Daily Observations 158

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 309

  • @ElectricRides
    @ElectricRides 8 лет назад +40

    London is probably a place where a supercar can be seen every square kilometer but it is also the most useless city to own/drive a supercar.

  • @StacksSats
    @StacksSats 8 лет назад +32

    4:58 - drop a gear and disappear!

  • @JustOutRiding
    @JustOutRiding 8 лет назад +44

    Thanks for putting me in your video RJ ( 6:00 ), It was the mirrors that gave it away, and the exhaust ;)

    • @BeastTrozz2000
      @BeastTrozz2000 8 лет назад

      wot bike is dat

    • @LeKzor
      @LeKzor 8 лет назад

      Its a Yamaha WR 125X

    • @BeastTrozz2000
      @BeastTrozz2000 8 лет назад

      +Le K- thanks mate

    • @drunkensumo
      @drunkensumo 8 лет назад

      Nice WR... I have also one but its the black/blue one. I would love to live in GB because no one cares when you put out the db killer, in Austria you get a ticket for everything :(

    • @royaljordanian
      @royaljordanian  8 лет назад +12

      Pleased to meet you :)

  • @Haakonzz
    @Haakonzz 8 лет назад +2

    4:58 - I think i'm in love!

  • @emszabi
    @emszabi 8 лет назад

    The lorry driver at 2:55 is top notch. Really aware of his sorroundings, and helpful.

  • @Iceman93pn
    @Iceman93pn 8 лет назад

    2:55 things like that make my day! That's what i call a great driver, conscious and cautious about his surrounding, big props to that guy.

  • @haiisuan2931
    @haiisuan2931 8 лет назад

    van and small lorry drivers are the best. they are always the kindest drivers on the street

  • @MUPR1NC308
    @MUPR1NC308 8 лет назад +5

    Thank you for calling it the 1M. Sincerely, every car guy.

  • @mrdeath212
    @mrdeath212 8 лет назад

    Whenever I see a new Daily Observation is on youtube, I get really really really excited!!! I love watching these videos. Thank you RJ

  • @hypertard670
    @hypertard670 8 лет назад

    Another great observations video; thank you! Safe riding R.J.

  • @adamworth4130
    @adamworth4130 8 лет назад

    great video as always, your filtering is a piece of art!

  • @edvanandel
    @edvanandel 8 лет назад +1

    Delicious DO again RJ, showing your abilities, awareness and sense of humor. Love the sound and look of the bike-family.
    For those concerned: Ramadan Mubarak.

  • @owain1996
    @owain1996 8 лет назад +5

    We need more SMR and DT!

  • @Nam3Iess
    @Nam3Iess 8 лет назад

    I love your videos RJ. The quality is top notch and I can feel how much effort are you putting into them!

  • @billy6690
    @billy6690 8 лет назад

    2:58 - I don't know that truck driver but I consider him as my true friend because what he did for you, RJ. I'd grab a beer with that guy!
    Also amazed of you observation skills for spotting the taxi. If it was me, now I would watch this video from the intesive care :P

  • @tombachyt
    @tombachyt 8 лет назад +4

    The only videos I'm I excited to watch are RJ's! 👌👌

  • @sarahbarton4977
    @sarahbarton4977 8 лет назад

    Great video. Nice of that white van man to warn you about the taxi. There are good people about. Ride safe RJ 👍🏻🏍

  • @tomif.6149
    @tomif.6149 8 лет назад

    The Nuda sound is amazing!!! I like the "Daily Observations"

  • @laktoweiz
    @laktoweiz 8 лет назад

    2:20 i love the fact , that an 50 000 € Mercedes Benz doesn't appear fancy in London

  • @GravityContentCreator
    @GravityContentCreator 8 лет назад +1

    Love these videos RJ, Keep up the great work!

  • @AlooChip919
    @AlooChip919 8 лет назад +1

    Just passed my CBT!!!! So happy!

    • @edvanandel
      @edvanandel 8 лет назад +1

      Congrats! Ride safe.

    • @AlooChip919
      @AlooChip919 8 лет назад +1

      Thanks mate

    • @Financmajster
      @Financmajster 8 лет назад

      what bike are you planning to get or already bought?

  • @RidinDutch37
    @RidinDutch37 8 лет назад +2

    Heeeey it's MELVIN!!! FUC YEH, Holland represent!

  • @klouism1
    @klouism1 8 лет назад

    As I have said before, You are the Filter King. Thanks for the videos "R J".

  • @Contorix
    @Contorix 8 лет назад

    Haha wow, the clips from the feature is actually from the town my parents live, so awesome to see the town you grew up featured here.

  • @NearCry91
    @NearCry91 8 лет назад +2

    4:20 What's the white car on the right?

  • @Smokvaification
    @Smokvaification 8 лет назад +1

    0:37 RJ do you have like a phd in smooth filtering bro

  • @TheThailand101
    @TheThailand101 8 лет назад

    That 1000R exhaust sound😎👌🏿

  • @digitaldogs233
    @digitaldogs233 8 лет назад

    I love watching your rides...like another guy said it's gave me a lot of inspiration to get my license (provisional) do the test which I would need coz been awhile since I rode and get a 125..maybe Honda although I've seen a few makes of off road bikes I've never heard of, so I'll have to shop about and find one that suits me. any way cool upload as normal...ride safe R.J 👍

  • @BigIrish89
    @BigIrish89 8 лет назад +2

    RJ we need a top down view or aerial view of you filtering a busy street that would be amazing make it happen! a drone would give interesting view of the action!

    • @edvanandel
      @edvanandel 8 лет назад

      I second that, but I'm afraid drones are not allowed above busy London streets.

    • @BigIrish89
      @BigIrish89 8 лет назад

      Ed van Andel really 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻😖

  • @junckay2914
    @junckay2914 8 лет назад

    4:45 sound and speed is great :D

  • @betoski
    @betoski 8 лет назад

    love the sounds of an RJ video

  • @hsmith3844
    @hsmith3844 8 лет назад

    I remember being in London when the cabs had little yellow arms that stuck out of the side as turn signals............I'm old

    • @scarz9129
      @scarz9129 8 лет назад +2

      Your not the only one

  • @MotoGirl
    @MotoGirl 8 лет назад

    I have a Grom too. It seems so much faster with you riding it lol.

    • @MotoGirl
      @MotoGirl 8 лет назад

      +don encka stock exhaust is much quieter. RJ has after market exhausts in all his bikes. Not sure about the a1, I'm in Canada and we have a different licensing here.

  • @BryanWesterveld
    @BryanWesterveld 8 лет назад

    Nice. Last part of the video is my home town Lelystad. I like your videos.

  • @LuciusAccelerated
    @LuciusAccelerated 8 лет назад

    Each bike sounds so amazing. It's like there's a microphone just for the exhaust noise.

  • @shawnquinn4027
    @shawnquinn4027 8 лет назад

    You do make my bad days into good days while watching your channel man! Keep it up 👌🏻

  • @motormuis5224
    @motormuis5224 8 лет назад

    Love to you RJ from the Netherlands

  • @nemtizz
    @nemtizz 8 лет назад +1

    What was the law on riding on the other side of the road while filtering? Gave up on google.

    • @southwestrideruk
      @southwestrideruk 8 лет назад +6

      it is totally legal

    • @lukej6555
      @lukej6555 8 лет назад +4

      Legal unless on a zebra crossing and overtake the first car on the zebra crossing. Also cannot go on the other side of the road around traffic islands, doing so and someone happens to catch you on a dashcam or the police see you it's a fine and penalty points.

    • @Financmajster
      @Financmajster 8 лет назад

      totally legal where RJ rides, look up your local laws if you are some where else or you might get into trouble

  • @vikas
    @vikas 8 лет назад

    The last time I was this early, Royal Jordanian wasn't Royal yet.

  • @skyking228
    @skyking228 8 лет назад +1

    Leave it to the Brits (5:04) to have a pink limo. Girls night out perhaps.

  • @maxoudemars006
    @maxoudemars006 8 лет назад

    You have a lot of wonderful bike RJ

  • @adam9041
    @adam9041 8 лет назад +1

    Was there ever any news on the stolen Nuda RJ? I may have missed a few videos with info?...

    • @royaljordanian
      @royaljordanian  8 лет назад +2

      Nothing unfortunately.

    • @adam9041
      @adam9041 8 лет назад +1

      +RoyalJordanian Damn, well fingers crossed buddy. Love from Newcastle :)

  • @ScottZ370
    @ScottZ370 8 лет назад +2

    What happened at 2:03?!

    • @dadimz
      @dadimz 8 лет назад +3

      The bike was trying to make a right turn in a no right turn zone

    • @jktaxi
      @jktaxi 8 лет назад

      Forward or left only at that junction, to over come no right turn. Right Thurloe place right Cromwell place left Cromwell red, your welcome.

  • @Graivite
    @Graivite 8 лет назад

    What is your settings on the Zoom? 2CH/4CH, how much gain?

  • @swan1645
    @swan1645 8 лет назад

    do you have aftermarket headers on your grom as well?

  • @Glibber777
    @Glibber777 8 лет назад

    I could not drive in London, i would be angry 24/7 standing, waiting and riding about 30km/h.

  • @mmi_nicole
    @mmi_nicole 8 лет назад +6

    Today I came back from a one week Lodon journey ( I'm from Germany and I was there with my English Class ) and the hole time I was like: "Guys, when you see a man with a goddamn loud and cool bike, 1. let me know 2. take a picture 3. wave like a dork into the camera on his helmet and scream 'Hi RJ!' " #SadBecauseIHaventSeenRJ :(

    • @royaljordanian
      @royaljordanian  8 лет назад +4

      Sorry you didn't get to see me but then I only ride less than an hour a day. Maybe next time :)

    • @mmi_nicole
      @mmi_nicole 8 лет назад

      +RoyalJordanian There will be a next time. I just wanted to say 'Hi' to you and listen to that beast-sound of your bikes in real. Thank you for letting me know that you care about fans! 🙈😊

    • @hoiman2371
      @hoiman2371 8 лет назад

      +RoyalJordanian iam from the netherlands 😄😄

  • @jamest4162
    @jamest4162 8 лет назад

    What was up with the "You can't" one around the 2 minute mark?? Can someone explain?

  • @philipsode4168
    @philipsode4168 8 лет назад

    Note to the subscriber spotlight guy. It's very hard to do anything fun on a motorcycle in Holland due to the huge amounts of speeding cameras and relative big amount of cops everywhere. They also have very strict rules in traffic and huge fines for everything. My first traffic offence (4km/h speeding) gave me a 29 euro fine.

  • @BednarMoto
    @BednarMoto 8 лет назад

    Extreme traffiic dude...a lot of skill in filtering

    • @krystekosw
      @krystekosw 8 лет назад

      Yeah filtering skill level over 9000 and #szacuneczek

  • @Pocahonkers
    @Pocahonkers 8 лет назад

    The BMW 1M is like the Grom of sport coupés.

  • @gromrr2484
    @gromrr2484 8 лет назад

    Does the Grom also have a quick shifter? Which one?

  • @BestCarSound
    @BestCarSound 8 лет назад +1

    That's yournotmyfather aka Luke's 1M!

  • @digitaldogs233
    @digitaldogs233 8 лет назад

    R.J do you sometimes not use clutch when changing gear?

  • @chrisbowles4981
    @chrisbowles4981 8 лет назад

    Was that justoutriding on the Wr!?

  • @wunyons
    @wunyons 8 лет назад

    What bike/scooter would you recommend as a first 50cc?

  • @Royal_Vengeance
    @Royal_Vengeance 8 лет назад

    I wonder what would happen if filtering got banned from the UK. He'll probably stick to bikes still.

  • @Nrijder
    @Nrijder 8 лет назад

    Melvin van Eijk again. Too bad he isn't uploading as much as before on his English channel. But he did an awesome cafe racer build in Dutch.

  • @jayboy189
    @jayboy189 8 лет назад

    I love How You Ride a 125cc RJ Very inspiring to Younger Riders and learners ... I love ya man Keep Safe

  • @dazzaskillz9278
    @dazzaskillz9278 8 лет назад

    Sorry if this has been asked before but what mirrors do you have on your lil msx?

  • @GamerGetsFIT
    @GamerGetsFIT 8 лет назад

    RJ makes me wanna get a Grom too lool but wouldn't get the same use out here in the suburbs as downtown London

  • @brentbosmans9792
    @brentbosmans9792 8 лет назад

    i just want to know did you really taped the speedmeters of you bikes or are it just edit skills ;P

  • @thomasdemeyst8107
    @thomasdemeyst8107 8 лет назад

    Wich motorcycle is that in the subscriber spotlight?

  • @carlvandijk9459
    @carlvandijk9459 8 лет назад

    and the guy from the netherlands clip what is his youtube channel name?

    • @edvanandel
      @edvanandel 8 лет назад

      It's in this video's description....

  • @iKR3KZ
    @iKR3KZ 8 лет назад

    4:44 we need more of this ! :D

  • @dalekistler
    @dalekistler 8 лет назад

    Hi, I have a question. Is it actually legal to go in between cars in the UK? Here in the US it is not allowed.

    • @junklifegames
      @junklifegames 8 лет назад

      Yep, completely legal!

    • @dalekistler
      @dalekistler 8 лет назад

      +Jay Damnstraight Sarcasm or being serious?

    • @junklifegames
      @junklifegames 8 лет назад

      +RainbowNarwhal Gaming Nope serious. Sorry if I sounded sarcastic, but no for real filtering is completely legal in the UK.

    • @dalekistler
      @dalekistler 8 лет назад

      Oh, thanks!

  • @joeldorsett2976
    @joeldorsett2976 8 лет назад

    you are awesome greetings from the Bahamas

  • @ManinderSingh-bp2yl
    @ManinderSingh-bp2yl 8 лет назад

    rj trying to avoid to talk to his fans haha lol

  • @Andriska30
    @Andriska30 8 лет назад

    Can i ask you, what is your helmet camera type is?

    • @royaljordanian
      @royaljordanian  8 лет назад +2

      GoPro 3+ or 4 black.

    • @markys46
      @markys46 8 лет назад

      Would you tell me witch settings you're using for riding motorcycle?
      I have an 4 silver, but my video quality is not even close to you're vids

    • @HighFall974
      @HighFall974 8 лет назад +1

      +Mark Zandboer Put it on 1080p + 60 fps + fish eye

  • @callumstone2965
    @callumstone2965 8 лет назад

    what are all the bikes you have

  • @dimos5422
    @dimos5422 8 лет назад

    rj why is bmws brake light blinking even when you dont brake ?

    • @royaljordanian
      @royaljordanian  8 лет назад +2

      Camera shutter speed can't keep up with the LED

    • @dimos5422
      @dimos5422 8 лет назад

      so the blinking is an ilussion?

    • @Financmajster
      @Financmajster 8 лет назад

      basically yes, the camera just cant record it

    • @nortreblig8761
      @nortreblig8761 8 лет назад

      Regarding illusion:
      Actually no: The LEDs are blinking in fact. The illusion is that you cannot see it with your eyes because it's happening too fast. The blinking is used to control the brightness of the LEDs.
      On cameras with high shutter speed you see an LED either on or off. Depending on the frequency of the blinking and the FPS of the camera LEDs can appear from off to slow blinking, fast blinking or on while in person they appear just dimmed.

    • @dimos5422
      @dimos5422 8 лет назад

      i know it is blinking in a rate human eye cant detect my question if it was cameras fault or it was the bikes desing i got my answer thank you all

  • @chasingtwos
    @chasingtwos 8 лет назад

    RJ what shorty levers do you have on your grom and how do you like them?

  • @Fallwax
    @Fallwax 8 лет назад

    rj how many kilometers on the nuke?

    • @royaljordanian
      @royaljordanian  8 лет назад

      2500 Miles

    • @UnknownProdrive
      @UnknownProdrive 8 лет назад

      +RoyalJordanian If you haven't got 1M money, the 123d is a very capable bit of kit in the right hands.
      I thoroughly enjoyed mine.

  • @borisatanasov518
    @borisatanasov518 8 лет назад

    What motorbike is this? It sounds amazing!

  • @olivermartin1539
    @olivermartin1539 8 лет назад

    How many ccm has the grom?

    • @Xenro66
      @Xenro66 8 лет назад


    • @Haaalo079
      @Haaalo079 8 лет назад +1

      XD ... wauw ? how about google BRUH .... but what xenro66 said 125cc

    • @Haaalo079
      @Haaalo079 8 лет назад

      +lazaglider .... yea dont realy care

    • @lazaglider
      @lazaglider 8 лет назад

      +MOTO-079 Then why reply?

    • @Haaalo079
      @Haaalo079 8 лет назад

      Why not use google in the first place ...questions questions ; )

  • @zikimor5344
    @zikimor5344 8 лет назад


    • @tychohondius6025
      @tychohondius6025 8 лет назад

      Specially the nuda and the bmw😅

    • @zikimor5344
      @zikimor5344 8 лет назад +1

      +tycho hondius yeah nuda sounds is the best

  • @TankTalk-TV
    @TankTalk-TV 7 лет назад

    They should make Motorcycle taxis that drives 1 at a time. Much faster to travel in traffic.

  • @pebimandog1
    @pebimandog1 8 лет назад

    I need to get me a grom!!

  • @alcapaoonwheels6497
    @alcapaoonwheels6497 8 лет назад

    It's your MSX digital gauge wrecked?? I can't see the speed....bad guy RJ! Nice videos mate! Cheers from Portugal

  • @nordicdriven1085
    @nordicdriven1085 8 лет назад

    @royaljordanian do you have some videoes of you getting pulled over by the cops? like for going to fast? sorry for bad english

  • @su_potato8713
    @su_potato8713 8 лет назад

    You've a crush on the 1M

  • @korepetycjenet1022
    @korepetycjenet1022 8 лет назад

    what camera?

  • @lefterisk1513
    @lefterisk1513 8 лет назад

    what a nice life u got there mate...

  • @xIconikkxGaming
    @xIconikkxGaming 8 лет назад +5

    Makes me cry when I watch your videos, You have all those sexy, loud awesome bikes. And I have a tiny Scooter :(
    Hoping to get a 125cc Soon!

    • @xIconikkxGaming
      @xIconikkxGaming 8 лет назад

      ***** Well this is what Im hoping to buy, www.motorcyclesupermarket.com/images/bikes/images/6355335.4191398.jpg
      Chinese but, I have got a Chinese scooter and havn't had any problems, and if I did, it was cause it needed servicing!

    • @digitaldogs233
      @digitaldogs233 8 лет назад

      I'm thinking of Honda..but I've seen a couple of off road bikes I've never heard of. sontez or something like that..125 140 on clock! And they both sounded awesome for a relatively small cc..ps nothing wrong with a scooter..but I kinda know what ya mean, I never got on with the foot plate.

    • @digitaldogs233
      @digitaldogs233 8 лет назад

      OMG!!!! that's one of the bikes the guy has a few flats down from me...get it its awesome..sounds great too for a 125..good bike fella..I would get one.

  • @_.G650ER
    @_.G650ER 8 лет назад

    At 1:02 You can see my dads car,The Range Rover. 😂

  • @EpicOvik
    @EpicOvik 8 лет назад

    Another observation that i liked

  • @hsmith3844
    @hsmith3844 8 лет назад

    You speed shift a lot? Not use your clutch much??

  • @flintstack
    @flintstack 8 лет назад

    RJ makes me want to get a motorbike more than I already do :)

  • @らむ-h5z
    @らむ-h5z 8 лет назад

    What country is it?

  • @wobblysauce
    @wobblysauce 8 лет назад

    2 Buses, just as good as a tunnel.

  • @mukundraj8875
    @mukundraj8875 8 лет назад

    RJ you should have a game made on this riding skills

  • @Simonize41
    @Simonize41 8 лет назад

    Love your videos RJ, always entertaining. :) Boy oh boy, that Nuda is oh so fine! Keep up the great work. *thumbs up*

  • @raja777m
    @raja777m 8 лет назад

    is 4:10 to 4:18, legal?

  • @joachimespitalier1679
    @joachimespitalier1679 8 лет назад

    hello from France!

  • @soufianeaz6725
    @soufianeaz6725 8 лет назад

    That sound daaaaamn daniel

  • @giorgiomottura1475
    @giorgiomottura1475 8 лет назад

    what is the city ?

  • @syntaxrides290
    @syntaxrides290 8 лет назад

    The idle on the grom sounds really low? Sometimes skipping ticks? Great video as usual though RJ :)

  • @lapa432rx1
    @lapa432rx1 8 лет назад

    When you get a rare car in GTA 0:50

  • @alfdoggit
    @alfdoggit 8 лет назад

    5.29 you look real close to that car while leaving the bmw for dead lol

  • @nathanadams4345
    @nathanadams4345 8 лет назад

    RJ, You are the man first of all. Second of all...I cant get a Nuda here in the States. Know of any bikes we have that would be close? I mean in relation with a parallel twin and considered a sport bike. Only new one I can think of is fz-07/mt-07. Its a twin like that with a 270 degree crank. Just wish i had more options