Is there an example of the Q15 ever admitting they were wrong? Per Elder Oaks, the church does not seek for nor give apologies. To apologize would be admitting there was a wrong that needs a correction.
@@cboyack Will be interesting. To be wrong is human of course. However to be wrong is also a problem when members are expected to follow everything. People compensate for this by saying they can be wrong, but just in little things which frankly doesn't make any sense. Historically a lot of good people have been wrong about very large things.
When someone or a group of leaders who teach humility yet can't muster the courage to say they were wrong on something of significance, anything, raises a red flag for me.
@@Designer-Brandon This is very true. In the church we should be more open and honest about things. Testimony meetings should be much more genuine. However we instead speak about general concepts and are rarely very vulnerable. The leader though probably feel like they can't be very open because they know people have put them on a pedestal.
Living in such a diligent and faithful way such that we don't grieve the spirit of the Holy Ghost for our guide is the most powerful way to have "eyes that see clearly and discern between truth and error".
Omgosh. Thank you so much. I say this all the time to everyone, including myself. I’ve sent this to many. Thank you for your clarity. I’m so grateful for your support of truth! It’s awesome to seek it and not fear it. Adjustment in growth is why we are here so that eventually we can see clearly.
that's because most of us are cowards, as we witnessed with the stolen 2020 presidential election. Now, the price for that cowardice is bankrupting us all, and not just financially.
Awesome summation of tips to help us use the gifts from Christ to help us discern truth from error. Thanks Conner for such clarity on this important subject. Loved it!!
Great presentation. Great logical reasoning. I have claimed as a teacher in the church that the most important skill we have to develop is to distinguish between and error. There can be no value in embracing a falsehood.
I learned to discern Truth as a 16 year old high school junior in George Hewitt's debate class. He taught us how to Flow Chart arguments and counter arguments. Lies, fake claims, deceptions, convolutions, false flags, nonsense, hollow rhetoric is all exposed by the Flow Chart.
Very well done Conor! Thanks for the tips on seeking truth. There is no short cut to truth, it requires personal study, time, and patience. Can’t wait to get your book!
Another tip: Look for those who tell you to do your own research, who exhort you to find the truth for yourself, who design things in an open-source manner, etc. Such people can't be trusted blindly, of course (especially when they're imploring you to *not* trust them blindly), but they typically deserve at least a moment or two of consideration. If they're confident enough in what they're saying that they ask you to find out for yourself, then they'll presumably be fine with you arriving at a different conclusion than they did. They may even be willing to admit their mistake and change their mind when you compare notes, thus demonstrating they're a truth-teller in yet another way.
The people you refer to are some of the only ones who will change they're mind. Have you asked yourself why that is true? There is a reason, and it probably has to with freedom, and not being a mind slave
The way you’ve described the news media/government also describes the lds church institution and its top leadership. Once eyes are opened to truths, you can’t unsee them. Then comes the next step, what does one do about it? Like you said, we accept the truth and make the necessary changes needed to move forward.
Excellent. Unrelated tech question: what are you using to generate your scripture quotes? Is there a scripture app or other resource you’re using, looks so nice and clean to read. Would love to know. Thanks!
A prophet/seer/revelator is not, - *NOT* - a jedi knight. We must be very careful (and the Brethren must likewise be careful --something they fail to do on occasion) about shaping the expectations of members and non-members about what it means to be called as a Prophet. General Authorities are prone to often make mistakes on very important issues, which should surprise no one. These guys are human. They can misjudge the character & integrity of close assistants, they can be lied to, they can be tricked & fooled into doing saying things not beneficial to the restoration. However, they are the chosen. By small & simple means have great things been brought (and will yet be brought) to pass. These hard working Brethren certainly qualify as small & simple, and I don't resent them for it one bit. They are doing their best and I love them for making the effort. Those who do not believe in the necessity of modern prophets, I invite them to take a walk down the street. They are sure to find a fashionable church with nice people who are happy to mingle woke philosophy with scripture.
Great points, especially discernment. Could I add these. 1. Are they popular or beloved? this is a sign to be careful. For example, look at the quantity of subscribers on Yu T. The higher the popularity the less likely you find truth. 2. Do they tell you truth that you are looking for and then add in error subtly. 3. Are they trying to make money off their truth. Truth freely gotten should be freely shared. 4. How do they handle comments from subscribers or listeners, both positive and negative. 5. Look at how those in history have fared who tell the truth, think Lehi, Jeremiah, Abinadi, Samuel the Lamanite, Alma, the Savior, John the Baptist and so on.
I would be interested to see an example of when you erred and then corrected yourself as openly as the error was originally presented. I'm not suggesting that you have no such example, I'd just like to see one or more. Thanks. Great musing today!
huge difference between critical thinking and criticism is with intent to undermine. in my opinion it is ungodly to censor or out-permit the QUEST(ion) for truth. the “fall in line” tradition without questioning is ungodly because God is all about finding truth.
Connor, your muse on emergency preparedness, food storage, etc , was. in my opinion the most important temporal preparedness topic right now. Unveiling the nature of the spiritual war is, in my opinion, is the most important topic for our spiritual preparedness right now . However, helping people understand that Satan puts thoughts and feelings in your mind every day to manipulate you into thinking in a way that will further his agenda is what people need to know to defend themselves. President Kimball's talk about the constant war with Satan in his mind after he was ordained a prophet, which was so fierce it caused him sleepless nights, is an example that should be given. Literally your thoughts are not your thoughts, they are the thoughts of others, who have been persuaded by God or Satan or both, almost assuredly both, which we accept as our thoughts. The very propagandist media machine you spoke of have no idea they have taken on the agenda of Satan, or some of them would not hold their views. A political book on Mind Games. Okay. Important! A Spiritual Book on mind games. More important!!!!!!! I have noticed that when all hell is breaking loose something important is about to happen. People need to know that. I have noticed that when friction is building up between you and another person that person is going to give you important information from God. People need to know that. I have noticed that Satan attacks the spirits that were most in his face against him in the war in heaven from their childhood, to mess them up so spiritually, and mentally that they have a hard time succeeding here on earth, or fighting him on earth, that commit serious sin as a result of abuse. People need to know that. Write the Book!!!!!!!
@rickstuart7641 Even though he was fired from CNN and Fox precisely because he wasn't part of "the club" enough, so he had to create his own network? I'm no fan of Glenn Beck (I used to be, and I don't hate him now, but his style is a little too sensational for my tastes), but I don't think he's part of the same problem as the mainstream news and commentators. I could be wrong, though, so I hold this opinion very loosely.
1. Individual voices over institutional voices. 2. Non tribal. Willing to criticize both sides. 3. Humble and apologetic. Rely on the Holy Ghost. No source is 💯 truthful/accurate all the time.
Im going to out on what I consider a fairly thick limb here, in support of you in what you mentioned with people hoping you were less critical and towing the traditionalist mormon line, so to speak. Compare that with what you said about sports or any competitive rivals, news and the like, where they cheer only for the home team and are only critical of the opponent. ...with this being so common and wide spread as a part of our natures, it would be best to look at that personality attribute for what it really is- the arm of flesh, the natural man, human nature, a pack-like animalistic trait of sorts that needs to be first seen for what it is, weeded out, overcome, and subdued by the spirit. This is a natural man, enemy to God type of behavior. We should be righteously critical. Any one who thinks otherwise knows not who Christ is, they never knew Him. His whole message is opposing the world and is the very same qualities that guided our first 3 prophets. They understood that mixing the unrighteous into the righteous makes no sense. They lived as to expell all unrighteousness and the unrighteous themselves far far away. They did not lure them in with flacid cords hoping to change their ways, they understood that mixing in the wild fruit into the tree would only eventually result in all sorts and varieties of wild fruit to overcome the good. And yes, i said flacid cords! "Oh please come on in, you outwardly sexually perverted person! Please sit, hang out with our kids. Surely we'll be a stronger influence than your loudness. You arent living in a way that invites the Spirit to have any room in you, so obviously youll feel it as we pretend all is well....." sorry, got lost on a tangent there. My bad. I love our Church. Its the best weve got available at this time. I believe our leaders are doing their best. However, and this really is my only criticism; God has always called the unlearned for a very important reason- they actually listen, they dont rely on their own wisdom or all the programming the public schools and accredited colleges have pumped into them. Yet, most all of our general authorities are both life long friends sctatching eachothers backs, bachelor's, masters, phd, doctors, professors, all with ample knowledge that they dont really need as much guidance from God as others might. In my estimation, that life long disciplined programing of following the status quo leaves little room to make waves beyond a skipping stone ripple. Heres what it all boils down to in my opinion- if Joseph Smith came back today and took back his place as President, would he make any changes? Or would things just trudge along without notice?
@@FleeingBabylon-Now I am so ready for the next phase of God's work. I am not saying it is going to be easy. However the life of Babylon is wearing me out.
@@Telavian Is that not the truth!!! Best comment yet. Have you gone down the rabbit hole that shapes everything? The worlds oldest and largest religion that predates the Savior. "Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet"
26 And he beheld Satan; and he had a great chain in his hand, and it veiled the whole face of the earth with darkness; and he looked up and laughed, and his angels rejoiced
hammer-nail-head! Lots of right people will be wrong or at least insufficiently correct when it will come to identifying the truth. And arguing them to a critical thinking method is in my opinion useless.
so why can't you see the LDS church is false then? They don't teach the truth, and often times, the doctrine of the church and its leaders contradicts. Even the BOM can't get out of 1st Nephi without contradicting itself.
better find out the truth of LDS Church! AKA Anit-Mormon lies! how can you debate something you don't know both sides to- anything anti- I would want to know about, like anti-Christ, anti-matter, meaning it's opposite, than its easier to see the other side, & you have increased your learning at the very least!
Is the following a deception? Or truth? ---------------- Yea, and there shall go a decree forth out of heaven that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the LORD, the Savior of the world, yea, even Jehovah the Mighty One of Israel who shall come out of heaven to the inhabitants of the earth to reign a thousand years. Yea, I say unto you, even Jesus Christ your Redeemer, that the time is nigh at hand, even at the door, for all things to be fulfilled. Yea, I have trodden the winepress alone, and now My wrath is full; yea, even will I pour out My vengeance upon the wicked, for they are nigh ripened in iniquity; yea, they do all kinds of abominations and wickedness, and their hearts are so hard that My word has no place in them. Nevertheless, there are many among them who yet can be brought into My fold. Therefore, thrust in your sickle with all your might, yea, even from early in the morning until your laying down at night, and ye shall not lose your reward. However, many of you are not prepared, for you are as the foolish virgins, for they had no fuel for their lamps and were left when the bridegroom came. Therefore, repent even now and humble thyself even to the earth. Seek after knowledge and wisdom, for you have dissipated away your talents, and now there is little time left. The harvest is now ripe, yea, even the kernels do fall from the ear; yea, and many do join the church of their own free will, having no elders to teach them. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Yea, many are called, but few are chosen. Why are they not chosen? Because they dissipate away their time and do not study diligently My gospel. Yea, for their father is the world, and unless ye leave this world ye have no part of Me. --- revealed March 1962
If you believe the story of the creation and the Garden of Eden, if you believe the story of the flood and Noah's ark, if you believe that Moses parted the Red Sea, and if you believe that several resurrected dead people came down from heaven and visited Joseph smith 200 yrs ago, you are a faithful Mormon.
main question for determining who i listen too os “what / who are you selling?” The sly hand of deception- native advertising- some people are better than others. I find your channel and questioning and critical analysis throughout interesting and thought provoking, but you are selling something. That part has to be always carefully evaluated and weighed in. not saying that your books are no good or your political ambitions are for sale. i am using your quest as an example- and you know as well as I do or anyone, Your sales position is the least of them out there who try to sell us their vaccines and membership to whatever interests. Everyone is selling something, even if it’s just clicks. The nonprofit church is selling something- oh yea, it’s also for money power and mind control interests. i believe in reserves and storing up- and so I literally managed to pre-pay my tithe for … let’s say for some time,. for purposes to stay in the routine I am now paying a $1 every month. This raised a flag among the stake and ward budgeteers who contacted me… And that’s just hilarious. it’s because apparently the levels have quotas attached to a long nose and very little compliance to what the Lord teaches and HQ writes into its policy handbooks. My point is, tithes are about doctrines and then also about sustainability in the financial objectives directive- accountants and money makers are looking for goals and stats. “selling the church and gospel for tithes”. if it were not so, they would give a hoot about what I am paying or not. makes sense?
Connor. Thank you for your integrity, wisdom, and caring to help others see the truth.
Is there an example of the Q15 ever admitting they were wrong? Per Elder Oaks, the church does not seek for nor give apologies. To apologize would be admitting there was a wrong that needs a correction.
That’s the topic of next week’s musing…
@@cboyack Will be interesting. To be wrong is human of course. However to be wrong is also a problem when members are expected to follow everything.
People compensate for this by saying they can be wrong, but just in little things which frankly doesn't make any sense. Historically a lot of good people have been wrong about very large things.
@@cboyackWhat would you say the biggest deception that you previously believed?
When someone or a group of leaders who teach humility yet can't muster the courage to say they were wrong on something of significance, anything, raises a red flag for me.
@@Designer-Brandon This is very true. In the church we should be more open and honest about things. Testimony meetings should be much more genuine. However we instead speak about general concepts and are rarely very vulnerable.
The leader though probably feel like they can't be very open because they know people have put them on a pedestal.
Living in such a diligent and faithful way such that we don't grieve the spirit of the Holy Ghost for our guide is the most powerful way to have "eyes that see clearly and discern between truth and error".
Omgosh. Thank you so much. I say this all the time to everyone, including myself. I’ve sent this to many. Thank you for your clarity. I’m so grateful for your support of truth! It’s awesome to seek it and not fear it. Adjustment in growth is why we are here so that eventually we can see clearly.
It is relative easy to apply these things outside of your group, however much harder to do so in your own group.
that's because most of us are cowards, as we witnessed with the stolen 2020 presidential election. Now, the price for that cowardice is bankrupting us all, and not just financially.
Awesome summation of tips to help us use the gifts from Christ to help us discern truth from error. Thanks Conner for such clarity on this important subject. Loved it!!
Great presentation. Great logical reasoning. I have claimed as a teacher in the church that the most important skill we have to develop is to distinguish between and error. There can be no value in embracing a falsehood.
Interesting. When I think of the pursuit of truth the last thing I think of is religion.
Great episode Connor. I have had this discussion with many people. Your view of what you believe does not affect truth. It is your paradigm
Quote from the movie Nefarious.
Jimmy "I didn't know I was in a fight,"
Nefarious (the demon) "That's why you're losing."
best movie I have seen in the last 10 years
Connor, Great points!!! I love how you think!!! :)
I agree! Good counsel!
I learned to discern Truth as a 16 year old high school junior in George Hewitt's debate class. He taught us how to Flow Chart arguments and counter arguments. Lies, fake claims, deceptions, convolutions, false flags, nonsense, hollow rhetoric is all exposed by the Flow Chart.
Very well done Conor! Thanks for the tips on seeking truth. There is no short cut to truth, it requires personal study, time, and patience. Can’t wait to get your book!
This was great, I’m going to buy your book.the truth shall always make you free and enlighten you.
Pray for the gift of discernment.
About 3/4 of the way through this musing and it think this might be one of my favorite yet.
Another tip: Look for those who tell you to do your own research, who exhort you to find the truth for yourself, who design things in an open-source manner, etc.
Such people can't be trusted blindly, of course (especially when they're imploring you to *not* trust them blindly), but they typically deserve at least a moment or two of consideration. If they're confident enough in what they're saying that they ask you to find out for yourself, then they'll presumably be fine with you arriving at a different conclusion than they did. They may even be willing to admit their mistake and change their mind when you compare notes, thus demonstrating they're a truth-teller in yet another way.
The people you refer to are some of the only ones who will change they're mind. Have you asked yourself why that is true? There is a reason, and it probably has to with freedom, and not being a mind slave
Yes, and who give you sources for everything. "Someone once said", vs "It says here in this document"
You shall know the truth of ALL things.
The way you’ve described the news media/government also describes the lds church institution and its top leadership. Once eyes are opened to truths, you can’t unsee them. Then comes the next step, what does one do about it? Like you said, we accept the truth and make the necessary changes needed to move forward.
I love the topic: What is Truth?
When Pilot asked Jesus, "what is truth?", he may have asked one of the most profound questions of all time.
Unrelated tech question: what are you using to generate your scripture quotes? Is there a scripture app or other resource you’re using, looks so nice and clean to read. Would love to know. Thanks!
A prophet/seer/revelator is not, - *NOT* - a jedi knight. We must be very careful (and the Brethren must likewise be careful --something they fail to do on occasion) about shaping the expectations of members and non-members about what it means to be called as a Prophet.
General Authorities are prone to often make mistakes on very important issues, which should surprise no one. These guys are human. They can misjudge the character & integrity of close assistants, they can be lied to, they can be tricked & fooled into doing saying things not beneficial to the restoration. However, they are the chosen. By small & simple means have great things been brought (and will yet be brought) to pass. These hard working Brethren certainly qualify as small & simple, and I don't resent them for it one bit. They are doing their best and I love them for making the effort.
Those who do not believe in the necessity of modern prophets, I invite them to take a walk down the street. They are sure to find a fashionable church with nice people who are happy to mingle woke philosophy with scripture.
Hi Connor I love your channel but please get rid of the silly colored lights in the background.
Nicely done. Thanks.
Great points, especially discernment. Could I add these. 1. Are they popular or beloved? this is a sign to be careful. For example, look at the quantity of subscribers on Yu T. The higher the popularity the less likely you find truth. 2. Do they tell you truth that you are looking for and then add in error subtly. 3. Are they trying to make money off their truth. Truth freely gotten should be freely shared. 4. How do they handle comments from subscribers or listeners, both positive and negative. 5. Look at how those in history have fared who tell the truth, think Lehi, Jeremiah, Abinadi, Samuel the Lamanite, Alma, the Savior, John the Baptist and so on.
Yes. There does seem to be a lot of people who are willing to "share truth", however they want to turn it into a business or popularity contest.
@@Telavian Almost all do. I get it when it is gardening or sports, but for religion that is a bit more tricky, really.
@@Telavian I sent you a chn-el link on the other comment. Let me know you got it. You have to remove all --
I think Johnny Harris got to the point where he had to pick earthly status or truth. Status games are eternal.
@@HaleStorm49 They sure are
I would be interested to see an example of when you erred and then corrected yourself as openly as the error was originally presented. I'm not suggesting that you have no such example, I'd just like to see one or more. Thanks. Great musing today!
having watched many of hos videow the last year ive seen a couple times where he corrected himself even if it was just thqt he misspoke in a video
I think he actually did in last week’s musing when he admitted to having used quotes he thought were from Joseph then recently found out they weren’t.
Your comments about section 89 have been a topic of study for me, for the last 10 years. I wrote a book about it. I'd love to send you a copy.
I'll need an email for a digital copy.
Food for thought.
Do you promise to tell your truth? your whole truth? and nothing but your truth? so help you yourself?
Beholden to no one or nothing. EASY IS SLEASY
Bonus tip to spot a truth teller: if something said by a lawyer or business man acting under motivated reasoning raises a red flag, take it seriously!
I think there is a growing number of people that are looking for the truth, even in their own tribe! I know I am!
Where can we find the President Benson quote you mentioned in this musing?
Christ and the Constitution. April 1967
huge difference between critical thinking and criticism is with intent to undermine. in my opinion it is ungodly to censor or out-permit the QUEST(ion) for truth. the “fall in line” tradition without questioning is ungodly because God is all about finding truth.
Connor I am a fan of your work. However, when I think of the pursuit of truth the last thing I think of is religion.
Thank you
The truth is downstream from faith.
Connor, your muse on emergency preparedness, food storage, etc , was. in my opinion the most important temporal preparedness topic right now.
Unveiling the nature of the spiritual war is, in my opinion, is the most important topic for our spiritual preparedness right now .
However, helping people understand that Satan puts thoughts and feelings in your mind every day to manipulate you into thinking in a way that will further his agenda is what people need to know to defend themselves.
President Kimball's talk about the constant war with Satan in his mind after he was ordained a prophet, which was so fierce it caused him sleepless nights, is an example that should be given. Literally your thoughts are not your thoughts, they are the thoughts of others, who have been persuaded by God or Satan or both, almost assuredly both, which we accept as our thoughts. The very propagandist media machine you spoke of have no idea they have taken on the agenda of Satan, or some of them would not hold their views.
A political book on Mind Games. Okay. Important! A Spiritual Book on mind games. More important!!!!!!!
I have noticed that when all hell is breaking loose something important is about to happen. People need to know that. I have noticed that when friction is building up between you and another person that person is going to give you important information from God. People need to know that. I have noticed that Satan attacks the spirits that were most in his face against him in the war in heaven from their childhood, to mess them up so spiritually, and mentally that they have a hard time succeeding here on earth, or fighting him on earth, that commit serious sin as a result of abuse. People need to know that.
Write the Book!!!!!!!
100%. The truth must be paramount! I feel like Glenn Beck checks those boxes.
Your far from correct about Beck.
@@holyroller4391 agree to dissagree
Beck is 100% in the club. If they are on TV they are in the club. Period.
Glen Beck! Hahahaha!
@rickstuart7641 Even though he was fired from CNN and Fox precisely because he wasn't part of "the club" enough, so he had to create his own network?
I'm no fan of Glenn Beck (I used to be, and I don't hate him now, but his style is a little too sensational for my tastes), but I don't think he's part of the same problem as the mainstream news and commentators. I could be wrong, though, so I hold this opinion very loosely.
***Your idea of how to determine truth is itself a deception!!!!***
1. Individual voices over institutional voices.
2. Non tribal. Willing to criticize both sides.
3. Humble and apologetic.
Rely on the Holy Ghost.
No source is 💯 truthful/accurate all the time.
Now for them to search for 18 sources exactly. 😂 17:06
Im going to out on what I consider a fairly thick limb here, in support of you in what you mentioned with people hoping you were less critical and towing the traditionalist mormon line, so to speak. Compare that with what you said about sports or any competitive rivals, news and the like, where they cheer only for the home team and are only critical of the opponent. ...with this being so common and wide spread as a part of our natures, it would be best to look at that personality attribute for what it really is- the arm of flesh, the natural man, human nature, a pack-like animalistic trait of sorts that needs to be first seen for what it is, weeded out, overcome, and subdued by the spirit. This is a natural man, enemy to God type of behavior. We should be righteously critical. Any one who thinks otherwise knows not who Christ is, they never knew Him. His whole message is opposing the world and is the very same qualities that guided our first 3 prophets. They understood that mixing the unrighteous into the righteous makes no sense. They lived as to expell all unrighteousness and the unrighteous themselves far far away. They did not lure them in with flacid cords hoping to change their ways, they understood that mixing in the wild fruit into the tree would only eventually result in all sorts and varieties of wild fruit to overcome the good. And yes, i said flacid cords! "Oh please come on in, you outwardly sexually perverted person! Please sit, hang out with our kids. Surely we'll be a stronger influence than your loudness. You arent living in a way that invites the Spirit to have any room in you, so obviously youll feel it as we pretend all is well....." sorry, got lost on a tangent there. My bad.
I love our Church. Its the best weve got available at this time. I believe our leaders are doing their best. However, and this really is my only criticism; God has always called the unlearned for a very important reason- they actually listen, they dont rely on their own wisdom or all the programming the public schools and accredited colleges have pumped into them. Yet, most all of our general authorities are both life long friends sctatching eachothers backs, bachelor's, masters, phd, doctors, professors, all with ample knowledge that they dont really need as much guidance from God as others might. In my estimation, that life long disciplined programing of following the status quo leaves little room to make waves beyond a skipping stone ripple.
Heres what it all boils down to in my opinion- if Joseph Smith came back today and took back his place as President, would he make any changes? Or would things just trudge along without notice?
"They don't need much guidance from God"? For the very reasons you mentioned, they need more. They are surrounded by yes men.
When Joseph comes back there will be nothing left of what we trust in. Babylon must fall so then a new thing can come.
@@FleeingBabylon-Now I am so ready for the next phase of God's work. I am not saying it is going to be easy. However the life of Babylon is wearing me out.
@@Telavian Is that not the truth!!! Best comment yet. Have you gone down the rabbit hole that shapes everything? The worlds oldest and largest religion that predates the Savior. "Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet"
@@FleeingBabylon-Now No. I am not sure what you are referring to.
26 And he beheld Satan; and he had a great chain in his hand, and it veiled the whole face of the earth with darkness; and he looked up and laughed, and his angels rejoiced
***(EVOLUTION is TRUTH, religion is false positive pseudo morality dogma. Pay-it-Forward Symbiosis is true morality. Whatever maximizes happiness, wellness & benefits is good. whatever maximizes suffering is evil.)***
hammer-nail-head! Lots of right people will be wrong or at least insufficiently correct when it will come to identifying the truth. And arguing them to a critical thinking method is in my opinion useless.
You believe and teach that ghosts are real.
so why can't you see the LDS church is false then? They don't teach the truth, and often times, the doctrine of the church and its leaders contradicts. Even the BOM can't get out of 1st Nephi without contradicting itself.
better find out the truth of LDS Church! AKA Anit-Mormon lies! how can you debate something you don't know both sides to- anything anti- I would want to know about, like anti-Christ, anti-matter, meaning it's opposite, than its easier to see the other side, & you have increased your learning at the very least!
Is the following a deception? Or truth?
Yea, and there shall go a decree forth out of heaven that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the LORD, the Savior of the world, yea, even Jehovah the Mighty One of Israel who shall come out of heaven to the inhabitants of the earth to reign a thousand years.
Yea, I say unto you, even Jesus Christ your Redeemer, that the time is nigh at hand, even at the door, for all things to be fulfilled.
Yea, I have trodden the winepress alone, and now My wrath is full; yea, even will I pour out My vengeance upon the wicked, for they are nigh ripened in iniquity; yea, they do all kinds of abominations and wickedness, and their hearts are so hard that My word has no place in them.
Nevertheless, there are many among them who yet can be brought into My fold.
Therefore, thrust in your sickle with all your might, yea, even from early in the morning until your laying down at night, and ye shall not lose your reward.
However, many of you are not prepared, for you are as the foolish virgins, for they had no fuel for their lamps and were left when the bridegroom came.
Therefore, repent even now and humble thyself even to the earth.
Seek after knowledge and wisdom, for you have dissipated away your talents, and now there is little time left.
The harvest is now ripe, yea, even the kernels do fall from the ear; yea, and many do join the church of their own free will, having no elders to teach them.
The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Yea, many are called, but few are chosen.
Why are they not chosen? Because they dissipate away their time and do not study diligently My gospel.
Yea, for their father is the world, and unless ye leave this world ye have no part of Me.
--- revealed March 1962
If you believe the story of the creation and the Garden of Eden, if you believe the story of the flood and Noah's ark, if you believe that Moses parted the Red Sea, and if you believe that several resurrected dead people came down from heaven and visited Joseph smith 200 yrs ago, you are a faithful Mormon.
Ironic video from a Mormon.
This is why I love An0moly!!! He calls out his own party ALL DAY LONG and is loyal to no one. One of my faves.
main question for determining who i listen too os “what / who are you selling?” The sly hand of deception- native advertising- some people are better than others. I find your channel and questioning and critical analysis throughout interesting and thought provoking, but you are selling something. That part has to be always carefully evaluated and weighed in. not saying that your books are no good or your political ambitions are for sale. i am using your quest as an example- and you know as well as I do or anyone, Your sales position is the least of them out there who try to sell us their vaccines and membership to whatever interests. Everyone is selling something, even if it’s just clicks. The nonprofit church is selling something- oh yea, it’s also for money power and mind control interests. i believe in reserves and storing up- and so I literally managed to pre-pay my tithe for … let’s say for some time,. for purposes to stay in the routine I am now paying a $1 every month. This raised a flag among the stake and ward budgeteers who contacted me… And that’s just hilarious. it’s because apparently the levels have quotas attached to a long nose and very little compliance to what the Lord teaches and HQ writes into its policy handbooks. My point is, tithes are about doctrines and then also about sustainability in the financial objectives directive- accountants and money makers are looking for goals and stats. “selling the church and gospel for tithes”. if it were not so, they would give a hoot about what I am paying or not. makes sense?
yer screwed up