For edge stitches, purling on the end + slipping the first stitch or knitting the last stitch and then slipping it with yarn in front is the same effect. But like you noticed it affects how tight the edge is. So you can safely switch and the visual effect will be the same, but there might be a difference in tension. I’ve swapped them partway through a project before with no issues 😊 - also this is confirmed by my grandmother who is an expert knitter. She recommends purling the last stitch and slipping the first stitch for selvedge.
For edge stitches, purling on the end + slipping the first stitch or knitting the last stitch and then slipping it with yarn in front is the same effect. But like you noticed it affects how tight the edge is. So you can safely switch and the visual effect will be the same, but there might be a difference in tension. I’ve swapped them partway through a project before with no issues 😊 - also this is confirmed by my grandmother who is an expert knitter. She recommends purling the last stitch and slipping the first stitch for selvedge.
This is such great information! Thank you for sharing!
Downtown Hoodie is looking amazing 🍷
Can’t wait to see what your fiber collab looks like!! The rococo top and color is gorgeous
Rambouillet is my favourite to spin right now too!!! It's just sooooooo good!!!
I’m adding the Downtown Hoodie to my list after seeing yours. It’s lovely!
Yesss I can’t wait to see what colors you make yours in!
congratultions on the collab! i am excited to see what your fibres spins up like!!
I LOVE the green yarn you dyed for the Stella Quilt Cushion! Also, you inspired me to knit the Bennet Sisters Shawl! 😄
Yessss we can knit the shawl together!