if this was done, they would crumble down at the first earthquake... The village of Labro, between Lazio and Umbria regions in Italy, is in one of the most beautiful location, it was abandoned because of the frequent earthquakes that destroyed its houses... Now it has been restored, hopefully adapting modern anti-seismic methods, and it is used as a "diffused hotel"
OK, sign me up for the next Italian ECO village, this is really a shining example of what a group of people committed to bringing life back to a place most people had forgotten. It is what life should be, rather the the hustle and bustle most of us endure every day, thinking that is what makes us whole, when communities such as this allow a more fulfilling way to live our lives.
Go for it now while you can! I kept postponing it till I became too old to have anything to offer. If I had grown old in an ecovilliage that I'd helped build, I would have paid my dues and would be taken care of, but I haven't done that. There's a book by Diana Leafe Christian, called "Creating a Life Together". She worked for an information clearing-house for intentional communities, and saw, over decades, what lasted and what didn't. The book systematically tells you everything you need to do to make a community that will go on for generations. Good luck! Don't hesitate! I believe in you!
Ah yes, if only I had put more thought into this years ago..... Regardless, it is still something that I would do, and the truth is, I believe that as long as you are still breathing there is something you can give. It may not necessarily be hard physical labour, but it would be wrong to underestimate the importance of guidance and supporting conversations. And it is not just about the now, but about tomorrow and generations to come...... Thank you....
@@DoloresJNurssI am 63. We live in a small town. One night I was walking to our truck and caught my foot on something and feel. There were 5 adults within 30 feet of me and not one came to help or ask if I was ok. I know they heard my footsteps and saw my flashlight. I was really disappointed in the family across the street. We have been nothing but kind to them and their children. Your choice of lifestyle is thoughtful and I admire you all for doing it. I wish we were in a place of kindness and fit in. We are the odd ones here. Every one else in this street for together and we have been here 38 years.
We've been holding our painting seminars at Torri Superiore since 2008 and keep on coming back every year because the it's so magical! We are held by the hosts of the village, Lucilla, Massimo, Cristina, Marika, like in a cocoon, and they make everything possible to make us feel at home. Our groups of international students always feel very welcome, and the kitchen staff adapts the meals to every single diet. Everything is taken car of, and we can focus on our work and our creativity. Thank you everyone at Torri for having us every year!
Greetings from Auroville...thank you for sharing your experience, keep it up, you are bringing light to all humanity. Hugs full of respect and love.🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏
Bravo, Belissimo, wonderful how the strength of an aligned community can overcome any obstacles. I pray this community at Torri Superiore will go on to improve the lives of its extraordinary community members and the land within the community.
This is wonderful!! If I were 30 years younger, I would sign on! I'm inspired by this group's dedication, hard work, and forward thinking. Grazie mille!
What a beautiful place, people, and harmonized way of life. It's something I've always dreamed about. These big hearted people are very special. If only we could build more communities like this where the mindset of giving and caring is greater than taking. The Earth would be a utopia. If you can envision it, you can embody it. ❤
Ciao everyone a the village, you all have to be commended for all your efforts dedication and hard work your putting into your community, permaculture is definitely the way forward and I have been always proud permaculturalist l would love to be involved in a community like this, I hope that you all do well moving forward and Merry Christmas to you all, Ciao Pietro Sguazzato, Australia ❤
Excelente el contenido de este video, precioso ese lugar, tan rústico y natural a la vez. Felicidades a las personas que llevan adelante ese proyecto maravilloso!! Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷💪💕
I've been blessed to hold painting seminars at Torri Superiore every year since 2008, and watched with fascination as the village has evolved. The work they do is truly inspiring, and I've passed some of the most memorable moments of my life there. What I'd like to add here (which is not mentioned in the video) is how we've always managed to conduct our business affairs in a way that is fair and profitable to each side, with neither trying to take advantage of the other. It's a sustainable business model, with the interest of the other at heart - a far cry from what I experience daily with large corporations. They offer a different way of living...
Hi how are you I love your country Estonia one of the few countries in the world I admire small well governor and highly productive as a nation on a people. I've always said the day I hit the jackpot is one of the few countries I am certainly visiting just love the people I was best to watch a tourist documentary how about Estonia and I'm still captivated after many many years. Love
We could still built this way today. After all the material they used is right there. Would it be obsolete or anachronic. I don't think so. How many things we are building today will be there in one thousand years like this village! We can make use of some improvement but the core value will always be a goal to achieve something in common.
These places are so important both as communities in their own right and as demonstrations, experiments and inspiration for ways of living and ways of being. We may not all want to live in an eco-village but there may be aspects of this way of being that we can take into our own communities. Thanks you for sharing
I feel happy to see videos of eco villages in different parts of the world. I have visited two eco villages in Finland, and I have met there people from countries, also from Italy 🥰 I will surely try to visit Eutopia some time in the future!
Dear Lucilla Borio and team, the project you have undertaken serves an amazing purpose. It is impossible not to feel this. I wish you success in your project. Inspired by you, I, as a science resercher and reader, have also started thinking and planning a similar ecological village project. May such projects increase even more for the betterment of our planet. 🙋🏼♂👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼
Great concept. Away from the cities' stressful life. Make sure it will soon include young couples with children. Otherwise, your dream will come to an end within a few years... We are not here forever, you know that!
I like the intergenerational relationships, we need more of these in society, and not just within a family but at work, with friends, it's sad that people tend to befriend just those of a similar age as them
No, this was never an abandoned village. Don't believe the marketing bla bla. It's just a story the hippies tell you to attract more tourists. The actual village is called Tori and it's not abandoned. There's only a few hundred metres between the town centre and the group of houses which the hippies call "eco village", as if it were a separate village. I do appreciate the work that went into restoring the old houses.
anybody have any idea what they are using besides cement for building, with stones i'm assuming? maybe a modern 'roman' concerete of lime and volcanic ash is common in italy currently?
Hey, you remember us 👩🧑🏻🦱👧🏼👦🏻. We can’t wait to visit again (and taste your food). The documentation doesn’t capture the whole beauty of the space. From Berlin with love.
@@alisong2328 technically you are probably correct except that in this particular case it could be construed as directly attached to the town whereas in the case of MY village , we are quite distant from the central part of the surrounding town jurisdiction which is the norm . But I will not challenge you on the technical merits of your observation .
Bonjour et bravo pour tout le travail accomplie. Vous parlez beaucoup de cuisine, pourriez vous me préciser si vous êtes végétariens ? Point essentiel pour nous, pour intégrer une Communauté . Recevez toute ma gratitude❤
Quick tip -- if you put a water tank for your hot water supply in a compost pit, you wont need to use your batteries to heat that. The compost will do it for you
Love this, sustainability - I think - will not be possible if the countryside empties out and all human production concentrates to human wastelands called cities or industrial farmland. We need to spread out distribute our mark on the nature so that it can adsorb and acomodate us.
Work was too hard, but the volcanic ash didn't help. Actually I don't know, but probably there were a thousand reasons that are never mentioned in these videos. Like the nearest toilet paper supply and hospital is only 20km away, but takes an hour 45 to drive there in good weather. And cars are too wide to pass through the street, the international airport only 7h drive away. 995 more reasons. Use your imagination.
I would love to participate in your ecovillage. My wife Lisa and I can garden,. We're Reiki Master. We use crystal singing bowls with hand held drum, rain stick also turning folk. We can see ourselves living in your Italian ecovillage. Is the next process is to volunteer?
@guardian555 No, I just wised up to what is real and what is mumbo jumbo. What good would your bowls and rain sticks do in an eco village? They would drive people mad. Get over yourselves.
Isn't it frustrating to read all the comments asking how to live there?! You're all keen now that the work is done, but you wouldn't do it from scratch, like they did.
A beautiful place, full of what seems like very nice middle-aged people without children. I believe they can keep this going for another 40 years before it becomes a trashpit again. They'd have better luck with a village that's maybe less spectacular but better integrated with a major metropolitan area. The people who left this place left for a reason, and that reason is still very much in place.
People from outside with some money (the locals did not have that), lots of ideas, experience, many people call it utopia, good while you are alive. OK, holidays doing something useful. Time to show the Italian government what is possible to make something good out of this experience, well, if the local Italians are ready for all that. Are they? No, the majority of people want things done and paid for, they don't want to do anything other than the 'norm', which is a lot (pain, complaining, blaming the government), instead they will have to be middle class and read a lot.
4:17 you stop using cement altogether? The new architects didnt get that advice from the old artisans you mentioned right before that incredible statement I'm sure. I stopped watching when she said they stopped using cement. The Romans used cement.
The problem with many of these Italian villages is the houses are very close together, very narrow streets and probably no individual gardens, at least I couldn't see any in the video
Some comments say this is rebuilt ruins near a “hippy community”. They themselves say their children grew up and left. This does look like an old hippy commune that survived from the 70s. Now it is poised to survive it’s creators and the question is how to continue to a next generation.
I will pass, my experience of friends who lived in these eco villages/commune communities is that they require a certain person and they tend to have a very rigid rules and ideologies. So you rocking up knowing how to build houses or infrastructure won't fly if you want to use machines to lay it down. They will want to use axes and a bunch of gap year students ⛏️ Same with agriculture, you are using shovels to turn that compost, don't use a tractor or any machinery out in the field. That's great and I know people are happy doing it, but it is worth noting that not everyone around you feels that way as it requires an endless resource of free people. The lady stating you can leave is important as is her need to draw in families as even her own kids don't gel with it. Much like telling your children we are living in a van now. It's great for that individual at this point in their life, but not everyone lives your life.
Your pragmatic perspective is appreciated. In addition to their huge debt, I bet you can find Estonian food there too. And of course only one bad road out during forest fires.
The animation at the beginning totally turned me off... as if the video was marketed to immature people living in fantasy world. I turned it off after that.
I do understand what you are saying but not the animation is the problem. The channel showing beautifull ideas and communitys but gives little to none details. They mentioned that the residents gave all of their money for the project. So what was that? Somebody miscalculated, for sure.
Random post for homesteaders /community builders the link below is to a documentary where a land owner in Humboldt county, CA offers to allow folks to try out remote living - free for being a community member - it's not a religious thing. He wants folks to inhabit the local community. ruclips.net/video/j1NCiI3h1h8/видео.htmlsi=PqZtX8FmlwIyjy6v
I'm clearly in the minority here, but I don't see why they need to mix the wonderful renovation with the political issue of refugees. Moving people across a border is not necessarily a good thing.
lol looks like nothing is progress, a handfull of young people doing yoga made a little gardening. watering plants by hand no ertigation systyem tho has had the place for decades. and.nothing about how waste or otherm things is solved .
In permaculture, all waste is composted and used as fertiliser. Permaculture is about reintegrating all the separated agricultural systems into a cyclical whole. It is hard work, but it’s also enjoyable and allows every person to contribute in ways that are meaningful and appropriate. The best way to get young people interested in volunteering is to make the work fun and social.
The way they built village's at that time is really something we should learn from today.
if this was done, they would crumble down at the first earthquake... The village of Labro, between Lazio and Umbria regions in Italy, is in one of the most beautiful location, it was abandoned because of the frequent earthquakes that destroyed its houses... Now it has been restored, hopefully adapting modern anti-seismic methods, and it is used as a "diffused hotel"
OK, sign me up for the next Italian ECO village, this is really a shining example of what a group of people committed to bringing life back to a place most people had forgotten. It is what life should be, rather the the hustle and bustle most of us endure every day, thinking that is what makes us whole, when communities such as this allow a more fulfilling way to live our lives.
Go for it now while you can! I kept postponing it till I became too old to have anything to offer. If I had grown old in an ecovilliage that I'd helped build, I would have paid my dues and would be taken care of, but I haven't done that.
There's a book by Diana Leafe Christian, called "Creating a Life Together". She worked for an information clearing-house for intentional communities, and saw, over decades, what lasted and what didn't. The book systematically tells you everything you need to do to make a community that will go on for generations.
Good luck! Don't hesitate! I believe in you!
Ah yes, if only I had put more thought into this years ago..... Regardless, it is still something that I would do, and the truth is, I believe that as long as you are still breathing there is something you can give. It may not necessarily be hard physical labour, but it would be wrong to underestimate the importance of guidance and supporting conversations. And it is not just about the now, but about tomorrow and generations to come...... Thank you....
@@Mikolas3250 And thank YOU for the encouragement!
@@DoloresJNurssI am 63. We live in a small town. One night I was walking to our truck and caught my foot on something and feel. There were 5 adults within 30 feet of me and not one came to help or ask if I was ok. I know they heard my footsteps and saw my flashlight. I was really disappointed in the family across the street. We have been nothing but kind to them and their children. Your choice of lifestyle is thoughtful and I admire you all for doing it. I wish we were in a place of kindness and fit in. We are the odd ones here. Every one else in this street for together and we have been here 38 years.
Heartwarming to see another abandoned village come to life with cooperation and commitment. Fabulous.
Awesome love it we need to do more of this in the world restore old things❤🙏🏽🌞👌🏾👍🏾
We've been holding our painting seminars at Torri Superiore since 2008 and keep on coming back every year because the it's so magical! We are held by the hosts of the village, Lucilla, Massimo, Cristina, Marika, like in a cocoon, and they make everything possible to make us feel at home. Our groups of international students always feel very welcome, and the kitchen staff adapts the meals to every single diet. Everything is taken car of, and we can focus on our work and our creativity. Thank you everyone at Torri for having us every year!
Greetings from Auroville...thank you for sharing your experience, keep it up, you are bringing light to all humanity. Hugs full of respect and love.🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏
Amazing place with very hardworking, dedicated people! I can recommend it to every one to spend some time there to get inspired!
Bravo, Belissimo, wonderful how the strength of an aligned community can overcome any obstacles. I pray this community at Torri Superiore will go on to improve the lives of its extraordinary community members and the land within the community.
Big great thumbs up for this place. Will never forget my short visit!
This is wonderful!! If I were 30 years younger, I would sign on! I'm inspired by this group's dedication, hard work, and forward thinking. Grazie mille!
What a beautiful place, people, and harmonized way of life. It's something I've always dreamed about. These big hearted people are very special. If only we could build more communities like this where the mindset of giving and caring is greater than taking. The Earth would be a utopia. If you can envision it, you can embody it. ❤
Ciao everyone a the village, you all have to be commended for all your efforts dedication and hard work your putting into your community, permaculture is definitely the way forward and I have been always proud permaculturalist l would love to be involved in a community like this, I hope that you all do well moving forward and Merry Christmas to you all, Ciao Pietro Sguazzato, Australia ❤
Excelente el contenido de este video, precioso ese lugar, tan rústico y natural a la vez. Felicidades a las personas que llevan adelante ese proyecto maravilloso!! Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷💪💕
I've been blessed to hold painting seminars at Torri Superiore every year since 2008, and watched with fascination as the village has evolved. The work they do is truly inspiring, and I've passed some of the most memorable moments of my life there. What I'd like to add here (which is not mentioned in the video) is how we've always managed to conduct our business affairs in a way that is fair and profitable to each side, with neither trying to take advantage of the other. It's a sustainable business model, with the interest of the other at heart - a far cry from what I experience daily with large corporations. They offer a different way of living...
Nice to see an Estonian there as there arent that many of us❤
Hi how are you I love your country Estonia one of the few countries in the world I admire small well governor and highly productive as a nation on a people. I've always said the day I hit the jackpot is one of the few countries I am certainly visiting just love the people I was best to watch a tourist documentary how about Estonia and I'm still captivated after many many years. Love
We could still built this way today. After all the material they used is right there. Would it be obsolete or anachronic. I don't think so. How many things we are building today will be there in one thousand years like this village! We can make use of some improvement but the core value will always be a goal to achieve something in common.
Beautiful, interesting and appealing. Many thanks for sharing this video and your insights and experiences. Enjoy the day!
I wish i could give a thumbs up times ten.
Bellissimo il vostro nuovo video, complimenti!! Non vedo l'ora di rivedervi ❤
These places are so important both as communities in their own right and as demonstrations, experiments and inspiration for ways of living and ways of being. We may not all want to live in an eco-village but there may be aspects of this way of being that we can take into our own communities. Thanks you for sharing
I know the area , beautiful and magical place, I hope to experience somthing like that
I feel happy to see videos of eco villages in different parts of the world. I have visited two eco villages in Finland, and I have met there people from countries, also from Italy 🥰 I will surely try to visit Eutopia some time in the future!
Dear Lucilla Borio and team, the project you have undertaken serves an amazing purpose. It is impossible not to feel this. I wish you success in your project. Inspired by you, I, as a science resercher and reader, have also started thinking and planning a similar ecological village project. May such projects increase even more for the betterment of our planet. 🙋🏼♂👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼
So lovely, would love to visit one day!
- A Very Peacefully Nice Town...~🙂🏡👩🏻🌾
Love it! 🙏😎🇨🇦🌱
Admirable , Unique, co-operative, and historical
BRAVI. You are the hope for the future.
... for the future of the so-called "refugees";-)...
Fantastico ❤🙏😘
Best advice from this is to volunteer for communities until you find the right fit.
Beautiful 🌿
truly inspiring
Absolutely Amazing!!!!!
Great concept. Away from the cities' stressful life.
Make sure it will soon include young couples with children. Otherwise, your dream will come to an end within a few years... We are not here forever, you know that!
Viva❤viva❤molto grazie ❤
Incredibly stunning location and what a wonderful place to practice permaculture. Greetings from Australia 🇦🇺
Well done!
Wish I could live there !
there are thousands of small abandoned villages across Italy , Bosnia and Croatia , beautiful , sunny old villages left to fall apart .
I am up for this! Let me volunteer for experience! 😊❤❤❤
Complimenti e Ve ne sono anche in Italia, saluti.
5.11 Is that a Kerry Blue Terrier? My family used to breed them when I was little. My first dog, Nero. Wonderful Video. Great achievement! ❤
How to live here?
I like the intergenerational relationships, we need more of these in society, and not just within a family but at work, with friends, it's sad that people tend to befriend just those of a similar age as them
No, this was never an abandoned village. Don't believe the marketing bla bla. It's just a story the hippies tell you to attract more tourists.
The actual village is called Tori and it's not abandoned. There's only a few hundred metres between the town centre and the group of houses which the hippies call "eco village", as if it were a separate village.
I do appreciate the work that went into restoring the old houses.
anybody have any idea what they are using besides cement for building, with stones i'm assuming? maybe a modern 'roman' concerete of lime and volcanic ash is common in italy currently?
It's amazing me...😉😉
Hey, you remember us 👩🧑🏻🦱👧🏼👦🏻. We can’t wait to visit again (and taste your food). The documentation doesn’t capture the whole beauty of the space. From Berlin with love.
Amazing 🤩
It isn't actually a village . It is set apart from a larger collection of buildings lower down the hill , that together form a small town .
Village: "a self-contained district or community within a town or city, regarded as having features characteristic of village life."
@@alisong2328 technically you are probably correct except that in this particular case it could be construed as directly attached to the town whereas in the case of MY village , we are quite distant from the central part of the surrounding town jurisdiction which is the norm . But I will not challenge you on the technical merits of your observation .
What is required to move to and immigrate and help build such a place? ❤
Bonjour et bravo pour tout le travail accomplie. Vous parlez beaucoup de cuisine, pourriez vous me préciser si vous êtes végétariens ? Point essentiel pour nous, pour intégrer une Communauté . Recevez toute ma gratitude❤
They are manly vegetarian when I was there 9 years ago. You always have a choice. The kitchen is amazingly good!
Quick tip -- if you put a water tank for your hot water supply in a compost pit, you wont need to use your batteries to heat that. The compost will do it for you
Love this, sustainability - I think - will not be possible if the countryside empties out and all human production concentrates to human wastelands called cities or industrial farmland. We need to spread out distribute our mark on the nature so that it can adsorb and acomodate us.
How can I join you please?❤❤
🙏🏼 would love to visit. What is the process please? I am from India and plan to visit with my children, possibly in April.
go on their website. There you find a phone # and email address
I live 40 mins away and didn't know it was there...
...wonder if there's such a place on Canada???
What is the yellow fruit at 12:03?
Buddhas Hand?!
Is there a website we can find out more? How to visit, volunteer?
Have you heard of the free people project? It is in the USA
Why did people leave the village originally...?
Work was too hard, but the volcanic ash didn't help. Actually I don't know, but probably there were a thousand reasons that are never mentioned in these videos. Like the nearest toilet paper supply and hospital is only 20km away, but takes an hour 45 to drive there in good weather. And cars are too wide to pass through the street, the international airport only 7h drive away. 995 more reasons. Use your imagination.
I would love to participate in your ecovillage. My wife Lisa and I can garden,. We're Reiki Master. We use crystal singing bowls with hand held drum, rain stick also turning folk. We can see ourselves living in your Italian ecovillage. Is the next process is to volunteer?
I think you can dump the singing bowl and rain stick. You should know better at your age.
@witlof5492if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. This is for grown ups and you're not there yet.
@@guardian555 Om, om.
Who hurt you? Someone truly hurt you in the past. Let it go
@guardian555 No, I just wised up to what is real and what is mumbo jumbo. What good would your bowls and rain sticks do in an eco village? They would drive people mad. Get over yourselves.
Also, I grow therefore I am. Xxx
Isn't it frustrating to read all the comments asking how to live there?! You're all keen now that the work is done, but you wouldn't do it from scratch, like they did.
A beautiful place, full of what seems like very nice middle-aged people without children. I believe they can keep this going for another 40 years before it becomes a trashpit again. They'd have better luck with a village that's maybe less spectacular but better integrated with a major metropolitan area. The people who left this place left for a reason, and that reason is still very much in place.
they said their children live there too
@@lorenzosignorini3288Their children will not be staying there. No work.
Looks like a nice place, but thats not really self sufficient.
Needs a lot of vegetation I think that would accent your place nicely….plus a pressure washing and
Some Chia pet moss on the walls ha ha
People from outside with some money (the locals did not have that), lots of ideas, experience, many people call it utopia, good while you are alive. OK, holidays doing something useful. Time to show the Italian government what is possible to make something good out of this experience, well, if the local Italians are ready for all that. Are they? No, the majority of people want things done and paid for, they don't want to do anything other than the 'norm', which is a lot (pain, complaining, blaming the government), instead they will have to be middle class and read a lot.
Please let me help you.
4:17 you stop using cement altogether? The new architects didnt get that advice from the old artisans you mentioned right before that incredible statement I'm sure. I stopped watching when she said they stopped using cement.
The Romans used cement.
The problem with many of these Italian villages is the houses are very close together, very narrow streets and probably no individual gardens, at least I couldn't see any in the video
Zero children
Some comments say this is rebuilt ruins near a “hippy community”. They themselves say their children grew up and left. This does look like an old hippy commune that survived from the 70s. Now it is poised to survive it’s creators and the question is how to continue to a next generation.
what is with the cheesy background music
I will pass, my experience of friends who lived in these eco villages/commune communities is that they require a certain person and they tend to have a very rigid rules and ideologies. So you rocking up knowing how to build houses or infrastructure won't fly if you want to use machines to lay it down. They will want to use axes and a bunch of gap year students ⛏️ Same with agriculture, you are using shovels to turn that compost, don't use a tractor or any machinery out in the field. That's great and I know people are happy doing it, but it is worth noting that not everyone around you feels that way as it requires an endless resource of free people. The lady stating you can leave is important as is her need to draw in families as even her own kids don't gel with it. Much like telling your children we are living in a van now. It's great for that individual at this point in their life, but not everyone lives your life.
Your pragmatic perspective is appreciated. In addition to their huge debt, I bet you can find Estonian food there too. And of course only one bad road out during forest fires.
They don't sound very italian
The animation at the beginning totally turned me off... as if the video was marketed to immature people living in fantasy world. I turned it off after that.
I do understand what you are saying but not the animation is the problem. The channel showing beautifull ideas and communitys but gives little to none details.
They mentioned that the residents gave all of their money for the project. So what was that? Somebody miscalculated, for sure.
with a lot of free help and european money it is "self sufficient"
Random post for homesteaders /community builders the link below is to a documentary where a land owner in Humboldt county, CA offers to allow folks to try out remote living - free for being a community member - it's not a religious thing. He wants folks to inhabit the local community.
I'm clearly in the minority here, but I don't see why they need to mix the wonderful renovation with the political issue of refugees. Moving people across a border is not necessarily a good thing.
What's the problem about helping people?
would be much more interesting if we were actually being toured and told these things naturally
Not for me sounds like the old Soviet union.old hippies longing for socialism
But without gulaq and with freedom of speech, great food and great weather.
So this is a cult?
lol looks like nothing is progress, a handfull of young people doing yoga made a little gardening. watering plants by hand no ertigation systyem tho has had the place for decades. and.nothing about how waste or otherm things is solved .
In permaculture, all waste is composted and used as fertiliser. Permaculture is about reintegrating all the separated agricultural systems into a cyclical whole. It is hard work, but it’s also enjoyable and allows every person to contribute in ways that are meaningful and appropriate.
The best way to get young people interested in volunteering is to make the work fun and social.
The music behind the person speaking is WAY too loud. I wasn't able to watch the video because of how annoying and poorly-chosen the music is.
I like to come it’s just a dream…..
Бабушка заберите меня к себе
I am up for this! Let me volunteer for experience! 😊❤❤❤