I am married to my second husband for 27 years, and we have a blended family. I watched these videos consistently and they helped our marriage on so many levels. Thank you.
Congratulations that is an amazing story.. I'm happily married the most beautiful woman and the world. We've been together 20 years but married for 12.. I'm trying to hold on with all I've got to keep our marriage together even though I feel like my wife is pushing me away. I pray an eight years I can come back here and right the same message you have and my wife somehow will fall back in love with me
I've been married for 5 months and your sermons are helping me become a good wife. I got married at 40 and because I've been single for so long, I entered marriage with the mentality of me, myself and I even though we were now one. I always wanted him to say sorry. I always acted like I was right and he was wrong. And 3 months in the marriage I started asking God if I made a mistake. I started thinking I'd heard wrong from God. But since I started listening to you, I realised : 1. I too make mistakes. Hence, I learned to say sorry too. 2. I had so much pride. 3. I too play a part when we disagree on something I'm not yet there but I'm slowly transforming. I've realized marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured.
Feel same way. Married 37 years. Husband an unbeliever. We live 2 separate lives in 1 house. Youngest finishing college. Waiting for him to be on his own.He will never do it God’s way. When you don’t have God in Marriage you have nothing.
@@lakishalewis6571 I have done this as well. He doesn't listen to them unless its related to sex and then will take it all out of context. I wish you better luck.
I’m trying so hard by just lovingjer even after learning about an affair it’s so awful.. and we have a daughter ...women can be so brutal I’m praying for God miracle as she’s confused by another man and wants to Leave for him . It’s sad
Leave him. Unfortunately these pastors don’t account for life’s ‘realities’ in their talks. Narcissism is an untreatable mental health disorder that doesn’t get better over time. Your child deserve better. And most of all YOU deserve better and a normal relationship that is mutual and loving. God will reward you for taking care of yourself and you child. You need to leave bc a narcissist will eat you alive and smile at your discomfort and pain. They live to drag ppl down to their level bc they secretly hate themselves and want you to feel equally deflated. If you are one of the woman in this profile picture, get the F out. You can heal first and easily start a new life and love.. All the best to you 💕🕊🕊🕊
Look up narcissism vs Aspergers. Just to make sure it’s narcissism. Aspergers looks a lot like it, but is slightly more tolerable...because you then know that they have a neurological issue and their intent is not to hurt you usually.
This made me decide to try a little longer before making any final decision on my marriage . To know what God says truly made a difference in my thinking. Thank You 🙏❤
Feeling very discouraged after watching this profound video. I have only been married for 3 months. I don't know what I am going to do. I love my husband so much but I don't know how we are going to make it. Help us Lord!!! Thank you Pastor Evans. I am extremely blessed from your videos. They help me so much and I don't feel so alone.
It's key that you spend time in the word, consistently. Even if its a few minutes every day. You will be nourished. Also, it's imperative that you are in fellowship with sincere believers. Bible group or church meeting. Imperative. This will encourage you, lift you and expose the enemy. Through your day, call on the Lord. Ohh Lord Jesus!!! I think it's 2 Timothy?? But flee youthful lusts & pursue righteousness. Faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord, out of a pure heart".
Man l can't stop watching Pastor Jimmy. You are filled with Godly wisdom. May the good Lord continue to bless you and your family. We cover you with the blood of Jesus Christ who is able to do Exceedingly Abundantly above all that we ask think or Imagine
Summary: "10 Warning Signs of Divorce": (The more of these warning signs that are present in your marriage, the more at-risk you are.) If he says he loves you but wants to live together instead of getting married, tell him, "Let me tell you something. I'm too valuable. I'm not willing to give myself to ANY man who's not willing to pay the price. And the price is...'You put a ring right there!' (on your 'I'm married' ring finger)." [70% of cohabitation-before-marriage marriages end in divorce.] 1. Lack of pre-marriage preparation (/counseling). Get training. Marriage requires understanding. (Otherwise, you have unrealistic expectations about marriage. Understand the inherent differences in your spouse. Can't change the inherent nature of your spouse.) 2. Coming from a broken home (or having been divorced). [Otherwise, a person will feel more anxiety towards conflict in marriage and react due to fear. Average couples talk, argue, fight. Every time you divorce, your chances of divorce go up.] 3. Cohabiting before marriage. [40%-50% chance of divorce normally; 70% chance of divorce if the couple cohabits before marriage. More abuse. More infidelity. Much greater failure of the relationship. Women live together before marriage, because they want to take the relationship to the next step: marriage. Men cohabit because they get all the benefits of marriage without the commitment.] 4. Weak spiritual foundation. Only God can meet our deepest needs. Our deepest needs are acceptance, identity, security and purpose. All of us have the same "deepest needs". Your spouse can't meet those needs. Only God can. [Otherwise, we transfer the expectation to those closest around us--especially to our spouse.] 5. Poor relational support. We need good examples of those who believe in marriage and who encourage us to work things out. If we have friends who are divorcing or who are committing adultery or who are having marital issues, those aren't the people we should take counsel from when our own marriage is in trouble. The people with whom you associate will corrupt your habits if they have poor morals. Take counsel from those who are having success in their marriages, who have a low opinion of divorce, who encourage you to stay together; and who don't have their own bone to pick with their own spouse (or parent). Don't hate them, but keep them at a distance. Adultery and divorce run in groups (of friends; of family). Make friendships with people who have good value systems. oneself 7. Chronic anger and unresolved conflict: contempt. Be angry (okay), but do not sin (= do not hurt the other). God gets angry. Don't go to bed on anger: get more and more humble the more tired you get at night...to "just be able to sleep". ;-D Have an honest relationship; talk about your feelings. 8. Blame transfer: defensiveness. Not allowing your spouse to complain (believing it's all the other person's fault). Don't transfer the blame. (Adam and Eve did this; original sin.) Rarely is one person all the problem. "What are YOU going to do about YOUR 15%?" Maybe they'll catch on (when you confess your wrongs). God was "all in the right" and STILL came down and redeemed us of our wrongs. Be like Christ. 9. A non-committed, shoppers mentality towards your spouse and marriage: not yet decided to "stop shopping". The shoppers mentality is, "You'd better stay in shape. You'd better watch your attitude. You'd better do the right thing. Otherwise, if a better model comes around, I'm trading you in!" A covenant commitment to marriage says, "You're my final choice. And it will be death that separates us. Not murder (LOL). Death. You're my final choice. It doesn't matter what you/we go through: age, sickness, problems, difficulties. I ended my selection process when I chose you." Man: "I have made a decision that YOU (wife) ARE the MOST beautiful woman in the world. Period! And that will be true when you're 100 years old. You're the choice that I've made." [If there's abuse, abandonment, adultery, then yes...these MUST be addressed, and are three reasons when divorce is justified! But don't USE adultery AS an excuse. Otherwise, the responsibility still lies in the unfaithful spouse's "court".] 10. A non-scriptural, secularized view of marriage and divorce. God made man male and female. Man shall leave his father and mother. (LOL: my little interjection: IF the parents are together still. If the parents are NOT together, then the mother (if abandoned by her husband) is a "widow"; and...James 1:"27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." The twain (husband and wife) shall be one flesh; no longer two. Mark 10:9 "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Moses permitted divorce due to the hardness of the Israelites' hearts; but from the beginning, it was not so. Marriage is sacred. Marriage is not a piece of paper. It is an act of the Spirit of God. What God has joined, you leave alone. There's no such thing as a clean divorce: you take part of that person with you. Research shows that even 10 (+?) years after a divorce, most ex-spouses are still angry/still have feelings of love. Why? --because they became "one" through God.
You added words that Jimmy Evans did NOT say in this video. In #9 above you added " [If there's abuse, abandonment, adultery, then yes...these MUST be addressed, and are three reasons when divorce is justified!" He did not say that.
Pastor Jimmy; what if a couple get married with no love in the first place, how they will find something that never existed? Many things can force people to get married and we all know that.. For me I thank God every day that I left a bad marriage which took me away from God.. Abuse and unfaithfulness were what my ex has in his life plus the lies and selfishness.. I never regret but instead every time I remember I praise God that I divorced him.
Nicolette Christian Nicolette, did you ever remarry? Just asking because my sister went through the same as you from her marriage of 6 years and she always wants to remarriage but she's taken care of our Mother. Not taking time to date.
Yes please somebody tell me how to find something that never existed in the first place. What is the remedy for this? I also have an experience like the original commenters but I'm still married. No physical abuse involved.
@@marahaquala1686 He's an unGodly man. You can divorce him. However, the laws of marriage still apply to you. You still can't remarry until your spouse dies.
Marriage is a life long commitment, you don't wake up in the morning and decide to marry someone. There are things that made you chose her maybe because you're both in love with each other. But when things didn't go well in your marriage, let your happy and sad memories together make you remind that you're love is worth fighting for.
LoveMe,com If only it were that simple. When you love someone whose self worth depends on diminishing yours, you are in an emotionally destructive marriage. The only way to keep yourself from a physical and emotional/mental breakdown is to leave the marriage. For a woman of faith, this was the most difficult decision I have ever made. The decision took several years to discern and giving many opportunities for reconciliation after being purposely cut emotionally over and over again. I don’t believe it honors God to allow yourself to be destroyed so the “marriage “ doesn’t end. What you are leaving a cover for someone else’s inability to do life without destroying yours.
Lies and Infidelity is a very serious issue to deal with and it’s a major threat to most marriages and relationships.Scars left behind from a narcissist husband is hard to erase from the mind. I was reluctant at first about finding the truth about my cheating husband but I’m glad I finally took the courage for it .I got help from Cyber Hack Solutions as he helped clone my cheating husband’s phone and I got access to all his phone call logs, emails, text messages both deleted texts and also social media chats; whatsApp , Facebook, Instagram without having access to his phone because he is mostly out of town due to the nature of his work and I was able to track his location too, all I provided was his phone number to this wonderful hacker. This was very revealing for me as he’s a serial cheater until I got into his phone and ended things.I’m glad to uncover his, lies, secrets and Infidelity. You can contact this amazing Hacker David via gmail (cyberhack003) or text and call on his phone and WhatsApp : +15303784744
Pray for my wife and I. She has filled for divorce. I feel like it's mostly my fault. I am dealing with emotional issues and depression. She feels we've done all we could. We are separated. Please just pray for healing in our lives and that God may one day restore our Marriage
It’s not right to leave someone when they are sick or struggling… my spouse was sick and depressed too and didn’t have a job for 2 years… I supported us and cared for him even laying his medicine out daily. It is wrong to leave you bc of illness - but you do have a responsibility to try and get help for yourself! For her sake
If a man does not treat his wife right, does not communicate, ignores, and does not value her- I don't want to hear him talk about Christianity. When a husband rejects his wife, he is rejecting God. I am praying! ❤️🙏🏻
pray for me and my wife we are seperated and she is aiming twards a devorce.she is surrounded by people who don't give good advice and are not supporting her in the right ways,pray that God can reach out to her
George Schoullis have you fasted? When you’re in sin you will always have people that support you. God said he will never leave you or forsake you. Pray for your wife ask God to cover her with the blood of Jesus. Bless her daily with prayer 🙏🏻. Draw close to God he will draw close to you.
What words? My ex husband never spoke to me..other than about the weather or the kids..l guess I was just there to do the cooking and cleaning..Nanny...l was so lonely
"Love and Respect" video will explain a lot of this. You can respect someone as long as they are not being abusive long term. Sometimes a person does something unintentionally.. You have to use wisdom to know if it is an ongoing habit or a one time stupid mistake kind of thing. One size does not fit all... Learn the Two Key Ingredients for Successful Relationships with Emerson Eggerichs at ruclips.net/video/388ZduTXiws/видео.html
Lies and Infidelity is a very serious issue to deal with and it’s a major threat to most marriages and relationships.Scars left behind from a narcissist husband is hard to erase from the mind. I was reluctant at first about finding the truth about my cheating husband but I’m glad I finally took the courage for it .I got help from Cyber Hack Solutions as he helped clone my cheating husband’s phone and I got access to all his phone call logs, emails, text messages both deleted texts and also social media chats; whatsApp , Facebook, Instagram without having access to his phone because he is mostly out of town due to the nature of his work and I was able to track his location too, all I provided was his phone number to this wonderful hacker. This was very revealing for me as he’s a serial cheater until I got into his phone and ended things.I’m glad to uncover his, lies, secrets and Infidelity. You can contact this amazing Hacker David via gmail (cyberhack003) or text and call on his phone and WhatsApp : +15303784744
Oh my goodness!!!!!! This is me!!!!!! Except I am nanny, cook, maid and also half bread winner, all I get is "you need to make more money, I make more than you" and then of course the only texts I get are "this bill is due, this is our balance, when's Tommy's game, what's for dinner tonight?" Weekends I am in bedroom reading while he's in the garage drinking and listening to music, I am so lonely I actually have gotten in the habit of talking to myself and saying "I love you" to myself.
I came from a broken home. I lived with my spouse for 3 years before we were married. We will celebrate 37 years of marriage this month. Cannot just throw out generalities for everyone
It's not a generality and should not be taken personally. You are an exception to the rule. Statistics aka math proves kids from broken homes fair worse in relationships. Doesn't not mean ALL will, but MOST will repeat the cycle.
*Lack of marriage preparation* *Coming from a broken home or having been divorced* *Cohabiting before the marriage* *Weak spiritual fundation* *Poor relationship support. Corinthians 15* *The power of death and life starts in your mouth. Proverb 18* *Chronic criticism and anger* Can complain but don’t criticize * *Blame transfer* /defensiveness* - Peter 1-3 If you don’t allow the right to complain it means that you think it is all the spouse’s problem. *Non-committed shoppers attitude* *Non scripture secularized view of marriage*
People use all kind of different analogies from Bible verse we must not fall into love as we grow into love as we grow into God's grace we should be putting down seeds for growth deep roots are what we need for a solid foundation this video showed me about living in legalism even Jesus told his disciples if they don't receive the message to dust off your feet and go to another house God did not put marriage together He presented Eve to Adam so a lot of things we have learned or are being taught is twisted about marriage. Many people are living in a marriage that they claim God put together because that was instituted in the covenant marriage My question is God put marriage together why are couples living in Hell
@@joycelynnorth7960 The bible never said that life will be without trials. If you are on earth for earthly happiness, check your bible again. Even Paul said getting married will be tough on people. What you wrote in your comment about the institution of marriage has nothing to do with what Jesus said about it.
If there's a problem in the marriage, he's dropping the ball somewhere. And that's why men like you just say "oh, she's a nag", because somewhere, you're not doing what you should do.
That may be true but all I wanted was what is expected in a marriage by the husband, affection, "I love you", kissing, handholding, sex maybe once a month or so? When that is withhold the woman starts to feel bitter and that she is married for nothing. He may be happy with no sex/affection but that isn't fair for her, and he is SUPPOSED TO BE providing that in a marriage. See what Paul said in 1 Corinthian 7
CL Rbg so what happend did you get out..10 monthes later ? i'm about to get a divorce from a narcissis asexual not sure this is a marriage ? we have intimacy only 5 time's a year, he told me sex is not his priority and l need to find something else to do..!!! don't see why he rejected even my kisses, cuddling. total rejection of my love. l couldn't do it any more pretend l have a marriage.
My husband won’t forgive me because last year my father died, I got depressed and my husband says he felt ignored ( he didn’t tell me at the time ) and neglected. I slept a lot, between work and grieving I was just trying to survive. I’m doing much better now with the loss of my father but now my husband is threatening to leave me. He has took his ring off. I’ve begged and pleaded but he just says he needs time. Then proceeds to just ignore me. He’s also upset because most of last year we slept in separate beds because I can’t sleep with him snoring. That’s the other things he’s upset about. So he ignores me , doesn’t text or call me anymore. Plays on his video game instead of trying to fix our marriage with me. I told him when this whole issues was finally brought to my attention last month that we could start sleeping in same bed right away, because I had no idea he was thinking of leaving me for it. He tells me I don’t have the right to decide when we sleep in same bed cause when he wanted to I said no cause I need my sleep. That was before I found out how much resentment he had boiling for me. Bless over him and I. Help him soften his heart and forgive me and learn to speak up if something is bothering him. Help me by giving me the patience to wait and see if he ever comes back around. This has been so painful, losing my dad then my husband so upset with me he barely talks to me. Give me the strength to keep my head up high. I know you’re listening God. I know your there but your trying to teach him and I a lesson. Thank you , for all the blessings you’ve given my family , the ones we’ve seen and the ones behind the scenes. Amen
How is everything? I am in a similar situation. I have a thyroid disease and my husband slept in the living room with our boys most of the time because I needed rest. We tried to get them to sleep alone but then we got tired it was hard work. We didn’t sleep in the same bed most of the time. He feels like I didn’t love him and respected him or appreciated him. I love him but I was suffering too for past actions and also was numb from my disease and being overworked. He now wants a divorce and I don’t, I will drop absolutely everything for him and to make it work. I been watching everything I can to help me learn to be a godly wife
Marriage after adultery is one of the most difficult to repair. I’m on the verge of divorce. He has never taken FULL accountability for his infidelity he blame shifts which is a narcissistic behavior. Whenever we talk about what took place he put me in the mix and shift the blame over to me. I’m tired of the mental abuse that constantly takes place in this marriage. I should’ve left along time ago when I found out what he did. But I decided to stay and it’s been three years of pure hell on earth with no peace. Jesus says above all seek peace and to run from fornication. I think it’s time that I go.
Scouthide I have the same issue too that I ended up doing something not imaginable that we are divorcing right now. It's a very hard thing to have to endure. I wish you all the best
Same thing tore my marriage apart. Relationships like this toxicity leaves traumatic issues for the victims. I'm getting help. I'm a Victor now. Narcissisic
Look for a guy called Daddy freeze from Nigeria and listen to his talks. He can be controversial atimes but listen and get an explanation to your questions... God's word is not dumb! He has addressed it.
Anything that isnt of jesus remember the fruits of the spirit abuse abandonment nothing like that resembles the fruits of the spirit which are patient peace long suffering love etc its ok to liberate yourself from that i am doing that in september my sanity and true peace to come and go and not be put down is much more meaning full and i can only please jesus
In my case, even her parents didn't encourage her to seek help and solve things, they said to her "we will support you no matter what", sad. While we were separated and things were bad, her mother instead of not adding to the fire, she kept making problems and made things worst. May God forgive them for what they did to our family. 16 years and 3 kids.
All too common. The best thing Godly in-laws can do is ask for both sides of the story when issues arise. They have the power to help heal or destroy their son or daughter's marriage. The natural tendency is to believe the story of their child without question. To try and protect their child, not the marriage. But that's an emotional decision, not logical. If the marriage fails, their child will be emotionally damaged ongoing. But even many Christian in-laws fall into this trap.
My 29 year marriage is ending because my husband says he no longer loves me or his three boys . Our heart is broken he also says he no longer believes in god . Now I find out another woman is involved . He has now left and we don’t know where he is . I believe everything u said in the video but at this point there is no where else to go . Hopeless and heartbroken .
Lisa Smith he WILL regret it one day, if not in this life than in the next. God will take care of you and your 3 boys, have faith. Sending prayers and good wishes your way.
he sounds like a coward and a psychopath. Men abandon their children who cant stand up to the plate and be responsible. I understand and am with u in so many ways dearie. I know how this feels worst than a death. You will survive. Some men just can’t ...ugh I’m so sorry for this
Bishop T.D. Jakes has a message on when you’re broken hearted so type this in your browser on utube and listen to his message I know it will soothe your broken heart.
Pray for my husband and me. This is his second marriage and he behaved the same way with his first wife-cold, distant, controlling, rigid and had years of separation. He was a Christian deacon, now he rejects God and lives by his own rules. He is very difficult to be around because he's argumentative, negative, and feels he's right and everyone's wrong.
I really love Jimmy Evans and Karen Evans they expired me too didn't have more Godly marriage in our marriage but my sister-in-law got divorced and I wish I could help them to get through it especially with my nieces are involved and my father wasn't there for me and now their father is was there for them I don't wath my pass to be there furniture pray for them
1. 1:06 lack of premarriage prep 2. 2:11 coming from broken home or being divorced before 3. 3:15 Cohabiting before marriage 5:36 4. Weak spiritual foundation 6:34 5. Poor relational support 8:24 6. Chronic criticism and negativity 11:57 7. Chronic Anger / unresolved conflict 13:37 8. Blame transfer 15:12 9. Non committed Shoppers mentality 16:48 10. Non scriptural secular view of marriage and divorce
Hi there please pray for my marriage my spouse keeps throwing my mistakes at me and this breaks me down My spouse allows my parents inlaw to scream at me and then does not defend me at all is this my fault that im struggling to open up to my spouse in the bedroom. I never get a chance to speak how do we carry on if it constantly hurts...how should I be a good spouse parent and person towards every1
Just love pray and know you arent pleasing the man or his family keep doing what you know is acceptable in jesus eyes please jesus your his servant god sees hears i know been through it 2 i let it all go the issues i can only please jesus not the man
1 Corinthians 15-17 my wife says that this is god telling her that divorce is ok I have prayed for her and we have 3 kids I don't want to get a divorce but she does just pray for me because it hurts to know someone that u want to love and be with does not feel the same way
www.rejoiceministries.org/charlyne-cares-daily-devotional/.. keep praying . let that encourage you please.. DO not give up on your wife its not her talking but the devil whose mission is to lie,kill and destroy..
I feel this message come on time. I have alot of problems with my husband. He doesnt accept christ in his life and i feel unable to go on. Its difficult. I feel am fighting for our marriage but he just doesnt care. I pray for God to help him but honestly i feel hopeless. I know we will get divorced.
daelyn camal never be negative if you marry an unbeliever you can't divorce you do your part as the wife to respect him then pray he comes to know God. God bless you.
Thank you so much.. divorce is necessary when the spouse is cheating and torture physically and mentally the other..Bible say that its be better to be alone than a fightinģ spouse.. house should be built with love and trust between two persons . When it is been violating then divorce is a peaceful way for living.
Hi pastor Jimmy. Since I got married my husabnd has spoken mean to me and has been harsh n very defensive and he speaks to me with contempt n hostility. He critisizes me for everything I do. He can't seem to be nice or kind and I jist feel I can't take it anymore from him. What is the matter with him. He goes church he hears the word of God and prays yet he still speaks to me how he does n treats me bad when he pleases. What is the matter with him. He calls me pathetic when I feel insecure as to how he is with me. He makes me feel insecure in how he keeps me away from his fsmiky he don't include me and wanders why I feel I can't trust him. He seems all for himself. Nothing I do is enough for him. I can't deal with how he is to me.
What is considered abuse? Is lying abuse? I'm talking about lies that are big lies that affect the family finances, or being deceptive and going behind your spouse's back and making decisions with their parent and excluding their spouse? I mean when is enough enough?
Thank you for the no nonsense, no bull truth! I went through this with a guy after losing my dad. He said he loved me, but would never fully commit and would not put himself under biblical leadership. We were intimate, But I am ever so thankful that I did not have sex with him. Praise Jesus for the strength to refuse!! Thank you for saying, this is a nut shell...if he will not put a ring on your finger and is not willing to walk you down that aisle...you are valuable...if he is not going to do it right and do it God's way, he is not worth the pain and the tears. Let him reject because there will be someone better...no, I am no rushing into another relationship, but when I heal from this one, I'll be ready for the next one...the RIGHT ONE
Not me. Marriage is the most amazing covenant on this earth. It’s only when we become selfish, instead of being selfless is when we run into Trouble. God never intended for us to be selfish.
Anna Banana if that is your attitude and you are single why are you even commenting on what this man is saying. It obviously has nothing to do with you. You are healthy and happy single. Go enjoy your self lady and let the rest of us also be happy and married.
Yes don't live with him, but also never pressure or bug him or get friends or family to work on him and to talk him into marriage or to tell him that if he marries you, he will eventually love you like he loved his first love, don't do that either. A simple saying is also...those convinced against their will, are of the same opinion still.
Hello i’am separate due to choices I’ve made however we been married for 25 yrs she had moved out 2 months ago I don’t know what to do do I move on I’ve tried to talk to her but she tells me there’s nothing to work on I feel the clock is running out.
The clock ran out buddy. Accept it, you admitted fault. So you screwed the pooch by your own admission..why should she waste her time on you? Did you step out on her and cheat or was you just a sucky husband?
Tropical dreams You don’t need friends or family to save yourself from evil. Go to the local farmers market, go online, you can find friends if that’s what you want, just like you found this loser narcissist.. it’s not hard to find ‘people’ it’s hard to lose them.. besides friends don’t always have the best advice so let’s not overrate friendship bc unless they know what a narcissist truly is, they can’t help you anyway. You need to work on your self-worth, your boundaries and your expectations - we all do from time to time. I rather die alone then let someone mentally kill me. I was born alone bc I only need me to survive. Let go of all the bullshit in your head, forgive yourself and leave. There is unfortunately no 2 ways about it... it’s the only way to regain the life God intended for you. There is nothing wrong with being alone, even if only temporarily to get your life together. Just.
Shes right i am on my own truly since 97 98 2008 my family is with jesus i am not married i live because jesus not to please man its true walk away run move to another area in city to get away from man you dont need a man look to jesus he knows and when man finds you in time it will from jesus the fruit of spirit for your own sanity you are more value than you think you are you dont deserve the mental and emtional trauma let it all go
all 10 of these issues are present in my marriage. I made a decision a few years ago to be committed to Christ changing me and I have allowed the Holy Spirit to work on me. However I am not sure when enough is enough and I am seeking the Lord in that respect, as he is volatile toward me. I am guilty of number 6 and I have to be careful not to be drawn into the behaviour he uses to bait and switch, so that his bad behaviour is my fault, not his. He is angry, harsh and has given me grounds for Divorce on all 3 offenses. I have to trust God at this point with whether he wants me to move out...
Marriage works when done biblically because ppl who want to please God will not rush to divorce as a result of the bible's instructions. It's not bcuz ppl are happier with each other.
@Darren Krock who are you to claim who is truly chrisitan and who is not? You are not the judge of all people. The bible states that the path is narrow but it does not mean 1% is true to the christian values. I know you haven't been perfect in your life and you need christ to heal your sin as do I.
Hello me and my husband have been together married 7 and a half years we have been going there a lot and need some guidance is there DVDs I can buy or books my husband loves to ready any advice / guidance will be much appreciated god bless
Men don’t marry women because he wants to only be with her, he marries because he doesn’t want another man to have her. Women marry because that’s the only person they see themselves with for the rest of their life. This is why marriage hardly ever works.
No, many women marry because he is the best option she has at the moment she is about to hit the wall, so she secures her meal ticket before her looks fade and the free dinners and dates are about to evaporate.
My husband's parents were married 64 years. He's been married 4 times. In fairness, his 3rd wife of 11 years passed away from cancer. They were married 11 years.
Please pray for me and my wife, because of one thing i go to church for prayer, I want her to be a part of my life. I want everyone to pray for me and my wife to be happy in Jesus name We have a kid, 6 years now because of this she is so disturbed, I can't concentrate in my work, my business is going in loss I want all your prayers to go well in Jesus name
In Living World Lord hear our prayers 🙏🏻 I believe your marriage will be saved. Follow advise from this series. I’m binge watching . I’m learning about myself a lot , my good and not good deeds that I’m correcting. Peace be with you .
Let go of issues keep communication a date night with her prayer for yourself and ego esteem talk to a counselor control you what you do and just love dont point out everything wrong let god show you trust him even though he isnt tangible he sees and knows dont say anything to her just let her do what she needs to do one day at a time as the saying goes you can lead the horse dog cat whatever to water you cant make them drink you can invite her to go you cant make her i learned this my 1st wouldnt come home to help with responsibilitys when i was real sick with pnuemonia in 91 we were buying a house he just walked away nothing i could do my second husband went with someone whom he met internet chat rooms when computers first came out prayed prayed i still go to church i havent given up jesus knows he has my mom my aunt my dad all and any issues i quit trying to please man i please jesus praise jesus i didnt hold a gun to my husbands head and tell him to walk away the first time nor the second time i have kept lines of communication opened i have sanity peace the saying he who kinds me not i find them no one controls anyone just our own selves god will show you wisdom in areas you need to change and dicipline your ownself from a habit or addiction is hard its do able yet hard i find god has humor i live on easy street no car no one really communicates loneliness nothing easy about easy street lol except i live in apartment so no yardwork
Had to ask my husband to leave. He wants yo feel happy he says he’s unhappy. All I want to do is convince him why he should stay. He’s not saved I am I have to let him go. No more fighting. Pray that God gives me financial favor. I’d like to buy a house for my son.
Pastor - I’ve been married to an abusive narcissist for over 50 years. We have nothing in common - he turned his back on God 30+ years ago. Our kids no longer want to come home to visit. I am invisible with little emotional support. What now?
My brother was in a relationship for 14 years. She wanted to get married so they did and 1 year later they separated and she got a divorce and now she's engaged to someone else. My brother just can't move on he doesn't know what happened he thought everything was going good but she didn't.
What is Gods will? Is it 1 coritjians 7:13-17 or is it 2 corithians 6:14-18? I need help. How can thebible contradict its self? Please message back. Please help me. I was raised to believe in Jesus Christ and I have been a christian for years. I just need clarity. Please.
Hi Becki, the Bible doesn't contradict itself, so take heart! We just don't fully understand sometimes. 1 Cor 7 does say 3 important things: 1- v.10-11 Paul says that he has a command that comes from the Lord, not him! If you are married, stay married! 2- v. 12-15 Paul says if they leave, let them go. Again, Paul isn't saying to divorce, but he is saying not to fight with them. Notice, however, that the unbeliever makes the decision to go or stay because of their unbelief. But the believer is called to stay together. 3- v . 39 Paul says that married folks are married till death. He does not say until you get a piece of paper from family court. 2 Cor 6 says to come out from among unbelievers. But that is referring to the ways of the world. If you are married, you are under covenant before God and are NOT called to come out from among your unbelieving spouse. Rather, you love them as Christ loves you and be the hands and feet of Jesus, hopefully bringing them to love Christ as well. I hope this helps.
For years whenever I told him I wanted to do something, business, school he would get pretty mad. He gives me a time frame of what time I should be home, for instance if I want to go shopping, he'll give me 30 minutes. If I'm late I get into trouble..., he hates all my friends and gets uncomfortable when family comes over.. I want to be open all the time but I have become very numb to everything... Any advice
Dumfries Spearhead This is how it manifested in my family. My Pastor husband put his ministry and his reputation above the needs of his wife and his family on a continuous basis. Everyone at the church or in his ministry circle sees him as an awesome evangelist and great guy. Only his wife and kids see and feel the results of his unbalanced priorities and his chronic selfishness. After a period of years of his unwillingness to recognize this and make changes, he damages the hearts of the ones he claims to love, and his children struggle to believe that their Heavenly Father loves them and is on their side. His wife feels like she is invisible, just a prop to make him look good.
Please just pray for my marriage. I love him so much. I believe marriage is sacred and believe we’ll be married until death separates us. It’s so hard right now. I’m struggling - he’s struggling. Please all of you reading.. please pray for Mandy and Cov.
Weve kept our "marriage" together because three sons birthed in a row. Hard when theres a lot to lose. Weve lost all the stuff, dealt with adultry, buried finanicoally, die die die to SELF, pray, But I am tired weary with well doing. I have the JOB marriage. No intimacy in 22 years except maybe 8 smily times. Hate sex now. Feel unimportant. I dont want it anymore and have been searching youtube for "How to have faith in a marriage you dont even want." Its hanging by a thread.
My husband doesn't sit with me and read scriptures from the bible he doesn't do these things thst he should be doing. He shoukd be speaking about God to me he speaks worldly to me
Finally got married after 7 years but my husband is been being very bitter to me and my 2 kids my daughter is 22 and has two kids and my son is 16 but their not his but be bullies us like he gets really jealous to see us happy and he wants all the attention on him only or he complains and fights with us calls us terrible things I don't know if it'll get better I just don't know what to do with him he's never happy and always being mean to me over everything I tried doing so many things for him just so he can love me or see what I do for him but he treats me like I'm just supposed to do everything in don't expect anything in return it's my job I just want to feel like I'm important and for him to respect me as his wife and he says theirs nothing wrong with checking other girls out and tells me I don't let him get away with anything that's of the darkness he's really breaking my heart 💔😭
I am married to my second husband for 27 years, and we have a blended family. I watched these videos consistently and they helped our marriage on so many levels. Thank you.
I was married by my father in-law. He made us go to your marriage work shop. Been happily married will be 20yrs this Nov. God bless💯🙏
I was happily married for 23 years and 9months… then she walked out because she want “happy” all of a sudden.
I wish I was you
@@MinMin-rp5ld awe thank you. God bless.
Congratulations that is an amazing story.. I'm happily married the most beautiful woman and the world. We've been together 20 years but married for 12.. I'm trying to hold on with all I've got to keep our marriage together even though I feel like my wife is pushing me away. I pray an eight years I can come back here and right the same message you have and my wife somehow will fall back in love with me
I've been married for 5 months and your sermons are helping me become a good wife. I got married at 40 and because I've been single for so long, I entered marriage with the mentality of me, myself and I even though we were now one.
I always wanted him to say sorry. I always acted like I was right and he was wrong. And 3 months in the marriage I started asking God if I made a mistake. I started thinking I'd heard wrong from God. But since I started listening to you, I realised :
1. I too make mistakes. Hence, I learned to say sorry too.
2. I had so much pride.
3. I too play a part when we disagree on something
I'm not yet there but I'm slowly transforming. I've realized marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured.
Amen!!!☺ I want to be married one day.. I'm investing now!!
Amen. Stay in the word and get the fellowship with others. I'll pray for you.
@She Knows
Same here. I pray and agree w u 💛 ✨️
Thank you so much for this post. I feel like you are speaking to me. May God help you through your journey
Been married 25yrs, we are doomed according to these 10. I know it’s by MY convictions and relationship with God that has kept us together.
Yes Iam working on myself and I send him the video hope he listened too it
Feel same way. Married 37 years. Husband an unbeliever. We live 2 separate lives in 1 house. Youngest finishing college. Waiting for him to be on his own.He will never do it God’s way. When you don’t have God in Marriage you have nothing.
@@lakishalewis6571 I have done this as well. He doesn't listen to them unless its related to sex and then will take it all out of context. I wish you better luck.
@@svwerner2877 there is definitely a void and I think we both feel it.
I'm married to a narcissist. I feel like my life is being drained from me. I don't know what to do at this point. I feel like I've tried everything.
End the marriage.
I’m trying so hard by just lovingjer even after learning about an affair it’s so awful.. and we have a daughter ...women can be so brutal I’m praying for God miracle as she’s confused by another man and wants to
Leave for him . It’s sad
Leave him. Unfortunately these pastors don’t account for life’s ‘realities’ in their talks. Narcissism is an untreatable mental health disorder that doesn’t get better over time. Your child deserve better. And most of all YOU deserve better and a normal relationship that is mutual and loving. God will reward you for taking care of yourself and you child. You need to leave bc a narcissist will eat you alive and smile at your discomfort and pain. They live to drag ppl down to their level bc they secretly hate themselves and want you to feel equally deflated. If you are one of the woman in this profile picture, get the F out. You can heal first and easily start a new life and love.. All the best to you 💕🕊🕊🕊
While there's life there is hope.
Look up narcissism vs Aspergers. Just to make sure it’s narcissism. Aspergers looks a lot like it, but is slightly more tolerable...because you then know that they have a neurological issue and their intent is not to hurt you usually.
This made me decide to try a little longer before making any final decision on my marriage . To know what God says truly made a difference in my thinking. Thank You 🙏❤
Marriage is a great thing; commitment is a heart issue, not a "ring" issue.
What if you're hearts no longer in it
Prayers going to divorce after 28 yrs my heart is no longer in it hasn't been for a long long time now
@@margaritablankenship4183 Go read the Bible, the permitted grounds for divorce; Note that God hates divorce.
@@famelitech I know this but you've not walking in my shoes it's been a emotionally and mentally a rollercoaster ride for me .
I don't want to end disliking my husband intensely like I did my first husband. This is my second marriage his third my heart is no longer in it.
Feeling very discouraged after watching this profound video. I have only been married for 3 months. I don't know what I am going to do. I love my husband so much but I don't know how we are going to make it. Help us Lord!!! Thank you Pastor Evans. I am extremely blessed from your videos. They help me so much and I don't feel so alone.
It's key that you spend time in the word, consistently. Even if its a few minutes every day. You will be nourished. Also, it's imperative that you are in fellowship with sincere believers. Bible group or church meeting. Imperative. This will encourage you, lift you and expose the enemy. Through your day, call on the Lord. Ohh Lord Jesus!!! I think it's 2 Timothy?? But flee youthful lusts & pursue righteousness. Faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord, out of a pure heart".
Man l can't stop watching Pastor Jimmy. You are filled with Godly wisdom. May the good Lord continue to bless you and your family. We cover you with the blood of Jesus Christ who is able to do Exceedingly Abundantly above all that we ask think or Imagine
Mannn what?! Good is really working through him.
but the most important lesson on life is RELATIONSHIPS!
and Knowing God & Our purpose
G-Maw Carroll Dodd~Amen!
G-Maw Carroll Dodd vv
My email is benjaminbebe545454@gmail.com. I need help with Math
Summary: "10 Warning Signs of Divorce":
(The more of these warning signs that are present in your marriage, the more at-risk you are.)
If he says he loves you but wants to live together instead of getting married, tell him, "Let me tell you something. I'm too valuable. I'm not willing to give myself to ANY man who's not willing to pay the price. And the price is...'You put a ring right there!' (on your 'I'm married' ring finger)." [70% of cohabitation-before-marriage marriages end in divorce.]
1. Lack of pre-marriage preparation (/counseling). Get training. Marriage requires understanding. (Otherwise, you have unrealistic expectations about marriage. Understand the inherent differences in your spouse. Can't change the inherent nature of your spouse.)
2. Coming from a broken home (or having been divorced). [Otherwise, a person will feel more anxiety towards conflict in marriage and react due to fear. Average couples talk, argue, fight. Every time you divorce, your chances of divorce go up.]
3. Cohabiting before marriage. [40%-50% chance of divorce normally; 70% chance of divorce if the couple cohabits before marriage. More abuse. More infidelity. Much greater failure of the relationship. Women live together before marriage, because they want to take the relationship to the next step: marriage. Men cohabit because they get all the benefits of marriage without the commitment.]
4. Weak spiritual foundation. Only God can meet our deepest needs. Our deepest needs are acceptance, identity, security and purpose. All of us have the same "deepest needs". Your spouse can't meet those needs. Only God can. [Otherwise, we transfer the expectation to those closest around us--especially to our spouse.]
5. Poor relational support. We need good examples of those who believe in marriage and who encourage us to work things out. If we have friends who are divorcing or who are committing adultery or who are having marital issues, those aren't the people we should take counsel from when our own marriage is in trouble. The people with whom you associate will corrupt your habits if they have poor morals. Take counsel from those who are having success in their marriages, who have a low opinion of divorce, who encourage you to stay together; and who don't have their own bone to pick with their own spouse (or parent). Don't hate them, but keep them at a distance. Adultery and divorce run in groups (of friends; of family). Make friendships with people who have good value systems.
7. Chronic anger and unresolved conflict: contempt. Be angry (okay), but do not sin (= do not hurt the other). God gets angry. Don't go to bed on anger: get more and more humble the more tired you get at night...to "just be able to sleep". ;-D Have an honest relationship; talk about your feelings.
8. Blame transfer: defensiveness. Not allowing your spouse to complain (believing it's all the other person's fault). Don't transfer the blame. (Adam and Eve did this; original sin.) Rarely is one person all the problem. "What are YOU going to do about YOUR 15%?" Maybe they'll catch on (when you confess your wrongs). God was "all in the right" and STILL came down and redeemed us of our wrongs. Be like Christ.
9. A non-committed, shoppers mentality towards your spouse and marriage: not yet decided to "stop shopping". The shoppers mentality is, "You'd better stay in shape. You'd better watch your attitude. You'd better do the right thing. Otherwise, if a better model comes around, I'm trading you in!" A covenant commitment to marriage says, "You're my final choice. And it will be death that separates us. Not murder (LOL). Death. You're my final choice. It doesn't matter what you/we go through: age, sickness, problems, difficulties. I ended my selection process when I chose you." Man: "I have made a decision that YOU (wife) ARE the MOST beautiful woman in the world. Period! And that will be true when you're 100 years old. You're the choice that I've made." [If there's abuse, abandonment, adultery, then yes...these MUST be addressed, and are three reasons when divorce is justified! But don't USE adultery AS an excuse. Otherwise, the responsibility still lies in the unfaithful spouse's "court".]
10. A non-scriptural, secularized view of marriage and divorce. God made man male and female. Man shall leave his father and mother. (LOL: my little interjection: IF the parents are together still. If the parents are NOT together, then the mother (if abandoned by her husband) is a "widow"; and...James 1:"27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
The twain (husband and wife) shall be one flesh; no longer two. Mark 10:9 "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Moses permitted divorce due to the hardness of the Israelites' hearts; but from the beginning, it was not so.
Marriage is sacred. Marriage is not a piece of paper. It is an act of the Spirit of God. What God has joined, you leave alone. There's no such thing as a clean divorce: you take part of that person with you. Research shows that even 10 (+?) years after a divorce, most ex-spouses are still angry/still have feelings of love. Why? --because they became "one" through God.
thank you
You added words that Jimmy Evans did NOT say in this video.
In #9 above you added " [If there's abuse, abandonment, adultery, then yes...these MUST be addressed, and are three reasons when divorce is justified!" He did not say that.
Pastor Jimmy; what if a couple get married with no love in the first place, how they will find something that never existed?
Many things can force people to get married and we all know that.. For me I thank God every day that I left a bad marriage which took me away from God.. Abuse and unfaithfulness were what my ex has in his life plus the lies and selfishness..
I never regret but instead every time I remember I praise God that I divorced him.
Nicolette Christian Nicolette, did you ever remarry?
Just asking because my sister went through the same as you from her marriage of 6 years and she always wants to remarriage but she's taken care of our Mother. Not taking time to date.
Yes please somebody tell me how to find something that never existed in the first place. What is the remedy for this? I also have an experience like the original commenters but I'm still married. No physical abuse involved.
@@marahaquala1686 He's an unGodly man. You can divorce him. However, the laws of marriage still apply to you. You still can't remarry until your spouse dies.
T M, you completely misunderstood the question.
You get married to someone u don't love, makes you a dummy
Marriage is a life long commitment, you don't wake up in the morning and decide to marry someone. There are things that made you chose her maybe because you're both in love with each other. But when things didn't go well in your marriage, let your happy and sad memories together make you remind that you're love is worth fighting for.
I discovered a good compilation of videos that should help you at Secret fixer blueprint
Not cheating though
If only it were that simple. When you love someone whose self worth depends on diminishing yours, you are in an emotionally destructive marriage. The only way to keep yourself from a physical and emotional/mental breakdown is to leave the marriage. For a woman of faith, this was the most difficult decision I have ever made. The decision took several years to discern and giving many opportunities for reconciliation after being purposely cut emotionally over and over again. I don’t believe it honors God to allow yourself to be destroyed so the “marriage “ doesn’t end. What you are leaving a cover for someone else’s inability to do life without destroying yours.
Lies and Infidelity is a very serious issue to deal with and it’s a major threat to most marriages and relationships.Scars left behind from a narcissist husband is hard to erase from the mind. I was reluctant at first about finding the truth about my cheating husband but I’m glad I finally took the courage for it .I got help from Cyber Hack Solutions as he helped clone my cheating husband’s phone and I got access to all his phone call logs, emails, text messages both deleted texts and also social media chats; whatsApp , Facebook, Instagram without having access to his phone because he is mostly out of town due to the nature of his work and I was able to track his location too, all I provided was his phone number to this wonderful hacker. This was very revealing for me as he’s a serial cheater until I got into his phone and ended things.I’m glad to uncover his, lies, secrets and Infidelity. You can contact this amazing Hacker David via gmail (cyberhack003) or text and call on his phone and WhatsApp : +15303784744
@bravoman maybe she need good medicall help, maybe she was molested?
Pray for my wife and I. She has filled for divorce. I feel like it's mostly my fault. I am dealing with emotional issues and depression. She feels we've done all we could. We are separated. Please just pray for healing in our lives and that God may one day restore our Marriage
It's always the man's fault to be honest. Women usually try all they can until you push them too far.
It’s not right to leave someone when they are sick or struggling… my spouse was sick and depressed too and didn’t have a job for 2 years… I supported us and cared for him even laying his medicine out daily. It is wrong to leave you bc of illness - but you do have a responsibility to try and get help for yourself! For her sake
If a man does not treat his wife right, does not communicate, ignores, and does not value her- I don't want to hear him talk about Christianity.
When a husband rejects his wife, he is rejecting God. I am praying! ❤️🙏🏻
pray for me and my wife we are seperated and she is aiming twards a devorce.she is surrounded by people who don't give good advice and are not supporting her in the right ways,pray that God can reach out to her
I like to pray for you and your wife me and my wife were separated I like to get her back to her pray for you in Jesus name amen
George Schoullis have you fasted? When you’re in sin you will always have people that support you. God said he will never leave you or forsake you. Pray for your wife ask God to cover her with the blood of Jesus. Bless her daily with prayer 🙏🏻. Draw close to God he will draw close to you.
Hope everything worked out
shaeinspires pray for Ralph he refuses to love me .
You're in our prayers. It's a scary time of life to go through. Trust in God. He will bring you peace and comfort.
What words? My ex husband never spoke to me..other than about the weather or the kids..l guess I was just there to do the cooking and cleaning..Nanny...l was so lonely
"Love and Respect" video will explain a lot of this. You can respect someone as long as they are not being abusive long term. Sometimes a person does something unintentionally.. You have to use wisdom to know if it is an ongoing habit or a one time stupid mistake kind of thing. One size does not fit all... Learn the Two Key Ingredients for Successful Relationships with Emerson Eggerichs at ruclips.net/video/388ZduTXiws/видео.html
@@emailjosie39 "Recognizing your son' need for respect" see video part 1 & part 2... ruclips.net/video/W6oW20ics70/видео.html
Lies and Infidelity is a very serious issue to deal with and it’s a major threat to most marriages and relationships.Scars left behind from a narcissist husband is hard to erase from the mind. I was reluctant at first about finding the truth about my cheating husband but I’m glad I finally took the courage for it .I got help from Cyber Hack Solutions as he helped clone my cheating husband’s phone and I got access to all his phone call logs, emails, text messages both deleted texts and also social media chats; whatsApp , Facebook, Instagram without having access to his phone because he is mostly out of town due to the nature of his work and I was able to track his location too, all I provided was his phone number to this wonderful hacker. This was very revealing for me as he’s a serial cheater until I got into his phone and ended things.I’m glad to uncover his, lies, secrets and Infidelity. You can contact this amazing Hacker David via gmail (cyberhack003) or text and call on his phone and WhatsApp : +15303784744
Oh my goodness!!!!!! This is me!!!!!! Except I am nanny, cook, maid and also half bread winner, all I get is "you need to make more money, I make more than you" and then of course the only texts I get are "this bill is due, this is our balance, when's Tommy's game, what's for dinner tonight?" Weekends I am in bedroom reading while he's in the garage drinking and listening to music, I am so lonely I actually have gotten in the habit of talking to myself and saying "I love you" to myself.
@@stephanieduncan9023 : May I know, how much you paid for the hacker? 😬 expensive?
I came from a broken home. I lived with my spouse for 3 years before we were married. We will celebrate 37 years of marriage this month. Cannot just throw out generalities for everyone
It's not a generality and should not be taken personally. You are an exception to the rule. Statistics aka math proves kids from broken homes fair worse in relationships. Doesn't not mean ALL will, but MOST will repeat the cycle.
*Lack of marriage preparation*
*Coming from a broken home or having been divorced*
*Cohabiting before the marriage*
*Weak spiritual fundation*
*Poor relationship support. Corinthians 15*
*The power of death and life starts in your mouth. Proverb 18*
*Chronic criticism and anger* Can complain but don’t criticize *
*Blame transfer*
- Peter 1-3
If you don’t allow the right to complain it means that you think it is all the spouse’s problem.
*Non-committed shoppers attitude*
*Non scripture secularized view of marriage*
@Deb Harris you have to twist a bit....
People use all kind of different analogies from Bible verse we must not fall into love as we grow into love as we grow into God's grace we should be putting down seeds for growth deep roots are what we need for a solid foundation this video showed me about living in legalism even Jesus told his disciples if they don't receive the message to dust off your feet and go to another house God did not put marriage together He presented Eve to Adam so a lot of things we have learned or are being taught is twisted about marriage. Many people are living in a marriage that they claim God put together because that was instituted in the covenant marriage My question is God put marriage together why are couples living in Hell
@@joycelynnorth7960 The bible never said that life will be without trials. If you are on earth for earthly happiness, check your bible again. Even Paul said getting married will be tough on people. What you wrote in your comment about the institution of marriage has nothing to do with what Jesus said about it.
Profound! Every couple should learn these truths before marriage.
As a Muslim. My values amd beliefs are almost 100% matching here
Please seek Jesus Christ for you and your family's sake. Ask God to reveal Himself to you in a dream
I have half of these risk factors, mostly due to family upbringing. Working hard to change that. Thank you :)
You have to have a healthy sense of self esteem on your own first as well.
How about failure of the husband to exert spiritual leadership and to fulfill the physical needs of his wife.
***** Well then he should divorce her I guess.
***** If he could have done that, he probably woudn't have got married in the first place.
If there's a problem in the marriage, he's dropping the ball somewhere. And that's why men like you just say "oh, she's a nag", because somewhere, you're not doing what you should do.
That may be true but all I wanted was what is expected in a marriage by the husband, affection, "I love you", kissing, handholding, sex maybe once a month or so? When that is withhold the woman starts to feel bitter and that she is married for nothing. He may be happy with no sex/affection but that isn't fair for her, and he is SUPPOSED TO BE providing that in a marriage. See what Paul said in 1 Corinthian 7
CL Rbg
so what happend did you get out..10 monthes later ?
i'm about to get a divorce from a narcissis asexual not sure this is a marriage ?
we have intimacy only 5 time's a year, he told me sex is not his priority and l need to find something else to do..!!! don't see why he rejected even my kisses, cuddling. total rejection of my love.
l couldn't do it any more pretend l have a marriage.
My husband won’t forgive me because last year my father died, I got depressed and my husband says he felt ignored ( he didn’t tell me at the time ) and neglected.
I slept a lot, between work and grieving I was just trying to survive. I’m doing much better now with the loss of my father but now my husband is threatening to leave me. He has took his ring off. I’ve begged and pleaded but he just says he needs time. Then proceeds to just ignore me.
He’s also upset because most of last year we slept in separate beds because I can’t sleep with him snoring.
That’s the other things he’s upset about. So he ignores me , doesn’t text or call me anymore. Plays on his video game instead of trying to fix our marriage with me.
I told him when this whole issues was finally brought to my attention last month that we could start sleeping in same bed right away, because I had no idea he was thinking of leaving me for it. He tells me I don’t have the right to decide when we sleep in same bed cause when he wanted to I said no cause I need my sleep. That was before I found out how much resentment he had boiling for me.
Bless over him and I. Help him soften his heart and forgive me and learn to speak up if something is bothering him.
Help me by giving me the patience to wait and see if he ever comes back around. This has been so painful, losing my dad then my husband so upset with me he barely talks to me. Give me the strength to keep my head up high.
I know you’re listening God. I know your there but your trying to teach him and I a lesson.
Thank you , for all the blessings you’ve given my family , the ones we’ve seen and the ones behind the scenes. Amen
How is everything? I am in a similar situation. I have a thyroid disease and my husband slept in the living room with our boys most of the time because I needed rest. We tried to get them to sleep alone but then we got tired it was hard work. We didn’t sleep in the same bed most of the time. He feels like I didn’t love him and respected him or appreciated him. I love him but I was suffering too for past actions and also was numb from my disease and being overworked. He now wants a divorce and I don’t, I will drop absolutely everything for him and to make it work. I been watching everything I can to help me learn to be a godly wife
Marriage after adultery is one of the most difficult to repair. I’m on the verge of divorce. He has never taken FULL accountability for his infidelity he blame shifts which is a narcissistic behavior. Whenever we talk about what took place he put me in the mix and shift the blame over to me. I’m tired of the mental abuse that constantly takes place in this marriage. I should’ve left along time ago when I found out what he did. But I decided to stay and it’s been three years of pure hell on earth with no peace. Jesus says above all seek peace and to run from fornication. I think it’s time that I go.
We are so sorry to hear of what you are facing. Please do not hesitate to visit xomarriage.com and the "Marriage Help" for more available help.
So sorry to hear this darling.
I can relate to this 100 % I draw to to God
Does he want to change or has he corrected the behaviors?
Go to David Clarke on marriage.....esp narcissistic behavior.....he says......run!!!!
he only married me because his mother says so.. he's a Mama's boy and it's like he and his Mama are the husband and wife....
I have the same issue too that I ended up doing something not imaginable that we are divorcing right now. It's a very hard thing to have to endure. I wish you all the best
Scouthide eww thats like my daughters dad now. He wants to get married but i think ill pass.
Same thing tore my marriage apart. Relationships like this toxicity leaves traumatic issues for the victims. I'm getting help. I'm a Victor now. Narcissisic
Dealing with same. It's narcissistic and there is no cure.
I am in the same situation for 21 years to an unbeliever husband
I have learn so much from you my brother and sister....that there is hope for my marriage...
I don’t understand adultery is excused but emotional and physical abused is not .
Look for a guy called Daddy freeze from Nigeria and listen to his talks. He can be controversial atimes but listen and get an explanation to your questions... God's word is not dumb! He has addressed it.
He said adultery, abuse, and abandonment are reasons for divorce.
Anything that isnt of jesus remember the fruits of the spirit abuse abandonment nothing like that resembles the fruits of the spirit which are patient peace long suffering love etc its ok to liberate yourself from that i am doing that in september my sanity and true peace to come and go and not be put down is much more meaning full and i can only please jesus
As far as I know it is excused. No sane pastors or ministers will count it against you.
In my case, even her parents didn't encourage her to seek help and solve things, they said to her "we will support you no matter what", sad. While we were separated and things were bad, her mother instead of not adding to the fire, she kept making problems and made things worst. May God forgive them for what they did to our family. 16 years and 3 kids.
Expect sinners to sin. What was your part in this?
All too common. The best thing Godly in-laws can do is ask for both sides of the story when issues arise. They have the power to help heal or destroy their son or daughter's marriage. The natural tendency is to believe the story of their child without question. To try and protect their child, not the marriage. But that's an emotional decision, not logical. If the marriage fails, their child will be emotionally damaged ongoing. But even many Christian in-laws fall into this trap.
My 29 year marriage is ending because my husband says he no longer loves me or his three boys . Our heart is broken he also says he no longer believes in god . Now I find out another woman is involved . He has now left and we don’t know where he is . I believe everything u said in the video but at this point there is no where else to go . Hopeless and heartbroken .
Lisa Smith he WILL regret it one day, if not in this life than in the next. God will take care of you and your 3 boys, have faith. Sending prayers and good wishes your way.
Lisa Smith this your husband needs Christ cus he has become senseless.
lady Jay AMEN 🙏
he sounds like a coward and a psychopath. Men abandon their children who cant stand up to the plate and be responsible. I understand and am with u in so many ways dearie. I know how this feels worst than a death. You will survive. Some men just can’t ...ugh I’m so sorry for this
Bishop T.D. Jakes has a message on when you’re broken hearted so type this in your browser on utube and listen to his message I know it will soothe your broken heart.
Great advice! And I like the way he gives a speech so much!
Thank you Pastor Jimmy God bless you always!!!!!!
God bless you immensely. I've been greatly blessed by your ministry.
11:41 What do you do with a person who hates praise, encouragement or compliments?
Thank you, so much Jimmy! I really appreciate your advice and words! I really needed to hear this today!
Pray for my husband and me. This is his second marriage and he behaved the same way with his first wife-cold, distant, controlling, rigid and had years of separation. He was a Christian deacon, now he rejects God and lives by his own rules. He is very difficult to be around because he's argumentative, negative, and feels he's right and everyone's wrong.
I got a divorce November 10, 2016 and I hate to say this, but I have peace.
Wow...I hate to hear that but it is understandable. Peace is priceless
Sorry to hear praying for you.
why you married a divorced man? Please read your bible and repent and let him be reconciled with his wife.
you need reconciliation and pray for your spouse
Not everyone is meant for marriage; some people have the gift of singleness.
Never seen your channel be4 but I have the utmost respect for you and Iam fan .God bless you and your ministry. Thanks a million
looking forward to the simulcast tonight at my church and looking to learn a lot so please bring it..
I really love Jimmy Evans and Karen Evans they expired me too didn't have more Godly marriage in our marriage but my sister-in-law got divorced and I wish I could help them to get through it especially with my nieces are involved and my father wasn't there for me and now their father is was there for them I don't wath my pass to be there furniture pray for them
Wonderful, Wonderful. These teachings means a whole lot to me.
thanks your are a great counselor 😇🤗🕊🕊🕊
1. 1:06 lack of premarriage prep 2. 2:11 coming from broken home or being divorced before 3. 3:15 Cohabiting before marriage
5:36 4. Weak spiritual foundation 6:34 5. Poor relational support 8:24 6. Chronic criticism and negativity 11:57 7. Chronic Anger / unresolved conflict 13:37 8. Blame transfer 15:12 9. Non committed Shoppers mentality 16:48 10. Non scriptural secular view of marriage and divorce
Hi there please pray for my marriage my spouse keeps throwing my mistakes at me and this breaks
me down
My spouse allows my parents inlaw to scream at me and then does not defend me at all is this my fault that im struggling to open up to my spouse in the bedroom. I never get a chance to speak how do we carry on if it constantly hurts...how should I be a good spouse parent and person towards every1
Just love pray and know you arent pleasing the man or his family keep doing what you know is acceptable in jesus eyes please jesus your his servant god sees hears i know been through it 2 i let it all go the issues i can only please jesus not the man
don´t know how many times I watched his videos-
still love doing so
god bless!
Great message!!
1 Corinthians 15-17 my wife says that this is god telling her that divorce is ok I have prayed for her and we have 3 kids I don't want to get a divorce but she does just pray for me because it hurts to know someone that u want to love and be with does not feel the same way
www.rejoiceministries.org/charlyne-cares-daily-devotional/.. keep praying . let that encourage you please.. DO not give up on your wife its not her talking but the devil whose mission is to lie,kill and destroy..
Christopher Molten. I am going threw the same thing.its hard on kids.I pray for you my brother.
I feel this message come on time. I have alot of problems with my husband. He doesnt accept christ in his life and i feel unable to go on. Its difficult. I feel am fighting for our marriage but he just doesnt care. I pray for God to help him but honestly i feel hopeless. I know we will get divorced.
daelyn camal never be negative if you marry an unbeliever you can't divorce you do your part as the wife to respect him then pray he comes to know God. God bless you.
you just keep on praying for the bible says that your godly ways will bring him the feet of jesus
WRONG . I was taught that my whole life . You can divorce in certain situations .Please watch this message ruclips.net/video/CaEfKhmriI4/видео.html
I pray for your marriage be reconciled in Jesus name amen please pray for mine as well
Thank you so much.. divorce is necessary when the spouse is cheating and torture physically and mentally the other..Bible say that its be better to be alone than a fightinģ spouse.. house should be built with love and trust between two persons . When it is been violating then divorce is a peaceful way for living.
Hi pastor Jimmy. Since I got married my husabnd has spoken mean to me and has been harsh n very defensive and he speaks to me with contempt n hostility. He critisizes me for everything I do. He can't seem to be nice or kind and I jist feel I can't take it anymore from him. What is the matter with him. He goes church he hears the word of God and prays yet he still speaks to me how he does n treats me bad when he pleases. What is the matter with him. He calls me pathetic when I feel insecure as to how he is with me. He makes me feel insecure in how he keeps me away from his fsmiky he don't include me and wanders why I feel I can't trust him. He seems all for himself. Nothing I do is enough for him. I can't deal with how he is to me.
Rejection and abandonment are awful
emotional strongholds in ministry. Seeking help and sound consulting in silence.
Thank you so much. This is what I needed!
+Karick Ronan Ikr
We attended a simulcast in our local church and loved it. I follow them on Facebook as well and I encourage others to follow.
💯no point in staying in a marriage which is suffocating and killing. Relationship means happiness
What is considered abuse? Is lying abuse? I'm talking about lies that are big lies that affect the family finances, or being deceptive and going behind your spouse's back and making decisions with their parent and excluding their spouse? I mean when is enough enough?
Thank you for sharing your message Pastor!!!🔩
God bless your soul! I actually took notes on this video thank you so much!
Thank you for the no nonsense, no bull truth! I went through this with a guy after losing my dad. He said he loved me, but would never fully commit and would not put himself under biblical leadership. We were intimate, But I am ever so thankful that I did not have sex with him. Praise Jesus for the strength to refuse!! Thank you for saying, this is a nut shell...if he will not put a ring on your finger and is not willing to walk you down that aisle...you are valuable...if he is not going to do it right and do it God's way, he is not worth the pain and the tears. Let him reject because there will be someone better...no, I am no rushing into another relationship, but when I heal from this one, I'll be ready for the next one...the RIGHT ONE
I prefer be single healthy and happy
Anna Banana yep
Not me. Marriage is the most amazing covenant on this earth. It’s only when we become selfish, instead of being selfless is when we run into
Trouble. God never intended for us to be selfish.
I wish I’d never married.
Anna Banana spoken like a true Narcissist
Anna Banana if that is your attitude and you are single why are you even commenting on what this man is saying. It obviously has nothing to do with you. You are healthy and happy single. Go enjoy your self lady and let the rest of us also be happy and married.
Yes don't live with him, but also never pressure or bug him or get friends or family to work on him and to talk him into marriage or to tell him that if he marries you, he will eventually love you like he loved his first love, don't do that either. A simple saying is also...those convinced against their will, are of the same opinion still.
Powerful information. God is holy.
Thank you for this !
I appreciated the teaching! If God provide the need i would love to get the book.
Thanks pr Jimmy. I have learned Alot from you teaching
Hello i’am separate due to choices I’ve made however we been married for 25 yrs she had moved out 2 months ago I don’t know what to do do I move on I’ve tried to talk to her but she tells me there’s nothing to work on I feel the clock is running out.
The clock ran out buddy. Accept it, you admitted fault. So you screwed the pooch by your own admission..why should she waste her time on you? Did you step out on her and cheat or was you just a sucky husband?
Most church led premarital counseling is worthless. Mine sure was.
what about narcissistic sociopath husband or wife ...
Anna Banana@ Leave him. Narcissism is untreatable and will only eat you alive.
@@curiousmind6472 easier said than done, what if you have no friends, no family then what?
Tropical dreams You don’t need friends or family to save yourself from evil. Go to the local farmers market, go online, you can find friends if that’s what you want, just like you found this loser narcissist.. it’s not hard to find ‘people’ it’s hard to lose them.. besides friends don’t always have the best advice so let’s not overrate friendship bc unless they know what a narcissist truly is, they can’t help you anyway. You need to work on your self-worth, your boundaries and your expectations - we all do from time to time. I rather die alone then let someone mentally kill me. I was born alone bc I only need me to survive. Let go of all the bullshit in your head, forgive yourself and leave. There is unfortunately no 2 ways about it... it’s the only way to regain the life God intended for you. There is nothing wrong with being alone, even if only temporarily to get your life together. Just.
Shes right i am on my own truly since 97 98 2008 my family is with jesus i am not married i live because jesus not to please man its true walk away run move to another area in city to get away from man you dont need a man look to jesus he knows and when man finds you in time it will from jesus the fruit of spirit for your own sanity you are more value than you think you are you dont deserve the mental and emtional trauma let it all go
Narcissist don’t change,they are truly mentally ill.They’re destructive to themselves and they will try to destroy you as well.
all 10 of these issues are present in my marriage. I made a decision a few years ago to be committed to Christ changing me and I have allowed the Holy Spirit to work on me. However I am not sure when enough is enough and I am seeking the Lord in that respect, as he is volatile toward me. I am guilty of number 6 and I have to be careful not to be drawn into the behaviour he uses to bait and switch, so that his bad behaviour is my fault, not his. He is angry, harsh and has given me grounds for Divorce on all 3 offenses. I have to trust God at this point with whether he wants me to move out...
This has help me a lot, my marriage is at the lock bottom an my husband threatened with divorce. i waiting for the paperwork. Pray for me
Praying for you
Marriage works when done biblically because ppl who want to please God will not rush to divorce as a result of the bible's instructions. It's not bcuz ppl are happier with each other.
@Darren Krock thats a false percentage.
@Darren Krock who are you to claim who is truly chrisitan and who is not? You are not the judge of all people. The bible states that the path is narrow but it does not mean 1% is true to the christian values. I know you haven't been perfect in your life and you need christ to heal your sin as do I.
I married a Narssis Personal disorder unfortunately he divorce but I'm still praying for restoration. Pastor please help me ?
Hello me and my husband have been together married 7 and a half years we have been going there a lot and need some guidance is there DVDs I can buy or books my husband loves to ready any advice / guidance will be much appreciated god bless
Ex husband called me bad names that I didn't know what they meant.I had to ask someone.
Men don’t marry women because he wants to only be with her, he marries because he doesn’t want another man to have her. Women marry because that’s the only person they see themselves with for the rest of their life. This is why marriage hardly ever works.
Oh man! 🛎🛎🛎
I agree
No, many women marry because he is the best option she has at the moment she is about to hit the wall, so she secures her meal ticket before her looks fade and the free dinners and dates are about to evaporate.
So you speak for all men do you? I think not. Very shallow to say the least.
this is a load of lies.
Thank you!
Marriage and divorce put a ring so I get everything u have lol
My husband's parents were married 64 years. He's been married 4 times. In fairness, his 3rd wife of 11 years passed away from cancer. They were married 11 years.
Please pray for me and my wife, because of one thing i go to church for prayer, I want her to be a part of my life. I want everyone to pray for me and my wife to be happy in Jesus name
We have a kid, 6 years now because of this she is so disturbed, I can't concentrate in my work, my business is going in loss
I want all your prayers to go well in Jesus name
In Living World
Lord hear our prayers 🙏🏻
I believe your marriage will be saved.
Follow advise from this series. I’m binge watching . I’m learning about myself a lot , my good and not good deeds that I’m correcting.
Peace be with you .
I like to pray for you and your wife and your marriage in Jesus name I need prayer for my wife and me to thank you God bless
Let go of issues keep communication a date night with her prayer for yourself and ego esteem talk to a counselor control you what you do and just love dont point out everything wrong let god show you trust him even though he isnt tangible he sees and knows dont say anything to her just let her do what she needs to do one day at a time as the saying goes you can lead the horse dog cat whatever to water you cant make them drink you can invite her to go you cant make her i learned this my 1st wouldnt come home to help with responsibilitys when i was real sick with pnuemonia in 91 we were buying a house he just walked away nothing i could do my second husband went with someone whom he met internet chat rooms when computers first came out prayed prayed i still go to church i havent given up jesus knows he has my mom my aunt my dad all and any issues i quit trying to please man i please jesus praise jesus i didnt hold a gun to my husbands head and tell him to walk away the first time nor the second time i have kept lines of communication opened i have sanity peace the saying he who kinds me not i find them no one controls anyone just our own selves god will show you wisdom in areas you need to change and dicipline your ownself from a habit or addiction is hard its do able yet hard i find god has humor i live on easy street no car no one really communicates loneliness nothing easy about easy street lol except i live in apartment so no yardwork
very powerful
God bless u brother. It was a wonderful message..yes gods word is stable
Had to ask my husband to leave. He wants yo feel happy he says he’s unhappy. All I want to do is convince him why he should stay. He’s not saved I am I have to let him go. No more fighting. Pray that God gives me financial favor. I’d like to buy a house for my son.
Jet you’re son buy his own home . Unless you are rich
worth watching
Pastor - I’ve been married to an abusive narcissist for over 50 years.
We have nothing in common - he turned his back on God 30+ years ago. Our kids no longer want to come home to visit. I am invisible with little emotional support.
What now?
Amazing messages , tnx 💕💕💕💖💕💕💕💕👑
My brother was in a relationship for 14 years. She wanted to get married so they did and 1 year later they separated and she got a divorce and now she's engaged to someone else. My brother just can't move on he doesn't know what happened he thought everything was going good but she didn't.
I really needed this
What is Gods will? Is it 1 coritjians 7:13-17 or is it 2 corithians 6:14-18? I need help. How can thebible contradict its self? Please message back. Please help me. I was raised to believe in Jesus Christ and I have been a christian for years. I just need clarity. Please.
Hi Becki, the Bible doesn't contradict itself, so take heart! We just don't fully understand sometimes.
1 Cor 7 does say 3 important things:
1- v.10-11 Paul says that he has a command that comes from the Lord, not him! If you are married, stay married!
2- v. 12-15 Paul says if they leave, let them go. Again, Paul isn't saying to divorce, but he is saying not to fight with them. Notice, however, that the unbeliever makes the decision to go or stay because of their unbelief. But the believer is called to stay together.
3- v . 39 Paul says that married folks are married till death. He does not say until you get a piece of paper from family court.
2 Cor 6 says to come out from among unbelievers. But that is referring to the ways of the world. If you are married, you are under covenant before God and are NOT called to come out from among your unbelieving spouse. Rather, you love them as Christ loves you and be the hands and feet of Jesus, hopefully bringing them to love Christ as well.
I hope this helps.
For years whenever I told him I wanted to do something, business, school he would get pretty mad. He gives me a time frame of what time I should be home, for instance if I want to go shopping, he'll give me 30 minutes. If I'm late I get into trouble..., he hates all my friends and gets uncomfortable when family comes over.. I want to be open all the time but I have become very numb to everything... Any advice
Sounds abusive n unjust my sister...
Some spouses are so spiritually minded that their no earthly good to their spouse
this is so true
Interesting. How does this manifest itself?
I didnt stay in a spirit filled church i do from time to time i am a servant at the baptist i can only please god he will bless as he sees fit
Dumfries Spearhead
This is how it manifested in my family.
My Pastor husband put his ministry and his reputation above the needs of his wife and his family on a continuous basis. Everyone at the church or in his ministry circle sees him as an awesome evangelist and great guy. Only his wife and kids see and feel the results of his unbalanced priorities and his chronic selfishness. After a period of years of his unwillingness to recognize this and make changes, he damages the hearts of the ones he claims to love, and his children struggle to believe that their Heavenly Father loves them and is on their side. His wife feels like she is invisible, just a prop to make him look good.
J Lau
When you are dealing with a narcissist, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. This is someone with a “Jekyl and Hyde” personality.
Please just pray for my marriage. I love him so much.
I believe marriage is sacred and believe we’ll be married until death separates us. It’s so hard right now. I’m struggling - he’s struggling.
Please all of you reading.. please pray for Mandy and Cov.
Weve kept our "marriage" together because three sons birthed in a row. Hard when theres a lot to lose. Weve lost all the stuff, dealt with adultry, buried finanicoally, die die die to SELF, pray, But I am tired weary with well doing. I have the JOB marriage. No intimacy in 22 years except maybe 8 smily times. Hate sex now. Feel unimportant. I dont want it anymore and have been searching youtube for "How to have faith in a marriage you dont even want." Its hanging by a thread.
MELANIE EVANS can relate sis
I love jimmy evans.
My husband doesn't sit with me and read scriptures from the bible he doesn't do these things thst he should be doing. He shoukd be speaking about God to me he speaks worldly to me
My marriage will succeed in the name of Jesus.
Finally got married after 7 years but my husband is been being very bitter to me and my 2 kids my daughter is 22 and has two kids and my son is 16 but their not his but be bullies us like he gets really jealous to see us happy and he wants all the attention on him only or he complains and fights with us calls us terrible things I don't know if it'll get better I just don't know what to do with him he's never happy and always being mean to me over everything I tried doing so many things for him just so he can love me or see what I do for him but he treats me like I'm just supposed to do everything in don't expect anything in return it's my job I just want to feel like I'm important and for him to respect me as his wife and he says theirs nothing wrong with checking other girls out and tells me I don't let him get away with anything that's of the darkness he's really breaking my heart 💔😭
You definitely provided the right information 🙏🏽
I thought sexual immorality was the only reason the Bible gives for divorce. Where can the other reasons be found in the good book?
Blessings, love and prayers from Pakistan