DEADLIEST Luchador In War Robots... Cannibal Reactor Luchador EATING Titans | War Robots

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 69

  • @cheezzzzz518
    @cheezzzzz518 Месяц назад +44

    “Slap me in the face and call me Joseph Stalin” - PREDATOR 2024

    • @caesar501
      @caesar501 Месяц назад +2

      Lol 😂

    • @RampageYT
      @RampageYT Месяц назад +3

      “Slap me in the face and call me Joseph Stalin” - Joseph "PREDATOR" Stalin 2024🤣

    • @mikew6135
      @mikew6135 Месяц назад +1

      How does a WR content maker casually throw in a Stalin comment? As Stalin is one of the top mass murderers in history. Only surpassed by Mao. Hmmm. I guess it gives us some insight into his values. Was that funny? In what way? Explain please.

    • @RealWhilkeyboi
      @RealWhilkeyboi Месяц назад +3

      @@mikew6135 because the bots in the game really matter, and the bot he used can literally wipe out the enemy team with ease. stalin also did the same, except, its not a video game. so.... *shrugs* idk. just something you should know about the game.

  • @gamingstokr7299
    @gamingstokr7299 Месяц назад +7

    Every titan that gets the Anguisher/Ruiner loadout shreds. What a surprise. Just like pretty much any build that includes the Screamers/Howlers shreds. Shock.

  • @testservergameplay
    @testservergameplay Месяц назад +12

    Unfortunately with the 'Specializations' module rework, this will soon no longer be possible. A garbage update that kills the ability to customize which modules can be on our robots and adds yet another unwanted currency. Predator, with your popularity and influence, is there any chance you could advise Pixonic to stop the module rework? Your channel has always been amazing with making old robots/weapons strong again thanks to powerful modules, and this won't be possible anymore if they let this go through. Pixonic is REMOVING module slots on T3, T2, and completely off T1 robots.

    • @TheEduventura25
      @TheEduventura25 Месяц назад +1

      Vou escrever na minha língua. Ele não vai ler seu comentário, igualmente aos meus. 😒

  • @chucklechampion_v2
    @chucklechampion_v2 Месяц назад +9

    W vid bro
    -Call me josef stalin! Best words in the whole video

    • @alathir-gy4vl
      @alathir-gy4vl Месяц назад +1

      Mr. Stalin the german,s are advance ing to Stalingrad

  • @Dragon-pg6ee
    @Dragon-pg6ee Месяц назад +1

    1:12 is crazy bro

  • @crumblezgames
    @crumblezgames Месяц назад +1

    I'm running the Mauler with a hybrid weapons set up

  • @KrijoStalka19
    @KrijoStalka19 Месяц назад

    11:00 yeah! so true, but beautifull

  • @arylixons.h6343
    @arylixons.h6343 Месяц назад +4

    Requested by me! Thank you pred you never disappoint, would have been even better if you did 3 games ❤

  • @mrwarrior2224
    @mrwarrior2224 Месяц назад +1

    out of context gonna be crazy 💀💀

  • @Mohammadrule
    @Mohammadrule 18 дней назад

    11:27 pov luchardor last stand back flip

  • @terra2805
    @terra2805 Месяц назад +1

    I tried this set up just for fun and some games it did great and other games not so great. You get bored running the same meta crap over and over so I like changing things up just for fun sometimes even though I know it's not the best.
    Yesterday for example I threw in the Eiffel with zmej Bulava and zmej Kisten with 4 onslaught reactors. Zero defense. Boy was it a lot of fun though! 😂

  • @edbrown7341
    @edbrown7341 Месяц назад +1

    I have the same build it is awesome but I don’t have the same module set up thank you

  • @-CrazyCanuck-
    @-CrazyCanuck- Месяц назад

    I guess the Luchador is still good and wit the new shotguns even better, I mean how else could yea win meatball cheeze nuggets .. MEep !! Nice win !!

  • @dulegoc1407
    @dulegoc1407 Месяц назад +4

    What is with matchmaking last 3 days, I am in Silver league and fighting people from Master and Champion that have 15k or more victories, all my robots die in 2 seconds, game is finished?

    • @TheEduventura25
      @TheEduventura25 Месяц назад

      Vai piorar.

    • @grlfcgombeenhunter2897
      @grlfcgombeenhunter2897 Месяц назад

      It’s a joke as for them poxy condors I just leave.

    • @PakistanYT786
      @PakistanYT786 Месяц назад

      Bro this is not last e days game was always like this that is why i left

    • @Coinopoly
      @Coinopoly 22 дня назад +1

      The match making has been bad for years. That said, when Pixonic patches the game, the patch gets released to mobile first. Then Steam. Or something like that. There's usually at least a couple days in between where the player base is fragmented due to some players on version X of the game, and other players on version Y of the game. The game match making is a lot worse during that time. It might be "fun" for a few matches to speed kill and see if you can get 30+ kills, but it is boring even for high champion league players. Really annoying when they drop a patch on Friday, and then you have to wait until the follow week so that they hopefully patch the rest of the game clients. Game play is just ruined for the whole weekend.
      To be more clear, I have META and I am in champion league. When we were in between patches, I will end up fighting players who are running Natashas and Leos and crap like that. What's worse, is that I could run a much weaker hangar for those times, but then I have to pay $ to have alternate hangars. I guess I could just skip modules since they cost so much now, plus some of the lower tier bots can't really use full modules anyway. And then what happens is I run into the one or two squads that think it is funny to run full 6 man META squad during seal clubbing time (in between patches aka patch limbo aka seal clubbing).

  • @Cosmos1234-n9l
    @Cosmos1234-n9l Месяц назад

    Luchador is the brother of Caseoh💀☠️💀

  • @AriAzHandle
    @AriAzHandle Месяц назад

    GGz 🖖

  • @blackshadowWR
    @blackshadowWR 21 день назад

    I've been seeing Zmej Bulava sharanga more often

  • @WestStarWR
    @WestStarWR Месяц назад

    Absolutely w video

  • @luedog8385
    @luedog8385 Месяц назад

    bro is always body shaming the Luchador

  • @rdw551
    @rdw551 Месяц назад

    The module rework is only a couple of days away now. And everything will change and we will be limited in how we build titans and bots.

  • @techware5701
    @techware5701 Месяц назад

    You haven't quite played the bedwyr or made much videos on it.
    Could you do the bedwyr anguished | ruiner build

  • @Skashoon
    @Skashoon Месяц назад +2

    Luchador has broad shoulders. Rook is the fat one.

  • @Ward_the7
    @Ward_the7 Месяц назад

    Do you think it’ll still be good after rework?

  • @edbrown7341
    @edbrown7341 Месяц назад

    Titans should have drones and phase shifts

  • @MogrooT97
    @MogrooT97 Месяц назад

    What other titan can we get?

  • @mr.seriousman3302
    @mr.seriousman3302 Месяц назад

    Which one is better luchador or rook?

  • @bassamelias120
    @bassamelias120 Месяц назад

    Hey Predator
    We do need a new Titan rating video. Can you do it?

  • @User-qc7gn
    @User-qc7gn Месяц назад

    pls do anouther video . i would like to see luchador vs mauler

  • @Skashoon
    @Skashoon Месяц назад

    When you are cooked while maxed out and with UE weapons, imagine poor schlubs like me fighting against those same players while I’m Master II, I get murdered in a heartbeat. That’s what’s wrong with the matchmaker. Pixonic has to feed the whales, right?
    I’d suggest a rule or filter put in the matchmaking algorithm - which establishes a separate level for anyone choosing to use UE anything in their hangar. Otherwise we’re simply whale fodder. They grab huge amounts resources and honor points, we get whale poop.

  • @hellfurry5665
    @hellfurry5665 Месяц назад

    Dude, you may wanna change your channel description and the standard text under every video. It still shows WR frontiers although that link doesn't work anymore after you changed it to MECH. Cheers

  • @abhiwryt552
    @abhiwryt552 Месяц назад

    Please make ultimate death button griffin with UE orkans.

  • @GaleLi-u3j
    @GaleLi-u3j Месяц назад +1

    It’s not luchador op, it’s the shotguns op😅😅😅

  • @WestStarWR
    @WestStarWR Месяц назад

    Almost got it

  • @KirilKemalov
    @KirilKemalov Месяц назад


  • @MjTheReaper09
    @MjTheReaper09 Месяц назад

    do cinder anguisher on lucha

  • @trillestsnakef8652
    @trillestsnakef8652 Месяц назад

    cheese nuggets sound disgusting ngl

    • @Mr_Doggoo
      @Mr_Doggoo Месяц назад


  • @siraboyq4497
    @siraboyq4497 Месяц назад

    Hello, can you help me how to transfer my account from my phone to Steam?

  • @AssumeName
    @AssumeName Месяц назад


  • @dharunr.s5885
    @dharunr.s5885 Месяц назад +1

    damn good stuff predator. that build really shined due to your high skill!! Definitely you brought life to this completely balanced build😅😅

  • @FeverEE
    @FeverEE Месяц назад

    Day two of asking for pursuer with scalds

  • @zexceed1520
    @zexceed1520 Месяц назад


    @BASOTA.05.WAR.ROBOTS Месяц назад +1

    why is the game lagging so much 😡

  • @ItsDaNewGuy
    @ItsDaNewGuy Месяц назад

    Liar. False advertisement.
    Your Luchador did nothing.
    The Acid Shotguns ate other Titans.

  • @Plopper2000
    @Plopper2000 Месяц назад +1


  • @pisethchum1787
    @pisethchum1787 Месяц назад


  • @LeeKaoLang
    @LeeKaoLang Месяц назад

    Take your shirt off

  • @mrbrijeshchauhan5469
    @mrbrijeshchauhan5469 Месяц назад

    Please give me 1 Condor

  • @jeffvanbynen6802
    @jeffvanbynen6802 Месяц назад

    overpowered weapons make the game suck

  • @TayMan52PSK
    @TayMan52PSK Месяц назад


    • @TwixGT74
      @TwixGT74 Месяц назад

      Bro, your Bad

    • @TayMan52PSK
      @TayMan52PSK Месяц назад

      ​@Cat_hour74 yea. My bad.

  • @billionaire_thought_123
    @billionaire_thought_123 Месяц назад

    Can you please give me anguisher 😢 R9DL9X/ANDROID

  • @rontikainen
    @rontikainen Месяц назад

    🫱👴🫲 this what u asked?