Señor Boss Lights His Mouth On Fire In This EPIC Mexican Salsa Taste Test

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 315

  • @Jdavid1976
    @Jdavid1976 Год назад +178

    I want to see Boss do the "Hot Ones" wings challenge

  • @carlosfunes1000
    @carlosfunes1000 2 месяца назад +7

    The sombrero? Awesome, the poncho? Nice. The poncho for the beer?? Wtf? He's more Latino than me??? Love the content, the energy, never change!!

  • @redactedc1928
    @redactedc1928 Год назад +71

    "I done this to myself"
    Burst out laughing at that point. This dude is a trooper.

  • @damian3gb898
    @damian3gb898 Год назад +12

    I like when you do Mexican themes, it is appreciated.

  • @Deltron1337
    @Deltron1337 Год назад +12

    my mind is telling me NOOOOOOO BUT MY BODDYYYYYY 🤣🤣

  • @freminmenard
    @freminmenard Год назад +43

    Keep ‘em coming! telling y’all this channel gonna blow up🎉❤

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +5

      Thank you for watching! Help us spread the word

  • @Carlos559Caps
    @Carlos559Caps Год назад +8

    How can you not like this man?!

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +1

      Thank you for watching our channel! Help us spread the word!!

  • @davewass8636
    @davewass8636 Год назад +11

    Mateo’s whole line of salsas are amazing. Flavorful for sure.

    • @richardjones1988
      @richardjones1988 Месяц назад

      I like Mateo's because I can get mild for the family and I still like it because you can actually taste the peppers and flavor other than just tomato.

  • @ChaplainRaziel01
    @ChaplainRaziel01 Год назад +7

    The instant I saw Ghost Pepper on the Mrs. Renfro I knew Boss was going to suffer. Although I’ve never seen Cholula brand salsa.

  • @laramieh44
    @laramieh44 Год назад +13

    Hey boss man don't ever change I get a big kick out your video's they always Crack me up here's to hoping for many more to come

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +3

      Thank you for watching! Help us spread the word

  • @Justin_Sy
    @Justin_Sy Год назад +20

    I'm very excited, I missed ya Boss and love everyone at Rated Red

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +5

      Thanks for the support! Help us spread the word

  • @Fabo1k
    @Fabo1k Год назад +7

    Ain't nothing better than some tortilla chips with a good sauce and some Ice cold beer 💪🏽🍻

  • @brettglad6709
    @brettglad6709 Год назад +14

    Matteo’s is my favorite salsa. Try medium or hot if the extra hot was to hot. The flavor is really good!

    • @Jasontheguitarist87
      @Jasontheguitarist87 Год назад

      Yep. The one in this video is my favorite. I also have a jar of the medium hatch chili one I haven't opened yet.

  • @nate-ei1oo
    @nate-ei1oo Год назад +7

    I wish the boss could have real blended mexican Salas either made at home or bought at a Mexican grocery store!! BUT TOSTITOS is 🔥!! Lol

  • @RadDadisRad
    @RadDadisRad Год назад +49

    Mrs. Renfros Ghost Pepper salsa is my go to. 😂 they have a Carolina Reaper salsa too. 😂

    • @philc8703
      @philc8703 Год назад +3

      I have the set of Crazy Bastard Hot Sauces, starting at Jalepeno, through Habenero and Ghost Chili, up to Carolina Reaper, they clear your sinuses 🤣

    • @danielfrancis4689
      @danielfrancis4689 Год назад +2

      No way I gotta try!

    • @RadDadisRad
      @RadDadisRad Год назад +2

      @@philc8703 they clear your thoughts and your future. 🤣 cuz you know what you’re doing until it is evacuated. 🤣

    • @RadDadisRad
      @RadDadisRad Год назад

      @@danielfrancis4689 Volcanic Peppers is another spice company that offers crazy hot stuff. I have their Volcano Dust 4 and Reaper Dust. VD4 is definitely hotter but the reaper dust carries the heat longer.

    • @myhouseofcards7658
      @myhouseofcards7658 Год назад +3

      Mrs. Renfros ghost pepper is where its at

  • @JohnMartin-ys1kn
    @JohnMartin-ys1kn Год назад +7

    The perfect man for the job.

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +1

      The Boss is back! Help us spread the word!!

  • @Teabagz4fun
    @Teabagz4fun Год назад +5

    Mrs. Renfro don't mess around, and I'm all about it!

  • @mattmayberry-mt7yy
    @mattmayberry-mt7yy Год назад +7

    It started going downhill when you cussed Clint LMAO 🤣🤣

  • @jaorte10
    @jaorte10 Год назад +4

    Sadie's of New Mexico is my favorite.

  • @duaneb193
    @duaneb193 Год назад +12

    My sides hurt so bad now from laughing - especially when AB tangled with Mrs Renfro's. I have to say I agree - I want something that has a nice taste with just enough heat to know it's there, but not so much that the next day your Hemaroid's have all shriveled up and withered away, and you need to sit on a ring for a few days!

  • @tokindaily7103
    @tokindaily7103 Год назад +5

    Alabama Jefe.

  • @CrimePony
    @CrimePony Год назад +2

    When he lit up... LOL! Man, I'm glad this stuff is back.

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад

      Thanks for watching! Help us spread the word the channel is back live

  • @wadewalker1266
    @wadewalker1266 Год назад +6

    love the alabama hoss🤣🤣

  • @beardedgeekman5147
    @beardedgeekman5147 Год назад +1

    Category 6 ...I love the taste!!

  • @GoodLordMeBored
    @GoodLordMeBored 2 месяца назад

    lol the Boss don’t judge race based on the color of anyone’s skin but on the style of their hair. Loved this.

  • @Kronikman07
    @Kronikman07 Год назад +3

    I get mateo's sometimes from the grocery store. Not the habanero one, but just a normal one. great salsa. love it

  • @justcallmedyno8938
    @justcallmedyno8938 Год назад +3

    Mrs. Renfro's GP is in my fridge right now. 1 jar usually lasts 3 sittings. It is HOT, but it still tastes good

  • @davidhocutt3195
    @davidhocutt3195 3 месяца назад

    Absolutely love, Mrs.Renfros Ghost Pepper Salsa......we 🔥❤️🔥 it, here in TEXAS. ⭐

  • @RadDadisRad
    @RadDadisRad Год назад +7

    Delicious beer and delicious salsa. I’m excited for this.

  • @FishingWithChris_Tv
    @FishingWithChris_Tv Год назад +4

    Bama boss is going to be crapping molten lava after this lol

  • @mariosolis1802
    @mariosolis1802 Год назад +5

    Like I said before, best review show ever! Love the costumes!

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +1

      Thank you! We appreciate you watching our channel

  • @Ctrl_Alt_Delete_Yourself
    @Ctrl_Alt_Delete_Yourself 4 месяца назад +1

    his reactions are hilarious, i would love to have a beer with boss. 😂

  • @oliverpugh4162
    @oliverpugh4162 Год назад +2

    Bama boss is my favorite trier being from Alabama myself he makes us Bama boys proud

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +1

      Thanks for watching! Come back for more content and help us spread the word!

  • @fourscarlet7581
    @fourscarlet7581 2 месяца назад +1

    I used to put just 2 spoonfuls of that ghost pepper salsa on the breakfast burritos I made. Flavor is really good but is the perfect amount of heat when combined with everything else.

  • @fuzzybutton3354
    @fuzzybutton3354 9 месяцев назад

    I recommend Green Mountain medium or my favorite Mrs Renfros Blackberry Serrano salsa..Enjoy

  • @juansortega6821
    @juansortega6821 4 месяца назад

    Pure comedy towards the end 🤣🤣🤣

  • @BluesJammer69
    @BluesJammer69 4 месяца назад

    My niece's husband owns Mrs. Renfro, i Get a jar of their salsa every year for x-mas i love the ghost pepper is my fav!

  • @Hi-TechHillbilly
    @Hi-TechHillbilly Год назад +2

    Get you some of that Mateo's medium. One of my favorites.

  • @breebreeoreore
    @breebreeoreore Год назад

    A cold shiner hits the spot on any occasion

  • @Brykk
    @Brykk Год назад +6

    Mrs renfros just about burned my entire face off. That bjtch tried to kill me! Lol
    The cholula is my favorite. The chi chis hot salsa is also really good. I still prefer to make my own tho.

    • @user-yy7tw9hv9n
      @user-yy7tw9hv9n Год назад +2

      Surprisingly Foodlion brand salsa is pretty good

  • @brandonknapp8046
    @brandonknapp8046 Год назад +2

    I've had Tostitos and Herdez, Herdez makes a good green salsa.
    Never heard of Frontera, but you kinda liked it so I'll keep it in mind.
    You tried a few that I've been meaning to try: Clint's, Mateo's, Cholula. Cholula makes a great hot sauce.
    Mrs. Renfro's on the other hand is a great brand. That Ghost Pepper is one of my favorites... yes - it's hotter than it should be and I usually put it on something rather than eat it straight ~ but when I eat it straight I also have a green salsa on the side to chill out between bites. I also use a spoonful of Mrs. Renfro's Ghost Pepper salsa in my Ramen Noodles when I put meat in, I toss something like otherwise bland steamed chicken in the stuff and put it at the bottom of my bowl then the noodles on top and enough broth to distribute the heat around; it's great.
    Habanero and Ghost Pepper are my two favorite peppers, hands down. They taste great when made right, but... some products think the heat is the goal - and it ruins the flavor (the ACTUAL flavor) of the peppers; so most people get turned off on the Ghost Pepper and Habanero by a bad experience. Prepped right, roasted right, and tossed on a burger ~ I've never had fresh roasted Ghost Pepper or Habaneros I disliked.

    • @slowturtle6745
      @slowturtle6745 Год назад +1

      Frontera's is a Tex-Mex restaurant chain. Decent food but nothing to write home to momma about.
      I won the El Gigante burrito challenge there one time. Still have the t-shirt somewhere.

  • @brandonwashington6
    @brandonwashington6 11 месяцев назад

    I love Renfro's ghost pepper salsa. Shirt is amazing!!

  • @baddas380
    @baddas380 Год назад +4

    Love your Mexican videos guys and we want more Mexican crafted beers and also You can also make more Famous star beers? use some cowboy hats and still would be Mexican 😁
    Mexico’s native cowboys were called vaqueros, which comes from the Spanish word vaca (cow). Vaqueros were hired by ranchers to tend to the livestock and were known for their superior roping, riding and herding skills.
    By the early 1700s, ranching made its way to present-day Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and as far south as Argentina. When the California missions started in 1769, livestock practices were introduced to more areas in the West.
    During the early 1800s, many English-speaking settlers migrated to the West and adopted aspects of the vaquero culture, including their clothing style and cattle-driving methods. all the way from the straw hats and boots its also Mexican with Spanish roots

  • @beausimmons8915
    @beausimmons8915 Год назад +1

    Good job Boss. I personally love the Mrs Renfros. I use it a lot. I am actually having a sausage McMuffin topped with it as I am watching this.

  • @ginarobinson4483
    @ginarobinson4483 Год назад +2

    Welcome back Boss, you were missed .😊

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад

      Thank you!! Glad to be back, help us spread the word!

  • @JaxFPrime81
    @JaxFPrime81 Год назад +1

    "Ghost Pepper" ... "Texas"
    Folks, can we get a prayer chain going for Boss? He's gonna need all the prayers we can give him for the next few days while he recovers.

  • @giausjulius4
    @giausjulius4 4 месяца назад

    Honestly I just love Pace salsa. All the heat levels. I think its that they use more onion, or cebolla, then the other brands. Adds a more complex sweet and savory taste. It's basic, just like Tostitos, but has a little more to offer in the flavor department imo. And I think that's why I love it. It's simple enough to go with anything from scrambled eggs, to slow-cooked chicken IN the salsa. A jar of Pace salsa and a can of black bean soup is an excellent slow-cooker recipe for shredded chicken for your next burrito or quesadilla.

  • @JoseDaLefty
    @JoseDaLefty Год назад +1

    Ayeee he figured out how to open modeló 🙏🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼

  • @mrh5486
    @mrh5486 Год назад +12

    Mexican here from Southern California: YALL COULDNT EVEN GET HIM A REAL SERAPÈ??? (Pancho) 😂😂😂

  • @gradis13
    @gradis13 Год назад +3

    Looking amazing Alabama boss.

  • @cloudsey420sufccards
    @cloudsey420sufccards 6 месяцев назад

    Omfg 😂im dying. This is sooooo fn funny. Lmao 🤣 👊 luv the content.

  • @firesyde424
    @firesyde424 9 дней назад

    I know I'm late to this video but Mrs. Renfro makes a Mango Habanero salsa that I think you'd like. It's been my go-to for a while now.

  • @cliff4695
    @cliff4695 Год назад +2

    My go-to, basic bltch salsa is Pace hot. Its available everywhere and it gets the job done.

  • @michaelnichols5777
    @michaelnichols5777 Год назад +3

    Came across the beer reviews a few days ago, funny ass shit.

    • @LeonRedfields
      @LeonRedfields Год назад

      I like how he doesnt seem to be really trying either

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад

      Thank you! Please come back often, lots more to come

  • @_knifewhore_
    @_knifewhore_ Год назад +6

    I really wanna see Alabama Boss try Japanese beers i feel like he would like him

  • @DoodleDad
    @DoodleDad Год назад +6

    Boys, not too many things tickle my pickle like an Alabama Boss video notification.

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +2

      Thank you!! Please help us spread the word the channel is back

  • @quentins5692
    @quentins5692 10 месяцев назад

    “This is not going how I expected”. Boss, you’re eating ghost pepper salsa, I don’t know what you expected sir 😂

  • @josephsmith2259
    @josephsmith2259 2 месяца назад

    Even Alabama Boss knows when shes too spicy, basic is always reliable. A bit of a win for Tostitos.

  • @steventruong85
    @steventruong85 3 месяца назад

    I lost it when he asked for the Tostitos back LOL

  • @justintheahole
    @justintheahole Год назад +2

    This episode is so funny 👍🏻

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +2

      Thanks for watching! Come back for more content

  • @williambonnie-do7yz
    @williambonnie-do7yz Месяц назад

    Clint's is good in any flavor.
    On the Border, I can eat all day.
    Tostitos, if you like high fructose corn syrup.
    Herdez, if you need something watery to calm the thickness or the heat.

  • @davequinn3484
    @davequinn3484 12 дней назад

    I like the green Herns salsa!

  • @KonohazFinest
    @KonohazFinest Год назад

    This man makes me want to visit Alabama 😂. Although i was going to visit Alabama back in 2006 as one of my buddies from the army worked at a bar i believe it was called Sharkey's or something like that.

  • @martinkasper197
    @martinkasper197 Год назад +1

    You should call him Senior Patron..😂😂😂

  • @michaelhuff7712
    @michaelhuff7712 Год назад +1

    Tostitos is good and cheap for social gatherings, because it's a safe option. But my favorite salsa is that Bario salsa. It's good, from the store. It's not bad, when it's from the restaurant, but the store version has more flavor.

  • @publixchicken5024
    @publixchicken5024 5 месяцев назад

    First time on this channel 3rd video. This man is hilarious 😂

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  5 месяцев назад

      Welcome aboard!

  • @jadenperkins2006
    @jadenperkins2006 Месяц назад +1

    "Nobody else but me... and Mrs. Renfro"

  • @EDCandLace
    @EDCandLace 4 месяца назад

    I just found your channel and i'm binge watching

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  4 месяца назад

      Appreciate you! Let us know what you want to see more of!

  • @aidensneak2948
    @aidensneak2948 2 месяца назад

    Mateo’s is some of the best salsa I’ve bought!

  • @WNCmotard
    @WNCmotard 13 дней назад

    Love the Mrs. Renfros ghost pepper personally.

  • @ScamLikely9327
    @ScamLikely9327 4 месяца назад

    I love Mrs Renfros.

  • @Beardawgpurp
    @Beardawgpurp 5 месяцев назад

    “Never trust and old white woman” made me die laughing 🤣💀

  • @CarlosD7
    @CarlosD7 Год назад +4

    Loved this 😂

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад

      Thank you for watching our channel! Please spread the word

  • @battycowboy
    @battycowboy Год назад +1

    Cholua salsa verde is awesome 😎

  • @jasonpayne3937
    @jasonpayne3937 5 месяцев назад +1

    I haven't laughed this hard in a long time

  • @drewh7437
    @drewh7437 Год назад +3

    BEST 1 YET😂😎

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад

      Thank you!! Please keep coming back to our channel

  • @danieljackson5043
    @danieljackson5043 Год назад +1

    You need to get the medium Mateo’s. It has that great flavor but not all that heat

  • @Bruh681Dude
    @Bruh681Dude Год назад +1

    Pro tip from not a pro but it works ! Right after you finish eating something hot that’s gonna burn that ass the next day take a big swig of pepto and no burn in the morning 🍻

  • @luispineda353
    @luispineda353 Год назад

    😅😅😅😅 I love your channel.

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад

      Thank you!! Please spread the word! Lots more content coming soon

  • @danielfrancis4689
    @danielfrancis4689 Год назад +3

    Hey Alabama Boss! I love your content my friend. I live in alabama and have watched your videos for a while now. Im a sales rep for a wholesaler of hemp products in central Alabama.
    I'd love to send you some product? We have everything hemp you could think of. Might be a good video idea for someone with Rated Red? Thank yall!! Love the videos keep it up

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад +2

      Thanks for your support! Please help us spread the word the channel is back! And you can email us at and we can email you back directly.

  • @eugeneblum5686
    @eugeneblum5686 Год назад +1

    Senor Boss is "el fuego"

  • @DeeJayRocha
    @DeeJayRocha 2 месяца назад

    9:56 me when I think i found me a quiet Latina with great family values here in San Antonio. 😂

  • @cali.delinquent9657
    @cali.delinquent9657 4 месяца назад

    That made my mouth water

  • @stefyroxanne7567
    @stefyroxanne7567 10 часов назад

    I love Mrs Renfro's. Never went hotter than Habenero though lol theres mild and medium versions and those are good.

  • @Coolboarder1147
    @Coolboarder1147 Год назад +3

    The best all around salsa is paste hot!

  • @shanejimenez1064
    @shanejimenez1064 16 дней назад

    Love It Brother lol!

  • @jasonmckinney8708
    @jasonmckinney8708 Год назад +1

    Where’s PACE PICANTE…? You’re FIRED…!

  • @jessetrinidad310
    @jessetrinidad310 Год назад +2

    He sounded like a Scottish Mexican 😂😂😂

  • @Luis-mz6dx
    @Luis-mz6dx Год назад +2

    I love it jaja señor jefe Alabama

  • @PlanktoniusRex
    @PlanktoniusRex 5 месяцев назад

    Mrs. Renfro's is the best of the best. It is hot but man that stuff is fantastic. They make other varieties besides the ghost pepper one too but it's my favorite of all of them. We go through a jar or two a week. The lid is a nightmare to get off though.

  • @Bruh-jd4yg
    @Bruh-jd4yg 7 месяцев назад

    The best salsa you could find at a local market that makes it themselves or homemade salsa

  • @Johnmhatheist
    @Johnmhatheist Год назад +4

    I will gladly eat some chips and salsa and drink a sol while I watch this.

  • @michaelmango9058
    @michaelmango9058 Год назад +1

    Mateos is fantastic. Only salsa i eat personally just their plain Hot is spicy as hell too.

  • @Doctors_TARDIS
    @Doctors_TARDIS Год назад +1

    Tostitos salsa is the perfect baseline choice. It's not bad, it's not amazing, it's just ok. No one's gonna hate it. Although at LEAST get the medium and not mild.

  • @nathan3252
    @nathan3252 3 месяца назад

    If you want to bring up the heat you add a little key lime juice and that will accentuate the heat. You want to bring down the heat but make the flavor more interesting then add some queso. That second to last one might be great with a little queso mixed in. If you still need to temper the spice then add a little sour cream.

  • @r.awilliams9815
    @r.awilliams9815 Год назад +11

    I quit buying salsa, it's so easy to make it fresh and it tastes so much better. It took me less than 20 minutes to make a 2 liter batch today.

    • @maggie937
      @maggie937 4 месяца назад

      Everyone knows how to make salsa.. ppl buy it for convenience

    • @OutLookerDev
      @OutLookerDev 3 месяца назад

      I havnt yet made one as lemony or savory as tostitos

  • @israelramos1628
    @israelramos1628 4 месяца назад

    His backing up clients cuz from Texas just like cousins 😂😂😂

  • @johndeeregreen4592
    @johndeeregreen4592 7 месяцев назад

    Mrs. Renfro's Ghost Pepper is an awesome salsa... if you can handle more than mayonnaise level spicy.

  • @eddiemartinez5727
    @eddiemartinez5727 Год назад +1

    Mrs. Renfros Ghost Pepper is the best and my go to salsa.

  • @boroberson475099
    @boroberson475099 Год назад +3

    This is gold🤣

    • @Ratedred
      @Ratedred  Год назад

      Thanks for watching! Spread the word