "Ending" sounds like from House of the Dead 2.
You know…I got to thank Crunchyroll for introducing me to this anime. No lie I wasn’t interested at first, but due to being bored and nothing to watch I decided to check the first episode and after that I kid you not I ended up reading the first seven volumes that are available to purchase. As you can see I’m enjoying this a lot. 😂😁
Same. I knew of this series but didn't plan on watching it. However, having nothing else to watch and seeing other people's positive opinions about this anime, I gave in and watched the first three episodes. I'm so glad that I gave in.😊
I made that joke before while watching a RUclipsr's reaction to this episode! I am glad that the title of this video has the joke! Haha! Nano: Chu chu (Here's Nano!)
I've watched the whole anime , for people who wondering ; it was fun and sad together , main character is stupid and loyal at the same time ,worth giving a chance, Season 1 has just been released and people are already looking forward to season 2, my last word is definitely check it out leather, the first episode was a bit boring but after that I don't remember being bored for a single moment.( That sad music at the end of this episode is one of the things that best depicts both the seriousness and the absurd side of the anime. )
I didn't realize that RUclips allows videos to change language now. That explains why the Crunchyroll Dubs channel was abandoned and Crunchyroll Collection renamed to Crunchyroll.
I thought Bruce the Shark from Finding Nemo was first thing that scared me, now i learn about the shining and this reference had me rolling with laughter and flashbacks 😂😂
Everyone commented that the Shining reference was great. BUT WHY IS NO ONE YELLING LIKE ME ABOUT THE RE:ZERO EPISODE 15 REFERENCE? I almost died laughing!
Watch The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really REALLY Love You here!
Here’s Johnny🪓
Christoper si 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bro said some he’s Johnny
What a horrible ending I haven't seen the remaining 100 girlfriends 😂😢
Wait did that man die?
Nice "Shining" reference, lol. Clever how they fit the various references into the episodes
"Bad Ending" with credits looks like it's from a horror movie where we watch the victim get tortured to death as the credits roll. Here, the "torture" is just Nano being efficient in giving Rentaro one really long and deep kiss. BGM in "Ending" sounds like from House of the Dead 2.
A lot of media does it but when I think of bad ending with credits rolling I immediately think of Re:Zero S1Ep15 or Demon slayer S2Ep17
@@topotu_7473I thought of Doki Doki Literature club, especially with the credits being fake/not complete, distorted, etc.
@beastwarziii7338 little pig little pig let me come in.
Nier automata feels
Nano is so precious.
So far Nano is my most favorite of the girls ❤
Damn, I've never seen someone fail successfully and successfully fail at the same time.
So true 👍
He fails upwards.
It's not really a success if he didn't want it.
Why he running. I'd be like the way of water and go with the flow.
Neither have I actually 😅
This entire anime makes me realize how single I am 🤧
But I cant get enough of it 😭
Same 😭
As a wise man once said "watching this is like dying of thirst while watching a man drown"
Crunchyroll's title person really needs a raise!
Please stop, we freaking get it already.
In every language they do a great job.
Christoper si 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hahahaha. Dude Nanos' way scary and way hot.
"Here's Nano!"
NO!!!!!! 😫 🔪(holding a knife)
Like the "Here's Johnny!" reference, when she looks though the broken door
This is the batshit crazy show this season
And I love it
That fake credit scroll killed me. 😂
Left like I was watching the end of The Godfather.
Not a bad way to end the episode! 😂
Better nano than some psychotic guy chasing me with an ax.
Not a bad way to go out.
Love "The Shining" reference. Adds to the zombie kissing. 🎉
Scary part she used her hands instead of an axe! 😂
0:25Oh just like... Here's Johnny!😁🤣🤣
Seriously, the person who does the titles at Crunchyroll needs a raise or a promotion.
Got a flashback to Mortal Kombat X where Jonny rips his enemy apart with his quote "Here is Jonny" XD
I love the Shining reference but that “Ending” was hilarious 🤣
"All work and no play makes Nano a dull girl".
“Task failed successfully”
This was the best scene from the best episode so far from the best girl in the series.
The best girl is the 13th girlfriend, just wait and see.
@@joshuagibson6531really? I look forward to that
@@joshuagibson6531 you gotta be the only naddy fan in the world
@@darraghhhhh because America is the best nation
@@darraghhhhheh, there is a certain RUclipsr who put her in S tier
Im not into anime like these, but this is a beautiful reference
The anime is filled with references
Do you know what the anime is about? Because it’s not your average harem anime
You know…I got to thank Crunchyroll for introducing me to this anime. No lie I wasn’t interested at first, but due to being bored and nothing to watch I decided to check the first episode and after that I kid you not I ended up reading the first seven volumes that are available to purchase. As you can see I’m enjoying this a lot. 😂😁
Same. I knew of this series but didn't plan on watching it. However, having nothing else to watch and seeing other people's positive opinions about this anime, I gave in and watched the first three episodes.
I'm so glad that I gave in.😊
Welcome to Rentarou Family Appreciation Club! Do your part by recruiting more members!
@@DainRiffgin89 preach brother preach
Ah a good old shining reference
Man...that OST sounds amazing!!
1:01 Imagine this being the last thing you see before you die.
I think the title person or crew actually enjoys doing the titles puts passion in to em plus they like peoples postive feedback
All logic and no kisses make Nano something something.
0:25 Here’s Kissy!
just like Bruce 0:27 finding Nemo
This show is a gem. I love it
Nano and Hakari are now my favorites.
Wait till you see the best girl, *MOM*
@@hikariyagami4005 whose??
@@allmightytony77 Hakari's mom. Hahari.
@@zeraora1284 HUH????
Nooo they changed the name ! Before the title said “Here’s Nano!” For those who couldn’t see it . I hope crunchyroll title guy is okay 🥺
“I feel like a man dying of thirst, watching another man drown”
Here's Nano! 😂
Well I wasn't expecting a freaking 'Noot Noot' meme reference in this show.
This title guy truly needs a raise 😂
I made that joke before while watching a RUclipsr's reaction to this episode! I am glad that the title of this video has the joke! Haha!
Nano: Chu chu (Here's Nano!)
The boss music playing over this
This scene, along with the Resident Evil and Pokémon reference was funny. 😂😂🤣
Ive thoroughly enjoyed every episode of this series so far. So much fun and always making me laugh.
I've watched the whole anime , for people who wondering ; it was fun and sad together , main character is stupid and loyal at the same time ,worth giving a chance, Season 1 has just been released and people are already looking forward to season 2, my last word is definitely check it out leather, the first episode was a bit boring but after that I don't remember being bored for a single moment.( That sad music at the end of this episode is one of the things that best depicts both the seriousness and the absurd side of the anime. )
The World's Scariest Train be like: 0:24
Aw, isn't love wonderful. Destroying an entire building for someone.
0:25 The Shining reference
0:25 I always love some goofy reference to The Shining. 😂
Dumbs ways to dieeeee
Him: worth it 🥴
This anime is sl cultured for that reference ans give the tile person a raise🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
nano best girl this season
To Crunchyroll 🧡 you come up with so many interesting titles for every Anime.
There are worst ways to go out in this world 😂
The music at the end reminded me of Silent Hill.
Remember when the title was called "Here's Nano!"
Well at least it didn't end in a horrible way. You got a kiss out of it at least.😊😊
0:25 chu chu ( here's nano )
My favorite is the silent one shes just CUUUUUUUUUTE
0:26 oh hell no!! 😱😱😱😱
here,s johnny
Oh Hell Yes!
0:21 Shinning reference LOL
“Heeerrreee’s Johnny!”
1:22 death by snu snu
I didn't realize that RUclips allows videos to change language now. That explains why the Crunchyroll Dubs channel was abandoned and Crunchyroll Collection renamed to Crunchyroll.
Is she really that strong enough to break open doors?! Damn, she's scary! 😨
Common Crunchyroll title W 🔥
That fake credit scroll killed me . 😂
0:10 is that Duel of the Fates OST from Star Wars? 😂
Lol 😂 here's Nano 😂
Here's Jonny !!!!!!!
So, why does this suddenly have English audio, while there hasn't been a single update on Crunchyroll Dubs?
Pretty good reference, in my class, all the girls love me(trust me, it is not paradise)
IT'S NOT FAIR! 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣
The credits rolling during this scene cracked me up
1:30 and that was 100 kanojo see ya next week, can't believe they ended it with a long kiss after Hereeee's Nano moment
Jeez I think he’s lucky it only stopped at kissing lol
This Is A Nightmare 😱🛌 1:06
Rest in peace Rentaro…
1:05 lo esta disfrutando mucho 😂😂😂
Needs the YOU ARE DEAD dark souls screen
Nano es muy hermosa y fuerte 🤍❤ nada la detiene de querer besar a su novio
I thought Bruce the Shark from Finding Nemo was first thing that scared me, now i learn about the shining and this reference had me rolling with laughter and flashbacks 😂😂
Why is no one talking about the fact that is a reference to the shining?
Yay a movie reference
She took the impression of The Shining movie. 0:25. 😨😰😱😵!
“Here’s Johnny” ahh
Nanooooooooooo ooh😘😳😳😳😳❤ kiss😊❤
I just got crunchyroll to watch this and ,I have to pay premium.😢
I've never seen this much power from a Yandere.💀
That’s a dream come true for a single 31 year old guy who hasn’t found a girlfriend yet.
Goddammit I wish I was him…
Everyone commented that the Shining reference was great.
0:26 😂
A funny reference to Stephen King's The Shining. Nice!😂😂😂
Anyone else think of Aizen's Treachery theme when she did The Shining reference? Just me?
0:26 here's johnny reference 😅😅
Nano: I'm Mike Wallace, I'm Morley Safer, and I'm Ed Bradley! All this and Andy Rooney tonight on 60 Minutes
Nano supremacy 🤍🛐
I want to give my last breath like that too