I don't think that you quite realize just how many videos there are on RUclips. Lest of all those that the algorithm goes through to recommend to you based on constant changes in video clicks/likes and what not. Stand alone the fact that this algorithm even exists despite of all this is beyond incredible.
@@Aberrantly I don't think you understand how long I've been on the internet and RUclips, don't explain the ancient text of the algorithm when I was there before it was fully implemented
@@DKDFury So you agree then that your original comment was invalid and your current "argument" complete nonsense? -Glad that we can both agree on that. Also, hi, you're not the only one who's been on RUclips since it first released back in Dec, 2005. That however only makes it the more melancholy to know that you're then supposedly an adult, but still lacking knowledge what aforementioned is about.
6 years later and I’m still coming back to watch this banger of a series, 2nd gen and it’s remakes hold a really special place in my heart and seeing my favorite starter in this series never fails to make me smile thanks Matt for putting this out
Saw this for the first time 4 years ago and it still gets me every time. The whole series does. I quote along and still laugh. I pull up this video when I need to feel happy or when I am trying to calm down from an anxiety attack. Thank you, MattyBurrito for helping me keep it on the light side.
I love how Gold is portrayed accurately - He is almost the same as his early Manga character! That slot machine and Togepi scene is a perfect cherry on top for that.
Ikr... Gamefreak is just getting lazy... Don't get me wrong, the newer pokemon games are still great, but they're starting to go downhill because Gamefreak isnt putting as much effort in Also, just before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I ain't a genwunner Gen 3 for life
I see you added the 18+ for COPPA. I actually downloaded all of these as soon as I heard about it because these videos are so dear to me. I hope there are no issues, these videos are amazing, take care
Brother I have rewatched this series so many times over the years and with each rewatch it never loses its charm and I am still rolling around laughing after 9 years lol. Cheers
First of all A: Nintendo don't watch shit like this(adults are more mature, not saying I'm an adult) B: nintendo is in japan, so everything thing is ported to america C: MB isn't as popular as most of the youtubers out there ( i still love u MB!)
I watched this so many times, the more I get older I understand the jokes more, I watched this when I was 9 when I first watched this. This just shows how entertaining the video is
I remember when I was in sixth grade and I showed this to my friends who were fellow Pokemon fans. We were all laughing at it and having a good time I miss those days ;-;
-Think you can stand up to me and my normal type pokemon? -Normal type...piece of cake. -Yeah...rollout? *cyndaquil and gold die* This is the best pokemon parody on youtube
Some Guy I had no problem fighting her sure she be using potions and shit but I had totodile as my starter so it wasn't hard as it was when I started with cyndaquill or chikorita
This video is so sentimental to me, i found it at the start secondary school, me and my friends used to laugh at it but I was the only one that played pokemon after seeing this 6 years ago I began to immediately look for gold, I eventually got heart gold and it's my favourite game in the series because of the impact this video made me have when playing it through
@@dogukanefeiskenderoglu7858 Fun fact: did you know there was going to be a bird-type Pokémon? Not flying type, I mean legit BIRD TYPE. But it didn't quite make it as a successful type so the removed it. However not all of it was removed. Therefore, Missingno was born.
1:42 the cyndaquil with the “bundle o’ joy” is the cutest thing ever
Phantom and he is
Yup I tried drawing that
12 ri i’m same 2 you
Until after he burned him
3:10 Remember how Pokemon Golder predicted Alolan Persian
What is that sing in the outro
I know isn’t that crazy I don’t understand how
Omg!!!!! I just realized that..... I thought this came out after the sun and moon game
It’s because S/M came out 2016 and this was made in 2015 and they leaked The alolan version
Crøss I tried to look into it and the earliest leak I found was from October of 2016 which was still a year after this was made.
"Normal type, piece of cake"
-Gold's famous last words.
Bruh, You too?
Really true, Whitney's milktank being weak to fighting and having muscles is impressive. 💪🐮🍑
gen 2 snorlax:
2:27 "Not Japanese? Too bad" Wow, yeah, that hit right in the childhood.
Steely dan only a fool would say that
and its ahead of time too boi.
Penguin 101 eye of the spider (it’s a sweet jazz swing later on in the song I’m sure you’ll love it)
- Rival Buttsex, 2015
- Gold, 2015
Totodile used tackle!
Cyndaquil used *g u n*
Its super effective!
Totodile died
@@KobeKeiji AUGH!
@@kaienjin5468 Butt seggs- F&$#
F F F&$#
2:53 That’s a very realistic representation of Milktank in Pokemon gold
Pretty sure they're just tracing over the original game art
@@lily-_- then why are you watching this
@@A.R.C.1997 its a joke lol
@@danejags7214 xD
And the 3rd gym leader beating my Pokémon up and making me loose nearly all the time with her brailip, tubjaw and Sableau in Pokemon Uranium
Was made 5 years ago and just today it comes to my recommended lists
Weird how the algorithm works. It popped up out of nowhere for me haven't seen any of his videos.
I don't think that you quite realize just how many videos there are on RUclips. Lest of all those that the algorithm goes through to recommend to you based on constant changes in video clicks/likes and what not. Stand alone the fact that this algorithm even exists despite of all this is beyond incredible.
@@Aberrantly I don't think you understand how long I've been on the internet and RUclips, don't explain the ancient text of the algorithm when I was there before it was fully implemented
@@DKDFury So you agree then that your original comment was invalid and your current "argument" complete nonsense? -Glad that we can both agree on that. Also, hi, you're not the only one who's been on RUclips since it first released back in Dec, 2005. That however only makes it the more melancholy to know that you're then supposedly an adult, but still lacking knowledge what aforementioned is about.
This is the single best thing I've ever seen in my life
Sleepy Jirachi ?
I'm Gold.
Well, I'm the guy in the video.
Sleepy Jirachi k
Own all the
best moves!
Ice punch
Thunder punch
Fire punch
Falcon punch
Nintendo films:yodakiller3000 No, he meant best moves.
One inch punch.
#### punch
2:19 “My name, Is 𝐵𝓊𝓉𝓉𝓈𝑒𝓏!"
If I play the gen 2 games or the remakes I’ll call him that
Look at that zubat ;w;
Where can i find that beautiful flying bug
Well, he's proud, i guess.
His face when he says that though.
1:35 Yes, yes I did.
My man
Scooper oh wow so cool, no one cares
I would've like that comment but it would be 70th like and I don't wanna spoil it
@@themadscientist5376 you literally went out of your way to comment that when I did nothing to you, shows you have nothing better to do in your life.
@@themadscientist5376 this guy do be acting kinda sus ngl
After 9 years, together with the typhlosion incident, it is still a gem
I was just about to comment that!
i still watch this series to this day. this is like my 10th time watching it. who's with me?
Exact same
@@yosh8517 good on ya mate
Do you mind checking out my channel?
6 years later and I’m still coming back to watch this banger of a series, 2nd gen and it’s remakes hold a really special place in my heart and seeing my favorite starter in this series never fails to make me smile thanks Matt for putting this out
I did press pause! ;)
You don't need to pause to see it
+ShadowHydra I just wanted to analyze it well!
Same XoD
I was like the hell is this so I paused was kinda disturbed when I did
me too :^)
I noticed you put “(+18)” because of the new RUclips rules. Dude, I’m sorry.
I'm just glad age-restriction didn't stop my eyes from watching God's work.
Thanks RUclips
Paige Moore ik
@@SpaceApe45 2 nore years till what?
3:11 Just a friendly reminder that mattyburrito MB PRODICTED alolan Persian.
Alolan Meowth
at um let me think...
Even after all these years, Cyndaquil just pulling out a gat and shooting Totodile with his little yelp gets me so good.
3:10 Sick use of Steely Dan. I approve
Whats the songs name?
@@sniperalexander248 Only a Fool Would Say That
I’m dumb I thought you mean steely Dan from jojo but I forgot most jojo stands and people are based off of music
@@melonoh9791 same
@@czexan6134 dude I don't even know it
Saw this for the first time 4 years ago and it still gets me every time. The whole series does. I quote along and still laugh. I pull up this video when I need to feel happy or when I am trying to calm down from an anxiety attack. Thank you, MattyBurrito for helping me keep it on the light side.
Certainly did not peg this as a "calm down" sort of video...
I love how Gold is portrayed accurately - He is almost the same as his early Manga character!
That slot machine and Togepi scene is a perfect cherry on top for that.
When times were easier for us Typhlosion fans...
Not Japanese? Too bad
Too racist
Cyril Leung it's reference to Japanese release of Pokémon Gold where you could get Celebi. I don't know why you couldn't catch it in American release
的他 妈 you can get it now by changing the dns and using WPA WiFi.
@@cyrilleung4714 racists?
K1RA1 I know that on Virtual Console you can get Celebi without glitches
0:05 LOL!
ProtoMario I watched a buncha your vids to get inspiration for this :) thank you!
mattyburrito MB Man 10/10 you gotta continue this and finish it!
ProtoMario hey, if you pause at that time, look at the computer :)
mattyburrito MB dude you inspired me to play the classic pokemon gold again I named him gold and You already know what im going to name my Rival XD
BUT PROTO! You're only saying that because it's you!
Your artstyle is fucking amazing
Reminds me of Scott pilgrim vs the world
Especially that youngster Joey was defeated part!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀
Do u remember what his name was boy?
Police: Did you get his name?
Me: No
Police: So his name is No.
Me: *facepalm*
Cyndaquil: *facepalm*
Lol I responded with "???" as a kid
3:11 He.... He just predicted Alolan Persian....
i think the same when i saw it...
Violet i'm just gonna comment
Violet I will never see this show the same way ever again.
Violet I was just about to say that
"Your egg hatched into another egg!"
I'm dead.
Jimmy 69th like
I almost released togepi I was so disappointed.
@EDUARDO HERNANDEZ-MEDINA no sadly. 15 year old me wanted to see movies with my friends and traded it in. I regret it now. 😥
Bad egg be like
I love togepi, but it sucks if it doesn't have serene grace.
That credit scene at 3:10, you totally predicted alolan Persian!
I still can't get over that they never made another Pokemon game with more than one regions to explore.
Ikr... Gamefreak is just getting lazy...
Don't get me wrong, the newer pokemon games are still great, but they're starting to go downhill because Gamefreak isnt putting as much effort in
Also, just before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I ain't a genwunner
Gen 3 for life
Soul Silver and Heather Gold
@@TortaHolandesa-cd5pn That's the same game dingaling
@@impostor4894 ok
How is this a parody???? I'm pretty sure this exactly how my gameplay went down.....:D
Yeah it's totally gameplay footage
+Carlos Fernandez tots is
2:07 YOLO
+Magma Gun basically Bugsy in a nutshell
+1964corvan uh no lol if you seen an episode 2 and 3 of this... his pokemon uses guns lol
I see you added the 18+ for COPPA. I actually downloaded all of these as soon as I heard about it because these videos are so dear to me.
I hope there are no issues, these videos are amazing, take care
Oh shit I should do that too
What does download do does it save videos to yours camera roll?
Even if they did get deleted they’d still be on newgrounds so you could watch these videos there if you want.
Even if they did get deleted they’d still be on newgrounds so you could watch these videos there if you want.
"Did You Press Pause?"
yes i did and it was a well earned subliminal image
Brother I have rewatched this series so many times over the years and with each rewatch it never loses its charm and I am still rolling around laughing after 9 years lol.
is mattyburrito MB part psychic type because he predicted alolan persain (3:11)
Eric Weisbrot oh wow he actually did
El Vengador Velasquez what are you talking about
Eric Weisbrot maybe Physhic/ Normal
This is pure... GOLD!
UnNerdyNerd *er
Obsidian Wasp We meet yet again.
Hyrule Tactictian Sup.
Unnerdy sou seu s6b
MrKororo PvP a sério? Que coincidencia xD
This was friggin' beast! XD Had me laughing so much! Nate and Jean Paul did a great job with the VO! :D
DisbeArex Thanks Alex :)) and you as well!
"His name was uh... butt....sex"
Everyone : seems legit
This is literally and figuratively PURE GOLD!!
Totodile/Croconaw: "AUWGH!"
Togepi: "ISH KANUUU!!"
Damnitguy what does ish Kanu even mean
@@danielola-abidoye1365 it's a sound Heihachi (from Tekken) makes in fight
or did Nintendo see the Persian and make it a real Pokémon? 🤔
Ashchu117 ı think he wanted to make a gay persian and it looked like Alolan persian by a mistake
First of all
A: Nintendo don't watch shit like this(adults are more mature, not saying I'm an adult)
B: nintendo is in japan, so everything thing is ported to america
C: MB isn't as popular as most of the youtubers out there ( i still love u MB!)
they aren't chinese, you're getting your stereotypes mixed up
*B O N E L E S S P I Z Z A*
This is probably the most underrated video game parody I have seen on RUclips! That was awesome!
I watched this so many times, the more I get older I understand the jokes more, I watched this when I was 9 when I first watched this. This just shows how entertaining the video is
I only just realised that the category for this video is 'Education'.
I learned 'thousands.
Charlie Central it is educational
I learned how to be dank
1st time watching: I don't get it
2nd time watching: Still don't get it
3rd time watching: Nope
?th time watching: Oooohhhhhhhhh
nooooooooooooo it makes me hate
Ophi2 what did you not get it
It's enough to play the game to understand...
thats usually the amount of time to see all the hidden things
1:35 real reason for watching
Congrats!! :D
+・ラサロジョセフ(Diosep Lazarito) thanks dude!
+mattyburrito MB keep up the great work X)
Out of curiosity, even though I sure you've been asked this hundreds of times, where does Togepi's eshkanoor (sorry for crap spelling) come from?
#fuck yeah cyndaquill
2 mil already.
"I'm probably too young to have a cell phone".
20 years later you're too old not to have one.
i remember watching this when i was 10. now that i’m 14 this has suddenly become so much more funnier
thatonekid5064 same I watched this when I was 12 now I’m 16
P.A.M.A 2.0 yeah les goo
I remember when I was in sixth grade and I showed this to my friends who were fellow Pokemon fans. We were all laughing at it and having a good time
I miss those days ;-;
I watched when I was 9 and now I'm almost 14 and it just so much funnier
Same lol
Why yes, I did pause. Thank you for asking ;)
randallsage2 1:36
I accidentally pressed pause
+DarkBoi Plays - alis / agar / idk nope. its 01:35
for me its 1;34
0:07 Oak: Oh So WhAt Is YoUr NaMe AgAiN?
Gold: It’s e- GOLD
ok E-gold
Gold: Oh yeah. Looking good
I remember watching this with friends back in 2016, such a wonderful year.
-Think you can stand up to me and my normal type pokemon?
-Normal type...piece of cake.
*cyndaquil and gold die*
This is the best pokemon parody on youtube
+Joshua Perlado i just love that dam troll lol! saying that slowpoke tails is like billions of poke dollars and then he gets burned!! xd
+Joshua Perlado kinda wish we can kill that slow poke tail salesman lmao xd
Took me 2 flame wheels
Cyndaquil is so cute!!!
chikorita is cuter tbh
Who else is here after (18+)
I am Ferdinand Von Aegir.
P.A.M.A 2.0 i have already seen this just came back
I can't believe it's been 7years since this masterpiece came out
Heihachi from Tekken 3
It's kikanu
Which means it won't work
Or heihachi mishima's way of saying mudamudamudamudaaaaaaaaa
why do people hate this stuff for its animation? its some pretty good animating and especially for a parody
and the jokes n stuff in the game are so funny
Genku the Xenoverse Warrior hmm wonder it might be something called opinion
Genku the Xenoverse Warrior
@@aaronlaplace5902 It's a very shit opinion
SO. MANY. PERSONA. REFERENCES. I absolutely love it!
Me too
8 years later and this is still one of the best things related to pomemon.
Went into the comments to see if anyone knew what the song at the end was, only to see a flood of "alola Persian" spam.
Only a fool would say that- Steely Dan
this perfectly captures the feeling of early 2000s newgrounds animations
Just went back to college and wanted to watch my childhood again. Thanks for being part of my childhood ❤
Cant count the amount of times I’ve rewatched this and rubyer
This series helped me in HeartGold
Gaming With Miner514MC lol
lmao Me Too
Me too actually
Annual watching of these great series ❤
eyyy I appreciate the rewatch!
when I first met Bugsy that was my question too.
Truly a classic from the pokemon fandom
Thank you for giving me something to listen to on repeat while shiny hunting
XD This was Funny!
Right after cyndaquil sets the man in fire at 1:48, he looks so innocent
If Whitney trained her Miltank she'd be Elite 4 worthy.
Some Guy I had no problem fighting her sure she be using potions and shit but I had totodile as my starter so it wasn't hard as it was when I started with cyndaquill or chikorita
Some Guy but if she was an elite four with all miltanks then shit
My totodile was a higher level than her Miltank and it used Leer so I defeated it
Some Guy I literally caught a Heracross and OHKO'ed her entire team...
One of my few middle school memories I cherish: watching this series with my friend and quoting it randomly
This video is so sentimental to me, i found it at the start secondary school, me and my friends used to laugh at it but I was the only one that played pokemon after seeing this 6 years ago I began to immediately look for gold, I eventually got heart gold and it's my favourite game in the series because of the impact this video made me have when playing it through
1:36 Don't know who is enjoying it the most, Jasmine or Magnemite
Ps: Gosh, Jasmine is hot !
I think you should make it 1:35 because all wee see is Falkner screaming
*B E R D*
@@dogukanefeiskenderoglu7858 oof
@@dogukanefeiskenderoglu7858 Fun fact: did you know there was going to be a bird-type Pokémon? Not flying type, I mean legit BIRD TYPE. But it didn't quite make it as a successful type so the removed it. However not all of it was removed. Therefore, Missingno was born.
What happens if a bird type is traded to gen 2
Hello person scrolling through the comments.
99%: Alolan Persian prediction
1% Did you press pause?
sssCreeperKingsss 0.1% DERP
sssCreeperKingsss 0.1% something else
i done pressed pause
sssCreeperKingsss yes I pressed pause and got hard
2:41, is that supposed to be krillin from dragon ball?
Do you use Adobe Flash Pro to do that video? Because this is just awesome !
+Kr0mos Thanks man, and I use Flash CS6
+Kr0mos kromos???
Kr0mos kromos cronos omg
+mattyburrito MB Who voiced Mr. Pokemon?
I remember watching this when I was 9 im shocked 6 years have passed so quick
**dies of laughter**
Pit Icarus Hello, My name is Alex. I'm new for today.
Honestly the “Have you tried TRAINING your Pokémon?” After the brutal Whitney fight hits way to hard.
Omg, that persian in the end credits looks exactly like alolan persian, he totally called it, he knew.
InfraRedPanda - MC But gen 7 was not known in 2015
yeah he totally did
InfraRedPanda - MC he pulled a Simpson
I always watch this whenever I replay Crystal, also Silver's voice is perfect
Can't stop watching this !! All the pokemon parody of yours 🤣🤣
“Did you press pause?” You’re damn right I did. Lol. Who else got that?
I did
me to
Edit: anyone got jasmines onlyfans??
Ayy me too let's go!
1:41 What's the name of that song again?
BBJB grandmaster flash And the furious five then u GET the song
It's check yourself before you wreck yourself. I can't remember who made it. Ice cube? Pretty sure
Rev up those fryers cuz I- get thrown out
darude sandstorm
I'm trying to know the name of the credits song
haha cydaquil was a bundle of joy
So cute
+Shiny Mega Lucario hahahhaahhahhahahahahhahahaha
That was so cute o(^_^)o
Shinyplayz All ummmmmmm okay
I like it how every episode, he changed the pokeball in his hand
i pressed pause
It works on everyone dude...
just set the speed to 0.25
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) who wouldn't?
+Chaotic Heretic Years of watching VHS Tapes has trained me for this day...
+Chaotic Heretic I don't get it
3:13 Alolan Persian
*This video came out a year before Sun and Moon were released*
1% of comments: other comments
This dude inspired Pal World 🤣
1:31 "Birds are a type' -MISSINGNO
i cant stop rewatching this series every few weeks
2:03 Old Man:"Oh No My Hip! Gold:"Jesus!"
Grunt: Hey what’s a kid doing here?
who did the voice of professor oak
+yoshi6789 My friend Skatoonist did! Check them credits to see the cast :)
+mattyburrito MB thanks
+mattyburrito MB can i use the 3 for reaction vids.
+MLG Foxy 87 fuck off with stealing the people's content
+TheUpBeat Excadrill its reaction and he asksd noob
2:34 *GIMME DAT HM!!* 💀
Angelo Rivera
That's vengeance for Celebi saying fuck you to everyone who isn't Japanese.
After several years i find this masterpiece a *GOLD COMEDY*
Sorry babay it costs 40kajilion dollars
alolan persian @ 3:15 confirmed
Is Ralts the new Togepi?
Yeah their always op af both of them
absolute blast to the past this was peak when I was like 15